@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ $langZipNoPhp = "The zip file can not contain .PHP files";
$langUncompress = "Uncompress zip";
$langDownloadAndZipEnd = " Zip file uploaded and uncompressed";
$langRoot = "root";
$langCreateDoc = "Create a document";
$langCreateDoc = "Create media";
$langDown = "Down";
$langFileError = "The file to upload is not valid.";
$langMaxFileSize = "Max file size is";
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ $langScormcontent = "This is a Scorm content<br><input type=button name=scormbut
$langScormcontentstudent = "This is a Scorm format course. To play it, click here : <inputtype=buttonname=scormbuttonvalue=\'Launchit!\'onclick=\'openscorm()\'>";
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langHFor = "Help Forums";
$langForContent = "The forum is a written and asynchronous discussion tool. Where email allows one-to-one dialogue, forums allow public or semi-public (group) dialogue.</p><p>Technically speaking, the users need only their browser to use Dokeos forums.</P><p>To organise forums, click on \'Forum Administration\'. Discussions are organised in sets and subsets as following:</p><p><b>Category > Forum > Topic > Answers</b></p>To structure your users discussions, it is necessary to organise categories and forums beforehand, leaving the creation of topics and answers to them. By default, the Dokeos forum only contains the category \'Public\', a sample forum and a sample topic.</p><p>The first thing you should do is deleting the sample topic and modify the first forum name. Then, you can create, in the \'public\' category, other forums, by by themes, to fit your learning scenario requirements.</p><p>Don\'t mix Categories and forums, and don\'t forget that an empty category (without forums) does not appear on the student view.</p><p>The description of a forum can be the list of its members, the definition of a goal, a task, a theme...</p><p>Group forums should not be created through Forum tool but through Groups tool. There you will be allowed to decide whether your group forums are private or public.</p><b>Pedagogically advanced use</b><p>Some teachers / trainers use the forum to post corrections. One student/trainee publishes a paper. The teacher corrects it using the edit button (yellow pencil) then the WYSYWIG editor to correct it (use colors and underline to show errors and corrections for instance) and the other students/trainees benefit of this correction.";
$langHDropbox = "Documents sharing";
$langHDropbox = "Dropbox";
$langDropboxContent = "<p>The documents sharing tool is a Content Management Tool dedicated to peer-to-peer data exchange.Any file type is accepted : Word, Excel, PDF etc. It will manage versions in the sens that it will avoid destruction of a document by a document having the same name.</p><p>The documents sharing tool shows the files that were sent to you (the received folder)and the files that you sent to other members of this course (the sent folder).</p><p>If the list of received or sent files gets too long, you can delete allor some files from the list. The file itself is not removed as long asthe other party can see it.</p><p>To send a document to more than one person, you need to use CTRL+clic in the multiple select box. The multiple select box is the form field showing the list of members.</p>";
$langHHome = "Help Homepage";
$langHomeContent = "<p>The training home page shows a series of tools : an introduction text, a description, a Documents manager etc. This page is modular : you can hide / show any tool in one click. Hidden tools can be reactivated at any time.</p><b>Navigation</b><p>To browse your course, you have 2 navigation tools. One on top left is a tree showing where you are and how deep you are in the course. On top right, you can access to a tool through its icon in one click. Whether you select your course code on left (always UPPER CASE) or the house icon on the right, you will reach the home page of your course. </p><b>Best practice</b><p>To motivate your students, it is important that your course area is a dynamic area. This will indicate that there is \'somebody behind the screen\'. A quick way to give this feeling is to edit the Introduction text (click on yellow pencil) at least evey week to tell latest news, forthcoming deadlines and so on.