[svn r10267] French and English new language files for LP

Eric Marguin 19 years ago
parent d1b61522e7
commit 0a8d9632df
  1. 105
  2. 105

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$lang_learning_path = "Learning Path";
$lang_learning_path_builder = "Learning Path builder";
$lang_description = "description";
$lang_title = "title";
$lang_prerequisites = "Prerequisities";
$lang_move_up = "Move up";
$lang_move_down = "Move down";
$langThisItem = "this item";
$lang_title_and_desc = "Title & description";
$lang_add_item = "Add step";
$lang_change_order = "Change order";
$lang_add_prereqi = "Add prerequisities";
$lang_add_title_and_desc = "Edit title & desc.";
$lang_delete = "Delete";
$lang_add_chapter = "Add module";
$lang_show_hide = "Show / hide";
$langLearnpathMystatus = "My status";
$langLearnpathCompstatus = "completed";
$langLearnpathIncomplete = "incomplete";
$langLearnpathPassed = "passed";
$langLearnpathFailed = "failed";
$langLearnpathPrevious = "Previous";
$langLearnpathNext = "Next";
$langLearnpathRestart = "Restart";
$langLearnpathThisStatus = "This step is now";
$langLearnpathToEnter = "To enter";
$langLearnpathFirstNeedTo = "you need first accomplish";
$langLearnpathLessonTitle = "Step title";
$langLearnpathStatus = "Status";
$langLearnpathScore = "Score";
$langLearnpathTime = "Time";
$langLearnpathVersion = "version";
$langLearnpathRestarted = "All the steps are now incomplete.";
$langLearnpathNoNext = "This is the last step.";
$langLearnpathNoPrev = "This is the first step.";
$lang_add_learnpath = "Add a learning path";
$lang_learnpath_added = "The new learning path was successfully created. Now you can add modules to it by clicking on the cross.";
$lang_edit_learnpath = "edit learnpath";
$lang_delete_learnpath = "delete learnpath";
$lang_learnpath_edited = "learnpath has been edited";
$lang_learnpath_deleted = "learnpath has been deleted";
$lang_no_publish = "do not publish";
$lang_publish = "publish";
$lang_no_published = "not published";
$lang_published = "published";
$lang_add_learnpath_module = "Add a new module";
$lang_add_learnpath_chapter_to_path = "Add a new module to this learning path";
$lang_learnpath_module_added = "The new learning path module was succesfully created. Now you can add steps to it by clicking on the cross.";
$lang_edit_learnpath_module = "Edit module description/title";
$lang_delete_learnpath_module = "Delete module";
$lang_learnpath_module_edited = "The learning path module was successfully edited";
$lang_learnpath_module_deleted = "The learning path module and all steps in it are deleted";
$lang_nochapters = "No modules added yet.";
$lang_add_learnpath_item = "Add steps to this module";
$lang_learnpath_item_deleted = "The learning path step has been deleted";
$lang_assign_learnpath_items_to = "please assign this/these learning path steps to module: ";
$lang_edit_learnpath_item = "Edit step additional description/title";
$lang_add_prereq = "Add/edit prerequisities to this step";
$lang_delete_learnpath_item = "Delete step";
$lang_learnpath_item_edited = "The learning path step has been modified";
$lang_prereq_deleted_error = "Has been deleted !";
$lang_none = "NONE";
$lang_forum_opened = "The selected forum has been opened in a new window.";
$lang_link_opened = "The selected link has been opened in a new window.";
$lang_short_help = "To add a step, click on the cross; to add new title/description, click on the pencil; to add prerequisities click on the icon with two documents. You can check what the students will see by clicking on Student View on top.";
$lang_prereq_not_complete = "prerequisites are not complete";
$lang_author = "Author";
