@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ |
;(function($){ |
/** |
* jqGrid Danish Translation |
* Kaare Rasmussen |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: |
**/ |
$.jgrid = { |
defaults : { |
recordtext: "View {0} - {1} of {2}", |
emptyrecords: "No records to view", |
loadtext: "Loading...", |
pgtext : "Page {0} of {1}" |
}, |
search : { |
caption: "Søg...", |
Find: "Find", |
Reset: "Nulstil", |
odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:'equal'},{ oper:'ne', text:'not equal'},{ oper:'lt', text:'less'},{ oper:'le', text:'less or equal'},{ oper:'gt', text:'greater'},{ oper:'ge', text:'greater or equal'},{ oper:'bw', text:'begins with'},{ oper:'bn', text:'does not begin with'},{ oper:'in', text:'is in'},{ oper:'ni', text:'is not in'},{ oper:'ew', text:'ends with'},{ oper:'en', text:'does not end with'},{ oper:'cn', text:'contains'},{ oper:'nc', text:'does not contain'},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}], |
groupOps: [ { op: "AND", text: "all" }, { op: "OR", text: "any" } ], |
operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.", |
resetTitle : "Reset Search Value" |
}, |
edit : { |
addCaption: "Tilføj", |
editCaption: "Ret", |
bSubmit: "Send", |
bCancel: "Annuller", |
bClose: "Luk", |
saveData: "Data has been changed! Save changes?", |
bYes : "Yes", |
bNo : "No", |
bExit : "Cancel", |
msg: { |
required:"Felt er nødvendigt", |
number:"Indtast venligst et validt tal", |
minValue:"værdi skal være større end eller lig med", |
maxValue:"værdi skal være mindre end eller lig med", |
email: "er ikke en valid email", |
integer: "Indtast venligst et validt heltalt", |
date: "Indtast venligst en valid datoværdi", |
url: "is not a valid URL. Prefix required ('http://' or 'https://')", |
nodefined : " is not defined!", |
novalue : " return value is required!", |
customarray : "Custom function should return array!", |
customfcheck : "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!" |
} |
}, |
view : { |
caption: "View Record", |
bClose: "Close" |
}, |
del : { |
caption: "Slet", |
msg: "Slet valgte række(r)?", |
bSubmit: "Slet", |
bCancel: "Annuller" |
}, |
nav : { |
edittext: " ", |
edittitle: "Rediger valgte række", |
addtext:" ", |
addtitle: "Tilføj ny række", |
deltext: " ", |
deltitle: "Slet valgte række", |
searchtext: " ", |
searchtitle: "Find poster", |
refreshtext: "", |
refreshtitle: "Indlæs igen", |
alertcap: "Advarsel", |
alerttext: "Vælg venligst række", |
viewtext: "", |
viewtitle: "View selected row" |
}, |
col : { |
caption: "Vis/skjul kolonner", |
bSubmit: "Send", |
bCancel: "Annuller" |
}, |
errors : { |
errcap : "Fejl", |
nourl : "Ingel url valgt", |
norecords: "Ingen poster at behandle", |
model : "colNames og colModel har ikke samme længde!" |
}, |
formatter : { |
integer : {thousandsSeparator: " ", defaultValue: '0'}, |
number : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: " ", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0,00'}, |
currency : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: " ", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0,00'}, |
date : { |
dayNames: [ |
"Søn", "Man", "Tirs", "Ons", "Tors", "Fre", "Lør", |
"Søndag", "Mandag", "Tirsdag", "Onsdag", "Torsdag", "Fredag", "Lørdag" |
], |
monthNames: [ |
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Maj", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec", |
"Januar", "Februar", "Marts", "April", "Maj", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "December" |
], |
AmPm : ["","","",""], |
S: function (j) {return '.'}, |
srcformat: 'Y-m-d', |
newformat: 'd/m/Y', |
parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/, |
masks : { |
ISO8601Long:"Y-m-d H:i:s", |
ISO8601Short:"Y-m-d", |
ShortDate: "j/n/Y", |
LongDate: "l d. F Y", |
FullDateTime: "l d F Y G:i:s", |
MonthDay: "d. F", |
ShortTime: "G:i", |
LongTime: "G:i:s", |
SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", |
UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO", |
YearMonth: "F Y" |
}, |
reformatAfterEdit : false |
}, |
baseLinkUrl: '', |
showAction: '', |
target: '', |
checkbox : {disabled:true}, |
idName : 'id' |
} |
}; |
// DK
})(jQuery); |
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ |
;(function($){ |
/** |
* jqGrid Croatian Translation |
* Version 1.0.1 (developed for jQuery Grid 4.4) |
* |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: |
**/ |
$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {}; |
$.extend($.jgrid,{ |
defaults : { |
recordtext: "Pregled {0} - {1} od {2}", |
emptyrecords: "Nema zapisa", |
loadtext: "Učitavam...", |
pgtext : "Stranica {0} od {1}" |
}, |
search : { |
caption: "Traži...", |
Find: "Pretraživanje", |
Reset: "Poništi", |
odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:"jednak"},{ oper:'ne', text:"nije identičan"},{ oper:'lt', text:"manje"},{ oper:'le', text:"manje ili identično"},{ oper:'gt', text:"veće"},{ oper:'ge', text:"veće ili identično"},{ oper:'bw', text:"počinje sa"},{ oper:'bn', text:"ne počinje sa "},{ oper:'in', text:"je u"},{ oper:'ni', text:"nije u"},{ oper:'ew', text:"završava sa"},{ oper:'en', text:"ne završava sa"},{ oper:'cn', text:"sadrži"},{ oper:'nc', text:"ne sadrži"},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}], |
groupOps: [ { op: "I", text: "sve" }, { op: "ILI", text: "bilo koji" } ], |
operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.", |
resetTitle : "Reset Search Value" |
}, |
edit : { |
addCaption: "Dodaj zapis", |
editCaption: "Promijeni zapis", |
bSubmit: "Preuzmi", |
bCancel: "Odustani", |
bClose: "Zatvri", |
saveData: "Podaci su promijenjeni! Preuzmi promijene?", |
bYes : "Da", |
bNo : "Ne", |
bExit : "Odustani", |
msg: { |
required:"Polje je obavezno", |
number:"Molim, unesite ispravan broj", |
minValue:"Vrijednost mora biti veća ili identična ", |
maxValue:"Vrijednost mora biti manja ili identična", |
email: "neispravan e-mail", |
integer: "Molim, unjeti ispravan cijeli broj (integer)", |
date: "Molim, unjeti ispravan datum ", |
url: "neispravan URL. Prefiks je obavezan ('http://' or 'https://')", |
nodefined : " nije definiran!", |
novalue : " zahtjevan podatak je obavezan!", |
customarray : "Opcionalna funkcija trebala bi bili polje (array)!", |
customfcheck : "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!" |
} |
}, |
view : { |
caption: "Otvori zapis", |
bClose: "Zatvori" |
}, |
del : { |
caption: "Obriši", |
msg: "Obriši označen zapis ili više njih?", |
bSubmit: "Obriši", |
bCancel: "Odustani" |
}, |
nav : { |
edittext: "", |
edittitle: "Promijeni obilježeni red", |
addtext: "", |
addtitle: "Dodaj novi red", |
deltext: "", |
deltitle: "Obriši obilježeni red", |
searchtext: "", |
searchtitle: "Potraži zapise", |
refreshtext: "", |
refreshtitle: "Ponovo preuzmi podatke", |
alertcap: "Upozorenje", |
alerttext: "Molim, odaberi red", |
viewtext: "", |
viewtitle: "Pregled obilježenog reda" |
}, |
col : { |
caption: "Obilježi kolonu", |
bSubmit: "Uredu", |
bCancel: "Odustani" |
}, |
errors : { |
errcap : "Greška", |
nourl : "Nedostaje URL", |
norecords: "Bez zapisa za obradu", |
model : "colNames i colModel imaju različitu duljinu!" |
}, |
formatter : { |
integer : {thousandsSeparator: ".", defaultValue: '0'}, |
number : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0,00'}, |
currency : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0,00'}, |
date : { |
dayNames: [ |
"Ned", "Pon", "Uto", "Sri", "Čet", "Pet", "Sub", |
"Nedjelja", "Ponedjeljak", "Utorak", "Srijeda", "Četvrtak", "Petak", "Subota" |
], |
monthNames: [ |
"Sij", "Velj", "Ožu", "Tra", "Svi", "Lip", "Srp", "Kol", "Ruj", "Lis", "Stu", "Pro", |
"Siječanj", "Veljača", "Ožujak", "Travanj", "Svibanj", "Lipanj", "Srpanj", "Kolovoz", "Rujan", "Listopad", "Studeni", "Prosinac" |
], |
AmPm : ["am","pm","AM","PM"], |
S: function (j) {return ''}, |
srcformat: 'Y-m-d', |
newformat: 'd.m.Y.', |
parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/, |
masks : { |
// see for PHP format used in jqGrid
// and see
// and for alternative formats used frequently
ISO8601Long: "Y-m-d H:i:s", |
ISO8601Short: "Y-m-d", |
// short date:
// d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
// m - Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros
// Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
ShortDate: "d.m.Y.", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: ""
// long date:
// l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
// j - Day of the month without leading zeros
// F - A full textual representation of a month
// Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
LongDate: "l, j. F Y", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy"
// long date with long time:
// l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
// j - Day of the month without leading zeros
// F - A full textual representation of a month
// Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
// H - 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros
// i - Minutes with leading zeros
// s - Seconds, with leading zeros
FullDateTime: "l, j. F Y H:i:s", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss"
// month day:
// d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
// F - A full textual representation of a month
MonthDay: "d F", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dd MMMM"
// short time (without seconds)
// H - 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros
// i - Minutes with leading zeros
ShortTime: "H:i", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "HH:mm"
// long time (with seconds)
// H - 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros
// i - Minutes with leading zeros
// s - Seconds, with leading zeros
LongTime: "H:i:s", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "HH:mm:ss"
SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", |
UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO", |
// month with year
// F - A full textual representation of a month
// Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
YearMonth: "F Y" // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "MMMM yyyy"
}, |
reformatAfterEdit : false |
}, |
baseLinkUrl: '', |
showAction: '', |
target: '', |
checkbox : {disabled:true}, |
idName : 'id' |
} |
}); |
})(jQuery); |
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ |
;(function($){ |
/** |
* jqGrid English Translation |
* Tony Tomov |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: |
**/ |
$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {}; |
$.extend($.jgrid,{ |
defaults : { |
recordtext: "Data {0} - {1} dari {2}", |
emptyrecords: "Tidak ada data", |
loadtext: "Memuat...", |
pgtext : "Halaman {0} dari {1}" |
}, |
search : { |
caption: "Pencarian", |
Find: "Cari !", |
Reset: "Segarkan", |
odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:"sama dengan"},{ oper:'ne', text:"tidak sama dengan"},{ oper:'lt', text:"kurang dari"},{ oper:'le', text:"kurang dari atau sama dengan"},{ oper:'gt', text:"lebih besar"},{ oper:'ge', text:"lebih besar atau sama dengan"},{ oper:'bw', text:"dimulai dengan"},{ oper:'bn', text:"tidak dimulai dengan"},{ oper:'in', text:"di dalam"},{ oper:'ni', text:"tidak di dalam"},{ oper:'ew', text:"diakhiri dengan"},{ oper:'en', text:"tidak diakhiri dengan"},{ oper:'cn', text:"mengandung"},{ oper:'nc', text:"tidak mengandung"},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}], |
groupOps: [ { op: "AND", text: "all" }, { op: "OR", text: "any" } ], |
operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.", |
resetTitle : "Reset Search Value" |
}, |
edit : { |
addCaption: "Tambah Data", |
editCaption: "Sunting Data", |
bSubmit: "Submit", |
bCancel: "Tutup", |
bClose: "Tutup", |
saveData: "Data telah berubah! Simpan perubahan?", |
bYes : "Ya", |
bNo : "Tidak", |
bExit : "Tutup", |
msg: { |
required:"kolom wajib diisi", |
number:"hanya nomer yang diperbolehkan", |
minValue:"kolom harus lebih besar dari atau sama dengan", |
maxValue:"kolom harus lebih kecil atau sama dengan", |
email: "alamat e-mail tidak valid", |
integer: "hanya nilai integer yang diperbolehkan", |
date: "nilai tanggal tidak valid", |
url: "Bukan URL yang valid. Harap gunakan ('http://' or 'https://')", |
nodefined : " belum didefinisikan!", |
novalue : " return value is required!", |
customarray : "Custom function should return array!", |
customfcheck : "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!" |
} |
}, |
view : { |
caption: "Menampilkan data", |
bClose: "Tutup" |
}, |
del : { |
caption: "Hapus", |
msg: "Hapus data terpilih?", |
bSubmit: "Hapus", |
bCancel: "Batalkan" |
}, |
nav : { |
edittext: "", |
edittitle: "Sunting data terpilih", |
addtext:"", |
addtitle: "Tambah baris baru", |
deltext: "", |
deltitle: "Hapus baris terpilih", |
searchtext: "", |
searchtitle: "Temukan data", |
refreshtext: "", |
refreshtitle: "Segarkan Grid", |
alertcap: "Warning", |
alerttext: "Harap pilih baris", |
viewtext: "", |
viewtitle: "Tampilkan baris terpilih" |
}, |
col : { |
caption: "Pilih Kolom", |
bSubmit: "Ok", |
bCancel: "Batal" |
}, |
errors : { |
errcap : "Error", |
nourl : "Tidak ada url yang diset", |
norecords: "Tidak ada data untuk diproses", |
model : "Lebar dari colNames <> colModel!" |
}, |
formatter : { |
integer : {thousandsSeparator: ".", defaultValue: '0'}, |
number : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0'}, |
currency : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "Rp. ", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0'}, |
date : { |
dayNames: [ |
"Ming", "Sen", "Sel", "Rab", "Kam", "Jum", "Sab", |
"Minggu", "Senin", "Selasa", "Rabu", "Kamis", "Jumat", "Sabtu" |
], |
monthNames: [ |
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", "Jul", "Agu", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Des", |
"Januari", "Februari", "Maret", "April", "Mei", "Juni", "Juli", "Agustus", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Desember" |
], |
AmPm : ["am","pm","AM","PM"], |
S: function (j) {return j < 11 || j > 13 ? ['st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min((j - 1) % 10, 3)] : 'th';}, |
srcformat: 'Y-m-d', |
newformat: 'n/j/Y', |
parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/, |
masks : { |
// see for PHP format used in jqGrid
// and see
// and for alternative formats used frequently
// one can find on many
// information about date, time, numbers and currency formats used in different countries
// one should just convert the information in PHP format
ISO8601Long:"Y-m-d H:i:s", |
ISO8601Short:"Y-m-d", |
// short date:
// n - Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros
// j - Day of the month without leading zeros
// Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
// example: 3/1/2012 which means 1 March 2012
ShortDate: "n/j/Y", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "M/d/yyyy"
// long date:
// l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
// F - A full textual representation of a month
// d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
// Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
LongDate: "l, F d, Y", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy"
// long date with long time:
// l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
// F - A full textual representation of a month
// d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
// Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
// g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
// i - Minutes with leading zeros
// s - Seconds, with leading zeros
// A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
