Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
2.3 KiB

<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$ResourceAdded = "Resurs dodan";
$LearningPath = "U<EFBFBD>na pot";
$LevelUp = "nivo vi<EFBFBD>e";
$AddIt = "Dodaj";
$MainCategory = "glavna kategorija";
$lang_delete_added_resources = "Odstrani dodane resurse";
$AddToLinks = "Dodaj k povezavam te<EFBFBD>aja";
$DontAdd = "ne dodaj";
$lang_show_all_added_resources = "Prika<EFBFBD>i vse dodane resurse";
$ResourcesAdded = "Dodani resursi";
$BackTo = "Nazaj na";
$ExternalResources = "Zunanji resursi";
$CourseResources = "Te<EFBFBD>ajevi resursi";
$ExternalLink = "Zunanja povezava";
$DropboxAdd = "Dodaj nabiralnikovo stran temu poglavju.";
$AddAssignmentPage = "Dodaj stran za prenos(upload) naloge temu poglavju.";
$Dropbox = "Nabiralnik";
$Assignments = "Zadol<EFBFBD>itve";
$Exercise = "Testi";
$Link = "Povezava";
$Forum = "Forum";
$AdValvas = "Obvestila";
$Document = "Dokument";
$ShowDelete = "Prika<EFBFBD>i / Bri<EFBFBD>i";
$IntroductionText = "Uvodno besedilo";
$CourseDescription = "Opis te<EFBFBD>aja";
$Groups = "Skupine";
$Users = "Uporabniki";
$IntroductionTextAdd = "Dodaj stran z uvodnim besedilom k temu poglavju.";
$CourseDescriptionAdd = "Dodaj stran z opisom te<EFBFBD>aja k temu poglavju.";
$GroupsAdd = "Dodaj stran skupine k temu poglavju.";
$UsersAdd = "Dodaj stran uporabnika k temu poglavju.";
$ExportableCourseResources = "Zmo<EFBFBD>nosti te<EFBFBD>aja, ki jih je mogo<EFBFBD>e izvoziti";
$DokeosRelatedCourseMaterial = "Dokeos zmo<EFBFBD>nosti te<EFBFBD>aja";
$LinkTarget = "Cilj povezave";
$SameWindow = "V istem oknu";
$NewWindow = "V novem oknu";
$StepDeleted1 = "Ta";
$StepDeleted2 = "element je bil odstranjen v tem orodju.";
$Modify = "spremeni";
$Chapter = "Poglavje";
$NoAgendaItems = "Ni nobenih zapisov agende";
$AgendaAdd = "Dodaj zapis agende";
$UserGroupFilter = "Filter (uporabnik/skupina)";
$AgendaSortChronologicallyUp = "Razvrsti zapise agende kronolo<EFBFBD>ko (nara<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>ajo&#269;e)";
$ShowCurrent = "Prika<EFBFBD>i trenutne zapise agende";
$ModifyCalendarItem = "Spremeni zapis agende";
$ItemTitle = "Naslov";
$Detail = "Podrobnosti";
$EditSuccess = "Urejanje je bilo uspe<EFBFBD>no";
$AddCalendarItem = "Dodaj zapis agende";
$AddAnn = "Dodaj obvestilo";
$ForumAddNewTopic = "Forum: dodaj novo temo";
$ForumEditTopic = "Forum : uredi temo";
$ExerciseAnswers = "Vaje & testi : Odgovori";
$ForumReply = "Forum: odgovor";
$AgendaSortChronologicallyDown = "Uredi zapise agende kronolo<EFBFBD>ko (padajo<EFBFBD>e)";