* md_scorm.php for Chamilo metadata/*.php
* 2006/12/15
* @copyright 2005 rene.haentjens@UGent.be - see metadata/md_funcs.php
* @package chamilo.metadata
* Chamilo Metadata: class mdobject for Scorm-type objects
* @package chamilo.metadata
class mdobject
var $mdo_course;
var $mdo_type;
var $mdo_id;
var $mdo_eid;
var $mdo_dcmap_e;
var $mdo_dcmap_v;
var $mdo_path;
var $mdo_comment;
var $mdo_filetype;
var $mdo_url;
function mdo_define_htt() { return new xhtdoc(<<<EOD
<!-- {-INDEXABLETEXT-} -->
{-D scormlevel {-V @level-}-}{-D two 2-}
Title: {-V metadata/lom/general/title/string-} txt-sep
{-T scormlevel == two Author(s): {-V metadata/lom/lifeCycle/contribute[1]/entity-} txt-sep-}
Keyword(s): {-R metadata/lom/general/keyword C KWTEXT-} txt-sep
{-V metadata/lom/general/description[1]/string-}
{-V metadata/lom/technical/location-} txt-end
{-V metadata/lom/general/description[2]/string-} scorm-level-{-P scormlevel-}
{-V metadata/lom/lifeCycle/contribute[1]/entity-}
{-V metadata/lom/lifeCycle/contribute[1]/date/dateTime-}
<!-- {-KWTEXT-} -->
{-V string-}-kw
<!-- {--} -->
function mdo_generate_default_xml_metadata()
return '<empty/>';
function mdo_add_breadcrump_nav()
global $interbreadcrumb;
$regs = array(); // for use with ereg()
$docurl = api_get_self(); // should be .../main/xxx/yyy.php
if (ereg('^(.+[^/\.]+)/[^/\.]+/[^/\.]+.[^/\.]+$', $docurl, $regs))
$docurl = $regs[1] . '/newscorm/index.php';
$interbreadcrumb[] = array ('url' => $docurl,
'name' => get_lang('MdCallingTool'));
function mdobject($_course, $id)
global $ieee_dcmap_e, $ieee_dcmap_v; // md_funcs
$scormdocument = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN);
$this->mdo_course = $_course; $this->mdo_type = 'Scorm';
$this->mdo_id = $id; $this->mdo_eid = $this->mdo_type . '.' . $id;
$this->mdo_dcmap_e = $ieee_dcmap_e; $this->mdo_dcmap_v = $ieee_dcmap_v;
$sql = "SELECT path,description,lp_type FROM $scormdocument WHERE id='" . addslashes($id) . "'";
if (($docinfo = @Database::fetch_array(Database::query($sql))))
$this->mdo_path = $docinfo['path'];
//Sometimes the new scorm-tool adds '/.' at the end of a directory name, so remove this before continue
//the process -- bmol
if(substr($this->mdo_path,-2) == '/.')
$this->mdo_path = substr($this->mdo_path,0, strlen($this->mdo_path)-2);
$this->mdo_comment = $docinfo['description'];
//Don't think the next line is correct. There used to be a 'type' field in the scormdocument table.
//This metadata tool only works on folder types -- bmol
$this->mdo_filetype = ($docinfo['lp_type'] == 2 ? 'folder' : 'xxx');
$this->mdo_url = get_course_web() . $this->mdo_course['path'] .
'/scorm/' . $this->mdo_path . '/index.php';