FullDateTime: "l, F d, Y g:i:s A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt"
// month day:
// F - A full textual representation of a month
// d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
MonthDay: "F d", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "MMMM dd"
// short time (without seconds)
// g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
// i - Minutes with leading zeros
// A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
ShortTime: "g:i A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "h:mm tt"
// long time (with seconds)
// g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
// i - Minutes with leading zeros
// s - Seconds, with leading zeros
// A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
LongTime: "g:i:s A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "h:mm:ss tt"
SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", |
UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO", |
// month with year
// Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
// F - A full textual representation of a month
YearMonth: "F, Y" // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "MMMM, yyyy"
}, |
reformatAfterEdit : false |
}, |
baseLinkUrl: '', |
showAction: '', |
target: '', |
checkbox : {disabled:true}, |
idName : 'id' |
} |
}); |
})(jQuery); |
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ |
;(function($){ |
/** |
* jqGrid English Translation |
* Tony Tomov |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: |
**/ |
$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {}; |
$.extend($.jgrid,{ |
defaults : { |
recordtext: "보기 {0} - {1} / {2}", |
emptyrecords: "표시할 행이 없습니다", |
loadtext: "조회중...", |
pgtext : "페이지 {0} / {1}" |
}, |
search : { |
caption: "검색...", |
Find: "찾기", |
Reset: "초기화", |
odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:"같다"},{ oper:'ne', text:"같지 않다"},{ oper:'lt', text:"작다"},{ oper:'le', text:"작거나 같다"},{ oper:'gt', text:"크다"},{ oper:'ge', text:"크거나 같다"},{ oper:'bw', text:"로 시작한다"},{ oper:'bn', text:"로 시작하지 않는다"},{ oper:'in', text:"내에 있다"},{ oper:'ni', text:"내에 있지 않다"},{ oper:'ew', text:"로 끝난다"},{ oper:'en', text:"로 끝나지 않는다"},{ oper:'cn', text:"내에 존재한다"},{ oper:'nc', text:"내에 존재하지 않는다"},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}], |
groupOps: [ { op: "AND", text: "전부" }, { op: "OR", text: "임의" } ], |
operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.", |
resetTitle : "Reset Search Value" |
}, |
edit : { |
addCaption: "행 추가", |
editCaption: "행 수정", |
bSubmit: "전송", |
bCancel: "취소", |
bClose: "닫기", |
saveData: "자료가 변경되었습니다! 저장하시겠습니까?", |
bYes : "예", |
bNo : "아니오", |
bExit : "취소", |
msg: { |
required:"필수항목입니다", |
number:"유효한 번호를 입력해 주세요", |
minValue:"입력값은 크거나 같아야 합니다", |
maxValue:"입력값은 작거나 같아야 합니다", |
email: "유효하지 않은 이메일주소입니다", |
integer: "유효한 숫자를 입력하세요", |
date: "유효한 날짜를 입력하세요", |
url: "은 유효하지 않은 URL입니다. 문장앞에 다음단어가 필요합니다('http://' or 'https://')", |
nodefined : " 은 정의도지 않았습니다!", |
novalue : " 반환값이 필요합니다!", |
customarray : "사용자정의 함수는 배열을 반환해야 합니다!", |
customfcheck : "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!" |
} |
}, |
view : { |
caption: "행 조회", |
bClose: "닫기" |
}, |
del : { |
caption: "삭제", |
msg: "선택된 행을 삭제하시겠습니까?", |
bSubmit: "삭제", |
bCancel: "취소" |
}, |
nav : { |
edittext: "", |
edittitle: "선택된 행 편집", |
addtext:"", |
addtitle: "행 삽입", |
deltext: "", |
deltitle: "선택된 행 삭제", |
searchtext: "", |
searchtitle: "행 찾기", |
refreshtext: "", |
refreshtitle: "그리드 갱신", |
alertcap: "경고", |
alerttext: "행을 선택하세요", |
viewtext: "", |
viewtitle: "선택된 행 조회" |
}, |
col : { |
caption: "열을 선택하세요", |
bSubmit: "확인", |
bCancel: "취소" |
}, |
errors : { |
errcap : "오류", |
nourl : "설정된 url이 없습니다", |
norecords: "처리할 행이 없습니다", |
model : "colNames의 길이가 colModel과 일치하지 않습니다!" |
}, |
formatter : { |
integer : {thousandsSeparator: ",", defaultValue: '0'}, |
number : {decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: ",", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0.00'}, |
currency : {decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: ",", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0.00'}, |
date : { |
dayNames: [ |
"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thr", "Fri", "Sat", |
"일", "월", "화", "수", "목", "금", "토" |
], |
monthNames: [ |
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", |
"1월", "2월", "3월", "4월", "5월", "6월", "7월", "8월", "9월", "10월", "11월", "12월" |
], |
AmPm : ["am","pm","AM","PM"], |
S: function (j) {return j < 11 || j > 13 ? ['st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min((j - 1) % 10, 3)] : 'th'}, |
srcformat: 'Y-m-d', |
newformat: 'm-d-Y', |
parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/, |
masks : { |
ISO8601Long:"Y-m-d H:i:s", |
ISO8601Short:"Y-m-d", |
ShortDate: "Y/j/n", |
LongDate: "l, F d, Y", |
FullDateTime: "l, F d, Y g:i:s A", |
MonthDay: "F d", |
ShortTime: "g:i A", |
LongTime: "g:i:s A", |
SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", |
UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO", |
YearMonth: "F, Y" |
}, |
reformatAfterEdit : false |
}, |
baseLinkUrl: '', |
showAction: '', |
target: '', |
checkbox : {disabled:true}, |
idName : 'id' |
} |
}); |
})(jQuery); |
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ |
;(function($){ |
/** |
* jqGrid Serbian latin Translation |
* Bild Studio |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: |
**/ |
$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {}; |
$.extend($.jgrid,{ |
defaults : { |
recordtext: "Pregled {0} - {1} od {2}", |
emptyrecords: "Ne postoji nijedan zapis", |
loadtext: "Učitavanje…", |
pgtext : "Strana {0} od {1}" |
}, |
search : { |
caption: "Traženje...", |
Find: "Traži", |
Reset: "Resetuj", |
odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:"jednako"},{ oper:'ne', text:"nije jednako"},{ oper:'lt', text:"manje"},{ oper:'le', text:"manje ili jednako"},{ oper:'gt', text:"veće"},{ oper:'ge', text:"veće ili jednako"},{ oper:'bw', text:"počinje sa"},{ oper:'bn', text:"ne počinje sa"},{ oper:'in', text:"je u"},{ oper:'ni', text:"nije u"},{ oper:'ew', text:"završava sa"},{ oper:'en', text:"ne završava sa"},{ oper:'cn', text:"sadrži"},{ oper:'nc', text:"ne sadrži"},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}], |
groupOps: [ { op: "AND", text: "sva" }, { op: "OR", text: "bilo koje" } ], |
operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.", |
resetTitle : "Reset Search Value" |
}, |
edit : { |
addCaption: "Dodaj zapis", |
editCaption: "Izmeni zapis", |
bSubmit: "Pošalji", |
bCancel: "Odustani", |
bClose: "Zatvori", |
saveData: "Podatak je izmenjen! Sačuvaj izmene?", |
bYes : "Da", |
bNo : "Ne", |
bExit : "Odustani", |
msg: { |
required: "Polje je obavezno", |
number: "Unesite ispravan broj", |
minValue: "vrednost mora biti veća od ili jednaka sa ", |
maxValue: "vrednost mora biti manja ili jednaka sa", |
email: "nije ispravna email adresa, nije valjda da ne umeš ukucati mail!?", |
integer: "Unesi celobrojnu vrednost ", |
date: "Unesite ispravan datum", |
url: "nije ispravan URL. Potreban je prefiks ('http://' or 'https://')", |
nodefined : " nije definisan!", |
novalue : " zahtevana je povratna vrednost!", |
customarray : "Prilagođena funkcija treba da vrati niz!", |
customfcheck : "Prilagođena funkcija treba da bude prisutana u slučaju prilagođene provere!" |
} |
}, |
view : { |
caption: "Pogledaj zapis", |
bClose: "Zatvori" |
}, |
del : { |
caption: "Izbrisi", |
msg: "Izbrisi izabran(e) zapise(e)?", |
bSubmit: "Izbriši", |
bCancel: "Odbaci" |
}, |
nav : { |
edittext: "", |
edittitle: "Izmeni izabrani red", |
addtext:"", |
addtitle: "Dodaj novi red", |
deltext: "", |
deltitle: "Izbriši izabran red", |
searchtext: "", |
searchtitle: "Nađi zapise", |
refreshtext: "", |
refreshtitle: "Ponovo učitaj podatke", |
alertcap: "Upozorenje", |
alerttext: "Izaberite red", |
viewtext: "", |
viewtitle: "Pogledaj izabrani red" |
}, |
col : { |
caption: "Izaberi kolone", |
bSubmit: "OK", |
bCancel: "Odbaci" |
}, |
errors : { |
errcap : "Greška", |
nourl : "Nije postavljen URL", |
norecords: "Nema zapisa za obradu", |
model : "Dužina modela colNames <> colModel!" |
}, |
formatter : { |
integer : {thousandsSeparator: " ", defaultValue: '0'}, |
number : {decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: " ", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0.00'}, |
currency : {decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: " ", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0.00'}, |
date : { |
dayNames: [ |
"Ned", "Pon", "Uto", "Sre", "Čet", "Pet", "Sub", |
"Nedelja", "Ponedeljak", "Utorak", "Srijeda", "Četvrtak", "Petak", "Subota" |
], |
monthNames: [ |
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Maj", "Jun", "Jul", "Avg", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec", |
"Januar", "Februar", "Mart", "April", "Maj", "Jun", "Jul", "Avgust", "Septembar", "Oktobar", "Novembar", "Decembar" |
], |
AmPm : ["am","pm","AM","PM"], |
S: function (j) {return j < 11 || j > 13 ? ['st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min((j - 1) % 10, 3)] : 'th'}, |
srcformat: 'Y-m-d', |
newformat: 'd/m/Y', |
parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/, |
masks : { |
ISO8601Long:"Y-m-d H:i:s", |
ISO8601Short:"Y-m-d", |
ShortDate: "n/j/Y", |
LongDate: "l, F d, Y", |
FullDateTime: "l, F d, Y g:i:s A", |
MonthDay: "F d", |
ShortTime: "g:i A", |
LongTime: "g:i:s A", |
SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", |
UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO", |
YearMonth: "F, Y" |
}, |
reformatAfterEdit : false |
}, |
baseLinkUrl: '', |
showAction: '', |
target: '', |
checkbox : {disabled:true}, |
idName : 'id' |
} |
}); |
})(jQuery); |
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ |
;(function($){ |
/** |
* jqGrid Chinese (Taiwan) Translation for v4.2 |
* linquize |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: |
**/ |
$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {}; |
$.extend($.jgrid,{ |
defaults : { |
recordtext: "{0} - {1} 共 {2} 條", |
emptyrecords: "沒有記錄", |
loadtext: "載入中...", |
pgtext : " {0} 共 {1} 頁" |
}, |
search : { |
caption: "搜尋...", |
Find: "搜尋", |
Reset: "重設", |
odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:"等於 "},{ oper:'ne', text:"不等於 "},{ oper:'lt', text:"小於 "},{ oper:'le', text:"小於等於 "},{ oper:'gt', text:"大於 "},{ oper:'ge', text:"大於等於 "},{ oper:'bw', text:"開始於 "},{ oper:'bn', text:"不開始於 "},{ oper:'in', text:"在其中 "},{ oper:'ni', text:"不在其中 "},{ oper:'ew', text:"結束於 "},{ oper:'en', text:"不結束於 "},{ oper:'cn', text:"包含 "},{ oper:'nc', text:"不包含 "},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}], |
groupOps: [ { op: "AND", text: "所有" }, { op: "OR", text: "任一" } ], |
operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.", |
resetTitle : "Reset Search Value" |
}, |
edit : { |
addCaption: "新增記錄", |
editCaption: "編輯記錄", |
bSubmit: "提交", |
bCancel: "取消", |
bClose: "關閉", |
saveData: "資料已改變,是否儲存?", |
bYes : "是", |
bNo : "否", |
bExit : "取消", |
msg: { |
required:"此欄必要", |
number:"請輸入有效的數字", |
minValue:"值必須大於等於 ", |
maxValue:"值必須小於等於 ", |
email: "不是有效的e-mail地址", |
integer: "請輸入有效整数", |
date: "請輸入有效時間", |
url: "網址無效。前綴必須為 ('http://' 或 'https://')", |
nodefined : " 未定義!", |
novalue : " 需要傳回值!", |
customarray : "自訂函數應傳回陣列!", |
customfcheck : "自訂檢查應有自訂函數!" |
} |
}, |
view : { |
caption: "查看記錄", |
bClose: "關閉" |
}, |
del : { |
caption: "刪除", |
msg: "刪除已選記錄?", |
bSubmit: "刪除", |
bCancel: "取消" |
}, |
nav : { |
edittext: "", |
edittitle: "編輯已選列", |
addtext:"", |
addtitle: "新增列", |
deltext: "", |
deltitle: "刪除已選列", |
searchtext: "", |
searchtitle: "搜尋記錄", |
refreshtext: "", |
refreshtitle: "重新整理表格", |
alertcap: "警告", |
alerttext: "請選擇列", |
viewtext: "", |
viewtitle: "檢視已選列" |
}, |
col : { |
caption: "選擇欄", |
bSubmit: "確定", |
bCancel: "取消" |
}, |
errors : { |
errcap : "錯誤", |
nourl : "未設定URL", |
norecords: "無需要處理的記錄", |
model : "colNames 和 colModel 長度不同!" |
}, |
formatter : { |
integer : {thousandsSeparator: " ", defaultValue: '0'}, |
number : {decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: " ", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0.00'}, |
currency : {decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: " ", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0.00'}, |
date : { |
dayNames: [ |
"日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", |
"星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六" |
], |
monthNames: [ |
"一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "十", "十一", "十二", |
"一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月" |
], |
AmPm : ["上午","下午","上午","下午"], |
S: function (j) {return j < 11 || j > 13 ? ['st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min((j - 1) % 10, 3)] : 'th';}, |
srcformat: 'Y-m-d', |
newformat: 'm-d-Y', |
parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/, |
masks : { |
ISO8601Long:"Y-m-d H:i:s", |
ISO8601Short:"Y-m-d", |
ShortDate: "Y/j/n", |
LongDate: "l, F d, Y", |
FullDateTime: "l, F d, Y g:i:s A", |
MonthDay: "F d", |
ShortTime: "g:i A", |
LongTime: "g:i:s A", |
SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", |
UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO", |
YearMonth: "F, Y" |
}, |
reformatAfterEdit : false |
}, |
baseLinkUrl: '', |
showAction: '', |
target: '', |
checkbox : {disabled:true}, |
idName : 'id' |
} |
}); |
})(jQuery); |
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ |
;(function($){ |
/** |
* jqGrid Vietnamese Translation |
* Lê Đình Dũng |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: |
**/ |
$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {}; |
$.extend($.jgrid,{ |
defaults : { |
recordtext: "View {0} - {1} of {2}", |
emptyrecords: "Không có dữ liệu", |
loadtext: "Đang nạp dữ liệu...", |
pgtext : "Trang {0} trong tổng số {1}" |
}, |
search : { |
caption: "Tìm kiếm...", |
Find: "Tìm", |
Reset: "Khởi tạo lại", |
odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:"bằng"},{ oper:'ne', text:"không bằng"},{ oper:'lt', text:"bé hơn"},{ oper:'le', text:"bé hơn hoặc bằng"},{ oper:'gt', text:"lớn hơn"},{ oper:'ge', text:"lớn hơn hoặc bằng"},{ oper:'bw', text:"bắt đầu với"},{ oper:'bn', text:"không bắt đầu với"},{ oper:'in', text:"trong"},{ oper:'ni', text:"không nằm trong"},{ oper:'ew', text:"kết thúc với"},{ oper:'en', text:"không kết thúc với"},{ oper:'cn', text:"chứa"},{ oper:'nc', text:"không chứa"},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}], |
groupOps: [ { op: "VÀ", text: "tất cả" }, { op: "HOẶC", text: "bất kỳ" } ], |
operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.", |
resetTitle : "Reset Search Value" |
}, |
edit : { |
addCaption: "Thêm bản ghi", |
editCaption: "Sửa bản ghi", |
bSubmit: "Gửi", |
bCancel: "Hủy bỏ", |
bClose: "Đóng", |
saveData: "Dữ liệu đã thay đổi! Có lưu thay đổi không?", |
bYes : "Có", |
bNo : "Không", |
bExit : "Hủy bỏ", |
msg: { |
required:"Trường dữ liệu bắt buộc có", |
number:"Hãy điền đúng số", |
minValue:"giá trị phải lớn hơn hoặc bằng với ", |
maxValue:"giá trị phải bé hơn hoặc bằng", |
email: "không phải là một email đúng", |
integer: "Hãy điền đúng số nguyên", |
date: "Hãy điền đúng ngày tháng", |
url: "không phải là URL. Khởi đầu bắt buộc là ('http://' hoặc 'https://')", |
nodefined : " chưa được định nghĩa!", |
novalue : " giá trị trả về bắt buộc phải có!", |
customarray : "Hàm nên trả về một mảng!", |
customfcheck : "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!" |
} |
}, |
view : { |
caption: "Xem bản ghi", |
bClose: "Đóng" |
}, |
del : { |
caption: "Xóa", |
msg: "Xóa bản ghi đã chọn?", |
bSubmit: "Xóa", |
bCancel: "Hủy bỏ" |
}, |
nav : { |
edittext: "", |
edittitle: "Sửa dòng đã chọn", |
