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/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
* API event handler functions for Scorm 1.1 and 1.2 and 1.3
* @author Denes Nagy <> (original author - 2003-2004)
* @author Yannick Warnier <> (extended and maintained - 2005-2014)
* @version v 1.1
* @access public
* @package chamilo.learnpath.scorm
* This script is divided into three sections.
* The first section (below) is the initialisation part.
* The second section is the SCORM object part
* The third section defines the event handlers for Chamilo's internal messaging
* and frames refresh
// If you open the imsmanifest.xml via local machine (f.ex.: file://c:/...), then the Apiwrapper.js
// of Maritime Navigation when trying to execute this row
// var result = api.LMSInitialize("");
// get the error response : you are not authorized to call this function
// Flag to allow for anonymous user - needs to be set before
$use_anonymous = true;
require_once '';
require_once 'learnpath.class.php';
require_once 'learnpathItem.class.php';
require_once 'scorm.class.php';
$file = (empty($_SESSION['file'])?'':$_SESSION['file']);
/** @var Learnpath $oLP */
$oLP = unserialize($_SESSION['lpobject']);
$oItem = isset($oLP->items[$oLP->current]) ? $oLP->items[$oLP->current] : null;
if (!is_object($oItem)) {
error_log('New LP - scorm_api - Could not load oItem item',0);
$autocomplete_when_80pct = 0;
$user = api_get_user_info();
header('Content-type: text/javascript');
?>var scorm_logs=<?php echo ((empty($oLP->scorm_debug) or (!api_is_course_admin() && !api_is_platform_admin()) )?'0':'3');?>; //debug log level for SCORM. 0 = none, 1=light, 2=a lot, 3=all - displays logs in log frame
12 years ago
var lms_logs = 0; //debug log level for LMS actions. 0=none, 1=light, 2=a lot, 3=all
// API Object initialization (eases access later on)
function APIobject() {
this.LMSInitialize=LMSInitialize; //for Scorm 1.2
this.Initialize=LMSInitialize; //for Scorm 1.3
this.Terminate=Terminate; //only in Scorm 1.3
this.save_asset = lms_save_asset;
this.void_save_asset = chamilo_void_save_asset;
// it is not sure that the scos use the above declarations. The following
// multiple declarations are to make sure we have an API object for each type of
var API = new APIobject(); //for scorm 1.2
var api = API;
var API_1484_11 = new APIobject(); //for scorm 1.3
var api_1484_11 = API_1484_11;
// SCORM-specific Error codes
var G_NoError = 0;
var G_GeneralException = 101;
var G_ServerBusy = 102; // this is not in the Scorm1.2_Runtime document
var G_InvalidArgumentError = 201;
var G_ElementCannotHaveChildren = 202;
var G_ElementIsNotAnArray = 203;
var G_NotInitialized = 301;
var G_NotImplementedError = 401;
var G_InvalidSetValue = 402;
var G_ElementIsReadOnly = 403;
var G_ElementIsWriteOnly = 404;
var G_IncorrectDataType = 405;
// SCORM-specific Error messages
var G_NoErrorMessage = '';
var G_GeneralExceptionMessage = 'General Exception';
var G_ServerBusyMessage = 'Server busy'; // this is not in the Scorm1.2_Runtime document
var G_InvalidArgumentErrorMessage = 'Invalid argument error';
var G_ElementCannotHaveChildrenMessage = 'Element cannot have children';
var G_ElementIsNotAnArrayMessage = 'Element not an array. Cannot have count';
var G_NotInitializedMessage = 'Not initialized';
var G_NotImplementedErrorMessage = 'Not implemented error';
var G_InvalidSetValueMessage = 'Invalid set value, element is a keyword';
var G_ElementIsReadOnlyMessage = 'Element is read only';
var G_ElementIsWriteOnlyMessage = 'Element is write only';
var G_IncorrectDataTypeMessage = 'Incorrect Data Type';
var olms = new Object();
//the last recorded error message was:
olms.G_LastError = G_NoError ;
olms.G_LastErrorMessage = 'No error';
//this is not necessary and is only provided to make bad Articulate contents shut up (and not trigger useless JS messages)
olms.G_LastErrorString = 'No error';
//these variables are provided for better control of the current status in the
// SCORM exchange
olms.commit = false;
// informative array helping to select variables to save, later on
olms.scorm_variables = new Array(
// manage variables to save or not
olms.variable_to_send=new Array();
// temporary list of variables (gets set to true when set through LMSSetValue)
olms.updatable_vars_list = new Array();
// Strictly scorm variables
olms.score=<?php echo $oItem->get_score();?>;
olms.max='<?php echo $oItem->get_max();?>';
olms.min='<?php echo $oItem->get_min();?>';
olms.lesson_status='<?php echo $oItem->get_status();?>';
olms.session_time='<?php echo $oItem->get_scorm_time('js');?>';
olms.suspend_data = '<?php echo $oItem->get_suspend_data();?>';
olms.lesson_location = '<?php echo $oItem->get_lesson_location();?>';
olms.total_time = '<?php echo $oItem->get_scorm_time('js');?>';
olms.mastery_score = '<?php echo $oItem->get_mastery_score();?>';
olms.launch_data = '<?php echo addslashes($oItem->get_launch_data()); ?>';
olms.max_time_allowed = '<?php echo $oItem->get_max_time_allowed();?>';
olms.interactions = new Array(<?php echo $oItem->get_interactions_js_array();?>);
olms.item_objectives = new Array();
olms.info_lms_item = new Array();
// Chamilo internal variables (not SCORM)
// olms.saved_lesson_status = 'not attempted';
olms.lms_lp_id = <?php echo $oLP->get_id();?>;
olms.lms_item_id = <?php echo $oItem->get_id();?>;
olms.lms_initialized = 0;
//olms.lms_total_lessons = <?php echo $oLP->get_total_items_count(); ?>;
//olms.lms_complete_lessons = <?php echo $oLP->get_complete_items_count();?>;
//olms.lms_progress_bar_mode = '<?php echo $oLP->progress_bar_mode;?>';
//if(lms_progress_bar_mode == ''){lms_progress_bar_mode='%';}
olms.lms_view_id = '<?php echo $oLP->get_view();?>';
if(olms.lms_view_id == ''){ olms.lms_view_id = 1;}
olms.lms_user_id = '<?php echo $_user['user_id'];?>';
olms.lms_next_item = '<?php echo $oLP->get_next_item_id();?>';
olms.lms_previous_item = '<?php echo $oLP->get_previous_item_id();?>';
olms.lms_lp_type = '<?php echo $oLP->get_type();?>';
olms.lms_item_type = '<?php echo $oItem->get_type();?>';
olms.lms_item_credit = '<?php echo $oItem->get_credit();?>';
olms.lms_item_lesson_mode = '<?php echo $oItem->get_lesson_mode();?>';
olms.lms_item_launch_data = '<?php echo addslashes($oItem->get_launch_data());?>';
olms.lms_item_core_exit = '<?php echo $oItem->get_core_exit();?>';
olms.lms_course_id = '<?php echo $oLP->get_course_int_id(); ?>';
olms.lms_session_id = '<?php echo api_get_session_id(); ?>';
olms.lms_course_code = '<?php echo $oLP->getCourseCode(); ?>';
<?php echo $oLP->get_items_details_as_js('olms.lms_item_types');?>
olms.asset_timer = 0;
olms.userfname = '<?php echo str_replace("'","\\'",$user['firstname']); ?>';
olms.userlname = '<?php echo str_replace("'","\\'",$user['lastname']); ?>';
olms.execute_stats = false;
* Add the "addListeners" function to the "onload" event of the window and
* start the timer if necessary (asset)
addEvent(window, 'load', addListeners, false);
// Initialize stuff when the page is loaded
$(document).ready(function() {
logit_lms('document.ready start');
olms.info_lms_item[0] = '<?php echo $oItem->get_id();?>';
olms.info_lms_item[1] = '<?php echo $oItem->get_id();?>';
$("#content_id").load(function() {
logit_lms('#content_id on load executing: ');
olms.info_lms_item[0] = olms.info_lms_item[1];
if (olms.lms_item_types['i'+olms.info_lms_item[1]] != 'sco') {
} else {
logit_lms('Cant execute LMSInitialize() (type is sco)',2);
//Seems that this objs are not used
//oXAJAX = new XAJAXobject();
//oxajax = new XAJAXobject();
// This code was moved inside LMSInitialize()
if (olms.lms_lp_type == 1 || olms.lms_item_type == 'asset' || olms.lms_item_type == 'document') {
* The following section represents a set of mandatory functions for SCORM
* Function called mandatorily by the SCORM content to start the SCORM comm
* This is the initialize function of all APIobjects
* @return string 'true' or 'false'. Returning a string is mandatory (SCORM).
