If you want to save time, trouble and money, you can alternatively have your Dokeos portal <ahref="http://www.dokeos.com/get.php">hosted</a> by Dokeos or one of its partners.<ahref="http://www.dokeos.com/get.php"></a><br/>
optimal flexibility, remote control and scalability. <br/>
Dokeos is mainly a LMS running <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">Apache</span>, <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">MySQL</span> and <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">PHP5</span> (the so called <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">AMP</span> trilogy). <br/>
Oogie) using <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">OpenOffice</span> + Java. You may also want to add the Dokeos Videoconferencing plugin using the <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">RED5</span> Open
<li>To install <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">WAMP</span> (AMP on Windows), we recommend the <ahref="http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html">XAMPP</a> .exe installer<ahref="http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html"></a></li>
(AMP on Linux), use the Package manager of your favourite distribution (Synaptic, RPMFinder etc.).
For instance, on a Ubuntu server, use Shell or Synaptic following the
<ahref="http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#Apache_HTTP_Server">Ubuntuguide on Apache</a> and the following sections</li>
<li>To install <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">MAMP</span> (AMP on Mac OS X), refer to the <ahref="http://www.mamp.info/en/index.php">MAMP</a> dedicated website<ahref="http://www.mamp.info/en/index.php"></a></li>
<spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">C:\xampp\htdocs\</span> on a Windows server or <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">/var/www/html/</span> on a Linux server</li>
On Linux, Mac OS X and BSD operating systems you can use the CHMOD 777 command for this (although we recommend you seek advice from an experienced system administrator).
On Linux, Mac OS X and BSD operating systems you can use the CHMOD 666 command for this (although we recommend you seek advice from an experienced system administrator).
<li>Editing php.ini file (on windows can be located at <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">C:\xampp\php\php.ini</span>, on Ubuntu Linux : <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini</span></li>
<li>search the word "max" and increase values to optimise the server</li>
<h2><aname="3._Upgrade_from_a_previous_version_of"></a>3. Upgrade from a previous version of Dokeos</h2>Before upgrading we <b>heavily</b> recommend you do a full backup of the previous
<ul><li> check that you haven't left any customised stylesheet or image*</li><li> download the Dokeos 1.8.4 install package from the <ahref="http://www.dokeos.com/download.php">Dokeos download page</a></li><li> unzip the new files of Dokeos 1.8.4 over the files of the older version</li><li> point your browser on your portal URL + main/install/</li><li> choose your language and click <spanstyle="font-style: italic;">Upgrade from 1.8.x</span></li></ul>
there using a simple "move" command (i.e. under Linux: mkdir old_version;
mv * old_verion/), then make the old_version/ directory writeable by the web server so that courses/ and upload/ directories can be moved from the old to the new installation.<br/><br/>The complete process is as follow:
<em>old_version</em> and make it writeable by the web server. This is important to allow the move of the courses/ and upload/ directories to the new install</li><li> download the Dokeos 1.8.4 install package from the
<ahref="http://www.dokeos.com/download.php">Dokeos download page</a></li><li> unzip the new files of Dokeos 1.8.4 in the main Dokeos directory. The
new directory <em>main</em> should be located directly inside your
Dokeos root folder</li><li> point your browser on your portal URL</li><li> choose your language and click <spanstyle="font-style: italic;">Upgrade from 1.6.x</span> and confirm the
<ul><li>the Dokeos database username (for MySQL) is "dokeos_db_user" and your login is "dokeos_user"</li><li>the Dokeos installation is currently in /var/www/dokeos/ and it has 777 permissions</li><li>your portal's URL is http://www.portalurl.com/</li></ul>
<ul><li>Direct your browser to http://www.portalurl.com/main/install/</li><li>Proceed with the installation</li><li>Review the directories permissions</li></ul>
Some LDAP servers do not support anonymous use of the directory services.<br/>
In this case, you should fill in the appropriate fields in the administration panel (e.g. "manager" and "mypassword") and Dokeos will try to authenticate using these, or fall back to anonymous mode before giving up.</p>
<p>There is a new set of scripts now that allow you to insert users from LDAP directly into a Dokeos session. This, however, relies on a set of static choices in the LDAP contact attributes.<br/>
The fields used intensively by the Dokeos module are:<br/>
<li>uid, which is matched to the username in Dokeos</li>
<li>userPassword, which is matched to the user password, although this part will only work for non-encrypted passwords for now, but it shouldn't be necessary if using the LDAP server as authentication</li>
<li>ou should end with the year of the person registration or any criteria you will use to filter users, so that they can be retrieved on that criteria</li>
<li>sn is used as the lastname field in Dokeos</li>
<li>givenName is used as the firstname field in Dokeos</li>
<li>mail is used as the email field in Dokeos</li>
Oogie converts your presentations coming from Ms-Office and OpenOffice into SCORM standardized e-courses or <spanstyle="font-style: italic;">learning paths</span>.
