Languages import

skala CHAMILO_1_8_7_BETA_1
Yannick Warnier 15 years ago
parent 4e3aabc561
commit 443a97fe9f
  1. 27
  2. 3
  3. 1
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  5. 21
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  24. 32
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  26. 190
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@ -23,6 +23,15 @@ $ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = " لا يوجد مقررات افتراضية عل
$ConfigureHomePage = " اعداد صفحة البدء";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = " الوحدات النشطة عند إنشاء مقرر";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = " ما هي الأدوات التي يجب تنشيطها(ظاهرة) افتراضيا عند إنشاء مقرر جديد";
$SearchUsers = "البحث عن المستخدمبن";
$CreateUser = "إنشاء مستخدم";
$ModifyInformation = "تعديل المعلومة";
$ModifyUser = "تعديل المستخدم";
$buttonEditUserField = "تعديل معلومات المستخدم";
$ModifyCoach = "تعدبل المدرب";
$ModifyThisSession = "تعديل هذه الجلسة";
$ExportSession = "تصدير الجلسات";
$ImportSession = "استيراد الجلسات";
$langCourseBackup = " نسخ احتياطي لهذا المقرر";
$langCourseTitular = " المدرس";
$langCourseTitle = " عنوان المقر";
@ -160,6 +169,8 @@ $GeneralCoach = " المشرف العام";
$GeneralProperties = " المشرف العام";
$CourseCoach = " المشرف على المقرر";
$UsersNumber = " عدد المستخدمين";
$DokeosClassic = "شاميلو كلاسيكي";
$PublicAdmin = "الإدارة العامة";
$PageAfterLoginTitle = " صفحة بعد التسجيل";
$PageAfterLoginComment = " صفحة الذي يشاهده المستخدم المتصل";
$DokeosAdminWebLinks = " الويب لطيبة-دوكيوس";
@ -675,11 +686,27 @@ $UserTheme = "الموضوع (نمط الصفحة)";
$UserThemeSelection = "اختيار موضوع المستخدم";
$UserThemeSelectionComment = "يسمح للمستخدمين باختيار موضوع الشاشة الخاص ببروفايلهم. هذا سوف يغيير شكل الدوكيوس عندهم لكن سوف يبقي شكل البوابة الافتراضي سالمًا إذا كان هناك مقرر معين أو دورة لها شكل معين من قبل . سوف يكون له الأولية على المواضيع التي يحددها المستخدم";
$AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff = "عندما يكون ال PHP مطفأ او مقفل, سوف يمنع آلية التسجيل من العمل بالشكل الصحيح. هذه الإعدادات يمكن تغييرها عن طريق ملف اعدادات ال PHP او عن طريق هيئة ملف ال (php.ini) الخاص بك أو تغير ملف Apache Virtual Host باستخدام قيمة php أدمن مباشرة";
$VisioHost = "اسم الحاسوب أو عنوان IP لتدفق فيديو المؤتمر";
$VisioPort = "ميناء موزع تدفق فيديو المؤتمر";
$VisioPassword = "كلمة السر لموزع تدفق فيديو المؤتمر";
$Port = "ميناء";
$EphorusClickHereForADemoAccount = "اضغط هنا للاطلاع على التجربة";
$ManageUserFields = "إدارة حقول المستخدمين";
$UserFields = "سمات الملف الشخصي";
$AddUserField = "إضافة مجالات التعريف";
$FieldLabel = "مجال التسمية";
$FieldType = "نوع الحقل";
$FieldTitle = "العنوان";
$FieldDefaultValue = "القيمة الافتراضية";
$FieldOrder = "ترتيب";
$FieldVisibility = "مرئي؟";
$FieldChangeability = "القدرة على التغيير";
$FieldTypeText = "نص";
$FieldTypeTextarea = "مساحة النص";
$FieldTypeRadio = "أزرار الراديو";
$FieldTypeSelect = "تحديد المنسدلة";
$FieldTypeSelectMultiple = "متعددة اختيار المنسدلة";
$FieldAdded = "أضيف الحقل بنجاح";
$GradebookScoreDisplayColoring = "عتبات التلوين";
$CannotDeleteField = "لا يستطيع حذف الحقل";

@ -1235,4 +1235,7 @@ $GradebookActivateScoreDisplayCustom = "Enable competence level labelling in ord
$GradebookScoreDisplayCustomValues = "Competence levels custom values";
$GradebookNumberDecimals = "Number of decimals";
$GradebookNumberDecimalsComment = "Allows you to set the number of decimals allowed in a score";
$EditSessionsToURL = "Edit sessions for a URL";
$AddSessionsToURL = "Add sessions to URL";
$SessionListIn = "List of sessions in";

@ -120,4 +120,5 @@ $DoNotDisplayAnyAdvance = "Do not display progress";
$NewHomeworkEmailAlert = "Email users on homework creation";
$NewHomeworkEmailAlertEnable = "Enable email users on homework submission";
$NewHomeworkEmailAlertDisable = "Disable email users on homework submission";
$DisplayAboutNextAdvanceNotDoneAndLastDoneAdvance = "Display the last executed step and the next unfinished step";

@ -191,5 +191,4 @@ $CertificateMinimunScoreIsRequiredAndMustNotBeMoreThan = "Certificate minimun sc
$LinkMod = "Save";
$EditLink = "Edit link";
$CategoryDeleted = "The category has been deleted.";
$GradebookScoringSystemRedirect = "The gradebook parameters are global. This means that changing them will affect other gradebooks in other courses. This is why you will need administration permissions to change them in the <a href=\"%s\">portal administration panel</a>. If you do not have portal administration permissions, please contact your administrator to discuss the changes you would like to apply.";

@ -916,13 +916,13 @@ $ReportABug = "Report a bug";
$Letters = "Letters";
$MaximumOfParticipants = "Maximum number of members";
$ContactInformation = "Contact information";
$PersonName = "Person name";
$CompanyName = "Company name";
$PersonRole = "Person role";
$HaveYouThePowerToTakeFinancialDecisions = "Have you the power to take financial decisions?";
$CompanyCountry = "Company country";
$PersonName = "Your name";
$CompanyName = "Your company's name";
$PersonRole = "Your job's description";
$HaveYouThePowerToTakeFinancialDecisions = "Do you have the power to take financial decisions on behalf of your company?";
$CompanyCountry = "Your company's home country";
$CompanyCity = "Company city";
$WhichLanguageWouldYouLikeToUseWhenContactingYou = "Which Language Would You Like To Use When Contacting You?";
$WhichLanguageWouldYouLikeToUseWhenContactingYou = "Preferred contact language";
$SendInformation = "Send information";
$YouMustAcceptLicence = "You must accept the licence";
$SelectOne = "Select one";
@ -930,10 +930,13 @@ $ContactInformationHasBeenSent = "Contact information has been sent";
$ContactInformationDescription = "Dear user,<br />
<br />You are about to start using one of the best open-source e-learning platform on the market. Like many other open-source project, this project is backed up by a large community of students, teachers, developers and content creators who would like to promote the project better.<br />
<br />
By knowing a little bit more about you, one of our most important users that will manage this e-learning system, we will be able to let people know that our software is used and let you know when we organize events that might be relevant to you.<br />
By knowing a little bit more about you, one of our most important users, who will manage this e-learning system, we will be able to let people know that our software is used and let you know when we organize events that might be relevant to you.<br />
<br />
By filling this form, you implicitly accept that the Chamilo association or its members might send you information by e-mail about important events or updates in the Chamilo software or community. This will help the community grow as an organized entity where information flow, with a permanent respect of your time and your privacy.<br />
By filling this form, you accept that the Chamilo association or its members might send you information by e-mail about important events or updates in the Chamilo software or community. This will help the community grow as an organized entity where information flow, with a permanent respect of your time and your privacy.<br />
<br />
Please note that you are <b>not required</b> to fill this form. If you want to remain anonymous, we will loose the opportunity to offer you all the privileges of being a registered portal administrator, but we will respect your decision. Simply leave this form empty and click \"Next\".<br /><br />";
$CompanyActivity = "Company activity";
$CompanyActivity = "Your company's activity";
$DateLock = "Lock date";
$DateUnLock = "Unlock date";
$GoToStudentDetails = "Go to student details";

@ -56,4 +56,5 @@ $AnnounceSentToUserSelection = "Ilmoitus lähetetty valituille käyttäjille";
$SendAnnouncement = "Lähetä ilmoitus";
$ModifyAnnouncement = "Muokkaa ilmoitusta";
$ButtonPublishAnnouncement = "Lähetä ilmoitus";
$YourAccountIsActiveYouCanLoginAndCheckYourCourses = "Hyvä käyttäjä, käyttäjätunnuksesi on nyt aktivoitu ja voit nyt kirjautua ympäristöön.";

@ -1226,4 +1226,17 @@ $ThereAreNotCreatedCourses = "Aucun cours créé";
$HomepageViewVerticalActivity = "Vue activité verticale";
$CoursesInformation = "Rapport des cours";
$SpecialExportsIntroduction = "La fonctionnalité d'export spécial a été dessinée dans l'intention de venir en aide au contrôleur académique/instructionnel, pour lui permettre d'exporter tous les documents de cours en une seule opération. Une seconde option permet de choisir les cours que vous voulez exporter, et exportera également les documents présents dans ces documents directement depuis l'outil de maintenance du cours lui-même.";
$AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminTitle = "Autoriser l'inscription d'utilisateurs aux cours par l'administrateur du cours";
$AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminComment = "Activer cette option autorisera l'administrateur du cours à inscrire des utilisateurs au sein de son cours. Cette option est généralement désactivée sur les portails pour lesquels une équipe d'administrateurs ou un système tiers se charge des inscriptions des étudiants manuellement ou automatiquement.";
$ConfigureDashboardPlugin = "Configurer le plugin de tableau de bord";
$EditBlocks = "Éditer les blocs";
$ShowLinkBugNotificationTitle = "Lien de rapport d'erreur";
$ShowLinkBugNotificationComment = "Montrer un lien dans l'en-tête qui mène directement vers notre plateforme de support ( Lorsque l'utilisateur clique sur ce lien, il est envoyé sur notre plateforme de support, vers une page qui lui expliquera comment rapporter un bug.";
$GradebookActivateScoreDisplayCustom = "Activer la libellisation des niveaux de compétences personnalisés pour les scores";
$GradebookScoreDisplayCustomValues = "Valeurs personnalisées de niveaux de compétences";
$GradebookNumberDecimals = "Nombre de décimales";
$GradebookNumberDecimalsComment = "Permet de configurer le nombre de décimales autorisées dans les scores";
$EditSessionsToURL = "Éditer les sessions des URL";
$AddSessionsToURL = "Ajouter sessions aux URL";
$SessionListIn = "Liste des sessions dans";

@ -56,4 +56,7 @@ $AnnounceSentToUserSelection = "Annonce envoyée aux utilisateurs sélectionnés
$SendAnnouncement = "Envoyer annonce";
$ModifyAnnouncement = "Modifier annonce";
$ButtonPublishAnnouncement = "Publier annonce";
$YourAccountIsActiveYouCanLoginAndCheckYourCourses = "Cher utilisateur,
Votre compte a été activé. Vous pouvez à présent vous connecter et consulter vos cours.";

@ -117,4 +117,8 @@ $AllowUserViewUserList = "Autoriser l'utilisateur à voir la liste d'utilisateur
$AllowUserViewUserListActivate = "Activer la liste des utilisateurs";
$AllowUserViewUserListDeactivate = "Désactiver la liste d'utilisateurs";
$DoNotDisplayAnyAdvance = "Ne pas afficher le progrès";
$NewHomeworkEmailAlert = "Envoi d'e-mail aux utilisateurs lors de la création d'un travail";
$NewHomeworkEmailAlertEnable = "Activer l'envoi d'un courriel lors de la réception d'un nouveau travail";
$NewHomeworkEmailAlertDisable = "Désactiver l'envoi d'e-mail lors de la réception d'un travail";
$DisplayAboutNextAdvanceNotDoneAndLastDoneAdvance = "Afficher la dernière étape achevée et la prochaine étape non terminée";

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ $Englin = "Anglais";
$langInvalidForSelfRegistration = "Échec du login - si vous n'êtes pas enregistré, vous pouvez le faire en utilisant le <a href=claroline/auth/inscription.php>formulaire d'enregistrement</a>";
$langSubCat = "sous-catégories";
$langMenuGeneral = "Général";
$langMenuUser = "Utilisateur";
$langMenuUser = "Menu perso";
$langMenuAdmin = "Administration";
$langUsersOnLineList = "Liste des utilisateurs en ligne";
$langTotalOnLine = "Total en ligne";

