From 47110b03dfa786d7f79a8aadb7934923350c0c69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carlos Vargas
Уникалната връзка автоматично ще се появи в края на вашата покана. Но вие можете да определите изрично, къде да се появи тя, като на съответното място поставите текста **link**. Този текст **link** при изпращането автоматично ще се се замества с уникалната връзка за всеки поканен потребител.";
$InvitationsSend = "покани са изпратени.";
$SurveyDeleted = "Анкетата е изтрита.";
$NoSurveysSelected = "Не са избрани анкети.";
$NumberOfQuestions = "Брой въпроси";
$Invited = "Поканен";
-$NumberOfQuestions = "Брой въпроси";
$SubmitQuestionFilter = "Филтър на въпросите";
$ResetQuestionFilter = "Филтър за отказ на въпроси";
$ExportCurrentReport = "Експортиране на текущата справка";
@@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Хората, ко
$CourseUsers = "Потребители в курса";
$SurveyPublication = "Публикуване на анкетата";
$AdditonalUsers = "Още потребители";
-$MailTitle = "Заглавие на съобщението";
$MailText = "Текст на съобщението";
$UseLinkSyntax = "Избраните потребители ще получат e-mail с текста по горе и уникална връзка, чрез която могат да отворят анкетата.
Уникалната връзка автоматично ще се появи в края на вашата покана. Но вие можете да определите изрично, къде да се появи тя, като на съответното място поставите текста **link**. Този текст **link** при изпращането автоматично ще се се замества с уникалната връзка за всеки поканен потребител.";
$DetailedReportByUser = "Подробна справка за потребител";
@@ -146,8 +135,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "Тази спрk
$DetailedReportByUserDetail = "В тази справка можете да видите всички дадени отговори от потребител.";
$DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "В тази справка можете да видите резултатите, групирани по въпроси. Предоставят се опростен статистически анализ и графики.";
$ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Напомняне на всички потребители за анкетата. Ако не изберете това, само новите добавени потребители ще получат e-mail съобщение.";
-$Yesno = "Да/Не";
-$Multiplechoice = "Избор на един отговор";
$Multiplechoice = "Избор на един отговор";
$Multipleresponse = "Избор на няколко отговора";
$Score = "Резултат";
diff --git a/main/lang/bulgarian/ b/main/lang/bulgarian/
index 5df9d3aa23..468faa8c37 100644
--- a/main/lang/bulgarian/
+++ b/main/lang/bulgarian/
@@ -299,8 +299,6 @@ $StartTime = "Начало";
$EndTime = "Край";
$langYouWereCalled = "Имате покана за разговор от";
$langDoYouAccept = "Приемате ли?";
-$StartTime = "Начало";
-$EndTime = "Край";
$Everybody = "Всички";
$SentTo = "Изпращане до";
$Export = "Експортиране";
@@ -347,7 +345,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Премества
$Save = "Записване";
$Error = "Грешка";
$Anonymous = "Анонимен посетител";
-$NoSearchResults = "Няма резултати.";
$h = "ч.";
$CreateNewGlobalRole = "Създаване на глобална роля";
$CreateNewLocalRole = "Създаване на локална роля";
@@ -392,7 +389,6 @@ $SendMail = "Изпращане
$RdvAgenda = "Програма за срещи";
$VideoConf = "Видеоконференция";
$MyProgress = "Моят напредък";
-$myInActiveSessions = "Моите неактивни сесии";
$NoOnlineStudents = "Няма посетители";
$InCourse = "В курс";
$UserOnlineListSession = "Посетители - сесия";
@@ -404,10 +400,8 @@ $Years = "години";
$Day = "ден";
$Days = "дена";
$PleaseStandBy = "Моля, почакайте...";
-$Language = "Език";
$AvailableUntill = "Достъпно до";
$HourMinuteDivider = ":";
-$Here = "тук";
$Visio_classroom = "Виртуална класна стая";
$Survey = "Анкети";
$More = "Справка";
@@ -446,7 +440,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Датата, н
$ResetLink = "Щракнете тук, за да възстановите паролата си.";
$VisibilityChanged = "Видимостта е променена.";
$MainNavigation = "Главна навигация";
-$None = "Никои";
$SeeDetail = "Подробно";
$GroupSingle = "Група";
$PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Моля, влезте отново през главната страница.";
@@ -501,7 +494,6 @@ $UserAge = "Възраст";
$UserBirthday = "Рожден ден";
$Course = "Курс";
$FilesUpload = "документа";
-$FileUpload = "документ";
$ExerciseFinished = "Тестът е завършен.";
$UserSex = "Пол";
$UserNativeLanguage = "Роден език";
@@ -540,7 +532,6 @@ $UnableToConnectTo = "Няма връз&
$NoUser = "Няма потребители.";
$SearchResultsFor = "Резултати от търсенето на:";
$SelectFile = "Избор на файл";
-$UploadFile = "Качване на файла";
$WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "Предупреждение: Файлът с често задаваните въпроси (FAQ), който се намира в /home/ директорията на системата не може да се презаписва. Няма да можете да записвате вашия текст, докато не се сменят правата за файла.";
$AddCategory = "Добавяне на категория";
$NoExercises = "Няма тестове.";
diff --git a/main/lang/catalan/ b/main/lang/catalan/
index e4c73f8763..c6e1361cc7 100644
--- a/main/lang/catalan/
+++ b/main/lang/catalan/
@@ -250,8 +250,6 @@ $StartTime = "Hora inici";
$EndTime = "Hora final";
$langYouWereCalled = "El truquen per xatear amb";
$langDoYouAccept = "Ho acceptes?";
-$StartTime = "Hora d\'inici";
-$EndTime = "Hora de finalitzaci";
$Everybody = "Tothom";
$SentTo = "Visible per a";
$Export = "Exportar";
diff --git a/main/lang/croatian/ b/main/lang/croatian/
index 01097d2f04..95563d64b4 100644
--- a/main/lang/croatian/
+++ b/main/lang/croatian/
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "A
$AddAnotherQuestion = "Dodaj novo pitanje";
$IsShareSurvey = "Podijeli anketu s ostalima";
$Proceed = "Nastavi";
-$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Molim unesite pitanje.";
$PleaseFillNumber = "Molim ispunite numeričku vrijednost za bodove.";
$PleaseFillAllPoints = "Molim ispunite bodove u intervalu 1-5";
$PleasFillAllAnswer = "Molim ispunite sva polja za odgovor.";
@@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Podnaslov ankete";
$ShareSurvey = "Zajednička anketa";
$SurveyThanks = "Zahvala za sudjelovanje";
$EditSurvey = "Uredi anketu";
-$NoSurveysSelected = "Nije odabrana niti jedna anketa";
-$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Anketa je uspjeno aurirana";
-$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Sada moete dodati pitanja vaoj anketi";
$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "Ili povratak na pregled ankete";
$SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "Nedostaje parametar u poveznici. Molim, upotrijebite opciju kopiraj i zalijepi";
$WrongInvitationCode = "Pogrena pozivna ifra";
@@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Odabrana vrsta ne postoji";
$SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "Anketa je uspjeno napravljena";
$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Moete sada dodati pitanja vaoj anketi";
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Anketa je uspjeno aurirana";
-$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "Ili povratak na pregled ankete";
$QuestionAdded = "Pitanje je dodano.";
$QuestionUpdated = "Pitanje je aurirano.";
$SaveQuestion = "Spremi pitanje";
@@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Dodaj mogućnost";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Prikai mogućnosti";
$AnswerOptions = "Mogućnosti odgovora";
$YesNo = "Da / Ne";
-$MultipleChoice = "Viestruki izbor";
$MultipleResponse = "Viestruki odgovori";
$Open = "Otvori";
$Dropdown = "Padajući odabir";
@@ -106,17 +100,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Poziv za ipunjavanje ankete";
$InvitationCode = "ifra ankete";
$InvitationDate = "Nadnevak ankete";
$Answered = "Odgovoreno";
-$AdditonalUsers = "Dodatni korisnici";
$AdditonalUsersComment = "Moete pozvati dodatne korisnike da ispune anketu. Upiite ovdje njihove adrese e-pote međusobno odvojene sa , ili ;";
$MailTitle = "Naslov e-pote";
-$MailText = "Tekst e-pote";
-$UseLinkSyntax = "Svaki pozvani korisnik će dobiti e-potu s jedinstvenom poveznicom koju mora odabrati da bi mogao ispuniti anketu. Ukoliko nita ne napravite jedinstvena poveznica će biti automatski dodana na kraj e-pote. Moete odrediti mjesto pojavljivanja poveznice na način da u vaoj poruci napiete **link**. **link** će se automatski zamijeniti sa jedinstvenom poveznicom za svakog korisnika.";
$InvitationsSend = "pozivi poslani.";
$SurveyDeleted = "Anketa je obrisana.";
$NoSurveysSelected = "Nije odabrana niti jedna anketa.";
$NumberOfQuestions = "Broj pitanja";
$Invited = "Pozvani";
-$NumberOfQuestions = "Broj pitanja";
$SubmitQuestionFilter = "Dostavi filter pitanja";
$ResetQuestionFilter = "Poniti filter pitanja";
$ExportCurrentReport = "Prenesi trenutni izvjetaj";
@@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Osobe koje su odabrale ovaj odgovor";
$CourseUsers = "Polaznici kolegija";
$SurveyPublication = "Objavljivanje ankete";
$AdditonalUsers = "Dodatni korisnici";
-$MailTitle = "Naslov e-pote";
$MailText = "Tekst e-pote";
$UseLinkSyntax = "Svaki odabrani korisnik će dobiti e-potu s uneenim tekstom i jedinstvenom poveznicom koju mora odabrati da bi mogao ispuniti anketu. Ukoliko nita ne napravite jedinstvena poveznica će biti automatski dodana na kraj e-pote. Moete odrediti mjesto pojavljivanja poveznice na način da u vaoj poruci napiete **link**. **link** će se automatski zamijeniti sa jedinstvenom poveznicom za svakog korisnika.";
$DetailedReportByUser = "Detaljni izvjetaj prema odabranom korisniku";
@@ -146,8 +135,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "U ovom izvje
$DetailedReportByUserDetail = "U ovom izvjetaju moete vidjeti sve odgovore prema odabranom korisniku.";
$DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "U ovom izvjetaju moete vidjeti sve dane odgovore prema odabranom pitanju. Osnovna statistička analiza i grafički prikaz je omugućen";
$ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Podsjeti sve korisnike na anketu. Ukoliko ne odaberete ovu opciju samo novo dodani korisnici će dobiti obavijest putem e-pote.";
-$Yesno = "Da / Ne";
-$Multiplechoice = "Viestruki izbor";
$Multiplechoice = "Viestruki izbor";
$Multipleresponse = "Viestruki odgovori";
$Score = "Broj bodova";
diff --git a/main/lang/croatian/ b/main/lang/croatian/
index 7d7e2b246d..56ce653d03 100644
--- a/main/lang/croatian/
+++ b/main/lang/croatian/
@@ -299,8 +299,6 @@ $StartTime = "Vrijeme početka";
$EndTime = "Vrijeme svretka";
$langYouWereCalled = "Pozvani ste na chat s";
$langDoYouAccept = "Prihvaćate li?";
-$StartTime = "Vrijeme početka";
-$EndTime = "Vrijeme svretka";
$Everybody = "Svi";
$SentTo = "Vidljivo";
$Export = "Prenesi";
@@ -347,7 +345,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Premjesti datoteku u";
$Save = "Spremi";
$Error = "Greka";
$Anonymous = "Anonimno";
-$NoSearchResults = "Pretraga nema rezultata";
$h = "h";
$CreateNewGlobalRole = "Izradi novi globalni status";
$CreateNewLocalRole = "Izradi novi lokalni staus";
@@ -392,7 +389,6 @@ $SendMail = "Po
$RdvAgenda = "Zapis u rasporedu";
$VideoConf = "Video konferencija";
$MyProgress = "Moje napredovanje";
-$myInActiveSessions = "Moje neaktivne sesije";
$NoOnlineStudents = "Nema aktivnih studenata";
$InCourse = "u kolegiju";
$UserOnlineListSession = "Popis trenutno aktivnih studenata - Sesija";
@@ -404,10 +400,8 @@ $Years = "godine";
$Day = "dan";
$Days = "dani";
$PleaseStandBy = "Molim pričekajte....";
-$Language = "Jezik";
$AvailableUntill = "Dostupno do";
$HourMinuteDivider = ":";
-$Here = "ovdje";
$Visio_classroom = "virtualna učionica";
$Survey = "Ankete";
$More = "Vie";
@@ -446,7 +440,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Va
$ResetLink = "Kliknite ovdje za ponovno dobivanje vae zaporke";
$VisibilityChanged = "Vidljivost je promijenjena.";
$MainNavigation = "Osnovno upravljanje";
-$None = "Nita";
$SeeDetail = "Pogledaj pojedinosti";
$GroupSingle = "Skupina";
$PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Molim pokuajte se prijaviti ponovno koristeći početnu stranicu";
@@ -501,7 +494,6 @@ $UserAge = "Starost";
$UserBirthday = "Rođendan";
$Course = "Kolegij";
$FilesUpload = "dokumenti";
-$FileUpload = "dokument";
$ExerciseFinished = "Vjeba zavrena";
$UserSex = "Spol";
$UserNativeLanguage = "Materinji jezik";
@@ -540,7 +532,6 @@ $UnableToConnectTo = "Povezivanje nije moguće prema";
$NoUser = "Nema korisnika";
$SearchResultsFor = "Rezultati pretrage za:";
$SelectFile = "Odaberi datoteku";
-$UploadFile = "Prenesi datoteku";
$WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "Upzorenje - FAQ datoteka postavljena u /home/ mapi nema postavljena prava za pisanje. Va tekst se ne moe spremiti dok se pravo na pisanje ne promijeni.";
$AddCategory = "Dodaj kategoriju";
$NoExercises = "Nema niti jedne vjebe";
diff --git a/main/lang/czech/ b/main/lang/czech/
index e1a630b577..28a6d73155 100644
--- a/main/lang/czech/
+++ b/main/lang/czech/
@@ -255,8 +255,6 @@ $StartTime = "Čas zač
$EndTime = "Čas konce";
$langYouWereCalled = "Na chat vs zve";
$langDoYouAccept = "Přijmete pozvn ?";
-$StartTime = "Počtečn čas";
-$EndTime = "Konečn čas";
$Everybody = "Všichni";
$SentTo = "Viditeln pro";
$Export = "Export";
@@ -301,7 +299,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Přesunout soubor do";
$Save = "Uloit";