addtext:"", |
addtitle: "Thêm mới 1 dòng", |
deltext: "", |
deltitle: "Xóa dòng đã chọn", |
searchtext: "", |
searchtitle: "Tìm bản ghi", |
refreshtext: "", |
refreshtitle: "Nạp lại lưới", |
alertcap: "Cảnh báo", |
alerttext: "Hãy chọn một dòng", |
viewtext: "", |
viewtitle: "Xem dòng đã chọn" |
}, |
col : { |
caption: "Chọn cột", |
bSubmit: "OK", |
bCancel: "Hủy bỏ" |
}, |
errors : { |
errcap : "Lỗi", |
nourl : "không url được đặt", |
norecords: "Không có bản ghi để xử lý", |
model : "Chiều dài của colNames <> colModel!" |
}, |
formatter : { |
integer : {thousandsSeparator: ".", defaultValue: '0'}, |
number : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0'}, |
currency : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0'}, |
date : { |
dayNames: [ |
"CN", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", |
"Chủ nhật", "Thứ hai", "Thứ ba", "Thứ tư", "Thứ năm", "Thứ sáu", "Thứ bảy" |
], |
monthNames: [ |
"Th1", "Th2", "Th3", "Th4", "Th5", "Th6", "Th7", "Th8", "Th9", "Th10", "Th11", "Th12", |
"Tháng một", "Tháng hai", "Tháng ba", "Tháng tư", "Tháng năm", "Tháng sáu", "Tháng bảy", "Tháng tám", "Tháng chín", "Tháng mười", "Tháng mười một", "Tháng mười hai" |
], |
AmPm : ["sáng","chiều","SÁNG","CHIỀU"], |
S: function (j) {return j < 11 || j > 13 ? ['st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min((j - 1) % 10, 3)] : 'th';}, |
srcformat: 'Y-m-d', |
newformat: 'n/j/Y', |
parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/, |
masks : { |
// see for PHP format used in jqGrid
// and see
// and for alternative formats used frequently
// one can find on many
// information about date, time, numbers and currency formats used in different countries
// one should just convert the information in PHP format
ISO8601Long:"Y-m-d H:i:s", |
ISO8601Short:"Y-m-d", |
// short date:
// n - Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros
// j - Day of the month without leading zeros
// Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
// example: 3/1/2012 which means 1 March 2012
ShortDate: "n/j/Y", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "M/d/yyyy"
// long date:
// l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
// F - A full textual representation of a month
// d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
// Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
LongDate: "l, F d, Y", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy"
// long date with long time:
// l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
// F - A full textual representation of a month
// d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
// Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
// g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
// i - Minutes with leading zeros
// s - Seconds, with leading zeros
// A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
FullDateTime: "l, F d, Y g:i:s A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt"
// month day:
// F - A full textual representation of a month
// d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
MonthDay: "F d", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "MMMM dd"
// short time (without seconds)
// g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
// i - Minutes with leading zeros
// A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
ShortTime: "g:i A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "h:mm tt"
// long time (with seconds)
// g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
// i - Minutes with leading zeros
// s - Seconds, with leading zeros
// A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
LongTime: "g:i:s A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "h:mm:ss tt"
SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", |
UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO", |
// month with year
// Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
// F - A full textual representation of a month
YearMonth: "F, Y" // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "MMMM, yyyy"
}, |
reformatAfterEdit : false |
}, |
baseLinkUrl: '', |
showAction: '', |
target: '', |
checkbox : {disabled:true}, |
idName : 'id' |
} |
}); |
})(jQuery); |
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ |
Installation |
Download the jqGrid package from the www.trirand/blog site section downloads. |
Note the new download manager where you can choose which modules you want to |
include in the download. |
In order to use jqGrid 3.5, first a UI theme css file should be loaded. |
Download the desired theme (or build a custom one) from jQueryUI site |
( and point in your link tag in head section the path to the |
theme css |
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="path_to_ui_css_file/jquery-ui-1.7.1.custom.css" /> |
where the path_to_ui_css_file is a valid path to the ui theme file |
Extract the jqGrid package and copy the ui.jqgrid.css from css directory to |
your webserver directory. It is not necessary that the jqgrid css file is in |
the same directory as those of the jquery ui css. |
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="path_to_jqgrid_css_file/ui.jqgrid.css" /> |
Starting with this version, jqGrid does not use a loader (which loads the |
needed files one by one), but all the needed code is contained in one file. |
The desired modules can be built using the jqGrid download manager from the |
site pointed above. In order to use this, first a language file should be |
loaded and then the jqgrid file. |
Copy the desired language file from js/i18n directory to your web server |
directory where you store the java script files. Every language file is |
named grid.locale-XX.js, where XX is a two-letter code for the language. |
Copy the jquery.jqGid.min.js file to the same or other valid directory in |
your web server |
Include both the files in script tags in the head section |
<script src="path_to_js_files/grid.locale-en.js" type="text/javascript"></script> |
<script src="path_to_js_files/jquery.jqGrid.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> |
For debugging purposes, I have created a grid.loader.js which does the same |
loading of the files as in previous versions. The location of the file is in |
src directory of the package. In order to use this, the variable pathojsfiles |
should be adjusted to point to the appropriate folder - see 3.4.x docs. |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,704 @@ |
(function($){ |
/* |
* jqGrid methods without support. Use as you wish |
* Tony Tomov |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: |
* |
* This list of deprecated methods. |
* If you instead want to use them, please include this file after the grid main file. |
* Some methods will be then overwritten. |
* |
*/ |
/*global jQuery, $ */ |
$.jgrid.extend({ |
// This is the ols search Filter method used in navigator.
searchGrid : function (p) { |
p = $.extend({ |
recreateFilter: false, |
drag: true, |
sField:'searchField', |
sValue:'searchString', |
sOper: 'searchOper', |
sFilter: 'filters', |
loadDefaults: true, // this options activates loading of default filters from grid's postData for Multipe Search only.
beforeShowSearch: null, |
afterShowSearch : null, |
onInitializeSearch: null, |
closeAfterSearch : false, |
closeAfterReset: false, |
closeOnEscape : false, |
multipleSearch : false, |
cloneSearchRowOnAdd: true, |
// translation
// if you want to change or remove the order change it in sopt
// ['bw','eq','ne','lt','le','gt','ge','ew','cn']
sopt: null, |
// Note: stringResult is intentionally declared "undefined by default".
// you are velcome to define stringResult expressly in the options you pass to searchGrid()
// stringResult is a "safeguard" measure to insure we post sensible data when communicated as form-encoded
// see
// If this value is not expressly defined in the incoming options,
// lower in the code we will infer the value based on value of multipleSearch
stringResult: undefined, |
onClose : null, |
// useDataProxy allows ADD, EDIT and DEL code to bypass calling $.ajax
// directly when grid's 'dataProxy' property (grid.p.dataProxy) is a function.
// Used for "editGridRow" and "delGridRow" below and automatically flipped to TRUE
// when ajax setting's 'url' (grid's 'editurl') property is undefined.
// When 'useDataProxy' is true, instead of calling $, o, i) we call
//, o, i)
// Behavior is extremely similar to when 'datatype' is a function, but arguments are slightly different.
// Normally the following is fed to, b, c):
// a = Pointer to grid's table DOM element, b = grid.p.postdata, c = "load_"+grid's ID
// In cases of "edit" and "del" the following is fed:
// a = Pointer to grid's table DOM element (same),
// b = extended Ajax Options including postdata in "data" property. (different object type)
// c = "set_"+grid's ID in case of "edit" and "del_"+grid's ID in case of "del" (same type, different content)
// The major difference is that complete ajax options object, with attached "complete" and "error"
// callback functions is fed instead of only post data.
// This allows you to emulate a $.ajax call (including calling "complete"/"error"),
// while retrieving the data locally in the browser.
useDataProxy: false, |
overlay : true |
}, $, p || {}); |
return this.each(function() { |
var $t = this; |
if(!$t.grid) {return;} |
var fid = "fbox_"+$, |
showFrm = true; |
function applyDefaultFilters(gridDOMobj, filterSettings) { |
/* |
gridDOMobj = ointer to grid DOM object ( $(#list)[0] ) |
What we need from gridDOMobj: |
gridDOMobj.SearchFilter is the pointer to the Search box, once it's created. |
gridDOMobj.p.postData - dictionary of post settings. These can be overriden at grid creation to |
contain default filter settings. We will parse these and will populate the search with defaults. |
filterSettings - same settings object you (would) pass to $().jqGrid('searchGrid', filterSettings); |
*/ |
// Pulling default filter settings out of postData property of grid's properties.:
var defaultFilters = gridDOMobj.p.postData[filterSettings.sFilter]; |
// example of what we might get: {"groupOp":"and","rules":[{"field":"amount","op":"eq","data":"100"}]}
// suppose we have imported this with grid import, the this is a string.
if(typeof(defaultFilters) == "string") { |
defaultFilters = $.jgrid.parse(defaultFilters); |
} |
if (defaultFilters) { |
if (defaultFilters.groupOp) { |
gridDOMobj.SearchFilter.setGroupOp(defaultFilters.groupOp); |
} |
if (defaultFilters.rules) { |
var f, i = 0, li = defaultFilters.rules.length, success = false; |
for (; i < li; i++) { |
f = defaultFilters.rules[i]; |
// we are not trying to counter all issues with filter declaration here. Just the basics to avoid lookup exceptions.
if (f.field !== undefined && f.op !== undefined && !== undefined) { |
success = gridDOMobj.SearchFilter.setFilter({ |
'sfref':gridDOMobj.SearchFilter.$.find(".sf:last"), |
'filter':$.extend({},f) |
}); |
if (success) { gridDOMobj.SearchFilter.add(); } |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} // end of applyDefaultFilters
function hideFilter(selector) { |
if(p.onClose){ |
var fclm = p.onClose(selector); |
if(typeof fclm == 'boolean' && !fclm) { return; } |
} |
selector.hide(); |
if(p.overlay === true) { |
$(".jqgrid-overlay:first","#gbox_"+$; |
} |
} |
function showFilter(){ |
var fl = $(".ui-searchFilter").length; |
if(fl > 1) { |
var zI = $("#"+fid).css("zIndex"); |
$("#"+fid).css({zIndex:parseInt(zI,10)+fl}); |
} |
$("#"+fid).show(); |
if(p.overlay === true) { |
$(".jqgrid-overlay:first","#gbox_"+$; |
} |
try{$(':input:visible',"#"+fid)[0].focus();}catch(_){} |
} |
function searchFilters(filters) { |
var hasFilters = (filters !== undefined), |
grid = $("#"+$, |
sdata={}; |
if(p.multipleSearch===false) { |
sdata[p.sField] = filters.rules[0].field; |
sdata[p.sValue] = filters.rules[0].data; |
sdata[p.sOper] = filters.rules[0].op; |
if(sdata.hasOwnProperty(p.sFilter) ) { |
delete sdata[p.sFilter]; |
} |
} else { |
sdata[p.sFilter] = filters; |
$.each([p.sField, p.sValue, p.sOper], function(i, n){ |
if(sdata.hasOwnProperty(n)) { delete sdata[n];} |
}); |
} |
grid[0] = hasFilters; |
$.extend(grid[0].p.postData,sdata); |
grid.trigger("reloadGrid",[{page:1}]); |
if(p.closeAfterSearch) { hideFilter($("#"+fid)); } |
} |
function resetFilters(op) { |
var reload = op && op.hasOwnProperty("reload") ? op.reload : true, |
grid = $("#"+$, |
sdata={}; |
grid[0] = false; |
if(p.multipleSearch===false) { |
sdata[p.sField] = sdata[p.sValue] = sdata[p.sOper] = ""; |
} else { |
sdata[p.sFilter] = ""; |
} |
$.extend(grid[0].p.postData,sdata); |
if(reload) { |
grid.trigger("reloadGrid",[{page:1}]); |
} |
if(p.closeAfterReset) { hideFilter($("#"+fid)); } |
} |
if($.fn.searchFilter) { |
if(p.recreateFilter===true) {$("#"+fid).remove();} |
if( $("#"+fid).html() !== null ) { |
if ( $.isFunction(p.beforeShowSearch) ) { |
showFrm = p.beforeShowSearch($("#"+fid)); |
if(typeof(showFrm) == "undefined") { |
showFrm = true; |
} |
} |
if(showFrm === false) { return; } |
showFilter(); |
if( $.isFunction(p.afterShowSearch) ) { p.afterShowSearch($("#"+fid)); } |
} else { |
var fields = [], |
colNames = $("#"+$"getGridParam","colNames"), |
colModel = $("#"+$"getGridParam","colModel"), |
stempl = ['eq','ne','lt','le','gt','ge','bw','bn','in','ni','ew','en','cn','nc'], |
j,pos,k,oprtr=[]; |
if (p.sopt !==null) { |
k=0; |
for(j=0;j<p.sopt.length;j++) { |
if( (pos= $.inArray(p.sopt[j],stempl)) != -1 ){ |
oprtr[k] = {op:p.sopt[j],text: p.odata[pos]}; |
k++; |
} |
} |
} else { |
for(j=0;j<stempl.length;j++) { |
oprtr[j] = {op:stempl[j],text: p.odata[j]}; |
} |
} |
$.each(colModel, function(i, v) { |
var searchable = (typeof === 'undefined') ? true: , |
hidden = (v.hidden === true), |
soptions = $.extend({}, {text: colNames[i], itemval: v.index ||}, this.searchoptions), |
ignoreHiding = (soptions.searchhidden === true); |
if(typeof soptions.sopt !== 'undefined') { |
k=0; |
soptions.ops =[]; |
if(soptions.sopt.length>0) { |
for(j=0;j<soptions.sopt.length;j++) { |
if( (pos= $.inArray(soptions.sopt[j],stempl)) != -1 ){ |
soptions.ops[k] = {op:soptions.sopt[j],text: p.odata[pos]}; |
k++; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if(typeof(this.stype) === 'undefined') { this.stype='text'; } |
if(this.stype == 'select') { |
if ( soptions.dataUrl !== undefined) {} |
else { |
var eov; |
if(soptions.value) { |
eov = soptions.value; |
} else if(this.editoptions) { |
eov = this.editoptions.value; |
} |
if(eov) { |
soptions.dataValues =[]; |
if(typeof(eov) === 'string') { |
var so = eov.split(";"),sv; |
for(j=0;j<so.length;j++) { |
sv = so[j].split(":"); |
soptions.dataValues[j] ={value:sv[0],text:sv[1]}; |
} |
} else if (typeof(eov) === 'object') { |
j=0; |
for (var key in eov) { |
if(eov.hasOwnProperty(key)) { |
soptions.dataValues[j] ={value:key,text:eov[key]}; |
j++; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ((ignoreHiding && searchable) || (searchable && !hidden)) { |
fields.push(soptions); |
} |
}); |
if(fields.length>0){ |
$("<div id='"+fid+"' role='dialog' tabindex='-1'></div>").insertBefore("#gview_"+$; |
// Before we create searchFilter we need to decide if we want to get back a string or a JS object.
// see for background on the issue.
// If p.stringResult is defined, it was explisitly passed to us by user. Honor the choice, whatever it is.
if (p.stringResult===undefined) { |
// to provide backward compatibility, inferring stringResult value from multipleSearch
p.stringResult = p.multipleSearch; |
} |
// we preserve the return value here to retain access to .add() and other good methods of search form.
