* This script contains the actual html code to display the "header"
* or "banner" on top of every Dokeos page.
* @package dokeos.include
< div id = "header" > <!-- header section start -->
< div id = "header1" > <!-- top of banner with institution name/hompage link -->
< div id = "institution" >
< a href = " <?php echo api_get_path ( WEB_PATH ); ?> index.php" target = "_top" > <?php echo api_get_setting ( 'siteName' ) ?> </ a >
< a href = " <?php echo api_get_setting ( 'InstitutionUrl' ) ?> " target = "_top" > <?php echo api_get_setting ( 'Institution' ) ?> </ a >
< / div >
Course title section
if (isset ($_cid))
//Put the name of the course in the header
< div id = "my_courses" >< a href = " <?php echo api_get_path ( WEB_COURSE_PATH ) . $_course [ 'path' ]; ?> /index.php" target = "_top" >
echo $_course['name']." ";
if (api_get_setting("display_coursecode_in_courselist") == "true")
echo $_course['official_code'];
if(api_get_setting("use_session_mode") == "true" & & isset($_SESSION['session_name']))
echo ' ('.$_SESSION['session_name'].')';
if (api_get_setting("display_coursecode_in_courselist") == "true" AND api_get_setting("display_teacher_in_courselist") == "true")
echo " - ";
if (api_get_setting("display_teacher_in_courselist") == "true")
echo stripslashes($_course['titular']);
echo "< / a > < / div > ";
elseif (isset ($nameTools) & & $language_file != 'course_home')
//Put the name of the user-tools in the header
if (!isset ($_user['user_id']))
echo " ";
echo "< div id = \"my_courses\" > < a href = \"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?".api_get_cidreq(), " \ " target = \"_top\" > ", $nameTools, "< / a > < / div > ", "\n";
echo "< div id = \"my_courses\" > $nameTools< / div > \n";
//not to let the header disappear if there's nothing on the left
echo '< div class = "clear" > < / div > ';
Plugins for banner section
$web_course_path = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH);
External link section
if ($_course['extLink']['name'] != "") /* --- --- */
echo " / ";
if ($_course['extLink']['url'] != "")
echo "< a href = \"".$_course['extLink']['url']."\" target = \"_top\" > ";
echo $_course['extLink']['name'];
echo "< / a > ";
echo $_course['extLink']['name'];
echo "< / div > <!-- end of #header1 --> ";
echo '< div id = "header2" > ';
echo '< div id = "Header2Right" > ';
echo '< ul > ';
if ((api_get_setting('showonline','world') == "true" AND !$_user['user_id']) OR (api_get_setting('showonline','users') == "true" AND $_user['user_id']) OR (api_get_setting('showonline','course') == "true" AND $_user['user_id'] AND $_cid))
if(api_get_setting("use_session_mode") == "true" & & isset($_user['user_id']) & & api_is_coach())
echo "< li > < a href = '".api_get_path(WEB_PATH)."whoisonlinesession.php?id_coach=".$_user[' user_id ' ] . " & referer = ".urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])." ' target = '_top' > ".get_lang('UsersConnectedToMySessions')."< / a > < / li > ";
$statistics_database = Database :: get_statistic_database();
$number = count(WhoIsOnline(api_get_user_id(), $statistics_database, api_get_setting('time_limit_whosonline')));
$online_in_course = who_is_online_in_this_course(api_get_user_id(), api_get_setting('time_limit_whosonline'), $_course['id']);
$number_online_in_course= count( $online_in_course );
echo "< li > ".get_lang('UsersOnline').": ";
// Display the who's online of the platform
if ((api_get_setting('showonline','world') == "true" AND !$_user['user_id']) OR (api_get_setting('showonline','users') == "true" AND $_user['user_id']))
echo "< a href = '".api_get_path(WEB_PATH)."whoisonline.php' target = '_top' > ".$number."< / a > ";
// Display the who's online for the course
if ($_course AND api_get_setting('showonline','course') == "true")
echo "(< a href = '".api_get_path(WEB_PATH)."whoisonline.php?cidReq=".$_course[' sysCode ' ] . " ' target = '_top' > $number_online_in_course ".get_lang('InThisCourse')."< / a > )";
echo '< / li > ';
if ($_user['user_id'])
if (api_is_course_admin() & & api_get_setting('show_student_view') == 'true')