@ -54,4 +54,7 @@ $Attempt = "Tentative";
$MoveTheCurrentForum = "Déplacer le forum courant";
$WarningWhenEditingScorm = "Attention !<br />Quand on édite une étape scorm, on peut altérer le reporting, voire endommager le document.";
$AdditionalProfileField = "Ajouter un champ de profil utilisateur";
$ScormUnknownPackageFormat = "Le paquet que vous tentez d'envoyer au serveur présente un format inconnu. Veuillez vérifier qu'il utilise l'un des formats supportés.";
$ScormNotEnoughSpaceInCourseToInstallPackage = "Il n'y a plus assez de place dans ce cours pour décomprimer le paquet actuel.";
$ScormPackageFormatNotScorm = "Le paquet que vous tentez d'envoyer ne semble pas être au format SCORM. Veuillez vérifier que le fichier imsmanifest.xml se trouve bien dans le fichier ZIP que vous tentez d'envoyer.";

@ -909,4 +909,32 @@ $Literal17 = "dix-sept";
$Literal18 = "dix-huit";
$Literal19 = "dix-neuf";
$Literal20 = "vingt";
$DateTime = "Date & heure";
$Item = "Élément";
$Never = "Jamais";
$ReportABug = "Rapporter une erreur";
$Letters = "Lettres";
$MaximumOfParticipants = "Nombre maximum de membres";
$ContactInformation = "Information de contact";
$PersonName = "Votre nom";
$CompanyName = "Nom de votre entreprise";
$PersonRole = "Votre profession";
$HaveYouThePowerToTakeFinancialDecisions = "Êtes-vous habilité à prendre des décisions financières pour votre entreprise?";
$CompanyCountry = "Pays de votre entreprise";
$CompanyCity = "Ville de votre entreprise";
$WhichLanguageWouldYouLikeToUseWhenContactingYou = "Langue de contact favorite";
$SendInformation = "Envoyer l'information";
$YouMustAcceptLicence = "Vous devez accepter la licence pour continuer";
$SelectOne = "Chosissez";
$ContactInformationHasBeenSent = "L'information de contact a été envoyée. Merci.";
$ContactInformationDescription = "Cher utilisateur,<br />
<br />
Vous êtes sur le point de commencer à utiliser l'une des meilleures plateformes e-learning de logiciel libre du marché. Comme beaucoup d'autres projets de logiciel libre, celui-ci est supporté par une grande communauté d'étudiants, d'enseignants, de développeurs et de créateurs de contenu qui aimeraient pouvoir promouvoir le projet dans les meilleures conditions.<br /><br />
Au travers d'une meilleure connaissance de notre public et de l'un de nos plus importants utilisateurs, vous, qui gèrerez ce système e-learning, nous pourrons nous assurer de faire savoir au plus grand nombre que notre logiciel est utilisé, et nous pourrons vous informer directement sur les évènements importants à vos yeux.<br /><br />
En remplissant ce formulaire, vous acceptez que l'association Chamilo ou ses membres puissent vous envoyer des informations par e-mail au sujet d'évènements importants ou de mises à jours du software ou de la communauté. Ceci aidera la communauté à grandir comme une entité organisée au sein de laquelle l'information se propage, au travers d'un respect permanent de votre temps et de votre privacité.<br /><br />
Veuillez prendre en considération que vous n'êtes <b>pas obligé</b> à remplir ce formulaire. Si vous désirez rester anonyme, nous perdrons la possibilité de vous offrir les privilèges d'être un administrateur de portail enregistré, mais nous respecterons votre décision. Laissez simplement ce formulaire vide et cliquez sur \"Suivant\". De la même façon, une fois l'envoi de l'information du formulaire ci-dessous confirmé, vous devrez cliquer sur \"Suivant\".";
$CompanyActivity = "Activité de votre entreprise";
$DateLock = "Bloquer date";
$DateUnLock = "Débloquer date";
$GoToStudentDetails = "Voir les détails de l'apprenant";

@ -87,4 +87,7 @@ $ViewUsersWithTask = "Travaux déjà remis";
$ReminderMessage = "Envoyer un rappel";
$DateSent = "Date de réception";
$ViewUsersWithoutTask = "Travaux manquants";
$HomeworkCreated = "Une tâche a été ajoutée";
$HomeworkHasBeenCreatedForTheCourse = "Une tâche a été ajoutée dans le cours";
$PleaseCheckHomeworkPage = "Veuillez vérifier la page des tâches";

@ -1152,5 +1152,25 @@ $YourTeachers = "I tuoi docenti";
$StudentsInformationsList = "Report studenti";
$YourStudents = "I tuoi studenti";
$GoToThematicAdvance = "Vai all'avanzamento tematico";
$TeachersInformationsGraph = "Grafico informativo docenti";
$StudentsInformationsGraph = "Grafico informativo utenti";
$Timezones = "Fuso orario";
$TimeSpentOnThePlatformLastWeekByDay = "Tempo di connessione alla piattaforma nell'ultima settimana, per giorno";
$GraphicNotAvailable = "Grafico non disponibile";
$AttendancesFaults = "Assistenza non presente";
$Minutes = "Minuti";
$SystemStatus = "Stato del sistema";
$IsWritable = "è abilitato alla scrittura";
$DirectoryExists = "La cartella esiste già";
$DirectoryMustBeWritable = "La cartella deve essere abilitata dal server alla scrittura";
$DirectoryShouldBeRemoved = "La cartella dev'essere rimossa (non è più necessaria)";
$Section = "Sezione";
$Expected = "Atteso";
$Setting = "Configurazione";
$Current = "Attuale";
$SessionGCMaxLifetimeInfo = "Il tempo massimo di vita dei dati obsoleti di sessione indica il tempo che intercorre tra due successive operazioni di pulizia dei dati";
$PHPVersionInfo = "Versione PHP";
$FileUploadsInfo = "Caricamento files indica che il caricamento è abilitato";
$UploadMaxFilesizeInfo = "Dimensione massima dei file caricati. In genera la dimensione può essere modificata cambiando il valore di post_max_size";
$EditBlocks = "Modifica i blocchi";

