Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

976 lines
81 KiB

"addPeople": {
"add": "आमित कर",
"addContacts": "सपरक स आमित कर",
"copyInvite": "मिग क आमरण किरतििि बन",
"copyLink": "मिग कििक किरतििि बन",
"copyStream": "सरसरण कििक किििि बन",
"countryNotSupported": "अभ हम इस गतवय कि सकषम न ।",
"countryReminder": "य.एस. कहर सल कर रहपयिित करि अपनश कड़ सभ कर रह !",
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"loadingNumber": "मइल नमबर किच ह रह ",
"loadingPeople": "ल आमित करनिए ख रह ",
"noResults": "कई मिन खज परिम नह",
"noValidNumbers": "कपय एक फन नबर दरज कर",
"outlookEmail": "आउटलक ईमल",
"searchNumbers": "फन नबर ज",
"searchPeople": "ल",
"searchPeopleAndNumbers": "ल उनकन नबर ज",
"shareInvite": "मिग आमरण स कर ",
"shareLink": "दसर आमित करनिए मिग लिक स कर",
"shareStream": "सरसरण लिक स कर",
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"title": "ल इस बठक म आमित कर",
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"calendarSync": {
"addMeetingURL": "एक मिग लिक ज",
"confirmAddLink": "क आप इस इवट म एक Jitsi लिक जहत?",
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"appConfiguration": "कडर एककरण ठक सिगर नहि गय।",
"generic": "एक तिई ह। कपय अपनडर सिग जडर कश करनरयस कर।",
"notSignedIn": "कडर ईवट दखनिए परमित करत समय एक तिई। कपय अपनडर सिग ज और फिर सग इन करनरयस कर।"
"join": "ज",
"joinTooltip": "मिग मिल ह",
"nextMeeting": "अगलिग",
"noEvents": "कई आगयकरम निित नह।",
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"permissionMessage": "ऐप म आपकिग दखनिए कडर क अनमति आवशयक ह।",
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"chat": {
"enter": "चट रम मरवश कर",
"error": "ति: आपकश नह गय । करण: {{error}}",
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"title": "चट क उपयग करनिए एक उपनम दरज कर",
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"noMessagesMessage": "अभ तक मिग मई सश नह आय। वप पभ कर!",
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"installExtensionText": ",गगल कडर और ऑफिस 365 एककरण किए एकसटशन इल कर"
"connectingOverlay": {
"joiningRoom": "आपक आपकिग स कनट कि रह ..."
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"AUTHFAIL": "परमकरण विफल",
"CONNECTED": "जए ह",
"CONNECTING": "ज रह ",
"CONNFAIL": "नह सक ",
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"DISCONNECTING": "सपरक हट रह ",
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"FETCH_SESSION_ID": "सतर-आईडत क रह ...",
"GET_SESSION_ID_ERROR": "सतर-आईडित कर: {{code}}",
"GOT_SESSION_ID": "सतर-आईडत क रह... पण",
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"remoteport_plural": "रिट ports:",
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"description": "हमन आपकिग {{app}} डकटप ऐप मच करनिश क। कछ नहआ? फिर सिश कर {{app}} वब ऐप मच कर।",
"descriptionWithoutWeb": "हमन आपकिग {{app}} डकटप ऐप मच करनिश क। कछ नहआ?",
"downloadApp": "एपिशन डउनलड कर",
"ifDoNotHaveApp": "यदि आपकस अभ तक ऐप नह:",
"ifHaveApp": "यदि आपकस पहल ऐप ह:",
"joinInApp": "ऐप क उपयग करक इस मिग मिल ह",
"launchWebButton": "वब मच कर",
"title": "{{app}} म आपकिग श रह ...",
"tryAgainButton": "डकटप मिर सरयस कर"
"defaultLink": "उदहरण {{url}}",
"defaultNickname": "उद. सतष कर",
"deviceError": {
"cameraError": "कमर एकस करनिफल",
"cameraPermission": "कमर अनमतित करनि",
"microphoneError": "मइकन क एकस करनिफल",
"microphonePermission": "मइकन अनमतित करनि"
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"noPermission": "अनमति नह गई",
"previewUnavailable": "पवदरशन अनपलबध",
"selectADevice": "डिइस क चयन कर",
"testAudio": "टट सड प कर"
"dialOut": {
"statusMessage": "अब {{status}} ह"
"dialog": {
"Back": "पए",
"Cancel": "रदद कर",
"IamHost": "मजबन ह",
"Ok": "ठक ह",
"Remove": "नि",
"Share": "Share",
"Submit": "सबमिट कर",
"WaitForHostMsg": "समलन अभ तक श नहआ ह। यदि आप मजबन हपयरमित कर। अनयथ, कपयजबन क आनरत कर।",
"WaitingForHostTitle": "हट करत कर रह ...",
"Yes": "ह",
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"add": "ज",
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"alreadySharedVideoMsg": "एक अनय परति पहलि कर रह। यह समलन एक समय मवल एक स अनमति।",
"alreadySharedVideoTitle": "एक समय मवल एक सि अनमति",
"applicationWindow": "एपिशन वि",
"authenticationRequired": "परमकरण आवशयक ह",
"cameraConstraintFailedError": "Your camera does not satisfy some of the required constraints.",
"cameraNotFoundError": "कमर नहि।",
"cameraNotSendingData": "हम आपकमर उपयग करन असमरथ ह। कपयिई अनय एपिशन इस डिइस क उपयग त नह कर रह, सिग मि अनय डिइस क चयन कर एपिशन किर सड करनरयस कर।",
"cameraNotSendingDataTitle": "कमर उपयग करन असमरथ",
"cameraPermissionDeniedError": "आपन अपनमर उपयग करन अनमति नह। आप अभ समलन मिल ह सकतिन अनय लग आपक नहख सक। इसक करनिए पतर ममर बटन क उपयग कर।",
"cameraTimeoutError": "वित पभ नहि सक। समय समत ह गय!",
"cameraUnknownError": "अजत करण क वजह समर उपयग नहि सकत।",