$Error = "Chyba";
$Anonymous = "Anonymn";
-$NoSearchResults = "Ždn vsledky nebyly nalezeny";
$CreateNewGlobalRole = "Vytvořit novou globln roli";
$CreateNewLocalRole = "Vytvořit novou lokln roli";
$Actions = "Akce";
@@ -345,7 +342,6 @@ $SendMail = "Odeslat dopis";
$RdvAgenda = "Naplnovan schůzka";
$VideoConf = "Video konference";
$MyProgress = "Můj postup";
-$myInActiveSessions = "Moje neaktivn vuka";
$NoOnlineStudents = "Ždn přhlsen studenti";
$InCourse = "v kurzu";
$UserOnlineListSession = "Seznam studentů aktualně přihlšench - Vuka";
diff --git a/main/lang/danish/ b/main/lang/danish/
index 8525abbd84..6a660e5a17 100644
--- a/main/lang/danish/
+++ b/main/lang/danish/
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Opdater sp
$AddAnotherQuestion = "Tilfj nyt sprgsml";
$IsShareSurvey = "Del evalueringen med andre";
$Proceed = "Fortst";
-$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Venligst skriv et sprgsml";
$PleaseFillNumber = "Angiv numre i forhold til point";
$PleaseFillAllPoints = "Udfyld point fra 1 - 5";
$PleasFillAllAnswer = "Udfyld venligst felterne til svar";
@@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Evalueringens undertitel";
$ShareSurvey = "Del evalueringen (muligt for andre undervisere at anvende)";
$SurveyThanks = "Tak til";
$EditSurvey = "Rediger evaluering";
-$NoSurveysSelected = "Du valgte ikke en evaluering";
-$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "evalueringen er opdateret";
-$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Du kan nu tilfje sprgsml i evalueringen";
$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "Eller vend tilbage til oversigten over evalueringer";
$SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "Der er en fejl i linket. Venligst brug kopier og st ind";
$WrongInvitationCode = "Forkert kode til invitation";
@@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Typen findes ikke";
$SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "Evalueringen er blevet oprettet";
$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Du kan nu tilfje sprgsml til evalueringskemaet";
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Evalueringen er opdateret";
-$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "eller vende tilbage til oversigten over evalueringer";
$QuestionAdded = "Sprgsmlet er tilfjet";
$QuestionUpdated = "Sprgsmlet er opdateret";
$SaveQuestion = "Gem sprgsml";
@@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Tilf
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Vis valg";
$AnswerOptions = "Svarmuligheder";
$YesNo = "Ja/nej";
-$MultipleChoice = "Multiple choice";
$MultipleResponse = "Flere svar";
$Open = "ben";
$Dropdown = "Dropdown/rul ned";
@@ -106,17 +100,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Invitation til evaluering";
$InvitationCode = "Invitationskode";
$InvitationDate = "Invitationsdato";
$Answered = "Besvaret";
-$AdditonalUsers = "Ekstra deltagere";
$AdditonalUsersComment = "Du kan bede ekstra deltagere om at udfylde evalueringen. For at gre dette skal du indtaster deres e-mailadresse separeret af , (komma) eller ; (semikolon)";
$MailTitle = "Mailens emne";
-$MailText = "Tekst til mail";
-$UseLinkSyntax = "Hver inviteret deltager vil modtage en e-mail med et unikt link, der giver adgang til evalueringen. Linket bliver automatisk tilfjet i slutningen af mailen, med mindre du foretager dig andet. Du kan dog selv bestemme, hvor linket skal vises ved at tilfje **link** i din tekst. **Link** bliver automatisk erstattet med det unikke link.";
$InvitationsSend = "Invitationerne er sendt";
$SurveyDeleted = "Evalueringen er slettet";
$NoSurveysSelected = "Der blev ikke valgt en evaluering.";
$NumberOfQuestions = "Antal sprgsml";
$Invited = "Inviteret";
-$NumberOfQuestions = "Antal sprgsml";
$SubmitQuestionFilter = "Vlg filter";
$ResetQuestionFilter = "Nulstil filer";
$ExportCurrentReport = "Eksporter aktuelle rapport";
@@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "De, der har valgt dette svar";
$CourseUsers = "Kursusdeltagere";
$SurveyPublication = "Publicer evalueringen";
$AdditonalUsers = "Ekstra deltagere";
-$MailTitle = "E-mailens emne";
$MailText = "E-mailens indhold";
$UseLinkSyntax = "De valgte deltagere vil modtage en e-mail med ovenstende indhold og et unikt link, som de skal klikke p for at tilg evalueringen. Hvis du vil indstte linket et andet sted i teknsten, skal du skrive flgende tekst, der hvor linket skal vre: **link** (stjerne stjerne link stjerne stjerne). Det indsatte vil automatisk blive erstattet af et unikt link. Hvis du ikke tilfjer **link** i teksten, vil linket automatisk komme til at st i bunden af mailen.";
$DetailedReportByUser = "Detaljeret deltagerrapport";
@@ -146,8 +135,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "I denne rapport kan du f
$DetailedReportByUserDetail = "I denne rapport kan du se samtlige svar som en specifik deltager har afgivet.";
$DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "I denne rapport kan du se resultatet sprgsml for sprgsml. Almen statistisk analyse og grafik gives.";
$ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Pmind deltagerne om evalueringen. Hvis du ikke stter et flueben i feltet, vil kun nytilfjede deltagere modtage en e-mail. ";
-$Yesno = "Ja/Nej";
-$Multiplechoice = "Multiple choice";
$Multiplechoice = "Multiple choice";
$Multipleresponse = "Flere svarmuligheder";
$Score = "Resultat/vrdi";
diff --git a/main/lang/danish/ b/main/lang/danish/
index 085ded0d0e..048d292de4 100644
--- a/main/lang/danish/
+++ b/main/lang/danish/
@@ -298,8 +298,6 @@ $StartTime = "Starttidspunkt";
$EndTime = "Sluttidspunkt";
$langYouWereCalled = "Du er indbudt til en chat med";
$langDoYouAccept = "Accepterer du?";
-$StartTime = "Starttid";
-$EndTime = "Sluttid";
$Everybody = "Alle";
$SentTo = "Synlig for";
$Export = "Eksport";
@@ -346,7 +344,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Flyt fil/dokument til ";
$Save = "Gem";
$Error = "Fejl";
$Anonymous = "Anonym";
-$NoSearchResults = "Ingen sgeresultater";
$h = "t";
$CreateNewGlobalRole = "Opret ny global rolle";
$CreateNewLocalRole = "Opret ny lokal rolle";
@@ -391,7 +388,6 @@ $SendMail = "Send e-mail";
$RdvAgenda = "Kalenderaftale";
$VideoConf = "Videokonference";
$MyProgress = "Min progression";
-$myInActiveSessions = "Mine inaktive sessioner";
$NoOnlineStudents = "Ingen deltagere online";
$InCourse = "p kursussiden";
$UserOnlineListSession = "Liste over online deltagere - session";
@@ -403,10 +399,8 @@ $Years = "
$Day = "dag";
$Days = "dage";
$PleaseStandBy = "Vent venligst...";
-$Language = "Sprog";
$AvailableUntill = "Tilgngelig frem til";
$HourMinuteDivider = "t";
-$Here = "her";
$Visio_classroom = "Virtuelle undervisningsrum";
$Survey = "Evalueringer";
$More = "Flere";
@@ -445,7 +439,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Dine tilmeldingsoplysninger";
$ResetLink = "Klik her for at genskabe dit adgangskode";
$VisibilityChanged = "Synligheden er ndret";
$MainNavigation = "Primre navigation";
-$None = "Ingen";
$SeeDetail = "Se detalje";
$GroupSingle = "Gruppe";
$PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Forsg venligst at logge p siden igen";
diff --git a/main/lang/dutch/ b/main/lang/dutch/
index ea113e3b5a..d83d82097e 100644
--- a/main/lang/dutch/
+++ b/main/lang/dutch/
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Vraagtype aanpassen";
$AddAnotherQuestion = "Nieuwe vraag toevoegen";
$IsShareSurvey = "Enquete delen met anderen";
$Proceed = "Verdergaan";
-$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Gelieve een vraag in te geven.";
$PleaseFillNumber = "Gelieve numerieke waarden te gebruiken";
$PleaseFillAllPoints = "Gelieve punten 1 tot 5 in te vullen";
$PleasFillAllAnswer = "Gelieve alle antwoordvelden in te vullen";
@@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Ondertitel van de enquete";
$ShareSurvey = "Enquete delen";
$SurveyThanks = "Dankwoord";
$EditSurvey = "Enquete wijzigen";
-$NoSurveysSelected = "U hebt gn enquete geselecteerd.";
-$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "De enquete is met succes gewijzigd";
-$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "U kunt nu vragen toevoegen aan uw enquete";
$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "of terugkeren naar het overzicht van de enquete";
$SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "Er ontbreekt een parameter in de link. Gelieve de link te kopiren en te plakken";
$WrongInvitationCode = "Verkeerde uitnodigingscode";
@@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Dit type bestaat niet";
$SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "De enquete is met succes aangemaakt";
$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "U kunt nu vragen toevoegen aan uw enquete";
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "De enquete is met succes gewijzigd";
-$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "of terugkeren naar het overzicht van de enquete";
$QuestionAdded = "De vraag is toegevoegd.";
$QuestionUpdated = "De vraag is aangepast.";
$SaveQuestion = "Vraag opslaan";
@@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Antwoordmogelijkheid toevoegen";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Geef de opties weer:";
$AnswerOptions = "Antwoordmogelijkheden";
$YesNo = "Ja / Neen";
-$MultipleChoice = "Meerdere keuzes";
$MultipleResponse = "Meerdere antwoorden";
$Open = "open";
$Dropdown = "Uitschuiflijst";
@@ -106,17 +100,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Enquete uitnodigingen";
$InvitationCode = "Uitnodigingscode";
$InvitationDate = "Uitnodigingsdatum";
$Answered = "Beantwoord";
-$AdditonalUsers = "Extra gebruikers";
$AdditonalUsersComment = "U kunt hier extra gebruikers die niet in de cursus ingeschreven zijn uitnodigen om deze enquete in te vullen door hier hun email adressen toe te voegen. De email adressen dienen gescheiden te worden door een , of ;";
$MailTitle = "Titel van de email";
-$MailText = "Tekst van de email";
-$UseLinkSyntax = "De geselecteerde gebruikers zullen een email ontvangen met de tekst die u hierboven tikt en een unieke link die ze dienen aan te klikken om de enquete in te vullen. Als u deze link ergens in uw tekst wilt laten verschijen dient u de **link** (ster ster link ster ster) in uw tekst te plaatsen. Dit wordt dan automatisch vervangen door de unieke link. Als u **link** niet aan uw tekst toevoegt wordt de unieke link automatisch aan het einde van de mail toegevoegd.";
$InvitationsSend = "uitnodigingen verstuurd. ";
$SurveyDeleted = "De enquete is verwijderd.";
$NoSurveysSelected = "U hebt gn enquete geselecteerd.";
$NumberOfQuestions = "Aantal vragen";
$Invited = "Uitgenodigd";
-$NumberOfQuestions = "Aantal vragen";
$SubmitQuestionFilter = "Filter";
$ResetQuestionFilter = "Filter ongedaan maken";
$ExportCurrentReport = "Huidig rappor exporteren";
@@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Personen dit dit antwoord gekozen hebben";
$CourseUsers = "Gebruikers uit deze cursus";
$SurveyPublication = "Publicatie van de enquete";
$AdditonalUsers = "Extra gebruikers";
-$MailTitle = "Titel van de email";
$MailText = "Tekst van de email";
$UseLinkSyntax = "De geselecteerde gebruikers zullen een email ontvangen met de tekst die u hierboven tikt en een unieke link die ze dienen aan te klikken om de enquete in te vullen. Als u deze link ergens in uw tekst wilt laten verschijen dient u de **link** (ster ster link ster ster) in uw tekst te plaatsen. Dit wordt dan automatisch vervangen door de unieke link. Als u **link** niet aan uw tekst toevoegt wordt de unieke link automatisch aan het einde van de mail toegevoegd.";
$DetailedReportByUser = "Gedetailleerd rapport per gebruiker";
@@ -146,8 +135,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "In dit rapport krijgt u een overzicht van alle antwoord
$DetailedReportByUserDetail = "In dit rapport krijgt u een overzicht van alle antwoorden van een specifieke gebruiker.";
$DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "In dit rapport kan je de resultaten voor iedere vraag zien.";
$ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Dit is een herinnering van de uitnodiging. Elke gebruiker zal een nieuwe email ontvangen. Als u dit niet aanvinkt krijgen enkel de nieuw toegevoegde gebruikers een email.";
-$Yesno = "Ja / Neen";
-$Multiplechoice = "Meerdere keuzes";
$Multiplechoice = "Meerdere keuzes";
$Multipleresponse = "Meerdere antwoorden";
$Score = "Score";
diff --git a/main/lang/dutch/ b/main/lang/dutch/
index 2c088d7ccd..1d5f71de7c 100644
--- a/main/lang/dutch/
+++ b/main/lang/dutch/
@@ -299,8 +299,6 @@ $StartTime = "Starttijd";
$EndTime = "Eindtijd";
$langYouWereCalled = "U kunt chatten met ";
$langDoYouAccept = "Bevestigen?";
-$StartTime = "Starttijd";
-$EndTime = "Eindtijd";
$Everybody = "Iedereen";
$SentTo = "Zichtbaar voor";
$Export = "Exporteer";
@@ -347,7 +345,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Verplaats bestand naar";
$Save = "Opslaan";
$Error = "Fout";
$Anonymous = "Anoniem";
-$NoSearchResults = "Niks gevonden";
$h = "u";
$CreateNewGlobalRole = "Nieuwe globale rol creren";
