$langUplPage = "Upload trang và tạo liên kết tới trang chủ";
$langLinkSite = "Thêm liên kết trang vào trang chủ";
$langCourse = "Website ";
$langHasDel = "đã bị xoá";
$langBackHome = "Trở về trang chính của ";
$langByDel = "Deleting this course website will permanently delete all the documents it contains and unregister all its students (not remove them from other courses).<p>Do you really want to delete the course";
$langY = "YES";
$langN = "NO";
$langDepartmentUrl = "Địa chỉ URL của trường/khoa";
$langDepartmentUrlName = "Trường/Khoa";
$langBackupCourse = "Archive this course";
$langModifGroups = "Nhóm";
$langProfessor = "Giáo viên";
$langGroups = "Nhóm";
$langChat = "Thảo luận";
$langDescriptionCours = "Mô tả khoá học";
$langArchiveCourse = "Course backup";
$langRestoreCourse = "Restore a course";
$langRestore = "Restore";
$langCreatedIn = "created in";
$langCreateMissingDirectories = "Creation of missing directories";
$langCopyDirectoryCourse = "Copy of course\'s files";
$langDisk_free_space = "free space";
$langBuildTheCompressedFile = "Creation of backup file";
$langFileCopied = "file copied";
$langArchiveLocation = "Archive location";
$langSizeOf = "Size of";
$langArchiveName = "Archive name";
$langBackupSuccesfull = "Successfull backup";
$langBUCourseDataOfMainBase = "Backup of course data in main database for";
$langBUUsersInMainBase = "Backup of user data in main database for";
$langBUAnnounceInMainBase = "Backup of announce data in main database for";
$langBackupOfDataBase = "Backup of database";
$langCreationDate = "Created";
$langExpirationDate = "Expire";
$langPostPone = "Post pone";
$langLastEdit = "Last edit";
$langLastVisit = "Last visit";
$langSubscription = "Subscription";
$langCourseAccess = "Course access";
$langDownload = "Download";
$langConfirmBackup = "Do you really want to backup the course";
$langCreateSite = "Tạo một Website cho khoá học mới ";
$langRestoreDescription = "The course is in an archive file which you can select below.<br><br>
When you have clicked on \"Restore\", the archive will be uncompessed and the course recreated.";
$langRestoreNotice = "This script doesn\'t allow yet to automatically restore users, but data saved in \"users.csv\" are sufficient so as for the administrator to be able to make that work manually.";