[svn r22016] FS#2867 - The English installation manual: Deeper rework of the section "7. Mathematical formulas with LaTeX".

Ivan Tcholakov 16 years ago
parent e3967fdcee
commit 114b0fc1e3
  1. 64

@ -597,42 +597,43 @@ that criteria</li>
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
<h2><a name="7._Mathematical_formulas"></a>7. Mathematical formulas with LaTeX</h2>
<i>This part is optional, only organisations wanting to use mathematical formulas inside the online editor might want to read this.</i><br />
<i>This part is optional, only organisations planning to use mathematical formulas inside the online editor might want to read this.</i><br /><br />
You can enable mathematical equations writing inside the Dokeos online editor (FCKEditor) by applying the following steps:
<li>1. Configure your Apache installation to add a cgi-bin directory that contains a symbolic link to the mimetex.cgi in <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/mimetex/</i>(*see below)</li>
<li>1. Configure your Apache installation to add a cgi-bin directory that contains a symbolic link to the mimetex.cgi in
<i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/mimetex/</i> (*see below, step 4)</li>
<li>2. Reload your Apache configuration</li>
<li>3. Edit the <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/myconfig.js</i> and
<li>3. Edit the online editor's configuration file <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/myconfig.php</i> and
<li>3.1. Add <b>FCKConfig.Plugins.Add("mimetex", "en", sOtherPluginPath ) ;</b> at the end of the file</li>
<li>3.2. Add <b>'mimetex'</b> at the end of the
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets lines where you want the LaTeX icon to appear
(there is one FCKConfig.ToolbarSets by tool). For example:
<div class="code">FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Test"] = [<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;['Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough','Subscript','Superscript','Link','Unlink','ImageManager','MP3','OrderedList','UnorderedList','Table','mimetex']<br />
] ;</div>
You can add it to all the tools, or only to the document and tests tools, for example<br />
<br />
<li>3.1. Enable the mimetex plugin, find the line //$config['LoadPlugin'][] = 'mimetex'; and modify it to be:
<b>$config['LoadPlugin'][] = 'mimetex';</b> (remove the double slash)</li>
<li>3.2. The additional settings <b>$config['MimetexExecutableInstalled']</b> , <b>$config['MimetexExecutableDetectionMethod']</b>
and <b>$config['MimetexExecutableDetectionTimeout']</b> are configured for best probability
of automatic detection of the installed on the server file <i>mimetex.cgi</i> or <i>mimetex.exe</i>.
In rare cases these options might need to be twicked, see the acccompanying comments abou
these options within the file <i>myconfig.php</i></li>
<li>3.3. Once the plugin has been activated, almost in all toolbars the corresponding button appears.
If you need to edit some toolbars, see the configuration files (php) within the directory <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/toolbars/</i> .
Here is an example:
<div class="code">$config['ToolbarSets']['Normal'] = array(<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;array('FitWindow','Bold','Image','Link','PasteWord','MP3',<b>'mimetex'</b>,'Table','Subscript','Superscript','ShowBlocks')<br />
The item <b>'mimetex'</b> represents the button, you may add it to or remove it from any toolbar.<br /><br />
<li>4. In very rare cases (only if problems are detected), some configuration options about MimeTeX at the beginning of the file <em>dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/fckeditor.php</em> might need to be revised and twicked. See the acccompanying comments about these options within the same file</li>
<li>5. Clear your browser's cache to test it (very important). This can be done using your browser's settings page</li>
<li>6. Make these changes: </li>
<li>4. To install mimetex executable file, make these changes:</li>
<p><i>Adding the corresponding cgi-bin directory to your Apache configuration could be done, in Apache 2, like this:</i>
<p>Add the corresponding cgi-bin directory to your Apache configuration could be done, in Apache 2, like this:
<div class="code">
@ -646,22 +647,21 @@ FCKConfig.ToolbarSets lines where you want the LaTeX icon to appear
<p><i>Adding a symbolic link can be done, under Windows, by creating a
<p>Adding a symbolic link can be done, under Windows, by creating a
shortcut to the mimetex.exe file from the cgi-bin directory, or under
Linux by issuing the following command:</i>
Linux by issuing the following command:
<div class="code">
<p>ln -s /var/www/dokeos/main/inc/lib/mimetex/mimetex.cgi /var/www/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi</p>
<p>If you don't want modify your Apache, alternately you can make at this point 6: copy mimetex.exe (for windows) or mimetex.cgi (for linux) to your cgi-bin/ </p>
<p>This procedure should make a new icon available in your Dokeos online
editor, which will make it possible to insert mathematical formulas
into your documents.<br />
<p>If you are reluctant to modify your Apache configuration, alternately you may do at step 4 the following:
copy mimetex.exe (for windows) or mimetex.cgi (for linux) from <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/mimetex/</i> directory to your <i>cgi-bin/</i></p>
<p>As a result of this procedure, a new button becomes available in your Dokeos online editor, that gives you possibility
to insert mathematical formulas into your documents.<br />
<br />
<br />
Contact address: Dokeos, Rue Victor Hugo, 201,&nbsp;B-1030 Brussels, Belgium<br />