"cameraUnsupportedResolutionError": "आपकमर आवशयक वििशन क समरथन नह करत।",
"close": "बद कर",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "आप अपनटवरक कनशन कच कर सकत। . {{seconds}} सड म कनट कि ...",
"conferenceDisconnectTitle": "आपकिकनट कर दि गय।",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "हम इसक करनरयस कर रह। {{seconds}} सड म कनट कर रह ...",
"conferenceReloadTitle": "दय स, कछ गलत ह गय।",
"confirm": "पि कर",
"confirmNo": "नह",
"confirmYes": "ह",
"connectError": "उफ! कछ गडबड गई और हम समलन स नह सक।",
"connectErrorWithMsg": "उफ! कछ गडबड गई और हम समलन स नह सक: {{msg}}",
"connecting": "सपरक ज रह ",
"contactSupport": "सहयग किए सपरक कर",
"copied": "परतििि बनई गय ",
"copy": "परतििि बन",
"dismiss": "खिज कर",
"displayNameRequired": "नमस! आपकम क?",
"done": "ह गय ",
"e2eeDescription": "एड-ट-एड एनिशन वरतमन मरयमक ह। कपयन रखिड-ट-एड एनिशन क करन सरवर-सइड स: रििग, लइव सिग और फन भििय । Also keep in mind that the meeting will only work for people joining from browsers with support for insertable streams.",
"e2eeLabel": "एड-ट-एड एनिशन सकषम कर",
"e2eeWarning": "चवन: इस मिग म सभरतििस एड-ट-एड एनिशन किए समकषत नह। यदि आप इस सकषम करत आपकखन और सनन सकषम नह।",
"enterDisplayName": "कपय यह अपनम लि",
"error": "ति",
"gracefulShutdown": "Our service is currently down for maintenance. Please try again later.",
"grantModeratorDialog": "क आप वकई इस परति एक मधयसथ बनहत?",
"grantModeratorTitle": "मधयसथ स ",
"incorrectPassword": "गलत उपयगकरम यसवरड",
"incorrectRoomLockPassword": "गलत पसवरड",
"internalError": "उफ! कछ गडबड गई। निनलिित तिई: {{error}}",
"internalErrorTitle": "आतरिक ति",
"kickMessage": "आप अधिक जनकिए {{participantDisplayName}} सपरक कर सकत।",
"kickParticipantButton": "Kick",
"kickParticipantDialog": "क आप वकई इस परतििकलनहत?",
"kickParticipantTitle": "इस परतिि?",
"kickTitle": "अर! {{participantDisplayName}} न आपकिग सहर कर दि",
"liveStreaming": "सरसरण",
"liveStreamingDisabledBecauseOfActiveRecordingTooltip": "रििग सकिय हन सभव नह",
"liveStreamingDisabledTooltip": "सरसरण करनििय ह ",
"lockMessage": "समलन कक करनिफल।",
"lockRoom": "मिग ज $t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase)",
"lockTitle": "लक फल",
"login": "लग इन",
"logoutQuestion": "क आप वकई लगआउट और कस ककनहत?",
"logoutTitle": "लग आउट ",
"maxUsersLimitReached": "अधिकतम परतिि. कपयठक किक सपरक करद मरयस कर!!",
"maxUsersLimitReachedTitle": "अधिकतम परतििर ह गई",
"micConstraintFailedError": "Your microphone does not satisfy some of the required constraints.",
"micNotFoundError": "मइकन नहि।",
"micNotSendingData": "अपनइक क अनमट करन और इसकतर क समित करनिए अपनटर किग पर ज",
"micNotSendingDataTitle": "आपकइक आपकिटम सिस दन ह",
"micPermissionDeniedError": "आपन अपनइकन क उपयग करन अनमति नह। आप अभ समलन मिल ह सकत, लिन अनय लग आपक नह। इसक करनिए पतर ममर बटन क उपयग कर।",
"micTimeoutError": "ऑडित पभ नहि सक। समय समत ह गय!",
"micUnknownError": "अजत करण सइकन क उपयग नहि सकत।",
"muteEveryoneDialog": "क आप वकई सभट करनहत? आप उन अनमट नह कर प, लिन वि समय खद क अनमट कर सकत।",
"muteEveryoneElseDialog": "एक बर मट हद, आप उन अनमट नह कर प, लिन वि समय खद क अनमट कर सकत।",
"muteEveryoneElseTitle": "{{whom}} ककर सभट कर?",
"muteEveryoneElsesVideoDialog": "एक बर कमर अकषम ह पर, आप इसपस च नह कर प, लिन व इसि समय वपस च कर सकत।",
"muteEveryoneElsesVideoTitle": "{{whom}} ककर सभमर अकषम कर?",
"muteEveryoneSelf": "अपन आप",
"muteEveryoneStartMuted": "Everyone starts muted from now on",
"muteEveryoneTitle": "सभट कर?",
"muteEveryonesVideoDialog": "क आप वकई सभमर अकषम करनहत? आप इसपस च नह कर प, लिन व इसि समय वपस च कर सकत।",
"muteEveryonesVideoDialogOk": "अकषम कर",
"muteEveryonesVideoTitle": "सभमर अकषम कर?",
"muteParticipantBody": "आप उन अनमट नह कर प, लिन वि समय अनमट कर सकत।",
"muteParticipantButton": "मट",
"muteParticipantDialog": "क आप वकई इस परतिट करनहत? आप उन अनमट नह कर प, लिन वि समय खद क अनमट कर सकत।",
"muteParticipantTitle": "इस परतिट कर?",
"muteParticipantsVideoBody": "आप कमरपस च नह कर प, लिन व इसि समय वपस च कर सकत।",
"muteParticipantsVideoButton": "कमर अकषम कर",
"muteParticipantsVideoTitle": "इस परतिमर अकषम कर?",
"passwordLabel": "बठक म एक परति लगि गय। कपयिल हिए $t(lockRoomPassword) दरज कर।",
"passwordNotSupported": "मिग $t(lockRoomPassword) सट करन समरित नह।",
"passwordNotSupportedTitle": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) समरित नह",
"passwordRequired": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) क आवशयकत",
"popupError": "आपकउजर इस सइट सप-अप विक रह। कपय अपनउजर करकिस मप-अप क सकषम कर और परयस कर।",
"popupErrorTitle": "पप-अप अवरध",
"readMore": "अधिक",
"recording": "रििग",
"recordingDisabledBecauseOfActiveLiveStreamingTooltip": "सभव नह जब एक लइव सम सकिय ह",
"recordingDisabledTooltip": "रििग श करन अकषम कर.",
"rejoinNow": "प",
