Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

994 lines
75 KiB

"addPeople": {
"add": "ఆహి",
"addContacts": "మ పరిచయలన ఆహిి",
"copyInvite": "సమశ ఆహిి",
"copyLink": "సమశ లి",
"copyStream": "లిి",
"countryNotSupported": "మ ఈ గమయసియట.",
"countryReminder": "అమి బయటకిి? దయచిశపదలి!",
"defaultEmail": "మ అపరమయ ఈమి",
"disabled": "మ ఇతరలన ఆహిచల.",
"failedToAdd": "పళనచడిఫలమయిి",
"footerText": "బయటక డయలయడ అచతనయబడిి.",
"googleEmail": "గ ఈమి",
"inviteMoreHeader": "ఈ సమకర ఉన",
"inviteMoreMailSubject": "{{appName}} సమి",
"inviteMorePrompt": "మరిదరిి ఆహిి",
"linkCopied": "లిి అయిి",
"loading": "పరజల క, ఫబరల క",
"loadingNumber": "ఫబర సరి",
"loadingPeople": "ఆహిిన పరజల క",
"noResults": "సరిపడ ఫలి",
"noValidNumbers": "దయచి ఒక ఫబర ఇవి",
"outlookEmail": "ఔట ఈమి",
"searchNumbers": "ఫబర",
"searchPeople": "పరజల క",
"searchPeopleAndNumbers": "పరజలనతకిిబరలని",
"shareInvite": "సమశ ఆహిి",
"shareLink": "ఇతరలన ఆహిచడిి సమశ లి",
"shareStream": "లిి",
"sip": "SIP: {{address}}",
"telephone": "టి: {{number}}",
"title": "ఈ సమిిరజలన ఆహిి",
"yahooEmail": "య ఈమి"
"audioDevices": {
"bluetooth": "బ",
"headphones": "హ",
"none": "ఆడి పరికర",
"phone": "ఫ",
"speaker": "సకర"
"audioOnly": {
"audioOnly": "తకవ బి"
"calendarSync": {
"addMeetingURL": "సమశ ల",
"confirmAddLink": "ఈ కయకరమిిిిలన?",
"error": {
"appConfiguration": "Calendar integration is not properly configured.",
"generic": "An error has occurred. Please check your calendar settings or try refreshing the calendar.",
"notSignedIn": "An error occurred while authenticating to see calendar events. Please check your calendar settings and try logging in again."
"join": "చి",
"joinTooltip": "ఈ సమి",
"nextMeeting": "తరి సమ",
"noEvents": "రయకరమ ఏమ.",
"ongoingMeeting": "జరన సమ",
"permissionButton": "అమరికలన",
"permissionMessage": "అనవరతనల సమలనడడిిడర అనమతి అవసర.",
"refresh": "కడరపర",
"today": "న"
"chat": {
"enter": "సషణ గదిిిి",
"error": "తపి: మపబడల. కరణ: {{error}}",
"fieldPlaceHolder": "మి ఇకకడ ఇవి",
"messageTo": "{{recipient}}ితరిక స",
"messagebox": "సి",
"nickname": {
"popover": "ఒక మి",
"title": "సషణనదలటడిి ఒక మ ఇవి",
"titleWithPolls": "సషణనదలటడిి ఒక మ ఇవి"
"noMessagesMessage": "ఈ సమ. ఇకకడ ఒక సషణనదలి!",
"privateNotice": "{{recipient}}ితరిక స",
"title": "సషణ",
"titleWithPolls": "సషణ",
"you": "మ"
"chromeExtensionBanner": {
"buttonText": "కడగితని",
"dontShowAgain": "ది మళిచక",
"installExtensionText": "గడర, ఆఫ 365 సమనవయడగితనిి"
"connectingOverlay": {
"joiningRoom": "మిమలి సమి..."
"connection": {
"ATTACHED": "జిచబడిి",
"AUTHENTICATING": "అధకరినది",
"AUTHFAIL": "అధకరణ విఫలమి",
"CONNECTED": "అననమి",
"CONNECTING": "అననమవనది",
"CONNFAIL": "అనిఫలమి",
"ERROR": "తపి",
"FETCH_SESSION_ID": "Session-id తనది...",
"GET_SESSION_ID_ERROR": "Session-id పదడ తపి: {{code}}",
"GOT_SESSION_ID": "Session-id తనది... పతయిి",
"LOW_BANDWIDTH": "బి ఆదయడ {{displayName}} నిి ఆపియబడిి"
"connectionindicator": {
"address": "చి:",
"audio_ssrc": "Audio SSRC:",
"bandwidth": "అచనిన బి:",
"bitrate": "బి:",
"bridgeCount": "సికల సయ: ",
"codecs": "క (A/V): ",
"connectedTo": "దిి అననమి:",
"framerate": "ఫ:",
"less": "తకవ చి",
"localaddress": "సిక చి:",
"localaddress_plural": "సిక చి:",
"localport": "సిక ప:",
"localport_plural": "సిక ప:",
"maxEnabledResolution": "గరిి",
"more": "ఎకవ చి",
"packetloss": "ప నష:",
"participant_id": "పలరి id:",
"quality": {
"good": "బి",
"inactive": "అచతన",
"lost": "పిి",
"nonoptimal": "అతబ",
"poor": "బ"
"remoteaddress": "సర చి:",
"remoteaddress_plural": "సర చి:",
"remoteport": "సర ప:",
"remoteport_plural": "సర ప:",
"resolution": "రిజలషన:",
"savelogs": "చి భదరపరచ",
"status": "అన:",
"transport": "Transport:",
"transport_plural": "Transports:",
"video_ssrc": "వి SSRC:"
"dateUtils": {
"earlier": "మ",
"today": "న",
"yesterday": "నిన"
"deepLinking": {
"appNotInstalled": "మ చరవిరడిి {{app}} మ అనవరతని.",
"description": "ఏమ? మ సమి {{app}} డ అనవరతనరవడిిరయతి. మళరయతిి {{app}} జల అనవరతనరవి.",
"descriptionWithoutWeb": "ఏమ? మ సమి {{app}} డ అనవరతనరవడిిరయతి.",
"downloadApp": "అనవరతనిిి",
"ifDoNotHaveApp": "మ అనవరతనకప:",
"ifHaveApp": "మ ఇపపటి అనవరతన:",
"joinInApp": "అనవరతన సమి",
"launchWebButton": "జరవి",
"title": "మ సమి {{app}}లనది...",
"tryAgainButton": "డ మళరయతి"
"defaultLink": "ఉద॥ {{url}}",
"defaultNickname": "ఉద॥ రమి",
"deviceError": {
"cameraError": "మవడిఫలమి",
"cameraPermission": "క అనమతిదడ తపి",
"microphoneError": "మవడిఫలమి",
"microphonePermission": "మ అనమతిడడ తపి"
"deviceSelection": {
"noPermission": "అనమతి ఇవవల",
"previewUnavailable": "మ",
"selectADevice": "ఒక పరికరిి",