function LMSInitialize() {
/* load info for this new item by calling the js_api_refresh command in
* the message frame. The message frame will update the JS variables by
* itself, in JS, by doing things like top.lesson_status = 'not attempted'
* and that kind of stuff, so when the content loads in the content frame
* it will have all the correct variables set
olms.G_LastError = G_NoError ;
olms.G_LastErrorMessage = 'No error';
olms.lms_initialized = 0;
// if there are more parameters than ""
if (arguments.length > 1) {
olms.G_LastError = G_InvalidArgumentError;
olms.G_LastErrorMessage = G_InvalidArgumentErrorMessage;
logit_scorm('Error '+ G_InvalidArgumentError + G_InvalidArgumentErrorMessage, 0);
} else {
//reinit the list of modified variables
// Get LMS values for this item
var params = {
'lid': olms.lms_lp_id,
'uid': olms.lms_user_id,
'vid': olms.lms_view_id,
'iid': olms.lms_item_id
type: "POST",
url: "lp_ajax_initialize.php",
data: params,
dataType: 'script',
async: false,
success:function(data) {
jQuery("video:not(.skip), audio:not(.skip)").mediaelementplayer();
olms.lms_initialized = 1;
// log a more complete object dump when initializing, so we know what data hasn't been cleaned
var log = '\nitem : '+ olms.lms_item_id
+ '\nitem_type : '+ olms.lms_item_type
+ '\nscore : '+ olms.score
+ '\nmax : '+ olms.max
+ '\nmin : '+ olms.min
+ '\nlesson_status : '+ olms.lesson_status
+ '\nsession_time : '+ olms.session_time
+ '\nlesson_location : '+ olms.lesson_location
+ '\nsuspend_data : '+ olms.suspend_data
+ '\ntotal_time : '+ olms.total_time
+ '\nmastery_score : '+ olms.mastery_score
+ '\nmax_time_allowed: '+ olms.max_time_allowed
+ '\ncredit : '+ olms.lms_item_credit
+ '\nlms_lp_id : '+ olms.lms_lp_id
+ '\nlms_user_id : '+ olms.lms_user_id
+ '\nlms_view_id : '+ olms.lms_view_id
logit_scorm('LMSInitialize() with params: '+log);
if (olms.lms_lp_type == 1 || olms.lms_item_type == 'asset' || olms.lms_item_type == 'document') {
if (olms.lms_item_type == 'quiz') {
update_toc(olms.lesson_status, olms.lms_item_id);
<?php if (api_get_setting('show_glossary_in_documents') == 'ismanual') { ?>
if (olms.lms_item_type == 'sco') {
} else {
<?php } elseif (api_get_setting('show_glossary_in_documents') == 'isautomatic') { ?>
<?php } ?>
* Twin sister of LMSInitialize(). Only provided for backwards compatibility.
* this is the initialize function of all APIobjects
function Initialize() {
return LMSInitialize();
* Gets a value in the current SCORM context and returns it to the calling SCO
* @param string The name of the value we want
* @return string All return values must be string (see SCORM)
function LMSGetValue(param) {
olms.G_LastError = G_NoError ;
olms.G_LastErrorMessage = 'No error';
var result='';
// the LMSInitialize is missing
if (olms.lms_initialized == 0) {
olms.G_LastError = G_NotInitialized;
olms.G_LastErrorMessage = G_NotInitializedMessage;
logit_scorm('LMSGetValue('+param+'):<br />=> Error '+ G_NotInitialized + ' ' +G_NotInitializedMessage, 0);
return '';
//Chamilo does not support these SCO object properties
if (param == 'cmi.student_preference.text' ||
param == 'cmi.student_preference.language' ||
param == 'cmi.student_preference.speed' ||
param == '' ||
param == 'cmi.student_preference._children' ||
param == 'cmi.student_data.time_limit_action' ||
param == 'cmi.comments' ||
param == 'cmi.comments_from_lms' ||
/* The following properties were part of SCORM 1.0 or never implemented at all
but seem to react badly to Captivate content producer when not defined */
param == 'cmi.student_demographics._children' ||
param == '' ||
param == 'cmi.student_demographics.class' ||
param == '' ||
param == '' ||
param == 'cmi.student_demographics.experience' ||
param == 'cmi.student_demographics.familiar_name' ||
param == 'cmi.student_demographics.instructor_name' ||
param == 'cmi.student_demographics.title' ||
param == 'cmi.student_demographics.native_language' ||
param == 'cmi.student_demographics.state' ||
param == 'cmi.student_demographics.street_address' ||
param == 'cmi.student_demographics.telephone' ||
param == 'cmi.student_demographics.years_experience' ) {
// the value is not supported
olms.G_LastError = G_NotImplementedError ;
olms.G_LastErrorString = G_NotImplementedErrorMessage;
logit_scorm("LMSGetValue ('"+param+"') Error '"+G_NotImplementedErrorMessage+"'",1);
result = '';
return result;
if (param=='cmi.student_demographics.first_name') {
} else if(param=='cmi.student_demographics.last_name') {
// ---- cmi.core._children
} else if(param=='cmi.core._children' || param=='cmi.core_children'){
result='entry, exit, lesson_status, student_id, student_name, lesson_location, total_time, credit, lesson_mode, score, session_time';
} else if(param == 'cmi.core.entry'){
// ---- cmi.core.entry
if(olms.lms_item_core_exit=='none') {
} else if(olms.lms_item_core_exit=='suspend') {
} else {
} else if(param == 'cmi.core.exit'){
// ---- cmi.core.exit