"remoteControlAllowedMessage": "{{user}} न आपकिट कल अनध सर कर लि!",
"remoteControlDeniedMessage": "{{user}} न आपकिट कल अनध असर कर दि!",
"remoteControlErrorMessage": "{{user}}सिट कल क अनमति अनध करत समय एक तिई!",
"remoteControlRequestMessage": "क आप {{user}} कर स अपनकटप किित करन अनमति?",
"remoteControlShareScreenWarning": "Note that if you press \"Allow\" you will share your screen!",
"remoteControlStopMessage": "रिट कल सतर समत ह गय!",
"remoteControlTitle": "रिट डकटप कल",
"removePassword": "नि $t(lockRoomPassword)",
"removeSharedVideoMsg": "क आप वकई अपनिए गए वििलनहत?",
"removeSharedVideoTitle": "सि गयिि",
"reservationError": "Reservation system error",
"reservationErrorMsg": "Error code: {{code}}, message: {{msg}}",
"retry": "परयस कर",
"screenSharingAudio": "Share audio",
"screenSharingFailed": "उफ! कछ गडबड गई, हम सन शयरिग श करन सकषम नह!",
"screenSharingFailedTitle": "Screen sharing failed!",
"screenSharingPermissionDeniedError": "उफ! आपकन शयरिग अनमतिछ गडबड गई ह। कपयड कर और परयस कर।",
"sendPrivateMessage": "You recently received a private message. Did you intend to reply to that privately, or you want to send your message to the group?",
"sendPrivateMessageCancel": "समह क",
"sendPrivateMessageOk": "निर पर भ",
"sendPrivateMessageTitle": "निर पर भ?",
"serviceUnavailable": "स अनपलबध",
"sessTerminated": "कल समत",
"sessionRestarted": "Call restarted because of a connection issue",
"shareVideoLinkError": "कपय एक सहब लिक परदन कर।.",
"shareVideoTitle": "एक वि कर",
"shareYourScreen": "अपनन स कर",
"shareYourScreenDisabled": "सन सकरण अकषम।",
"startLiveStreaming": "लइव सम पभ कर",
"startRecording": "रििग पभ कर",
"startRemoteControlErrorMessage": "रिट कल सतर श करनिश करत समय एक तिई!",
"stopLiveStreaming": "लइव सम बद कर",
"stopRecording": "Stop recording",
"stopRecordingWarning": "क आप वकई रििग ककनहत?",
"stopStreamingWarning": "क आप वकई लइव सिग ककनहत?",
"streamKey": "Live stream key",
"thankYou": " {{appName}} क उपयग करनिए धनयवद!",
"token": "टकन",
"tokenAuthFailed": "कषम कर, आपक इस कल मिल ह अनमति नह।",
"tokenAuthFailedTitle": "परमकरण विफल",
"transcribing": "परतिखन",
"unlockRoom": "मिग क $t(lockRoomPassword) नि",
"user": "उपयगकर",
"userIdentifier": "उपयगकर पहचनकर",
"userPassword": "उपयगकरसवरड",
"videoLink": "वििक",
"yourEntireScreen": "आपकन"
"documentSharing": {
"title": "स दस"
"e2ee": {
"labelToolTip": "इस कल पर ऑडि और विर एड-ट-एड एनिड ह"
"embedMeeting": {
"title": "Embed this meeting"
"feedback": {
"average": "औसत",
"bad": "ब",
"detailsLabel": "इसक अधिक बत।",
"good": "अच",
"rateExperience": "अपनठक क अनभव कट कर",
"veryBad": "बहत ब",
"veryGood": "बहत अच"
"helpView": {
"title": "सहयतर"
"incomingCall": {
"answer": "उततर",
"audioCallTitle": "आनल",
"decline": "खिज",
"productLabel": "जिट स",
"videoCallTitle": "आनिल"
"info": {
"accessibilityLabel": "जनकि",
"addPassword": "$t(lockRoomPassword)ज",
"cancelPassword": "$t(lockRoomPassword)रदद कर",
"conferenceURL": "लिक:",
"country": "दश",
"dialANumber": "अपनिग मिल हिए, इनमि एक नबर कयल कर और फिर पिन ड।",
"dialInConferenceID": "पिन:",
"dialInNotSupported": "कषम कर, वरतमन मयल करन समरित नह।",
"dialInNumber": "डयल-इन:",
"dialInSummaryError": "डयल-इन जनकिपयद मरयस कर।",
"dialInTollFree": "टल फ",
"genericError": "वस, कछ गलत ह गय।",
"inviteLiveStream": "इस बठक कइव सम दखनिए, इस लिक पर किक कर: {{url}}",
"invitePhone": "इसक बजय फन सिए, इस पर टप कर:: {{number}},,{{conferenceID}}#\n",
"invitePhoneAlternatives": "Looking for a different dial-in number?\nSee meeting dial-in numbers: {{url}}\n\n\nIf also dialing-in through a room phone, join without connecting to audio: {{silentUrl}}",
"inviteURLFirstPartGeneral": "आपक एक बठक मिल हिए आमित कि गय।",
"inviteURLFirstPartPersonal": "{{name}} आपकिग किए आमित कर रह।\n",
"inviteURLSecondPart": "\nबठक मिल ह:\n{{url}}\n",
"label": "डयल-इन जनक",
"liveStreamURL": "लइव सम:",
"moreNumbers": "अधिक स",
"noNumbers": "कई डयल-इन नबर नह।",
"noPassword": "कई नह",
"noRoom": "No room was specified to dial-in into.",
"numbers": "डयल-इन नबर",
"password": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase):",
"title": "स कर",
"tooltip": "इस मिग किए लिक और डयल-इन जनक कर"
"inlineDialogFailure": {
"msg": "We stumbled a bit.",
"retry": "परयस कर",
"support": "सहयत",
"supportMsg": "ऐसर बर ह रह, त समपरक कर "
"inviteDialog": {
"alertText": "कछ परतिि आमित करनिफल।",
"header": "आमित कर",
"searchCallOnlyPlaceholder": "फन नबर दरज कर",
"searchPeopleOnlyPlaceholder": "परतिि",
"searchPlaceholder": "परतिन नबर",
"send": "भ"
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"focusLocal": "अपनि पर कित कर",
"focusRemote": "कि अनय वयकिि पर कित कर",
"fullScreen": "View or exit full screen",
"keyboardShortcuts": "कड शटकटस",
"localRecording": "सय रििग निरण दिि",