$t.SearchFilter = $("#"+fid).searchFilter(fields, { groupOps: p.groupOps, operators: oprtr, onClose:hideFilter, resetText: p.Reset, searchText: p.Find, windowTitle: p.caption, rulesText:p.rulesText, matchText:p.matchText, onSearch: searchFilters, onReset: resetFilters,stringResult:p.stringResult, ajaxSelectOptions: $.extend({},$.jgrid.ajaxOptions,$t.p.ajaxSelectOptions ||{}), clone: p.cloneSearchRowOnAdd }); |
$(".ui-widget-overlay","#"+fid).remove(); |
if($t.p.direction=="rtl") { $(".ui-closer","#"+fid).css("float","left"); } |
if (p.drag===true) { |
$("#"+fid+" table thead tr:first td:first").css('cursor','move'); |
if(jQuery.fn.jqDrag) { |
$("#"+fid).jqDrag($("#"+fid+" table thead tr:first td:first")); |
} else { |
try { |
$("#"+fid).draggable({handle: $("#"+fid+" table thead tr:first td:first")}); |
} catch (e) {} |
} |
} |
if(p.multipleSearch === false) { |
$(".ui-del, .ui-add, .ui-del, .ui-add-last, .matchText, .rulesText", "#"+fid).hide(); |
$("select[name='groupOp']","#"+fid).hide(); |
} |
if (p.multipleSearch === true && p.loadDefaults === true) { |
applyDefaultFilters($t, p); |
} |
if ( $.isFunction(p.onInitializeSearch) ) { p.onInitializeSearch( $("#"+fid) ); } |
if ( $.isFunction(p.beforeShowSearch) ) { |
showFrm = p.beforeShowSearch($("#"+fid)); |
if(typeof(showFrm) == "undefined") { |
showFrm = true; |
} |
} |
if(showFrm === false) { return; } |
showFilter(); |
if( $.isFunction(p.afterShowSearch) ) { p.afterShowSearch($("#"+fid)); } |
if(p.closeOnEscape===true){ |
$("#"+fid).keydown( function( e ) { |
if( e.which == 27 ) { |
hideFilter($("#"+fid)); |
} |
if (e.which == 13) { |
$(".ui-search", this).click(); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
}); |
}, |
// methods taken from grid.custom.
updateGridRows : function (data, rowidname, jsonreader) { |
var nm, success=false, title; |
this.each(function(){ |
var t = this, vl, ind, srow, sid; |
if(!t.grid) {return false;} |
if(!rowidname) { rowidname = "id"; } |
if( data && data.length >0 ) { |
$(data).each(function(j){ |
srow = this; |
ind = t.rows.namedItem(srow[rowidname]); |
if(ind) { |
sid = srow[rowidname]; |
if(jsonreader === true){ |
if(t.p.jsonReader.repeatitems === true) { |
if(t.p.jsonReader.cell) {srow = srow[t.p.jsonReader.cell];} |
for (var k=0;k<srow.length;k++) { |
vl = t.formatter( sid, srow[k], k, srow, 'edit'); |
title = t.p.colModel[k].title ? {"title":$.jgrid.stripHtml(vl)} : {}; |
if(t.p.treeGrid===true && nm == t.p.ExpandColumn) { |
$("td:eq("+k+") > span:first",ind).html(vl).attr(title); |
} else { |
$("td:eq("+k+")",ind).html(vl).attr(title); |
} |
} |
success = true; |
return true; |
} |
} |
$(t.p.colModel).each(function(i){ |
nm = jsonreader===true ? this.jsonmap ||; |
if( srow[nm] !== undefined) { |
vl = t.formatter( sid, srow[nm], i, srow, 'edit'); |
title = this.title ? {"title":$.jgrid.stripHtml(vl)} : {}; |
if(t.p.treeGrid===true && nm == t.p.ExpandColumn) { |
$("td:eq("+i+") > span:first",ind).html(vl).attr(title); |
} else { |
$("td:eq("+i+")",ind).html(vl).attr(title); |
} |
success = true; |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
return success; |
}, |
// Form search - sorry for this method. Instead use ne jqFilter method.
filterGrid : function(gridid,p){ |
p = $.extend({ |
gridModel : false, |
gridNames : false, |
gridToolbar : false, |
filterModel: [], // label/name/stype/defval/surl/sopt
formtype : "horizontal", // horizontal/vertical
autosearch: true, // if set to false a serch button should be enabled.
formclass: "filterform", |
tableclass: "filtertable", |
buttonclass: "filterbutton", |
searchButton: "Search", |
clearButton: "Clear", |
enableSearch : false, |
enableClear: false, |
beforeSearch: null, |
afterSearch: null, |
beforeClear: null, |
afterClear: null, |
url : '', |
marksearched: true |
},p || {}); |
return this.each(function(){ |
var self = this; |
this.p = p; |
if(this.p.filterModel.length === 0 && this.p.gridModel===false) { alert("No filter is set"); return;} |
if( !gridid) {alert("No target grid is set!"); return;} |
this.p.gridid = gridid.indexOf("#") != -1 ? gridid : "#"+gridid; |
var gcolMod = $(this.p.gridid).jqGrid("getGridParam",'colModel'); |
if(gcolMod) { |
if( this.p.gridModel === true) { |
var thegrid = $(this.p.gridid)[0]; |
var sh; |
// we should use the options search, edittype, editoptions
// additionally surl and defval can be added in grid colModel
$.each(gcolMod, function (i,n) { |
var tmpFil = []; |
|||| = === false ? false : true; |
if(this.editrules && this.editrules.searchhidden === true) { |
sh = true; |
} else { |
if(this.hidden === true ) { |
sh = false; |
} else { |
sh = true; |
} |
} |
if( === true && sh === true) { |
if(self.p.gridNames===true) { |
tmpFil.label = thegrid.p.colNames[i]; |
} else { |
tmpFil.label = ''; |
} |
|||| =; |
tmpFil.index = this.index ||; |
// we support only text and selects, so all other to text
tmpFil.stype = this.edittype || 'text'; |
if(tmpFil.stype != 'select' ) { |
tmpFil.stype = 'text'; |
} |
tmpFil.defval = this.defval || ''; |
tmpFil.surl = this.surl || ''; |
tmpFil.sopt = this.editoptions || {}; |
tmpFil.width = this.width; |
self.p.filterModel.push(tmpFil); |
} |
}); |
} else { |
$.each(self.p.filterModel,function(i,n) { |
for(var j=0;j<gcolMod.length;j++) { |
if( == gcolMod[j].name) { |
this.index = gcolMod[j].index ||; |
break; |
} |
} |
if(!this.index) { |
this.index =; |
} |
}); |
} |
} else { |
alert("Could not get grid colModel"); return; |
} |
var triggerSearch = function() { |
var sdata={}, j=0, v; |
var gr = $(self.p.gridid)[0], nm; |
gr.p.searchdata = {}; |
if($.isFunction(self.p.beforeSearch)){self.p.beforeSearch();} |
$.each(self.p.filterModel,function(i,n){ |
nm = this.index; |
if(this.stype === 'select') { |
v = $("select[name="+nm+"]",self).val(); |
if(v) { |
sdata[nm] = v; |
if(self.p.marksearched){ |
$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).addClass("dirty-cell"); |
} |
j++; |
} else { |
if(self.p.marksearched){ |
$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).removeClass("dirty-cell"); |
} |
try { |
delete gr.p.postData[this.index]; |
} catch (e) {} |
} |
} else { |
v = $("input[name="+nm+"]",self).val(); |
if(v) { |
sdata[nm] = v; |
if(self.p.marksearched){ |
$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).addClass("dirty-cell"); |
} |
j++; |
} else { |
if(self.p.marksearched){ |
$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).removeClass("dirty-cell"); |
} |
try { |
delete gr.p.postData[this.index]; |
} catch(x) {} |
} |
} |
}); |
var sd = j>0 ? true : false; |
$.extend(gr.p.postData,sdata); |
var saveurl; |
if(self.p.url) { |
saveurl = $(gr).jqGrid("getGridParam",'url'); |
$(gr).jqGrid("setGridParam",{url:self.p.url}); |
} |
$(gr).jqGrid("setGridParam",{search:sd}).trigger("reloadGrid",[{page:1}]); |
if(saveurl) {$(gr).jqGrid("setGridParam",{url:saveurl});} |
if($.isFunction(self.p.afterSearch)){self.p.afterSearch();} |
}; |
var clearSearch = function(){ |
var sdata={}, v, j=0; |
var gr = $(self.p.gridid)[0], nm; |
if($.isFunction(self.p.beforeClear)){self.p.beforeClear();} |
$.each(self.p.filterModel,function(i,n){ |
nm = this.index; |
v = (this.defval) ? this.defval : ""; |
if(!this.stype){this.stype='text';} |
switch (this.stype) { |
case 'select' : |
var v1; |
$("select[name="+nm+"] option",self).each(function (i){ |
if(i===0) { this.selected = true; } |
if ($(this).text() == v) { |
this.selected = true; |
v1 = $(this).val(); |
return false; |
} |
}); |
if(v1) { |
// post the key and not the text
sdata[nm] = v1; |
if(self.p.marksearched){ |
$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).addClass("dirty-cell"); |
} |
j++; |
} else { |
if(self.p.marksearched){ |
$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).removeClass("dirty-cell"); |
} |
try { |
delete gr.p.postData[this.index]; |
} catch (e) {} |
} |
break; |
case 'text': |
$("input[name="+nm+"]",self).val(v); |
if(v) { |
sdata[nm] = v; |
if(self.p.marksearched){ |
$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).addClass("dirty-cell"); |
} |
j++; |
} else { |
if(self.p.marksearched){ |
$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).removeClass("dirty-cell"); |
} |
try { |
delete gr.p.postData[this.index]; |
} catch (k) {} |
} |
break; |
} |
}); |
var sd = j>0 ? true : false; |
$.extend(gr.p.postData,sdata); |
var saveurl; |
if(self.p.url) { |
saveurl = $(gr).jqGrid("getGridParam",'url'); |
$(gr).jqGrid("setGridParam",{url:self.p.url}); |
} |
$(gr).jqGrid("setGridParam",{search:sd}).trigger("reloadGrid",[{page:1}]); |
if(saveurl) {$(gr).jqGrid("setGridParam",{url:saveurl});} |
if($.isFunction(self.p.afterClear)){self.p.afterClear();} |
}; |
var tbl; |
var formFill = function(){ |
var tr = document.createElement("tr"); |
var tr1, sb, cb,tl,td; |
if(self.p.formtype=='horizontal'){ |
$(tbl).append(tr); |
} |
$.each(self.p.filterModel,function(i,n){ |
tl = document.createElement("td"); |
$(tl).append("<label for='""'>"+this.label+"</label>"); |
td = document.createElement("td"); |
var $t=this; |
if(!this.stype) { this.stype='text';} |
switch (this.stype) |
{ |
case "select": |
if(this.surl) { |
// data returned should have already constructed html select
$(td).load(this.surl,function(){ |
if($t.defval) { $("select",this).val($t.defval); } |
$("select",this).attr({name:$t.index || $, id: "sg_"+$}); |
if($t.sopt) { $("select",this).attr($t.sopt); } |
if(self.p.gridToolbar===true && $t.width) { |
$("select",this).width($t.width); |
} |
if(self.p.autosearch===true){ |
$("select",this).change(function(e){ |
triggerSearch(); |
return false; |
}); |
} |
}); |
} else { |
// sopt to construct the values
if($t.sopt.value) { |
var oSv = $t.sopt.value; |
var elem = document.createElement("select"); |
$(elem).attr({name:$t.index || $, id: "sg_"+$}).attr($t.sopt); |
var so, sv, ov; |
if(typeof oSv === "string") { |
so = oSv.split(";"); |
for(var k=0; k<so.length;k++){ |
sv = so[k].split(":"); |
ov = document.createElement("option"); |
ov.value = sv[0]; ov.innerHTML = sv[1]; |
if (sv[1]==$t.defval) { ov.selected ="selected"; } |
elem.appendChild(ov); |
} |
} else if(typeof oSv === "object" ) { |
for ( var key in oSv) { |
if(oSv.hasOwnProperty(key)) { |
i++; |
ov = document.createElement("option"); |
ov.value = key; ov.innerHTML = oSv[key]; |
if (oSv[key]==$t.defval) { ov.selected ="selected"; } |
elem.appendChild(ov); |
} |
} |
} |
if(self.p.gridToolbar===true && $t.width) { |
$(elem).width($t.width); |
} |
$(td).append(elem); |
if(self.p.autosearch===true){ |
$(elem).change(function(e){ |
triggerSearch(); |
return false; |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
break; |
case 'text': |
var df = this.defval ? this.defval: ""; |
$(td).append("<input type='text' name='"+(this.index ||"' id='sg_""' value='"+df+"'/>"); |
if($t.sopt) { $("input",td).attr($t.sopt); } |
if(self.p.gridToolbar===true && $t.width) { |
if($.browser.msie) { |
$("input",td).width($t.width-4); |
} else { |
$("input",td).width($t.width-2); |
} |
} |
if(self.p.autosearch===true){ |
$("input",td).keypress(function(e){ |
var key = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : 0; |
if(key == 13){ |
triggerSearch(); |
return false; |
} |
return this; |
}); |
} |
break; |
} |
if(self.p.formtype=='horizontal'){ |
if(self.p.gridToolbar===true && self.p.gridNames===false) { |
$(tr).append(td); |
} else { |
$(tr).append(tl).append(td); |
} |
$(tr).append(td); |
} else { |
tr1 = document.createElement("tr"); |
$(tr1).append(tl).append(td); |
$(tbl).append(tr1); |
} |
}); |
td = document.createElement("td"); |
if(self.p.enableSearch === true){ |
sb = "<input type='button' id='sButton' class='"+self.p.buttonclass+"' value='"+self.p.searchButton+"'/>"; |
$(td).append(sb); |
$("input#sButton",td).click(function(){ |
triggerSearch(); |
return false; |
}); |
} |
if(self.p.enableClear === true) { |
cb = "<input type='button' id='cButton' class='"+self.p.buttonclass+"' value='"+self.p.clearButton+"'/>"; |
$(td).append(cb); |
$("input#cButton",td).click(function(){ |
clearSearch(); |
return false; |
}); |
} |
if(self.p.enableClear === true || self.p.enableSearch === true) { |
if(self.p.formtype=='horizontal') { |
$(tr).append(td); |
} else { |
tr1 = document.createElement("tr"); |
$(tr1).append("<td> </td>").append(td); |
$(tbl).append(tr1); |
} |
} |
}; |
var frm = $("<form name='SearchForm' style=display:inline;' class='"+this.p.formclass+"'></form>"); |
tbl =$("<table class='"+this.p.tableclass+"' cellspacing='0' cellpading='0' border='0'><tbody></tbody></table>"); |
$(frm).append(tbl); |
formFill(); |
$(this).append(frm); |
this.triggerSearch = triggerSearch; |
this.clearSearch = clearSearch; |
}); |
} |
}); |
})(jQuery); |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
;(function($){ |
/** |
* jqGrid extension |
* Paul Tiseo |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: |
**/ |
$.jgrid.extend({ |
getPostData : function(){ |
var $t = this[0]; |
if(!$t.grid) { return; } |
return $t.p.postData; |
}, |
setPostData : function( newdata ) { |
var $t = this[0]; |
if(!$t.grid) { return; } |
// check if newdata is correct type
if ( typeof(newdata) === 'object' ) { |
$t.p.postData = newdata; |
} |
else { |
alert("Error: cannot add a non-object postData value. postData unchanged."); |
} |
}, |
appendPostData : function( newdata ) {
var $t = this[0]; |
if(!$t.grid) { return; } |
// check if newdata is correct type
if ( typeof(newdata) === 'object' ) { |
$.extend($t.p.postData, newdata); |
} |
else { |
alert("Error: cannot append a non-object postData value. postData unchanged."); |
} |
}, |
setPostDataItem : function( key, val ) { |
var $t = this[0]; |
if(!$t.grid) { return; } |
$t.p.postData[key] = val; |
}, |
getPostDataItem : function( key ) { |
var $t = this[0]; |
if(!$t.grid) { return; } |
return $t.p.postData[key]; |
}, |
removePostDataItem : function( key ) { |
var $t = this[0]; |
if(!$t.grid) { return; } |
delete $t.p.postData[key]; |
}, |
getUserData : function(){ |
var $t = this[0]; |
if(!$t.grid) { return; } |
return $t.p.userData; |
}, |
getUserDataItem : function( key ) { |
var $t = this[0]; |
if(!$t.grid) { return; } |
return $t.p.userData[key]; |
} |
}); |
})(jQuery); |
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ |
;(function($){ |
/** |
* jqGrid extension for manipulating columns properties |
* Piotr Roznicki |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: |
**/ |
$.jgrid.extend({ |
setColumns : function(p) { |
p = $.extend({ |
top : 0, |
left: 0, |
width: 200, |
height: 'auto', |
dataheight: 'auto', |
modal: false, |
drag: true, |
beforeShowForm: null, |
afterShowForm: null, |
afterSubmitForm: null, |
closeOnEscape : true, |
ShrinkToFit : false, |
jqModal : false, |
saveicon: [true,"left","ui-icon-disk"], |
closeicon: [true,"left","ui-icon-close"], |
onClose : null, |
colnameview : true, |
closeAfterSubmit : true, |
updateAfterCheck : false, |
recreateForm : false |
}, $.jgrid.col, p ||{}); |
return this.each(function(){ |