olms.G_LastError = G_ElementIsWriteOnly;
} else if(param == 'cmi.core.session_time'){
olms.G_LastError = G_ElementIsWriteOnly;
} else if(param == 'cmi.core.lesson_status'){
// ---- cmi.core.lesson_status
if(olms.lesson_status != '') {
} else {
//result='not attempted';
} else if(param == 'cmi.core.student_id'){
// ---- cmi.core.student_id
result='<?php echo $_user['user_id']; ?>';
} else if(param == 'cmi.core.student_name'){
// ---- cmi.core.student_name
$who = addslashes($_user['complete_name']);
echo "result='$who';";
} else if(param == 'cmi.core.lesson_location'){
// ---- cmi.core.lesson_location
} else if(param == 'cmi.core.total_time'){
// ---- cmi.core.total_time
} else if(param == 'cmi.core.score._children'){
// ---- cmi.core.score._children
} else if(param == 'cmi.core.score.raw'){
// ---- cmi.core.score.raw
} else if(param == 'cmi.core.score.max'){
// ---- cmi.core.score.max
} else if(param == 'cmi.core.score.min'){
// ---- cmi.core.score.min
} else if(param == 'cmi.core.score'){
// ---- cmi.core.score -- non-standard item, provided as cmi.core.score.raw just in case
} else if(param == ''){
// ----
result = olms.lms_item_credit;
} else if(param == 'cmi.core.lesson_mode'){
// ---- cmi.core.lesson_mode
result = olms.lms_item_lesson_mode;
} else if(param == 'cmi.suspend_data'){
// ---- cmi.suspend_data
result = olms.suspend_data;
} else if(param == 'cmi.launch_data'){
// ---- cmi.launch_data
result = olms.lms_item_launch_data;
} else if(param == 'cmi.objectives._children'){
// ---- cmi.objectives._children
result = 'id,score,status';
} else if(param == 'cmi.objectives._count'){
// ---- cmi.objectives._count
//result='<?php echo $oItem->get_view_count();?>';
result = olms.item_objectives.length;
} else if(param.substring(0,15)== 'cmi.objectives.'){
var myres = '';
if(myres = param.match(/cmi.objectives.(\d+).(id|score|status|_children)(.*)/)) {
var obj_id = myres[1];
var req_type = myres[2];
if(olms.item_objectives[obj_id]==null) {
if(req_type == 'id') {
result = '';
} else if(req_type == '_children'){
result = 'id,score,status';
} else if(req_type == 'score'){
if(myres[3]==null) {
result = '';
olms.G_LastError = G_NotImplementedError;
olms.G_LastErrorString = 'Not implemented yet';
}else if (myres[3] == '._children'){
result = 'raw,min,max'; //non-standard, added for NetG
}else if (myres[3] == '.raw'){
result = '';
}else if (myres[3] == '.max'){
result = '';
}else if (myres[3] == '.min'){
result = '';
result = '';
olms.G_LastError = G_NotImplementedError;
olms.G_LastErrorString = 'Not implemented yet';
}else if(req_type == 'status'){
result = 'not attempted';
} else {
//the object is not null
if(req_type == 'id') {
result = olms.item_objectives[obj_id][0];
} else if(req_type == '_children'){
result = 'id,score,status';
} else if(req_type == 'score'){
if(myres[3]==null) {
result = '';
olms.G_LastError = G_NotImplementedError;
olms.G_LastErrorString = 'Not implemented yet';
} else if (myres[3] == '._children'){
result = 'raw,min,max'; //non-standard, added for NetG
} else if (myres[3] == '.raw'){
if(olms.item_objectives[obj_id][2] != null)
result = olms.item_objectives[obj_id][2];
result = '';
} else if (myres[3] == '.max'){
if(olms.item_objectives[obj_id][3] != null) {
result = olms.item_objectives[obj_id][3];
result = '';
} else if (myres[3] == '.min') {
if(olms.item_objectives[obj_id][4] != null) {
result = olms.item_objectives[obj_id][4];
} else {
result = '';
} else{
result = '';
olms.G_LastError = G_NotImplementedError;
olms.G_LastErrorString = 'Not implemented yet';
} else if(req_type == 'status'){
if(olms.item_objectives[obj_id][1] != null) {
result = olms.item_objectives[obj_id][1];
} else {
result = 'not attempted';
} else if(param == 'cmi.student_data._children'){
// ---- cmi.student_data._children
result = 'mastery_score,max_time_allowed';
} else if(param == 'cmi.student_data.mastery_score'){
// ---- cmi.student_data.mastery_score
result = olms.mastery_score;
} else if(param == 'cmi.student_data.max_time_allowed'){
// ---- cmi.student_data.max_time_allowed
result = olms.max_time_allowed;
} else if(param == 'cmi.interactions._count'){
// ---- cmi.interactions._count
result = olms.interactions.length;
} else if(param == 'cmi.interactions._children'){
// ---- cmi.interactions._children
result = 'id,time,type,correct_responses,weighting,student_response,result,latency';
} else {
// ---- anything else
// Invalid argument error
olms.G_LastError = G_InvalidArgumentError ;
olms.G_LastErrorString = G_InvalidArgumentErrorMessage;
logit_scorm("LMSGetValue ('"+param+"') Error '"+G_InvalidArgumentErrorMessage+"'",1);
result = '';
return result;
logit_scorm("LMSGetValue\n\t('"+param+"') returned '"+result+"'",1);
return result;
* Twin sister of LMSGetValue(). Only provided for backwards compatibility.
function GetValue(param) {
return LMSGetValue(param);
* Sets a SCORM variable's value through a call from the SCO.