@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ $langNoCategories = "没有分类";
$langAllowCoursesInCategory = "允许添加课程";
$langGoToForum = "转向论坛";
$langCategoryCode = "分类代码";
$langCategoryName = "分类名";
$langCategoryName = "分类名";
$langCategories = "分类";
$langEditNode = "编辑分类";
$langOpenNode = "打开分类";
@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ $langOtherCourses = "其它课程";
$PlatformLanguageTitle = "平台语言";
$ServerStatusComment = "这是一个什么类型的服务器?这将会开启或关闭一些特定的选项.比如,在一台开发者服务器上,将会有一个用于翻译的功能以及那些还没有翻译的字符串.";
$ServerStatusTitle = "服务器类型";
$PlatformLanguages = "DOKEOS平台语言";
$PlatformLanguages = "Chamilo平台语言";
$PlatformLanguagesExplanation = "此页面将定制登录界面的语言. 作为平台管理员, 你可以决定你的用户使用哪种语言";
$OriginalName = "原名字";
$EnglishName = "英文名";
$DokeosFolder = "桌面文件夹";
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ $ShowStudentViewTitle = "学生模式";
$ShowStudentViewComment = "学生视角<br>这项功能允许讲师以学生的角度查看课程内容。";
$AllowGroupCategories = "组分类";
$AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "允许课程管理员在小组模块中创建分类?";
$PlatformLanguageComment = "不同平台管理员可以决定不同的平台语言, 即: <a href=\"languages.php\">Dokeos平台语言</a>";
$PlatformLanguageComment = "不同平台管理员可以决定不同的平台语言, 即: <a href=\"languages.php\">Chamilo平台语言</a>";
$ProductionServer = "平台服务器";
$TestServer = "测试服务器";
$ShowOnlineTitle = "在线用户";
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ $EditNews = "编辑新闻";
$EditCategories = "编辑分类";
$EditHomePage = "编辑主页";
$AllowUserHeadingsComment = "课程管理员是否可以定义用户标题查看更多用户信息吗?";
$Platform = "ƽ̨";
$Platform = "平台";
$Course = "课程";
$Languages = "语言";
$Privacy = "隐私";
@ -323,9 +323,9 @@ $NoSearchResults = "无搜索结果";
$UserDeleted = "用户已删除";
$NoClassesForThisCourse = "此课程无班级注册";
$CourseUsage = "课程使用";
$NoCoursesForThisClass = "<EFBFBD>˰༶ûע<EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>κογ<EFBFBD>";
$NoCoursesForThisUser = "没有此用户的课程";
$NoClassesForThisUser = "没有此用户的班级";
$NoCoursesForThisClass = "没有此班级的课程";
$langOpenToTheWorld = "开放 - 允许任何人访问";
$OpenToThePlatform = "开放 - 允许平台注册用户访问";
$langPrivate = "访问限制 - 仅对选定的用户开放访问";
@ -359,8 +359,8 @@ $AllowedToUnsubscribe = "允许";
$NotAllowedToUnsubscribe = "拒绝";
$AddDummyContentToCourse = "添加课程样例";
$DummyCourseCreator = "创造课程样例";
$DummyCourseDescription = "将添加课程样例, 仅用于测试.";
$AvailablePlugins = "这是平台上所能使用的插件. 请访问<a href=\"\"></a>获得更多插件";
$CreateVirtualCourse = "新建虚拟课程";
$DisplayListVirtualCourses = "显示虚拟课程列表";
$LinkedToRealCourseCode = "链接到真实课程代码";
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ $ResetPassword = "密码重置";
$CheckToSendNewPassword = "检测发送新密码";
$AutoGeneratePassword = "自动生成密码";
$UseDocumentTitleTitle = "用标题作为文件名";
$UseDocumentTitleComment = "这将使用标题作为文件名, 而不是类似于document_name.ext";
$StudentPublications = "学生发贴";
$PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle = "已删除文件无法恢复";
$PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment = "文件永久删除. 已删除文件无法恢复";
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ $ExtendedProfileTitle = "扩展特征";
$ExtendedProfileComment = "如果设置为\"真\", 用户可填写下列(可选)字段: \"我的能力\", \"我的学历\", \"我能教授的课程\"与\"个人开放区\".";
$Classes = "班级";
$UserUnsubscribed = "用户注销";
$CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse = "作为课程的老师, 此用户不能注销这个课程.";
$InvalidStartDate = "起始日期无效";
$InvalidEndDate = "结束日期无效";
$DateFormatLabel = "日/月/年 时:分";
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ $ClassesDeleted = "班级已删除";
$NoUsersInClass = "该班级无用户";
$UsersAreSubscibedToCourse = "所选用户已注册到所选班级";
$InvalidTitle = "请输入标题";
$CatCodeAlreadyUsed = "此分类代码已被使用";
$PleaseEnterCategoryInfo = "请键入该分类名和代码";
$DokeosHomepage = "Chamilo主页";
$DokeosForum = "Chamilo论坛";
@ -436,8 +436,8 @@ $RoleType = "种类";
$RightValueModified = "值已被修改。";
$MakeAvailable = "激活";
$MakeUnavailable = "使之不可用";
$Stylesheets = "Stylesheets";
$DefaultDokeosStyle = "默认Dokeos风格";
$Stylesheets = "样式表";
$DefaultDokeosStyle = "默认Chamilo风格";
$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuComment = "导航菜单需要展示不同的工具图标吗?";
$Plugin = "插件";
$MainMenu = "主菜单";
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ $MaxImageHeightTitle = "用户图片的最大高度";
$MaxImageHeightComment = "用户图像的最高像素. 本设定只限于当用户图像被设为上传时尺寸可修改。";
$YourVersionNotUpToDate = "你当前的版本不是最新的";
$YourVersionIs = "您的版本是";
$PleaseVisitDokeos = "请访问Dokeos";
$PleaseVisitDokeos = "请访问Chamilo";
$VersionUpToDate = "您的版本是最新的";
$ConnectSocketError = "Socket连接错误";
$SocketFunctionsDisabled = "Socket连接已被禁止";
@ -470,17 +470,17 @@ $ServerStatistics = "服务器统计";
$langServerStatisticsDescription = "AWStats 让您了解系统以下情况:访问、页面浏览、提交...";
$SearchEngine = "全文搜索引擎";
$langSearchEngineDescription = "全文搜索引擎让您搜索系统的内容,每天进行内容索引保证了搜索质量。";
$langListSession = "Session 名单";
$AddSession = "增加一个 session";
$langImportSessionListXMLCSV = "Import sessions in XML/CSV format";
$ExportSessionListXMLCSV = "以XML/CSV格式导出会话";
$SessionName = "session 名称";
$langListSession = "讲习班列表";
$AddSession = "增加一个讲习班";
$langImportSessionListXMLCSV = "使用XML/CSV格式导入讲习班";
$ExportSessionListXMLCSV = "以XML/CSV格式导出讲习班";
$SessionName = "讲习班名称";
$langNbCourses = "课程编号";
$DateStart = "开始日期";
$DateEnd = "结束日期";
$CoachName = "导师名";
$SessionList = "session 名单";
$SessionNameIsRequired = "需要 Session 名称";
$SessionList = "讲习班名单";
$SessionNameIsRequired = "需要讲习班名称";
$NextStep = "下一步";
$keyword = "关键词";
$Confirm = "确定";
@ -503,8 +503,8 @@ $ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "创建课程的范例";
$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "当创建新课程时自动创建范例";
$AccountValidDurationTitle = "帐号有效";
$AccountValidDurationComment = "一个新建帐户的有效天数";
$UseSessionModeTitle = "使用 Session 模式";
$UseSessionModeComment = "Sessions give a different way of dealing with courses, where course have a creator, a coach and students. Each coach gives a course for a set period of time, called a *session*, to a set of students";
$UseSessionModeTitle = "使用讲习班模式";
$UseSessionModeComment = "讲习班提供另一种方式来管理课程(课程有创建者, 教师和学生). 每个教师对这门课程提供一个时间段的讲解, 就称为*讲习班*";
$HomepageViewActivity = "活动视图";
$HomepageView2column = "两列视图";
$HomepageView3column = "三列视图";
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ $TextOnly = "仅文本";
$IconsText = "图标和文本";
$EnableToolIntroductionTitle = "允许工具介绍";
$EnableToolIntroductionComment = "每个工具的首页允许介绍";
$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle = "Course homepage's breadcrumb";
$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle = "水平导航";
$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment = "系统的水平导航一般放在页面的左上角,该选项让您选择在课程首页中显示什么导航内容";
$Comment = "注释";
$Version = "版本";
@ -531,26 +531,26 @@ $PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment = "WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) is an initi
$VersionCheck = "版本检查";
$Active = "激活";
$Inactive = "未激活";
$SessionOverview = "Session 概述";
$SubscribeUserIfNotAllreadySubscribed = "Subscribe user if he has'nt allready subscribed";
$UnsubscribeUserIfSubscriptionIsNotInFile = "Unsubscribe user if subscription is not in file";
$SessionOverview = "讲习班概述";
$SubscribeUserIfNotAllreadySubscribed = "如果用户还没注册, 允许用户参加课程";
$UnsubscribeUserIfSubscriptionIsNotInFile = "如果文件中没记录, 取消用户所注册课程";
$DeleteSelectedSessions = "删除选择的学期";
$CourseListInSession = "Course list in this session";
$UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession = "从这个课程会话中取消选定课程的订阅";
$CourseListInSession = "这个讲习班的课程";
$UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession = "从这个讲习班中取消选定此课程";
$NbUsers = "用户";
$SubscribeUsersToSession = "Subscribe users to this session";
$SubscribeUsersToSession = "使用户加入此讲习班";
$UserListInPlatform = "用户列表";
$UserListInSession = "User list subscribed in this session";
$UserListInSession = "用户列表已加入此讲习班";
$CourseListInPlatform = "课程列表";
$Host = "主机";
$UserOnHost = "用户名";
$FtpPassword = "FTP密码";
$PathToLzx = "Path to LZX files";
$WCAGContent = "文本";
$SubscribeCoursesToSession = "Subscribe courses to this session";
$DateStartSession = "Start date session";
$DateEndSession = "End date session";
$EditSession = "编辑此session";
$SubscribeCoursesToSession = "添加课程到此讲习班";
$DateStartSession = "讲习开始日子";
$DateEndSession = "讲习结束日子";
$EditSession = "编辑此讲习班";
$VideoConferenceUrl = "视频会议路径";
$VideoClassroomUrl = "视频教室路径";
$ReconfigureExtension = "重新配置扩展";
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ $ChooseNewsLanguage = "选择新闻语言";
$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "课程花费的总时间";
$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "这个选项是用来计算用户花在课程上的实际时间。字段中的值按照秒来计算。如果要关闭这个选项,将值设置城0";
$EditLink = "链接编辑";
$FinishSessionCreation = "session创建完毕";
$FinishSessionCreation = "讲习班创建完毕";
$VisioRTMPPort = "视频会议 RTMTP协议端口";
$SessionNameAlreadyExists = "会议名称马上存在";
$NoClassesHaveBeenCreated = "没有教室";
@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ $SomeUsersNotDeleted = "用户已被删除";
$ExternalAuthentication = "外部验证";
$RegistrationDate = "注册日期";
$UserUpdated = "更新用户";
$HomePageFilesNotReadable = "无法读取homepage文件";
$HomePageFilesNotReadable = "无法读取主页文件";
$Choose = "选择";
$ModifySessionCourse = "会议课程修改";
$CourseSessionList = "会议课程列表";
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ $UsernameTooLongWasCut = "用户名被裁剪";
$NoInputFile = "没有文件被发送";
$StudentStatusWasGivenTo = "学籍被送到";
$WrongDate = "错误的日期格式(年-月-日)";
$ThisIsAutomaticEmailNoReply = "这是自动发出的email信息。请不要复";
$ThisIsAutomaticEmailNoReply = "这是自动发出的email信息。请不要复";
$YouWillSoonReceiveMailFromCoach = "你很快会收到一封课程指导者发来的e-mail";
$SlideSize = "幻灯片尺寸";
$EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "防盗保护";
@ -609,7 +609,8 @@ $ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "显示空的课程分类";
$XMLNotValid = "XML文件不合法";
$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "激活在线邮件编辑";
$AllowEmailEditorComment = "如果这个选项被激活,点击邮件会打开一个在线邮件编辑器";
$AddCSVHeader = "添加csv头线";
$AddCSVHeader = "添加CSV首行内容?";
$YesAddCSVHeader = "是的, 添加CSV头部<br />首行内容定义了字段名, 当导入到其它的Chamilo平台时为必须的";
$ListOfUsersSubscribedToCourse = "登记本课程的用户列表";
$NumberOfCourses = "课程数";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "显示课程语言";
@ -693,6 +694,7 @@ $CannotHideField = "不能使字段不可见";
$FieldDeleted = "字段已删除";
$CannotDeleteField = "不能删除这个字段";
$CannotMoveFieldOption = "不能移动选项。";
$DefineSessionOptions = "限制可访问教师的人数";
$DaysBefore = "天之前";
$DaysAfter = "天之后";
$SessionAddTypeUnique = "单人注册";
@ -700,8 +702,44 @@ $SessionAddTypeMultiple = "多人注册";
$EnableSearchTitle = "全文搜索特性";
$AddUrl = "添加连接";
$SelectAResponsible = "选择一个管理员";
$GlobalAgenda = "全部日程";
$SearchHideUnlinkedResults = "不显示他们";
$Templates = "模板";
$EnableVersionCheck = "允许版本检查";
$URLAdded = "这个地址已经被添加";
$ImportUsersToACourse = "导入用户列表";
$ImportCourses = "导入课程列表";
$AddNews = "添加通知";
$ShowTutorDataTitle = "导师的数据显示于页脚.";
$SessionCategory = "讲习班分类";
$ListSessionCategory = "讲习班分类列表";
$ThereIsNotStillASession = "没可用的讲习班";
$SelectASession = "选择一个班";
$OriginCoursesFromSession = "原讲习班中的课程";
$DestinationCoursesFromSession = "目标讲习班的课程";
$CopyCourseFromSessionToSessionExplanation = "复制讲习班中的课程";
$TypeOfCopy = "复制的方法";
$CopyFromCourseInSessionToAnotherSession = "复制讲习班的课程到另一个班中";
$SessionVisibility = "课程结束后开放";
$AddSessionsInCategories = "添加讲习班到分类中";
$SpecialExports = "特殊导出";
$CreateBackup = "创建备份";
$SubscribeSessionsToCategory = "注册讲习班到此分类";
$SessionListInPlatform = "系统中讲习班列表";
$SessionListInCategory = "分类中讲习班列表";
$ConfigureInscription = "设置注册页面";
$ExportCourses = "导出课程";
$SpecialCourse = "特殊课程";
$MessagesSent = "已发送消息条数";
$MessagesReceived = "已收到消息条数";
$CountFriends = "联系人数目";
$Timezones = "时区";
$SystemStatus = "系统状态";
$Action = "操作";
$ExportAllCoursesList = "导出全部课程";
$ExportSelectedCoursesFromCoursesList = "导出下表所选的课程";
$CoursesListHasBeenExported = "已导出列表中的课程";
$WhichCoursesToExport = "需导出的课程";
$ConfigureDashboardPlugin = "配置资料卡插件";
$EditBlocks = "编辑资料块";

@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ $langNewToOld = "新到旧";
$langNow = "现在";
$langAddEvent = "添加事件";
$langDetail = "详细内容";
$MonthView = "月览";
$WeekView = "周览";
$DayView = "日览";
$MonthView = "览";
$WeekView = "览";
$DayView = "览";
$AddPersonalItem = "添加个人议项";
$Week = "周";
$Date = "日期";
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ $GlobalEvent = "世界性的事件";
$ModifyEvent = "修改事件";
$EndDateCannotBeBeforeTheStartDate = "结束日期不能早于开始日期";
$AgendaSortChronologicallyUp = "顺序排列";
$AgendaSortChronologicallyDown = "降序";
$ItemForUserSelection = "用户列表";
$IsNotiCalFormatFile = "文件不符合iCal格式";
$AgendaSortChronologicallyDown = "降序排列";
$ItemForUserSelection = "用户选择列表";
$IsNotiCalFormatFile = "文件不符合iCal格式";
$RepeatEvent = "重复事件";

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Announcement = "֪ͨ";
$Announcement = "通知";
$langAnnEmpty = "通知列表已经被删除";
$AnnouncementModified = "通知列表已更新";
$AnnouncementAdded = "已添加通知";
@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ $SelectEverybody = "选择所有人";
$SelectedUsersGroups = "选择用户组";
$LearnerMessage = "学员短信息";
$TitleIsRequired = "需要标题";
$AnnounceSentByEmail = "通过电子邮件发布公告";
$AnnounceSentByEmail = "通过电子邮件发布通知";
$AnnounceSentToUserSelection = "发送到所选择的用户";
$SendAnnouncement = "发送公告";
$ModifyAnnouncement = "修改公告";
$ButtonPublishAnnouncement = "发送公告";
$SendAnnouncement = "发送通知";
$ModifyAnnouncement = "修改通知";
$ButtonPublishAnnouncement = "发送通知";

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ $NoArticleMatches = "找不到相关的任务,请检查拼写或尝试新的
$SaveProject = "保存工程";
$langTask1 = "任务 1";
$langTask2 = "任务 2";
$langTask3 = "任务3";
$langTask3 = "任务 3";
$langTask1Desc = "任务 1 描述";
$langTask2Desc = "任务 2 描述";
$langTask3Desc = "任务 3 描述";

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ $Arrow = "箭头";
$Question = "疑问";
$Idea = "有想法";
$AskPermissionSpeak = "请求说话";
$GiveTheFloorTo = "打击他";
$GiveTheFloorTo = "说活";
$Pause = "暂停";
$Stop = "停止";

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langCourseProgram = "教学大纲";
$langThisCourseDescriptionIsEmpty = "本课程目前没有教学大纲。";
$langEditCourseProgram = "创建和编辑课程简介";
$QuestionPlan = "给领导的问题";
$QuestionPlan = "给老师的问题";
$langInfo2Say = "发送给用户的信息";
$langOuAutreTitre = "标题";
$langNewBloc = "其他内容";
@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ $langValid = "可用的";
$langBackAndForget = "返回和取消";
$CourseDescriptionUpdated = "课程描述更新完成";
$CourseDescriptionDeleted = "课程描述删除完成";
$CourseDescriptionIntro = "To create a course description, click on a heading and fill the correct form field.<br><br> Click then OK and fill another heading.";
$CourseDescriptionIntro = "点击标题并填写表格以此来增加课程描述.<br><br> 点击确定和标题添加另一个描述.";
$langSaveDescription = "保存描述";