var $t = this; |
if (!$t.grid ) { return; } |
var onBeforeShow = typeof p.beforeShowForm === 'function' ? true: false; |
var onAfterShow = typeof p.afterShowForm === 'function' ? true: false; |
var onAfterSubmit = typeof p.afterSubmitForm === 'function' ? true: false;
var gID = $, |
dtbl = "ColTbl_"+gID, |
IDs = {themodal:'colmod'+gID,modalhead:'colhd'+gID,modalcontent:'colcnt'+gID, scrollelm: dtbl}; |
if(p.recreateForm===true && $("#"+IDs.themodal).html() != null) { |
$("#"+IDs.themodal).remove(); |
} |
if ( $("#"+IDs.themodal).html() != null ) { |
if(onBeforeShow) { p.beforeShowForm($("#"+dtbl)); } |
$.jgrid.viewModal("#"+IDs.themodal,{gbox:"#gbox_"+gID,jqm:p.jqModal, jqM:false, modal:p.modal}); |
if(onAfterShow) { p.afterShowForm($("#"+dtbl)); } |
} else { |
var dh = isNaN(p.dataheight) ? p.dataheight : p.dataheight+"px"; |
var formdata = "<div id='"+dtbl+"' class='formdata' style='width:100%;overflow:auto;position:relative;height:"+dh+";'>"; |
formdata += "<table class='ColTable' cellspacing='1' cellpading='2' border='0'><tbody>"; |
for(i=0;i<this.p.colNames.length;i++){ |
if(!$t.p.colModel[i].hidedlg) { // added from T. Tomov
formdata += "<tr><td style='white-space: pre;'><input type='checkbox' style='margin-right:5px;' id='col_" + this.p.colModel[i].name + "' class='cbox' value='T' " +
((this.p.colModel[i].hidden===false)?"checked":"") + "/>" + "<label for='col_" + this.p.colModel[i].name + "'>" + this.p.colNames[i] + ((p.colnameview) ? " (" + this.p.colModel[i].name + ")" : "" )+ "</label></td></tr>"; |
} |
} |
formdata += "</tbody></table></div>" |
var bS = !p.updateAfterCheck ? "<a href='javascript:void(0)' id='dData' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all'>"+p.bSubmit+"</a>" : "", |
bC ="<a href='javascript:void(0)' id='eData' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all'>"+p.bCancel+"</a>"; |
formdata += "<table border='0' class='EditTable' id='"+dtbl+"_2'><tbody><tr style='display:block;height:3px;'><td></td></tr><tr><td class='DataTD ui-widget-content'></td></tr><tr><td class='ColButton EditButton'>"+bS+" "+bC+"</td></tr></tbody></table>"; |
p.gbox = "#gbox_"+gID; |
$.jgrid.createModal(IDs,formdata,p,"#gview_"+$,$("#gview_"+$[0]); |
if(p.saveicon[0]==true) { |
$("#dData","#"+dtbl+"_2").addClass(p.saveicon[1] == "right" ? 'fm-button-icon-right' : 'fm-button-icon-left') |
.append("<span class='ui-icon "+p.saveicon[2]+"'></span>"); |
} |
if(p.closeicon[0]==true) { |
$("#eData","#"+dtbl+"_2").addClass(p.closeicon[1] == "right" ? 'fm-button-icon-right' : 'fm-button-icon-left') |
.append("<span class='ui-icon "+p.closeicon[2]+"'></span>"); |
} |
if(!p.updateAfterCheck) { |
$("#dData","#"+dtbl+"_2").click(function(e){ |
for(i=0;i<$t.p.colModel.length;i++){ |
if(!$t.p.colModel[i].hidedlg) { // added from T. Tomov
var nm = $t.p.colModel[i].name.replace(/\./g, "\\."); |
if($("#col_" + nm,"#"+dtbl).attr("checked")) { |
$($t).jqGrid("showCol",$t.p.colModel[i].name); |
$("#col_" + nm,"#"+dtbl).attr("defaultChecked",true); // Added from T. Tomov IE BUG
} else { |
$($t).jqGrid("hideCol",$t.p.colModel[i].name); |
$("#col_" + nm,"#"+dtbl).attr("defaultChecked",""); // Added from T. Tomov IE BUG
} |
} |
} |
if(p.ShrinkToFit===true) { |
$($t).jqGrid("setGridWidth",$t.grid.width-0.001,true); |
} |
if(p.closeAfterSubmit) $.jgrid.hideModal("#"+IDs.themodal,{gb:"#gbox_"+gID,jqm:p.jqModal, onClose: p.onClose}); |
if (onAfterSubmit) { p.afterSubmitForm($("#"+dtbl)); } |
return false; |
}); |
} else { |
$(":input","#"+dtbl).click(function(e){ |
var cn =; |
if(cn){ |
if(this.checked) { |
$($t).jqGrid("showCol",cn); |
} else { |
$($t).jqGrid("hideCol",cn); |
} |
if(p.ShrinkToFit===true) { |
$($t).jqGrid("setGridWidth",$t.grid.width-0.001,true); |
} |
} |
return this; |
}); |
} |
$("#eData", "#"+dtbl+"_2").click(function(e){ |
$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+IDs.themodal,{gb:"#gbox_"+gID,jqm:p.jqModal, onClose: p.onClose}); |
return false; |
}); |
$("#dData, #eData","#"+dtbl+"_2").hover( |
function(){$(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover');} |
if(onBeforeShow) { p.beforeShowForm($("#"+dtbl)); } |
$.jgrid.viewModal("#"+IDs.themodal,{gbox:"#gbox_"+gID,jqm:p.jqModal, jqM: true, modal:p.modal}); |
if(onAfterShow) { p.afterShowForm($("#"+dtbl)); } |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
})(jQuery); |
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ |
/* |
* ContextMenu - jQuery plugin for right-click context menus |
* |
* Author: Chris Domigan |
* Contributors: Dan G. Switzer, II |
* Parts of this plugin are inspired by Joern Zaefferer's Tooltip plugin |
* |
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: |
* |
* Version: r2 |
* Date: 16 July 2007 |
* |
* For documentation visit
* |
*/ |
(function($) { |
var menu, shadow, content, hash, currentTarget; |
var defaults = { |
menuStyle: { |
listStyle: 'none', |
padding: '1px', |
margin: '0px', |
backgroundColor: '#fff', |
border: '1px solid #999', |
width: '100px' |
}, |
itemStyle: { |
margin: '0px', |
color: '#000', |
display: 'block', |
cursor: 'default', |
padding: '3px', |
border: '1px solid #fff', |
backgroundColor: 'transparent' |
}, |
itemHoverStyle: { |
border: '1px solid #0a246a', |
backgroundColor: '#b6bdd2' |
}, |
eventPosX: 'pageX', |
eventPosY: 'pageY', |
shadow : true, |
onContextMenu: null, |
onShowMenu: null |
}; |
$.fn.contextMenu = function(id, options) { |
if (!menu) { // Create singleton menu
menu = $('<div id="jqContextMenu"></div>') |
.hide() |
.css({position:'absolute', zIndex:'500'}) |
.appendTo('body') |
.bind('click', function(e) { |
e.stopPropagation(); |
}); |
} |
if (!shadow) { |
shadow = $('<div></div>') |
.css({backgroundColor:'#000',position:'absolute',opacity:0.2,zIndex:499}) |
.appendTo('body') |
.hide(); |
} |
hash = hash || []; |
hash.push({ |
id : id, |
menuStyle: $.extend({}, defaults.menuStyle, options.menuStyle || {}), |
itemStyle: $.extend({}, defaults.itemStyle, options.itemStyle || {}), |
itemHoverStyle: $.extend({}, defaults.itemHoverStyle, options.itemHoverStyle || {}), |
bindings: options.bindings || {}, |
shadow: options.shadow || options.shadow === false ? options.shadow : defaults.shadow, |
onContextMenu: options.onContextMenu || defaults.onContextMenu, |
onShowMenu: options.onShowMenu || defaults.onShowMenu, |
eventPosX: options.eventPosX || defaults.eventPosX, |
eventPosY: options.eventPosY || defaults.eventPosY |
}); |
var index = hash.length - 1; |
$(this).bind('contextmenu', function(e) { |
// Check if onContextMenu() defined
var bShowContext = (!!hash[index].onContextMenu) ? hash[index].onContextMenu(e) : true; |
currentTarget =; |
if (bShowContext) { |
display(index, this, e ); |
return false; |
} |
}); |
return this; |
}; |
function display(index, trigger, e ) { |
var cur = hash[index]; |
content = $('#''ul:first').clone(true); |
content.css(cur.menuStyle).find('li').css(cur.itemStyle).hover( |
function() { |
$(this).css(cur.itemHoverStyle); |
}, |
function(){ |
$(this).css(cur.itemStyle); |
} |
).find('img').css({verticalAlign:'middle',paddingRight:'2px'}); |
// Send the content to the menu
menu.html(content); |
// if there's an onShowMenu, run it now -- must run after content has been added
// if you try to alter the content variable before the menu.html(), IE6 has issues
// updating the content
if (!!cur.onShowMenu) menu = cur.onShowMenu(e, menu); |
$.each(cur.bindings, function(id, func) { |
$('#'+id, menu).bind('click', function() { |
hide(); |
func(trigger, currentTarget); |
}); |
}); |
menu.css({'left':e[cur.eventPosX],'top':e[cur.eventPosY]}).show(); |
if (cur.shadow) shadow.css({width:menu.width(),height:menu.height(),left:e.pageX+2,top:e.pageY+2}).show(); |
$(document).one('click', hide); |
} |
function hide() { |
menu.hide(); |
shadow.hide(); |
} |
// Apply defaults
$.contextMenu = { |
defaults : function(userDefaults) { |
$.each(userDefaults, function(i, val) { |
if (typeof val == 'object' && defaults[i]) { |
$.extend(defaults[i], val); |
} |
else defaults[i] = val; |
}); |
} |
}; |
})(jQuery); |
$(function() { |
$('div.contextMenu').hide(); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,716 @@ |
/* Plugin: searchFilter v1.2.9 |
* Author: Kasey Speakman ( |
* License: Dual Licensed, MIT and GPL v2 (
* |
* jQuery 1.3+ (
* A Themeroller Theme (
* |
* You should always implement server-side checking to ensure that |
* the query will fail when forged/invalid data is received. |
* Clever users can send any value they want through JavaScript and HTTP POST/GET. |
* |
* Simply include the CSS file for your Themeroller theme. |
* |
* This plugin creates a new searchFilter object in the specified container |
* |
* fields: an array of field objects. each object has the following properties: |
* text: a string containing the display name of the field (e.g. "Field 1") |
* itemval: a string containing the actual field name (e.g. "field1") |
* optional properties: |
* ops: an array of operators in the same format as jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators |
* that is: [ { op: 'gt', text: 'greater than'}, { op:'lt', text: 'less than'}, ... ] |
* if not specified, the passed-in options used, and failting that, jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators will be used |
* *** NOTE *** |
* Specifying a dataUrl or dataValues property means that a <select ...> (drop-down-list) will be generated |
* instead of a text input <input type='text'.../> where the user would normally type in their search data |
* ************ |
* dataUrl: a url that will return the html select for this field, this url will only be called once for this field |
* dataValues: the possible values for this field in the form [ { text: 'Data Display Text', value: 'data_actual_value' }, { ... } ] |
* dataInit: a function that you can use to initialize the data field. this function is passed the jQuery-fied data element |
* dataEvents: list of events to apply to the data element. uses $("#id").bind(type, [data], fn) to bind events to data element |
* *** JSON of this object could look like this: *** |
* var fields = [ |
* { |
* text: 'Field Display Name', |
* itemval: 'field_actual_name', |
* // below this are optional values
* ops: [ // this format is the same as jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators
* { op: 'gt', text: 'greater than' }, |
* { op: 'lt', text: 'less than' } |
* ], |
* dataUrl: 'http://server/path/script.php?propName=propValue', // using this creates a select for the data input instead of an input type='text'
* dataValues: [ // using this creates a select for the data input instead of an input type='text'
* { text: 'Data Value Display Name', value: 'data_actual_value' }, |
* { ... } |
* ], |
* dataInit: function(jElem) { jElem.datepicker(options); }, |
* dataEvents: [ // these are the same options that you pass to $("#id").bind(type, [data], fn)
* { type: 'click', data: { i: 7 }, fn: function(e) { console.log(; } }, |
* { type: 'keypress', fn: function(e) { console.log('keypress'); } } |
* ] |
* }, |
* { ... } |
* ] |
* options: name:value properties containing various creation options |
* see jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults for the overridable options |
* |
* RETURN TYPE: This plugin returns a SearchFilter object, which has additional SearchFilter methods: |
* Methods |
* add: Adds a filter. added to the end of the list unless a jQuery event object or valid row number is passed. |
* del: Removes a filter. removed from the end of the list unless a jQuery event object or valid row number is passed. |
* reset: resets filters back to original state (only one blank filter), and calls onReset |
* search: puts the search rules into an object and calls onSearch with it |
* close: calls the onClose event handler |
* |
* HTML |
* <head> |
* ... |
* <script src="path/to/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> |
* <link href="path/to/themeroller.css" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" /> |
* <script src="path/to/jquery.searchFilter.js" type="text/javascript"></script> |
* <link href="path/to/jquery.searchFilter.css" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" /> |
* ... |
* </head> |
* <body> |
* ... |
* <div id='mySearch'></div> |
* ... |
* </body> |
* Methods |
* initializing: $("#mySearch").searchFilter([{text: "Field 1", value: "field1"},{text: "Field 2", value: "field2"}], {onSearch: myFilterRuleReceiverFn, onReset: myFilterResetFn }); |
* Manual Methods (there's no need to call these methods unless you are trying to manipulate searchFilter with script) |
* add: $("#mySearch").searchFilter().add(); // appends a blank filter
* $("#mySearch").searchFilter().add(0); // copies the first filter as second
* del: $("#mySearch").searchFilter().del(); // removes the bottom filter
* $("#mySearch").searchFilter().del(1); // removes the second filter
* search: $("#mySearch").searchFilter().search(); // invokes onSearch, passing it a ruleGroup object
* reset: $("#mySearch").searchFilter().reset(); // resets rules and invokes onReset
* close: $("#mySearch").searchFilter().close(); // without an onClose handler, equivalent to $("#mySearch").hide();
* NOTE: You can get the jQuery object back from the SearchFilter object by chaining .$ |
* Example |
* $("#mySearch").searchFilter().add().add().reset().$.hide(); |
* Verbose Example |
* $("#mySearch") // gets jQuery object for the HTML element with id="mySearch"
* .searchFilter() // gets the SearchFilter object for an existing search filter
* .add() // adds a new filter to the end of the list
* .add() // adds another new filter to the end of the list
* .reset() // resets filters back to original state, triggers onReset
* .$ // returns jQuery object for $("#mySearch")
* .hide(); // equivalent to $("#mySearch").hide();
*/ |
jQuery.fn.searchFilter = function(fields, options) { |
function SearchFilter(jQ, fields, options) { |
this.$ = jQ; // makes the jQuery object available as .$ from the return value
this.add = function(i) { |
if (i == null) jQ.find(".ui-add-last").click(); |
else jQ.find(".sf:eq(" + i + ") .ui-add").click(); |
return this; |
}; |
this.del = function(i) { |
if (i == null) jQ.find(".sf:last .ui-del").click(); |
else jQ.find(".sf:eq(" + i + ") .ui-del").click(); |
return this; |
}; |
|||| = function(e) { |
jQ.find(".ui-search").click(); |
return this; |
}; |
this.reset = function(o) { |
if(o===undefined) o = false; |
jQ.find(".ui-reset").trigger('click',[o]); |
return this; |
}; |
this.close = function() { |
jQ.find(".ui-closer").click(); |
return this; |
}; |
// "CONSTRUCTOR" (in air quotes)
if (fields != null) { // type coercion matches undefined as well as null
function hover() { |
jQuery(this).toggleClass("ui-state-hover"); |
return false; |
} |
function active(e) { |
jQuery(this).toggleClass("ui-state-active", (e.type == "mousedown")); |
return false; |
} |
function buildOpt(value, text) { |
return "<option value='" + value + "'>" + text + "</option>"; |