"mute": "अपनइकन कट य अनमट कर",
"pushToTalk": "Push to talk",
"raiseHand": "अपनथ उठ कर",
"showSpeakerStats": "सकर आकडि",
"toggleChat": "चट खद कर",
"toggleFilmstrip": "विबनल दिि",
"toggleScreensharing": "कमर और सन शयरिग कच सिच कर",
"toggleShortcuts": "कड शटकट दिि",
"videoMute": "अपनमरभ यद कर"
"liveStreaming": {
"busy": "We're working on freeing streaming resources. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"busyTitle": "All streamers are currently busy",
"changeSignIn": "Switch accounts.",
"choose": "Choose a live stream",
"chooseCTA": "Choose a streaming option. You're currently logged in as {{email}}.",
"enterStreamKey": "Enter your YouTube live stream key here.",
"error": "Live Streaming failed. Please try again.",
"errorAPI": "An error occurred while accessing your YouTube broadcasts. Please try logging in again.",
"errorLiveStreamNotEnabled": "Live Streaming is not enabled on {{email}}. Please enable live streaming or log into an account with live streaming enabled.",
"expandedOff": "The live streaming has stopped",
"expandedOn": "The meeting is currently being streamed to YouTube.",
"expandedPending": "The live streaming is being started...",
"failedToStart": "Live Streaming failed to start",
"getStreamKeyManually": "We weren’t able to fetch any live streams. Try getting your live stream key from YouTube.",
"googlePrivacyPolicy": "Google Privacy Policy",
"invalidStreamKey": "Live stream key may be incorrect.",
"limitNotificationDescriptionNative": "Your streaming will be limited to {{limit}} min. For unlimited streaming try {{app}}.",
"limitNotificationDescriptionWeb": "Due to high demand your streaming will be limited to {{limit}} min. For unlimited streaming try <a href={{url}} rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>{{app}}</a>.",
"off": "Live Streaming stopped",
"offBy": "{{name}} stopped the live streaming",
"on": "Live Streaming started",
"onBy": "{{name}} started the live streaming",
"pending": "Starting Live Stream...",
"serviceName": "Live Streaming service",
"signIn": "Sign in with Google",
"signInCTA": "Sign in or enter your live stream key from YouTube.",
"signOut": "Sign out",
"signedInAs": "You are currently signed in as:",
"start": "Start a live stream",
"streamIdHelp": "What's this?",
"title": "सरसरण",
"unavailableTitle": "Live Streaming unavailable",
"youtubeTerms": "YouTube terms of services"
"lobby": {
"allow": "अनमति",
"backToKnockModeButton": "कई पसवरड नह, इसक बजय जिए कह",
"dialogTitle": "लड",
"disableDialogContent": "लड वरतमन म सकषम ह। यह सििित करति अवित परति आपकिग मिल नह सकत। क आप इस अकषम करनहत?",
"disableDialogSubmit": "अकषम कर",
"emailField": "अपन ईमल पत दरज कर",
"enableDialogPasswordField": "पसवरड सट कर (वकलिक)",
"enableDialogSubmit": "सकषम कर",
"enableDialogText": "Lobby mode lets you protect your meeting by only allowing people to enter after a formal approval by a moderator.",
"enterPasswordButton": "मिग पसवरड दरज कर",
"enterPasswordTitle": "मिग मिल हिए पसवरड दरज कर",
"invalidPassword": "अमय पसवरड",
"joinRejectedMessage": "आपक अनध एक मडरटर द असर कर दि गय.",
"joinTitle": "मिग मिल ह",
"joinWithPasswordMessage": "पसवरड कथ जिश कर रह, कपयरत कर...",
"joiningMessage": "जई आपक अनध कर करत आप बठक मिल ह",
"joiningTitle": "मिग मिल हिए कह रह...",
"joiningWithPasswordTitle": "पसवरड कथ ज...",
"knockButton": "जिए कह ",
"knockTitle": "कई वयकिठक मिल हहत",
"knockingParticipantList": "परति दसतक",
"nameField": "अपनम दरज कर",
"notificationLobbyAccessDenied": "{{targetParticipantName}} has been rejected to join by {{originParticipantName}}",
"notificationLobbyAccessGranted": "{{targetParticipantName}} has been allowed to join by {{originParticipantName}}",
"notificationLobbyDisabled": "ल {{originParticipantName}}द अकषम कर दि गय",
"notificationLobbyEnabled": "ल {{originParticipantName}}द सकषम कि गय",
"notificationTitle": "ल",
"passwordField": "मिग पसवरड दरज कर",
"passwordJoinButton": "Join",
"reject": "असर",
"title": "ल",
"toggleLabel": "ल सकषम कर"
"localRecording": {
"clientState": {
"off": "Off",
"on": "On",
"unknown": "Unknown"
"dialogTitle": "Local Recording Controls",
"duration": "Duration",
"durationNA": "N/A",
"encoding": "Encoding",
"label": "LOR",
"labelToolTip": "Local recording is engaged",
"localRecording": "Local Recording",
"me": "Me",
"messages": {
"engaged": "Local recording engaged.",
"finished": "Recording session {{token}} finished. Please send the recorded file to the moderator.",
"finishedModerator": "Recording session {{token}} finished. The recording of the local track has been saved. Please ask the other participants to submit their recordings.",
"notModerator": "You are not the moderator. You cannot start or stop local recording."