$CreateNewLocalRole = "Nieuwe lokale rol creren";
@@ -392,7 +389,6 @@ $SendMail = "Verzend email";
$RdvAgenda = "Agenda afspraak";
$VideoConf = "Video conferentie";
$MyProgress = "Mijn voortgang";
-$myInActiveSessions = "Mijn inactieve sessies";
$NoOnlineStudents = "Geen studenten online";
$InCourse = "in de cursus";
$UserOnlineListSession = "Gebruikers online - Sessie";
@@ -404,10 +400,8 @@ $Years = "jaren";
$Day = "dag";
$Days = "dagen";
$PleaseStandBy = "Even geduld aub";
-$Language = "Taal";
$AvailableUntill = "Beschikbaar tot";
$HourMinuteDivider = "u";
-$Here = "hier";
$Visio_classroom = "Virtueel klaslokaal";
$Survey = "Enquetes";
$More = "Meer";
@@ -446,7 +440,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Uw registratiegegevens";
$ResetLink = "Klik hier om uw paswoord terug te vinden";
$VisibilityChanged = "De zichtbaarheid is aangepast.";
$MainNavigation = "Hoofdnavigatie";
-$None = "Geen";
$SeeDetail = "Zie detail";
$GroupSingle = "Groep";
$PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Gelieve opnieuw in te loggen op de startpagina";
@@ -501,7 +494,6 @@ $UserAge = "Leeftijd";
$UserBirthday = "Verjaardag";
$Course = "Cursus";
$FilesUpload = "documenten";
-$FileUpload = "document";
$ExerciseFinished = "De oefening is afgewerkt. ";
$UserSex = "Geslacht";
$UserNativeLanguage = "Moedertaal";
@@ -540,7 +532,6 @@ $UnableToConnectTo = "Kan niet verbinden met";
$NoUser = "Geen gebruiker";
$SearchResultsFor = "Zoekresultaten voor: ";
$SelectFile = "Selecteer een bestand";
-$UploadFile = "Bestand uploaden";
$WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "Aandacht - het FAQ bestand in de /home/ folder van uw platform is niet schrijfbaar. Uw tekst zal niet opgeslagen worden totdat u de bestandspermissies gewijzigd worden. ";
$AddCategory = "Categorie toevoegen";
$NoExercises = "Geen oefeningen beschikbaar.";
diff --git a/main/lang/dutch_corporate/ b/main/lang/dutch_corporate/
index 84879a8ba2..423f6cbdae 100644
--- a/main/lang/dutch_corporate/
+++ b/main/lang/dutch_corporate/
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Vraagtype aanpassen";
$AddAnotherQuestion = "Nieuwe vraag toevoegen";
$IsShareSurvey = "Enquete delen met anderen";
$Proceed = "Verdergaan";
-$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Gelieve een vraag in te geven.";
$PleaseFillNumber = "Gelieve numerieke waarden te gebruiken";
$PleaseFillAllPoints = "Gelieve punten 1 tot 5 in te vullen";
$PleasFillAllAnswer = "Gelieve alle antwoordvelden in te vullen";
@@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Ondertitel van de enquete";
$ShareSurvey = "Enquete delen";
$SurveyThanks = "Dankwoord";
$EditSurvey = "Enquete wijzigen";
-$NoSurveysSelected = "U hebt gn enquete geselecteerd.";
-$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "De enquete is met succes gewijzigd";
-$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "U kunt nu vragen toevoegen aan uw enquete";
$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "of terugkeren naar het overzicht van de enquete";
$SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "Er ontbreekt een parameter in de link. Gelieve de link te kopiren en te plakken";
$WrongInvitationCode = "Verkeerde uitnodigingscode";
@@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Dit type bestaat niet";
$SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "De enquete is met succes aangemaakt";
$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "U kunt nu vragen toevoegen aan uw enquete";
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "De enquete is met succes gewijzigd";
-$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "of terugkeren naar het overzicht van de enquete";
$QuestionAdded = "De vraag is toegevoegd.";
$QuestionUpdated = "De vraag is aangepast.";
$SaveQuestion = "Vraag opslaan";
@@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Antwoordmogelijkheid toevoegen";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Geef de opties weer:";
$AnswerOptions = "Antwoordmogelijkheden";
$YesNo = "Ja / Neen";
-$MultipleChoice = "Meerdere keuzes";
$MultipleResponse = "Meerdere antwoorden";
$Open = "open";
$Dropdown = "Uitschuiflijst";
@@ -106,17 +100,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Enquete uitnodigingen";
$InvitationCode = "Uitnodigingscode";
$InvitationDate = "Uitnodigingsdatum";
$Answered = "Beantwoord";
-$AdditonalUsers = "Extra gebruikers";
$AdditonalUsersComment = "U kunt hier extra gebruikers die niet in deze module ingeschreven zijn uitnodigen om deze enquete in te vullen door hier hun email adressen toe te voegen. De email adressen dienen gescheiden te worden door een , of ;";
$MailTitle = "Titel van de email";
-$MailText = "Tekst van de email";
-$UseLinkSyntax = "De geselecteerde gebruikers zullen een email ontvangen met de tekst die u hierboven tikt en een unieke link die ze dienen aan te klikken om de enquete in te vullen. Als u deze link ergens in uw tekst wilt laten verschijen dient u de **link** (ster ster link ster ster) in uw tekst te plaatsen. Dit wordt dan automatisch vervangen door de unieke link. Als u **link** niet aan uw tekst toevoegt wordt de unieke link automatisch aan het einde van de mail toegevoegd.";
$InvitationsSend = "uitnodigingen verstuurd. ";
$SurveyDeleted = "De enquete is verwijderd.";
$NoSurveysSelected = "U hebt gn enquete geselecteerd.";
$NumberOfQuestions = "Aantal vragen";
$Invited = "Uitgenodigd";
-$NumberOfQuestions = "Aantal vragen";
$SubmitQuestionFilter = "Filter";
$ResetQuestionFilter = "Filter ongedaan maken";
$ExportCurrentReport = "Huidig rappor exporteren";
@@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Personen dit dit antwoord gekozen hebben";
$CourseUsers = "Gebruikers uit deze module";
$SurveyPublication = "Publicatie van de enquete";
$AdditonalUsers = "Extra gebruikers";
-$MailTitle = "Titel van de email";
$MailText = "Tekst van de email";
$UseLinkSyntax = "De geselecteerde gebruikers zullen een email ontvangen met de tekst die u hierboven tikt en een unieke link die ze dienen aan te klikken om de enquete in te vullen. Als u deze link ergens in uw tekst wilt laten verschijen dient u de **link** (ster ster link ster ster) in uw tekst te plaatsen. Dit wordt dan automatisch vervangen door de unieke link. Als u **link** niet aan uw tekst toevoegt wordt de unieke link automatisch aan het einde van de mail toegevoegd.";
$DetailedReportByUser = "Gedetailleerd rapport per gebruiker";
@@ -146,8 +135,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "In dit rapport krijgt u een overzicht van alle antwoord
$DetailedReportByUserDetail = "In dit rapport krijgt u een overzicht van alle antwoorden van een specifieke gebruiker.";
$DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "In dit rapport kan je de resultaten voor iedere vraag zien.";
$ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Dit is een herinnering van de uitnodiging. Elke gebruiker zal een nieuwe email ontvangen. Als u dit niet aanvinkt krijgen enkel de nieuw toegevoegde gebruikers een email.";
-$Yesno = "Ja / Neen";
-$Multiplechoice = "Meerdere keuzes";
$Multiplechoice = "Meerdere keuzes";
$Multipleresponse = "Meerdere antwoorden";
$Score = "Score";
diff --git a/main/lang/dutch_corporate/ b/main/lang/dutch_corporate/
index 5cb7d1438d..924deb44e1 100644
--- a/main/lang/dutch_corporate/
+++ b/main/lang/dutch_corporate/
@@ -274,8 +274,6 @@ $StartTime = "Starttijd";
$EndTime = "Eindtijd";
$langYouWereCalled = "U kunt chatten met ";
$langDoYouAccept = "Bevestigen?";
-$StartTime = "Starttijd";
-$EndTime = "Eindtijd";
$Everybody = "Iedereen";
$SentTo = "Zichtbaar voor";
$Export = "Exporteer";
@@ -322,7 +320,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Verplaats bestand naar";
$Save = "Opslaan";
$Error = "Fout";
$Anonymous = "Anoniem";
-$NoSearchResults = "Niks gevonden";
$h = "u";
$CreateNewGlobalRole = "Nieuwe globale rol creren";
$CreateNewLocalRole = "Nieuwe lokale rol creren";
@@ -367,7 +364,6 @@ $SendMail = "Verzend email";
$RdvAgenda = "Agenda afspraak";
$VideoConf = "Video conferentie";
$MyProgress = "Mijn voortgang";
-$myInActiveSessions = "Mijn inactieve sessies";
$NoOnlineStudents = "Geen gebruikers online";
$InCourse = "in de module";
$UserOnlineListSession = "Gebruikers online - Sessie";
@@ -379,10 +375,8 @@ $Years = "jaren";
$Day = "dag";
$Days = "dagen";
$PleaseStandBy = "Even geduld aub";
-$Language = "Taal";
$AvailableUntill = "Beschikbaar tot";
$HourMinuteDivider = "u";
-$Here = "hier";
$Visio_classroom = "Virtueel klaslokaal";
$Survey = "Enquetes";
$More = "Meer";
@@ -421,7 +415,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Uw registratiegegevens";
$ResetLink = "Klik hier om uw paswoord terug te vinden";
$VisibilityChanged = "De zichtbaarheid is aangepast.";
$MainNavigation = "Hoofdnavigatie";
-$None = "Geen";
$SeeDetail = "Zie detail";
$GroupSingle = "Groep";
$PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Gelieve opnieuw in te loggen op de startpagina";
@@ -475,7 +468,6 @@ $UserAge = "Leeftijd";
$UserBirthday = "Verjaardag";
$Course = "Cursus";
$FilesUpload = "documenten";
-$FileUpload = "document";
$ExerciseFinished = "De oefening is afgewerkt. ";
$UserSex = "Geslacht";
$UserNativeLanguage = "Moedertaal";
@@ -514,7 +506,6 @@ $UnableToConnectTo = "Kan niet verbinden met";
$NoUser = "Geen gebruiker";
$SearchResultsFor = "Zoekresultaten voor: ";
$SelectFile = "Selecteer een bestand";
-$UploadFile = "Bestand uploaden";
$WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "Aandacht - het FAQ bestand in de /home/ folder van uw platform is niet schrijfbaar. Uw tekst zal niet opgeslagen worden totdat u de bestandspermissies gewijzigd worden. ";
$AddCategory = "Categorie toevoegen";
$NoExercises = "Geen oefeningen beschikbaar.";
diff --git a/main/lang/english/ b/main/lang/english/
index 68dca0ee6b..a537bbcadf 100644
--- a/main/lang/english/
+++ b/main/lang/english/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Dokeos is a Learning and Knowledge Management System. It allows the trainer to organize learning materials, courses and to manage the interaction with the participants. All this is made inside the web browser.
To use Dokeos as a trainer , you need a login and a password. Depending on the security settings of your portal, you an get these by self-registration (right hand menu) or from the central administration of your organization. Note that a login and a password will never contain spaces or accents and that they are case sensitive. Type your login/password, then create a course (top right) or use the course that has been created for you by the central administration of your organization.
To add a colleague as co-administrator of your course:
Every Dokeos tool contains a contextual help represented by a red buoy. If you don\'t find there the good information, consider checking the Dokeos documentation page: and download the trainer manual. in your own language or in English
This portal allows you to follow and participate to courses, trainings, collaborative workshops etc. It has been created to promote active learning: project-based, problem-based, case-based learning, collaborative research etc.Your teachers have build learning areas that can present as simple documents folders or sophisticated self-learning or group learning sequences of activities.
Registration process can vary from one organization to the other. In some cases, self-registration is allowed. In others, you should get from the central administration a login and a password.
"; +$langClarContent = "Trainer
Dokeos is a Learning and Knowledge Management System. It allows the trainer to organize learning materials, trainings and to manage the interaction with the participants. All this is made inside the web browser.
To use Dokeos as a trainer , you need a login and a password. Depending on the security settings of your portal, you an get these by self-registration (right hand menu) or from the central administration of your organization. Note that a login and a password will never contain spaces or accents and that they are case sensitive. Type your login/password, then create a training (top right) or use the course that has been created for you by the central administration of your organization.
To add a colleague as co-administrator of your course:
Every Dokeos tool contains a contextual help represented by a red buoy. If you don\'t find there the good information, consider checking the Dokeos documentation page: and download the trainer manual. in your own language or in English
This portal allows you to follow and participate to trainings, collaborative workshops etc. It has been created to promote active learning: project-based, problem-based, case-based learning, collaborative research etc.Your teachers have build learning areas that can present as simple documents folders or sophisticated self-learning or group learning sequences of activities.
Registration process can vary from one organization to the other. In some cases, self-registration is allowed. In others, you should get from the central administration a login and a password.