echo '< li > |';
echo '< / li > ';
/*if ( api_is_allowed_to_edit() )
if( $help != null)
// Show help
< li > |
< a href = "#" onclick = "MyWindow=window.open(' <?php echo api_get_path ( WEB_CODE_PATH ) . "help/help.php" ; ?> ?open= <?php echo $help ; ?> ','MyWindow','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=500,height=600,left=200,top=20'); return false;" >
< img src = " <?php echo api_get_path ( WEB_CODE_PATH ); ?> img/buoy.gif" style = "vertical-align: middle;" alt = " <?php echo get_lang ( "Help" ) ?> " /> <?php echo get_lang ( "Help" ) ?> </ li ></ a >
< / ul >
< / div >
<!-- link to campus home (not logged in)
< a href = " <?php echo api_get_path ( WEB_PATH ); ?> index.php" target = "_top" > <?php echo api_get_setting ( 'siteName' ); ?> </ a >
//not to let the empty header disappear and ensure help pic is inside the header
echo "< div class = \"clear\" > < / div > ";
< / div > <!-- End of header 2 -->
< div id = "header3" >
User section
if ($_user['user_id'])
<!-- start user section line with name, my course, my profile, scorm info, etc -->
< form method = "get" action = " <?php echo api_get_path ( WEB_PATH ); ?> index.php" class = "banner_links" target = "_top" >
< input type = "hidden" name = "logout" value = "true" / >
< input type = "hidden" name = "uid" value = " <?php echo $_user [ 'user_id' ]; ?> " />
< ul id = "logout" >
< li >
< input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = " <?php echo get_lang ( "Logout" ); ?> "
onmouseover="this.style.textDecoration='underline'" onmouseout="this.style.textDecoration='none'"
class="logout" style=" height:20px;" />
< / li >
< / ul >
< / form >
echo "< ul > \n";
$navigation = array();
// Link to campus homepage
$navigation[SECTION_CAMPUS]['url'] = api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'index.php';
$navigation[SECTION_CAMPUS]['title'] = get_lang('CampusHomepage');
if ($_user['user_id'])
// Link to my courses for teachers
$navigation['mycourses']['url'] = api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'user_portal.php?nosession=true';
$navigation['mycourses']['title'] = get_lang('MyCourses');
// Link to my courses for students
$navigation['mycourses']['url'] = api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'user_portal.php';
$navigation['mycourses']['title'] = get_lang('MyCourses');
// Link to active sessions
//$navigation[SECTION_ACTIVESESSIONS]['url'] = api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'user_portal.php';
//$navigation[SECTION_ACTIVESESSIONS]['title'] = get_lang('myActiveSessions');
// Link to inactive sessions
//$navigation[SECTION_INACTIVESESSIONS]['url'] = api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'user_portal.php?inactives';
//$navigation[SECTION_INACTIVESESSIONS]['title'] = get_lang('myInActiveSessions');
// Link to my courses
$navigation['mycourses']['url'] = api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'user_portal.php';
$navigation['mycourses']['title'] = get_lang('MyCourses');
// Link to my profile
$navigation['myprofile']['url'] = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'auth/profile.php'.(!empty($_course['path']) ? '?coursePath='.$_course['path'].'& courseCode='.$_course['official_code'] : '' );
$navigation['myprofile']['title'] = get_lang('ModifyProfile');
// Link to my agenda
$navigation['myagenda']['url'] = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'calendar/myagenda.php'.(!empty($_course['path']) ? '?coursePath='.$_course['path'].'& courseCode='.$_course['official_code'] : '' );
$navigation['myagenda']['title'] = get_lang('MyAgenda');*/
// Link to my space
$navigation['session_my_space']['url'] = api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'main/mySpace/';
$navigation['session_my_space']['title'] = get_lang('MySpace');
// Link to my progress
$navigation['session_my_progress']['url'] = api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'main/auth/my_progress.php';
$navigation['session_my_progress']['title'] = get_lang('MyProgress');
