Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
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for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$lang_height = "高度";
$lang_resizing_comment = "將圖像的尺寸改編為下面的尺寸(用像素表示)";
$lang_width = "寬度";
$lang_resizing = "重新定義尺寸";
$lang_no_resizing_comment = "顯示所有圖像的原始尺寸, 沒有重新定義尺寸, 如果圖像大於顯示器的尺寸滾動條將自動顯示.";
$lang_show_thumbnails = "顯示略圖";
$lang_click_thumbnails = "點擊略圖的其中之一";
$lang_set_slideshow_options = "幻燈設定";
$lang_slideshow_options = "幻燈選項";
$lang_no_resizing = "不可重新定義尺寸(預設)";
$lang_exit_slideshow = "退出幻燈";
$SlideShow = "幻燈片";
$lang_previous_slide = "上一張";
$lang_next_slide = "下一張";
$lang_image = "圖像";
$lang_of = "的";
$lang_view_slideshow = "檢視幻燈";