"; $test = "test"; $WCAGImage = "Image"; $WCAGLabel = "Image label"; diff --git a/main/lang/english/ b/main/lang/english/ index 53d5be40a9..dd08c292b7 100644 --- a/main/lang/english/ +++ b/main/lang/english/ @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ $langUsed = "used"; $langPresent = "Ok"; $langMissing = "missing"; $langExist = "existing"; -$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "Show back link on to of categories/courses tree"; +$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "Show back links from categories/trainings"; $ShowNumberOfCourses = "Show number of trainings"; $DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Display trainer in training title"; $DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Display trainer in training list"; @@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ $DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Display Training Code in training list" $DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle = "Display Training Code in Training Title"; $ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "There are no Alias courses on the platform."; $ConfigureHomePage = "Configure Homepage"; -$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Active modules at course creation"; -$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "Which tools have to be activated (visible) by default when a new course is created?"; +$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Active modules at the creation of training"; +$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "Which tools have to be activated (visible) by default when a new training is created?"; $SearchUsers = "Search users"; $CreateUser = "Create user"; $ModifyInformation = "Modify information"; @@ -31,28 +31,28 @@ $ModifyCoach = "Modify coach"; $ModifyThisSession = "Modify this session"; $ExportSession = "Export session"; $ImportSession = "Import session"; -$langCourseBackup = "Backup this course"; +$langCourseBackup = "Backup this training"; $langCourseTitular = "Trainer"; $langCourseTitle = "Training"; -$langCourseFaculty = "Course category"; -$langCourseDepartment = "Course department"; +$langCourseFaculty = "Category"; +$langCourseDepartment = "Department"; $langCourseDepartmentURL = "Department URL"; -$langCourseLanguage = "Course language"; -$langCourseAccess = "Course access"; -$langCourseSubscription = "Course subscription"; +$langCourseLanguage = "Language"; +$langCourseAccess = "Training access"; +$langCourseSubscription = "Training subscription"; $langPublicAccess = "Public access"; $langPrivateAccess = "Private access"; $langDBManagementOnlyForServerAdmin = "Database management is only available for the server administrator"; -$langShowUsersOfCourse = "Show users subscribed to this course"; -$langShowClassesOfCourse = "Show classes subscribed to this course"; -$langShowGroupsOfCourse = "Show groups of this course"; +$langShowUsersOfCourse = "Show users subscribed to this training"; +$langShowClassesOfCourse = "Show classes subscribed to this training"; +$langShowGroupsOfCourse = "Show groups of this training"; $langPhone = "Phone"; $langPhoneNumber = "Phone number"; $langActions = "Actions"; -$langAddToCourse = "Add to a course"; +$langAddToCourse = "Add to a training"; $langDeleteFromPlatform = "Remove from portal"; -$langDeleteCourse = "Delete selected course(s)"; -$langDeleteFromCourse = "Unsubscribe from course(s)"; +$langDeleteCourse = "Delete selected training(s)"; +$langDeleteFromCourse = "Unsubscribe from training(s)"; $langDeleteSelectedClasses = "Delete selected classes"; $langDeleteSelectedGroups = "Delete selected groups"; $langAdministrator = "Administrator"; @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ $langFirstLetterCourse = "First letter (code)"; $langModifyUserInfo = "Edit user information"; $langModifyClassInfo = "Edit class information"; $langModifyGroupInfo = "Edit group information"; -$langModifyCourseInfo = "Edit course information"; +$langModifyCourseInfo = "Edit training information"; $langPleaseEnterClassName = "Please enter the class name !"; $langPleaseEnterLastName = "Please enter the user\'s last name !"; $langPleaseEnterFirstName = "Please enter the user\'s first name !"; @@ -86,23 +86,23 @@ $langPleaseEnterValidEmail = "Please enter a valid e-mail address !"; $langPleaseEnterValidLogin = "Please enter a valid login !"; $langPleaseEnterCourseCode = "Please enter the training code."; $langPleaseEnterTitularName = "Please enter the trainer\'s First and Last Name."; -$langPleaseEnterCourseTitle = "Please enter the course title !"; +$langPleaseEnterCourseTitle = "Please enter the formation title"; $langAcceptedPictureFormats = "Accepted formats are JPG, PNG and GIF !"; $langLoginAlreadyTaken = "This login is already taken !"; $langImportUserListXMLCSV = "Import users from XML/CSV file"; $langExportUserListXMLCSV = "Export user list"; -$langOnlyUsersFromCourse = "Only users from the course"; -$langAddClassesToACourse = "Add classes to a course"; -$langAddUsersToACourse = "Add users to course"; +$langOnlyUsersFromCourse = "Only users from the training"; +$langAddClassesToACourse = "Add classes to a training"; +$langAddUsersToACourse = "Add users to training"; $langAddUsersToAClass = "Add users to a class"; $langAddUsersToAGroup = "Add users to a group"; -$langAtLeastOneClassAndOneCourse = "You must select at least one class and one course !"; +$langAtLeastOneClassAndOneCourse = "You must select at least one class and one training"; $AtLeastOneUser = "You must select at least one user !"; -$langAtLeastOneUserAndOneCourse = "You must select at least one user and one course !"; +$langAtLeastOneUserAndOneCourse = "You must select at least one user and one training"; $langClassList = "Class list"; $langUserList = "User list"; $langCourseList = "Training list"; -$langAddToThatCourse = "Add to this (these) course(s)"; +$langAddToThatCourse = "Add to the training(s)"; $langAddToClass = "Add to the class"; $langRemoveFromClass = "Remove from the class"; $langAddToGroup = "Add to the group"; @@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ $langAdminClasses = "Classes of users"; $langAdminGroups = "Groups of users"; $langAdminCourses = "Trainings"; $langAdminCategories = "Training categories"; -$langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse = "Subscribe a user / group to a course"; +$langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse = "Subscribe a user / group to a training"; $langAddACategory = "Add a category"; $langInto = "into"; $langNoCategories = "There are no categories here"; -$langAllowCoursesInCategory = "Allow to add courses in this category ?"; +$langAllowCoursesInCategory = "Allow the addition of trainings in this category ?"; $langGoToForum = "Go to the forum"; $langCategoryCode = "Category code"; $langCategoryName = "Category name"; @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ $lang_no_access_here = "No access here "; $lang_php_info = "information about the system"; $langAddAdminInApache = "Add an administrator"; $langAddFaculties = "Add categories"; -$langSearchACourse = "Search for a course"; +$langSearchACourse = "Search for a training"; $langSearchAUser = "Search for a user"; $langTechnicalTools = "Technical"; $langConfig = "System config"; @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ $langLimitUsersListDefaultMax = "Maximum users showing in scroll list"; $NoTimeLimits = "No time limits"; $GeneralCoach = "General coach"; $GeneralProperties = "General properties"; -$CourseCoach = "Course coach"; +$CourseCoach = "Training coach"; $UsersNumber = "Users number"; $PageAfterLoginTitle = "Page after login"; $PageAfterLoginComment = "The page which is seen by the user entering the platform"; @@ -204,11 +204,11 @@ $langCourseVisualCode = "Visual code"; $langSystemCode = "System Code"; $langVisualCode = "visual code"; $langAddCourse = "Create training"; -$langAdminManageVirtualCourses = "Manage virtual courses"; -$langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "Create a virtual course"; -$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "The virtual course will share storage space (directory and database) with an existing \'real\' course."; +$langAdminManageVirtualCourses = "Manage virtual trainings"; +$langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "Create a virtual training"; +$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "The virtual training will share storage space (directory and database) with an existing \'real\' training."; $langRealCourseCode = "Real training code"; -$langCourseCreationSucceeded = "The course was successfully created."; +$langCourseCreationSucceeded = "The training was successfully created."; $langYourDokeosUses = "Your Dokeos installation uses presently"; $langOnTheHardDisk = "on the hard disk"; $langIsVirtualCourse = "Virtual course?"; @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ $SelectPicture = "Select picture..."; $DontResetPassword = "Don\'t reset password"; $ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment = "Participate in development"; $langCourseAdmin = "course manager"; -$langOtherCourses = "other courses"; +$langOtherCourses = "other trainings"; $PlatformLanguageTitle = "Portal Language"; $ServerStatusComment = "What sort of server is this? This enables or disables some specific options. On a development server there is a translation feature functional that inidcates untranslated strings"; $ServerStatusTitle = "Server Type"; @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ $OriginalName = "Original name"; $EnglishName = "English name"; $DokeosFolder = "Dokeos folder"; $Properties = "Properties"; -$DokeosConfigSettings = "Dokeos configuration settings"; +$DokeosConfigSettings = "Configuration settings"; $SettingsStored = "The settings have been stored"; $InstitutionTitle = "Institution Title"; $InstitutionComment = "The name of the institution (appears in the header on the right)"; @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ $administratorNameComment = "The First Name of the Platform Administrator (appea $ShowAdministratorDataTitle = "Platform Administrator Information in footer"; $ShowAdministratorDataComment = "Show the Information of the Platform Administrator in the footer?"; $HomepageViewTitle = "Homepage View"; -$HomepageViewComment = "How do you want the homepage of a course to look like? "; +$HomepageViewComment = "How would you like the homepage of a training to look? "; $HomepageViewDefault = "Two column layout. Inactive tools are hidden"; $HomepageViewFixed = "Three column layout. Inactive tools are greyed out (Icons stay on their place)"; $Yes = "Yes"; @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ $ShowOnlineComment = "Display the number of persons that are online? "; $AllowNameChangeTitle = "Allow Name Change in profile?"; $AllowNameChangeComment = "Is the user allowed to change his/her firste and last name? "; $DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle = "Default Document Quotum"; -$DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "What is the default quotum for the documents tool? You can override the quota for specific courses through: platform administration > Courses > modify"; +$DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "What is the available disk space? You can override the quota for specific trainings through: platform administration > Trainings > modify"; $ProfileChangesTitle = "Profile"; $ProfileChangesComment = "Which parts of the profile can be changed?"; $RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle = "Registration: required fields"; @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ $PlatformLanguage = "Portal Language"; $Tuning = "Tuning"; $SplitUsersUploadDirectory = "Split users\' upload directory"; $SplitUsersUploadDirectoryComment = "On very high-usage portals, where a lot of users are registered and send their pictures, the upload directory (main/upload/users/) might contain too many files for the filesystem to handle (it has been reported with more than 36000 files on a Debian server). Changing this option will enable a one-level splitting of the directories in the upload directory. 9 directories will be used in the base directory and all subsequent users\' directories will be stored into one of these 9 directories. The change of this option will not affect the directories structure on disk, but will affect the behaviour of the Dokeos code, so if you change this option, you have to create the new directories and move the existing directories by yourself on te server. Be aware that when creating and moving those directories, you will have to move the directories of users 1 to 9 into subdirectories of the same name. If you are not sure about this option, it is best not to activate it."; -$CourseQuota = "Course Quotum"; +$CourseQuota = "Disk Space"; $EditNotice = "Edit notice"; $General = "general"; $LostPassword = "Lost Password"; @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ $NoticeText = "Text of Notice"; $LinkName = "Text of Link"; $LinkURL = "URL of Link"; $OpenInNewWindow = "Open in new window"; -$langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment = "In the screens allowing addition of users to courses or classes, if the first non-filtered list contains more than this number of users, then default to the first letter (A)"; +$langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment = "In the screens allowing addition of users to trainings or classes, if the first non-filtered list contains more than this number of users, then default to the first letter (A)"; $Plugins = "Plugins"; $HideDLTTMarkupComment = "Hide the [= ... =] markup when a language variable is not translated"; $Info = "Information"; @@ -322,28 +322,28 @@ $NoSearchResults = "No search results"; $UserDeleted = "The user is deleted"; $NoClassesForThisCourse = "There are no classes subscribed to this course"; $CourseUsage = "Training usage"; -$NoCoursesForThisUser = "This user isn\'t subscribed in a course"; +$NoCoursesForThisUser = "This user isn\'t subscribed in a training"; $NoClassesForThisUser = "This user isn\'t subscribed in a class"; -$NoCoursesForThisClass = "This class isn\'t subscribed in a course"; +$NoCoursesForThisClass = "This class isn\'t subscribed in a training"; $langOpenToTheWorld = "Open - access allowed for the whole world"; $OpenToThePlatform = " Open - access allowed for users registered on the platform"; $langPrivate = " Private access (site accessible only to people on the user list)"; $langCourseVisibilityClosed = " Completely closed; the course is only accessible to the course admin."; $langSubscription = "Subscription"; $langUnsubscription = "Unsubscribe"; -$langConfTip = " By default your course is public. But you can define the level of confidentiality above."; +$langConfTip = " By default your training is public. But you can define the level of confidentiality above."; $Tool = "tool"; $NumberOfItems = "number of items"; $DocumentsAndFolders = "Documents and folders"; $Learnpath = "Courses"; -$Exercises = "Exercises"; +$Exercises = "Tests"; $AllowPersonalAgendaTitle = "Personal Agenda"; $AllowPersonalAgendaComment = "Can the user add personal agenda items on the My Agenda page?"; $CurrentValue = "current value"; $CourseDescription = "Training Description"; $OnlineConference = "Online Conference"; $Chat = "Chat"; -$Quiz = "Exercises"; +$Quiz = "Tests"; $Announcements = "Announcements"; $Links = "Links"; $LearningPath = "Courses"; @@ -431,8 +431,8 @@ $ShowNavigationMenuComment = "Display a navigation menu that makes it easy to go $ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuTitle = "Show icons in navigation menu?"; $SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Focus on right"; $SeeAllRightsAllRolesForSpecificLocation = "Focus on location"; -$ClassesUnsubscribed = "The selected classes were unsubscribed from the selected courses"; -$ClassesSubscribed = "The selected classes were subscribed to the selected courses"; +$ClassesUnsubscribed = "The selected classes were unsubscribed from the selected trainings"; +$ClassesSubscribed = "The selected classes were subscribed to the selected trainings"; $RoleId = "Role ID"; $RoleName = "Role name"; $RoleType = "Type"; @@ -506,12 +506,12 @@ $StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Enable student view"; $StudentViewEnabledComment = "Enable the user view, which allows a trainer or admin to see a training as a participant or user would see it"; $TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle = "Time limit on WhoIsOnline"; $TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "This time limit defines for how many seconds after his last action a user will be considered *online*"; -$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "Example material on course creation"; +$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "Example material on training creation"; $ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "Create example material automatically when creating a new course"; $AccountValidDurationTitle = "Account validity"; $AccountValidDurationComment = "A user account is valid for this number of days after creation"; $UseSessionModeTitle = "Use session mode"; -$UseSessionModeComment = "Sessions give a different way of dealing with courses, where course have a creator, a coach and students. Each coach gives a course for a set period of time, called a *session*, to a set of students"; +$UseSessionModeComment = "Sessions give a different way of dealing with courses, where training have a creator, a coach and students. Each coach gives a training for a set period of time, called a *session*, to a set of students"; $HomepageViewActivity = "Activity view"; $HomepageView2column = "Two column view"; $HomepageView3column = "Three columns view"; @@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ $UserOnHost = "Username"; $FtpPassword = "FTP password"; $PathToLzx = "Path to LZX files"; $WCAGContent = "Text"; -$SubscribeCoursesToSession = "Subscribe courses to this session"; +$SubscribeCoursesToSession = "Subscribe trainings to this session"; $DateStartSession = "Start date session"; $DateEndSession = "End date session"; $EditSession = "Edit this session"; @@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ $ReconfigureExtension = "Reconfigure extension"; $ServiceReconfigured = "Service reconfigured"; $ChooseNewsLanguage = "Choose news language"; $Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "Sum of the time spent in a course"; -$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "This option is used to calculate in real time the time that a user spend in a course. The value in the field is the refresh interval in seconds. To desactivate this option, let the default value 0 in the field."; +$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "This option is used to calculate in real time the time that a user spend in a training. The value in the field is the refresh interval in seconds. To desactivate this option, let the default value 0 in the field."; $EditLink = "Edit link"; $FinishSessionCreation = "Finish session creation"; $VisioRTMPPort = "Videoconference RTMTP protocol port"; @@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ $CodeDoesNotExists = "This code does not exist"; $UnknownUser = "Unknown user"; $UnknownStatus = "Unknown status"; $SessionDeleted = "The session has been deleted"; -$CourseDoesNotExist = "This course doesn\'t exist"; +$CourseDoesNotExist = "This training doesn\'t exist"; $UserDoesNotExist = "This user doesn\'t exist"; $ButProblemsOccured = "but problems occured"; $UsernameTooLongWasCut = "This username was cut"; @@ -612,10 +612,10 @@ $EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "Ephorus plagiarism prevention"; $CourseTeachers = "Trainers"; $UnknownTeacher = "Unknown trainer"; $HideDLTTMarkup = "Hide DLTT Markup"; -$ListOfCoursesOfSession = "List of courses for the session"; +$ListOfCoursesOfSession = "List of trainings for the session"; $UnsubscribeSelectedUsersFromSession = "Unsubscribe selected users from session"; -$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Show the language each course is in, next to the course title, on the homepage courses list"; -$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Show the categories of courses on the homepage, even if they\'re empty"; +$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Show the language each training is in, next to the training title, on the homepage training list"; +$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Show the categories of trainings on the homepage, even if they\'re empty"; $ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Show empty courses categories"; $XMLNotValid = "XML document is not valid"; $ForTheSession = "for the session"; @@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ $AllowEmailEditorComment = "If this option is activated, clicking on an e-mail a $AddCSVHeader = "Add the CSV header line?"; $YesAddCSVHeader = "Yes, add the CSV headerDo you really want to delete the course area?"; +$langByDel = "Deleting this area will permanently delete all the content (documents, links...) it contains and unregister all its members (not remove them from other areas). This will also delete any virtual courses that are linked to this training.