"testAudio": "ఒక పరవనిిిిి"
"dialOut": {
"statusMessage": "ఇప {{status}}"
"dialog": {
"Back": "వకక",
"Cancel": "రది",
"IamHost": "న అతిిి",
"Ok": "సర",
"Remove": "తిి",
"Share": "పి",
"Submit": "దఖలి",
"WaitForHostMsg": "The conference has not yet started. If you are the host then please authenticate. Otherwise, please wait for the host to arrive.",
"WaitingForHostTitle": "అతిిి ...",
"Yes": "అవ",
"accessibilityLabel": {
"liveStreaming": "తి"
"add": "చ",
"allow": "అనమతి",
"alreadySharedVideoMsg": "మరక పలరి ఇపపటిి. ఈ సమ ఒకసి ఒక విరమిి.",
"alreadySharedVideoTitle": "ఒకసి ఒక విరమ అనమతిి",
"applicationWindow": "అనవరతన కిి",
"authenticationRequired": "అధకరణ తపపనిసరి",
"cameraConstraintFailedError": "అవసరమన కిిధనలని పరచల.",
"cameraNotFoundError": "క కనబడల.",
"cameraNotSendingData": "మకప. ఈ పరికరి మరక అనవరతన ఏమి, అమరికల మి మరక పరికరిి అనవరతనిి.",
"cameraNotSendingDataTitle": "కకప",
"cameraPermissionDeniedError": "మడటిి అనమతిియల. అయినపపటి సమరవచ ఇతరిమలిడల. ది సరియడిిిపటరతిి.",
"cameraTimeoutError": "విిదలటలకప. కిిి!",
"cameraUnknownError": "ఏదియనిరణత కడల.",
"cameraUnsupportedResolutionError": "కిన విిజలషన.",
"close": "మిి",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "మవర అని ఒకసి సరిి. {{seconds}} కషణిిి అననమవి...",
"conferenceDisconnectTitle": "మ అనిిి.",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "ది సరియడిిరయతి. {{seconds}} కషణిిి అననమవి...",
"conferenceReloadTitle": "దరదటవశ, ఏద తప జరిిి.",
"confirm": "నిిి",
"confirmNo": "క",
"confirmYes": "అవ",
"connectError": "అయ! ఏద తప జరిిి, సమిి అనకప.",
"connectErrorWithMsg": "అయ! ఏద తప జరిిి, సమిి అనకప: {{msg}}",
"connecting": "అననమవనది",
"contactSupport": "తరదిి",
"copied": "క అయిి",
"copy": "కి",
"dismiss": "విమరి",
"displayNameRequired": "నమస! మ ఏమిి?",
"done": "పతయిి",
"e2eeDescription": "End-to-End Encryption is currently EXPERIMENTAL. Please keep in mind that turning on end-to-end encryption will effectively disable server-side provided services such as: recording, live streaming and phone participation. Also keep in mind that the meeting will only work for people joining from browsers with support for insertable streams.",
"e2eeLabel": "Enable End-to-End Encryption",
"e2eeWarning": "WARNING: Not all participants in this meeting seem to have support for End-to-End encryption. If you enable it they won't be able to see nor hear you.",
"enterDisplayName": "దయచి ఇకకడ మ ఇవి",
"error": "తపి",
"gracefulShutdown": "పరసవలివహణ నిి. దయచిిరయతిి.",
"grantModeratorDialog": "మి ఈ సదసిి మధయవరిమన?",
"grantModeratorTitle": "మధయవరిిి",
"incorrectPassword": "తపకరితపద",
"incorrectRoomLockPassword": "సతపద తప",
"internalError": "అయ! ఏద తప జరిిి. ఇద తపి: {{error}}",
"internalErrorTitle": "అతరత తపి",
"kickMessage": "మరిిివరలక {{participantDisplayName}}రదిచవచ.",
"kickParticipantButton": "బయటిిి",
"kickParticipantDialog": "మి ఈ సదసిి బయటిిలన?",
"kickParticipantTitle": "ఈ సదసిి?",
"kickTitle": "అయ! మిమలి సమి {{participantDisplayName}} బయటిి",
"liveStreaming": "లి",
"liveStreamingDisabledBecauseOfActiveRecordingTooltip": "రిినపపడదరద",
"liveStreamingDisabledTooltip": "లదలటడ అచనతనమి.",
"lockMessage": "Failed to lock the conference.",
"lockRoom": "Add meeting $t(lockRoomPassword)",
"lockTitle": "Lock failed",
"login": "పరవి",
"logoutQuestion": "మిిరమిి ఈ సమి ఆపలన?",
"logoutTitle": "నిరమణ",
"maxUsersLimitReached": "సదసల సయ గరిఠ పరిిిిి. సమిి. దయచి సమశ యజమిిరదిి మళరయతిి!",
"maxUsersLimitReachedTitle": "సదసల సయ గరిఠ పరిిిిి",
"micConstraintFailedError": "అవసరమన కిిధనలని పరచడ.",
"micNotFoundError": "మ కనబడల.",
"micNotSendingData": "మటర అమరికల లిిిి అమిి, దివనిిి సరి",
"micNotSendingDataTitle": "మటర అమరికలిి",
"micPermissionDeniedError": "You have not granted permission to use your microphone. You can still join the conference but others won't hear you. Use the camera button in the address bar to fix this.",
"micTimeoutError": "Could not start audio source. Timeout occurred!",
"micUnknownError": "Cannot use microphone for an unknown reason.",
"muteEveryoneDialog": "Are you sure you want to mute everyone? You won't be able to unmute them, but they can unmute themselves at any time.",
"muteEveryoneElseDialog": "Once muted, you won't be able to unmute them, but they can unmute themselves at any time.",
"muteEveryoneElseTitle": "Mute everyone except {{whom}}?",
"muteEveryoneElsesVideoDialog": "Once the camera is disabled, you won't be able to turn it back on, but they can turn it back on at any time.",