* @param string The SCORM variable's name
* @param string The SCORM variable's new value
* @param string 'true','false' or an error code
function LMSSetValue(param, val) {
logit_scorm("LMSSetValue ('"+param+"','"+val+"')",0);
logit_scorm("Checking olms.lms_item_id " + olms.lms_item_id);
olms.commit = true; //value has changed, need to re-commit
olms.G_LastError = G_NoError ;
olms.G_LastErrorMessage = 'No error';
return_value = 'false';
if ( param == "cmi.core.score.raw" ) {
olms.score= val;
} else if ( param == "cmi.core.score.max" ) {
olms.max = val;
} else if ( param == "cmi.core.score.min" ) {
olms.min = val;
} else if ( param == "cmi.core.lesson_location" ) {
olms.lesson_location = val;
} else if ( param == "cmi.core.lesson_status" ) {
olms.lesson_status = val;
olms.updatable_vars_list['cmi.core.lesson_status'] = true;
} else if ( param == "cmi.completion_status" ) {
olms.lesson_status = val;
return_value='true'; //1.3
} else if ( param == "cmi.core.session_time" ) {
olms.session_time = val;
} else if ( param == "cmi.score.scaled") { //1.3
if (val<=1 && val>=-1) {
olms.score = val ;
} else {
} else if ( param == "cmi.success_status" ) {
success_status = val;
return_value='true'; //1.3
} else if ( param == "cmi.suspend_data" ) {
olms.suspend_data = val;
} else if ( param == "cmi.core.exit" ) {
olms.lms_item_core_exit = val;
} else if ( param == "cmi.core.student_id" ) {
olms.G_LastError = G_ElementIsReadOnly;
} else if ( param == "cmi.core.student_name" ) {
olms.G_LastError = G_ElementIsReadOnly;
} else if ( param == "" ) {
olms.G_LastError = G_ElementIsReadOnly;
} else if ( param == "cmi.core.entry" ) {
olms.G_LastError = G_ElementIsReadOnly;
} else if ( param == "cmi.core.total_time" ) {
olms.G_LastError = G_ElementIsReadOnly;
} else if ( param == "cmi.core.lesson_mode" ) {
olms.G_LastError = G_ElementIsReadOnly;
} else if ( param == "cmi.comments_from_lms" ) {
olms.G_LastError = G_ElementIsReadOnly;
} else if ( param == "cmi.student_data.time_limit_action" ) {
olms.G_LastError = G_ElementIsReadOnly;
} else if ( param == "cmi.student_data.mastery_score" ) {
olms.G_LastError = G_ElementIsReadOnly;
} else if ( param == "cmi.student_data.max_time_allowed" ) {
olms.G_LastError = G_ElementIsReadOnly;
} else if ( param == "cmi.student_preference._children" ) {
olms.G_LastError = G_ElementIsReadOnly;
} else if ( param == "cmi.launch_data" ) {
olms.G_LastError = G_ElementIsReadOnly;
} else {
var myres = new Array();
if(myres = param.match(/cmi.interactions.(\d+).(id|time|type|correct_responses|weighting|student_response|result|latency)(.*)/)) {
elem_id = myres[1];
//interactions setting should start at 0
if(elem_id > olms.interactions.length) {
olms.G_LastError = G_InvalidArgumentError;
olms.G_LastErrorString = 'Invalid argument (interactions)';
return_value = false;
olms.interactions[0] = ['0','','','','','','',''];
if(olms.interactions[elem_id] == null) {
olms.interactions[elem_id] = ['','','','','','','',''];
//id(0), type(1), time(2), weighting(3),correct_responses(4),student_response(5),result(6),latency(7)
olms.interactions[elem_id][4] = new Array();
elem_attrib = myres[2];
switch (elem_attrib) {
case "id":
olms.interactions[elem_id][0] = val;
logit_scorm("Interaction "+elem_id+"'s id updated",2);
case "time":
olms.interactions[elem_id][2] = val;
logit_scorm("Interaction "+elem_id+"'s time updated",2);
case "type":
olms.interactions[elem_id][1] = val;
logit_scorm("Interaction "+elem_id+"'s type updated",2);
case "correct_responses":
//do nothing yet
logit_scorm("Interaction "+elem_id+"'s correct_responses not updated",2);
case "weighting":
olms.interactions[elem_id][3] = val;
logit_scorm("Interaction "+elem_id+"'s weighting updated",2);
case "student_response":
olms.interactions[elem_id][5] = ''+val;
logit_scorm("Interaction "+elem_id+"'s student_response updated",2);
case "result":
olms.interactions[elem_id][6] = val;
logit_scorm("Interaction "+elem_id+"'s result updated",2);
case "latency":
olms.interactions[elem_id][7] = val;
logit_scorm("Interaction "+elem_id+"'s latency updated",2);
olms.G_LastError = G_NotImplementedError;
olms.G_LastErrorString = 'Not implemented yet';
} else if(param.substring(0,15)== 'cmi.objectives.') {
var myres = '';
if(myres = param.match(/cmi.objectives.(\d+).(id|score|status)(.*)/)) {
obj_id = myres[1];
//objectives setting should start at 0
if(obj_id > olms.item_objectives.length) {
olms.G_LastError = G_InvalidArgumentError;
olms.G_LastErrorString = 'Invalid argument (objectives)';
return_value = false;
} else {
req_type = myres[2];
if(obj_id == null || obj_id == '') {
;//do nothing
} else {
if(olms.item_objectives[obj_id]==null) {
olms.item_objectives[obj_id] = ['','','','',''];
if( req_type == "id" ) {
//olms.item_objectives[obj_id][0] = val.substring(51,57);
olms.item_objectives[obj_id][0] = val;
logit_scorm("Objective "+obj_id+"'s id updated",2);
return_value = 'true';
} else if ( req_type == "score" ) {
if (myres[3] == '._children'){
return_value = '';
olms.G_LastError = G_InvalidSetValue;
olms.G_LastErrorString = 'Invalid set value, element is a keyword';
} else if (myres[3] == '.raw'){
olms.item_objectives[obj_id][2] = val;
logit_scorm("Objective "+obj_id+"'s score raw updated",2);
return_value = 'true';
} else if (myres[3] == '.max'){
olms.item_objectives[obj_id][3] = val;
logit_scorm("Objective "+obj_id+"'s score max updated",2);
return_value = 'true';
} else if (myres[3] == '.min'){
olms.item_objectives[obj_id][4] = val;
logit_scorm("Objective "+obj_id+"'s score min updated",2);
return_value = 'true';
} else{
return_value = '';
olms.G_LastError = G_NotImplementedError;
olms.G_LastErrorString = 'Not implemented yet';
} else if ( req_type == "status" ) {
olms.item_objectives[obj_id][1] = val;
logit_scorm("Objective "+obj_id+"'s status updated",2);
return_value = 'true';
} else {
olms.G_LastError = G_NotImplementedError;
olms.G_LastErrorString = 'Not implemented yet';
} else {
olms.G_LastError = G_NotImplementedError;
olms.G_LastErrorString = G_NotImplementedErrorMessage;
if ($oLP->force_commit == 1){
echo " var mycommit = LMSCommit('force');";
* Twin sister of LMSSetValue(). Only provided for backwards compatibility.
function SetValue(param, val) {
return LMSSetValue(param, val);
* Saves the current data from JS memory to the LMS database
* @param string The origin of the call to save the data ('commit','finish', 'unload' or 'terminate')
* @note origin actually seems deprecated now
function savedata(origin) {
//origin can be 'commit', 'finish' or 'terminate' (depending on the calling function)
logit_lms('function savedata() with origin: ' + origin, 3);
//Status is NOT modified here see the lp_ajax_save_item.php file
if (olms.lesson_status != '') {
olms.updatable_vars_list['cmi.core.lesson_status'] = true;
old_item_id = olms.info_lms_item[0];
var item_to_save = olms.lms_item_id;
logit_lms('item_to_save original: ' + item_to_save, 3);
//If saving session_time value we asume that is from the old item not the current one
if (olms.session_time != '' && olms.session_time != '0') {
logit_lms('item_to_save changed to: ' + old_item_id, 3);
item_to_save = old_item_id;
logit_lms('item_to_save final: ' + item_to_save, 3);
//Original behaviour
//xajax_save_item_scorm(olms.lms_lp_id, olms.lms_user_id, olms.lms_view_id, old_item_id);
//Modified version
xajax_save_item_scorm(olms.lms_lp_id, olms.lms_user_id, olms.lms_view_id, item_to_save);
olms.info_lms_item[1] = olms.lms_item_id;
if (olms.item_objectives.length > 0) {
xajax_save_objectives(olms.lms_lp_id,olms.lms_user_id,olms.lms_view_id, old_item_id, olms.item_objectives);
olms.execute_stats = false;
//clean array
olms.variable_to_send = new Array();
* Send the Commit signal to the LMS (save the data for this element without
* closing the current process)
* From SCORM 1.2 RTE: If the API Adapter is caching values received from the
* SCO via an LMSSetValue(), this call requires that any values not yet
* persisted by the LMS be persisted.
