Upgrade pChart 2 for Dashboard plugin, student block, teacher block - refs CT#7408

Daniel Barreto 10 years ago
parent fa78252a33
commit 171bd5c950
  1. 34
  2. 18
  3. 166
  4. 135

@ -196,15 +196,15 @@
/* This function create the background picture */
function pChart($XSize,$YSize)
$this->XSize = $XSize;
$this->YSize = $YSize;
$this->YSize = $YSize;
$this->Picture = imagecreatetruecolor($XSize,$YSize);
$C_White = $this->AllocateColor($this->Picture,255,255,255);
$C_White = $this->AllocateColor($this->Picture,255,255,255);
/* Set if warnings should be reported */
@ -2002,18 +2002,18 @@
if ( $Shadow && $Alpha == 100 )
$X1 = $YZero;
$Y1 = $XPos+1;
$X2 = $YPos;
$Y2 = $XPos+$SeriesWidth-1;
$XPos = $XPos + $this->DivisionWidth;
@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@
/* This function draw a bar graph */
@ -2923,13 +2923,13 @@
/* This function create a filled rectangle with antialias */
@ -3074,10 +3074,10 @@
/* This function create a circle with antialias */
function drawCircle($Xc,$Yc,$Height,$R,$G,$B,$Width=0)

@ -122,11 +122,11 @@
if (is_array($Value) && count($Value) == 1)
$Value = $Value[0];
$ID = 0;
$ID = 0;
for ($i=0;$i<=count($this->Data);$i++) {
if(isset($this->Data[$i][$Serie])) { $ID = $i+1; }
if(isset($this->Data[$i][$Serie])) { $ID = $i+1; }
if ( count($Value) == 1 ) {
$this->Data[$ID][$Serie] = $Value;
if ( $Description != "" ) $this->Data[$ID]["Name"] = $Description;
@ -139,10 +139,10 @@
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
function AddAllSeries()
if ( isset($this->Data[0]) )
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
$this->DataDescription["Values"][] = $Key;

