Updated translations

skala CHAMILO_1_9_4_RC_1
Yannick Warnier 12 years ago
parent 78f299ee5c
commit 2b40047de7
  1. 6
  2. 4
  3. 1
  4. 4
  5. 2
  6. 1
  7. 2
  8. 1
  9. 3
  10. 6
  11. 16
  12. 4
  13. 2
  14. 1

@ -369,6 +369,10 @@ $ReUseACopyInCurrentTest = "Re-use a copy inside the current test";
$Copy = "Copy";
$ScoreAverageFromAllAttempts = "Score average from all attempts";
$DefaultContent = "Generate default content";
$OralQuestionsAttemptedAreX = "The attempted oral questions are %s";
$OralQuestionsAttempted = "A learner has attempted one or more oral question";
$RelativeScore = "Relative score";
$AbsoluteScore = "Absolute score";
$EditQuestions = "Edit questions";
$ExerciseDescriptionLabel = "Description";
$ExerciseEditionNotAvailableInSession = "You can't edit this course exercise from inside a session";
@ -381,7 +385,7 @@ $DoubtScore = "Don't know";
$HotSpotDelineation = "Hotspot delineation";
$PropagateNegativeResults = "Propagate negative results between questions";
$InsertALinkToThisQuestionInTheExercise = "Use this question in the test as a link (not a copy)";
$OnlyShowScore = "Practice mode: Show score only";
$OnlyShowScore = "Practice mode: Show score only, by category if at least one is used";
$ImportExcelQuiz = "Import quiz from Excel";
$DownloadExcelTemplate = "Download the Excel Template";
$ExerciseWillBeActivatedFromXToY = "Exercise will be activated from %s to %s";

@ -203,6 +203,10 @@ $UpdateInformation = "Update information";
$PleaseFillSurvey = "Please fill survey";
$ReportingOverview = "Reporting overview";
$ThereAreNotQuestionsForthisSurvey = "There are not questions for this survey";
$GenerateSurveyAccessLinkExplanation = "By copying the link below and pasting it in an e-mail or on a website, you will allow any anonymous person to enter and answer this survey.
You can test this feature by clicking the link above and answering the survey.
This is particularly useful if you want to allow anyone on a forum to answer you survey and you don't know their e-mail addresses.";
$GenerateSurveyAccessLink = "Generate survey access link";
$Multipleresponse = "Multiple answer";
$ErrorSurveyTypeUnknown = "Survey type unknown";
$SurveyUndetermined = "Survey undefined";

@ -950,6 +950,7 @@ $SkillXWithCourseX = "%s with %s";
$ToGetToLearnXYouWillNeedToTakeOneOfTheFollowingCourses = "To get to learn %s you will need to take one of the following courses:";
$YourSkillRankingX = "Your skill ranking: %s";
$ManageSkills = "Manage skills";
$Categories = "Categories";
$StartDateMustBeBeforeTheEndDate = "Start date must be before the end date";
$SkillRoot = "Root";
$SkillInfo = "Skill info";

@ -369,6 +369,10 @@ $ReUseACopyInCurrentTest = "Réutiliser une copie dans le test courant";
$Copy = "Copie";
$ScoreAverageFromAllAttempts = "Moyenne du score sur l'ensemble des tentatives";
$DefaultContent = "Générer contenu par défaut";
$OralQuestionsAttemptedAreX = "Les questions orales auxquelles il a répondu sont: %s";
$OralQuestionsAttempted = "Un apprenant a répondu à une question d'expression orale (ou plus)";
$RelativeScore = "Score relatif";
$AbsoluteScore = "Score absolu";
$EditQuestions = "Éditer les questions";
$ExerciseDescriptionLabel = "Description";
$ExerciseEditionNotAvailableInSession = "Édition d'exercice de cours interdite depuis la session";

@ -203,6 +203,8 @@ $UpdateInformation = "Mettre les informations à jour";
$PleaseFillSurvey = "Veuillez compléter l'enquête";
$ReportingOverview = "Vue globale du suivi";
$ThereAreNotQuestionsForthisSurvey = "Il n'y a pas de questions dans cette enquête";
$GenerateSurveyAccessLinkExplanation = "En copiant le lien ci-dessous et en le collant sur un site web ou dans un e-mail, vous permettrez à des utilisateurs anonymes d'accéder et de répondre à l'enquête. Vous pouvez tester cette fonctionnalité en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessus et en répondant à l'enquête. C'est particulièrement utile dans le cas où vous voudriez que n'importe qui participe à votre enquête et que vous ne connaissez pas a priori les adresses e-mail des participants potentiels.";
$GenerateSurveyAccessLink = "Générer un lien d'accès aux enquêtes";
$Multipleresponse = "Réponse multiple";
$ErrorSurveyTypeUnknown = "Type d'enquête inconnu";
$SurveyUndetermined = "Enquête non définie";