* @param string Must be empty string for conformance with SCORM 1.2
function LMSCommit(val) {
logit_scorm('LMSCommit() + val');
olms.G_LastError = G_NoError ;
olms.G_LastErrorMessage = 'No error';
//commit = 'false' ; //now changes have been commited, no need to update until next SetValue()
* Twin sister of LMSCommit(). Only provided for backwards compatibility.
function Commit(val) {
return LMSCommit(val);
* Send the closure signal to the LMS. This saves the data and closes the current SCO.
* From SCORM 1.2 RTE: The SCO must call this when it has determined that it no
* longer needs to communicate with the LMS, if it successfully called
* LMSInitialize at any previous point. This call signifies two things:
* 1.The SCO can be assured that any data set using LMSSetValue() calls has been persisted by the LMS.
* 2.The SCO has finished communicating with the LMS.
* @param string
function LMSFinish(val) {
olms.G_LastError = G_NoError ;
olms.G_LastErrorMessage = 'No error';
// if olms.commit == false, then the SCORM didn't ask for a commit, so we
// should at least report that
if ( !olms.commit ) {
logit_scorm('LMSFinish() (no LMSCommit())',1);
//if ( olms.commit ) {
logit_scorm('LMSFinish() called',1);
olms.commit = false;
//reinit the list of modified variables
* Twin sister of LMSFinish(). Only provided for backwards compatibility.
function Finish(val) {
return LMSFinish(val);
* Returns the last error code as a string
* @return string Error code
function LMSGetLastError() {
* Twin sister of LMSGetLastError(). Only provided for backwards compatibility.
function GetLastError() {
return LMSGetLastError();
* Returns the last error code literal for a given error code
* @param int Error code
* @return string Last error
function LMSGetErrorString(errCode){
* Twin sister of LMSGetErrorString(). Only provided for backwards compatibility.
function GetErrorString(errCode){
return LMSGetErrorString(errCode);
* Returns a more explanatory, full English, error message
* @param int Error code
* @return string Diagnostic
function LMSGetDiagnostic(errCode){
* Twin sister of LMSGetDiagnostic(). Only provided for backwards compatibility.
function GetDiagnostic(errCode){
return LMSGetDiagnostic(errCode);
* Acts as a "commit"
* This function is not standard SCORM 1.2 and is probably deprecated in all
* meanings of the term.
* @return string 'true' or 'false', depening on whether the LMS has initialized the SCORM process or not
function Terminate() {
if (olms.lms_initialized == 0) {
olms.G_LastError = G_NotInitialized;
olms.G_LastErrorMessage = G_NotInitializedMessage;
logit_scorm('Error '+ G_NotInitialized + G_NotInitializedMessage, 0);
} else {
olms.G_LastError = G_NoError ;
olms.G_LastErrorMessage = 'No error';
olms.commit = true;
return ('true');
* LMS-specific code that deals with event handling and inter-frames
* messaging/refreshing.
* Note that from now on, the LMS JS code in this library will act as
* a controller, of the MVC pattern, and receive all requests for frame
* updates, then redispatch to any frame concerned.
* Defining the AJAX-object class to be made available from other frames
function XAJAXobject() {
this.xajax_switch_item_details = xajax_switch_item_details;
this.switch_item = switch_item;
this.xajax_save_objectives = xajax_save_objectives;
this.xajax_save_item = xajax_save_item;
* Cross-browser event handling by Scott Andrew
* @param element Element that needs an event attached
* @param string Event type (load, unload, click, keyDown, ...)
* @param string Function name (the event handler)
* @param string used in addEventListener
function addEvent(elm, evType, fn, useCapture){
if (elm.addEventListener){
elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture);
return true;
} else if (elm.attachEvent) {
var r = elm.attachEvent('on' + evType, fn);
} else{
elm['on'+evType] = fn;
* Add listeners to the page objects. This has to be defined for
* the current context as it acts on objects that should exist
* on the page
* possibly deprecated
* @todo Try to use $(document).unload(lms_save_asset()) instead of the addEvent() method
function addListeners(){
//exit if the browser doesn't support ID or tag retrieval
logit_lms('Entering addListeners()', 3);
if (!document.getElementsByTagName){
logit_lms("getElementsByTagName not available", 2);
if (!document.getElementById){
logit_lms("getElementById not available", 2);
//assign event handlers to objects
if (olms.lms_lp_type==1 || olms.lms_item_type=='asset' || olms.lms_item_type == 'document') {
logit_lms('Chamilo LP or asset');
//if this path is a Chamilo learnpath, then start manual save
//when something is loaded in there
addEvent(window, 'unload', lms_save_asset,false);
logit_lms('Added event listener lms_save_asset() on window unload', 3);
logit_lms('Quitting addListeners()');
* Save a Chamilo learnpath item's time and mark as completed upon
* leaving it
function lms_save_asset() {
// only for Chamilo lps
if (olms.execute_stats) {
olms.execute_stats = false;
} else {
olms.execute_stats = true;
//For scorms do not show stats
if (olms.lms_lp_type == 2 && olms.lms_lp_item_type != 'document') {
olms.execute_stats = false;
if (olms.lms_item_type == 'quiz') {
olms.execute_stats = true;
if (olms.lms_lp_type == 1 || olms.lms_item_type == 'asset' || olms.lms_item_type == 'document') {
logit_lms('execute_stats :'+ olms.execute_stats);
xajax_save_item(olms.lms_lp_id, olms.lms_user_id, olms.lms_view_id, olms.lms_item_id, olms.score, olms.max, olms.min, olms.lesson_status, olms.session_time, olms.suspend_data, olms.lesson_location, olms.interactions, olms.lms_item_core_exit, olms.lms_item_type);
if (olms.item_objectives.length>0) {
* Save a Chamilo learnpath item's time and mark as completed upon leaving it.
* Same function as lms_save_asset() but saves it with empty params
* to use values set from another side in the database. Only used by Chamilo quizzes.
* Also save the score locally because it hasn't been done through SetValue().
