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* Set of unit tests for the web services
* @author Guillaume Viguier <>
ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);
class TestSoapWebService extends UnitTestCase {
protected $_secret_key;
protected $_encrypt_method;
protected $_client;
public function __construct() {
$configuration = $GLOBALS['_configuration'];
$security_key = $configuration['security_key'];
$ip_address = '::1';
$this->_secret_key = sha1($ip_address.$security_key);
$this->_encrypt_method = $_GLOBALS['userPasswordCrypted'];
$this->_client = new SoapClient($configuration['root_web'].'main/webservices/soap.php?wsdl');
protected function getUserArray() {
$user = array(
'firstname' => 'Guillaume',
'lastname' => 'Viguier',
'status' => 5,
'loginname' => 'guillaumev',
'password' => 'guillaume',
'encrypt_method' => '',
'user_id_field_name' => 'chamilo_user_id',
'user_id_field_value' => '',
'visibility' => 1,
'email' => '',
'language' => 'english',
'phone' => '123456',
'expiration_date' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
'extras' => array());
return $user;
protected function soapCall($method, $arguments) {
return $this->_client->__soapCall($method, $arguments);
public function testTest() {
$result = $this->soapCall('WS.test', array());
$this->assertEqual($result, "success");
public function testInvalidKey() {
$secret_key = 'invalid';
try {
$this->soapCall('WSUser.DisableUser', array('secret_key' => $secret_key, 'user_id_field_name' => 'chamilo_user_id', 'user_id_value' => 3));
$this->fail('Exception was expected');
} catch(SOAPFault $f) {
public function testCreateUser() {
$user = $this->getUserArray();
$result = $this->soapCall('WSUser.CreateUser', array_merge(array('secret_key' => $this->_secret_key), $user));
$this->assertIsA($result, 'int');
//Delete user created
$this->soapCall('WSUser.DeleteUser', array('secret_key' => $this->_secret_key, 'user_id_field_name' => 'chamilo_user_id', 'user_id_value' => $result));
public function testCreateUserEncrypted() {
$user = $this->getUserArray();
$user['encrypt_method'] = $this->_encrypt_method;
if($this->_encrypt_method == 'md5') {
$user['password'] = md5('guillaume');
} else if($this->_encrypt_method == 'sha1') {
$user['password'] = sha1('guillaume');
$user['extras'] = array(array('field_name' => 'salt', 'field_value' => '1234'));
$result = $this->soapCall('WSUser.CreateUser', array_merge(array('secret_key' => $this->_secret_key), $user));
$this->assertIsA($result, 'int');
//Delete user created
$this->soapCall('WSUser.DeleteUser', array('secret_key' => $this->_secret_key, 'user_id_field_name' => 'chamilo_user_id', 'user_id_value' => $result));