Do you really want to delete the training area?";
$langY = "YES";
$langN = "NO";
$langDepartmentUrl = "Department URL";
$langDepartmentUrlName = "Department";
-$langBackupCourse = "Archive this course area";
+$langBackupCourse = "Archive this training area";
$langModifGroups = "Groups";
$langProfessor = "Trainer";
$langGroups = "Groups";
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ $langRestoreCourse = "Restore a course";
$langRestore = "Restore";
$langCreatedIn = "created in";
$langCreateMissingDirectories = "Creation of missing directories";
-$langCopyDirectoryCourse = "Copy of course files";
+$langCopyDirectoryCourse = "Copy of training files";
$langDisk_free_space = "Free disk space";
$langBuildTheCompressedFile = "Creation of backup file";
$langFileCopied = "file copied";
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ $langArchiveLocation = "Archive location";
$langSizeOf = "Size of";
$langArchiveName = "Archive name";
$langBackupSuccesfull = "Backup successful";
-$langBUCourseDataOfMainBase = "Backup of course data in main database for";
+$langBUCourseDataOfMainBase = "Backup of training data in main database for";
$langBUUsersInMainBase = "Backup of user data in main database for";
$langBUAnnounceInMainBase = "Backup of announcements data in main database for";
$langBackupOfDataBase = "Backup of database";
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ $langPostPone = "Post pone";
$langLastEdit = "Last edit";
$langLastVisit = "Last visit";
$langSubscription = "Subscription";
-$langCourseAccess = "Course access";
-$langConfirmBackup = "Do you really want to backup the course area?";
+$langCourseAccess = "Training access";
+$langConfirmBackup = "Do you really want to backup this training?";
$langCreateSite = "Create training";
-$langRestoreDescription = "The course is in an archive file which you can select below.
Once you click on \"Restore\", the archive will be uncompressed and the course recreated.";
+$langRestoreDescription = "The training is in an archive file which you can select below.
Once you click on \"Restore\", the archive will be uncompressed and the training recreated.";
$langRestoreNotice = "This script doesn\'t allow yet to automatically restore users, but data saved in \"users.csv\" are sufficient for the administrator to do it manually.";
$langAvailableArchives = "Available archives list";
$langNoArchive = "No archive has been selected";
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ $langBackH = "back to homepage";
$langOtherCategory = "Other category";
$langAllowedToUnsubscribe = "Users are allowed to unsubscribe from this course";
$langNotAllowedToUnsubscribe = "Users are not allowed to unsubscribe from this course";
-$langCourseVisibilityClosed = "Completely closed; the course is only accessible to the course admin and teaching assistants.";
+$langCourseVisibilityClosed = "Completely closed; the training is only accessible trainers.";
$CourseVisibilityClosed = "Closed - the course is only accessible to the course admin and teaching assistants.";
$CourseVisibilityModified = "Modified (more detailed settings specified through roles-rights system)";
$WorkEmailAlert = "Alert by e-mail on work submission";
@@ -85,19 +85,19 @@ $DropboxEmailAlert = "Alert by e-mail on dropbox submission";
$DropboxEmailAlertActivate = "Activate e-mail alert on dropbox submission";
$DropboxEmailAlertDeactivate = "Disable e-mail alert on dropbox submission";
$AllowUserEditAgenda = "Allow users to edit course agenda";
-$AllowUserEditAgendaActivate = "Activate course agenda edition by users";
+$AllowUserEditAgendaActivate = "Activate training agenda edition by users";
$AllowUserEditAgendaDeactivate = "Disable course agenda edition by users";
$AllowUserEditAnnouncement = "Allow users to edit course announcements";
$AllowUserEditAnnouncementActivate = "Enable edition by users";
$AllowUserEditAnnouncementDeactivate = "Disable edition by users";
$OrInTime = "Or in";
-$CourseRegistrationPassword = "Course registration password";
+$CourseRegistrationPassword = "Training registration password";
$langDescriptionDeleteCourse = "Click on this link in order to eliminate any trace from the course on the server.
This functionality has to be handled with an extreme precaution!";
$langDescriptionCopyCourse = "Duplicate the course area or parts of it into another course area. You need minimum 2 courses to use this tool.";
-$DescriptionRecycleCourse = "This tool empties the course. It removes documents, forums, links. And allows you to select what parts you want to remove or decide to remove the whole.";
-$QuizEmailAlert = "E-mail alert on new quiz submitted";
-$QuizEmailAlertActivate = "Activate e-mail sending when a user submits new quiz answers";
-$QuizEmailAlertDeactivate = "Disable e-mail alert on new quiz answers submission";
+$DescriptionRecycleCourse = "This tool empties the training. It removes documents, forums, links. And allows you to select what parts you want to remove or decide to remove the whole.";
+$QuizEmailAlert = "E-mail alert on new test submitted";
+$QuizEmailAlertActivate = "Activate e-mail sending when a user submits new test answers";
+$QuizEmailAlertDeactivate = "Disable e-mail alert on new test answers submission";
$AllowUserImageForum = "User picture in forum";
$AllowUserImageForumActivate = "Display users pictures in the forum";
$AllowUserImageForumDeactivate = "Hide users pictures in the forum";
diff --git a/main/lang/english/ b/main/lang/english/
index a1b0ab8e8d..c41bf8a894 100644
--- a/main/lang/english/
+++ b/main/lang/english/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langSelectOptionForBackup = "Please select a backup-option.";
$langLetMeSelectItems = "Let me select the course components";
-$langCreateFullBackup = "Create a complete backup of this course";
+$langCreateFullBackup = "Create a complete backup of this training";
$langCreateBackup = "Create a backup";
$langBackupCreated = "The backup of this course has been created. The download of this file will start in a few moments. If your download does not start, click the following link";
$langSelectBackupFile = "select a backup file";
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ $langAnnouncements = "Announcements";
$langDocuments = "Documents";
$langTests = "Tests";
$langLearnpaths = "Courses";
-$langCopyCourse = "Copy course";
+$langCopyCourse = "Copy training";
$langSelectItemsToCopy = "Select items to copy";
$langCopyFinished = "Copying is finished";
$langFullRecycle = "Full recycle";
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ $langSameFilename = "What should be done with imported files with the same file
$langSameFilenameSkip = "Skip same file name";
$langSameFilenameRename = "Rename file (eg file.pdf becomes file_1.pdf)";
$langSameFilenameOverwrite = "Overwrite file";
-$langSelectDestinationCourse = "Select destination course";
+$langSelectDestinationCourse = "Select destination training";
$langFullCopy = "Full copy";
$langCourseDescription = "Training description";
$langNoResourcesToBackup = "There are no resources to backup";
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ $langIncludeQuestionPool = "Include questions pool";
$langLocalFile = "local file";
$langServerFile = "server file";
$langNoBackupsAvailable = "no backup is available";
-$langNoDestinationCoursesAvailable = "No destination course available";
+$langNoDestinationCoursesAvailable = "No destination training available";
$langBackup = "Backup";
$langImportBackupInfo = "Import a backup. You will be able to upload a backup file from you local drive or you can use a backup file available on the server.";
$langCreateBackupInfo = "Create a backup of this course. You can select the course contents to put in the backup file.";
diff --git a/main/lang/english/ b/main/lang/english/
index 229bb52539..6242ff7047 100644
--- a/main/lang/english/
+++ b/main/lang/english/
@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$lang_already_enrolled = "already enrolled";
$lang_my_personnal_course_list = "My personal training list";
$lang_course_enrollment = "User trainings";
-$lang_course_not_available = "This course is not available or doesn\'t exist.";
+$lang_course_not_available = "This training is not available or doesn\'t exist.";
$lang_enroll = "Enroll";
-$lang_enroll_to_a_new_course = "Enroll to a new course";
+$lang_enroll_to_a_new_course = "Enroll to a new training";
$lang_my_present_course_list = "My trainings";
-$lang_no_course_to_enroll_in_this_category = "No course to enroll to in this category.";
-$lang_or_search_from_the_course_code = "Or search by code";
+$lang_no_course_to_enroll_in_this_category = "No training available for enrollment in this category.";
+$lang_or_search_from_the_course_code = "Or search by code of training";
$lang_search = "Search";
-$lang_select_course_among_categories = "Select course among categories";
-$lang_select_course_in = "Select course in ";
-$lang_select_course_in_search_results = "Select course in search results";
+$lang_select_course_among_categories = "Select training among categories";
+$lang_select_course_in = "Select training in ";
+$lang_select_course_in_search_results = "Select training from search results";
$lang_unsubscribe = "Unsubscribe";
$lang_back_to_my_home_page = "Back to my home page";
$lang_back_to_my_personnal_course_list = "Back to my training list";
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $langTitular = "Leader";
$langBackToListOfThisUser = "Back to training list";
$langAdministrationTools = "Administration Tools";
$lang_back_to_parent_category = "Back to parent category";
-$lang_back_to_course_selection = "Back to course selection";
+$lang_back_to_course_selection = "Back to training selection";
$lang_up = "Back to parent category";
$langCatList = "Categories";
$langCourseList = "Trainings";
@@ -39,32 +39,32 @@ $langShowAndSubscribeOpen = "Visible / Open";
$langShowAndSubscribeClosed = "Visible / Closed";
$langAdminThisUser = "Back to user";
$langManage = "Portal management";
-$langEnrollToCourseSuccessful = "You have been registered to the course";
+$langEnrollToCourseSuccessful = "You have been registered to the training";
$langSubCat = "sub-categories";
-$langUnsubscribeNotAllowed = "Unsubscribing is not allowed for this course.";
+$langUnsubscribeNotAllowed = "Unsubscribing is not allowed for this training.";
$langCourseAdminUnsubscribeNotAllowed = "You are course admin of this course.";
$CourseManagement = "Course Management";
$SortMyCourses = "Sort trainings";
-$SubscribeToCourse = "Subscribe to course";
+$SubscribeToCourse = "Subscribe to training";
$UnsubscribeFromCourse = "Unsubscribe from trainings";
$CreateCourseCategory = "Create training category";
-$CourseCategoryAbout2bedeleted = "Are you sure you want to delete this course category? Courses inside this course category will be moved outside the course categories";
+$CourseCategoryAbout2bedeleted = "Are you sure you want to delete this training category? Courses inside this training category will be moved outside the training categories";
$CourseCategories = "Training Categories";
$CoursesInCategory = "Trainings in this category";
-$SearchCourse = "Search courses";
+$SearchCourse = "Search trainings";
$UpOneCategory = "One category up";
$SearchResultsFor = "Search results for:";
$ConfirmUnsubscribeFromCourse = "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from this course?";
$NoCourseCategory = "No course category";
$EditCourseCategorySucces = "The course was added to the category";
$SubscribingNotAllowed = "Subscribing not allowed";
-$CourseSortingDone = "Courses sorted";
+$CourseSortingDone = "Trainings sorted";
$ExistingCourseCategories = "Existing training categories";
$YouAreNowUnsubscribed = "You are now unsubscribed from the course";
$ViewOpenCourses = "View open courses";
$ErrorContactPlatformAdmin = "There happened an unknown error. Please contact the platform administrator.";
$CourseRegistrationCodeIncorrect = "The training code is incorrect";
-$CourseRequiresPassword = "Course requires password";
+$CourseRequiresPassword = "Training requires password";
$SubmitRegistrationCode = "Submit registration code";
$CourseCategoryDeleted = "The category was deleted";
$CategorySortingDone = "Category sorting done";
diff --git a/main/lang/english/ b/main/lang/english/
index 7c2e27f066..8694ce2e15 100644
--- a/main/lang/english/
+++ b/main/lang/english/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langProfessors = "Trainers";
-$langExplanation = "Once you click the \"OK\" button above, a training area is created which will include a section for Tests, Gradebook, Courses, Dropbox, Agenda and much more. Your login as trainer allows you editing privileges to these areas of your training.";
+$langExplanation = "Once you click \"Create Training\", a training area is created which will include a section for Tests, Gradebook, Courses, Dropbox, Agenda and much more. Logging in as trainer allows you editing privileges to these areas of your training.";
$langEmpty = "You left some fields empty.