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $langCreateCourseGroups = "小组";
$langCatagoryMain = "主要";
$langCatagoryGroup = "小组论坛";
$langLn = "语言";
$langCreateSite = "创建一个课程站点";
$langCreateSite = "创建一个课程";
$langFieldsRequ = "所有项目都需填写";
$langEx = "例如: <i>改革管理</i>";
$langFac = "分类";
@ -91,12 +91,18 @@ $langRestoreACourse = "恢复课程";
$langBackup = "备份";
$langCopy = "复制课程内容";
$langRecycle = "循环利用课程";
$AnnouncementExampleTitle = "这是通知的样例";
$Wikipedia = "免费的在线百科全书";
$DefaultGroupCategory = "默认小组";
$DefaultCourseImages = "相册";
$ExampleForumCategory = "论坛分类样例";
$ExampleForum = "论坛样例";
$ExampleThread = "话题样例";
$ExampleThreadContent = "内容样例";
$ExampleThread = "论坛话题";
$ExampleThreadContent = "话题内容样例";
$CreateCourseArea = "创建这个课程";
$CreateCourse = "创建课程";
$Create = "创建";
$MessageOfNewCourseToAdmin = "此信息告之您系统中已添加一个新的课程";
$NewCourseCreatedIn = "新课程创建在";
$ExplicationTrainers = "暂时预定此教师, 你可以稍后通过课程设置改更";

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ $langDel = "删除";
$langUp = "向上";
$langDate = "日期";
$ShowCourseQuotaUse = "显示课程磁盘配额";
$CourseCurrentlyUses = "目前参加课程的用户";
$MaximumAllowedQuota = "你的存储限制是";
$PercentageQuotaInUse = "已用磁盘配额的百分比";
$PercentageQuotaFree = "空闲磁盘配额的百分比";
@ -105,7 +105,10 @@ $fileModified = "文件已修改";
$DocumentsOverview = "查看文档";
$ViewSlideshow = "以幻灯片形式查看图像";
$Options = "选项";
$WelcomeOogieConverter = "欢迎使用Chamilo RAPID<ul type=\"1\"><li>从电脑上选择.ppt 或 .odp文件<li>上传到Oogie. 它将转换成Scorm课程.<li>你将可以添加声音评论, 测试或者其它事件到页面中.";
$ConvertToLP = "转换为学习路线";
$TemplateTitleGlossary = "词汇表";
$TemplateTitleCourseTitle = "课程标题";
$CreateTheDocument = "确认";
$CreateFolder = "创建文件夹";

@ -8,10 +8,20 @@ $ReceivedTitle = "主题";
$SentTitle = "主题";
$Authors = "作者";
$Size = "大小";
$LastResent = "最后发出于";
$kB = "kB";
$Root = "主目录";
$UploadNewFile = "发送一份新文件";
$Feedback = "反馈";
$FeedbackError = "回馈错误";
$FilesMoved = "被选的文件已被移动。";
$AddNewCategory = "添加新的文件夹";
$EditCategory = "修改类别";
$CategoryName = "文件夹名称";
$SentBy = "发送人";
$SentTo = "发送到";
$SentOn = "在";
$Unknown = "未知";
$Ok = "确定";
$MailingSend = "确定";

@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ $langModifyAnswers = "修改答案";
$langForExercise = "做练习";
$langUseExistantQuestion = "用一个现有题目";
$FreeAnswer = "自由回答";
$notCorrectedYet = "回答不正确";
$adminHP = "Hot Potatoes 管理";
$NewQu = "新问题";
$langAnswerHotspot = "题目和分数是必需的,摘要是可的";
$langAnswerHotspot = "题目和分数是必需的,摘要是可的";
$langMinHotspot = "你必须创建至少一个热点。";
$langMaxHotspot = "你可创建最多12个热点。";
$langHotspotError = "请输入题目和分数。";
@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ $langAllQuestions = "全部题目";
$langModifyTitleDescription = "修改标题和备注";
$langModifyHotspots = "修改答案/热点";
$langHotspotNotDrawn = "没有画完所有的热点";
$langHotspotWeightingError = "You must give a positive (>0) weighing for all hotspots";
$langHotspotValidateError1 = "你应完全回答题目";
$langHotspotValidateError2 = " click(s) required on the image) before seeing the results";
$langHotspotWeightingError = "你需要给出一个正数 (>0) 作为热点的权值";
$langHotspotValidateError1 = "你应完全回答题目 (";
$langHotspotValidateError2 = "点击图片) 在查看答案之前";
$langHotspotRequired = "题目和分数是必需的,摘要是可选的。";
$langHotspotChoose = "<div style=\"padding:2px 3px;\">创建热点:先选择颜色对应的图形然后画出热点</div><div style=\"padding:2px 3px;\">移动热点:先选择颜色对应的图形然后画出新的热点</div><div style=\"padding:2px 3px;\">关闭多边形:点击右键然后选择关闭多边形</div><div style=\"padding:2px 3px;\"></div>";
$Fault = "不正确";
@ -187,5 +187,27 @@ $StudentScore = "学生成绩";
$backtoTesthome = "回到测验主页";
$Feedback = "反馈";
$AddComments = "增加意见";
$Number = "序号";
$Weighting = "得分";
$AddElem = "增加选项";
$DelElem = "删除选项";
$PlusAnswer = "增加答案选项";
$LessAnswer = "删除答案选项";
$Results = "结果和反馈";
$CourseName = "课程名称";
$UploadJpgPicture = "上传图片 (jpg, png or gif) 作为热点问题.";
$HotspotDescription = "点击标记答案位置 : (...)";
$FillInBlankSwitchable = "允许答案顺序不同";
$AdvancedParameters = "高阶选项";
$Difficulty = "难度";
$ProcedToQuestions = "添加问题";
$AddQuestionToExercise = "添加问题到测验中";
$UniqueAnswer = "单选题";
$MultipleAnswer = "多选题";
$EnrichQuestion = "问题补充";
$MultipleSelectCombination = "辨析题";
$MultipleAnswerCombination = "辨析题答案组合";
$CopyExercise = "复制此练习";
$CleanStudentResults = "清除学生全部的结果";
$ImportQtiQuiz = "导入 Qti2 测验";

@ -2,4 +2,27 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$TermAddNew = "添加新名词";
$TermName = "名词";
$TermDefinition = "名词定义";
$TermDeleted = "名词已删除";
$TermUpdated = "名词已更新";
$TermConfirmDelete = "你是否想删除此名词";
$TermAddButton = "保存名词";
$TermUpdateButton = "更新名词";
$TermEdit = "修改名词";
$TermDeleteAction = "删除名词";
$OrderBy = "排序";
$CreationDate = "生成日期";
$UpdateDate = "已更新";
$PreSelectedOrder = "预定义";
$TermAdded = "名词已添加";
$YouMustEnterATermName = "你需要输入一个名称";
$YouMustEnterATermDefinition = "你需要输入一个名词定义";
$TableView = "表格视图";
$GlossaryTermAlreadyExistsYouShouldEditIt = "这个名词已存在. 请更改新的名称.";
$GlossaryManagement = "名词管理";
$TermMoved = "名词已移动";
$ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsTitle = "在其他工具中显示这个词汇表";
$ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsComment = "在这里你可以设置怎样在其他工具中添加词汇表, 如学习路径和测验题目";

@ -2,5 +2,193 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$ModifyEvaluation = "保存成绩";
$ModifyEvaluation = "保存评估";
$CreateLink = "添加学习活动到评估中";
$AddResultNoStudents = "没学员可以添加结果";
$FlatView = "列表视图";
$ScoreEdit = "技能排行";
$ScoreColor = "技能熟练度颜色标记";
$ScoringSystem = "技能排行";
$EnableScoreColor = "开启技能熟练度";
$Below = "低于";
$WillColorRed = "标记红色";
$EnableScoringSystem = "允许技能排行";
$IncludeUpperLimit = "包括上限 (如 0-20 包括 20)";
$ScoreInfo = "分数";
$Between = "在之间";
$CurrentCategory = "目前培训";
$RootCat = "主目录";
$NewCategory = "新分类";
$NewEvaluation = "添加课室评估";
$Weight = "权重";
$PickACourse = "选择一个培训";
$CategoryName = "文件夹名";
$CourseIndependent = "独立于培训";
$CourseIndependentEvaluation = "独立于培训的评测";
$EvaluationName = "评测";
$Max = "最大值";
$DateEval = "评估日期";
$AddUserToEval = "添加评估用户";
$NewSubCategory = "新的子分类";
$MakeLink = "添加在线活动";
$DeleteSelected = "删除选择的";
$SetVisible = "可视";
$SetInvisible = "不可视";
$ChooseLink = "选择评估的活动类型";
$DokeosExercises = "测验";
$DokeosDropbox = "投递箱";
$DokeosStudentPublications = "作业";
$DokeosLearningPaths = "课程";
$ChooseExercise = "选择测验";
$AddResult = "标记学员";
$BackToOverview = "返回目录视图";
$ExportPDF = "导出PDF";
$Print = "打印";
$ChooseOrientation = "选择方向";
$Portrait = "直打";
$Landscape = "横打";
$FilterCategory = "过滤分类";
$DeleteAll = "删除成绩?";
$ScoringUpdated = "更新技能排行";
$CertificateWCertifiesStudentXFinishedCourseYWithGradeZ = "%s 授予证书\n\n %s \n\n已完成培训 \n\n '%s' \n\n分数\n\n '%s'";
$CertificateMinScore = "最低通过分数";
$CategoryAdded = "添加分类";
$InViMod = "评估不可以视";
$ViMod = "评估可视";
$ViewResult = "评估详情";
$NoUser = "没用户";
$NoResultsInEvaluation = "目前没评测结果";
$AddStudent = "添加用户";
$ImportResult = "导入成绩";
$Score = "成绩";
$ImportFileLocation = "导入成绩到评估中";
$Location = "位置";
$FileType = "文件类型";
$ExampleCSVFile = "CSV 文件样例";
$ExampleXMLFile = "XML 文件样例";
$OverwriteScores = "覆盖分数";
$IgnoreErrors = "忽略错误";
$ItemsVisible = "资源可视";
$ItemsInVisible = "资源不可视";
$NoItemsSelected = "无资源选择";
$DeletedCategories = "分类已删除";
$DeletedEvaluations = "评测已删除";
$DeletedLinks = "链接已删除";
$TotalItems = "全部资源";
$LinkAdded = "评估已添加";
$LinkDeleted = "评估已删除";
$EditEvaluation = "修改评测";
$DeleteResult = "删除成绩";
$Display = "排行";
$Average = "平均";
$ViewStatistics = "图形视图";
$ResultAdded = "结果已添加";
$EvaluationStatistics = "评测统计";
$ExportResult = "PDF 报表";
$EditResult = "学员成绩";
$GradebookWelcomeMessage = "欢迎使用评估工具. 此工具允许你评测个人在组织中能力. 根据学习活动(课堂学习和在线学习)生成能力报表. 这个可以适合多样化教学的环境.";
$CreateAllCat = "创建培训分类";
$AddAllCat = "添加全部分类";
$StatsStudent = "统计";
$Results = "结果和反馈";
$Certificates = "证书";
$Certificate = "证书";
$ChooseUser = "选择评测的学生";
$FirstLetter = "名字的第一个字母";
$UserAdded = "用户已添加";
$ResultEdited = "结果已修改";
$ChooseFormat = "PDF 报表";
$OutputFileType = "输出文件类型";
$OverMax = "数值超过最大分数.";
$MoreInfo = "更多信息";
$ResultsPerUser = "每个用户的结果";
$TotalUser = "全部用户";
$AverageTotal = "全体的平均值";
$Evaluation = "分数";
$EvaluationAverage = "平均水平评估";
$EditCategory = "修改分类";
$EditAllWeights = "报表中的权重";
$GradebookQualificationTotal = "全部";
$GradebookEvaluationDeleted = "评估已删";
$GradebookQualifyLog = "评估历史";
$GradebookNameLog = "评估名称";
$GradebookDescriptionLog = "评估描述";
$GradebookVisibilityLog = "评估可视";
$ResourceType = "分类";
$GradebookWhoChangedItLog = "更改记录";
$EvaluationEdited = "测评已成功修改";
$CategoryEdited = "分类已更新";
$OnlyNumbers = "只接受数字";
$IncorrectData = "不正常的数据";
$Resource = "评估";
$PleaseEnableScoringSystem = "请开启技能排行功能";
$AllResultDeleted = "全部结果已删除";
$ImportNoFile = "没文件可导入";
$ProblemUploadingFile = "上传文件过程出错.";
$AllResultsEdited = "全部结果已修改";
$UserInfoDoesNotMatch = "用户信息不符合.";
$ScoreDoesNotMatch = "分数不符合";
$FileUploadComplete = "文件上传成功";
$NoResultsAvailable = "没可用的结果";
$CannotChangeTheMaxNote = "不能改变分数";
$GradebookWeightUpdated = "权重成功更新";
$ChooseItem = "选择活动访问";
$AverageResultsVsResource = "平衡结果和资源";
$ToViewGraphScoreRuleMustBeEnabled = "需要开启分数规则以查看图表";
$GradebookPreviousWeight = "预览资源的权重";
$AddAssessment = "添加课室活动到评估";
$FolderView = "评估视图";
$GradebookSkillsRanking = "技能排行";
$SaveScoringRules = "保存权重到报表中";
$AttachCertificate = "添加证书";
$GradebookSeeListOfStudentsCertificates = "查看学生证书";
$CreateCertificate = "创建证书";
$UploadCertificate = "上传证书";
$CertificateName = "证书名称";
$CertificateOverview = "证书概述";
$CreateCertificateWithTags = "创建证书并加入此标识";
$ViewPresenceSheets = "查看考席表";
$ViewEvaluations = "查看评测";
$NewPresenceSheet = "新的考席表";
$NewPresenceStep1 = "新的考席表: 步骤 1/2 : 详细填写考勤表";
$TitlePresenceSheet = "活动标题";
$Trainer = "老师";
$PresenceSheetCreatedBy = "考勤表填写人";
$SavePresence = "保存考勤表, 然后进行下一步";
$NewPresenceStep2 = "新的考勤表: 步骤 2/2 : 查看学员是否出席";
$NoCertificateAvailable = "无可用证书";
$SaveCertificate = "保存证书";
$CertificateNotRemoved = "不能删除证书";
$CertificateRemoved = "证书已删除";
$NoDefaultCertificate = "无默认证书";
$DefaultCertificate = "默认证书";
$PreviewCertificate = "预览证书";
$IsDefaultCertificate = "设为默认";
$ImportPresences = "导入考勤表";
$AddPresences = "添加考勤";
$DeletePresences = "删除考勤";
$GradebookListOfStudentsCertificates = "成绩单 学生证书列表";
$NewPresence = "新的考勤表";
$EditPresence = "修改考勤表";
$SavedEditPresence = "保存考勤表";
$PresenceSheetFormatExplanation = "你可以下载考勤表. 考勤表中包含课程的学员信息. XLS 文件的第一栏是学生代码, 跟着的是学生姓名. 你只需修改第4列标记为 0 = 缺席, 1 = 出席";
$ValidatePresenceSheet = "校验考勤表";
$BackTo = "返回";
$PresenceSheet = "考勤表";
$PresenceSheets = "考勤表";
$Evaluations = "评测";
$SaveEditPresence = "保存考勤表变更";
$Training = "培训";
$Present = "考席";
$Numero = "序号";
$PresentAbsent = "0 = 缺席, 1 = 出席";
$ExampleXLSFile = "Excel (XLS) 文件样例";
$NoResultsInPresenceSheet = "无考勤表";
$EditPresences = "修改考席";
$TotalWeightMustNotBeMoreThan = "全部的权利不能高于";
$ThereIsNotACertificateAvailableByDefault = "默认没有可用证书";
$CertificateMinimunScoreIsRequiredAndMustNotBeMoreThan = "需要最低通过分数也不能超过";
$LinkMod = "保存";
$EditLink = "修改链接";
$CategoryDeleted = "此分类已被删除";

