$BookingPeriodToSmall = "The booking period is to small.";
$BookingPeriodToBig = "The booking period is to big.";
$BookingPeriodTimePickerError1 = "A booking period without a timepicker can not be made if the minimum and maximum time of a chunck differs from zero.";
$BookingPeriodTimePickerError2 = "A booking period with a timepicker can not be made if the maximum time is smaller than the minimum time of a chunck.";
$BookingPeriodTimePickerError3 = "A booking period with a timepicker can not be made if the maximum time of a chunck doesn\'t fit between the start and end date.";
$BookingPeriodHasSubscriptions = "The booking period has #NUM# active reservation(s), modifying the booking period is not possible";
$TimePickerMaxUsers = "* When the timepicker is being used, the maximum number of subscriptions is being ignored.";
$TimePickerMinMaxNull = "* If the minimum and maximum value of the timepicker is zero, the time can be chosen variably.";