Use the Back button on your browser and try again.
If you ignore your training code, see the Training Program";
$langCodeTaken = "This training code is already in use.
Use the Back button on your browser and try again";
$langFormula = "Yours sincerely";
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $langCourseProgram = "Course program";
$langAnnouncements = "Announcements";
$langAddPageHome = "Upload page and link to Homepage";
$langLinkSite = "Add a link";
-$langModifyInfo = "Course settings";
+$langModifyInfo = "Settings";
$langCourseDesc = "Description";
$langAgendaTitle = "Tuesday the 11th of December - First meeting. Room: LIN 18";
$langAgendaText = "General introduction to project management";
$langMicro = "Street interviews";
$langGoogle = "Quick and powerful search engine";
-$langIntroductionText = "Place your heading and/or introduction to the course here.
Click on the pencil icon below to modify.
(Trainers only).";
+$langIntroductionText = "Place your heading and/or introduction to the training here.
Click on the pencil icon below to modify.
(Trainers only).";
$langIntroductionTwo = "This page allows users and groups to publish documents.";
-$langCourseDescription = "Write here the description that will appear in the course list.";
+$langCourseDescription = "Write here the description that will appear in the training list.";
$langProfessor = "Trainers";
$langAnnouncementEx = "This is an announcement example. Only trainers are allowed to publish announcements.";
-$langJustCreated = "You just created the course area";
+$langJustCreated = "You just created the training area";
$langEnter = "Back to training list";
$langGroups = "Groups";
$langCreateCourseGroups = "Groups";
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ $langFac = "Category";
$langTargetFac = "This is the department or any other category where the course is delivered";
$langMax = "max. 20 characters, e.g. INNOV21";
$langDoubt = "If you are unsure of your training code, consult the training details.";
-$langProgram = "Course Program. If your course has no code, whatever the reason, invent one. For instance INNOVATION if the course is about Innovation Management";
+$langProgram = "Training Program. If your training has no code, whatever the reason, invent one. For instance INNOVATION if the training is about Innovation Management";
$langScormtool = "Courses";
$langScormbuildertool = "Scorm Path builder";
$langPathbuildertool = "Course builder";
$langOnlineConference = "Conference";
-$langAgendaCreationTitle = "Course creation";
-$langAgendaCreationContenu = "This course has been created on this moment.";
+$langAgendaCreationTitle = "Training creation";
+$langAgendaCreationContenu = "This training has been created on this moment.";
$langOnlineDescription = "This is an example of description for the Conference tool";
$langDropbox = "Doc share";
$langOnly = "Only";
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ $langAudio = "Audio";
$langFlash = "Flash";
$langForumLanguage = "english";
$langNewCourse = "New training";
-$langAddNewCourse = "Add a new course area";
-$langRestoreCourse = "Restore a course area";
+$langAddNewCourse = "Add a new training";
+$langRestoreCourse = "Restore a training";
$langOtherProperties = "Other properties found in the archive";
$langSysId = "System ID";
$langDepartment = "Department";
@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ $langPostFileTips = "File on your local computer";
$langOtherCategory = "Other category";
$langMinimum = "minimum";
$langMaximum = "maximum";
-$langRestoreACourse = "restore a course";
+$langRestoreACourse = "restore a training";
$langBackup = "Backup";
-$langCopy = "Copy course content";
-$langRecycle = "Recycle course";
+$langCopy = "Copy training content";
+$langRecycle = "Recycle training";
$AnnouncementExampleTitle = "This is an announcement example";
$Wikipedia = "Free online encyclopedia";
$DefaultGroupCategory = "Default groups";
diff --git a/main/lang/english/ b/main/lang/english/
index 2b851591b5..98317d4c73 100644
--- a/main/lang/english/
+++ b/main/lang/english/
@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ $langOogieConversionPowerPoint = "Oogie : PowerPoint conversion";
$langWelcomeOogieSubtitle = "A PowerPoint to Courses converter";
$langAddMetadata = "View/Edit Metadata";
$langGoMetadata = "Go";
-$langQuotaForThisCourseIs = "The quota for this course is";
+$langQuotaForThisCourseIs = "The quota for this training is";
$langDel = "delete";
$langUp = "Up";
$langDate = "Date";
$ShowCourseQuotaUse = "Space Available";
-$CourseCurrentlyUses = "This course currently uses";
+$CourseCurrentlyUses = "This training currently uses";
$MaximumAllowedQuota = "Your storage limit is";
$PercentageQuotaInUse = "Percentage of your quota that is in use";
$PercentageQuotaFree = "Percentage of your quota that is still free";
diff --git a/main/lang/english/ b/main/lang/english/
index 30f062af01..e2fe59f4a2 100644
--- a/main/lang/english/
+++ b/main/lang/english/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$dropbox_lang["help"] = "Help";
-$dropbox_lang["aliensNotAllowed"] = "Only course members can use the dropbox tool. You are not a member of this course.";
+$dropbox_lang["aliensNotAllowed"] = "Only training members can use the dropbox tool. You are not a member of this training.";
$dropbox_lang["dropbox"] = "Drop Box";
$dropbox_lang["queryError"] = "Error in database query. Please contact your system administrator.";
$dropbox_lang["generalError"] = "An error has occured. Please contact your system administrator.";
diff --git a/main/lang/english/ b/main/lang/english/
index 17ddc42c4d..f5ba63a88c 100644
--- a/main/lang/english/
+++ b/main/lang/english/
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ $langResult = "Result";
$langNoResult = "There is no result yet";
$langYourResults = "Your results";
$langStudentResults = "Students\' scores";
-$langExerciseType = "Test type";
+$langExerciseType = "Sequential";
$langExerciseName = "Test name";
$langExerciseDescription = "Associated media";
$langSimpleExercise = "All questions on one page";
-$langSequentialExercise = "One question per page (sequential)";
+$langSequentialExercise = "One question per page";
$langRandomQuestions = "Random questions";
$langGiveExerciseName = "Please give the test name";
$langSound = "Audio or video file";
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ $langMatching = "Matching";
$langAddPicture = "Add a picture (.JPG or .PNG)";
$langReplacePicture = "Replace the picture";
$langDeletePicture = "Delete the picture";
-$langQuestionDescription = "Additional text, image, audio or video";
+$langQuestionDescription = "Enter text and/or associated media";
$langGiveQuestion = "Please type the question";
$langWeightingForEachBlank = "Please enter a score for each blank";
$langUseTagForBlank = "use square brackets [...] to define one or more blanks";
@@ -84,34 +84,34 @@ $langScore = "Score";
$langCorrespondsTo = "Corresponds to";
$langExpectedChoice = "Expected choice";
$langYourTotalScore = "Your total score is";
-$ReachedMaxAttemptsAdmin = "You have reached the maximum number of attemtps for this exercise. However, being an administrator for this course, you can still try it, but remember that your results will not show in the results page.";
+$ReachedMaxAttemptsAdmin = "You have reached the maximum number of attempts for this test. However, being an administrator for this course, you can still try it, but remember that your results will not show in the results page.";
$Build = "Build";
$langEvalSet = "Assesment settings";
$langActive = "active";
$langInactive = "inactive";
$langQuestCreate = "Create questions";
-$langExRecord = "your exercise has been saved";
+$langExRecord = "your test has been saved";
$langBackModif = "back to the edit page of questions";
-$langDoEx = "make exercice";
+$langDoEx = "make test";
$langDefScor = "describe evaluation parameters";
$langCreateModif = "Create/Edit questions";
$langSub = "subtitle";
$langMyAnswer = "My answer";
$langMorA = "+ answer";
$langLesA = "- answer";
-$langRecEx = "save exercise";
+$langRecEx = "Save test";
$langRecQu = "Save question";
$langRecAns = "Save Answers";
$langIntroduction = "Introduction";
$langTitleAssistant = "Assistant for the creation of tests";
$langQuesList = "questionlist";
-$langSaveEx = "save exercices";
+$langSaveEx = "save tests";
$langFinish = "Finish";
$langCancel = "Cancel";
$langQImage = "Question with an image";
$langAddQ = "Add a question";
-$langDoAnEx = "Do an exercice";
-$langGenerator = "Exercice list";
+$langDoAnEx = "Do an test";
+$langGenerator = "Test list";
$langChoice = "Your choice";
$langCorrect = "Correct";
$langPossAnsw = "Number of good answers for one question";
@@ -146,14 +146,14 @@ $langIndice = "Index";
$langIndices = "Indexes";
$langDateExo = "Date";
$langShowQuestion = "Show Question";
-$langUnknownExercise = "Unknown Exercise";
+$langUnknownExercise = "Unknown Test";
$langReuseQuestion = "Reuse the question";
-$langCreateExercise = "Create Exercise";
+$langCreateExercise = "Create test";
$langCreateQuestion = "Create a question";
$langCreateAnswers = "Create answers";
$langModifyExercise = "Edit the test";
$langModifyAnswers = "Edit answers";
-$langForExercise = "for exercise";
+$langForExercise = "for the test";
$langUseExistantQuestion = "Use an existing question";
$freeAnswer = "Open question";
$notCorrectedYet = "This answer has not yet been corrected. Meanwhile, your score for this question is set to 0, affecting the total score.";
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ $langAnswerHotspot = "Description and scoring are required for each hotspot - fe
$langMinHotspot = "You have to create one (1) hotspot at least.";
$langMaxHotspot = "The maximum hotspots you can create is twelve (12).";
$langHotspotError = "Please supply a description and weighing for each hotspot.";
-$langMoreHotspots = "+hotspot";
-$langLessHotspots = "-hotspot";
+$langMoreHotspots = "Add hotspot";
+$langLessHotspots = "Remove hotspot";
$langHotspotZones = "Image zones";
$langNextQuestion = "Next question";
$langCorrectAnswer = "Correct answer";
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ $Addlimits = "Add limits";
$AreYouSure = "Are you sure ";
$StudentScore = "Student\'s score";
$backtoTesthome = "Back to test home";
-$Feedback = "Feedback";
+$Feedback = "At end of test";
$MarkIsUpdated = "The mark has been updated";
$MarkInserted = "Mark inserted";
$PleaseGiveAMark = "Please give a mark";
@@ -203,18 +203,18 @@ $CorrectTest = "Correct this test";
$ViewTest = "View";
$State = "State";
$NotAttempted = "Not attempted";
-$AddElem = "+ element";
-$DelElem = "- element";
-$PlusAnswer = "+ answer";
-$LessAnswer = "- answer";
+$AddElem = "Add element";
+$DelElem = "Remove element";
+$PlusAnswer = "Add answer";
+$LessAnswer = "Remove answer";
$YourScore = "Your score";
$Attempted = "Attempted";
$AssignMarks = "Assign a mark";
$Results = "Results";
-$ExerciseStored = "The test structure has been saved. Proceed by clicking on a question type, then completing the entering the appropriate information.";
+$ExerciseStored = "The test structure has been saved. Proceed by clicking on a question type, then enter the appropriate information.";
$ChooseAtLeastOneCheckbox = "Choose at least one good answer";
-$ExerciseEdited = "The exercise has been edited";
-$ExerciseDeleted = "The exercise has been deleted";
+$ExerciseEdited = "The test has been edited";
+$ExerciseDeleted = "The test has been deleted";
$ClickToCommentAndGiveFeedback = "Click the following link to check the answer and give feedback";
$OpenQuestionsAttempted = "A learner has answered an open question";
$AttemptDetails = "Attempt details";
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ $StudentName = "Student\'s name";
$StudentEmail = "Student email";
$OpenQuestionsAttemptedAre = "Open question attempted is";
$CourseName = "Training name";
-$UploadJpgPicture = "Upload a JPG picture";
+$UploadJpgPicture = "Upload image (jpg, png or gif) to apply hotspots.";
$HotspotDescription = "Hotspot description";
$ExamSheetVCC = "Examsheet viewed/corrected/commented by the trainer";
$AttemptVCC = "Your following attempt has been viewed/commented/corrected by the trainer";
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ $ClickLinkToViewComment = "Click the link below to access your account and view
$Regards = "Regards";
$AttemptVCCLong = "You attempt for the test %s has been viewed/commented/corrected by the trainer. Click the link below to access your account and view your Examsheet.";
$DearStudentEmailIntroduction = "Dear Student,";
-$ExerciseFinished = "Exercise Finished";
+$ExerciseFinished = "Test Finished";
$ResultsEnabled = "Results enabled for learners";
$ResultsDisabled = "Results disabled for learners";
$ExportWithUserFields = "Include user fields in export";
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ $ReachedMaxAttempts = "You cannot take test %s because you have already r
$AdvancedParameters = "Advanced parameters";
$RandomQuestionsToDisplay = "Number of random questions to display ";
$RandomQuestionsHelp = "Number of random questions to display; let 0 to have all questions in the right order";
-$RandomQuestionsHelp = "The number of questions to be chosen randomly from the complete question listing. Choose 0 for no randomization.
