/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
* This script contains the server part of the xajax interaction process. The client part is located
* in lp_api.php or other api's.
* This script, in particular, enables the process of SCO's initialization. It
* resets the JavaScript values for each SCO to the current LMS status.
* @package chamilo.learnpath
* @author Yannick Warnier <ywarnier@beeznest.org>
* Code
// Flag to allow for anonymous user - needs to be set before global.inc.php.
$use_anonymous = true;
// Name of the language file that needs to be included.
$language_file[] = 'learnpath';
require_once 'back_compat.inc.php';
* Get one item's details
* @param integer LP ID
* @param integer user ID
* @param integer View ID
* @param integer Current item ID
* @param integer New item ID
function initialize_item($lp_id, $user_id, $view_id, $next_item) {
$debug = 0;
$return = '';
if ($debug > 0) { error_log('In initialize_item('.$lp_id.','.$user_id.','.$view_id.','.$next_item.')', 0); }
//$objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
/*$item_id may be one of:
* -'next'
* -'previous'
* -'first'
* -'last'
* - a real item ID
require_once 'learnpath.class.php';
require_once 'scorm.class.php';
require_once 'aicc.class.php';
require_once 'learnpathItem.class.php';
require_once 'scormItem.class.php';
require_once 'aiccItem.class.php';
$mylp = '';
if (isset($_SESSION['lpobject'])) {
if ($debug > 1) { error_log('////$_SESSION[lpobject] is set', 0); }
$oLP =& unserialize($_SESSION['lpobject']);
if (!is_object($oLP)) {
if ($debug > 1) { error_log(print_r($oLP,true), 0); }
if ($debug > 2) { error_log('////Building new lp', 0); }
$code = api_get_course_id();
$mylp = new learnpath($code,$lp_id,$user_id);
} else {
if ($debug > 1) { error_log('////Reusing session lp', 0); }
$mylp = & $oLP;
if ($debug > 1) { error_log('In initialize_item() - new item is '.$next_item, 0); }
if ($mylp->force_commit) {
if (is_object($mylp->items[$next_item])) {
if ($debug > 1) { error_log('In initialize_item - recovering existing item object '.$next_item, 0); }
$mylpi = & $mylp->items[$next_item];
} else {
if ($debug > 1) { error_log('In initialize_item - generating new item object '.$next_item, 0); }
$mylpi = new learnpathItem($next_item, $user_id);
* now get what's needed by the SCORM API:
* -score
* -max
* -min
* -lesson_status
* -session_time
* -suspend_data
$myscore = $mylpi->get_score();
$mymax = $mylpi->get_max();
if ($mymax === '') { $mymax = "''"; }
$mymin = $mylpi->get_min();
$mylesson_status = $mylpi->get_status();
$mylesson_location = $mylpi->get_lesson_location();
$mytotal_time = $mylpi->get_scorm_time('js', null, true);
$mymastery_score = $mylpi->get_mastery_score();
$mymax_time_allowed = $mylpi->get_max_time_allowed();
$mylaunch_data = $mylpi->get_launch_data();
$mysession_time = $mylpi->get_total_time();
$mysuspend_data = $mylpi->get_suspend_data();
$mylesson_location = $mylpi->get_lesson_location();
$myic = $mylpi->get_interactions_count();
$myistring = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $myic; $i++) {
$myistring .= ",[".$i.",'','','','','','','']";
if (!empty($myistring)) {
$myistring = substr($myistring, 1);
// Obtention des donnees d'objectifs
$phpobjectives = array();
$mycoursedb = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_IV_OBJECTIVE);
$course_id = api_get_course_int_id();
$mylp_iv_id = $mylpi->db_item_view_id;
$sql = "SELECT objective_id, status, score_raw, score_max, score_min
FROM ".$mycoursedb."
WHERE lp_iv_id = ".$mylp_iv_id." AND c_id = $course_id
$res = Database::query($sql);
while ($row = Database::fetch_row($res)) {
$phpobjectives[] = $row;
$myobjectives = json_encode($phpobjectives);
$return .=
"olms.score=".$myscore.";" .
"olms.max=".$mymax.";" .
"olms.min=".$mymin.";" .
"olms.lesson_status='".$mylesson_status."';" .
"olms.lesson_location='".$mylesson_location."';" .
"olms.session_time='".$mysession_time."';" .
"olms.suspend_data='".$mysuspend_data."';" .
"olms.total_time = '".$mytotal_time."';" .
"olms.mastery_score = '".$mymastery_score."';" .
"olms.max_time_allowed = '".$mymax_time_allowed."';" .
"olms.launch_data = '".$mylaunch_data."';" .
"olms.interactions = new Array(".$myistring.");" .
//"olms.item_objectives = new Array();" .
"olms.item_objectives = ".$myobjectives.";" .
"olms.G_lastError = 0;" .
"olms.G_LastErrorMessage = 'No error';" ;
* and re-initialise the rest (proper to the LMS)
* -lms_lp_id
* -lms_item_id
* -lms_old_item_id
* -lms_new_item_id
* -lms_initialized
* -lms_progress_bar_mode
* -lms_view_id
* -lms_user_id
$mytotal = $mylp->get_total_items_count_without_chapters();
$mycomplete = $mylp->get_complete_items_count();
$myprogress_mode = $mylp->get_progress_bar_mode();
$myprogress_mode = ($myprogress_mode == '' ? '%' : $myprogress_mode);
$mynext = $mylp->get_next_item_id();
$myprevious = $mylp->get_previous_item_id();
$myitemtype = $mylpi->get_type();
$mylesson_mode = $mylpi->get_lesson_mode();
$mycredit = $mylpi->get_credit();
$mylaunch_data = $mylpi->get_launch_data();
$myinteractions_count = $mylpi->get_interactions_count();
$myobjectives_count = $mylpi->get_objectives_count();
$mycore_exit = $mylpi->get_core_exit();
$return .=
"olms.lms_lp_id=".$lp_id.";" .
"olms.lms_item_id=".$next_item.";" .
"olms.lms_old_item_id=0;" .
"olms.lms_initialized=0;" .
"olms.lms_view_id=".$view_id.";" .
"olms.lms_user_id=".$user_id.";" .
"olms.next_item=".$next_item.";" . // This one is very important to replace possible literal strings.
"olms.lms_next_item=".$mynext.";" .
"olms.lms_previous_item=".$myprevious.";" .
"olms.lms_item_type = '".$myitemtype."';" .
"olms.lms_item_credit = '".$mycredit."';" .
"olms.lms_item_lesson_mode = '".$mylesson_mode."';" .
"olms.lms_item_launch_data = '".$mylaunch_data."';" .
"olms.lms_item_interactions_count = '".$myinteractions_count."';" .
"olms.lms_item_objectives_count = '".$myinteractions_count."';" .
"olms.lms_item_core_exit = '".$mycore_exit."';" .
"olms.asset_timer = 0;";
$mylp->prerequisites_match(); // Check the prerequisites are all complete.
if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Prereq_match() returned '.htmlentities($mylp->error), 0); }
//$_SESSION['scorm_item_id'] = $new_item_id; // Save the new item ID for the exercise tool to use/
//$_SESSION['lpobject'] = serialize($mylp);
return $return;
echo initialize_item($_POST['lid'], $_POST['uid'], $_POST['vid'], $_POST['iid']);