@ -950,6 +950,7 @@ $SkillXWithCourseX = "%s via %s";
$ToGetToLearnXYouWillNeedToTakeOneOfTheFollowingCourses = "Pour apprendre %s, vous devez suivre l'un des cours suivants:";
$YourSkillRankingX = "Votre rang de compétence est de: %s";
$ManageSkills = "Gérer les compétences";
$Categories = "Catégories";
$StartDateMustBeBeforeTheEndDate = "La date de début doit être antérieure à la date de fin";
$SkillRoot = "Racine";
$SkillInfo = "Infos compétence";

@ -1256,6 +1256,8 @@ $SessionStartDate = "Datum pričetka dostopa";
$SessionDisplayEndDate = "Prikazan datum zaključka";
$SessionDisplayStartDate = "Prikazan datum začetka";
$UserHasNoCourse = "Ta uporabnik ni vpisan v noben tečaj";
$SessionPageEnabledComment = "Ko je ta možnost omogočena, naziv seje predstavlja povezavo na posebno stran seje. V primeru, da je onemogočena, povezava ni aktivna. Posebna stran seje lahko zmede določene uporabnike, zato boste v takih primerih mogoče želeli to opcijo onemogočili.";
$SessionPageEnabledTitle = "Omogoči povezavo na sejo v seznamu tečajev";
$ThisValueIsUsedInTheCourseURL = "Ta vrednost se uporablja v URL tečaja";
$ThereAreUsersUsingThisLanguageYouWantToDisableThisLanguageAndSetUsersWithTheDefaultPortalLanguage = "Ta jezik trenutno uporablja nekaj tečajnikov. Ali želite onemogočiti ta jezik in tem tečajnikom dodeliti privzeti jezik platforme?";
$SessionTutorsCanSeeExpiredSessionsResultsComment = "Ali bo tutor seje videl poročila seje po tem, ko bo seja pretekla!?";

@ -369,6 +369,7 @@ $ReUseACopyInCurrentTest = "Ponovno uporabi kopijo znotraj trenutnega testa";
$Copy = "Kopiraj";
$ScoreAverageFromAllAttempts = "Povprečen rezultat iz vseh poizkusov";
$DefaultContent = "Generiraj privzeto vsebino";
$EditQuestions = "Uredi vprašanja";
$ExerciseDescriptionLabel = "Opis";
$ExerciseEditionNotAvailableInSession = "Iz seje testa iz tega tečaja ni mogoče urejati";
$UniqueAnswerNoOption = "Večkratna izbira z ne-vem";

@ -247,6 +247,9 @@ $ModifyHotPotatoes = "Spremeni hotpotatoes";
$SaveHotpotatoes = "Shrani hotpotatoes";
$ReturnToLPList = "Povratek na seznam";
$LpPrerequisiteDescription = "Izbira druge učne poti za predzahtevo trenutne učne poti skrije vse obstoječe predzahteve dokler ta ne bo popolnoma (100%) izpolnjena";
$PrerequisitesOptions = "Možnosti predzahtev";
$ClearAllPrerequisites = "Odstrani vse predzahteve";
$SetPrerequisiteForEachItem = "Nastavi predhodni korak kot predzahtevo za vsak naslednji korak";
$ClickOnTheLearnerViewToSeeYourLearningPath = "Klikni na gumb [Uporabnik pogled] za ogled učne poti";
$ExerciseCantBeEditedAfterAddingToTheLP = "Testa ne morete urejati po vključitvi v učno pot";
$EnableTimeLimits = "Omogoči omejevanje dostopnosti";

@ -269,6 +269,12 @@ $LinkInvisible = "Povezava je postala nevidna";
$LinkAdded = "Povezava je bila dodana";
$Minutes = "Minut";
$BackupCreated = "Rezervna kopija je bila ustvarjena";
$CountCertificates = "Št. certifikatov";
$AverageHoursPerStudent = "Povp. ur/tečajnika";
$CountOfSubscribedUsers = "Št. vpisanih uporabnikov";
$TrainingHoursAccumulated = "Akumulacija ur usposabljanj/poučevanj";
$ManHours = "Človek ur";
$NotesObtained = "Pridobljenih beležk";
$DisplayCourseOverview = "Povzetek tečajev";
$DisplaySessionOverview = "Povzetek sej";
$TotalNumberOfMessages = "Skupno število sporočil";