@ -14,10 +14,9 @@
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'attendance.lib.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pchart/pData.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pchart/pChart.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pchart/pCache.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pchart/MyHorBar.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pChart2/class/pData.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pChart2/class/pDraw.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pChart2/class/pCache.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'gradebook/lib/be/gradebookitem.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'gradebook/lib/be/evaluation.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'gradebook/lib/be/result.class.php';
@ -139,69 +138,108 @@ class BlockStudentGraph extends Block
if (is_array($usernames) && count($usernames) > 0) {
// Defining data
$data_set = new pData;
// prepare cache for saving image
$graph_id = $this->user_id.'StudentEvaluationGraph'; // the graph id
$cache = new pCache();
$data = $data_set->GetData(); // return $this->DataDescription
if ($cache->IsInCache($graph_id, $data_set->GetData())) {
//if (0) {
//if we already created the img
$img_file = $cache->GetHash($graph_id, $data_set->GetData()); // image file with hash
} else {
if (count($usernames) < 5) {
$height = 200;
} else {
$height = (count($usernames)*40);
// Initialise the graph
$test = new MyHorBar(400,($height+30));
$test->setFontProperties(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pchart/fonts/tahoma.ttf', 8);
//X axis
// Draw the 0 line
$test->setFontProperties(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pchart/fonts/tahoma.ttf', 6);
// Draw the bar graph
$cache->WriteToCache($graph_id, $data_set->GetData(), $test);
$img_file = $cache->GetHash($graph_id, $data_set->GetData());
if (!empty($img_file)) {
$graph = '<img src="'.api_get_path(WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH).$img_file.'">';
// Defining data
$dataSet = new pData();
$dataSet->addPoints($faults, 'Serie1');
$dataSet->addPoints($usernames, 'Labels');
$dataSet->SetSerieDescription('Series1', get_lang('Average'));
$dataSet->SetSerieDescription('Labels', get_lang('User'));
$dataSet->SetAxisName(0, get_lang('Attendance'));
$palette = array(
'0' => array('R' => 188, 'G' => 224, 'B' => 46, 'Alpha' => 100),
'1' => array('R' => 224, 'G' => 100, 'B' => 46, 'Alpha' => 100),
'2' => array('R' => 224, 'G' => 214, 'B' => 46, 'Alpha' => 100),
'3' => array('R' => 46, 'G' => 151, 'B' => 224, 'Alpha' => 100),
'4' => array('R' => 176, 'G' => 46, 'B' => 224, 'Alpha' => 100),
'5' => array('R' => 224, 'G' => 46, 'B' => 117, 'Alpha' => 100),
'6' => array('R' => 92, 'G' => 224, 'B' => 46, 'Alpha' => 100),
'7' => array('R' => 224, 'G' => 176, 'B' => 46, 'Alpha' => 100)
// Cache definition
$cachePath = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH);
$myCache = new pCache(array('CacheFolder' => substr($cachePath, 0, strlen($cachePath) - 1)));
$chartHash = $myCache->getHash($dataSet);
if ($myCache->isInCache($chartHash)) {
$imgPath = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH) . $chartHash;
$myCache->saveFromCache($chartHash, $imgPath);
$imgPath = api_get_path(WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH) . $chartHash;
} else {
$maxCounts = max(count($usernames), count($faults));
if ($maxCounts < 5) {
$heightSize = 200;
} else {
$heightSize = $maxCounts * 40;
/* Create the pChart object */
$widthSize = 480;
$angle = 40;
$myPicture = new pImage($widthSize, $heightSize, $dataSet);
/* Turn of Antialiasing */
$myPicture->Antialias = false;
/* Add a border to the picture */
$myPicture->drawRectangle(0, 0, $widthSize - 1, $heightSize - 1, array('R' => 0, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0));
/* Set the default font */
$myPicture->setFontProperties(array('FontName' => api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'pChart2/fonts/verdana.ttf', 'FontSize' => 10));
/* Do NOT Write the chart title */
/* Define the chart area */
$myPicture->setGraphArea(80, 40, $widthSize - 20, $heightSize - 40);
/* Draw the scale */
$scaleSettings = array(
'GridR' => 200,
'GridG' => 200,
'GridB' => 200,
'DrawSubTicks' => true,
'CycleBackground' => true,
'DrawXLines' => false,
'LabelRotation' => $angle,
/* Turn on shadow computing */
$myPicture->setShadow(true, array('X' => 1, 'Y' => 1, 'R' => 0, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'Alpha' => 10));
/* Draw the chart */
$myPicture->setShadow(true, array('X' => 1, 'Y' => 1, 'R' => 0, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'Alpha' => 10));
$settings = array(
'OverrideColors' => $palette,
'Gradient' => false,
'GradientMode' => GRADIENT_SIMPLE,
'DisplayPos' => LABEL_POS_TOP,
'DisplayValues' => true,
'DisplayR' => 0,
'DisplayG' => 0,
'DisplayB' => 0,
'DisplayShadow' => true,
'Surrounding' => 10,
/* Render the picture (choose the best way) */
$myCache->writeToCache($chartHash, $myPicture);
$imgPath = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH) . $chartHash;
$myCache->saveFromCache($chartHash, $imgPath);
$imgPath = api_get_path(WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH) . $chartHash;
$graph = '<img src="' . $imgPath . '" >';
} else {
$graph = '<p>'.api_convert_encoding(get_lang('GraphicNotAvailable'),'UTF-8').'</p>';
return $graph;