"moderator": "Moderator",
"no": "No",
"participant": "Participant",
"participantStats": "Participant Stats",
"sessionToken": "Session Token",
"start": "Start Recording",
"stop": "Stop Recording",
"yes": "Yes"
"lockRoomPassword": "पसवरड",
"lockRoomPasswordUppercase": "पसवरड",
"lonelyMeetingExperience": {
"button": "दसर आमित कर",
"youAreAlone": "मिग मवल आप ह"
"me": "म",
"notify": {
"OldElectronAPPTitle": "Security vulnerability!",
"connectedOneMember": "{{name}} मिग मिल हए",
"connectedThreePlusMembers": "{{name}} और {{count}} अनय लग मिग मिल हए",
"connectedTwoMembers": "{{first}} और {{second}} मिग मिल हआ",
"disconnected": "डिकनट",
"focus": "Conference focus",
"focusFail": "{{component}} उपलबध नह - {{ms}} सड मरयस कर",
"grantedTo": "Moderator rights granted to {{to}}!",
"invitedOneMember": "{{name}} क आमित कि गय",
"invitedThreePlusMembers": "{{name}} और {{count}} अनय ल आमित कि गय",
"invitedTwoMembers": "{{first}} और {{second}} क आमित कि गय",
"kickParticipant": "{{kicked}} क {{kicker}} दिक कि गय",
"me": "म",
"moderator": "मडरटर क अधिर दिए गए!",
"muted": "You have started the conversation muted.",
"mutedRemotelyDescription": "You can always unmute when you're ready to speak. Mute back when you're done to keep noise away from the meeting.",
"mutedRemotelyTitle": "आपक {{participantDisplayName}} दट कर दि गय!",
"mutedTitle": "आप मन ह!",
"newDeviceAction": "उपयग कर",
"newDeviceAudioTitle": "नए ऑडििइस क पत चल",
"newDeviceCameraTitle": "नए कमर पत चल",
"oldElectronClientDescription1": "आप जिट कट क एक पकरण क उपयग करतए दिई द, जिसमरक कमजित ह।",
"oldElectronClientDescription2": "नवनतम बिड",
"oldElectronClientDescription3": " अब!",
"passwordRemovedRemotely": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) कि अनय परति हटि गय",
"passwordSetRemotely": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) दसररतििित",
"raisedHand": "{{name}} बलन।",
"somebody": "Somebody",
"startSilentDescription": "ऑडि सकषम करनिए मिग किर स कर",
"startSilentTitle": "आप बि ऑडि आउटपट कथ शिल हए!",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "We are afraid your meeting experience isn't going to be that great here. We are looking for ways to improve this, but until then please try using one of the <a href='{{recommendedBrowserPageLink}}' target='_blank'>fully supported browsers</a>.",
"suboptimalExperienceTitle": "बउजर चवन",
"unmute": "अनमट",
"videoMutedRemotelyDescription": "You can always turn it on again.",
"videoMutedRemotelyTitle": "आपकमर {{participantDisplayName}}द अकषम कर दि गय!"
"passwordDigitsOnly": "Up to {{number}} digits",
"passwordSetRemotely": "दसररतििित",
"poweredby": "powered by",
"prejoin": {
"audioAndVideoError": "ऑडि और विि:",
"audioDeviceProblem": "आपक ऑडििइस मई समस",
"audioOnlyError": "ऑडिि:",
"audioTrackError": "ऑडिक नह बन सक",
"callMe": "मल कर",
"callMeAtNumber": "म इस नबर पर कल कर:",
"calling": "किग",
"configuringDevices": "डिइस किगर कर रह ...",
"connectedWithAudioQ": "You’re connected with audio?",
"connection": {
"good": "Your internet connection looks good!",
"nonOptimal": "Your internet connection is not optimal",
"poor": "आपकस एक खरब इटरनट कनशन ह"
"connectionDetails": {
"audioClipping": "We expect your audio to be clipped.",
"audioHighQuality": "We expect your audio to have excellent quality.",
"audioLowNoVideo": "We expect your audio quality to be low and no video.",
"goodQuality": "Awesome! Your media quality is going to be great.",
"noMediaConnectivity": "We could not find a way to establish media connectivity for this test. This is typically caused by a firewall or NAT.",
"noVideo": "We expect that your video will be terrible.",
"undetectable": "If you still can not make calls in browser, we recommend that you make sure your speakers, microphone and camera are properly set up, that you have granted your browser rights to use your microphone and camera, and that your browser version is up-to-date. If you still have trouble calling, you should contact the web application developer.",
"veryPoorConnection": "We expect your call quality to be really terrible.",
"videoFreezing": "We expect your video to freeze, turn black, and be pixelated.",
"videoHighQuality": "We expect your video to have good quality.",
"videoLowQuality": "We expect your video to have low quality in terms of frame rate and resolution.",
"videoTearing": "We expect your video to be pixelated or have visual artefacts."