* Saving the status will be dealt with by the XAJAX function.
function chamilo_void_save_asset(score, max, min, status) {
logit_lms('chamilo_void_save_asset', 3);
olms.score = score;
if ((max == null) || (max == '')){
max = 100;
if ((min == null) || (min == '')){
min = 0;
//assume a default of 100, otherwise the score will not get saved (see lpi->set_score())
xajax_save_item(olms.lms_lp_id, olms.lms_user_id, olms.lms_view_id, olms.lms_item_id, score, max, min, status);
* Logs information about SCORM messages into the log frame
* @param string Message to log
* @param integer Priority (0 for top priority, 3 for lowest)
function logit_scorm(message, priority) {
if (scorm_logs) {
log_in_log("SCORM: " + message, priority);
12 years ago
return false;
function log_in_log(message, priority) {
var ua = $.browser;
if (ua.mozilla || ua.webkit) {
// Colorize a little
var color = "color: black";
12 years ago
switch (priority) {
case 0:
color = "color:red;font-weight:bold";
case 1:
color = "color:orange";
case 2:
color = "color:green";
case 3:
color = "color:blue";
// Log in console with syntax colouring
console.log("%c"+message, color);
} else {
if (window.console) {
* Logs information about LMS activity into the log frame
* @param string Message to log
* @param integer Priority (0 for top priority, 3 for lowest)
function logit_lms(message, priority){
if (scorm_logs) {
log_in_log("LMS: " + message, priority);
12 years ago
return false;
* Update the Table Of Contents frame, by changing CSS styles, mostly
* @param string Action to be taken
* @param integer Item id to update
function update_toc(update_action, update_id, change_ids) {
if (!change_ids || change_ids != 'no') {
change_ids = 'yes';
var myelem = $("#toc_"+update_id);
var myelemimg = $("#toc_img_"+update_id);
logit_lms('update_toc("'+update_action+'", '+update_id+')',2);
if (update_id != 0) {
// Switch function is broken
if (update_action == "unhighlight" || update_action == "highlight") {
if (update_action == "unhighlight") {
} else {
if (change_ids=='yes') {
olms.lms_next_item = update_id;
olms.lms_previous_item = update_id;
} else {
myelem.removeClass("scorm_not_attempted scorm_incomplete scorm_completed scorm_failed scorm_passed");
if (update_action == "not attempted") {
} else if (update_action == "incomplete") {
} else if (update_action == "completed") {
} else if (update_action == "failed") {
} else if (update_action == "passed") {
} else if (update_action == "browsed") {
} else {
logit_lms('Update action unknown',1);
return true;
* Update the stats frame using a reload of the frame to avoid unsynched data
function update_stats() {
if (olms.execute_stats) {
try {
cont_f = document.getElementById('content_id');
cont_f.src = "lp_controller.php?action=stats";
} catch (e) {
return false;
olms.execute_stats = false;
* Update the stats frame using a reload of the frame to avoid unsynched data
function update_stats_page() {
var myframe = document.getElementById('content_id');
var mysrc = myframe.location.href;
if(mysrc == 'lp_controller.php?action=stats'){
if(myframe && myframe.src){
var mysrc = myframe.src;
myframe.src = mysrc;
// = mysrc; //refresh page
return true;
* Updates the progress bar with the new status. Prevents the need of a page refresh and flickering
* @param integer Number of completed items
* @param integer Number of items in total
* @param string Display mode (absolute 'abs' or percentage '%').Defaults to %
function update_progress_bar(nbr_complete, nbr_total, mode) {
logit_lms('update_progress_bar('+nbr_complete+', '+nbr_total+', '+mode+')',3);
logit_lms('update_progress_bar with params: lms_lp_id= '+olms.lms_lp_id+', lms_view_id= '+olms.lms_view_id+' lms_user_id= '+olms.lms_user_id,3);
if (mode == '') {
if (nbr_total == 0) {
var percentage = (nbr_complete/nbr_total)*100;
percentage = Math.round(percentage);
var pr_text = $("#progress_text");
var progress_bar = $("#progress_bar_value");
progress_bar.css('width', percentage + "%");
var mytext = '';
case 'abs':
mytext = nbr_complete + '/' + nbr_total;
case '%':
mytext = percentage + '%';
return true;
* Analyses the variables that have been modified through this SCO's life and
* put them into an array for later shipping to lp_ajax_save_item.php
* @return array Array of SCO variables
function process_scorm_values() {
for (i=0; i<olms.scorm_variables.length; i++) {
if (olms.updatable_vars_list[olms.scorm_variables[i]]) {
return olms.variable_to_send;
* Reinitializes the SCO's modified variables to an empty list.
* @return void
* @uses The global updatable_vars_list array to register this
function reinit_updatable_vars_list() {
logit_scorm('Cleaning updatable_vars_list: reinit_updatable_vars_list');
for (i=0;i<olms.scorm_variables.length;i++) {
if (olms.updatable_vars_list[olms.scorm_variables[i]]) {
* Function that handles the saving of an item and switching from an item to another.
* Once called, this function should be able to do the whole process of
* (1) saving the current item,
* (2) refresh all the values inside the SCORM API object,
* (3) open the new item into the content_id frame,
* (4) refresh the table of contents
* (5) refresh the progress bar (completion)
* (6) refresh the message frame
* @param integer Chamilo ID for the current item
* @param string This parameter can be a string specifying the next
* item (like 'next', 'previous', 'first' or 'last') or the id to the next item
function switch_item(current_item, next_item){
// backup these params
var orig_current_item = current_item;
var orig_next_item = next_item;
var orig_lesson_status = olms.lesson_status;
var orig_item_type = olms.lms_item_types['i'+current_item];
var next_item_type = olms.lms_item_types['i'+next_item];
logit_lms('switch_item() called with params '+olms.lms_item_id+' and '+next_item+'',2);
There are four "cases" for switching items:
(1) asset switching to asset
We need to save, then switch
(2) asset switching to sco
We need to save, switching not necessary (LMSInitialize does the job)
(3) sco switching to asset
We need to switch the document in the content frame, but we cannot
switch the item details, otherwise the LMSFinish() call (that *must*
be triggered by the SCO when it unloads) will use bad values. However,
we need to load the new asset's context once the SCO has unloaded
(4) sco switching to sco
We don't neet to switch nor commit, LMSFinish() on unload and
LMSInitialize on load will do the job
In any case, we need to change the current document frame.
These cases, although clear here, are however very difficult to implement
if (orig_item_type != 'sco') {
if (next_item_type != 'sco' ) {
logit_lms('Case 1 - current != sco and next != sco');
} else {
logit_lms('Case 2 - current != sco but next == sco');
xajax_save_item(olms.lms_lp_id, olms.lms_user_id, olms.lms_view_id, olms.lms_item_id, olms.score, olms.max, olms.min, olms.lesson_status, olms.asset_timer, olms.suspend_data, olms.lesson_location,olms.interactions, olms.lms_item_core_exit, orig_item_type);
xajax_switch_item_details(olms.lms_lp_id, olms.lms_user_id, olms.lms_view_id, olms.lms_item_id, next_item);
} else {
if (next_item_type != 'sco') {
logit_lms('Case 3 - current == sco but next != sco');
} else {
logit_lms('Case 4 - current == sco and next == sco');
xajax_save_item_scorm(olms.lms_lp_id, olms.lms_user_id, olms.lms_view_id, olms.lms_item_id);
if (olms.item_objectives.length>0) {
* Because of SCORM 1.2's special rule about unsent commits and the fact
* that a SCO should be SET TO 'completed' IF NO STATUS WAS SENT (and
* then some checks have to be done on score), we have to force a
* special commit here to avoid getting to the next element with a
* missing prerequisite. The 'onunload' event is treated with
* savedata_onunload(), and doesn't need to be triggered at any
* particular time, but here we are in the case of switching to another
* item, so this is particularly important to complete the element in
* time.