} |
function buildSel(className, options, isHidden) { |
return "<select class='" + className + "'" + (isHidden ? " style='display:none;'" : "") + ">" + options + "</select>"; |
} |
function initData(selector, fn) { |
var jElem = jQ.find("tr.sf " + selector); |
if (jElem[0] != null) |
fn(jElem); |
} |
function bindDataEvents(selector, events) { |
var jElem = jQ.find("tr.sf " + selector); |
if (jElem[0] != null) { |
jQuery.each(events, function() { |
if ( != null) |
jElem.bind(this.type,, this.fn); |
else |
jElem.bind(this.type, this.fn); |
}); |
} |
} |
// copies jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.options properties onto an empty object, then options onto that
var opts = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults, options); |
// this is keeps track of the last asynchronous setup
var highest_late_setup = -1; |
// generate the global ops
var gOps_html = ""; |
jQuery.each(opts.groupOps, function() { gOps_html += buildOpt(this.op, this.text); }); |
gOps_html = "<select name='groupOp'>" + gOps_html + "</select>"; |
/* original content - doesn't minify very well |
jQ |
.html("") // clear any old content
.addClass("ui-searchFilter") // add classes
.append( // add content
"\ |
<div class='ui-widget-overlay' style='z-index: -1'> </div>\ |
<table class='ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'>\ |
<thead>\ |
<tr>\ |
<td colspan='5' class='ui-widget-header ui-corner-all' style='line-height: 18px;'>\ |
<div class='ui-closer ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix' style='float: right;'>\ |
<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-close'></span>\ |
</div>\ |
" + opts.windowTitle + "\ |
</td>\ |
</tr>\ |
</thead>\ |
<tbody>\ |
<tr class='sf'>\ |
<td class='fields'></td>\ |
<td class='ops'></td>\ |
<td class='data'></td>\ |
<td><div class='ui-del ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-minus'></span></div></td>\ |
<td><div class='ui-add ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plus'></span></div></td>\ |
</tr>\ |
<tr>\ |
<td colspan='5' class='divider'><div> </div></td>\ |
</tr>\ |
</tbody>\ |
<tfoot>\ |
<tr>\ |
<td colspan='3'>\ |
<span class='ui-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='display: inline-block; float: left;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w' style='float: left;'></span><span style='line-height: 18px; padding: 0 7px 0 3px;'>" + opts.resetText + "</span></span>\ |
<span class='ui-search ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='display: inline-block; float: right;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-search' style='float: left;'></span><span style='line-height: 18px; padding: 0 7px 0 3px;'>" + opts.searchText + "</span></span>\ |
<span class='matchText'>" + opts.matchText + "</span> \ |
" + gOps_html + " \ |
<span class='rulesText'>" + opts.rulesText + "</span>\ |
</td>\ |
<td> </td>\ |
<td><div class='ui-add-last ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick'></span></div></td>\ |
</tr>\ |
</tfoot>\ |
</table>\ |
"); |
/* end hard-to-minify code */ |
/* begin easier to minify code */ |
jQ.html("").addClass("ui-searchFilter").append("<div class='ui-widget-overlay' style='z-index: -1'> </div><table class='ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'><thead><tr><td colspan='5' class='ui-widget-header ui-corner-all' style='line-height: 18px;'><div class='ui-closer ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix' style='float: right;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-close'></span></div>" + opts.windowTitle + "</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class='sf'><td class='fields'></td><td class='ops'></td><td class='data'></td><td><div class='ui-del ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-minus'></span></div></td><td><div class='ui-add ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plus'></span></div></td></tr><tr><td colspan='5' class='divider'><hr class='ui-widget-content' style='margin:1px'/></td></tr></tbody><tfoot><tr><td colspan='3'><span class='ui-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='display: inline-block; float: left;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w' style='float: left;'></span><span style='line-height: 18px; padding: 0 7px 0 3px;'>" + opts.resetText + "</span></span><span class='ui-search ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='display: inline-block; float: right;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-search' style='float: left;'></span><span style='line-height: 18px; padding: 0 7px 0 3px;'>" + opts.searchText + "</span></span><span class='matchText'>" + opts.matchText + "</span> " + gOps_html + " <span class='rulesText'>" + opts.rulesText + "</span></td><td> </td><td><div class='ui-add-last ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick'></span></div></td></tr></tfoot></table>"); |
/* end easier-to-minify code */ |
var jRow = jQ.find("tr.sf"); |
var jFields = jRow.find("td.fields"); |
var jOps = jRow.find("td.ops"); |
var jData = jRow.find(""); |
// generate the defaults
var default_ops_html = ""; |
jQuery.each(opts.operators, function() { default_ops_html += buildOpt(this.op, this.text); }); |
default_ops_html = buildSel("default", default_ops_html, true); |
jOps.append(default_ops_html); |
var default_data_html = "<input type='text' class='default' style='display:none;' />"; |
jData.append(default_data_html); |
// generate the field list as a string
var fields_html = ""; |
var has_custom_ops = false; |
var has_custom_data = false; |
jQuery.each(fields, function(i) { |
var field_num = i; |
fields_html += buildOpt(this.itemval, this.text); |
// add custom ops if they exist
if (this.ops != null) { |
has_custom_ops = true; |
var custom_ops = ""; |
jQuery.each(this.ops, function() { custom_ops += buildOpt(this.op, this.text); }); |
custom_ops = buildSel("field" + field_num, custom_ops, true); |
jOps.append(custom_ops); |
} |
// add custom data if it is given
if (this.dataUrl != null) { |
if (i > highest_late_setup) highest_late_setup = i; |
has_custom_data = true; |
var dEvents = this.dataEvents; |
var iEvent = this.dataInit; |
var bs = this.buildSelect; |
jQuery.ajax(jQuery.extend({ |
url : this.dataUrl, |
complete: function(data) { |
var $d; |
if(bs != null) $d =jQuery("<div />").append(bs(data)); |
else $d = jQuery("<div />").append(data.responseText); |
$d.find("select").addClass("field" + field_num).hide(); |
jData.append($d.html()); |
if (iEvent) initData(".field" + i, iEvent); |
if (dEvents) bindDataEvents(".field" + i, dEvents); |
if (i == highest_late_setup) { // change should get called no more than twice when this searchFilter is constructed
jQ.find("tr.sf td.fields select[name='field']").change(); |
} |
} |
},opts.ajaxSelectOptions)); |
} else if (this.dataValues != null) { |
has_custom_data = true; |
var custom_data = ""; |
jQuery.each(this.dataValues, function() { custom_data += buildOpt(this.value, this.text); }); |
custom_data = buildSel("field" + field_num, custom_data, true); |
jData.append(custom_data); |
} else if (this.dataEvents != null || this.dataInit != null) { |
has_custom_data = true; |
var custom_data = "<input type='text' class='field" + field_num + "' />"; |
jData.append(custom_data); |
} |
// attach events to data if they exist
if (this.dataInit != null && i != highest_late_setup) |
initData(".field" + i, this.dataInit); |
if (this.dataEvents != null && i != highest_late_setup) |
bindDataEvents(".field" + i, this.dataEvents); |
}); |
fields_html = "<select name='field'>" + fields_html + "</select>"; |
jFields.append(fields_html); |
// setup the field select with an on-change event if there are custom ops or data
var jFSelect = jFields.find("select[name='field']"); |
if (has_custom_ops) jFSelect.change(function(e) { |
var index =; |
var td = jQuery("tr.sf").find("td.ops"); |
td.find("select").removeAttr("name").hide(); // disown and hide all elements
var jElem = td.find(".field" + index); |
if (jElem[0] == null) jElem = td.find(".default"); // if there's not an element for that field, use the default one
jElem.attr("name", "op").show(); |
return false; |
}); |
else jOps.find(".default").attr("name", "op").show(); |
if (has_custom_data) jFSelect.change(function(e) { |
var index =; |
var td = jQuery("tr.sf").find(""); |
td.find("select,input").removeClass("vdata").hide(); // disown and hide all elements
var jElem = td.find(".field" + index); |
if (jElem[0] == null) jElem = td.find(".default"); // if there's not an element for that field, use the default one
||||"vdata"); |
return false; |
}); |
else jData.find(".default").show().addClass("vdata"); |
// go ahead and call the change event and setup the ops and data values
if (has_custom_ops || has_custom_data) jFSelect.change(); |
// bind events
jQ.find(".ui-state-default").hover(hover, hover).mousedown(active).mouseup(active); // add hover/active effects to all buttons
jQ.find(".ui-closer").click(function(e) { |
opts.onClose(jQuery(jQ.selector)); |
return false; |
}); |
jQ.find(".ui-del").click(function(e) { |
var row = jQuery(".sf"); |
if (row.siblings(".sf").length > 0) { // doesn't remove if there's only one filter left
if (opts.datepickerFix === true && jQuery.fn.datepicker !== undefined) |
row.find(".hasDatepicker").datepicker("destroy"); // clean up datepicker's $.data mess
row.remove(); // also unbinds
} else { // resets the filter if it's the last one
row.find("select[name='field']")[0].selectedIndex = 0; |
row.find("select[name='op']")[0].selectedIndex = 0; |
row.find(".data input").val(""); // blank all input values
row.find(".data select").each(function() { this.selectedIndex = 0; }); // select first option on all selects
row.find("select[name='field']").change(function(event){event.stopPropagation();}); // trigger any change events
} |
return false; |
}); |
jQ.find(".ui-add").click(function(e) { |
var row = jQuery(".sf"); |
var newRow = row.clone(true).insertAfter(row); |
newRow.find(".ui-state-default").removeClass("ui-state-hover ui-state-active"); |
if (opts.clone) { |
newRow.find("select[name='field']")[0].selectedIndex = row.find("select[name='field']")[0].selectedIndex; |
var stupid_browser = (newRow.find("select[name='op']")[0] == null); // true for IE6
if (!stupid_browser) |
newRow.find("select[name='op']").focus()[0].selectedIndex = row.find("select[name='op']")[0].selectedIndex; |
var jElem = newRow.find("select.vdata"); |
if (jElem[0] != null) // select doesn't copy it's selected index when cloned
jElem[0].selectedIndex = row.find("select.vdata")[0].selectedIndex; |
} else { |
newRow.find(".data input").val(""); // blank all input values
newRow.find("select[name='field']").focus(); |
} |
if (opts.datepickerFix === true && jQuery.fn.datepicker !== undefined) { // using $.data to associate data with document elements is Not Good
row.find(".hasDatepicker").each(function() { |
var settings =, "datepicker").settings; |
newRow.find("#" +"id").removeClass("hasDatepicker").datepicker(settings); |
}); |
} |
newRow.find("select[name='field']").change(function(event){event.stopPropagation();} ); |
return false; |
}); |
jQ.find(".ui-search").click(function(e) { |
var ui = jQuery(jQ.selector); // pointer to search box wrapper element
var ruleGroup; |
var group_op = ui.find("select[name='groupOp'] :selected").val(); // puls "AND" or "OR"
if (!opts.stringResult) { |
ruleGroup = { |
groupOp: group_op, |
rules: [] |
}; |
} else { |
ruleGroup = "{\"groupOp\":\"" + group_op + "\",\"rules\":["; |
} |
ui.find(".sf").each(function(i) { |
var tField = jQuery(this).find("select[name='field'] :selected").val(); |
var tOp = jQuery(this).find("select[name='op'] :selected").val(); |
var tData = jQuery(this).find("input.vdata,select.vdata :selected").val(); |
tData += ""; |
if (!opts.stringResult) { |
ruleGroup.rules.push({ |
field: tField, |
op: tOp, |
data: tData |
}); |
} else { |
tData = tData.replace(/\\/g,'\\\\').replace(/\"/g,'\\"'); |
if (i > 0) ruleGroup += ","; |
ruleGroup += "{\"field\":\"" + tField + "\","; |
ruleGroup += "\"op\":\"" + tOp + "\","; |
ruleGroup += "\"data\":\"" + tData + "\"}"; |
} |
}); |
if (opts.stringResult) ruleGroup += "]}"; |
opts.onSearch(ruleGroup); |
return false; |
}); |
jQ.find(".ui-reset").click(function(e,op) { |
var ui = jQuery(jQ.selector); |
ui.find(".ui-del").click(); // removes all filters, resets the last one
ui.find("select[name='groupOp']")[0].selectedIndex = 0; // changes the op back to the default one
opts.onReset(op); |
return false; |
}); |
jQ.find(".ui-add-last").click(function() { |
var row = jQuery(jQ.selector + " .sf:last"); |
var newRow = row.clone(true).insertAfter(row); |
newRow.find(".ui-state-default").removeClass("ui-state-hover ui-state-active"); |
newRow.find(".data input").val(""); // blank all input values
newRow.find("select[name='field']").focus(); |
if (opts.datepickerFix === true && jQuery.fn.datepicker !== undefined) { // using $.data to associate data with document elements is Not Good
row.find(".hasDatepicker").each(function() { |
var settings =, "datepicker").settings; |
newRow.find("#" +"id").removeClass("hasDatepicker").datepicker(settings); |
}); |
} |
newRow.find("select[name='field']").change(function(event){event.stopPropagation();}); |
return false; |
}); |
this.setGroupOp = function(setting) { |
/* a "setter" for groupping argument. |
* ("AND" or "OR") |
* |
* Inputs: |
* setting - a string |
* |
* Returns: |
* Does not return anything. May add success / failure reporting in future versions. |
* |
* author: Daniel Dotsenko ( |
*/ |
selDOMobj = jQ.find("select[name='groupOp']")[0]; |
var indexmap = {}, l = selDOMobj.options.length, i; |
for (i=0; i<l; i++) { |
indexmap[selDOMobj.options[i].value] = i; |
} |
selDOMobj.selectedIndex = indexmap[setting]; |
jQuery(selDOMobj).change(function(event){event.stopPropagation();}); |
}; |
this.setFilter = function(settings) { |
/* a "setter" for an arbitrary SearchFilter's filter line. |
* designed to abstract the DOM manipulations required to infer |
* a particular filter is a fit to the search box. |
* |
* Inputs: |
* settings - an "object" (dictionary) |
* index (optional*) (to be implemented in the future) : signed integer index (from top to bottom per DOM) of the filter line to fill. |
* Negative integers (rooted in -1 and lower) denote position of the line from the bottom. |
* sfref (optional*) : DOM object referencing individual '.sf' (normally a TR element) to be populated. (optional) |
* filter (mandatory) : object (dictionary) of form {'field':'field_value','op':'op_value','data':'data value'} |
* |
* * It is mandatory to have either index or sfref defined. |
* |
* Returns: |
* Does not return anything. May add success / failure reporting in future versions. |
* |
* author: Daniel Dotsenko ( |
*/ |
var o = settings['sfref'], filter = settings['filter']; |
// setting up valueindexmap that we will need to manipulate SELECT elements.