"copyAndShare": "मिग लिक क और स कर ",
"dialInMeeting": "मिग मयल कर",
"dialInPin": "मिग मयल कर और पिन कड ड:",
"dialing": "डयलिग",
"doNotShow": "इस सन किर स न दि",
"errorDialOut": "डयल नह कर सक",
"errorDialOutDisconnected": "डयल नहि सक। डिकनट कि गय",
"errorDialOutFailed": "डयल नह कर सक। कल विफल",
"errorDialOutStatus": "डयल आउट सिित करनि",
"errorMissingName": "कपयठक मिल हिए अपनम दरज कर",
"errorStatusCode": "तियलिग आउट, सििड: {{status}}",
"errorValidation": "स सतपन विफल",
"iWantToDialIn": "मयल करनहत",
"initiated": "कल आरभ",
"joinAudioByPhone": "फन ऑडिथ ज",
"joinMeeting": "मिग मिल ह",
"joinWithoutAudio": "ऑडिि",
"linkCopied": "लिक किपबड पर कि गय",
"lookGood": "ऐस लगति आपकइकन ठक सम कर रह",
"or": "य",
"premeeting": "पिग",
"screenSharingError": "सन शयरिग ति:",
"showScreen": "पिग सन सकषम कर",
"startWithPhone": "फन ऑडि कर",
"videoOnlyError": "विि:",
"videoTrackError": "विक नह बन सक",
"viewAllNumbers": "सभबर द"
"presenceStatus": {
"busy": "वयसत",
"calling": "किग...",
"connected": "कनड",
"connecting": "कनिग...",
"connecting2": "कनिग*...",
"disconnected": "डिकनट कि गय",
"expired": "एकसपयरड",
"ignored": "Ignored",
"initializingCall": "Initializing Call...",
"invited": "आमित",
"rejected": "असत",
"ringing": "Ringing..."
"profile": {
"setDisplayNameLabel": "अपनम सट कर",
"setEmailInput": "ई-मल दरज कर",
"setEmailLabel": "Set अपनट ईमल सट कर",
"title": "पइल"
"raisedHand": "बलन",
"recording": {
"authDropboxText": "Upload to Dropbox",
"availableSpace": "Available space: {{spaceLeft}} MB (approximately {{duration}} minutes of recording)",
"beta": "BETA",
"busy": "We're working on freeing recording resources. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"busyTitle": "All recorders are currently busy",
"error": "Recording failed. Please try again.",
"expandedOff": "Recording has stopped",
"expandedOn": "The meeting is currently being recorded.",
"expandedPending": "Recording is being started...",
"failedToStart": "Recording failed to start",
"fileSharingdescription": "Share recording with meeting participants",
"limitNotificationDescriptionNative": "Due to high demand your recording will be limited to {{limit}} min. For unlimited recordings try <3>{{app}}</3>.",
"limitNotificationDescriptionWeb": "Due to high demand your recording will be limited to {{limit}} min. For unlimited recordings try <a href={{url}} rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>{{app}}</a>.",
"live": "LIVE",
"loggedIn": "Logged in as {{userName}}",
"off": "Recording stopped",
"offBy": "{{name}} stopped the recording",
"on": "Recording started",
"onBy": "{{name}} started the recording",
"pending": "Preparing to record the meeting...",
"rec": "REC",
"serviceDescription": "Your recording will be saved by the recording service",
"serviceDescriptionCloud": "Cloud recording",
"serviceName": "Recording service",
"signIn": "Sign in",
"signOut": "Sign out",
"title": "रििग",
"unavailable": "Oops! The {{serviceName}} is currently unavailable. We're working on resolving the issue. Please try again later.",
"unavailableTitle": "Recording unavailable"
"sectionList": {
"pullToRefresh": "Pull to refresh"
"security": {
"about": "You can add a $t(lockRoomPassword) to your meeting. Participants will need to provide the $t(lockRoomPassword) before they are allowed to join the meeting.",
"aboutReadOnly": "Moderator participants can add a $t(lockRoomPassword) to the meeting. Participants will need to provide the $t(lockRoomPassword) before they are allowed to join the meeting.",
"insecureRoomNameWarning": "The room name is unsafe. Unwanted participants may join your conference. Consider securing your meeting using the security button.",
"securityOptions": "Security options"
"settings": {
"calendar": {
"about": "The {{appName}} calendar integration is used to securely access your calendar so it can read upcoming events.",
"disconnect": "Disconnect",
"microsoftSignIn": "Sign in with Microsoft",
"signedIn": "Currently accessing calendar events for {{email}}. Click the Disconnect button below to stop accessing calendar events.",
"title": "Calendar"
"devices": "डिइस",
"followMe": "Everyone follows me",
"language": "भ",
"loggedIn": "Logged in as {{name}}",
"microphones": "मइकन",
"moderator": "Moderator",
"more": "More",
"name": "नम",
"noDevice": "कई नह",
"selectAudioOutput": "ऑडि आउटपट",
"selectCamera": "कमर",
"selectMic": "मइकन",
"speakers": "Speakers",
"startAudioMuted": "Everyone starts muted",
"startVideoMuted": "Everyone starts hidden",
"title": "सिग"
"settingsView": {
"advanced": "Advanced",
"alertCancel": "रदद कर",
"alertOk": "ओक",
"alertTitle": "चवन",
"alertURLText": "दरज कि गय सरवर URL अमय ह",
"buildInfoSection": "Build Information",
"conferenceSection": "समलन",
"disableCallIntegration": "Disable native call integration",
