/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
* Interface for assigning users to Human Resources Manager
* @package chamilo.admin
// name of the language file that needs to be included
// resetting the course id
// including some necessary dokeos files
require_once '../inc/global.inc.php';
require_once '../inc/lib/xajax/xajax.inc.php';
global $_configuration;
// create an ajax object
$xajax = new xajax();
$xajax -> registerFunction ('search_users');
// setting the section (for the tabs)
// Access restrictions
// setting breadcrumbs
$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => 'index.php', 'name' => get_lang('PlatformAdmin'));
$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => 'user_list.php','name' => get_lang('UserList'));
// Database Table Definitions
$tbl_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
$tbl_access_url_rel_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_USER);
// initializing variables
$user_id = intval($_GET['user']);
$user_info = api_get_user_info($user_id);
$user_anonymous = api_get_anonymous_id();
$current_user_id = api_get_user_id();
// setting the name of the tool
if (UserManager::is_admin($user_id)) {
$tool_name= get_lang('AssignUsersToPlatformAdministrator');
} else if ($user_info['status'] == SESSIONADMIN) {
$tool_name= get_lang('AssignUsersToSessionsAdministrator');
} else {
$tool_name= get_lang('AssignUsersToHumanResourcesManager');
$add_type = 'multiple';
if(isset($_GET['add_type']) & & $_GET['add_type']!=''){
$add_type = Security::remove_XSS($_REQUEST['add_type']);
if (!api_is_platform_admin()) {
function search_users($needle,$type) {
global $_configuration,$tbl_access_url_rel_user, $tbl_user, $user_anonymous, $current_user_id, $user_id;
$xajax_response = new XajaxResponse();
$return = '';
if(!empty($needle) & & !empty($type)) {
// xajax send utf8 datas... datas in db can be non-utf8 datas
$charset = api_get_system_encoding();
$needle = api_convert_encoding($needle, $charset, 'utf-8');
$assigned_users_to_hrm = UserManager::get_users_followed_by_drh($user_id);
$assigned_users_id = array_keys($assigned_users_to_hrm);
$without_assigned_users = '';
if (count($assigned_users_id) > 0) {
$without_assigned_users = " AND user.user_id NOT IN(".implode(',',$assigned_users_id).")";
if ($_configuration['multiple_access_urls']) {
$sql = "SELECT user.user_id, username, lastname, firstname FROM $tbl_user user LEFT JOIN $tbl_access_url_rel_user au ON (au.user_id = user.user_id)
WHERE ".(api_sort_by_first_name() ? 'firstname' : 'lastname')." LIKE '$needle%' AND status NOT IN(".DRH.", ".SESSIONADMIN.") AND user.user_id NOT IN ($user_anonymous, $current_user_id, $user_id) $without_assigned_users AND access_url_id = ".api_get_current_access_url_id()."";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT user_id, username, lastname, firstname FROM $tbl_user user
WHERE ".(api_sort_by_first_name() ? 'firstname' : 'lastname')." LIKE '$needle%' AND status NOT IN(".DRH.", ".SESSIONADMIN.") AND user_id NOT IN ($user_anonymous, $current_user_id, $user_id) $without_assigned_users";
$rs = Database::query($sql);
$return .= '< select id = "origin" name = "NoAssignedUsersList[]" multiple = "multiple" size = "20" style = "width:340px;" > ';
while($user = Database :: fetch_array($rs)) {
$person_name = api_get_person_name($user['firstname'], $user['lastname']);
$return .= '< option value = "'.$user['user_id'].'" title = "'.htmlspecialchars($person_name,ENT_QUOTES).'" > '.$person_name.' ('.$user['username'].')< / option > ';
$return .= '< / select > ';
$xajax_response -> addAssign('ajax_list_users_multiple','innerHTML',api_utf8_encode($return));
return $xajax_response;
$xajax -> processRequests();
$htmlHeadXtra[] = $xajax->getJavascript('../inc/lib/xajax/');
$htmlHeadXtra[] = '
< script type = "text/javascript" >
function moveItem(origin , destination) {
for(var i = 0 ; i< origin.options.length ; i + + ) {
if(origin.options[i].selected) {
destination.options[destination.length] = new Option(origin.options[i].text,origin.options[i].value);
i = i-1;
destination.selectedIndex = -1;
function sortOptions(options) {
var newOptions = new Array();
for (i = 0 ; i< options.length ; i + + ) {
newOptions[i] = options[i];
newOptions = newOptions.sort(mysort);
options.length = 0;
for(i = 0 ; i < newOptions.length ; i + + ) {
options[i] = newOptions[i];
function mysort(a, b) {
if (a.text.toLowerCase() > b.text.toLowerCase()) {
return 1;
if (a.text.toLowerCase() < b.text.toLowerCase ( ) ) {
return -1;
return 0;
function valide() {
var options = document.getElementById("destination").options;
for (i = 0 ; i< options.length ; i + + ) {
options[i].selected = true;
function remove_item(origin) {
for(var i = 0 ; i< origin.options.length ; i + + ) {
if(origin.options[i].selected) {
i = i-1;
< / script > ';
$errorMsg = $firstLetterUser = '';
$UserList = array();
$msg = '';
if (intval($_POST['formSent']) == 1) {
$user_list = $_POST['UsersList'];
$affected_rows = UserManager::suscribe_users_to_hr_manager($user_id,$user_list);
if ($affected_rows) {
$msg = get_lang('AssignedUsersHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully');
// display header
// actions
echo '< div class = "actions" >
< span style = "float: right;margin:0px;padding:0px;" >
< a href = "dashboard_add_courses_to_user.php?user='.$user_id.'" > '.Display::return_icon('course_add.gif', get_lang('AssignCourses'), array('style'=>'vertical-align:middle')).' '.get_lang('AssignCourses').'< / a >
< a href = "dashboard_add_sessions_to_user.php?user='.$user_id.'" > '.Display::return_icon('view_more_stats.gif', get_lang('AssignSessions'), array('style'=>'vertical-align:middle')).' '.get_lang('AssignSessions').'< / a > < / span >
< / div > ';
echo Display::page_header(sprintf(get_lang('AssignUsersToX'), api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname'])));
$assigned_users_to_hrm = UserManager::get_users_followed_by_drh($user_id);
$assigned_users_id = array_keys($assigned_users_to_hrm);
$without_assigned_users = '';
if (count($assigned_users_id) > 0) {
$without_assigned_users = " user.user_id NOT IN(".implode(',',$assigned_users_id).") AND ";
$search_user = '';
if (isset($_POST['firstLetterUser'])) {
$needle = Database::escape_string($_POST['firstLetterUser']);
$search_user ="AND ".(api_sort_by_first_name() ? 'firstname' : 'lastname')." LIKE '$needle%'";
if ($_configuration['multiple_access_urls']) {
$sql = "SELECT user.user_id, username, lastname, firstname FROM $tbl_user user LEFT JOIN $tbl_access_url_rel_user au ON (au.user_id = user.user_id)
WHERE $without_assigned_users user.user_id NOT IN ($user_anonymous, $current_user_id, $user_id) AND status NOT IN(".DRH.", ".SESSIONADMIN.") $search_user AND access_url_id = ".api_get_current_access_url_id()."