if (api_is_platform_admin())
// Link to platform admin
$navigation['platform_admin']['url'] = $rootAdminWeb;
$navigation['platform_admin']['title'] = get_lang('PlatformAdmin');
foreach($navigation as $section => $navigation_info)
$current = ($section == $GLOBALS['this_section'] ? ' id="current"' : '');
echo '< li ' . $ current . ' > ';
echo '< a href = "'.$navigation_info['url'].'" target = "_top" > '.$navigation_info['title'].'< / a > ';
echo '< / li > ';
echo "\n";
< / ul > <!-- small hack to have it look good in opera -->
< / div > <!-- end of header3 (user) section -->
< div id = "header4" >
* if the user is a coach he can see the users who are logged in its session
$navigation = array();
// part 1: Course Homepage. If we are in a course then the first breadcrumb is a link to the course homepage
if (isset ($_cid))
$navigation_item['url'] = $web_course_path . $_course['path'].'/index.php';
case 'get_lang':
$navigation_item['title'] = get_lang('CourseHomepageLink');
case 'course_code':
$navigation_item['title'] = $_course['official_code'];
$navigation_item['title'] = $_course['name'];
$navigation[] = $navigation_item;
// part 2: Interbreadcrumbs. If there is an array $interbreadcrumb defined then these have to appear before the last breadcrumb (which is the tool itself)
if (is_array($interbreadcrumb))
foreach($interbreadcrumb as $breadcrumb_step)
$sep = (strrchr($breadcrumb_step['url'], '?') ? '& ' : '?');
$navigation_item['url'] = $breadcrumb_step['url'].$sep.api_get_cidreq();
$navigation_item['title'] = $breadcrumb_step['name'];
$navigation[] = $navigation_item;
// part 3: The tool itself. If we are on the course homepage we do not want to display the title of the course because this
// is the same as the first part of the breadcrumbs (see part 1)
if (isset ($nameTools) AND $language_file< >"course_home")
$navigation_item['url'] = '#';
$navigation_item['title'] = $nameTools;
$navigation[] = $navigation_item;
foreach($navigation as $index => $navigation_info)
$navigation[$index] = '< a href = "'.$navigation_info['url'].'" target = "_top" > '.$navigation_info['title'].'< / a > ';
echo implode(' > ',$navigation);
< / div > <!-- end of header4 -->
echo '< div id = "toolshortcuts" > ';
echo '< / div > ';
if (isset ($dokeos_database_connection))
// connect to the main database.
// if single database, don't pefix table names with the main database name in SQL queries
// (ex. SELECT * FROM `table`)
// if multiple database, prefix table names with the course database name in SQL queries (or no prefix if the table is in
// the main database)
// (ex. SELECT * FROM `table_from_main_db` - SELECT * FROM `courseDB`.`table_from_course_db`)
mysql_select_db($_configuration['main_database'], $dokeos_database_connection);
< / div > <!-- end of the whole #header section -->
< div class = "clear" > < / div >
//to mask the main div, set $header_hide_main_div to true in any script just before calling Display::display_header();
global $header_hide_main_div;
if(!empty($header_hide_main_div) & & $header_hide_main_div===true)
//do nothing
< div id = "main" > <!-- start of #main wrapper for #content and #menu divs -->
"call for chat" module section
$chat = strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'chat_banner.php');
if (!$chat)
include_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH)."online.inc.php");
echo $accept;
$chatcall = chatcall();
if ($chatcall)
Display :: display_normal_message($chatcall);
Navigation menu section
if(api_get_setting('show_navigation_menu') != 'false' & & api_get_setting('show_navigation_menu') != 'icons')
if (isset($_cid) )
echo '< div id = "menuButton" > ';
echo $output_string_menu;
echo '< / div > ';
if($_SESSION['hideMenu'] =="shown")
if (isset($_cid) )
echo '< div id = "centerwrap" > <!-- start of #centerwrap --> ';
echo '< div id = "center" > <!-- start of #center --> ';
if (isset($_cid) )
echo '< div id = "centerwrap" > <!-- start of #centerwrap --> ';
echo '< div id = "center" > <!-- start of #center --> ';
<!-- Begin Of script Output -->