Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

49 lines
1.8 KiB

<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$ResourceAdded = "Liitteet on lis<EFBFBD>tty. Voit nyt palata oppimispolkuun tai lis<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD> uusia liitteit<EFBFBD>.";
$LearningPath = "Learning Path";
$LevelUp = "level up";
$AddIt = "Add it";
$MainCategory = "main category";
$lang_delete_added_resources = "Delete added resources";
$AddToLinks = "Add to the course links";
$DontAdd = "do not add";
$lang_show_all_added_resources = "Show all added resources";
$ResourcesAdded = "Added new resources";
$BackTo = "Back to";
$ExternalResources = "External resources";
$CourseResources = "Course resources";
$ExternalLink = "External link";
$DropboxAdd = "Add the dropbox page to this chapter.";
$AddAssignmentPage = "Add the upload assignment page to this chapter.";
$Assignments = "Assignments";
$Exercise = "Test";
$Link = "Link";
$AdValvas = "Ad Valvas";
$Document = "Document";
$ExportableCourseResources = "Siirrett<EFBFBD>vi<EFBFBD> kurssimateriaaleja";
$DokeosRelatedCourseMaterial = "Dokeokseen liittyvi<EFBFBD> kurssimateriaaleja";
$LinkTarget = "Linkin kohde";
$SameWindow = "Samassa ikkunassa";
$NewWindow = "Uudessa ikkunassa";
$StepDeleted1 = "T<EFBFBD>m<EFBFBD>";
$StepDeleted2 = "on poistettu t<EFBFBD>ss<EFBFBD> ty<EFBFBD>kalussa.";
$Modify = "Muokkaa";
$Chapter = "Kappale";
$NoAgendaItems = "Kalenterimerkint<EFBFBD>j<EFBFBD> ei ole";
$AgendaAdd = "Lis<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> merkint<EFBFBD>";
$UserGroupFilter = "Ryhm<EFBFBD> valitsin";
$AgendaSortChronologicallyUp = "J<EFBFBD>rjest<EFBFBD> merkinn<EFBFBD>t j<EFBFBD>rjesteykseen(vanhin ensin)";
$ShowCurrent = "N<EFBFBD>yt<EFBFBD> kalenterimerkinn<EFBFBD>t";
$ModifyCalendarItem = "Muokka kalenterimerkint<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>";
$ItemTitle = "Nimi";
$Detail = "Yksityiskohdat";
$EditSuccess = "Muokkaus onnistui";
$AddCalendarItem = "Lis<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> kalenterimerkint<EFBFBD>";
$AddAnn = "Lis<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> ilmoitus";
$ForumAddNewTopic = "Foorumi: lis<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> uusi aihe";
$ForumEditTopic = "Foorumi: muokkaa aihetta";
$ExerciseAnswers = "Teht<EFBFBD>v<EFBFBD>: Vastaus";
$ForumReply = "Foorumi: vastaus";