ORDER BY firstname";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT user_id, username, lastname, firstname FROM $tbl_user user
WHERE $without_assigned_users user_id NOT IN ($user_anonymous, $current_user_id, $user_id) AND status NOT IN(".DRH.", ".SESSIONADMIN.") $search_user
ORDER BY firstname ";
$result = Database::query($sql);
< form name = "formulaire" method = "post" action = " <?php echo api_get_self (); ?> ?user= <?php echo $user_id ?> " style = "margin:0px;" <?php if ( $ajax_search ){ echo ' onsubmit="valide();"' ;} ?> >
< input type = "hidden" name = "formSent" value = "1" / >
if(!empty($msg)) {
Display::display_normal_message($msg); //main API
< table border = "0" cellpadding = "5" cellspacing = "0" width = "100%" align = "center" >
< tr >
< td align = "left" > < / td >
< td align = "left" > < / td >
< td width = "" align = "center" > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td width = "45%" align = "center" >< b > <?php echo get_lang ( 'UserListInPlatform' ) ?> :</ b ></ td >
< td width = "10%" > < / td >
< td align = "center" width = "45%" > < b >
if (UserManager::is_admin($user_id)) {
echo get_lang('AssignedUsersListToPlatformAdministrator');
} else if ($user_info['status'] == SESSIONADMIN) {
echo get_lang('AssignedUsersListToSessionsAdministrator');
} else {
echo get_lang('AssignedUsersListToHumanResourcesManager');
:< / b > < / td >
< / tr >
<?php if ( $add_type == 'multiple' ) { ?>
< tr > < td width = "45%" align = "center" >
<?php echo get_lang ( 'FirstLetterUser' ); ?> :
< select name = "firstLetterUser" onchange = "xajax_search_users(this.value,'multiple')" >
< option value = "%" > --< / option >
echo Display :: get_alphabet_options($_POST['firstLetterUser']);
< / select >
< / td >
< td > < / td > < / tr >
<?php } ?>
< tr >
< td width = "45%" align = "center" >
< div id = "ajax_list_users_multiple" >
< select id = "origin" name = "NoAssignedUsersList[]" multiple = "multiple" size = "20" style = "width:340px;" >
while ($enreg = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
$person_name = api_get_person_name($enreg['firstname'], $enreg['lastname']);
< option value = " <?php echo $enreg [ 'user_id' ]; ?> " <?php echo 'title="' . htmlspecialchars ( $person_name , ENT_QUOTES ) . '"' ; ?> > <?php echo $person_name . ' (' . $enreg [ 'username' ] . ')' ; ?> </ option >
<?php } ?>
< / select > < / div >
< / td >
< td width = "10%" valign = "middle" align = "center" >
if ($ajax_search) {
< button class = "arrowl" type = "button" onclick = "remove_item(document.getElementById('destination'))" > < / button >
< button class = "arrowr" type = "button" onclick = "moveItem(document.getElementById('origin'), document.getElementById('destination'))" onclick = "moveItem(document.getElementById('origin'), document.getElementById('destination'))" > < / button >
< br / > < br / >
< button class = "arrowl" type = "button" onclick = "moveItem(document.getElementById('destination'), document.getElementById('origin'))" onclick = "moveItem(document.getElementById('destination'), document.getElementById('origin'))" > < / button >
< br / > < br / > < br / > < br / > < br / > < br / >
echo '< button class = "save" type = "button" value = "" onclick = "valide()" > '.$tool_name.'< / button > ';
< / td >
< td width = "45%" align = "center" >
< select id = 'destination' name = "UsersList[]" multiple = "multiple" size = "20" style = "width:320px;" >
if (is_array($assigned_users_to_hrm)) {
foreach($assigned_users_to_hrm as $enreg) {
$person_name = api_get_person_name($enreg['firstname'], $enreg['lastname']);
< option value = " <?php echo $enreg [ 'user_id' ]; ?> " <?php echo 'title="' . htmlspecialchars ( $person_name , ENT_QUOTES ) . '"' ; ?> > <?php echo $person_name . ' (' . $enreg [ 'username' ] . ')' ; ?> </ option >
<?php }
< / select > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / form >