Choose the total number of questions present to randomize them all.";
+$RandomQuestionsHelp = "To randomize all questions choose the max. number present (10). To disable randomization, choose 0. ";
$ExerciseAttempts = "Max number of attempts";
$DoNotRandomize = "Do not randomize";
$Infinite = "Infinite";
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ $Value = "Value";
$DeleteAttempt = "Delete attempt?";
$WithoutComment = "Without comment";
$QuantityQuestions = "Number of questions";
-$FilterExercices = "Filter exercices";
+$FilterExercices = "Filter tests";
$FilterByNotRevised = "Only unqualified";
$FilterByRevised = "Only qualified";
$Duration = "Duration";
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ $EndActivity = "End of activity";
$GoToQuestion = "Go to question";
$NoFeedback = "Exam (no feedback)";
$DirectFeedback = "Self-evaluation (immediate feedback)";
-$FeedbackType = "Evaluation :";
+$FeedbackType = "Feedback";
$Scenario = "Scenario";
$VisitUrl = "Visit this link";
$ExitTest = "Exit test";
@@ -282,12 +282,13 @@ $ExerciseNoStartedYet = "The exercise didn\'t start yet";
$ExerciseNoStartedAdmin = "The admin didn\'t start the exercise yet";
$SelectTargetLP = "Select target course";
$SelectTargetQuestion = "Select target question";
-$DirectFeedbackCantModifyTypeQuestion = "The quiz type cannot be modified since it was set to self evaluation. Self evaluation gives you the possibility to give direct feedback to the user, but this is not compatible with all question types and, as such, the type of such quiz cannot be changed afterwards.";
+$DirectFeedbackCantModifyTypeQuestion = "The test type cannot be modified since it was set to self evaluation. Self evaluation gives you the possibility to give direct feedback to the user, but this is not compatible with all question types and, so this type quiz cannot be changed afterward.";
$CantShowResults = "Not available";
$CantViewResults = "Can\'t view results";
$ShowCorrectedOnly = "Show the corrected exercise";
$ShowUnCorrectedOnly = "show the uncorrected exercise";
$HideResultsToStudents = "Hide the results to students";
$ShowResultsToStudents = "Show the results to students";
-$ProcedToQuestions = "Proced to questions";
+$ProcedToQuestions = "Proceed to Questions";
+$AddQuestionToExercise = "Add question to Test";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/lang/english/ b/main/lang/english/
index c736edc5a0..4d96b8626e 100644
--- a/main/lang/english/
+++ b/main/lang/english/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ $Weight = "Weight";
$PickACourse = "Pick a training";
$CategoryName = "Category name";
$CourseIndependent = "Independent from training";
-$CourseIndependentEvaluation = "Course independent evaluation";
+$CourseIndependentEvaluation = "Training independent evaluation";
$EvaluationName = "Evaluation name";
$Max = "Max";
$DateEval = "Evaluation date";
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ $DeleteSelected = "Delete selected";
$SetVisible = "Set visible";
$SetInvisible = "Set invisible";
$ChooseLink = "Choose link type";
-$DokeosExercises = "Dokeos exercises";
+$DokeosExercises = "Tests";
$DokeosDropbox = "Dropbox";
$DokeosStudentPublications = "Assignments";
$DokeosLearningPaths = "Courses";
-$ChooseExercise = "Choose exercise";
+$ChooseExercise = "Choose test";
$AddResult = "Add results";
$BackToOverview = "Back to folder view";
$ExportPDF = "Export to PDF";
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ $ResultAdded = "Result added";
$EvaluationStatistics = "Evaluation statistics";
$ExportResult = "Export results";
$EditResult = "Edit results";
-$GradebookWelcomeMessage = "Welcome to the gradebook tool. This tool allow you to set achievable objectives for a course or a set of courses, and to introduce external scoring into the system.";
-$CreateAllCat = "Create all the course categories";
+$GradebookWelcomeMessage = "Welcome to the gradebook tool. This tool allow you to set achievable objectives for a training or a set of trainings, and to introduce external scoring into the system.";
+$CreateAllCat = "Create all the training categories";
$AddAllCat = "Added all categories";
$StatsStudent = "Statistics of";
$Results = "Results";
diff --git a/main/lang/english/ b/main/lang/english/
index 03a2074459..6fb0421881 100644
--- a/main/lang/english/
+++ b/main/lang/english/
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ $langSameForAll = "same for all";
$langNoLimit = "No limitation";
$langPleaseEnterValidNumber = "Please enter the desired number of groups";
$langCreateGroupsFromVirtualCourses = "Create groups from all users in the virtual courses";
-$langCreateGroupsFromVirtualCoursesInfo = "This course is a combination of a real course and one or more virtual courses. If you press following button, new groups will be created according to these (virtual) courses. All students will be subscribed to the groups.";
+$langCreateGroupsFromVirtualCoursesInfo = "This training is a combination of a real training and one or more virtual trainings. If you press following button, new groups will be created according to these (virtual) trainings. All students will be subscribed to the groups.";
$langNoGroupsAvailable = "No groups available";
$langGroupsFromVirtualCourses = "Virtual courses";
$NotAvailable = "Not available";
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ $Empty = "Empty";
$FillGroup = "add users";
$EmptyGroup = "unsubscribe all users";
$MaxGroupsPerUserInvalid = "The maximum number of groups per user you submitted is invalid. There are now users who are subscribed in more groups than the number you propose.";
-$GroupOverview = "Group overview";
+$GroupOverview = "Groups overview";
$GroupCategory = "Group category";
$NoTitleGiven = "Please give a title";
$InvalidMaxNumberOfMembers = "Please enter a valid number for the maximum number of members.";
diff --git a/main/lang/english/ b/main/lang/english/
index e8c0c0009e..fe9edde223 100644
--- a/main/lang/english/
+++ b/main/lang/english/
@@ -4,19 +4,19 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langHFor = "Help Forums";
$langForContent = "The forum is a written and asynchronous discussion tool. Where email allows one-to-one dialogue, forums allow public or semi-public (group) dialogue.
Technically speaking, the users need only their browser to use Dokeos forums.
To organize forums, click on \'Forum Administration\'. Discussions are organized in sets and subsets as following:
Category > Forum > Topic > Answers
To structure your users discussions, it is necessary to organize categories and forums beforehand, leaving the creation of topics and answers to them. By default, the Dokeos forum only contains the category \'Public\', a sample forum and a sample topic.The first thing you should do is delete the sample topic and modify the first forum name. Then, you can create, in the \'public\' category, other forums, by by themes, to fit your learning scenario requirements.
Don\'t mix Categories and forums, and don\'t forget that an empty category (without forums) does not appear on the user view.
The description of a forum can be the list of its members, the definition of a goal, a task, a theme...
Group forums should not be created through Forum tool but through Groups tool. There you will be allowed to decide whether your group forums are private or public.
Pedagogically advanced useSome teachers/trainers use the forum to post corrections. One student/trainee publishes a paper. The teacher corrects it using the edit button (yellow pencil) then the WYSYWIG editor to correct it (use colors and underline to show errors and corrections for instance) and the other students/trainees benefit of this correction."; $langHDropbox = "Dropbox"; -$langDropboxContent = "
The dropbox tool is a Content Management Tool dedicated to peer-to-peer data exchange. Any file type is accepted : Word, Excel, PDF etc. It will manage versions in the sensr that it will avoid destruction of a document which has another document with the same name.
The dropbox tool shows the files that were sent to you (the received folder)and the files that you sent to other members of this course (the sent folder).
If the list of received or sent files gets too long, you can delete allor some files from the list. The file itself is not removed as long asthe other party can see it.
To send a document to more than one person, you need to use CTRL+clic in the multiple select box. The multiple select box is the form field showing the list of members.
"; +$langDropboxContent = "The dropbox tool is a Content Management Tool dedicated to peer-to-peer data exchange. Any file type is accepted : Word, Excel, PDF etc. It will manage versions in the sense that it will avoid destruction of a document which has another document with the same name.
The dropbox tool shows the files that were sent to you (the received folder)and the files that you sent to other members of this training (the sent folder).
If the list of received or sent files gets too long, you can delete allor some files from the list. The file itself is not removed as long asthe other party can see it.
To send a document to more than one person, you need to use CTRL+clic in the multiple select box. The multiple select box is the form field showing the list of members.
"; $langHHome = "Help Homepage"; -$langHomeContent = "The training home page shows a series of tools : an introduction text, a description, a Documents manager etc. This page is modular : you can hide / show any tool in one click. Hidden tools can be reactivated at any time.
NavigationTo browse your course, you have 2 navigation tools. One on top left is a tree showing where you are and how deep you are in the course. On top right, you can access to a tool through its icon in one click. Whether you select your course code on left (always UPPER CASE) or the house icon on the right, you will reach the home page of your training.
Best practiceTo motivate your students, it is important that your training area is a dynamic area. This will indicate that there is \'somebody behind the screen\'. A quick way to give this feeling is to edit the Introduction text (click on yellow pencil) at least evey week to tell latest news, forthcoming deadlines and so on.
To build your course, it might prove relevant to follow these steps:
The training home page shows a series of tools : an introduction text, a description, a Documents manager etc. This page is modular : you can hide / show any tool in one click. Hidden tools can be reactivated at any time.
NavigationTo browse your course, you have 2 navigation tools. One on top left is a tree showing where you are and how deep you are in the training. On top right, you can access to a tool through its icon in one click. Whether you select your course code on left (always UPPER CASE) or the house icon on the right, you will reach the home page of your training.
Best practiceTo motivate your students, it is important that your training area is a dynamic area. This will indicate that there is \'somebody behind the screen\'. A quick way to give this feeling is to edit the Introduction text (click on yellow pencil) at least every week to tell latest news, forthcoming deadlines and so on.
To build your training, it might prove relevant to follow these steps:
The Documents tool is similar to the FileManager of your desktop computer.
You can create simple web pages (\'Create a document\') or upload files of any type (HTML, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Acrobat, Flash, Quicktime, etc.). Your only concern must be that your users have the corresponding software to read them. Some file types can contain viruses, it is your responsibilty not to upload virus contaminated files, unless your portal admin has installed a server side anti=virus software. It is, anyway, a worthwhile precaution to check documents with antivirus software before uploading them.
The documents are presented in alphabetical order.
Tip : If you want to present them in a different order, numerate them: 01, 02, 03... Or use the Learning Path to present a sophisticated Table of Contents. Note that once your documents are uploaded, you may decide to hide the documents area and show only one page on Home page (Add link on home page orange tool) or a Learning Path containing some documents from your Documents area.
You can :
Select Create a document > Give it a title (no spaces, no accents) > type your text > Use the buttons of the Wysiwyg (What You See Is What You Get) editor to structure information, create tables, styles etc. To create web pages, you will need to get familiar with 3 concepts : Links, Images and Tables. Note that web pages offer less layout possibilities than Ms-Word pages. Note too that instead of creating a document in the editor, you can also cut and paste existing content from a web page or a Word document. This is an easy and quick way to migrate content onto your Dokeos course.
To delete a comment, click on , delete the old comment in the field and click .
You can organise your content through filing. For this:
Adding users
You can subscribe existing students one by one to your course, by clicking on the link \'Subscribe users to this course\'. Usually however it\'s better to open your course for registration and let the students register themselves.
Description has no computer related function. It does not give rights on the system. It just indicates to Humans, who is who. You can modify it by clicking on the pencil, then typing whatever you want: professor, assistant, student, visitor, expert...
Admin rights
Admin rights, on the other hand, correspond to the technical authorisation to modify the content and organisation of this course area. You can only choose between giving all the admin rights and giving none of them.
To allow an assistant, for instance, to co-admin the area, you need to be sure he/she is already registered, then click on the pencil, then check \'Teacher\', then \'Ok\'.
To mention in the header of the area the name of a co-teacher (cochairmen, etc.), use the tool \'Course settings\'. This modification does not register your co-Trainer as a user of the course. The field \'Teachers\' is completely independent of the Users list.
Tracking and Personal Home Pages
In addition to showing the users list and modifying their rights, the Users tool also shows individual tracking and allows the teacher define headings for personal home pages to be filled-in by users.
"; +$langUserContent = "Adding users
You can subscribe existing students one by one to your training, by clicking on the link \'Subscribe users to this course\'. Usually however it\'s better to open your training for registration and let the students register themselves.
Description has no computer related function. It does not give rights on the system. It just indicates to Humans, who is who. You can modify it by clicking on the pencil, then typing whatever you want: professor, assistant, student, visitor, expert...
Admin rights
Admin rights, on the other hand, correspond to the technical authorization to modify the content and organization of this training area. You can only choose between giving all the admin rights and giving none of them.
To allow an assistant, for instance, to co-admin the area, you need to be sure he/she is already registered, then click on the pencil, then check \'Teacher\', then \'Ok\'.
To mention in the header of the area the name of a co-teacher (cochairmen, etc.), use the tool \'Training settings\'. This modification does not register your co-Trainer as a user of the training. The field \'Teachers\' is completely independent of the Users list.
Tracking and Personal Home Pages
In addition to showing the users list and modifying their rights, the Users tool also shows individual tracking and allows the teacher define headings for personal home pages to be filled-in by users.
"; $langGroupContent = "Introduction
This tool allows to create and manage workgroups.At creation (Create groups), groups are empty. There aremany ways to fill them:
Groups filling, whether automatic or manual, works only if there are already usersregistered in the area. Users list is visible in Users tool.
Create groups
To create new groups, click on \'Create new group(s)\' and determine number of groups tocreate.
Group settings
You can determine Group settings globally (for all groups).Users are allowed to self-register in groups:
You create empty groups, users self-register.If you have defined a maximum number, full groups do not accept new members.This method is good for trainers who do not know the users list whencreating groups.
Tools:Every group possesses either a forum (private or public) or a Documents area(a shared file manager) or (in most cases) both.