* However, this cannot be initiated from the JavaScript, mainly
* because another onunload event can be triggered by the SCO itself,
* which can set, for example, the status to incomplete while the
* status has already been set to "completed" by the hand-made
* savedata(unload) (and then the status cannot be "incompleted"
* anymore)
if (olms.lms_item_type=='sco' && olms.lesson_status != 'completed' && olms.lesson_status != 'passed' && olms.lesson_status != 'browsed' && olms.lesson_status != 'incomplete' && olms.lesson_status != 'failed') {
// savedata('finish') treats the special condition and saves the
// new status to the database, so switch_item_details() enjoys the
// new status
xajax_save_item(olms.lms_lp_id, olms.lms_user_id, olms.lms_view_id, olms.lms_item_id, olms.score, olms.max, olms.min, olms.lesson_status, olms.session_time, olms.suspend_data, olms.lesson_location,olms.interactions, olms.lms_item_core_exit, olms.lms_item_type);
olms.execute_stats = false;
// Considering info_lms_item[0] is initially the oldest and info_lms_item[1]
// is the newest item, and considering we are done switching the items now,
// we need to update these markers so that the new item is loaded when
// changing the document in the content frame
if (olms.info_lms_item[1]==next_item && next_item!='next' && next_item!='previous') {
} else {
if (next_item!='next' && next_item!='previous') {
if (olms.info_lms_item[0]==next_item && next_item!='next' && next_item!='previous') {
} else {
if (next_item!='next' && next_item!='previous') {
//(3) open the new item in the content_id frame
switch (next_item){
case 'next':
next_item = olms.lms_next_item;
olms.info_lms_item[0] = olms.info_lms_item[1];
olms.info_lms_item[1] = olms.lms_next_item;
case 'previous':
next_item = olms.lms_previous_item;
olms.info_lms_item[0] = olms.info_lms_item[1];
olms.info_lms_item[1] = olms.lms_previous_item;
var mysrc = 'lp_controller.php?action=content&lp_id='+olms.lms_lp_id+'&item_id='+next_item+'&cidReq='+olms.lms_course_code;
var cont_f = $("#content_id");
<?php if($oLP->mode == 'fullscreen') { ?>
cont_f =''+mysrc,'content_id','toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1');
<?php } else { ?>
log_in_log('loading '+mysrc+' in frame');
<?php } ?>
if (olms.lms_lp_type==1 || olms.lms_item_type == 'asset' || olms.lms_item_type == 'document') {
//(4) refresh the audio player if needed
type: "POST",
url: "lp_nav.php",
data: "",
beforeSend: function() {
$.each($('audio'), function () {
var player = new MediaElementPlayer($(this));
success: function(tmp_data) {
if ($("#lp_media_file").length != 0) {
return true;
* Save a specific item (with its interactions, if any) into the LMS through
* an AJAX call to lp_ajax_save_item.php.
* Because of the need to pass an array, we have to build the parameters
* manually into GET[].
* This function has a twin sister for SCO elements (xajax_save_item_scorm)
* which takes into account the interactions.
* @param int ID of the learning path (for the LMS)
* @param int ID of the user
* @param int ID of the view of this learning path
* @param int ID of the item currently looked at
* @param float Score
* @param float Max score
* @param float Min score
* @param string Lesson status
* @param string Current session time (in 'xxxx:xx:xx.xx' format)
* @param string Suspend data (maximum 255 chars)
* @param string Lesson location (which page we've reached in the SCO)
* @param array Interactions
* @param string Core exit value (up to 4096 chars)
* @return void
* @uses lp_ajax_save_item.php through an AJAX call
function xajax_save_item(
course_id) {
var params = '';
params += 'lid='+lms_lp_id+'&uid='+lms_user_id+'&vid='+lms_view_id;
params += '&iid='+lms_item_id+'&s='+score+'&max='+max+'&min='+min;
params += '&status='+lesson_status+'&t='+session_time;
params += '&suspend='+suspend_data+'&loc='+lesson_location;
params += '&core_exit='+lms_item_core_exit;
params += '&session_id='+session_id;
params += '&course_id='+course_id;
if (olms.lms_lp_type == 1 || item_type == 'document') {
logit_lms('xajax_save_item with params:' + params,3);
data: params,
url: "lp_ajax_save_item.php",
dataType: "script",
async: false
* Save a SCORM item's variables, getting its SCORM values from
* updatable_vars_list. Takes interactions into account and considers whether
* variables have been modified or not.
* @param int ID of the learning path
* @param int ID of the user
* @param int ID of the view
* @param int ID of the item
* @return void
* @uses olms.updatable_vars_list
* @uses lp_ajax_save_item.php through an AJAX call
function xajax_save_item_scorm(lms_lp_id, lms_user_id, lms_view_id, lms_item_id) {
var is_interactions='false';
var params = 'lid='+lms_lp_id+'&uid='+lms_user_id+'&vid='+lms_view_id+'&iid='+lms_item_id;
var my_scorm_values = new Array();
my_scorm_values = process_scorm_values();
12 years ago
for (k=0; k<my_scorm_values.length; k++) {
if (my_scorm_values[k]=='cmi.core.session_time') {
params += '&t='+olms.session_time;
} else if (my_scorm_values[k]=='cmi.core.lesson_status' && olms.lesson_status!='') {
params += '&status='+olms.lesson_status;
} else if (my_scorm_values[k]=='cmi.core.score.raw') {
params += '&s='+olms.score;
} else if (my_scorm_values[k]=='cmi.core.score.max') {
params += '&max='+olms.max;
} else if (my_scorm_values[k]=='cmi.core.score.min') {
params += '&min='+olms.min;
} else if (my_scorm_values[k]=='cmi.core.lesson_location') {
params += '&loc='+olms.lesson_location;
} else if (my_scorm_values[k]=='cmi.completion_status') {
} else if (my_scorm_values[k]=='cmi.score.scaled') {
} else if (my_scorm_values[k]=='cmi.suspend_data') {
params += '&suspend='+olms.suspend_data;
} else if (my_scorm_values[k]=='cmi.completion_status') {
} else if (my_scorm_values[k]=='cmi.core.exit') {
params += '&core_exit='+olms.lms_item_core_exit;
if (my_scorm_values[k]=='interactions') {
} else {
if (is_interactions == 'true') {
interact_string = '';
temp = '';
for (i in olms.interactions) {
interact_string += '&interact['+i+']=';
interact_temp = '[';
for (j in olms.interactions[i]) {
temp = olms.interactions[i][j];
temp = ''+temp; // if temp == 1 there are problems with indexOf and an integer number
//this fix when an interaction have ',' i.e: {a,b,c,d} is replace to {a@.|@b@.|@c@.|@d} see DT#4444
while(temp.indexOf(',') >= 0){
temp = temp.replace(',','@.|@');
interact_temp +=temp+',';
interact_temp = interact_temp.substr(0,(interact_temp.length-2)) + ']';
// interact_string += encodeURIComponent(interact_temp);
interact_string += interact_temp;
//interact_string = encodeURIComponent(interact_string.substr(0,(interact_string.length-1)));
params += interact_string;
logit_lms('xajax_save_item_scorm with params:' + params,3);
data: params,
url: "lp_ajax_save_item.php",
dataType: "script",
async: false
params = '';
my_scorm_values = null;
* Starts the timer with the server clock time.
