<?php // $Id: lp_view.php,v 1.33 2006/09/12 10:20:46 yannoo Exp $
* This file was origially the copy of document.php, but many modifications happened since then ;
* the direct file view is not needed anymore, if the user uploads a scorm zip file, a directory
* will be automatically created for it, and the files will be uncompressed there for example ;
* @package dokeos.learnpath
* @author Yannick Warnier < ywarnier @ beeznest . org > - redesign
* @author Denes Nagy, principal author
* @author Isthvan Mandak, several new features
* @author Roan Embrechts, code improvements and refactoring
* @license GNU/GPL - See Dokeos license directory for details
* Script
$_SESSION['whereami'] = 'lp/view';
header('location: lp_controller.php?action=view&item_id='.$_REQUEST['item_id']);
require_once('lp_comm.common.php'); //xajax functions
if ($is_allowed_in_course == false) api_not_allowed();
//$charset = 'UTF-8';
$charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
$oLearnpath = false;
$course_code = api_get_course_id();
$user_id = api_get_user_id();
//escape external variables
//$htmlHeadXtra[] = '< script type = "text/javascript" src = "lp_view.lib.js" > < / script > ';
$htmlHeadXtra[] = $xajax->getJavascript('../inc/lib/xajax/')."\n";
$_SESSION['oLP']->error = '';
$lp_type = $_SESSION['oLP']->get_type();
$lp_item_id = $_SESSION['oLP']->get_current_item_id();
//$lp_item_id = learnpath::escape_string($_GET['item_id']);
//$_SESSION['oLP']->set_current_item($lp_item_id); // already done by lp_controller.php
//Prepare variables for the test tool (just in case) - honestly, this should disappear later on
$_SESSION['scorm_view_id'] = $_SESSION['oLP']->get_view_id();
$_SESSION['scorm_item_id'] = $lp_item_id;
//reinit exercises variables to avoid spacename clashes (see exercise tool)
* Get a link to the corresponding document
$src = '';
case 1:
$htmlHeadXtra[] = '< script src = "scorm_api.php" type = "text/javascript" language = "javascript" > < / script > ';
$prereq_check = $_SESSION['oLP']->prerequisites_match($lp_item_id);
if($prereq_check === true){
$src = $_SESSION['oLP']->get_link('http',$lp_item_id);
$_SESSION['oLP']->start_current_item(); //starts time counter manually if asset
$src = 'blank.php?error=prerequisites';
case 2:
//save old if asset
$_SESSION['oLP']->stop_previous_item(); //save status manually if asset
$htmlHeadXtra[] = '< script src = "scorm_api.php" type = "text/javascript" language = "javascript" > < / script > ';
$prereq_check = $_SESSION['oLP']->prerequisites_match($lp_item_id);
if($prereq_check === true){
$src = $_SESSION['oLP']->get_link('http',$lp_item_id);
$_SESSION['oLP']->start_current_item(); //starts time counter manually if asset
$src = 'blank.php';
case 3:
$_SESSION['oLP']->stop_previous_item(); //save status manually if asset
$htmlHeadXtra[] = '< script src = "'.$_SESSION['oLP']->get_js_lib().'" type = "text/javascript" language = "javascript" > < / script > ';
$prereq_check = $_SESSION['oLP']->prerequisites_match($lp_item_id);
if($prereq_check === true){
$src = $_SESSION['oLP']->get_link('http',$lp_item_id);
$_SESSION['oLP']->start_current_item(); //starts time counter manually if asset
$src = 'blank.php';
case 4:
$nameTools = $_SESSION['oLP']->get_name();
$save_setting = get_setting("show_navigation_menu");
global $_setting;
$_setting['show_navigation_menu'] = false;
$lp_theme_css=$_SESSION['oLP']->get_theme(); //sets the css theme of the LP this call is also use at the frames (toc, nav, message)
if($_SESSION['oLP']->mode == 'fullscreen')
$htmlHeadXtra[] = "< script > window . open ( '$src' , 'content_name' , 'toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1' ) ; < / script > ";
//set flag to ensure lp_header.php is loaded by this script (flag is unset in lp_header.php)
$_SESSION['loaded_lp_view'] = true;
< frameset rows = "130,*" >
< frame id = "header" src = "lp_header.php" border = "0" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" / >
< frameset cols = "270,*" >
< frameset rows = "475,95,80,*" >
< frame id = "toc_id" name = "toc_name" class = "lp_toc" src = "lp_toc.php" border = "0" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" / >
< frame id = "nav_id" name = "nav_name" class = "lp_nav" src = "lp_nav.php" border = "0" frameborder = "0" / >
< frame id = "message_id" name = "message_name" class = "message" src = "lp_message.php" border = "0" frameborder = "0" / >
< frame id = "lp_log_id" name = "lp_log_name" class = "lp_log" src = "lp_log.php" border = "0" frameborder = "0" / >
< / frameset >
< frame id = "content_id_blank" name = "content_name_blank" src = "blank.php" border = "0" frameborder = "0" >
< / frame >
< / frameset >
< noframes >
This page relies heavily on frames. If your browser doesn't support frames, please try to find a better one. Some are available for free and run on multiple platforms. We recommend you try < a href = "http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/" > Firefox< / a > . Get it from its official website by clicking the link.
< / noframes >
< / frameset >
< / html >
$displayAudioRecorder = (api_get_setting('service_ppt2lp','active')=='true' & & api_get_setting('service_ppt2lp','path_to_lzx')!='') ? true : false;
//check if audio recorder needs to be in studentview
$audio_recorder_studentview = true;
$audio_recorder_studentview = false;
//set flag to ensure lp_header.php is loaded by this script (flag is unset in lp_header.php)
$_SESSION['loaded_lp_view'] = true;
< frameset rows = "130,*" >
< frame id = "header" src = "lp_header.php" border = "0" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" / >
< frameset cols = "270,*" >
< frameset rows = " <?php echo ( $displayAudioRecorder ? '60,' : '' ); ?> 600,70,80,*" >
if($displayAudioRecorder) //if audio recorder is required (set a few lines above)
echo '< frame id = "audiorecorder_id" name = "audiorecorder_name" src = "display_audiorecorder.php" border = "0" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" / > ';
< frame id = "toc_id" name = "toc_name" class = "lp_toc" src = "lp_toc.php" border = "0" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" / >
< frame id = "nav_id" name = "nav_name" class = "lp_nav" src = "lp_nav.php" border = "0" frameborder = "0" / >
< frame id = "message_id" name = "message_name" class = "message" src = "lp_message.php" border = "0" frameborder = "0" / >
< frame id = "lp_log_id" name = "lp_log_name" class = "lp_log" src = "lp_log.php" border = "0" frameborder = "0" / >
< / frameset >
< frame id = "content_id" name = "content_name" src = " <?php echo $src ; ?> " border = "0" frameborder = "0" >
< / frame >
< / frameset >
< noframes >
This page relies heavily on frames. If your browser doesn't support frames, please try to find a better one. Some are available for free and run on multiple platforms. We recommend you try < a href = "http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/" > Firefox< / a > . Get it from its official website by clicking the link.
< / noframes >
< / frameset >
< / html >
//restore global setting
$_setting['show_navigation_menu'] = $save_setting;