"muteEveryoneElsesVideoTitle": "Disable everyone's camera except {{whom}}?",
"muteEveryoneSelf": "yourself",
"muteEveryoneStartMuted": "ఇకనిదరిచబడదలవ",
"muteEveryoneTitle": "అదరిి?",
"muteEveryonesVideoDialog": "Are you sure you want to disable everyone's camera? You won't be able to turn it back on, but they can turn it back on at any time.",
"muteEveryonesVideoDialogOk": "అచతని",
"muteEveryonesVideoTitle": "అదరిలన అచతని?",
"muteParticipantBody": "మిి అమిచల, కతవ ఎప అమిగలర.",
"muteParticipantButton": "మి",
"muteParticipantDialog": "ఈ సదసిిిిలన? మిి అమిచల, కతవ ఎప అమిగలర.",
"muteParticipantTitle": "ఈ సదసిిి?",
"muteParticipantsVideoBody": "విిిితనిచల, క ఎపతనిగలర.",
"muteParticipantsVideoButton": "క అచతని",
"muteParticipantsVideoTitle": "ఈ సదసి అచతని?",
"password": "సతపద",
"passwordLabel": "ఈ సమిి ఒక సదసి. చరడిి దయచి $t(lockRoomPassword) ఇవి.",
"passwordNotSupported": "సమిి $t(lockRoomPassword) అమరచడిి.",
"passwordNotSupportedTitle": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) త",
"passwordRequired": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) తపపనిసరి",
"popupError": "Your browser is blocking pop-up windows from this site. Please enable pop-ups in your browser's security settings and try again.",
"popupErrorTitle": "Pop-up blocked",
"readMore": "మరిత",
"recording": "రిి",
"recordingDisabledBecauseOfActiveLiveStreamingTooltip": "లతన ఉననపిిదరద",
"recordingDisabledTooltip": "రిియడ అచతనిచబడిి.",
"rejoinNow": "ఇప మళ",
"remoteControlAllowedMessage": "{{user}} accepted your remote control request!",
"remoteControlDeniedMessage": "{{user}} rejected your remote control request!",
"remoteControlErrorMessage": "An error occurred while trying to request remote control permissions from {{user}}!",
"remoteControlRequestMessage": "Will you allow {{user}} to remotely control your desktop?",
"remoteControlShareScreenWarning": "Note that if you press \"Allow\" you will share your screen!",
"remoteControlStopMessage": "The remote control session ended!",
"remoteControlTitle": "Remote desktop control",
"removePassword": "$t(lockRoomPassword)నిి",
"removeSharedVideoMsg": "Are you sure you would like to remove your shared video?",
"removeSharedVideoTitle": "Remove shared video",
"reservationError": "Reservation system error",
"reservationErrorMsg": "Error code: {{code}}, message: {{msg}}",
"retry": "మళరయతి",
"screenSharingAudio": "Share audio",
"screenSharingFailed": "Oops! Something went wrong, we weren’t able to start screen sharing!",
"screenSharingFailedTitle": "తర పిఫలమి!",
"screenSharingPermissionDeniedError": "Oops! Something went wrong with your screen sharing permissions. Please reload and try again.",
"sendPrivateMessage": "You recently received a private message. Did you intend to reply to that privately, or you want to send your message to the group?",
"sendPrivateMessageCancel": "సమిిి",
"sendPrivateMessageOk": "అతరిి",
"sendPrivateMessageTitle": "అతరిి?",
"serviceUnavailable": "సవ అ",
"sessTerminated": "Call terminated",
"sessionRestarted": "Call restarted because of a connection issue.",
"shareVideoLinkError": "దయచి సరన య ఇవి.",
"shareVideoTitle": "ఒక విి",
"shareYourScreen": "మరని",
"shareYourScreenDisabled": "తరనవడ అచతనయబడిి.",
"startLiveStreaming": "లదల",
"startRecording": "రిిదల",
"startRemoteControlErrorMessage": "An error occurred while trying to start the remote control session!",
"stopLiveStreaming": "ల ఆపిి",
"stopRecording": "రిి ఆపిి",
"stopRecordingWarning": "మిిి ఆపిలన?",
"stopStreamingWarning": "మి ఆపిలన?",
"streamKey": "Live stream key",
"thankYou": "{{appName}} వతజఞతల!",
"token": "token",
"tokenAuthFailed": "కషమిి, మ ఈ కరల.",
"tokenAuthFailedTitle": "అధకరణ విఫలమి",
"transcribing": "Transcribing",
"unlockRoom": "సమశ $t(lockRoomPassword)నిి",
"user": "వకరి",
"userIdentifier": "వకరిి",
"userPassword": "వకరితపద",
"videoLink": "వి",
"yourEntireScreen": "మిర"
"documentSharing": {
"title": "పన పత"
"e2ee": {
"labelToolTip": "Audio and Video Communication on this call is end-to-end encrypted"
"embedMeeting": {
"title": "Embed this meeting"
"feedback": {
"average": "పర",
"bad": "బ",
"detailsLabel": "దిిి మరిత చి.",
"good": "బి",
"rateExperience": "మ సమశ అనభవిి",
"veryBad": "అసల",
"veryGood": "చి"
"helpView": {
"header": "సహయ క"
"incomingCall": {
"answer": "బది",
"audioCallTitle": "Incoming call",
"decline": "విమరి",
"productLabel": "జిిి",
"videoCallTitle": "Incoming video call"
"info": {
"accessibilityLabel": "సమి",
"addPassword": "$t(lockRoomPassword) చ",