* @return void
* @todo check the timer stuff really works
* @uses lp_ajax_start_timer.php
function xajax_start_timer() {
logit_lms('xajax_start_timer() called',3);
type: "GET",
url: "lp_ajax_start_timer.php",
dataType: "script",
async: false,
success: function(time) {
olms.asset_timer = time;
olms.asset_timer_total = 0;
logit_lms('xajax_start_timer result: ' + time,3);
var date = new Date(time * 1000);
logit_lms('xajax_start_timer result: ' + date.toString(),3);
* Save a specific item's objectives into the LMS through an Synch JAX call
* @param int ID of the learning path
* @param int ID of the user
* @param int ID of the view
* @param int ID of the item
* @param array SCO's recorded objectives
* @uses lp_ajax_save_objectives.php
function xajax_save_objectives(lms_lp_id,lms_user_id,lms_view_id,lms_item_id,item_objectives) {
var params = '';
params += 'lid='+lms_lp_id+'&uid='+lms_user_id+'&vid='+lms_view_id;
params += '&iid='+lms_item_id;
obj_string = '';
logit_lms('xajax_save_objectives with params:' + params, 3);
for (i in item_objectives){
obj_string += '&objectives['+i+']=';
obj_temp = '[';
for (j in item_objectives[i]) {
obj_temp += item_objectives[i][j]+',';
obj_temp = obj_temp.substr(0,(obj_temp.length-2)) + ']';
obj_string += encodeURIComponent(obj_temp);
params += obj_string;
type: "POST",
data: params,
url: "lp_ajax_save_objectives.php",
dataType: "script",
async: false
* Switch between two items through an AJAX call.
* @param int ID of the learning path
* @param int ID of the user
* @param int ID of the view
* @param int ID of the item
* @param int ID of the next item
* @uses lp_ajax_switch_item.php
function xajax_switch_item_details(lms_lp_id,lms_user_id,lms_view_id,lms_item_id,next_item) {
var params = {
'lid': lms_lp_id,
'uid': lms_user_id,
'vid': lms_view_id,
'iid': lms_item_id,
'next': next_item
logit_lms('xajax_switch_item_details with params:' + params, 3);
type: "POST",
data: params,
url: "lp_ajax_switch_item.php",
dataType: "script",
async: false
* Switch between two items through an AJAX call, but only update the TOC and
* progress bar.
* @param int ID of the learning path
* @param int ID of the user
* @param int ID of the view
* @param int ID of the item
* @param int ID of the next item
* @uses lp_ajax_switch_toc.php
function xajax_switch_item_toc(lms_lp_id, lms_user_id, lms_view_id, lms_item_id, next_item) {
var params = {
'lid': lms_lp_id,
'uid': lms_user_id,
'vid': lms_view_id,
'iid': lms_item_id,
'next': next_item
type: "POST",
data: params,
url: "lp_ajax_switch_item_toc.php",
dataType: "script",
async: false
* Allow attach the glossary terms into html document of scorm. This has
* nothing to do with SCORM itself, and should not interfere w/ SCORM either.
* @param string automatic or manual values are allowed
function attach_glossary_into_scorm(type) {
var f = $('#content_id')[0];
//Prevents "f is undefined" javascript error
if (f == null) {
logit_lms('attach_glossary_into_scorm failed', 0);
return false;
13 years ago
try {
var doc = f.contentWindow ? f.contentWindow.document : f.contentDocument ? f.contentDocument : f.document;
} catch (ex) { }
var $frame_content = $('body',doc);
var my_text=$frame_content.html();
my_protocol = location.protocol;
work_path = my_pathname.substr(0,my_pathname.indexOf('/courses/'));
if (type == 'automatic') {
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
beforeSend: function(object) {
type: "POST",
url: my_protocol+"//""/main/glossary/glossary_ajax_request.php",
data: "glossary_data=true",
success: function(datas) {
if (datas.length==0) {
return false;
// glossary terms
var complex_array = new Array();
var cp_complex_array = new Array();
for(i=0;i<data_terms.length;i++) {
specific_terms= data_terms[i].split("__|__|");
var real_term = specific_terms[1]; // glossary term
var real_code = specific_terms[0]; // glossary id
complex_array[real_code] = real_term;
cp_complex_array[real_code] = real_term;
for (var my_index in complex_array) {
n = complex_array[my_index];
if (n == null) {
n = '';
} else {
for (var cp_my_index in cp_complex_array) {
cp_data = cp_complex_array[cp_my_index];
if (cp_data == null) {
cp_data = '';
} else {
if (cp_data == n) {
my_index = cp_my_index;
//alert(n + ' ' + my_index);
var complex_array = new Array();
//$("iframe").contents().find("body .glossary-ajax").on("click", ".glossary-ajax", function() {
$("iframe").contents().find("body").on("click", ".glossary-ajax", function() {
$("iframe").contents().find("body").append('<div id="div_show_id"><div id="div_content_id">&nbsp;</div></div>');
show_dialog = $("iframe").contents().find("div#"+div_show_id);
show_description = $("iframe").contents().find("div#"+div_content_id);
var $target = $(this);
if ($("#learning_path_left_zone").is(':visible') ) {
var extra_left = $("#learning_path_left_zone").width() + 20;
} else {
var extra_left = 0;
autoOpen: false,
width: 600,
height: 200,
position: { my: 'left top', at: 'right top', of: $target, offset: extra_left+", 0"},
close: function(){
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo api_get_path(WEB_PATH); ?>main/glossary/glossary_ajax_request.php",
data: "glossary_id="+my_glossary_id,
success: function(data) {
} else {
if ('manual') {
$("iframe").contents().find("body").on("click", ".glossary", function() {
is_glossary_name = $(this).html();
$("iframe").contents().find("body").append('<div id="div_show_id"><div id="div_content_id">&nbsp;</div></div>');
show_dialog = $("iframe").contents().find("div#"+div_show_id);
show_description = $("iframe").contents().find("div#"+div_content_id);
var $target = $(this);
if ($("#learning_path_left_zone").is(':visible') ) {
var extra_left = $("#learning_path_left_zone").width() + 20;
} else {
var extra_left = 0;
autoOpen: false,
width: 600,
height: 200,
position: { my: 'left top', at: 'right top', of: $target, offset: extra_left+", 0"},
close: function(){
//$("iframe").contents().find("div#"+div_show_id).attr("style","display:inline;float:left;position:absolute;background-color:#F2F2F2;border-bottom: 1px solid #2E2E2E;border-right: 1px solid #2E2E2E;border-left: 1px solid #2E2E2E;border-top: 1px solid #2E2E2E;color:#305582;margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px;");
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo api_get_path(WEB_PATH); ?>main/glossary/glossary_ajax_request.php",
data: "glossary_name="+is_glossary_name,
success: function(data) {