@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
// @flow
import { reloadNow } from '../../app' ;
import {
createAudioOnlyChangedEvent ,
createConnectionEvent ,
createPinnedEvent ,
} from '../../analytics' ;
@ -194,6 +196,14 @@ function _connectionEstablished({ dispatch }, next, action) {
* @ returns { Object } The value returned by { @ code next ( action ) } .
* /
function _connectionFailed ( { dispatch , getState } , next , action ) {
// In the case of a split-brain error, reload early and prevent further
// handling of the action.
if ( _isMaybeSplitBrainError ( getState , action ) ) {
dispatch ( reloadNow ( ) ) ;
return ;
const result = next ( action ) ;
// FIXME: Workaround for the web version. Currently, the creation of the
@ -235,6 +245,52 @@ function _connectionFailed({ dispatch, getState }, next, action) {
return result ;
/ * *
* Returns whether or not a CONNECTION _FAILED action is for a possible split
* brain error . A split brain error occurs when at least two users join a
* conference on different bridges . It is assumed the split brain scenario
* occurs very early on in the call .
* @ param { Function } getState - The redux function for fetching the current
* state .
* @ param { Action } action - The redux action { @ code CONNECTION _FAILED } which is
* being dispatched in the specified { @ code store } .
* @ private
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
function _isMaybeSplitBrainError ( getState , action ) {
const { error } = action ;
const isShardChangedError = error
&& error . message === 'item-not-found'
&& error . details
&& error . details . shard _changed ;
if ( isShardChangedError ) {
const state = getState ( ) ;
const { timeEstablished } = state [ 'features/base/connection' ] ;
const { _immediateReloadThreshold } = state [ 'features/base/config' ] ;
const timeSinceConnectionEstablished
= timeEstablished && Date . now ( ) - timeEstablished ;
const reloadThreshold = typeof _immediateReloadThreshold === 'number'
? _immediateReloadThreshold : 1500 ;
const isWithinSplitBrainThreshold = ! timeEstablished
|| timeSinceConnectionEstablished <= reloadThreshold ;
sendAnalytics ( createConnectionEvent ( 'failed' , {
... error ,
connectionEstablished : timeEstablished ,
splitBrain : isWithinSplitBrainThreshold ,
} ) ) ;
return isWithinSplitBrainThreshold ;
return false ;
/ * *
* Notifies the feature base / conference that the action { @ code PIN _PARTICIPANT }
* is being dispatched within a specific redux store . Pins the specified remote