@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ $langSubscribed = "用户已经在此课程中注册";
$langStudentsNotInThisGroups = "用户不在此小组中";
$langQtyOfUserCanSubscribe_PartBeforeNumber = "一个用户也可成为最大成员数";
$langGroupLimit = "人数限制";
$CreateGroup = "创建小组";
$ProceedToCreateGroup = "下一步创建小组";
$langStudentRegAllowed = "允许学生注册到的小组";
$langGroupAllowStudentUnregistration = "允许用户取消注册";
$langAllGroups = "所有小组";

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ $Login = "登陆";
$langRegisterForCourse = "注册课程";
$langUnregisterForCourse = "注销课程";
$langCombinedCourse = "合并的课程";
$Platform = "ƽ̨";
$Platform = "系统平台";
$Refresh = "刷新";
$TotalOnLine = "在线用户总数";
$langCourseClosed = "(当前课程未开放)";
@ -58,4 +58,13 @@ $langProductions = "作品";
$langSendChatRequest = "发送回复给这个人";
$langRequestDenied = "已拒绝请求.";
$UsageDatacreated = "已创建数据";
$AnnouncementAdded = "已添加通知";
$Messages = "消息";
$Inbox = "收件箱";
$Comppose = "写信";
$PendingInvitations = "等待邀请中";
$YouDoNotHaveAnySessionInItsHistory = "你还没有任何培训记录";
$PortalHomepageDefaultIntroduction = "<h2>你已经成功运行了e-learning平台</h2> <p>通过以下三步来完成这个教学平台:<br /> <ol> <li>通过访问系统管理页面来配置平台 -> <a href=\"main/admin/settings.php\">系统设置</a> </li> <li>通过添加用户和课程来增加平台的人气. 你可以邀请朋友注册他们的帐户或者你自己通过<a href=\"main/admin/\">系统管理</a>来增加帐户和课程.</li> <li>通过 <a href=\"main/admin/configure_homepage.php\">修改主页</a> 设计此开始页面.</li> </ol> <p>请访问 <a href=\"\"></a> 以得到更多信息.</p> <p>祝你使用愉快, 请加入我们的社区和通过<a href=\"\">论坛</a>反馈意见和建议.</p>";
$LoginEnter = "登录";
$Username = "用户名";

@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ $langRecommended = "(推荐)";
$langScormDB = "Scorm 数据库";
$langAdminLastName = "管理员姓氏";
$langAdminPhone = "管理员电话";
$OK = "OK";
$OK = "确定";
$langAdminFirstName = "管理员名字";
$langInstituteURL = "组织的网址";
$langDokeosURL = "网址";
$langUserDB = "用户数据库";
$langInstallationLanguage = "安装语言";
$ReadThoroughly = "详细阅读";
$DokeosNeedFollowingOnServer = "为了让Dokeos正常运行, 你的主机必须安装以下";
$WarningExistingDokeosInstallationDetected = "警告!<br />安装程序检查到您的系统内已有一Dokeos 平台.";
$DokeosNeedFollowingOnServer = "为了让Chamilo正常运行, 你的主机必须安装以下";
$WarningExistingDokeosInstallationDetected = "警告!<br />安装程序检查到您的系统内已有一Chamilo平台.";
$NewInstallation = "全新安装";
$CheckDatabaseConnection = "检查数据库连接";
$PrintOverview = "显示概况";
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ $PHPVersion = "PHP 版本";
$support = "支持";
$PHPVersionOK = "PHP 版本能接受";
$RecommendedSettings = "推荐设定";
$RecommendedSettingsInfo = "服器的推荐设定。这些设定已出现在您的服器里的php.ini文件。";
$RecommendedSettingsInfo = "服器的推荐设定。这些设定已出现在您的服器里的php.ini文件。";
$Setting = "设定";
$Actual = "当前";
$DirectoryAndFilePermissions = "目录及文档许可";

@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$LearnPathAddedTitle = "欢迎使用Chamilo课程创作工具 !";
$BuildComment = "添加学习目标和活动到你的课程";
$BasicOverviewComment = "添加声音/评论和学习目标的内容到表格中";
$DisplayComment = "从学员的角度观察课程";
$NewChapterComment = "第1章, 第2章 或者 第1周, 第2周...";
$NewStepComment = "添加测试, 活动和多媒体内容";
$lang_learning_path = "学习路径";
$lang_learning_path_builder = "创建学习路径";
$lang_description = "描述";
@ -134,7 +140,7 @@ $langDirectory = "目录";
$langCreateTheExercise = "创建测验";
$langMoveTheCurrentExercise = "移动当前测验";
$langEditCurrentExecice = "编辑当前测验";
$langUploadScorm = "导入 SCORM/AICC";
$langUploadScorm = "导入 SCORM/AICC";
$langPowerPointConvert = "幻灯片转换";
$langLPCreatedToContinue = "您可以继续从左边菜单添加模块、章节或步骤到学习路径。";
$langLPCreatedAddChapterStep = "您可以从左边菜单添加章节或步骤到学习路径。";
@ -146,4 +152,61 @@ $langNoDocuments = "没有文件";
$langNoExercisesAvailable = "没有测验";
$langNoLinksAvailable = "没有链接";
$langNoItemsInLp = "学习路径没有项目,点击\"创建\"来添加项目。";
$FirstPosition = "第一个位置";
$NewQuiz = "新测验";
$CreateTheForum = "为课程添加论坛";
$AddLpIntro = "<strong>欢迎</strong>使用Chamilo课程创作工具<br />请根据提示一步一步创建你的课程.";
$AddLpToStart = "从命名标题作为一个好的开始吧";
$CreateTheLink = "添加链接到你的课程";
$MoveCurrentLink = "移动此链接";
$EditCurrentLink = "编辑此链接";
$Url = "URL";
$MoveCurrentStudentPublication = "移动此作业";
$EditCurrentStudentPublication = "编辑此作业";
$AllowMultipleAttempts = "允许多次尝试";
$PreventMultipleAttempts = "防止多次尝试";
$MakeScormRecordingExtra = "制作额外的SCORM记录";
$MakeScormRecordingNormal = "制作常规的SCORM记录";
$DocumentHasBeenDeleted = "文档已删除";
$EditCurrentForum = "编辑此论坛";
$NoPrerequisites = "不需要前提条件";
$NewExercise = "新练习";
$CreateANewLink = "添加新的链接";
$CreateANewForum = "添加新的论坛";
$LinkAdd = "增加链接";
$WoogieConversionPowerPoint = "Woogie : 文档转换";
$WelcomeWoogieSubtitle = "MS Word转换器";
$WelcomeWoogieConverter = "欢迎使用Woogie Rapid Learning<ul type=\"1\"><li>选择文件 .doc, .sxw, .odt<li>上传到Woogie转换成SCORM课程<li>你将可以添加声音评论, 测试或者其它事件到页面中</ul>";
$WoogieError = "转换出错, 请检查是否有特殊字符在文件中..";
$WordConvert = "MS Word转换器";
$Order = "顺序";
$InteractionID = "交互ID";
$TimeFinished = "时间 (完成于...)";
$CorrectAnswers = "正确答案";
$StudentResponse = "学员答案";
$LatencyTimeSpent = "所用时间";
$Result = "结果";
$SplitStepsPerPage = "每页一个学习目标";
$SplitStepsPerChapter = "每段一个学习目标";
$TakeSlideName = "使用幻灯片文件名作为课程学习对象的名称";
$CannotConnectToOpenOffice = "暂时不能连接转换服务. 请联系系统管理员.";
$OogieConversionFailed = "转换失败. <br />某些文件过于复杂. <br />我们将尽力改进它.";
$OogieUnknownError = "出现不可预知的错误.<br />请联系管理员以得到更多的信息.";
$OogieBadExtension = "请上传文件名后缀为 .ppt or .odp";
$WoogieBadExtension = "请上传文件名后缀为 .doc, .docx or .odt";
$ShowAudioRecorder = "显示录音机";
$SearchFeatureNotEnabledComment = "全文检索服务未开启. 请联系Chamilo管理员.";
$SearchFeatureSearchExplanation = "请使用以下格式搜索课程数据库:<br/>    <i>名词 tag:tag_name -exclude +include \"准确的名称\"</i><br/> 例如:<br/>    <i>car tag:truck -ferrari +ford \"high consumption\".</i><br/> 这将显示所有标记为'truck'的'car', 不包括'ferrari', 但包括'ford'作为'high consumption'.";
$ViewLearningPath = "查看课程";
$SearchFeatureDocumentTagsIfIndexing = "增加标签到文档便于建立索引";
$ReturnToLearningPaths = "返回课程";
$ImageWillResizeMsg = "图片将会根据需要调整";
$EditLPSettings = "修改课程设置";
$SaveLPSettings = "保存课程设置";
$CreateLearningPath = "继续";
$LPName = "课程名称";
$AuthoringOptions = "创作选项";
$CourseSettings = "课程设置";
$ReturnToLPList = "返回学习路径";
$LpPrerequisiteDescription = "所需的前提条件";

@ -41,4 +41,6 @@ $langLinkUpdated = "链接已更新";
$langAll_Link_Deleted = "链接已删除";
$langOnHomepage = "主页中显示";
$langShowLinkOnHomepage = "在课程主页将链接显示为一个图标";
$langSaveLink = "保存链接";
$langSaveCategory = "保存分类";