@ -937,15 +937,26 @@ $DateTime = "Datum in čas";
$Item = "Element";
$Never = "Nikoli";
$CopyLabelSuffix = "Kopiraj";
$SkillsRanking = "Rangiranje veščin";
$ImportSkillsListCSV = "Uvoti kompetence iz CSV datoeke";
$SkillsImport = "Uvoz kompetenc";
$SkillsWheel = "Kolo veščin";
$SkillsYouAcquired = "Pridobljene veščine";
$SkillsSearchedFor = "Iskane veščine";
$SkillsYouCanLearn = "Veščine, ki jih lahko pridobite";
$Legend = "Legenda";
$ClickToZoom = "Povečaj";
$SkillXWithCourseX = "%s s %s";
$ToGetToLearnXYouWillNeedToTakeOneOfTheFollowingCourses = "Znanje za pridobitev %s dobite z enim od tečajev:";
$YourSkillRankingX = "Rang tvojih veščin: %s";
$ManageSkills = "Upravljaj kompetence";
$StartDateMustBeBeforeTheEndDate = "Začetni datum mora biti pred končnim";
$SkillRoot = "Koren";
$SkillInfo = "Informacija o veščini";
$GetNewSkills = "Pridobi nove veščine";
$ViewSkillsWheel = "Poglej kolo veščin";
$MissingOneStepToMatch = "Manjka korak do ujemanja";
$CompleteMatch = "Popolno ujemanje";
$MissingXStepsToMatch = "Manjka korakov: %s";
$Rank = "Rang";
$CurrentlyLearning = "Trenutno se uči";
@ -953,6 +964,7 @@ $SkillsAcquired = "Dosežene veščine";
$AddSkillToProfileSearch = "Dodaj veščino k iskanju v profilu";
$ShortCode = "Kratka koda";
$CreateChildSkill = "Ustvari podrejeno veščino";
$SearchProfileMatches = "Iskani profil ustreza";
$IsThisWhatYouWereLookingFor = "Je to tisto, kar ste iskali?";
$WhatSkillsAreYouLookingFor = "Katere veščine želite poiskati?";
$ProfileSearch = "Iskanje profila";
@ -965,9 +977,12 @@ $NumberOfCoursesPrivate = "Št. privatnih tečajev";
$NumberOfCoursesClosed = "Št. zaprtih tečajev";
$NumberOfCoursesTotal = "Skupno število tečajev";
$NumberOfUsersActive = "Št. aktivnih uporabnikov";
$Approved = "Odobreno";
$EditSettings = "Uredi nastavitve";
$ThisValueCantBeChanged = "Te vrednosti ni moč spremeniti";
$TotalAvailableUsers = "Skupaj razpoložljivih uporabnikov";
$LowerCaseUser = "uporabnik";
$dateFormatLongNoDay = "%d %B %Y";
$dateFormatOnlyDayName = "%A";
$ReturnToCourseList = "Povratek na seznam tečajev";
$dateFormatShortNumberNoYear = "%d/%m";
@ -979,6 +994,7 @@ $SessionCourseCoach = "Coach tečaja seje";
$Admin = "Upravitelj";
$UserNotAttendedSymbol = "NP";
$UserAttendedSymbol = "P";
$Order = "Urejenost";
$GlobalPlatformInformation = "Globalni podatki o platformi";
$ReportABug = "Poročaj o napaki";
$Letters = "Z besedo";

@ -369,6 +369,10 @@ $ReUseACopyInCurrentTest = "Reutilizar una copia de esta pregunta en el ejercici
$Copy = "Copia";
$ScoreAverageFromAllAttempts = "Promedio de todos los intentos en ejercicios";
$DefaultContent = "Generar contenido por defecto";
$OralQuestionsAttemptedAreX = "Las preguntas orales respondidas son: %s";
$OralQuestionsAttempted = "Un estudiante ha entregao una pregunta oral o más";
$RelativeScore = "Score relativo";
$AbsoluteScore = "Score absoluto";
$EditQuestions = "Editar preguntas";
$ExerciseDescriptionLabel = "Descripción";
$ExerciseEditionNotAvailableInSession = "Edición de ejercicio de curso no autorizada desde la sesión";

@ -203,6 +203,8 @@ $UpdateInformation = "Actualización de información";
$PleaseFillSurvey = "Por favor, llene la encuesta";
$ReportingOverview = "Sumario de informes";
$ThereAreNotQuestionsForthisSurvey = "No hay preguntas para esta encuesta";
$GenerateSurveyAccessLinkExplanation = "Copiando el enlace a bajo en un correo o en un sitio web, permitirá a personas anónimas participar a la encuesta. Puede probar esta funcionalidad dándole clic al botón arriba y respondiendo la encuesta. Es particularmente útil si quiere invitar a personas de las cuales no conoce el correo electrónico.";
$GenerateSurveyAccessLink = "Generar enlace de acceso a encuesta";
$Multipleresponse = "Respuesta múltiple";
$ErrorSurveyTypeUnknown = "Tipo de encuesta desconocido";
$SurveyUndetermined = "Encuesta no definida";

@ -951,6 +951,7 @@ $SkillXWithCourseX = "%s via %s";
$ToGetToLearnXYouWillNeedToTakeOneOfTheFollowingCourses = "Para adquirir %s, deberás tomar uno de los cursos siguientes:";
$YourSkillRankingX = "Tu rango de competencias: %s";
$ManageSkills = "Gestionar las competencias";
$Categories = "Categorías";
$StartDateMustBeBeforeTheEndDate = "La fecha de inicio tiene que ser anterior a la fecha de fin";
$SkillRoot = "Raíz";
$SkillInfo = "Info competencia";
