/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
require_once '../../inc/global.inc.php';
require_once '../../work/work.lib.php';
ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', '1000');
$courseId = api_get_course_int_id();
$courseInfo = api_get_course_info();
$compilatio = new Compilatio();
/* if we have to upload severals documents*/
if (isset($_REQUEST['type']) && 'multi' === $_REQUEST['type']) {
$docs = explode('a', $_REQUEST['doc']);
for ($k = 0; $k < count($docs) - 1; $k++) {
$documentId = 0;
if (!isset($docs[$k])) {
$documentId = (int) $docs[$k];
* File problem in the url field that no longer have the file extension,
* Compilatio's server refuse the files
* we renames in the FS and the database with the file extension that is found in the title field.
compilatioUpdateWorkDocument($documentId, $courseId);
$compilatioId = $compilatio->getCompilatioId($documentId, $courseId);
if (empty($compilatioId)) {
$workTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
$query = "SELECT * FROM $workTable WHERE id= $documentId AND c_id= $courseId";
$sqlResult = Database::query($query);
$doc = Database::fetch_object($sqlResult);
if ($doc) {
/*We load the document in compilatio through the webservice */
$currentCourseRepositoryWeb = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$courseInfo['path'].'/';
$WrkUrl = $currentCourseRepositoryWeb.$doc->url;
$LocalWrkUrl = $courseInfo['course_sys_path'].$doc->url;
$mime = DocumentManager::file_get_mime_type($doc->title);
if ('wget' === $compilatio->getTransportMode()) {
/*Compilatio's server recover tjre file throught wget like this:
username:password@http://somedomain.com/reg/remotefilename.tar.gz */
if (strlen($compilatio->getWgetUri()) > 2) {
$filename = preg_replace(
} else {
$filename = $WrkUrl;
if (strlen($compilatio->getWgetLogin()) > 2) {
$filename = $compilatio->getWgetLogin().':'.$compilatio->getWgetPassword().'@'.$filename;
$mime = 'text/plain';
$compilatioId = $compilatio->sendDoc($doc->title, '', $filename, $mime, 'get_url');
} else {
/* we use strictly the SOAP for the data trasmission */
$pieces = explode('/', $doc->url);
$nbPieces = count($pieces);
$filename = $pieces[$nbPieces - 1];
$compilatioId = $compilatio->sendDoc(
/*we associate in the database the document chamilo to the document compilatio*/
/*we verify that the docmuent's id is an hash_md5*/
if (Compilatio::isMd5($compilatioId)) {
$compilatio->saveDocument($courseId, $doc->id, $compilatioId);
$soapRes = $compilatio->startAnalyse($compilatioId);
} else {
$documentId = isset($_GET['doc']) ? $_GET['doc'] : 0;
sendDocument($documentId, $courseInfo);
function sendDocument($documentId, $courseInfo)
$courseId = $courseInfo['real_id'];
compilatioUpdateWorkDocument($documentId, $courseId);
$workTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
$query = "SELECT * FROM $workTable
WHERE id = $documentId AND c_id= $courseId";
$sqlResult = Database::query($query);
$doc = Database::fetch_object($sqlResult);
$currentCourseRepositoryWeb = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$courseInfo['path'].'/';
$documentUrl = $currentCourseRepositoryWeb.$doc->url;
$filePath = $courseInfo['course_sys_path'].$doc->url;
$mime = DocumentManager::file_get_mime_type($doc->title);
$compilatio = new Compilatio();
if ('wget' === $compilatio->getTransportMode()) {
if (strlen($compilatio->getWgetUri()) > 2) {
$filename = preg_replace('/$', '', $compilatio->getWgetUri()).'/'.$courseInfo['path'].'/'.$doc->title;
} else {
$filename = $documentUrl;
if (strlen($compilatio->getWgetLogin()) > 2) {
$filename = $compilatio->getWgetLogin().':'.$compilatio->getWgetPassword().'@'.$filename;
$compilatioId = $compilatio->sendDoc($doc->title, '', $filename, 'text/plain', 'get_url');
} else {
$pieces = explode('/', $doc->url);
$nbPieces = count($pieces);
$filename = $pieces[$nbPieces - 1];
$compilatioId = $compilatio->sendDoc($doc->title, '', $filename, $mime, file_get_contents($filePath));
if (Compilatio::isMd5($compilatioId)) {
$compilatio->saveDocument($courseId, $doc->id, $compilatioId);
echo Display::return_message(get_lang('Uploaded.'));
} else {
echo Display::return_message(get_lang('Error'), 'error');
* function for show and recovery the extension from a file.
* @param $docId
* @param $courseId
* @return string
function workDocExtension($docId, $courseId)
$dbTitle = getWorkTitle($docId, $courseId);
$res = getFileExtension($dbTitle);
return $res;
function getFileExtension($filename)
$res = '';
preg_match("/.*\.([^.]+)/", $filename, $dbTitle);
if (count($dbTitle) > 1) {
$res = $dbTitle[1];
return $res;
function getWorkTitle($docId, $courseId)
$docId = (int) $docId;
$courseId = (int) $courseId;
$workTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
$sql = "SELECT title FROM $workTable
WHERE c_id= $courseId AND id = $docId";
$res = Database::query($sql);
if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) {
$data = Database::fetch_array($res);
$res = $data['title'];
return $res;
function getFilename($txt)
$res = $txt;
preg_match('|.*/([^/]+)|', $txt, $urlList);
if (count($urlList) > 0) {
$res = $urlList[1];
return $res;
function getWorkFolder($txt)
$res = '';
preg_match('|(.*/)[^/]+|', $txt, $urlList);
if (count($urlList) > 0) {
$res = $urlList[1];
return $res;
function getShortFilename($txt)
$res = $txt;
if (strlen($txt) > 10) {
$res = substr($txt, 0, 10);
return $res;
function compilatioUpdateWorkDocument($docId, $courseId)
$_course = api_get_course_info();
$docId = (int) $docId;
$courseId = (int) $courseId;
$workTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
$extensionFile = workDocExtension($docId, $courseId);
$urlFile = get_work_path($docId);
$filename = getFilename($urlFile);
$work_folder = getWorkFolder($urlFile);
$urlFile_ext = getFileExtension($urlFile);
$coursePath = $_course['course_sys_path'];
$workTitle = getWorkTitle($docId, $courseId);
if ('' != $extensionFile && '' == $urlFile_ext) {
/* Rename the files in the FS whit the extension*/
$shortFilename = $filename;
$cleanWorkTitle = api_replace_dangerous_char($workTitle);
$newestFilename = $shortFilename.'_'.$cleanWorkTitle;
rename($coursePath.$urlFile, $coursePath.$work_folder.$newestFilename);
/*rename the db's input with the extension*/
$sql = "UPDATE $workTable SET url='".$work_folder.$newestFilename."'
WHERE c_id=$courseId AND id=$docId";