@ -2,4 +2,34 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$NewNote = "新笔记";
$Note = "笔记";
$NoteDeleted = "笔记已删除";
$NoteUpdated = "笔记已更新";
$NoteCreated = "笔记已创建";
$YouMustWriteANote = "请写下笔记";
$SaveNote = "保存笔记";
$WriteYourNoteHere = "点此处写新笔记";
$SearchByTitle = "根据标题搜索";
$WriteTheTitleHere = "在此写标题";
$UpdateDate = "更新";
$NoteAddNew = "添加新的笔记到个人笔记本";
$OrderByCreationDate = "根据创建日期排序";
$OrderByModificationDate = "根据最后修改日期排序";
$OrderByTitle = "根据标题排序";
$NoteTitle = "笔记标题";
$NoteComment = "笔记内容";
$NoteAdded = "已添加笔记";
$NoteConfirmDelete = "你是否确定删除此笔记";
$AddNote = "创建笔记";
$ModifyNote = "修改个人笔记";
$BackToNoteList = "返回笔记列表";
$NotebookManagement = "笔记本管理";
$BackToNotesList = "返回笔记列表";
$NotesSortedByTitleAsc = "根据标题升序排序";
$NotesSortedByTitleDESC = "根据标题降序排序";
$NotesSortedByUpdateDateAsc = "根据更新日期升序";
$NotesSortedByUpdateDateDESC = "根据更新日期降序";
$NotesSortedByCreationDateAsc = "根据创建日期升序";
$NotesSortedByCreationDateDESC = "根据创建日期降序";

@ -16,4 +16,11 @@ $lang_new_forum_topic = "新主题已添加";
$lang_new_groupforum_topic = "已添加新话题到组论坛";
$lang_new_dropbox_file = "新文档已收到";
$lang_update_dropbox_file = "投递箱中的文件已更新";
$LearnpathAdded = "添加课程";
$GlossaryAdded = "添加新词到词汇表";
$QuizQuestionAdded = "添加新题目到测试中";
$QuizQuestionUpdated = "更新测试的新题目";
$QuizQuestionDeleted = "删除测试的新题目";
$DocumentInvisible = "文档不可见";
$DocumentVisible = "文档可见";

@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$GeneralDescription = "概要简介";
$GeneralDescriptionQuestions = "课程在程序中的位置在哪? 有没有前提条件? 课程与其他的课程联系如何?";
$GeneralDescriptionInformation = "描述这门课程(学时, 官方代码, 教室)和教师(名字, 姓氏, 办公室, 电话, e-mail...)";
$Objectives = "对象";
$ObjectivesInformation = "目标课程大体及详细地描述.";
$ObjectivesQuestions = "用户将在课程的最后做些什么呢? 课程进行中他们会作出什么样的创新呢?";
$GeneralDescriptionQuestions = "课程在计划中的什么位置? 有没有前提条件? 课程与其他的课程联系如何?";
$GeneralDescriptionInformation = "描述这门课程(学时, 代码, 教室)和教师(名字, 姓氏, 办公室, 电话, 电邮...)";
$Objectives = "目标";
$ObjectivesInformation = "展示课程的整体及详细目标";
$ObjectivesQuestions = "用户将在课程的完结时能做到什么? 课程过程中他们需要有什么样的创新?";
$Topics = "主题";
$TopicsInformation = "主体列表包含在课程之中. 每个主题的重点. 难易程度. 结构和相互独立的不同部分.";
$TopicsQuestions = "课程的进程怎样? 用户需要特殊注意的地方是哪里? 这些问题如果在不同的章节中理解方面有什么区别吗? 用户在什么时间才能把精力放在不同的章节中去?";
$Methodology = "方法学";
$MethodologyQuestions = "用什么样的方法才能有助于达到课程目标? 什么样的进度表?";
$MethodologyQuestions = "用什么样的方法才能有助于达到课程目标? 什么样的进度表?";
$MethodologyInformation = "活动呈现(会议, 论文, 小组调查, 实验室...).";
$CourseMaterial = "课程内容";
$CourseMaterialQuestions = "在网际网络里是否有课本, 论文, 自传或链接名单?";
@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ $HumanAndTechnicalResources = "人力和技术资源";
$HumanAndTechnicalResourcesQuestions = "有教师, 助教, 技术支持, 社会主力, 以及计算机室吗?";
$HumanAndTechnicalResourcesInformation = "简要描述利用不同联系之间的人们和利用技术设备的的统一性.";
$Assessment = "评估";
$AssessmentQuestions = "用户将如何评价? 用什么样的方法才抓住主题?";
$AssessmentQuestions = "用户将如何评价? 用什么样的方法才使用户抓住主题?";
$AssessmentInformation = "举例测试问题. 正确标准. 提示以及窍门.";

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ $langUserNo = "您选择的用户名";
$langFilled = "您有些选项没有填写。";
$langInC = "在本课程中";
$langRole = "职务";
$UserPicture = "ͼƬ";
$UserPicture = "相片";
$langProfileReg = "您的个人信息已经保存。";
$langEmailWrong = "邮件地址不正确,存在非法字符";
$langUserTaken = "用户名已经存在";
@ -131,4 +131,11 @@ $AccountExternalAuthSource = "Chamilo无法自动处理这类请求, 因为本
$AccountsExternalAuthSource = "Chamilo无法自动处理这类请求, 因为最少其中一个帐户有外界确认源. 请对所有帐户 (包括有平台认证者) 采取适当措施, 并通知用户.";
$RequestSentToPlatformAdmin = "Chamilo无法自动处理这类帐户的请求. 您的请求已经被送到平台管理员, 他将采取适当的措施, 并将结果通知您.";
$langphone = "电话";
$Select = "确定";
$NeverExpires = "从不失效";
$On = "开启";
$ExpirationDate = "失效日期";
$ActiveAccount = "帐号状态";
$EditNormalProfile = "编辑基本资料";
$EditExtendProfile = "编辑扩充资料";

@ -44,4 +44,5 @@ $Local = "本地";
$Remote = "远距";
$FileToUpload = "需要上传的文件";
$ContentMaker = "内容创建者";
$ContentProximity = "课程位置";

@ -2,4 +2,205 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$PublishSurvey = "公布调查报告";
$CompareQuestions = "对比问题";
$InformationUpdated = "信息已更新";
$SurveyTitle = "调查标题";
$SurveyIntroduction = "调查介绍";
$CreateNewSurvey = "创建调查";
$Survey = "调查报告";
$SurveyTemplate = "调查报告模板";
$PleaseEnterSurveyTitle = "请输入调查报告的标题";
$PleaseEnterValidDate = "请输入有较日期";
$NotPublished = "未公布";
$AdvancedReportDetails = "高阶报告允许选择用户和问题以查看更多摘要信息";
$AdvancedReport = "高阶报告";
$CompleteReportDetails = "完成报告以查看问题的结果, 和导出到csv (用于Excel)";
$CompleteReport = "完成报告";
$OnlyThoseAddresses = "报告只发送到以下地址";
$BackToQuestions = "返回问题";
$SelectWhichLanguage = "选择调查报告使用的语言";
$CreateInAnotherLanguage = "用另一种语言创建调查报告";
$ExportInExcel = "导出到Excel格式";
$ComparativeResults = "可对比的结果";
$SelectDataYouWantToCompare = "选择你需要对比的结果";
$OrCopyPasteUrl = "或者复制链接到地址栏 :";
$ClickHereToOpenSurvey = "点击开始填写调报告";
$SurveyNotShared = "还没有调查报告被共享";
$ViewSurvey = "查看调查报告";
$SelectDisplayType = "选择显示的类型 :";
$Thanks = "反馈信息";
$SurveyReporting = "调查报告生成中";
$NoSurveyAvailable = "没可用的调查问卷";
$YourSurveyHasBeenPublished = "已公布";
$CreateFromExistingSurvey = "从现有的调查报告中创建";
$Publish = "公布调查报告";
$SearchASurvey = "搜索调查";
$CourseName = "培训名称";
$SurveysOfAllCourses = "全部的调查";
$PleaseSelectAChoice = "请作出选择";
$ThereAreNoQuestionsInTheDatabase = "目前数据库中没有题目";
$UpdateQuestionType = "更新题目类型 :";
$AddAnotherQuestion = "添加新题目";
$IsShareSurvey = "和他人共享调查报告";
$Proceed = "继续";
$PleaseFillNumber = "请填入点数";
$PleaseFillAllPoints = "点数范围 1-5";
$PleasFillAllAnswer = "请填入答案.";
$PleaseSelectFourTrue = "请选择至少四个正确答案.";
$PleaseSelectFourDefault = "请选择至少四个默认答案.";
$PleaseFillDefaultText = "请填入默认文本";
$ModifySurveyInformation = "修改调查信息";
$ViewQuestions = "查看题目";
$CreateSurvey = "创建调查";
$FinishSurvey = "完成调查";
$QuestionsAdded = "已添加题目";
$DeleteSurvey = "删除调查";
$SurveyCode = "代码";
$SurveyList = "调查列表";
$SurveyAttached = "调查已附加";
$QuestionByType = "题目类型";
$SelectQuestionByType = "选择题目类型";
$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "输入题目";
$NoOfQuestions = "问题数目";
$Question = "问题";
$ThisCodeAlradyExists = "代码已存在";
$SaveAndExit = "保存并退出";
$ViewAnswers = "查看答案";
$CreateExistingSurvey = "从已有的调查中生成";
$SurveyName = "调查名称";
$SurveySubTitle = "调查子标题";
$ShareSurvey = "共享调查";
$SurveyThanks = "谢谢完成";
$EditSurvey = "修改调查";
$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "或者返回调查概要";
$SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "链接中有参数缺失. 请用复制和粘贴";
$WrongInvitationCode = "错误的邀请代码";
$SurveyFinished = "你已经完成这个调查.";
$SurveyPreview = "调查预览";
$InvallidSurvey = "无效的调查";
$AddQuestion = "添加一个题目";
$EditQuestion = "修改题目";
$TypeDoesNotExist = "此类型不存在";
$SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "调查成功创建";
$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "你现在可添加问题到调查中";
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "调查成功更新";
$QuestionAdded = "题目已添加.";
$QuestionUpdated = "题目已更新.";
$RemoveAnswer = "删除选项";
$AddAnswer = "添加选项";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "显示";
$AnswerOptions = "答案选项";
$YesNo = "是 / 否";
$MultipleResponse = "多项选择";
$Open = "打开";
$Dropdown = "下拉";
$Pagebreak = "分页 (独立问题)";
$QuestionNumber = "序号";
$NumberOfOptions = "选项";
$SurveyInvitations = "调查邀请";
$InvitationCode = "邀请代码";
$InvitationDate = "邀请日期";
$Answered = "已回答";
$AdditonalUsersComment = "你可以邀请其他用户去填写此调查. 去完成这步, 你可以在这里填写他们的电邮地址, 通过','或者';' 去分隔多个地址";
$MailTitle = "邮件标题";
$InvitationsSend = "邀请已发送.";
$SurveyDeleted = "调查已删除.";
$NoSurveysSelected = "没选中调查.";
$NumberOfQuestions = "问题";
$Invited = "已邀请";
$SubmitQuestionFilter = "筛选";
$ResetQuestionFilter = "重设筛选条件";
$ExportCurrentReport = "导出目前的报告";
$OnlyQuestionsWithPredefinedAnswers = "只有带答案的题目才能使用";
$SelectXAxis = "选择在X轴上的问题";
$SelectYAxis = "选择在Y轴上的问题";
$ComparativeReport = "相当的报告";
$AllQuestionsOnOnePage = "这个页面显示用户所填表格";
$SelectUser = "用户";
$SelectUserWhoFilledSurvey = "选择填写此调查的用户";
$userreport = "用户报告";
$VisualRepresentation = "图表";
$AbsoluteTotal = "绝对总数";
$NextQuestion = "下个问题";
$PreviousQuestion = "前个问题";
$PeopleWhoAnswered = "选择这个答案的人群";
$CourseUsers = "培训的用户";
$SurveyPublication = "公布调查";
$AdditonalUsers = "其他用户";
$MailText = "邮件信息";
$UseLinkSyntax = "已选择用户将收到一封邮件, 包含上述文件和唯一的链接作为问卷调查. 假如你需要放置链接到其它文本中, 文本中需包含如: **链接** . 这将自动替换成唯的链接. 如果不添加这样的格式 **链接**, 电子邮件的链接将附加到邮件底部.";
$DetailedReportByUser = "按用户方式显示详细报告";
$DetailedReportByQuestion = "按题目方式显示详细报告";
$ComparativeReportDetail = "在这份报告中, 你可以对照两个问题.";
$CompleteReportDetail = "在这份报告中, 你可以得到一个概述关于全部用户在所有问题上的答案. 你也可以选择只看想要的问题. 也可以导出到CSV格式的文件用于其它的统计程序中";
$DetailedReportByUserDetail = "在这份报告中, 你可以查看指定用户的全部答案.";
$DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "在这份报告中, 你可以查看题目的结果. 提供了基本统计信息和图表";
$ReminderResendToAllUsers = "提醒全部用户关于这次的调查. 如果你不选择这个, 只有新加入用户会收到此提醒.";
$Multiplechoice = "多选";
$Score = "得分";
$Shared = "已共享";
$Invite = "邀请";
$MaximumScore = "分数";
$ViewInvited = "查看已邀请";
$ViewAnswered = "查看已回答用户";
$ViewUnanswered = "查看未回答用户";
$DeleteSurveyQuestion = "是否确定删除此问题?";
$YouAlreadyFilledThisSurvey = "你已填过此调查";
$ClickHereToAnswerTheSurvey = "点击回答调查问卷";
$OrCopyPasteTheFollowingUrl = "或者复制下面的URL :";
$UnknowUser = "未知用户";
$MoveDown = "下移";
$MoveUp = "上移";
$HaveAnswered = "已回答";
$WereInvited = "已被邀请";
$PagebreakNotFirst = "此页面不能作为首页面";
$PagebreakNotLast = "此页面不能作为末页面";
$SurveyNotAvailableAnymore = "对不起, 调查服务暂时无法使用. 请稍后尝试.";
$DuplicateSurvey = "复制调查";
$EmptySurvey = "清空调查";
$SurveyEmptied = "答案已成功删除";
$SurveyNotAvailableYet = "调查暂时无法使用. 请稍后尝试. 谢谢.";
$PeopleAnswered = "已作答的用户";
$AnonymousSurveyCannotKnowWhoAnswered = "匿名调查. 你不能查看作答用户.";
$IllegalSurveyId = "未知调查ID";
$SurveyQuestionMoved = "题目已移动";
$IdenticalSurveycodeWarning = "调查的代码已存在. 这意味着调查存在于其它语系中. 被邀请用户可选择不同语言.";
$ThisSurveyCodeSoonExistsInThisLanguage = "将添加此调查代码到这个语言中";
$SurveyUserAnswersHaveBeenRemovedSuccessfully = "成功删除用户答案.";
$DeleteSurveyByUser = "删除用户答案";
$SelectType = "选择类型";
$Conditional = "条件";
$ParentSurvey = "家长调查";
$OneQuestionPerPage = "每页一个问题";
$ActivateShuffle = "允许乱序模式";
$ShowFormProfile = "显示概要表格";
$PersonalityQuestion = "编辑问题";
$YouNeedToCreateGroups = "你需要创建组别";
$ManageGroups = "管理级别";
$Create = "创建";
$GroupCreatedSuccessfully = "级别成功创建";
$GroupNeedName = "需要名称";
$Personality = "个性化";
$Condition = "条件";
$Primary = "主要的";
$Secondary = "次要的";
$CourseSettings = "课程设置";
$PleaseChooseACondition = "请选择一个条件";
$ChooseDifferentCategories = "选择不同类别";
$Version = "版本";
$Normal = "正常";
$NoLogOfDuration = "此期间找不到记录";
$AutoInviteLink = "未被邀请用户可使用这个链接填写调查 :";
$CompleteTheSurveysQuestions = "完成调查题目";
$SurveysDeleted = "调查已删除";
$RemindUnanswered = "只提醒未作答用户";
$ModifySurvey = "编辑调查";
$CreateQuestionSurvey = "创建问题";
$ModifyQuestionSurvey = "编辑问题";
$BackToSurvey = "返回调查";
$UpdateInformation = "更新信息";
$PleaseFillSurvey = "请填写调查";
$ReportingOverview = "报告概述";
$ThereAreNotQuestionsForthisSurvey = "此调查没相关的题目";

