# Chamilo 2.x
## Installation
The installation instructions are located in the documentation here:
## Upgrade
The upgrade instructions are located in the documentation here:
## Changes from 1.x
* app/Resources/public/assets moved to public/assets
* main/inc/lib/javascript moved to public/js
* main/img/ moved to public/img
* main/template/default moved to src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Resources/views
* bin/doctrine.php removed use bin/console doctrine:xyz options
* PHPMailer replaced with Swift Mailer
* Plugin images, css and js libs are loaded inside the public/plugins folder
(composer update copies the content inside plugin_name/public inside web/plugins/plugin_name
* Plugins templates use asset() function instead of using "_p.web_plugin"
## Todo
* Auth (CAS, Shibboleth, Oath2)
* URL course changes "cidReq" to "c", "session_id" to "s"
* Fix plugins that use api_get_setting directly in the code
* Fix plugins render using tpl or PHP files
## Contributing
If you want to submit new features or patches to Chamilo, please follow the
Github contribution guide https://guides.github.com/activities/contributing-to-open-source/
and our CONTRIBUTING.md file.
In short, we ask you to send us Pull Requests based on a branch that you create
with this purpose into your repository forked from the original Chamilo repository.
## Documentation
For more information on Chamilo, visit https://1.11.chamilo.org/documentation/index.html