$lang_date = "Date";
$langBasicOverview = "Basic overview";
$langAdvanced = "Advanced";
$langDisplay = "Display";
$langNewChapter = "New chapter";
$langNewStep = "New step";
$langPrerequisites = "Prerequisites";
$langEditPrerequisites = "Edit the prerequisites of the current item";
$langTitleManipulateChapter = "Manipulate the current chapter";
$langTitleManipulateModule = "Manipulate the current module";
$langTitleManipulateDocument = "Manipulate the current document";
$langTitleManipulateLink = "Manipulate the current link";
$langTitleManipulateQuiz = "Manipulate the current exercise";
$langTitleManipulateStudentPublication = "Manipulate the current student publication";
$lang_prerequisites_limit = "Prerequisities (limit)";
$lang_loading = "Loading page, please wait ...";
$lang_empty = "This path does not contain any steps.";
$langHotPotatoesFinished = "This HotPotatoes test has been closed.";
$langCompletionLimit = "Completion limit (minimum points)";
$langPrereqToEnter = "To enter ";
$langPrereqFirstNeedTo = " you need first accomplish ";
$langPrereqModuleMinimum1 = "Minimum 1 step is missing from ";
$langPrereqModuleMinimum2 = " which is set as prerequisities.";
$langPrereqTestLimit1 = " you must reach minimum ";
$langPrereqTestLimit2 = " points in ";
$langPrereqTestLimitNow = "Now you have : ";
$langLearnpathExitFullScreen = "back to normal screen";
$langLearnpathFullScreen = "full screen";
$langItemMissing1 = "There was a ";
$langItemMissing2 = "page (step) here in the original Dokeos Learning Path.";
$langDone = "Done";
$langNoItemSelected = "To display something here, please select an item from the side menu";
$langUploadScorm = "SCORM and AICC import";
$langPowerPointConvert = "PowerPoint conversion";

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$lang_learning_path = "Parcours";
$lang_learning_path_builder = "Créer un parcours";
$lang_description = "description";
$lang_title = "nom";
$lang_prerequisites = "Prérequis";
$lang_move_up = "Monter";
$lang_move_down = "Descendre";
$langThisItem = "Cet item";
$lang_title_and_desc = "Nom et description";
$lang_add_item = "Ajouter une étape";
$lang_change_order = "Réordonner";
$lang_add_prereqi = "Ajouter des prérequis";
$lang_add_title_and_desc = "Editer nom et descr.";
$lang_delete = "Effacer";
$lang_add_chapter = "Ajouter un module";
$lang_show_hide = "Visible/invisible";
$langLearnpathMystatus = "Etat de la progression";
$langLearnpathCompstatus = "complété";
$langLearnpathIncomplete = "Non complété";
$langLearnpathPassed = "réussi";
$langLearnpathFailed = "raté";
$langLearnpathPrevious = "Précédent";
$langLearnpathNext = "Suivant";
$langLearnpathRestart = "Redémarrer";
$langLearnpathThisStatus = "Cette étape est maintenant";
$langLearnpathToEnter = "Pour entrer";
$langLearnpathFirstNeedTo = "vous devez d\'abord compléter";
$langLearnpathLessonTitle = "Nom du module";
$langLearnpathStatus = "Statut";
$langLearnpathScore = "Score";
$langLearnpathTime = "Temps";
$langLearnpathVersion = "version";
$langLearnpathRestarted = "Aucune étape n\'est complétée.";
$langLearnpathNoNext = "Vous avez atteint la dernière étape du parcours.";
$langLearnpathNoPrev = "Cette étape constitue le point de départ du parcours.";
$lang_add_learnpath = "Créer un parcours";
$lang_learnpath_added = "Le parcours a été créé. Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter des chapitres en cliquant sur la croix.";
$lang_edit_learnpath = "Editer le nom et/ou la description du parcours";
$lang_delete_learnpath = "Supprimer le parcours";
$lang_learnpath_edited = "Le parcours a été édité";
$lang_learnpath_deleted = "Le parcours et tous ses composants ont été supprimés";