"disableCrashReporting": "कश रििग अकषम कर",
"disableCrashReportingWarning": "क आप वकई कश रििग क अकषम करनहत? एपिशन कनरभ करनद सिग लएग",
"disableP2P": "पयर-ट-पयर मड क अकषम कर",
"displayName": "नम",
"email": "ईमल",
"header": "सिग",
"profileSection": "पइल",
"serverURL": "सरवर URL",
"showAdvanced": "Show advanced settings",
"startWithAudioMuted": "Start with audio muted",
"startWithVideoMuted": "Start with video muted",
"version": "सकरण"
"share": {
"dialInfoText": "\n\n=====\n\nJust want to dial in on your phone?\n\n{{defaultDialInNumber}}Click this link to see the dial in phone numbers for this meeting\n{{dialInfoPageUrl}}",
"mainText": "मिग मिल हिए निन लिक पर किक कर:\n{{roomUrl}}"
"speaker": "Speaker",
"speakerStats": {
"hours": "{{count}}h",
"minutes": "{{count}}m",
"name": "नम",
"seconds": "{{count}}s",
"speakerStats": "Speaker Stats",
"speakerTime": "Speaker Time"
"startupoverlay": {
"genericTitle": "मिग क आपकइकन और कमर उपयग करन आवशयकत।",
"policyText": " ",
"title": "{{app}} क आपकइकन और कमर उपयग करन आवशयकत।"
"suspendedoverlay": {
"rejoinKeyTitle": "प",
"text": "फिर स कनट करनिए <i>Rejoin</i> बटन दब।",
"title": "आपकिल बित ह गयि यह कटर सप मड म चल गय "
"toolbar": {
"Settings": "सिग",
"accessibilityLabel": {
"Settings": "सिग टगल कर",
"audioOnly": "कवल ऑडिगल कर",
"audioRoute": "सड डिइस क चयन कर",
"callQuality": "विणवतरबित कर",
"cc": "टगल उपशषक",
"chat": "चट विगल कर",
"document": "स दसगल कर",
"download": "हम एपिशन डउनलड कर",
"embedMeeting": "एड मिग",
"feedback": "परतिि",
"fullScreen": "फल सन कगल कर",
"grantModerator": "Grant Moderator",
"hangup": "कल छ",
"help": "सहयत",
"invite": "ल आमित कर",
"kick": "Kick participant",
"lobbyButton": "लड क सकषम / अकषम कर",
"localRecording": "सय रििग निरणगल कर",
"lockRoom": "मिग पसवरड टगल कर",
"moreActions": "अधिक किगल कर",
"moreActionsMenu": "अधिक कि",
"moreOptions": "अधिक विकलप दि",
"mute": "टगल मट ऑडि",
"muteEveryone": "सभट कर",
"muteEveryoneElse": "सभट कर",
"muteEveryoneElsesVideo": "सभमर अकषम कर",
"muteEveryonesVideo": "सभमर अकषम कर",
"pip": "टगल पिचर-इन-पिचर मड",
"privateMessage": "निश भ",
"profile": "अपनइल सित कर",
"raiseHand": "Toggle raise hand",
"recording": "टगल रििग",
"remoteMute": "परतिट कर",
"remoteVideoMute": "परतिमर अकषम कर",
"security": "सरकिकलप",
"selectBackground": "पठभि चयन कर",
"shareRoom": "कि आमित कर",
"shareYourScreen": "टगल सनशयर",
"sharedvideo": "YouTube विकरण टगल कर",
"shortcuts": "शटकट टगल कर",
"show": "सज पर दि",
"speakerStats": "सकर ककडगल कर",
"tileView": "टगल टइल दय",
"toggleCamera": "कमरगल कर",
"toggleFilmstrip": "टगल फिमसिप",
"videomute": "टगल मट वि"
"addPeople": "अपनल म",
"audioOnlyOff": "कम बडविथ मड अकषम कर",
"audioOnlyOn": "कम बडविथ मड सकषम कर",
"audioRoute": "सड डिइस क चयन कर",
"audioSettings": "ऑडििस",
"authenticate": "Authenticate",
"callQuality": "विणवतरबित कर",
"chat": "ओपन / कज चट",
"closeChat": "कट",
"documentClose": "सिए गए दसद कर",
"documentOpen": "स दस",
"download": "हम एपिशन डउनलड कर",
"e2ee": "एड-ट-एड एनिशन",
"embedMeeting": "Embed meeting",
"enterFullScreen": "View full screen",
"enterTileView": "Enter tile view",
"exitFullScreen": "Exit full screen",
"exitTileView": "Exit tile view",
"feedback": "परतिि",
"hangup": "छ",
"help": "Help",
"invite": "ल आमित कर",
"lobbyButtonDisable": "लड क अकषम कर",
"lobbyButtonEnable": "लड सकषम कर",
"login": "लग इन",
"logout": "लगआउट",
"lowerYourHand": "Lower your hand",
"moreActions": "More actions",
"moreOptions": "अधिक विकलप",
"mute": "मट / अनमट",
"muteEveryone": "सभट कर",
"muteEveryonesVideo": "सभमर अकषम कर",
"noAudioSignalDesc": "यदि आपनिटम सिस यडवयर सनबझकर इसट नहि, तिइस किच करन पर विर कर",
"noAudioSignalDescSuggestion": "यदि आपनिटम सिस यडवयर सनबझकर इसट नहि, तए गए डिइस पर सिच करन पर विर कर",
"noAudioSignalDialInDesc": "आप डयल-इन क उपयग कर सकत:",
"noAudioSignalDialInLinkDesc": "डयल-इन नबर",
"noAudioSignalTitle": "आपकइक सई इनपट नह आ रह!",
"noisyAudioInputDesc": "ऐस लगति आपकइकन शर कर रह, कपयिइस कट करन बदलन पर विर कर",
"noisyAudioInputTitle": "आपकइकन शर कर रह!",
"openChat": "ओपन चट",
"pip": "पिचर-इन-पिचर मड",
"privateMessage": "निश भ",
"profile": "अपनइल सित कर",
"raiseHand": "अपनथ उठ / न कर",
"raiseYourHand": "अपनथ उठ",
"security": "सरकिकलप",
"selectBackground": "पठभि चयन कर",
"shareRoom": "कि आमित कर",
"sharedvideo": "एक YouTube वि कर",
"shortcuts": "शटकट द",
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"startScreenSharing": "सन सकरण पभ कर",
"startSubtitles": "Start subtitles",
"stopScreenSharing": "सन शयरिग बद कर",
"stopSharedVideo": "YouTube विद कर",
"stopSubtitles": "Stop subtitles",
"talkWhileMutedPopup": "बलनिश कर रह? आप मन ह",
"tileViewToggle": "टगल टइल दय",
"toggleCamera": "कमरगल कर",
"videoSettings": "वििस",
"videomute": "सट / सप कमर"
"transcribing": {
"ccButtonTooltip": "Start / Stop subtitles",