"cancelPassword": "$t(lockRoomPassword) రది",
"conferenceURL": "ల:",
"country": "ద",
"dialANumber": "To join your meeting, dial one of these numbers and then enter the pin.",
"dialInConferenceID": "PIN:",
"dialInNotSupported": "Sorry, dialing in is currently not supported.",
"dialInNumber": "Dial-in:",
"dialInSummaryError": "Error fetching dial-in info now. Please try again later.",
"dialInTollFree": "ఉచి",
"genericError": "అయ, ఏదరప జరిిి.",
"inviteLiveStream": "To view the live stream of this meeting, click this link: {{url}}",
"invitePhone": "To join by phone instead, tap this: {{number}},,{{conferenceID}}#\n",
"invitePhoneAlternatives": "Looking for a different dial-in number?\nSee meeting dial-in numbers: {{url}}\n\n\nIf also dialing-in through a room phone, join without connecting to audio: {{silentUrl}}",
"inviteURLFirstPartGeneral": "ఒక సమరమనిిమలి ఆహి.",
"inviteURLFirstPartPersonal": "మిమలి {{name}} ఒక సమిి ఆహి.\n",
"inviteURLSecondPart": "\nసమి:\n{{url}}\n",
"label": "డయలి సమ",
"liveStreamURL": "ల:",
"moreNumbers": "మరిిబర",
"noNumbers": "డయలబర.",
"noPassword": "ఏమ",
"noRoom": "No room was specified to dial-in into.",
"numbers": "డయలిన నబర",
"password": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase):",
"title": "ప",
"tooltip": "ఈ సమ, డయలి సమిి"
"inlineDialogFailure": {
"msg": "మ తడబడ.",
"retry": "మళరయతిి",
"support": "త",
"supportMsg": "ఇల తరచ జర, మమమలిరదిి"
"inviteDialog": {
"alertText": "కతమి సదసలన ఆహిచలకప.",
"header": "ఆహిి",
"searchCallOnlyPlaceholder": "ఫబర ఇవి",
"searchPeopleOnlyPlaceholder": "సదసల కతకి",
"searchPlaceholder": "సదసల పబర",
"send": "పి"
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"focusLocal": "Focus on your video",
"focusRemote": "Focus on another person's video",
"fullScreen": "నిర చిి",
"keyboardShortcuts": "కకట",
"localRecording": "సిక రిిిరణలని",
"mute": "మిి అమిి",
"pushToTalk": "నిి",
"raiseHand": "మి ఎతిిి",
"showSpeakerStats": "మినవి గణి",
"toggleChat": "సషణనిి",
"toggleFilmstrip": "వి నఖచిలని",
"toggleParticipantsPane": "సదసల జిి",
"toggleScreensharing": "క, తర పవడల మధయ మి",
"toggleShortcuts": "కకటలని",
"videoMute": "మదలి ఆపిి"
"liveStreaming": {
"busy": "We're working on freeing streaming resources. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"busyTitle": "All streamers are currently busy",
"changeSignIn": "Switch accounts.",
"choose": "Choose a live stream",
"chooseCTA": "Choose a streaming option. You're currently logged in as {{email}}.",
"enterStreamKey": "Enter your YouTube live stream key here.",
"error": "Live Streaming failed. Please try again.",
"errorAPI": "An error occurred while accessing your YouTube broadcasts. Please try logging in again.",
"errorLiveStreamNotEnabled": "Live Streaming is not enabled on {{email}}. Please enable live streaming or log into an account with live streaming enabled.",
"expandedOff": "The live streaming has stopped",
"expandedOn": "The meeting is currently being streamed to YouTube.",
"expandedPending": "The live streaming is being started...",
"failedToStart": "Live Streaming failed to start",
"getStreamKeyManually": "We weren’t able to fetch any live streams. Try getting your live stream key from YouTube.",
"googlePrivacyPolicy": "గయతి",
"invalidStreamKey": "Live stream key may be incorrect.",
"limitNotificationDescriptionNative": "Your streaming will be limited to {{limit}} min. For unlimited streaming try {{app}}.",
"limitNotificationDescriptionWeb": "Due to high demand your streaming will be limited to {{limit}} min. For unlimited streaming try <a href={{url}} rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>{{app}}</a>.",
"off": "Live Streaming stopped",
"offBy": "{{name}} stopped the live streaming",
"on": "Live Streaming started",
"onBy": "{{name}} started the live streaming",
"pending": "Starting Live Stream...",
"serviceName": "లివ",
"signIn": "గరవిి",
"signInCTA": "Sign in or enter your live stream key from YouTube.",
"signOut": "నిరమి",
"signedInAs": "మరస ఇలరవిి:",
"start": "ఒక లదలి",
"streamIdHelp": "ఇది ఏమిి?",
"unavailableTitle": "లి",
"youtubeTerms": "యియమ"
"lobby": {
"admit": "అనమతి",
"allow": "అనమతి",
"backToKnockModeButton": "సతపద, చమని అడ",
"dialogTitle": "Lobby mode",
"disableDialogContent": "Lobby mode is currently enabled. This feature ensures that unwanted participants can't join your meeting. Do you want to disable it?",
"disableDialogSubmit": "అచతని",
"emailField": "మ ఈమిి ఇవి",
"enableDialogPasswordField": "సతపది (ఐచి)",
"enableDialogSubmit": "చతని",