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ $langToolName = "导入毕博课程";
$TrackingDisabled = "系统管理员已禁止学习跟踪功能.";
$InactivesStudents = "活动用户";
$AverageTimeSpentOnThePlatform = "平均占用时间";
$AverageProgressInLearnpath = "课程进度";
$AverageResultsToTheExercices = "测试成绩";
$langShowNone = "不显示";
$langCourseStats = "课程统计";
$langToolsAccess = "工具使用";
@ -148,4 +150,51 @@ $Tracks = "跟踪";
$Success = "成功";
$ExcelFormat = "Excel 格式";
$MyLearnpath = "我的学习路径";
$LastConnexion = "最近登录";
$LatestLogin = "最近登录";
$TimeSpentOnThePlatform = "用在平台上的时间";
$Print = "打印";
$CourseTitle = "课程名称";
$NbStudents = "学员";
$AvgStudentsProgress = "进度";
$AvgCourseScore = "得分";
$AvgMessages = "信息";
$AvgAssignments = "作业";
$ToolsMostUsed = "最常使用工具";
$StudentsTracking = "学员报表";
$CourseTracking = "导师报表";
$LinksMostClicked = "最多访问链接";
$DocumentsMostDownloaded = "最多下载文档";
$TeacherInterface = "导师视图";
$AdminInterface = "管理视图";
$NumberOfSessions = "讲习班数目";
$YourCourseList = "你培训的平均值";
$CoachList = "导师列表";
$NoUsersInCourseTracking = "已注册到此课程的学员跟踪";
$AvgTimeSpentInTheCourse = "时间";
$DisplayCoaches = "导师概要";
$DisplayUserOverview = "用户概要";
$ExportUserOverviewOptions = "用户概要导出选项";
$TotalExercisesScoreObtained = "所得总分";
$TotalExercisesScorePossible = "可能得分";
$TotalExercisesAnswered = "回答数目";
$TotalExercisesScorePercentage = "分数比例";
$ForumForumsNumber = "论坛数目";
$ForumThreadsNumber = "话题数目";
$ForumPostsNumber = "回复数目";
$ChatConnectionsDuringLastXDays = "距离上次到聊天室的日子%s天";
$CourseInformation = "课程信息";
$langSendNotification = "通知";
$TimeOfActiveByTraining = "培训时间";
$AvgAllUsersInAllCourses = "全部学员的平均值";
$AvgExercisesScore = "测试成绩";
$ResourcesTracking = "资源使用报表";
$SelectFieldToAdd = "选择用户资料名称以添加";
$AddAdditionalProfileField = "添加用户资料名称";
$ConfigureExtensions = "插件配置";
$DashboardBlocks = "资料卡";
$DashboardList = "资料卡列表";
$YouHaveNotEnabledBlocks = "还没有允许的卡片";
$BlocksHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "卡片已更新";
$FolderCreated = "创建文件夹";

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Title = "题";
$Title = "题";
$By = "By";
$UsersOnline = "在线用户";
$Remove = "删除";
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ $Up = "向上";
$Theme = "图形主题";
$TheListIsEmpty = "列表为空.";
$langUniqueSelect = "单选题";
$CreateCategory = "创建文件夹";
$CreateCategory = "创建分类";
$SendFile = "上传文档";
$SaveChanges = "保存修改";
$SearchTerm = "搜索词语";
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ $LastName = "名";
$Status = "状态";
$langEmail = "电子邮件";
$SlideshowConversion = "转换幻灯片";
$UploadFile = "上文件";
$UploadFile = "上文件";
$AvailableFrom = "可用";
$AvailableTill = "直到";
$Preview = "预览";
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ $Info = "信息";
$Search = "检索";
$AdvancedSearch = "高级检索";
$Open = "打开";
$Import = "导入";
$Import = "确定";
$AddAnother = "继续添加";
$Author = "作者";
$TrueFalse = "是/否";
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ $langMyDiplomas = "我的证书";
$langMyPersonalOpenArea = "我的个人开放区域";
$langMyTeach = "我能教什么";
$Agenda = "日程";
$HourShort = "ʱ";
$HourShort = "";
$PleaseTryAgain = "请重试!";
$UplNoFileUploaded = "没有上传任何文件.";
$UplSelectFileFirst = "在按下上传按钮前请选择文件.";
@ -291,9 +291,9 @@ $ExportAsXLS = "导出为 XLS 文件";
$langOpenarea = "个人开放区";
$Done = "完成";
$Documents = "文件";
$DocumentAdded = "文档已添加";
$DocumentUpdated = "文档已更新";
$DocumentInFolderUpdated = "文件夹中的文已更新";
$DocumentAdded = "添加文档";
$DocumentUpdated = "更新文档";
$DocumentInFolderUpdated = "文件夹中的文已更新";
$Course_description = "课程简介";
$Calendar_event = "日程";
$Document = "文档";
@ -359,10 +359,10 @@ $Move = "搬移";
$MoveTo = "移到";
$Delete = "删除";
$MoveFileTo = "文件搬移到";
$Save = "存";
$Save = "存";
$Error = "错误";
$Anonymous = "匿名";
$h = "ʱ";
$h = "";
$CreateNewGlobalRole = "新建全局角色";
$CreateNewLocalRole = "新建本地角色";
$Actions = "动作";
@ -372,30 +372,30 @@ $Other = "其他";
$AddRight = "加入";
$CampusHomepage = "校园首页";
$YouHaveNewMessage = "你有一个新信息!";
$myActiveSessions = "我的活跃 sessions";
$myInactiveSessions = "我的不活跃 sessions";
$FileUpload = "文件上";
$langMyActiveSessions = "我的活跃 sessions";
$langMyInActiveSessions = "我的不活跃 Sessions";
$myActiveSessions = "我的活跃会话";
$myInactiveSessions = "我的不活跃会话";
$FileUpload = "文件上";
$langMyActiveSessions = "我的活跃会话";
$langMyInActiveSessions = "我的不活跃会话";
$langMySpace = "学习进度";
$ExtensionActivedButNotYetOperational = "此扩展已经被激活,但是现在不可用";
$MyStudents = "我的学员";
$Progress = "进度";
$Or = "或";
$Uploading = "上中。。。";
$AccountExpired = "户口已过期";
$AccountInactive = "户口不活跃";
$ActionNotAllowed = "动作允许";
$SubTitle = "次主体";
$NoResourcesToRecycle = "没有资源去再循环";
$Uploading = "上中。。。";
$AccountExpired = "过期用户";
$AccountInactive = "不活跃用户";
$ActionNotAllowed = "不允许活动";
$SubTitle = "副标题";
$NoResourcesToRecycle = "没有再循环资源";
$noOpen = "无法开启";
$TempsFrequentation = "访问时间";
$Progression = "进度";
$NoCourse = "无法找到该课程";
$Teachers = "导师";
$Session = "Session";
$Sessions = "Sessions";
$NoSession = "无法找到该 session";
$Session = "会话";
$Sessions = "讲习班";
$NoSession = "无法找到该会话";
$NoStudent = "本学生不存在";
$Students = "学员";
$NoResults = "无结果";
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ $VideoConf = "视频会议";
$MyProgress = "我的进度";
$NoOnlineStudents = "没有在线学生";
$InCourse = "在课程内";
$UserOnlineListSession = "在线用户名单 - Session";
$UserOnlineListSession = "在线用户名单 - 会话";
$From = "由";
$To = "至";
$Content = "内容";
@ -459,15 +459,14 @@ $ResetLink = "单击此处恢复你的密码";
$VisibilityChanged = "可视属性已经修改";
$MainNavigation = "主导航";
$SeeDetail = "详情";
$GroupSingle = "组";
$GroupSingle = "组";
$PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "请从首页尝试登录";
$PleaseLoginAgainFromFormBelow = "请用以下表格尝试登录";
$AccessToFaq = "前往最常见问题";
$Faq = "常见问题";
$RemindInactivesLearnersSince = "提醒学员不活跃状态超过";
$RemindInactiveLearnersMailSubject = "不活跃";
$RemindInactiveLearnersMailContent = "用户您好,
$RemindInactiveLearnersMailContent = "用户您好,\r\n您的课程%s已经超过%s天没访问了";
$OpenIdAuthentication = "OpenID认证";
$UploadMaxSize = "最大上传大小";
$Unknown = "不明";
@ -503,10 +502,10 @@ $MinDays = "日";
$MinHours = "时";
$MinMinutes = "分";
$HomeDirectory = "主目录";
$DocumentCreated = "文档已创建";
$ForumAdded = "添加论坛";
$ForumThreadAdded = "已添加子论坛";
$ForumAttachmentAdded = "添加论坛附件";
$DocumentCreated = "创建文档";
$ForumAdded = "添加论坛";
$ForumThreadAdded = "添加话题";
$ForumAttachmentAdded = "添加附件";
$directory = "目录";
$Directories = "目录";
$UserAge = "年龄";
@ -520,6 +519,111 @@ $UserResidenceCountry = "居住国家";
$AddAnAttachment = "添加附件";
$FileComment = "文件评论";
$FileName = "文件名";
$AddCategory = "添加分类";
$ListView = "列表视图";
$DisplayOrder = "显示顺序";
$Details = "详情";
$Glossary = "词汇表";
$CourseSettings = "课程设置";
$AdvancedParameters = "高级选择";
$CreationDate = "创建日期";
$LastUpdateDate = "最后更新日期";
$Validate = "确定";
$Notebook = "笔记本";
$SaveSettings = "保存设置";
$Accept = "同意";
$DeleteAllAttendances = "删除全部的附件";
$GoToQuestion = "转到提问";
$Class = "班级";
$Select = "确定";
$Booking = "预定";
$ManageReservations = "预定";
$Photo = "相片";
$SaveIntroText = "保存介绍";
$CourseName = "课程名称";
$BackTo = "返回";
$HistoryTrainingSessions = "培训历史记录";
$EventType = "事件类型";
$DataType = "数据类型";
$Value = "值";
$System = "系统";
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$SearchActivities = "查找活动";
$DisplayTrainingList = "显示培训列表";
$HistoryTrainingSession = "培训历史记录";
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$langAddMetadata = "查看/编辑 元数据";
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$Homepage = "主页";
$Attendances = "考勤";
$CountDoneAttendance = "# 已加入";
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$AssignCourses = "分配课程";
$AssignSessions = "分配会话";
$Timezone = "时区";
$Attendance = "考勤";
$CreateANewAttendance = "创建考勤表";
$QualifyAttendanceGradebook = "在成绩单中加入考勤表";
$AttendanceCalendar = "出勤日历";
$GoToAttendanceCalendar = "转到出勤日历";
$AttendanceSheet = "考勤页面";
$AddDateAndTime = "添加时间";
$CleanCalendar = "清除日历";
$AttendanceCalendarDescription = "出勤日历允许你注册考勤表。添加新的考勤表。";
$CalendarList = "出勤日历表";
$ThereAreNoRegisteredDatetimeYet = "暂时没有注册的日期";
$DashboardPluginsHaveBeenUpdatedSucesslly = "成功更新资料卡插件";
$LoginEnter = "登录";
$AttendanceSheetDescription = "考勤表允许你指定一系列将要考勤课程的日子";
$ThereAreNoRegisteredLearnersInsidetheCourse = "没有学员注册此课程";
$GoToAttendanceCalendarList = "转到带出勤日期的日历表";
$ToolCourseDescription = "教学大纲";
$ToolDocument = "文档";
$ToolLearnpath = "学习路径";
$ToolLink = "链接";
$ToolQuiz = "测验";
$ToolAnnouncement = "通知";
$ToolGradebook = "成绩";
$ToolGlossary = "词汇表";
$ToolAttendance = "考勤";
$ToolCalendarEvent = "日程";
$ToolForum = "论坛";
$ToolDropbox = "投递箱";
$ToolUser = "用户";
$ToolGroup = "小组";
$ToolChat = "聊天";
$ToolStudentPublication = "任务";
$ToolSurvey = "调查";
$ToolWiki = "Wiki";
$ToolNotebook = "笔记本";
$ToolBlogManagement = "博客管理";
$ToolTracking = "学习跟踪";
$ToolCourseSetting = "课程设置";
$ToolCourseMaintenance = "维护工具";
$AreYouSureToDeleteAllDates = "是否确定删除全部的日期?";
$AddADateTime = "添加日期";
$DeleteAllAttendances = "删除全部的出勤记录";
$ThematicControl = "课题控制";
$ThematicDetails = "课题详情";
$ThematicList = "课题列表";
$Thematic = "课题";
$ThematicPlan = "课题计划";
$EditThematicPlan = "编辑课题计划";
$ThereIsNoStillAthematicSection = "暂时没有课题";
$NewThematicSection = "新的课题";
$DeleteAllThematics = "删除全部的课题";
$ThematicDetailsDescription = "课题的详细资料以及计划和进度. 如需标明课题已完成, 选择其最后一天, 系统将之前的日期作为完成标识.";
$EditTematicAdvance = "编辑预定的课题";
$ThereIsNoAThematicSection = "没有课题项目";
$NewThematicAdvance = "添加预定的课题";
$ToolCourseProgress = "课程进度";
$ResultsHiddenByExerciseSetting = "结果已隐藏";
$ThematicSectionHasBeenCreatedSuccessfull = "课题成功创建";
$NowYouShouldAddThematicPlanXAndThematicAdvanceX = "你需要添加课题计划 %s 和预定的课题 %s";
$QualificationNumeric = "分数";