var fields = [], i, j , l, lj, li, |
valueindexmap = {}; |
// example of valueindexmap:
// {'field1':{'index':0,'ops':{'eq':0,'ne':1}},'fieldX':{'index':1,'ops':{'eq':0,'ne':1},'data':{'true':0,'false':1}}},
// if data is undefined it's a INPUT field. If defined, it's SELECT
selDOMobj = o.find("select[name='field']")[0]; |
for (i=0, l=selDOMobj.options.length; i<l; i++) { |
valueindexmap[selDOMobj.options[i].value] = {'index':i,'ops':{}}; |
fields.push(selDOMobj.options[i].value); |
} |
for (i=0, li=fields.length; i < li; i++) { |
selDOMobj = o.find(".ops > select[class='field"+i+"']")[0]; |
if (selDOMobj) { |
for (j=0, lj=selDOMobj.options.length; j<lj; j++) { |
valueindexmap[fields[i]]['ops'][selDOMobj.options[j].value] = j; |
} |
} |
selDOMobj = o.find(".data > select[class='field"+i+"']")[0]; |
if (selDOMobj) { |
valueindexmap[fields[i]]['data'] = {}; // this setting is the flag that 'data' is contained in a SELECT
for (j=0, lj=selDOMobj.options.length; j<lj; j++) { |
valueindexmap[fields[i]]['data'][selDOMobj.options[j].value] = j; |
} |
} |
} // done populating valueindexmap
// preparsing the index values for SELECT elements.
var fieldvalue, fieldindex, opindex, datavalue, dataindex; |
fieldvalue = filter['field']; |
if (valueindexmap[fieldvalue]) { |
fieldindex = valueindexmap[fieldvalue]['index']; |
} |
if (fieldindex != null) { |
opindex = valueindexmap[fieldvalue]['ops'][filter['op']]; |
if(opindex === undefined) { |
for(i=0,li=options.operators.length; i<li;i++) { |
if(options.operators[i].op == filter.op ){ |
opindex = i; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
datavalue = filter['data']; |
if (valueindexmap[fieldvalue]['data'] == null) { |
dataindex = -1; // 'data' is not SELECT, Making the var 'defined'
} else { |
dataindex = valueindexmap[fieldvalue]['data'][datavalue]; // 'undefined' may come from here.
} |
} |
// only if values for 'field' and 'op' and 'data' are 'found' in mapping...
if (fieldindex != null && opindex != null && dataindex != null) { |
o.find("select[name='field']")[0].selectedIndex = fieldindex; |
o.find("select[name='field']").change(); |
o.find("select[name='op']")[0].selectedIndex = opindex; |
o.find("input.vdata").val(datavalue); // if jquery does not find any INPUT, it does not set any. This means we deal with SELECT
o = o.find("select.vdata")[0]; |
if (o) { |
o.selectedIndex = dataindex; |
} |
return true |
} else { |
return false |
} |
}; // end of this.setFilter fn
} // end of if fields != null
} |
return new SearchFilter(this, fields, options); |
}; |
jQuery.fn.searchFilter.version = '1.2.9'; |
/* This property contains the default options */ |
jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults = { |
/* |
* TYPE: boolean
* DESCRIPTION: clone a row if it is added from an existing row |
* when false, any new added rows will be blank. |
*/ |
clone: true, |
/* |
* TYPE: boolean
* DESCRIPTION: current version of datepicker uses a data store, |
* which is incompatible with $().clone(true) |
*/ |
datepickerFix: true, |
/* |
* DESCRIPTION: the function that will be called when the user clicks Reset |
* INPUT TYPE: JS object if stringResult is false, otherwise is JSON string |
*/ |
onReset: function(data) { alert("Reset Clicked. Data Returned: " + data) }, |
/* |
* DESCRIPTION: the function that will be called when the user clicks Search |
* INPUT TYPE: JS object if stringResult is false, otherwise is JSON string |
*/ |
onSearch: function(data) { alert("Search Clicked. Data Returned: " + data) }, |
/* |
* DESCRIPTION: the function that will be called when the user clicks the Closer icon |
* or the close() function is called |
* if left null, it simply does a .hide() on the searchFilter |
* INPUT TYPE: a jQuery object for the searchFilter |
*/ |
onClose: function(jElem) { jElem.hide(); }, |
/* |
* TYPE: array of objects, each object has the properties op and text
* DESCRIPTION: the selectable operators that are applied between rules |
* e.g. for {op:"AND", text:"all"} |
* the search filter box will say: match all rules |
* the server should interpret this as putting the AND op between each rule: |
* rule1 AND rule2 AND rule3 |
* text will be the option text, and op will be the option value |
*/ |
groupOps: [ |
{ op: "AND", text: "all" }, |
{ op: "OR", text: "any" } |
], |
/* |
* TYPE: array of objects, each object has the properties op and text
* DESCRIPTION: the operators that will appear as drop-down options |
* text will be the option text, and op will be the option value |
*/ |
operators: [ |
{ op: "eq", text: "is equal to" }, |
{ op: "ne", text: "is not equal to" }, |
{ op: "lt", text: "is less than" }, |
{ op: "le", text: "is less or equal to" }, |
{ op: "gt", text: "is greater than" }, |
{ op: "ge", text: "is greater or equal to" }, |
{ op: "in", text: "is in" }, |
{ op: "ni", text: "is not in" }, |
{ op: "bw", text: "begins with" }, |
{ op: "bn", text: "does not begin with" }, |
{ op: "ew", text: "ends with" }, |
{ op: "en", text: "does not end with" }, |
{ op: "cn", text: "contains" }, |
{ op: "nc", text: "does not contain" } |
], |
/* |
* TYPE: string |
* DESCRIPTION: part of the phrase: _match_ ANY/ALL rules |
*/ |
matchText: "match", |
/* |
* TYPE: string |
* DESCRIPTION: part of the phrase: match ANY/ALL _rules_ |
*/ |
rulesText: "rules", |
/* |
* TYPE: string |
* DESCRIPTION: the text that will be displayed in the reset button |
*/ |
resetText: "Reset", |
/* |
* TYPE: string |
* DESCRIPTION: the text that will be displayed in the search button |
*/ |
searchText: "Search", |
/* |
* TYPE: boolean |
* DESCRIPTION: a flag that, when set, will make the onSearch and onReset return strings instead of objects |
*/ |
stringResult: true,
/* |
* TYPE: string |
* DESCRIPTION: the title of the searchFilter window |
*/ |
windowTitle: "Search Rules", |
/* |
* TYPE: object |
* DESCRIPTION: options to extend the ajax request |
*/ |
ajaxSelectOptions : {} |
}; /* end of searchFilter */ |
@ -0,0 +1,383 @@ |
/** |
* TableDnD plug-in for JQuery, allows you to drag and drop table rows |
* You can set up various options to control how the system will work |
* Copyright (c) Denis Howlett <> |
* Licensed like jQuery, see
* |
* Configuration options: |
* onDragStyle |
* This is the style that is assigned to the row during drag. There are limitations to the styles that can be |
* associated with a row (such as you can't assign a border--well you can, but it won't be |
* displayed). (So instead consider using onDragClass.) The CSS style to apply is specified as |
* a map (as used in the jQuery css(...) function). |
* onDropStyle |
* This is the style that is assigned to the row when it is dropped. As for onDragStyle, there are limitations |
* to what you can do. Also this replaces the original style, so again consider using onDragClass which |
* is simply added and then removed on drop. |
* onDragClass |
* This class is added for the duration of the drag and then removed when the row is dropped. It is more |
* flexible than using onDragStyle since it can be inherited by the row cells and other content. The default |
* is class is tDnD_whileDrag. So to use the default, simply customise this CSS class in your |
* stylesheet. |
* onDrop |
* Pass a function that will be called when the row is dropped. The function takes 2 parameters: the table |
* and the row that was dropped. You can work out the new order of the rows by using |
* table.rows. |
* onDragStart |
* Pass a function that will be called when the user starts dragging. The function takes 2 parameters: the |
* table and the row which the user has started to drag. |
* onAllowDrop |
* Pass a function that will be called as a row is over another row. If the function returns true, allow
* dropping on that row, otherwise not. The function takes 2 parameters: the dragged row and the row under |
* the cursor. It returns a boolean: true allows the drop, false doesn't allow it. |
* scrollAmount |
* This is the number of pixels to scroll if the user moves the mouse cursor to the top or bottom of the |
* window. The page should automatically scroll up or down as appropriate (tested in IE6, IE7, Safari, FF2, |
* FF3 beta |
* dragHandle |
* This is the name of a class that you assign to one or more cells in each row that is draggable. If you |
* specify this class, then you are responsible for setting cursor: move in the CSS and only these cells |
* will have the drag behaviour. If you do not specify a dragHandle, then you get the old behaviour where |
* the whole row is draggable. |
* Other ways to control behaviour: |
* |
* Add class="nodrop" to any rows for which you don't want to allow dropping, and class="nodrag" to any rows |
* that you don't want to be draggable. |
* |
* Inside the onDrop method you can also call $.tableDnD.serialize() this returns a string of the form |
* <tableID>[]=<rowID1>&<tableID>[]=<rowID2> so that you can send this back to the server. The table must have |
* an ID as must all the rows. |
* |
* Other methods: |
* |
* $("...").tableDnDUpdate()
* Will update all the matching tables, that is it will reapply the mousedown method to the rows (or handle cells). |
* This is useful if you have updated the table rows using Ajax and you want to make the table draggable again. |
* The table maintains the original configuration (so you don't have to specify it again). |
* |
* $("...").tableDnDSerialize() |
* Will serialize and return the serialized string as above, but for each of the matching tables--so it can be |
* called from anywhere and isn't dependent on the currentTable being set up correctly before calling |
* |
* Known problems: |
* - Auto-scoll has some problems with IE7 (it scrolls even when it shouldn't), work-around: set scrollAmount to 0 |
* Version 0.2: 2008-02-20 First public version |
* Version 0.3: 2008-02-07 Added onDragStart option |
* Made the scroll amount configurable (default is 5 as before) |
* Version 0.4: 2008-03-15 Changed the noDrag/noDrop attributes to nodrag/nodrop classes |
* Added onAllowDrop to control dropping |
* Fixed a bug which meant that you couldn't set the scroll amount in both directions |
* Added serialize method |
* Version 0.5: 2008-05-16 Changed so that if you specify a dragHandle class it doesn't make the whole row |
* draggable |
* Improved the serialize method to use a default (and settable) regular expression. |
* Added tableDnDupate() and tableDnDSerialize() to be called when you are outside the table |
*/ |
jQuery.tableDnD = { |
/** Keep hold of the current table being dragged */ |
currentTable : null, |
/** Keep hold of the current drag object if any */ |
dragObject: null, |
/** The current mouse offset */ |
mouseOffset: null, |
/** Remember the old value of Y so that we don't do too much processing */ |
oldY: 0, |
/** Actually build the structure */ |
build: function(options) { |
// Set up the defaults if any
this.each(function() { |
// This is bound to each matching table, set up the defaults and override with user options
this.tableDnDConfig = jQuery.extend({ |
onDragStyle: null, |
onDropStyle: null, |
// Add in the default class for whileDragging
onDragClass: "tDnD_whileDrag", |
onDrop: null, |
onDragStart: null, |
scrollAmount: 5, |
serializeRegexp: /[^\-]*$/, // The regular expression to use to trim row IDs
serializeParamName: null, // If you want to specify another parameter name instead of the table ID
dragHandle: null // If you give the name of a class here, then only Cells with this class will be draggable
}, options || {}); |
// Now make the rows draggable
jQuery.tableDnD.makeDraggable(this); |
}); |
// Now we need to capture the mouse up and mouse move event
// We can use bind so that we don't interfere with other event handlers
jQuery(document) |
.bind('mousemove', jQuery.tableDnD.mousemove) |
.bind('mouseup', jQuery.tableDnD.mouseup); |
// Don't break the chain
return this; |
}, |
/** This function makes all the rows on the table draggable apart from those marked as "NoDrag" */ |
makeDraggable: function(table) { |
var config = table.tableDnDConfig; |
if (table.tableDnDConfig.dragHandle) { |
// We only need to add the event to the specified cells
var cells = jQuery("td."+table.tableDnDConfig.dragHandle, table); |
cells.each(function() { |
// The cell is bound to "this"
jQuery(this).mousedown(function(ev) { |
jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject = this.parentNode; |
jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable = table; |
jQuery.tableDnD.mouseOffset = jQuery.tableDnD.getMouseOffset(this, ev); |
if (config.onDragStart) { |
// Call the onDrop method if there is one
config.onDragStart(table, this); |
} |
return false; |
}); |
}) |
} else { |
// For backwards compatibility, we add the event to the whole row
var rows = jQuery("tr", table); // get all the rows as a wrapped set
rows.each(function() { |
// Iterate through each row, the row is bound to "this"
var row = jQuery(this); |
if (! row.hasClass("nodrag")) { |
row.mousedown(function(ev) { |
if ( == "TD") { |
jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject = this; |
jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable = table; |
jQuery.tableDnD.mouseOffset = jQuery.tableDnD.getMouseOffset(this, ev); |
if (config.onDragStart) { |
// Call the onDrop method if there is one
config.onDragStart(table, this); |
} |
return false; |
} |
}).css("cursor", "move"); // Store the tableDnD object
} |
}); |
} |
}, |
updateTables: function() { |
this.each(function() { |
// this is now bound to each matching table
if (this.tableDnDConfig) { |
jQuery.tableDnD.makeDraggable(this); |
} |
}) |
}, |
/** Get the mouse coordinates from the event (allowing for browser differences) */ |
mouseCoords: function(ev){ |
if(ev.pageX || ev.pageY){ |
return {x:ev.pageX, y:ev.pageY}; |
} |
return { |
x:ev.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft, |
y:ev.clientY + document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientTop |
}; |
}, |
/** Given a target element and a mouse event, get the mouse offset from that element. |
To do this we need the element's position and the mouse position */ |
getMouseOffset: function(target, ev) { |
ev = ev || window.event; |
var docPos = this.getPosition(target); |
var mousePos = this.mouseCoords(ev); |
return {x:mousePos.x - docPos.x, y:mousePos.y - docPos.y}; |
}, |
/** Get the position of an element by going up the DOM tree and adding up all the offsets */ |
getPosition: function(e){ |
var left = 0; |
var top = 0; |
/** Safari fix -- thanks to Luis Chato for this! */ |
if (e.offsetHeight == 0) { |
/** Safari 2 doesn't correctly grab the offsetTop of a table row |
this is detailed here: |
the solution is likewise noted there, grab the offset of a table cell in the row - the firstChild. |
note that firefox will return a text node as a first child, so designing a more thorough |
solution may need to take that into account, for now this seems to work in firefox, safari, ie */ |
e = e.firstChild; // a table cell
} |
if (e && e.offsetParent) { |
while (e.offsetParent){ |
left += e.offsetLeft; |
top += e.offsetTop; |
e = e.offsetParent; |
} |
left += e.offsetLeft; |
top += e.offsetTop; |
} |
return {x:left, y:top}; |
}, |
mousemove: function(ev) { |
if (jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject == null) { |
return; |
} |
var dragObj = jQuery(jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject); |
var config = jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable.tableDnDConfig; |
var mousePos = jQuery.tableDnD.mouseCoords(ev); |
var y = mousePos.y - jQuery.tableDnD.mouseOffset.y; |
//auto scroll the window
var yOffset = window.pageYOffset; |
if (document.all) { |
// Windows version
if (typeof document.compatMode != 'undefined' && |
document.compatMode != 'BackCompat') { |
yOffset = document.documentElement.scrollTop; |
} |
else if (typeof document.body != 'undefined') { |
yOffset=document.body.scrollTop; |
} |
} |
if (mousePos.y-yOffset < config.scrollAmount) { |
window.scrollBy(0, -config.scrollAmount); |
} else { |
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight |
: document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight; |
if (windowHeight-(mousePos.y-yOffset) < config.scrollAmount) { |
window.scrollBy(0, config.scrollAmount); |
} |
} |
if (y != jQuery.tableDnD.oldY) { |
// work out if we're going up or down...