"enableDialogText": "Lobby mode lets you protect your meeting by only allowing people to enter after a formal approval by a moderator.",
"enterPasswordButton": "సమశ సతపద ఇవి",
"enterPasswordTitle": "సమరడిితపద ఇవి",
"invalidPassword": "చలనితపద",
"joinRejectedMessage": "మ అభయరథనన ఒక మధయవరిిరసకరి.",
"joinTitle": "సమి",
"joinWithPasswordMessage": "సతపదరడిిరయతినది, దయచిిి...",
"joiningMessage": "ఎవర అభయరథనన ఆమిచగ సమరత",
"joiningTitle": "సమరడిి అడ...",
"joiningWithPasswordTitle": "సతపద...",
"knockButton": "చరడిి అడ",
"knockTitle": "ఎవర సమరదమన",
"knockingParticipantList": "Knocking participant list",
"nameField": "మ ఇవి",
"notificationLobbyAccessDenied": "{{targetParticipantName}} has been rejected to join by {{originParticipantName}}",
"notificationLobbyAccessGranted": "{{targetParticipantName}} has been allowed to join by {{originParticipantName}}",
"notificationLobbyDisabled": "Lobby has been disabled by {{originParticipantName}}",
"notificationLobbyEnabled": "Lobby has been enabled by {{originParticipantName}}",
"notificationTitle": "Lobby",
"passwordField": "సమతపద ఇవి",
"passwordJoinButton": "చ",
"reject": "నికరి",
"toggleLabel": "Enable lobby"
"localRecording": {
"clientState": {
"off": "అచతన",
"on": "చతన",
"unknown": "తియద"
"dialogTitle": "సిక రిిిరణల",
"duration": "నిిి",
"durationNA": "N/A",
"encoding": "ఎని",
"label": "LOR",
"labelToolTip": "సిక రిి నడనది",
"localRecording": "సిక రిి",
"me": "న",
"messages": {
"engaged": "సిక రిి నడనది.",
"finished": "Recording session {{token}} finished. Please send the recorded file to the moderator.",
"finishedModerator": "Recording session {{token}} finished. The recording of the local track has been saved. Please ask the other participants to submit their recordings.",
"notModerator": "మ మధయవరి. మిక రిిదలటల, ఆపియల."
"moderator": "మధయవరి",
"no": "వద",
"participant": "సదస",
"participantStats": "సదసల గణ",
"sessionToken": "Session Token",
"start": "రిిదల",
"stop": "రిి ఆపిి",
"yes": "అవ"
"lockRoomPassword": "సతపద",
"lockRoomPasswordUppercase": "సతపద",
"lonelyMeetingExperience": {
"button": "ఇతరలన ఆహిి",
"youAreAlone": "సమకర ఉన"
"me": "న",
"notify": {
"OldElectronAPPTitle": "భదరత బలహనత!",
"connectedOneMember": "{{name}} సమ",
"connectedThreePlusMembers": "{{name}}, మర {{count}}గ సమ",
"connectedTwoMembers": "{{first}}, {{second}} సమ",
"disconnected": "disconnected",
"focus": "Conference focus",
"focusFail": "{{component}} అ - {{ms}} కషణలలరయతిి",
"grantedTo": "{{to}}కి మధయవరివ హక ఇవవబడి!",
"invitedOneMember": "{{name}} ఆహిచబడ",
"invitedThreePlusMembers": "{{name}}, మర {{count}}గ ఆహిచబడ",
"invitedTwoMembers": "{{first}}, {{second}} ఆహిచబడ",
"kickParticipant": "{{kicked}} {{kicker}} బయటిి",
"me": "Me",
"moderator": "మధయవరివ హక ఇవవబడి!",
"muted": "You have started the conversation muted.",
"mutedRemotelyDescription": "You can always unmute when you're ready to speak. Mute back when you're done to keep noise away from the meeting.",
"mutedRemotelyTitle": "{{participantDisplayName}} మిమలిి!",
"mutedTitle": "మిమలిి!",
"newDeviceAction": "వ",
"newDeviceAudioTitle": "కత ఆడి పరికర కననబడిి",
"newDeviceCameraTitle": "కత క కననబడిి",
"oldElectronClientDescription1": "You appear to be using an old version of the Jitsi Meet client which has known security vulnerabilities. Please make sure you update to our ",
"oldElectronClientDescription2": "సరిత బి",
"oldElectronClientDescription3": " ఇప!",
"passwordRemovedRemotely": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) removed by another participant",
"passwordSetRemotely": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) set by another participant",
"raisedHand": "{{name}} మలన.",
"screenShareNoAudio": " Share audio box was not checked in the window selection screen.",
"screenShareNoAudioTitle": "Share audio was not checked",
"somebody": "Somebody",
"startSilentDescription": "Rejoin the meeting to enable audio",
"startSilentTitle": "You joined with no audio output!",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "We are afraid your meeting experience isn't going to be that great here. We are looking for ways to improve this, but until then please try using one of the <a href='{{recommendedBrowserPageLink}}' target='_blank'>fully supported browsers</a>.",
"suboptimalExperienceTitle": "విిిచరిక",
"unmute": "Unmute",
"videoMutedRemotelyDescription": "You can always turn it on again.",
"videoMutedRemotelyTitle": "Your camera has been disabled by {{participantDisplayName}}!"