@ -31,4 +31,7 @@ $langUnregister = "注销";
$langAddAUser = "添加用户";
$UsersUnsubscribed = "用户已经注销";
$ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "学生已经从本课程注销,你不能编辑此类信息";
$Social = "社交";
$EditNormalProfile = "编辑基本资料";
$MyProductions = "我的作品";

@ -2,13 +2,178 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
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$ConfirmDeletePage = "确认删除此页面和其历史记录?";
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$PageUnlocked = "页面无保护";
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$PageUnlockedExtra = "页面无保护. 课程学员或组成员可以修改";
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$HideAddOption = "隐藏添加选项";
$AddOptionProtected = "添加选项已受保护. 只有导师可以添加页面到维基中, 但学员和组成员可以对其编辑";
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$NotNotifyChanges = "改变时不通知我";
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$CancelNotifyByEmail = "取消页面修改后邮件通知";
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$LockRatingDiscuss = "取消评分";
$EditAssignmentWarning = "你可以修改页面, 但学员将收不到更改通知";
$ExportToDocArea = "导出最新版本到文档中";
$LockByTeacher = "导师禁止";
$LinksPagesFrom = "链接到此的页面";
$DefineAssignmentPage = "定义此页面为个人作业";
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$LockRatingDiscussExtra = "只有导师可评分此页面";
$HidePageExtra = "页面只对导师可见";
$ShowPageExtra = "页面对全部用户可见";
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$HideDiscussExtra = "讨论只对导师可见";
$ShowDiscussExtra = "讨论对全部用户可见";
$LockDiscussExtra = "只有导师可以添加评论到讨论中";
$UnlockDiscussExtra = "全部用户可以添加评论到讨论中";
$AssignmentDescExtra = "这是导师推荐的作业";
$AssignmentWorkExtra = "这是学员的作业";
$NoAreSeeingTheLastVersion = "注意 你目前查看的页面不是最新版本";
$AssignmentFirstComToStudent = "修改此页面作为你所推荐的作业";
$AssignmentLinkstoStudentsPage = "访问学员的作业";
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$WikiStandBy = "维基目前封禁中. 需要导师去开启.";
$NotifyDiscussByEmail = "允许使用邮件通知当有新的评论添加到此页面";
$CancelNotifyDiscussByEmail = "禁止使用邮件通知当有新的评论添加到此页面";
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$EmailWikiPageAdded = "页面已添加";
$EmailWikipageDedeleted = "页面已删除";
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$FullCancelNotifyByEmail = "取消每次维基变更时发送邮件通知";
$EmailWikiChangesExt_1 = "依用户需要此通知用于告知维基的变更. 此选项说明你已经激活功能";
$EmailWikiChangesExt_2 = "如果你想停止变更通知, 选择相应的标签<strong>最近变更</ strong>, <strong>目前页面</ strong>, <strong>讨论</ strong> 并取消选项";
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$LastVersion = "最后版本";
$PageRestored = "页面已恢复。点击浏览";
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$HWiki = "帮助: 维基";
$FirstSelectOnepage = "请先选择页面";
$DefineTask = "如果添加了描述, 此页面将允许你创建一个任务";
$ThisPageisBeginEditedBy = "此页面同时修改自";
$ThisPageisBeginEditedTryLater = "请稍后尝试. 如果当前正在修改的用户没保存此页面, 你将可以使用此页面";
$EditedByAnotherUser = "由于其他用户已修改此页面, 你以前所作的修改将不能保存";
$WarningMaxEditingTime = "你有20分钟可以修改此页面. 如果超时的话, 将轮到其他用户进行修改, 而你所作的修改将丢失";
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$ThePageHasBeenExportedToDocArea = "页面已导出到文档工具中";

@ -1094,4 +1094,10 @@ $AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersTitle = "Dovoli tečajnikom prenos map";
$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersTitle = "Dovoli pošiljanje sporočil vsem uporabnikom platforme";
$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersComment = "Dovoli pošiljanje sporočil vsem uporabnikom platforme";
$Username = "Uporabniško ime";
$CoursesInformation = "Informacija o tečajih";
$AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminTitle = "Dovoli upravitelju tečaja vpisovanje uporabnikov v tečaj";
$AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminComment = "Aktiviranje te možnosti omogoči upravitelju tečaja vpis uporabnikov v tečaj";
$EditBlocks = "Uredi bloke";
$ShowLinkBugNotificationTitle = "Pokoži povezavo za poročanje o napakah";
$ShowLinkBugNotificationComment = "V glavi prikaže povezavo na stran za poročanje o napakah ( S klikom na povezavo se prestavite na podporno stran z Wiki stranjo, ki opisuje proces poročanja o odkritih napakah.";

@ -56,4 +56,5 @@ $AnnounceSentToUserSelection = "Obvestila poslana izbranim uporabnikom";
$SendAnnouncement = "Pošlji obvestilo";
$ModifyAnnouncement = "Spremeni obvestilo";
$ButtonPublishAnnouncement = "Pošlji obvestilo";
$YourAccountIsActiveYouCanLoginAndCheckYourCourses = "Spoštovani uporabnik. Vaš uporabniški račun na platformi je bil aktiviran. Prijavite se in bodite uspešni pri svojem delu v okviru platforme.";

@ -215,4 +215,5 @@ $HelpDefaultDirDocuments = "Ta mapa vsebuje privzeti arhiv. Vsebino lahko odstra
$HelpSharedFolder = "Ta mapa vsebuje datoteke, ki jih tečajniki (ali vi sami) prenesete v področje tečaja preko urejevalnika (če jih niso/niste prenesli preko orodij skupine). Privzeto bodo vidne vsem učiteljem in skrite tečajnikom (razen v primeru direktnega dostopa do datoteke). V primeru, da naredite eno od map tečajnikom vidno, bo celotna njena vsebina vidna vsem tečajnikom.";
$TemplateImage = "Ikona predloge";
$MoveElement = "Premakni dokument";
$CertificateName = "Ime";

@ -191,5 +191,4 @@ $CertificateMinimunScoreIsRequiredAndMustNotBeMoreThan = "La puntuación mínima
$LinkMod = "Guardar";
$EditLink = "Editar enlace";
$CategoryDeleted = "La categoría ha sido eliminada.";
$GradebookScoringSystemRedirect = "Los parámetros de las evaluaciones son globales. Esto significa que cualquier cambio se reflejará en las evaluaciones de todos los cursos. Por eso se necesitan permisos para hacer los cambios en el <a href=\"%s\">panel de administración del portal</a>. Si usted no tiene permisos de administración del portal, por favor contacte con su administrador para discutir los cambios que desea aplicar.";

@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ $CalendarList = "Fechas de la lista de asistencia";
$ThereAreNoRegisteredDatetimeYet = "Aún no hay registrada ninguna fecha/hora";
$DashboardPluginsHaveBeenUpdatedSucesslly = "Los plugins del panel de control han sido actualizados correctamente";
$LoginEnter = "Entrar";
$AttendanceSheetDescription = "Lista de asistencia";
$AttendanceSheetDescription = "Las listas de asistencia permiten detectar las faltas de los estudiantes a las clases. Por ejemplo, puede que desee tomar asistencias a clases teóricas por separado de las asistencias a las clases prácticas. En cada una se listan todos los estudiantes de forma predeterminada. Es hasta que se registre a los estudiantes que faltaron haciendo clic en la casilla correspondiente.";
$ThereAreNoRegisteredLearnersInsidetheCourse = "No hay alumnos inscritos en este curso";
$GoToAttendanceCalendarList = "Ir al calendario de asistencia";
$ToolCourseDescription = "Descripción del curso";
