$querypath=''; // to prevent ...path LIKE '//%'... in query
//search for all files that are not deleted => visibility != 2
$query = api_sql_query("SELECT path FROM $doc_table AS docs,$prop_table AS props WHERE `props`.`tool`='".TOOL_DOCUMENT."' AND `docs`.`id`=`props`.`ref` AND `docs`.`path` LIKE '".$querypath."/%' AND `docs`.`filetype`='file' AND `props`.`visibility`<>'2' AND `props`.`to_group_id`=".$to_group_id."",__FILE__,__LINE__);
//for other users, we need to create a zipfile with only visible files and folders
$querypath=''; // to prevent ...path LIKE '//%'... in query
//big problem: visible files that are in a hidden folder are included when we do a query for visiblity='v'!!!
//so... I do it in a couple of steps:
//1st: get all files that are visible in the given path
$query = api_sql_query("SELECT path FROM $doc_table AS docs,$prop_table AS props WHERE `props`.`tool`='".TOOL_DOCUMENT."' AND `docs`.`id`=`props`.`ref` AND `docs`.`path` LIKE '".$querypath."/%' AND `props`.`visibility`='1' AND `docs`.`filetype`='file' AND `props`.`to_group_id`=".$to_group_id,__FILE__,__LINE__);
//2nd: get all folders that are invisible in the given path
$query2 = api_sql_query("SELECT path FROM $doc_table AS docs,$prop_table AS props WHERE `props`.`tool`='".TOOL_DOCUMENT."' AND `docs`.`id`=`props`.`ref` AND `docs`.`path` LIKE '".$querypath."/%' AND `props`.`visibility`<>'1' AND `docs`.`filetype`='folder'",__FILE__,__LINE__);
//if we get invisible folders, we have to filter out these results from all visible files we found
$query3 = api_sql_query("SELECT path FROM $doc_table AS docs,$prop_table AS props WHERE `props`.`tool`='".TOOL_DOCUMENT."' AND `docs`.`id`=`props`.`ref` AND `docs`.`path` LIKE '".$invisible_folders['path']."/%' AND `docs`.`filetype`='file' AND `props`.`visibility`='1'",__FILE__,__LINE__);