"participantsPane": {
"actions": {
"invite": "పరజలన ఆహి",
"muteAll": "అదరిి",
"stopVideo": "వి ఆపిి"
"headings": {
"lobby": "Lobby ({{count}})",
"participantsList": "సదస ({{count}})"
"passwordDigitsOnly": "{{number}} అల వరక",
"passwordSetRemotely": "మర సదస అమర",
"poweredby": "శకి",
"prejoin": {
"audioAndVideoError": "Audio and video error:",
"audioDeviceProblem": "There is a problem with your audio device",
"audioOnlyError": "Audio error:",
"audioTrackError": "Could not create audio track.",
"callMe": "Call me",
"callMeAtNumber": "Call me at this number:",
"calling": "Calling",
"configuringDevices": "Configuring devices...",
"connectedWithAudioQ": "You’re connected with audio?",
"connection": {
"good": "మతరల అని!",
"nonOptimal": "మతరల అనత బ",
"poor": "మతరల అన"
"connectionDetails": {
"audioClipping": "We expect your audio to be clipped.",
"audioHighQuality": "We expect your audio to have excellent quality.",
"audioLowNoVideo": "We expect your audio quality to be low and no video.",
"goodQuality": "Awesome! Your media quality is going to be great.",
"noMediaConnectivity": "We could not find a way to establish media connectivity for this test. This is typically caused by a firewall or NAT.",
"noVideo": "We expect that your video will be terrible.",
"undetectable": "If you still can not make calls in browser, we recommend that you make sure your speakers, microphone and camera are properly set up, that you have granted your browser rights to use your microphone and camera, and that your browser version is up-to-date. If you still have trouble calling, you should contact the web application developer.",
"veryPoorConnection": "We expect your call quality to be really terrible.",
"videoFreezing": "We expect your video to freeze, turn black, and be pixelated.",
"videoHighQuality": "We expect your video to have good quality.",
"videoLowQuality": "We expect your video to have low quality in terms of frame rate and resolution.",
"videoTearing": "We expect your video to be pixelated or have visual artefacts."
"copyAndShare": "Copy & share meeting link",
"dialInMeeting": "Dial into the meeting",
"dialInPin": "Dial into the meeting and enter PIN code:",
"dialing": "Dialing",
"doNotShow": "ఈ తరన మళిచవద",
"errorDialOut": "Could not dial out",
"errorDialOutDisconnected": "Could not dial out. Disconnected",
"errorDialOutFailed": "Could not dial out. Call failed",
"errorDialOutStatus": "Error getting dial out status",
"errorMissingName": "సమరడిి దయచి ఇవి",
"errorStatusCode": "Error dialing out, status code: {{status}}",
"errorValidation": "నబర సరిత విఫలమి",
"iWantToDialIn": "I want to dial in",
"initiated": "Call initiated",
"joinAudioByPhone": "ఫ ఆడి",
"joinMeeting": "సమ",
"joinWithoutAudio": "ఆడి",
"linkCopied": "లిి అయిి",
"lookGood": "మ పనినటి",
"or": "ల",
"premeeting": "Pre meeting",
"screenSharingError": "Screen sharing error:",
"showScreen": "Enable pre meeting screen",
"startWithPhone": "Start with phone audio",
"videoOnlyError": "Video error:",
"videoTrackError": "Could not create video track.",
"viewAllNumbers": "నబరలనిిి"
"presenceStatus": {
"busy": "Busy",
"calling": "పినది...",
"connected": "అననమయిి",
"connecting": "అననమవనది...",
"connecting2": "అననమవనది*...",
"disconnected": "అనిిి",
"expired": "కిి",
"ignored": "పటి",
"initializingCall": "పిదలవనది...",
"invited": "ఆహి",
"rejected": "తిరసకరి",
"ringing": "రిగవనది..."
"profile": {
"setDisplayNameLabel": "చిిన ప అమరి",
"setEmailInput": "ఈమి ఇవి",
"setEmailLabel": "గవత ఈమి అమరి",
"title": "ప"
"raisedHand": "మలన",
"recording": {
"authDropboxText": "డ ఎకిి",
"availableSpace": "అ ఉనన జ: {{spaceLeft}} MB (స {{duration}} నిిల రిి)",
"beta": "బ",
"busy": "We're working on freeing recording resources. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"busyTitle": "All recorders are currently busy",
"error": "రిిిఫలమి. దయచి మళరయతిి.",
"expandedOff": "రిి ఆగిిి",
"expandedOn": "ఈ సమరసి అవనది.",
"expandedPending": "రిిదలవనది...",
"failedToStart": "రిిదలవడిఫలమి",
"fileSharingdescription": "రిి సదసలతి",
"limitNotificationDescriptionNative": "Due to high demand your recording will be limited to {{limit}} min. For unlimited recordings try <3>{{app}}</3>.",
"limitNotificationDescriptionWeb": "Due to high demand your recording will be limited to {{limit}} min. For unlimited recordings try <a href={{url}} rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>{{app}}</a>.",
"live": "LIVE",
"loggedIn": "{{userName}}రవి",
"off": "రిి ఆగిిి",
"offBy": "{{name}} రిి ఆపి",
"on": "రిిదలయిి",
"onBy": "{{name}} రిిదల",
"pending": "Preparing to record the meeting...",
"rec": "REC",
"serviceDescription": "Your recording will be saved by the recording service",
"serviceDescriptionCloud": "Cloud recording",
"serviceName": "రిివ",
"signIn": "Sign in",
"signOut": "Sign out",
"unavailable": "Oops! The {{serviceName}} is currently unavailable. We're working on resolving the issue. Please try again later.",
"unavailableTitle": "రిి"
"sectionList": {
"pullToRefresh": "తకరిచడిిివదలి"
"security": {
"about": "You can add a $t(lockRoomPassword) to your meeting. Participants will need to provide the $t(lockRoomPassword) before they are allowed to join the meeting.",
"aboutReadOnly": "Moderator participants can add a $t(lockRoomPassword) to the meeting. Participants will need to provide the $t(lockRoomPassword) before they are allowed to join the meeting.",
"insecureRoomNameWarning": "The room name is unsafe. Unwanted participants may join your conference. Consider securing your meeting using the security button.",
"securityOptions": "భదరతికల"
"settings": {
"calendar": {