$lang_no_publish = "Masquer aux étudiants";
$lang_publish = "Montrer aux étudiants";
$lang_no_published = "est maintenant invisible pour les étudiants";
$lang_published = "est maintenant accessible aux étudiants";
$lang_add_learnpath_module = "Ajouter un module";
$lang_add_learnpath_chapter_to_path = "Ajouter un module à ce parcours";
$lang_learnpath_module_added = "Le module a été ajouté. Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter des étapes en cliquant sur la croix.";
$lang_edit_learnpath_module = "Editer le nom et/ou la description du module";
$lang_delete_learnpath_module = "Supprimer le module";
$lang_learnpath_module_edited = "Le module a été édité.";
$lang_learnpath_module_deleted = "Le module ainsi que les étapes qu\'il contenait ont été supprimés.";
$lang_nochapters = "Aucun module n\'a encore été ajouté.";
$lang_add_learnpath_item = "Ajouter des étapes à ce module";
$lang_learnpath_item_deleted = "L\'étape a été supprimée";
$lang_assign_learnpath_items_to = "veuillez ajouter cette/ces étape(s) au module: ";
$lang_edit_learnpath_item = "Editer le nom et la description de cette étape";
$lang_add_prereq = "Ajouter/éditer les prérequis associés à cette étape";
$lang_delete_learnpath_item = "Supprimer l\'étape";
$lang_learnpath_item_edited = "L\'étape a été modifiée";
$lang_prereq_deleted_error = "A été supprimé !";
$lang_none = "AUCUN";
$lang_forum_opened = "Le forum sélectionné a été ouvert dans une nouvelle fenêtre.";
$lang_link_opened = "Le lien sélectionné a été ouvert dans une nouvelle fenêtre.";
$lang_short_help = "Pour ajouter une étape, cliquez sur la croix; pour ajouter un nom/une description, cliquez sur le crayon; pour ajouter des prérequis, cliquez sur l\'icône représentant deux documents. Pour obtenir la vue membre, cliquez sur \'Vue membre\' dans le coin supérieur droit.";
$lang_prereq_not_complete = "Les prérequis n\'ont pas été complétés.";
$lang_author = "Auteur";
$lang_date = "Date";
$langBasicOverview = "Vue basique";
$langAdvanced = "Avancée";
$langDisplay = "Montrer";
$langNewChapter = "Nouveau chapitre";
$langNewStep = "Nouvelle étape";
$langPrerequisites = "Pré-requis";
$langEditPrerequisites = "Editer les pré-requis pour cette étape";
$langTitleManipulateChapter = "Editer ce chapitre";
$langTitleManipulateModule = "Editer ce module";
$langTitleManipulateDocument = "Editer ce document";
$langTitleManipulateLink = "Editer ce lien";
$langTitleManipulateQuiz = "Editer ce test";
$langTitleManipulateStudentPublication = "Editer ce document";
$lang_prerequisites_limit = "Prérequis";
$lang_loading = "Chargement, veuillez patienter svp...";
$lang_empty = "Ce parcours ne contient aucune étape.";
$langHotPotatoesFinished = "Ce quiz HotPotatoes est terminé.";
$langCompletionLimit = "Points minimum requis";
$langPrereqToEnter = "Pour entrer";
$langPrereqFirstNeedTo = "vous devez d\'abord accomplir";
$langPrereqModuleMinimum1 = "Au moins une étape manque à partir de \"";
$langPrereqModuleMinimum2 = " \" qui est paramétré en tant que prérequis";
$langPrereqTestLimit1 = "Vous devez atteindre au minimum";
$langPrereqTestLimit2 = "points en";
$langPrereqTestLimitNow = "Vous avez maintenant :";
$langLearnpathExitFullScreen = "retour à l\'écran normal";
$langLearnpathFullScreen = "plein écran";
$langItemMissing1 = "Il y avait un";
$langItemMissing2 = "page (étape) ici dans le parcours pédagogique original.";
$langDone = "Réalisé";
$langNoItemSelected = "Pour afficher un élément dans cette zone, veuillez cliquer sur un élément du menu situé à gauche";
$langUploadScorm = "Import AICC et SCORM";
$langPowerPointConvert = "Conversion PowerPoint";