This feature needs OpenOffice to convert the slides and RED5 (optional)
to record your voice on top of the slides through a Flash based
<divclass="code">On some Windows computers, located : <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 2.2\share\registry\data\org\openoffice\Setup.xcu</span><br/>
On some Linux computers, located : <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">/usr/lib/openoffice/share/registry/data/org/openoffice/Setup.xcu</span>
Enter your Dokeos portal on the web ><spanstyle="font-style: italic;">Admin section > Configure the Services > Oogie </span>and type :<br/>
<li>Start OpenOffice. Conversion will work only if this software is up and running. Check the <ahref="http://www.dokeos.com/wiki/index.php/MakeOOOListening">MakeOOOListening</a> wiki page to start OpenOffice as a service.</li>
<li>Test the conversion : create a course > enter the course >
Learning Path > PowerPoint conversion. If the slides are converted,
then OpenOffice is listening to Dokeos. </li>
<spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">NOTE</span> : during the conversion,
you should see a progress bar with a percentage. If you only see a
default animated GIF progress bar without percentage, you may want to
install the PECL library for PHP. <br/><br/><spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">NOTE</span> : On Linux servers, you may want to do a <spanstyle="font-weight: bold;">$ sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts</span> so as to install Microsoft fonts. This will give PowerPoint conversion a better rendering. <br/>
<h2><aname="8._Videoconferencing_and_audio-recorder"></a>8. Videoconferencing and audio-recorder</h2>We will now install and configure RED5 Open Source Flash server <EFBFBD> the Dokeos RED5 webapplication. These will provide both <br/><ul><li>Videoconferencing and</li><li>Audio recorder for Oogie</li></ul>
<li>Download and install <ahref="http://osflash.org/red5">RED5 Open Source Flash server</a> (you will find Linux packages and a Windows installer on the RED 5 website)</li>
<li>Unzip it and copy it into the <spanstyle="font-style: italic;">webapps</span> directory of your RED5 installation. Windows : you can use <ahref="http://www.7-zip.org/">7-ZIP</a>
to untar. Target directory can be C:/Program Files/Red5/webapps/ .
Linux with Nautilus or through a shell : cp dokeos-red5APP-1.8/*
<li>Edit the RED5 settings to fit with your firewall requirements in terms of open ports if there is a limitation. </li>
<li>Configure Red5.
<li>Edit /usr/lib/red5/conf/red5.properties</li>
<li>Edit /usr/lib/red5/conf/realm.properties and change the default administrator password.</li>
<h4>More informations on RED5</h4>
Please take a look on this page : <ahref="http://www.dokeos.com/wiki/index.php/Installing_videoconference">http://www.dokeos.com/wiki/index.php/Installing_videoconference</a><br/><br/>
<h4>Configuration of your dokeos Videoconference plugin</h4>
The configuration of the VideoServing is done via the admin pages of Dokeos
<li>1. Configure your Apache installation to add a cgi-bin directory that contains a symbolic link to the mimetex.cgi in <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/mimetex/</i>(*see below)</li>
<li>3. Edit the <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/myconfig.js</i> and
<li>3.1. Add <b>FCKConfig.Plugins.Add("mimetex", "en", sOtherPluginPath ) ;</b> at the end of the file</li>
<li>3.2. Add <b>'mimetex'</b> at the end of the FCKConfig.ToolbarSets lines where you want the LaTeX icon to appear (there is one FCKConfig.ToolbarSets by tool). For example:
<li>4. For Windows servers only, update <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/editor/plugins/mimetex/mimetex.html</i> to replace <b>mimetex.cgi</b> by <b>mimetex.exe</b></li>
<li>5. Clear your browser's cache to test it (very important). This can be done using your browser's settings page</li>
<i>Adding a symbolic link can be done, under Windows, by creating a shortcut to the mimetex.exe file from the cgi-bin directory, or under Linux by issuing the following command:</i>
This procedure should make a new icon available in your Dokeos online editor, which will make it possible to insert mathematical formulas into your documents.<br/><br/>