"about": "The {{appName}} calendar integration is used to securely access your calendar so it can read upcoming events.",
"disconnect": "Disconnect",
"microsoftSignIn": "Sign in with Microsoft",
"signedIn": "Currently accessing calendar events for {{email}}. Click the Disconnect button below to stop accessing calendar events.",
"title": "కడర"
"devices": "పరికర",
"followMe": "అదర నన అనసరి",
"language": "భష",
"loggedIn": "{{name}} వలరవి",
"microphones": "మ",
"moderator": "మధయవరి",
"more": "మరిి",
"name": "ప",
"noDevice": "ఏమ",
"selectAudioOutput": "ఆడి ఔట",
"selectCamera": "క",
"selectMic": "మ",
"speakers": "సకర",
"startAudioMuted": "అదరిచబడిదలవ",
"startVideoMuted": "అదర కనబడకదలవ",
"title": "అమరికల"
"settingsView": {
"advanced": "ఉననత",
"alertCancel": "రది",
"alertOk": "సర",
"alertTitle": "హచరిక",
"alertURLText": "పన సరవరిలనిి",
"buildInfoSection": "బి సమ",
"conferenceSection": "సదస",
"disableCallIntegration": "Disable native call integration",
"disableCrashReporting": "Disable crash reporting",
"disableCrashReportingWarning": "Are you sure you want to disable crash reporting? The setting will be applied after you restart the app.",
"disableP2P": "Disable Peer-To-Peer mode",
"displayName": "చి",
"email": "ఈమి",
"header": "అమరికల",
"profileSection": "ప",
"serverURL": "సరవరి",
"showAdvanced": "ఉననత అమరికలని",
"startWithAudioMuted": "ఆడిిిదల",
"startWithVideoMuted": "వి కనబడకదల",
"version": "వషన"
"share": {
"dialInfoText": "\n\n=====\n\nJust want to dial in on your phone?\n\n{{defaultDialInNumber}}Click this link to see the dial in phone numbers for this meeting\n{{dialInfoPageUrl}}",
"mainText": "సమరడిి ఈ లి:\n{{roomUrl}}"
"speaker": "మినవ",
"speakerStats": {
"hours": "{{count}}గ",
"minutes": "{{count}}ని",
"name": "ప",
"seconds": "{{count}}కష",
"speakerStats": "మి గణ",
"speakerTime": "మిన సమయ"
"startupoverlay": {
"genericTitle": "ఈ సమ, కి.",
"policyText": " ",
"title": "{{app}} మ, కి."
"suspendedoverlay": {
"rejoinKeyTitle": "మళి",
"text": "Press the <i>Rejoin</i> button to reconnect.",
"title": "Your video call was interrupted because this computer went to sleep."
"toolbar": {
"Settings": "అమరికల",
"accessibilityLabel": {
"Settings": "Toggle settings",
"audioOnly": "Toggle audio only",
"audioRoute": "Select the sound device",
"callQuality": "Manage video quality",
"cc": "Toggle subtitles",
"chat": "Toggle chat window",
"document": "Toggle shared document",
"download": "Download our apps",
"embedMeeting": "Embed meeting",
"feedback": "Leave feedback",
"fullScreen": "Toggle full screen",
"grantModerator": "Grant Moderator",
"hangup": "Leave the call",
"help": "సహ",
"invite": "Invite people",
"kick": "Kick participant",
"lobbyButton": "Enable/disable lobby mode",
"localRecording": "Toggle local recording controls",
"lockRoom": "Toggle meeting password",
"moreActions": "Toggle more actions menu",
"moreActionsMenu": "మరిి చరయల మ",
"moreOptions": "మరిిికలి",
"mute": "Toggle mute audio",
"muteEveryone": "అదరిి",
"muteEveryoneElse": "తతిిిి",
"muteEveryoneElsesVideo": "తతిదరిలన అచతని",
"muteEveryonesVideo": "అదరిలన అచతని",
"participants": "సదస",
"pip": "Toggle Picture-in-Picture mode",
"privateMessage": "Send private message",
"profile": "Edit your profile",
"raiseHand": "Toggle raise hand",
"recording": "Toggle recording",
"remoteMute": "సదసిి",
"remoteVideoMute": "Disable camera of participant",
"security": "భదరతికల",
"selectBackground": "వతలి",
"shareRoom": "Invite someone",
"shareYourScreen": "Toggle screenshare",
"shareaudio": "Share audio",
"sharedvideo": "Toggle video sharing",
"shortcuts": "Toggle shortcuts",
"show": "Show on stage",
"speakerStats": "Toggle speaker statistics",
"tileView": "Toggle tile view",
"toggleCamera": "Toggle camera",
"toggleFilmstrip": "Toggle filmstrip",
"videomute": "Toggle mute video"
"addPeople": "Add people to your call",
"audioOnlyOff": "Disable low bandwidth mode",
"audioOnlyOn": "Enable low bandwidth mode",
"audioRoute": "Select the sound device",
"audioSettings": "ఆడి అమరికల",
"authenticate": "Authenticate",
"callQuality": "Manage video quality",
"chat": "Open / Close chat",
"closeChat": "సషణ మిి",
"documentClose": "Close shared document",
"documentOpen": "Open shared document",
"download": "మ అనవరతనిి",
"e2ee": "End-to-End Encryption",
"embedMeeting": "Embed meeting",
"enterFullScreen": "View full screen",
"enterTileView": "Enter tile view",
"exitFullScreen": "Exit full screen",
"exitTileView": "Exit tile view",
"feedback": "పరతిదన తియజి",
"hangup": "నిరమి",
"help": "సహ",
"invite": "పరజలన ఆహి",
"lobbyButtonDisable": "Disable lobby mode",
"lobbyButtonEnable": "Enable lobby mode",
"login": "పరవి",
"logout": "నిరమి",
"lowerYourHand": "మిిి",
"moreActions": "మరిి చరయల",
"moreOptions": "మరిిికల",
"mute": "మి / అమి",
"muteEveryone": "అదరిి",
"muteEveryonesVideo": "అదరిలన అచతని",
"noAudioSignalDesc": "If you did not purposely mute it from system settings or hardware, consider switching the device.",
"noAudioSignalDescSuggestion": "If you did not purposely mute it from system settings or hardware, consider switching to the suggested device.",
"noAudioSignalDialInDesc": "You can also dial-in using:",
"noAudioSignalDialInLinkDesc": "Dial-in numbers",
"noAudioSignalTitle": "మి శబదమినపడట!",
"noisyAudioInputDesc": "It sounds like your microphone is making noise, please consider muting or changing the device.",
"noisyAudioInputTitle": "మలగ ఉననటి!",
"openChat": "సషణన",
"participants": "సదస",
"pip": "Enter Picture-in-Picture mode",
"privateMessage": "అతరిక సి",
"profile": "మి",
"raiseHand": "మి ఎతి / దిి",
"raiseYourHand": "మి ఎతి",
"security": "భదరతికల",