</p><p>To build your course, it might proove relevant to follow these steps:<ol><li>In Course Settings, check Course Acces : Private and Subscription : Denied. This way, nobody can enter your course area during building process,</li><li>Show all the tools clicking on the grey link below the ones situated at the bottom of the page,</li><li>Use the tools you need to \'fill\' your area with content, events, guidelines, tests etc.,</li><li>Hide all tools : your home page is empty in Student view,</li><li>Use the Path tool to structure the way students will visit it and learn with it. This way, you use the other tools, but you don\'t show them at first sight.</li><li>Click on the eye icon besides the path you created : this path will then show on your home page,</li><li>The preparation of your course area is over. Your home page shows an introdution text followed by one link only and this link drives students through the course. Clic on Student view (top right) to see things from a student point of view.<I></I></li></ol>";
$langLearnpathRestarted = "All the steps are now incomplete.";
$langLearnpathNoNext = "This is the last step.";
$langLearnpathNoPrev = "This is the first step.";
$lang_add_learnpath = "Add a course";
$lang_add_learnpath = "Add course";
$lang_learnpath_added = "The new learning path was successfully created. Add chapters by clicking on the cross.";
$lang_edit_learnpath = "edit learnpath";
$lang_delete_learnpath = "Delete Course";
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ $langEditCurrentExecice = "Edit the current exercise";
$langUploadScorm = "SCORM and AICC import";
$langPowerPointConvert = "PowerPoint conversion";
$langLPCreatedToContinue = "To continue you can add a chapter or a step to your learning path from the left menu.";
$langLPCreatedAddChapterStep = "You can add a chapter or a step to your learning path from the left menu.";
$langLPCreatedAddChapterStep = "Organize to re-arrange order of chapters and steps.Display to show the path of the course.Add chapter to add a chapter or sub-section.Add step to add a lesson or learning experience.";
$langPrerequisitesAdded = "Prerequisites to the current step have been added.";
$YourAccountHasToBeApproved = "Your account has to be approved";
$ApprovalForNewAccount = "Approval for new account";
$ManageUser = "Manage user";
$SubscribeUserToCourseAsTeacher = "Subscribe teacher users to this course";
$SubscribeUserToCourseAsTeacher = "Enroll trainers to course";
$SendMessage = "Send Message";
$PasswordEncryptedForSecurity = "Your password is encrypted for security reasons. Thus, after pressing the link an e-mail will be sent to you again with your password.";
$UsersUnsubscribed = "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the course";
$langWeightingForEachBlank = "Podaj punktację do każdego pola";
$langUseTagForBlank = "zastosuj nawias [...] do zdefiniowania jednego lub więcej pól";
$langQuestionWeighting = "Waga";
$langQuestionWeighting = "Wynik";
$langMoreAnswers = "+odp";
$langLessAnswers = "-odp";
$langMoreElements = "+elem";
$langLessElements = "-elem";
$langTypeTextBelow = "Wpisz tekst poniżej";
$langDefaultTextInBlanks = "[British people] live in [United Kingdom].";
$langDefaultTextInBlanks = "[Anglicy] mieszkają w [Anglii].";
$langDefaultMatchingOptA = "bogaty";
$langDefaultMatchingOptB = "przystojny";
$langDefaultMakeCorrespond1 = "Twój tata jest";
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ $langScore = "Wynik";
$langCorrespondsTo = "Dotyczy";
$langExpectedChoice = "Spodziewany wybór";
$langYourTotalScore = "Twój wynik ostateczny";
$ReachedMaxAttemptsAdmin = "Została osiągnięta maksymalna liczba prób dla tego zadania. Jednakże, jako administrator tego kursu, nadal możesz spróbować, ale pamiętaj, że wyniki nie będą wyświetlane na stronie wyników.";
$notCorrectedYet = "Ta odpowiedź nie była jeszcze sprawdzana. Tymczasem twój wynik za to pytanie wynosi 0 i jest brany pod uwagę podczas liczenia całkowitego wyniku.";
$NewQu = "Nowe pytanie";
$NoImage = "Proszę wybrać obraz ";
$langNextQuestion = "Następne pytanie";
$langCorrectAnswer = "Poprawna odpowiedź";
$langHotspotHit = "Twoja odpowiedź";
$langAllQuestions = "Wszystkie pytania";
$langModifyTitleDescription = "Edytuj tytuł i opis";
$StudentScore = "Wyniki studenta";
$EditCommentsAndMarks = "Edytuj komentarz i ocenę";