"error": "टसकिशनिग विफल रह। कपयन: परयस कर",
"expandedLabel": "वरतमन मसकिशनिग च",
"failedToStart": "टसकिशनिग पभ करनिफल",
"labelToolTip": "The meeting is being transcribed",
"off": "टसकिशनिग बद कर दि",
"pending": "Preparing to transcribe the meeting...",
"start": "उपशषक दि कर",
"stop": "उपशषक दिद कर",
"tr": "TR"
"userMedia": {
"androidGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>Allow</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions.",
"chromeGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>Allow</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions.",
"edgeGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>Yes</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions.",
"electronGrantPermissions": "Trying to access your camera and microphone",
"firefoxGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>Share Selected Device</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions.",
"iexplorerGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>OK</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions.",
"nwjsGrantPermissions": "Please grant permissions to use your camera and microphone",
"operaGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>Allow</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions.",
"react-nativeGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>Allow</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions.",
"safariGrantPermissions": "Select <b><i>OK</i></b> when your browser asks for permissions."
"videoSIPGW": {
"busy": "We're working on freeing resources. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"busyTitle": "The Room service is currently busy",
"errorAlreadyInvited": "{{displayName}} already invited",
"errorInvite": "Conference not established yet. Please try again later.",
"errorInviteFailed": "We're working on resolving the issue. Please try again later.",
"errorInviteFailedTitle": "Inviting {{displayName}} failed",
"errorInviteTitle": "Error inviting room",
"pending": "{{displayName}} has been invited"
"videoStatus": {
"audioOnly": "AUD",
"audioOnlyExpanded": "You are in low bandwidth mode. In this mode you will receive only audio and screen sharing.",
"callQuality": "Video Quality",
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"hdTooltip": "Viewing high definition video",
"highDefinition": "High definition",
"labelTooiltipNoVideo": "No video",
"labelTooltipAudioOnly": "Low bandwidth mode enabled",
"ld": "LD",
"ldTooltip": "Viewing low definition video",
"lowDefinition": "Low definition",
"sd": "SD",
"sdTooltip": "Viewing standard definition video",
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"videothumbnail": {
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"domute": "मट",
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"domuteVideo": "कमर अकषम कर",
"domuteVideoOfOthers": "Disable camera of everyone else",
"flip": "Flip",
"grantModerator": "Grant Moderator",
"kick": "Kick out",
"moderator": "Moderator",
"mute": "परतिन ह",
"muted": "मड",
"remoteControl": "सट / सप रिट कल",
"show": "सज पर दि",
"videoMuted": "कमर अकषम",
"videomute": "परतिमरद कर दि"
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"none": "कई नह",
"pleaseWait": "कपयरत कर ...",
"removeBackground": "पठभिि",
"title": "पठभि",
"uploadImage": "छवि अपलड कर"
"welcomepage": {
"accessibilityLabel": {
"join": "Tap to join",
"roomname": "Enter room name"
"appDescription": "आग बढ, पम कथ विट कर। वतव म, हर किि आप जनत, आमित कर। { {{app}} एक प तरह स एनिड, 100% ओपन सस वििग समन हिसक आप मत म - बिि आवशयकतिन, हर दिन, उपयग कर सकत।",
"audioVideoSwitch": {
"audio": "आवज",
"video": "वि"
"calendar": "कडर",
"connectCalendarButton": "अपनडर क कनट कर",
"connectCalendarText": "{{app}} म अपन सभिस दखनिए अपनडर स कनट कर। इसक अल, अपनडर म {{provider}} मिस ज और उन एक किक कथ पभ कर",
"enterRoomTitle": "एक नई बठक श कर",
"getHelp": "सहयतत कर",
"go": "GO",
"goSmall": "GO",
"headerSubtitle": "सरकित और उचच गणवतठक",
"headerTitle": "जिट",
"info": "डयल-इन जनक",
"jitsiOnMobile": "मइल पर Jitsi – हम एपिशन डउनलड कर और कह एक बठक श कर",
"join": "बन / ज ",
"moderatedMessage": "Or <a href=\"{{url}}\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">book a meeting URL</a> in advance where you are the only moderator.",
"privacy": "गपनयत",
"recentList": "हल क",
"recentListDelete": "परविि हट",
"recentListEmpty": "आपकल क वरतमन म। अपनम कथ चट कर और आपक अपन सभिठकि",
"reducedUIText": "{{app}} म आपकगत ह!",
"roomNameAllowedChars": " मिग नम म इनमई भ वरण नहिए: ?, &, :, ', \", %, #.",
"roomname": "ककष कम दरज कर",
"roomnameHint": "जिस ककष म आप शिल हहत उसकम य URL दरज कर। आप एक नम बन सकत, बस जिन ल आप मिल रह, उन यह बति उसम क दरज कर",
"sendFeedback": "फडबक भ",
"startMeeting": "मिग पभ कर",
"terms": "शर",
"title": "सरकित, प तरह सिित, और प तरह सत वििग"