"selectBackground": "వతలి",
"shareRoom": "Invite someone",
"shareaudio": "Share audio",
"sharedvideo": "Share video",
"shortcuts": "View shortcuts",
"speakerStats": "Speaker stats",
"startScreenSharing": "Start screen sharing",
"startSubtitles": "Start subtitles",
"stopScreenSharing": "Stop screen sharing",
"stopSharedVideo": "Stop video",
"stopSubtitles": "Stop subtitles",
"talkWhileMutedPopup": "మడటిిరయతి? మిచబడి.",
"tileViewToggle": "Toggle tile view",
"toggleCamera": "Toggle camera",
"videoSettings": "వి అమరికల",
"videomute": "కదల / ఆపిి"
"transcribing": {
"ccButtonTooltip": "Start / Stop subtitles",
"error": "Transcribing failed. Please try again.",
"expandedLabel": "Transcribing is currently on",
"failedToStart": "Transcribing failed to start",
"labelToolTip": "The meeting is being transcribed",
"off": "Transcribing stopped",
"pending": "Preparing to transcribe the meeting...",
"start": "Start showing subtitles",
"stop": "Stop showing subtitles",
"tr": "TR"
"userMedia": {
"androidGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>Allow</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions.",
"chromeGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>Allow</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions.",
"edgeGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>Yes</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions.",
"electronGrantPermissions": "Trying to access your camera and microphone",
"firefoxGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>Share Selected Device</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions.",
"iexplorerGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>OK</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions.",
"nwjsGrantPermissions": "Please grant permissions to use your camera and microphone",
"operaGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>Allow</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions.",
"react-nativeGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>Allow</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions.",
"safariGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>OK</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions."
"videoSIPGW": {
"busy": "We're working on freeing resources. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"busyTitle": "The Room service is currently busy",
"errorAlreadyInvited": "{{displayName}} already invited",
"errorInvite": "Conference not established yet. Please try again later.",
"errorInviteFailed": "We're working on resolving the issue. Please try again later.",
"errorInviteFailedTitle": "Inviting {{displayName}} failed",
"errorInviteTitle": "Error inviting room",
"pending": "{{displayName}} ఆహిచబడి"
"videoStatus": {
"audioOnly": "AUD",
"audioOnlyExpanded": "You are in low bandwidth mode. In this mode you will receive only audio and screen sharing.",
"callQuality": "వియత",
"hd": "HD",
"hdTooltip": "Viewing high definition video",
"highDefinition": "High definition",
"labelTooiltipNoVideo": "వి",
"labelTooltipAudioOnly": "Low bandwidth mode enabled",
"ld": "LD",
"ldTooltip": "Viewing low definition video",
"lowDefinition": "Low definition",
"sd": "SD",
"sdTooltip": "Viewing standard definition video",
"standardDefinition": "Standard definition"
"videothumbnail": {
"connectionInfo": "అనన సమ",
"domute": "మి",
"domuteOthers": "తతిదరిి",
"domuteVideo": "క అచతని",
"domuteVideoOfOthers": "తతిదరి అచతని",
"flip": "Flip",
"grantModerator": "మధయవరిిి",
"kick": "బయటిిి",
"moderator": "మధయవరి",
"mute": "సదసిిి",
"muted": "మిచబడ",
"remoteControl": "Start / Stop remote control",
"show": "వికపి",
"videoMuted": "క అచతని",
"videomute": "సదస ఆపి"
"virtualBackground": {
"addBackground": "వతల",
"blur": "Blur",
"none": "ఏమ",
"pleaseWait": "దయచిిి...",
"removeBackground": "వతలిి",
"slightBlur": "Slight Blur",
"title": "మితల"
"welcomepage": {
"accessibilityLabel": {
"join": "చరడిిి",
"roomname": "గది ఇవి"
"appDescription": "Go ahead, video chat with the whole team. In fact, invite everyone you know. {{app}} is a fully encrypted, 100% open source video conferencing solution that you can use all day, every day, for free — with no account needed.",
"audioVideoSwitch": {
"audio": "ఆడి",
"video": "వి"
"calendar": "కడర",
"connectCalendarButton": "Connect your calendar",
"connectCalendarText": "Connect your calendar to view all your meetings in {{app}}. Plus, add {{provider}} meetings to your calendar and start them with one click.",
"enterRoomTitle": "కత సమదలి",
"getHelp": "సహి",
"go": "వ",
"goSmall": "వ",
"headerSubtitle": "Secure and high quality meetings",
"headerTitle": "జిి",
"info": "డయలి సమ",
"jitsiOnMobile": "Jitsi on mobile – download our apps and start a meeting from anywhere",
"join": "CREATE / JOIN",
"moderatedMessage": "Or <a href=\"{{url}}\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">book a meeting URL</a> in advance where you are the only moderator.",
"privacy": "అతరికత",
"recentList": "ఇటవల",
"recentListDelete": "పదలగి",
"recentListEmpty": "Your recent list is currently empty. Chat with your team and you will find all your recent meetings here.",
"reducedUIText": "{{app}}ిగత!",
"roomNameAllowedChars": "Meeting name should not contain any of these characters: ?, &, :, ', \", %, #.",
"roomname": "గది ఇవి",
"roomnameHint": "Enter the name or URL of the room you want to join. You may make a name up, just let the people you are meeting know it so that they enter the same name.",
"sendFeedback": "పరతిదన పి",
"startMeeting": "సమదల",
"terms": "నియమ",
"title": "Secure, fully featured, and completely free video conferencing"