@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ of information requests and organizing great community events</li> |
<li> Omar Arino (omar.arino _at__ linuxdojo.com.ar) - various bugfixes in</li> |
<li> Claire Thibault (claire.thibault _at__ ac-orleans-tours.fr) - bugfix in</li> |
<li> Jean Robert Opgenort (jeanrobert __a_t_ opgenort dot nl) - very accurate score tracking bug reports in</li> |
<li> Anaël Boulier (intern at http://www.alliance-libre.org/), for his excelent work of writing user documentation in French for 1.8.7</li> |
<li> Anaël Boulier (intern at http://www.2i2l.fr), for his excelent work of writing user documentation in French for 1.8.7</li> |
</ul> |
<h1>Removed developments</h1> |