@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'usermanager.lib.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'course.lib.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'tracking.lib.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pchart/pData.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pchart/pChart.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pchart/pCache.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'pChart2/class/pData.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'pChart2/class/pDraw.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'pChart2/class/pCache.class.php';
* This class is used like controller for teacher graph block plugin,
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class BlockTeacherGraph extends Block
$a_last_week = get_last_week();
if (is_array($user_ids) && count($user_ids) > 0) {
$data_set = new pData;
$dataSet = new pData;
foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) {
$teacher_info = api_get_user_info($user_id);
$username = $teacher_info['username'];
@ -115,8 +115,7 @@ class BlockTeacherGraph extends Block
$min = floor(($time_on_platform_by_day - ($hours * 3600)) / 60);
$time_by_days[] = $min;
$dataSet->addPoints($time_by_days, $username);
$last_week = date('Y-m-d',$a_last_week[0]).' '.get_lang('To').' '.date('Y-m-d', $a_last_week[6]);
@ -125,68 +124,76 @@ class BlockTeacherGraph extends Block
$days_on_week[] = date('d/m',$weekday);
$graph_id = $this->user_id.'TeacherConnectionsGraph';
$cache = new pCache();
// the graph id
$data = $data_set->GetData();
if ($cache->IsInCache($graph_id, $data_set->GetData())) {
//if we already created the img
$img_file = $cache->GetHash($graph_id, $data_set->GetData());
} else {
// Initializing the graph
$bg_width = 440;
$bg_height = 350;
$angle = -30;
$test = new pChart($bg_width+10,$bg_height+20);
$test = $test->fixHeightByRotation($data_set->GetData(), $data_set->GetDataDescription(), $angle);
$dataSet->addPoints($days_on_week, 'Days');
$dataSet->setAxisName(0, get_lang('Minutes'));
// Cache definition
$cachePath = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH);
$myCache = new pCache(array('CacheFolder' => substr($cachePath, 0, strlen($cachePath) - 1)));
$chartHash = $myCache->getHash($dataSet);
if ($myCache->isInCache($chartHash)) {
$imgPath = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH) . $chartHash;
$myCache->saveFromCache($chartHash, $imgPath);
$imgPath = api_get_path(WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH) . $chartHash;
} else {
/* Create the pChart object */
$widthSize = 440;
$heightSize = 350;
$angle = 50;
$myPicture = new pImage($widthSize, $heightSize, $dataSet);
/* Turn of Antialiasing */
$myPicture->Antialias = false;
/* Add a border to the picture */
$myPicture->drawRectangle(0, 0, $widthSize - 1, $heightSize - 1, array('R' => 0, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0));
/* Set the default font */
$myPicture->setFontProperties(array('FontName' => api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'pChart2/fonts/verdana.ttf', 'FontSize' => 10));
/* Do NOT Write the chart title */
/* Define the chart area */
$myPicture->setGraphArea(40, 40, $widthSize - 20, $heightSize - 80);
/* Draw the scale */
$scaleSettings = array(
'GridR' => 200,
'GridG' => 200,
'GridB' => 200,
'DrawSubTicks' => true,
'CycleBackground' => true,
'LabelRotation' => $angle,
// Drawing lines
// Drawing Legend
/* Turn on shadow computing */
$myPicture->setShadow(true, array('X' => 1, 'Y' => 1, 'R' => 0, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'Alpha' => 10));
$cache->WriteToCache($graph_id, $data_set->GetData(), $test);
$img_file = $cache->GetHash($graph_id, $data_set->GetData());
if (!empty($img_file)) {
$graph = '<img src="'.api_get_path(WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH).$img_file.'">';
/* Draw the chart */
$myPicture->setShadow(true, array('X' => 1, 'Y' => 1, 'R' => 0, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'Alpha' => 10));
$settings = array(
'DisplayValues' => true,
'DisplayR' => 0,
'DisplayG' => 0,
'DisplayB' => 0,
$myPicture->drawLegend(40, 20, array('Mode' => LEGEND_HORIZONTAL));
/* Render the picture (choose the best way) */
$myCache->writeToCache($chartHash, $myPicture);
$imgPath = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH) . $chartHash;
$myCache->saveFromCache($chartHash, $imgPath);
$imgPath = api_get_path(WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH) . $chartHash;
$graph = '<img src="' . $imgPath . '" >';
} else {
$graph = '<p>'.api_convert_encoding(get_lang('GraphicNotAvailable'),'UTF-8').'</p>';