var movingDown = y > jQuery.tableDnD.oldY; |
// update the old value
jQuery.tableDnD.oldY = y; |
// update the style to show we're dragging
if (config.onDragClass) { |
dragObj.addClass(config.onDragClass); |
} else { |
dragObj.css(config.onDragStyle); |
} |
// If we're over a row then move the dragged row to there so that the user sees the
// effect dynamically
var currentRow = jQuery.tableDnD.findDropTargetRow(dragObj, y); |
if (currentRow) { |
// TODO worry about what happens when there are multiple TBODIES
if (movingDown && jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject != currentRow) { |
jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject.parentNode.insertBefore(jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject, currentRow.nextSibling); |
} else if (! movingDown && jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject != currentRow) { |
jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject.parentNode.insertBefore(jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject, currentRow); |
} |
} |
} |
return false; |
}, |
/** We're only worried about the y position really, because we can only move rows up and down */ |
findDropTargetRow: function(draggedRow, y) { |
var rows = jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable.rows; |
for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) { |
var row = rows[i]; |
var rowY = this.getPosition(row).y; |
var rowHeight = parseInt(row.offsetHeight)/2; |
if (row.offsetHeight == 0) { |
rowY = this.getPosition(row.firstChild).y; |
rowHeight = parseInt(row.firstChild.offsetHeight)/2; |
} |
// Because we always have to insert before, we need to offset the height a bit
if ((y > rowY - rowHeight) && (y < (rowY + rowHeight))) { |
// that's the row we're over
// If it's the same as the current row, ignore it
if (row == draggedRow) {return null;} |
var config = jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable.tableDnDConfig; |
if (config.onAllowDrop) { |
if (config.onAllowDrop(draggedRow, row)) { |
return row; |
} else { |
return null; |
} |
} else { |
// If a row has nodrop class, then don't allow dropping (inspired by John Tarr and Famic)
var nodrop = jQuery(row).hasClass("nodrop"); |
if (! nodrop) { |
return row; |
} else { |
return null; |
} |
} |
return row; |
} |
} |
return null; |
}, |
mouseup: function(e) { |
if (jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable && jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject) { |
var droppedRow = jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject; |
var config = jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable.tableDnDConfig; |
// If we have a dragObject, then we need to release it,
// The row will already have been moved to the right place so we just reset stuff
if (config.onDragClass) { |
jQuery(droppedRow).removeClass(config.onDragClass); |
} else { |
jQuery(droppedRow).css(config.onDropStyle); |
} |
jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject = null; |
if (config.onDrop) { |
// Call the onDrop method if there is one
config.onDrop(jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable, droppedRow); |
} |
jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable = null; // let go of the table too
} |
}, |
serialize: function() { |
if (jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable) { |
return jQuery.tableDnD.serializeTable(jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable); |
} else { |
return "Error: No Table id set, you need to set an id on your table and every row"; |
} |
}, |
serializeTable: function(table) { |
var result = ""; |
var tableId =; |
var rows = table.rows; |
for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) { |
if (result.length > 0) result += "&"; |
var rowId = rows[i].id; |
if (rowId && rowId && table.tableDnDConfig && table.tableDnDConfig.serializeRegexp) { |
rowId = rowId.match(table.tableDnDConfig.serializeRegexp)[0]; |
} |
result += tableId + '[]=' + rowId; |
} |
return result; |
}, |
serializeTables: function() { |
var result = ""; |
this.each(function() { |
// this is now bound to each matching table
result += jQuery.tableDnD.serializeTable(this); |
}); |
return result; |
} |
} |
jQuery.fn.extend( |
{ |
tableDnD :, |
tableDnDUpdate : jQuery.tableDnD.updateTables, |
tableDnDSerialize: jQuery.tableDnD.serializeTables |
} |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
.ui-searchFilter { display: none; position: absolute; z-index: 770; overflow: visible;} |
.ui-searchFilter table {position:relative; margin:0em; width:auto} |
.ui-searchFilter table td {margin: 0em; padding: 1px;} |
.ui-searchFilter table td input, .ui-searchFilter table td select {margin: 0.1em;} |
.ui-searchFilter .ui-state-default { cursor: pointer; } |
.ui-searchFilter .divider hr {margin: 1px; } |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
/* Multiselect |
----------------------------------*/ |
.ui-multiselect { border: solid 1px; font-size: 0.8em; } |
.ui-multiselect ul { -moz-user-select: none; } |
.ui-multiselect li { margin: 0; padding: 0; cursor: default; line-height: 20px; height: 20px; font-size: 11px; list-style: none; } |
.ui-multiselect li a { color: #999; text-decoration: none; padding: 0; display: block; float: left; cursor: pointer;} |
.ui-multiselect li.ui-draggable-dragging { padding-left: 10px; } |
.ui-multiselect div.selected { position: relative; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; float:left; } |
.ui-multiselect ul.selected { position: relative; padding: 0; overflow: auto; overflow-x: hidden; background: #fff; margin: 0; list-style: none; border: 0; position: relative; width: 100%; } |
.ui-multiselect ul.selected li { } |
.ui-multiselect div.available { position: relative; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; float:left; border-left: 1px solid; } |
.ui-multiselect ul.available { position: relative; padding: 0; overflow: auto; overflow-x: hidden; background: #fff; margin: 0; list-style: none; border: 0; width: 100%; } |
.ui-multiselect ul.available li { padding-left: 10px; } |
.ui-multiselect .ui-state-default { border: none; margin-bottom: 1px; position: relative; padding-left: 20px;} |
.ui-multiselect .ui-state-hover { border: none; } |
.ui-multiselect .ui-widget-header {border: none; font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 1px;} |
.ui-multiselect .add-all { float: right; padding: 7px;} |
.ui-multiselect .remove-all { float: right; padding: 7px;} |
.ui-multiselect .search { float: left; padding: 4px;} |
.ui-multiselect .count { float: left; padding: 7px;} |
.ui-multiselect li span.ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s { position: absolute; left: 2px; } |
.ui-multiselect li a.action { position: absolute; right: 2px; top: 2px; } |
.ui-multiselect { height: 14px; padding: 1px; opacity: 0.5; margin: 4px; width: 100px; } |
@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ |
/* |
* jQuery UI Multiselect |
* |
* Authors: |
* Michael Aufreiter ( |
* Yanick Rochon (yanick.rochon[at]gmail[dot]com) |
* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) |
* and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses. |
* |
* Depends: |
* ui.core.js |
* ui.sortable.js |
* |
* Optional: |
* localization (
* scrollTo (
* Todo: |
* Make batch actions faster |
* Implement dynamic insertion through remote calls |
*/ |
(function($) { |
$.widget("ui.multiselect", { |
_init: function() { |
this.element.hide(); |
|||| = this.element.attr("id"); |
this.container = $('<div class="ui-multiselect ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget"></div>').insertAfter(this.element); |
this.count = 0; // number of currently selected options
this.selectedContainer = $('<div class="selected"></div>').appendTo(this.container); |
this.availableContainer = $('<div class="available"></div>').appendTo(this.container); |
this.selectedActions = $('<div class="actions ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix"><span class="count">0 '+$.ui.multiselect.locale.itemsCount+'</span><a href="#" class="remove-all">'+$.ui.multiselect.locale.removeAll+'</a></div>').appendTo(this.selectedContainer); |
this.availableActions = $('<div class="actions ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix"><input type="text" class="search empty ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"/><a href="#" class="add-all">'+$.ui.multiselect.locale.addAll+'</a></div>').appendTo(this.availableContainer); |
this.selectedList = $('<ul class="selected connected-list"><li class="ui-helper-hidden-accessible"></li></ul>').bind('selectstart', function(){return false;}).appendTo(this.selectedContainer); |
this.availableList = $('<ul class="available connected-list"><li class="ui-helper-hidden-accessible"></li></ul>').bind('selectstart', function(){return false;}).appendTo(this.availableContainer); |
var that = this; |
// set dimensions
this.container.width(this.element.width()+1); |
this.selectedContainer.width(Math.floor(this.element.width()*this.options.dividerLocation)); |
this.availableContainer.width(Math.floor(this.element.width()*(1-this.options.dividerLocation))); |
// fix list height to match <option> depending on their individual header's heights
this.selectedList.height(Math.max(this.element.height()-this.selectedActions.height(),1)); |
this.availableList.height(Math.max(this.element.height()-this.availableActions.height(),1)); |
if ( !this.options.animated ) { |
|||| = 'show'; |
this.options.hide = 'hide'; |
} |
// init lists
this._populateLists(this.element.find('option')); |
// make selection sortable
if (this.options.sortable) { |
$("ul.selected").sortable({ |
placeholder: 'ui-state-highlight', |
axis: 'y', |
update: function(event, ui) { |
// apply the new sort order to the original selectbox
that.selectedList.find('li').each(function() { |
if ($(this).data('optionLink')) |
$(this).data('optionLink').remove().appendTo(that.element); |
}); |
}, |
receive: function(event, ui) { |
||||'optionLink').attr('selected', true); |
// increment count
that.count += 1; |
that._updateCount(); |
// workaround, because there's no way to reference
// the new element, see
that.selectedList.children('.ui-draggable').each(function() { |
$(this).removeClass('ui-draggable'); |
$(this).data('optionLink','optionLink')); |
$(this).data('idx','idx')); |
that._applyItemState($(this), true); |
}); |
// workaround according to
setTimeout(function() { ui.item.remove(); }, 1); |
} |
}); |
} |
// set up livesearch
if (this.options.searchable) { |
this._registerSearchEvents(this.availableContainer.find('')); |
} else { |
$('.search').hide(); |
} |
// batch actions
$(".remove-all").click(function() { |
that._populateLists(that.element.find('option').removeAttr('selected')); |
return false; |
}); |
$(".add-all").click(function() { |
that._populateLists(that.element.find('option').attr('selected', 'selected')); |
return false; |
}); |
}, |
destroy: function() { |
||||; |
this.container.remove(); |
$.widget.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); |
}, |
_populateLists: function(options) { |
this.selectedList.children('.ui-element').remove(); |
this.availableList.children('.ui-element').remove(); |
this.count = 0; |
var that = this; |
var items = $( { |
var item = that._getOptionNode(this).appendTo(this.selected ? that.selectedList : that.availableList).show(); |
if (this.selected) that.count += 1; |
that._applyItemState(item, this.selected); |
||||'idx', i); |
return item[0]; |
})); |
// update count
this._updateCount(); |
}, |
_updateCount: function() { |
this.selectedContainer.find('span.count').text(this.count+" "+$.ui.multiselect.locale.itemsCount); |
}, |
_getOptionNode: function(option) { |
option = $(option); |
var node = $('<li class="ui-state-default ui-element" title="'+option.text()+'"><span class="ui-icon"/>'+option.text()+'<a href="#" class="action"><span class="ui-corner-all ui-icon"/></a></li>').hide(); |
||||'optionLink', option); |
return node; |
}, |
// clones an item with associated data
// didn't find a smarter away around this
_cloneWithData: function(clonee) { |
var clone = clonee.clone(); |
||||'optionLink','optionLink')); |
||||'idx','idx')); |
return clone; |
}, |
_setSelected: function(item, selected) { |
||||'optionLink').attr('selected', selected); |
if (selected) { |
var selectedItem = this._cloneWithData(item); |
item[this.options.hide](this.options.animated, function() { $(this).remove(); }); |
selectedItem.appendTo(this.selectedList).hide()[](this.options.animated); |
this._applyItemState(selectedItem, true); |
return selectedItem; |
} else { |
// look for successor based on initial option index
var items = this.availableList.find('li'), comparator = this.options.nodeComparator; |
var succ = null, i ='idx'), direction = comparator(item, $(items[i])); |
// TODO: test needed for dynamic list populating
if ( direction ) { |
while (i>=0 && i<items.length) { |
direction > 0 ? i++ : i--; |
if ( direction != comparator(item, $(items[i])) ) { |
// going up, go back one item down, otherwise leave as is
succ = items[direction > 0 ? i : i+1]; |
break; |
} |
} |
} else { |
succ = items[i]; |
} |
var availableItem = this._cloneWithData(item); |
succ ? availableItem.insertBefore($(succ)) : availableItem.appendTo(this.availableList); |
item[this.options.hide](this.options.animated, function() { $(this).remove(); }); |
availableItem.hide()[](this.options.animated); |
this._applyItemState(availableItem, false); |
return availableItem; |
} |
}, |
_applyItemState: function(item, selected) { |
if (selected) { |
if (this.options.sortable) |
item.children('span').addClass('ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s').removeClass('ui-helper-hidden').addClass('ui-icon'); |
else |
item.children('span').removeClass('ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s').addClass('ui-helper-hidden').removeClass('ui-icon'); |
item.find('a.action span').addClass('ui-icon-minus').removeClass('ui-icon-plus'); |
this._registerRemoveEvents(item.find('a.action')); |
} else { |
item.children('span').removeClass('ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s').addClass('ui-helper-hidden').removeClass('ui-icon'); |
item.find('a.action span').addClass('ui-icon-plus').removeClass('ui-icon-minus'); |
this._registerAddEvents(item.find('a.action')); |
} |
this._registerHoverEvents(item); |
}, |
// taken from John Resig's liveUpdate script
_filter: function(list) { |
var input = $(this); |
var rows = list.children('li'), |
cache ={ |
return $(this).text().toLowerCase(); |
}); |
var term = $.trim(input.val().toLowerCase()), scores = []; |
if (!term) { |
||||; |
} else { |
rows.hide(); |
cache.each(function(i) { |
if (this.indexOf(term)>-1) { scores.push(i); } |
}); |
$.each(scores, function() { |
$(rows[this]).show(); |
}); |
} |
}, |
_registerHoverEvents: function(elements) { |
elements.removeClass('ui-state-hover'); |
elements.mouseover(function() { |
$(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); |
}); |
elements.mouseout(function() { |
$(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); |
}); |
}, |
_registerAddEvents: function(elements) { |
var that = this; |
|||| { |
var item = that._setSelected($(this).parent(), true); |
that.count += 1; |
that._updateCount(); |
return false; |
}) |
// make draggable
.each(function() { |
$(this).parent().draggable({ |
connectToSortable: 'ul.selected', |
helper: function() { |
var selectedItem = that._cloneWithData($(this)).width($(this).width() - 50); |
selectedItem.width($(this).width()); |
return selectedItem; |
}, |
appendTo: '.ui-multiselect', |
containment: '.ui-multiselect', |
revert: 'invalid' |
}); |
}); |
}, |
_registerRemoveEvents: function(elements) { |
var that = this; |
|||| { |
that._setSelected($(this).parent(), false); |
that.count -= 1; |
that._updateCount(); |
return false; |
}); |
}, |
_registerSearchEvents: function(input) { |
var that = this; |
input.focus(function() { |
$(this).addClass('ui-state-active'); |
}) |
.blur(function() { |
$(this).removeClass('ui-state-active'); |
}) |
.keypress(function(e) { |
if (e.keyCode == 13) |
return false; |
}) |
.keyup(function() { |
that._filter.apply(this, [that.availableList]); |
}); |
} |
}); |
$.extend($.ui.multiselect, { |
defaults: { |
sortable: true, |
searchable: true, |
animated: 'fast', |
show: 'slideDown', |
hide: 'slideUp', |
dividerLocation: 0.6, |
nodeComparator: function(node1,node2) { |
var text1 = node1.text(), |
text2 = node2.text(); |
return text1 == text2 ? 0 : (text1 < text2 ? -1 : 1); |
} |
}, |
locale: { |
addAll:'Add all', |
removeAll:'Remove all', |
itemsCount:'items selected' |
} |
}); |
})(jQuery); |
Reference in new issue