Manual editing
Once groups are created (Create groups), you see at the bottom of the page, a list of groupswith a series of information and functions
The tests tool allows you to create tests that will contains as many questions as you like.
There are various types of answers available for the creation of your questions :
In order to create a test, click on the link \"New test\".
Type the test name, as well as an optional description of it.
You can add an audio or a video file, for listening comprehension etc. It is up to you to choose these files as light as possible so that they download easily through the web. Prefer .mp3 files to .wav file for instance, because of a better compression and then smaller file size.
You can also choose between 2 test types :
You can now add a question into the test previously created. The description is optional, as well as the picture that you have the possibility to link to your question.
In order to create a MAQ / MCQ :
This allows you to create a text with gaps. The aim is to let the user find words that you have removed from the text.
To remove a word from the text, and so to create a blank, put this word between brackets [like this].
Once the text has been typed and blanks defined, you can add a comment that will be seen by the student when it replies to the question.
Save your text, and you will enter the next step that will allow you to give a weighting to each blank. For example, if the question worths 10 points and you have 5 blanks, you can give a weighting of 2 points to each blank.
This answer type can be chosen so as to create a question where the user will have to connect elements from an unit U1 with elements from an unit U2.
It can also be used to ask the user to sort elements in a certain order.
First define the options among which the user will be able to choose the good answer. Then, define the questions which will have to be linked to one of the options previously defined. Finally, connect via the drop-down menu elements from the first unit with those of the second one.
Notice : Several elements from the first unit can point to the same element in the second unit.
Give a weighting to each correct matching, and save your answer.
In order to modify a test, the principle is the same as for the creation. Just click on the picture beside the test to modify, and follow instructions above.
In order to delete a test, click on the picture beside the test to delete it.
So as for a test to be used, you have to enable it by clicking on the picture beside the test name.
You can test your exercise by clicking on its name in the tests list.
At the time of test creation / modification, you can tell if you want questions to be drawn in a random order among all questions of the test.
By enabling this option, questions will be drawn in a different order every time users will run the test.
If you have got a big number of questions, you can also choose to randomly draw only X questions among all questions available in that exercise.
When you delete a test, its questions are not removed from the database, and they can be reused into a new test, via the questions pool.
The questions pool also allows to reuse the same question into several tests.
By default, all the questions of your course are hidden. You can show the questions related to a test, by chosing this one in the drop-down menu \"Filter\".
Orphan questions are questions that don not belong to any test.
You can import HotPotatoes tests into Dokeos portal, to this Tests tool. Results of these tests are stored the same way as Dokeos tests. You can explore the results in User Tracking. In case of single tests, we recommend to use html or htm format, if your test contains pictures, a zip file upload is the most convenient way.
Note : You can add HotPotatoes Tests as a step in the Learning Path, as well.
Method of the importThe tests tool allows you to create tests that will contains as many questions as you like.
There are various types of answers available for the creation of your questions :
In order to create a test, click on the link \"New test\".
Type the test name, as well as an optional description of it.
You can add an audio or a video file, for listening comprehension etc. It is up to you to choose these files as light as possible so that they download easily through the web. Prefer .mp3 files to .wav file for instance, because of a better compression and then smaller file size.
You can also choose between 2 test types :
You can now add a question into the test previously created. The description is optional, as well as the picture that you have the possibility to link to your question.
In order to create a MAQ / MCQ :
This allows you to create a text with gaps. The aim is to let the user find words that you have removed from the text.
To remove a word from the text, and so to create a blank, put this word between brackets [like this].
Once the text has been typed and blanks defined, you can add a comment that will be seen by the student when it replies to the question.
Save your text, and you will enter the next step that will allow you to give a weighting to each blank. For example, if the question worth 10 points and you have 5 blanks, you can give a weighting of 2 points to each blank.
This answer type can be chosen so as to create a question where the user will have to connect elements from an unit U1 with elements from an unit U2.
It can also be used to ask the user to sort elements in a certain order.
First define the options among which the user will be able to choose the good answer. Then, define the questions which will have to be linked to one of the options previously defined. Finally, connect via the drop-down menu elements from the first unit with those of the second one.
Notice : Several elements from the first unit can point to the same element in the second unit.
Give a weighting to each correct matching, and save your answer.
In order to modify a test, the principle is the same as for the creation. Just click on the picture beside the test to modify, and follow instructions above.
In order to delete a test, click on the picture beside the test to delete it.
So as for a test to be used, you have to enable it by clicking on the picture beside the test name.
You can try your test by clicking on its name in the tests list.
At the time of test creation / modification, you can tell if you want questions to be drawn in a random order among all questions of the test.
By enabling this option, questions will be drawn in a different order every time users will run the test.
If you have got a big number of questions, you can also choose to randomly draw only X questions among all questions available in that exercise.
When you delete a test, its questions are not removed from the database, and they can be reused into a new test, via the questions pool.
The questions pool also allows to reuse the same question into several tests.
By default, all the questions of your course are hidden. You can show the questions related to a test, by chosing this one in the drop-down menu \"Filter\".
Orphan questions are questions that don not belong to any test.
You can import HotPotatoes tests into Dokeos portal, to this Tests tool. Results of these tests are stored the same way as Dokeos tests. You can explore the results in User Tracking. In case of single tests, we recommend to use html or htm format, if your test contains pictures, a zip file upload is the most convenient way.
Note : You can add HotPotatoes Tests as a step in the Learning Path, as well.
Method of the importWhat is a Course ?
A Course is a sequence of learning steps included in modules. It can be content-based (looking like a table of contents) or activities-based, looking like an agenda or a program of what you need to do in order to understand and practice a certain knowledge or know-how.
In addition to being structured, a learning path can also be sequenced. This means that some steps will constitute pre-requisites for others (\'you cannot go to step 2 before step1\'). Your sequence can be suggestive (you show steps one after the other) or imperative (you add pre-requisites so that people are forced to follow the sequence).
How to create our own Course?
Proceed to the Courses section. There you can createmany course by clicking the Add course. They areempty, until you add sections and steps to them.
If you make a pathvisible, it will appear as a new tool on the homepage of the course. Thisway their access is easier.
What are the steps for these paths ? (What are the items that can be added?)
All Dokeos tools, activities and contents that you consider to be useful and connected to yourimagined path can be added :
Other features of Courses
Students can be asked to follow (read) your path in a given order, as youcan set prerequisites in the path. This means that for example studentscannot go to Quiz 2 till they have read Document 1. All items have a status :completed or incomplete, so the progress of students is clearly available.
If you alter the original title of a step, the new title will appear inthe path, but the original title will not be deleted. So if you wanttest8.doc to appear as \'Final Exam\' in the path, you do not have to renamethe file, you can use the new title in the path. It is also usefulto give new titles to links as they are too long.
When finished, do not forget to check the student view, where the table ofcontents appears on the left and the path steps usually appear on the right,one by one.
What is a Scorm or IMS format Learning path and how to upload (import) it?
The learning path tool allows you to upload SCORM and IMS compliant coursecontents.
SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a public standard followed by major e-Learning actorslike NETg, Macromedia, Microsoft, Skillsoft, etc. and acting at three levels:
Useful links
Note :
The Learning Path section lists all the self-built Learning Pathsand all uploaded Scorm format Learning Paths, as well.
"; $langHDescription = "Help Description"; @@ -24,19 +24,19 @@ $langDescriptionContent = "The Description tool will help you describe and su $langHLinks = "Help Links tool"; $langLinksContent = "
The Links tool allows you to create a library of resources for your students. Especially resoucrs that you have not created yourself.
When the list grows, it might proove relevant to organise it into categories to help your students find the right information at the right place. You can edit every link to re-assign it into a new category (you need to create this category first).
The Description field can be used to give pre-information on the target web pages but also to describe what you expect the student to do with the link. If, for instance, you point to a website on Aristotle, the description field may ask the student to study the difference between synthesis and analysis. "; $langHMycourses = "About the startpage"; -$langMycoursesContent = "
Once logged in into the platform, you are on your personal startpage.
In the main area (center) you see \"My training list\", a list of all your courses. Depending on your user rights you can also have the possibility to create new trainings (via the right hand menu).
In the top banner you see
Edit my course list, in the right hand menu, allows you to enroll in new courses as far as the trainer or the organization has left these courses open to enrollment. This link lets you unregister from courses too.
The links Support Forum and Documentation that point to the main Dokeos website, where you can ask technical or pedagogical questions, find more information.To enter a course (main area of your startpage), click on its name. Your profile can vary from one course to the other. It is possible that you are trainer in one training and user in another.
"; +$langMycoursesContent = "Once logged in into the platform, you are on your personal startpage.
In the main area (center) you see \"My training list\", a list of all your courses. Depending on your user rights you can also have the possibility to create new trainings (via the right hand menu).
In the top banner you see
Edit my course list, in the right hand menu, allows you to enroll in new trainings as far as the trainer or the organization has left these courses open to enrollment. This link lets you unregister from trainings too.
The links Support Forum and Documentation that point to the main Dokeos website, where you can ask technical or pedagogical questions, find more information.To enter a training (main area of your startpage), click on its name. Your profile can vary from one training to the other. It is possible that you are trainer in one training and user in another.
"; $langHAgenda = "Help Agenda"; -$langAgendaContent = "The agenda appears both in each course area and as a synthetic tool for the student (\'My agenda\' in top banner).
In the course, the agenda appears as a list of events. You can attach documents or activities to a date so that the agenda becomes a chronological programme for your learning activities.
In addition to being present in the agenda, the new events are indicated to the student when he/she logs in the next time. The system tells what has been added in the Agenda (and in the Announcements) since his/her last visit : icons appear on the portal home page besides the courses where events and announcements hve been added.
If you want to go further in the logic of structuring learning activities one after the other, we suggest that you use preferably the Learning Path that offers the same principles with more advanced features. The Learning Path can be considered as a synthesis of a Table of Contens tool + an Agenda + sequencing (imposed order) and tracking.
"; +$langAgendaContent = "The agenda appears both in each training and as a synthetic tool for the student (\'My agenda\' in top banner).
In the training, the agenda appears as a list of events. You can attach documents or activities to a date so that the agenda becomes a chronological program for your learning activities.
In addition to being present in the agenda, the new events are indicated to the student when he/she logs in the next time. The system tells what has been added in the Agenda (and in the Announcements) since his/her last visit : icons appear on the portal home page besides the courses where events and announcements have been added.
If you want to go further in the logic of structuring learning activities one after the other, we suggest that you use preferably the Learning Path that offers the same principles with more advanced features. The Learning Path can be considered as a synthesis of a Table of Contents tool + an Agenda + sequencing (imposed order) and tracking.
"; $langHAnnouncements = "Help Announcements"; $langAnnouncementsContent = "The Announcements tool allows you to send an email to all your students or to some of them or to some groups. It can proove efficient to drive students back to your website if they do not visit it very often.
To send a message to some users and/or some groups, select \'Messages to selected users\' then use CTRL+C to select more than one in the left hand menu, click on the right arrow to move them then type your message in the field below.
"; $langHChat = "Help Chat"; -$langChatContent = "The Chat tool allows you to discuss live with your participants.
This chat is not similar to usual ones, like MSN or Yahoo Messenger because it is web based. The disadvantage is that it refreshes only after 10 seconds and not immediately. The advantage is that it is integrated in your course,it archives your discussions into the Documents tool and it doesn\'t require from your students any plugin to download.
If users send their pictures in \'My e-portfolio\' (top banner), then this picture will appear in the discussion to help identify who is speaking.
Only the trainer is allowed to delete the discussion when he/she finds it relevant.
Pedagogical relevance
Adding a chat to your course is not necessarily a good idea. However, if this participates to your scenario, the chat can help. You can imagine, for instance, to hide the chat always except at a certain time when you have a dedicated meeting with your students to answer their questions live. It is less a \'free\' discussion tool this way, but you give users a guarantee that they will benefit from this live meeting.
"; +$langChatContent = "The Chat tool allows you to discuss live with your participants.
This chat is not similar to usual ones, like MSN or Yahoo Messenger because it is web based. The disadvantage is that it refreshes only after 10 seconds and not immediately. The advantage is that it is integrated in your training, it archives your discussions into the Documents tool and it doesn\'t require from your students any plugin to download.
If users send their pictures in \'My e-portfolio\' (top banner), then this picture will appear in the discussion to help identify who is speaking.
Only the trainer is allowed to delete the discussion when he/she finds it relevant.
Pedagogical relevance
Adding a chat to your course is not necessarily a good idea. However, if this participates to your scenario, the chat can help. You can imagine, for instance, to hide the chat always except at a certain time when you have a dedicated meeting with your students to answer their questions live. It is less a \'free\' discussion tool this way, but you give users a guarantee that they will benefit from this live meeting.
"; $langHWork = "Help for assignments"; -$langWorkContent = "The assignments tool is a very simple one. It allows your students to upload any document in the course area.
Depending on your course scenario, you can set all files to be visible to all students by default, or only visible for you. Making all files visible is useful when for instance you want to ask students to give their opinion on each other\'s papers or let them learn to publish texts to the world. Keep files invisible if e.g. you ask the same question to everybody and want to avoid cheating. Making the documents invisible will also allow you to have some form of control before the document is made available to all the other students.
If you want that the students hand in a document that has to be evaluated then you\'d better define a directory inside this tool, which will offer you possibilities to define delivery and final dates, as well as a maximum grading score.
This tool has an Introduction text area to allow you to write a question, detailed guidelines, a reminder of a deadline or anything else you may find relevant.
"; +$langWorkContent = "The assignments tool is a very simple one. It allows your students to upload any document in the training area.
Depending on your course scenario, you can set all files to be visible to all students by default, or only visible for you. Making all files visible is useful when for instance you want to ask students to give their opinion on each others papers or let them learn to publish texts to the world. Keep files invisible if e.g. you ask the same question to everybody and want to avoid cheating. Making the documents invisible will also allow you to have some form of control before the document is made available to all the other students.
If you want that the students hand in a document that has to be evaluated then you\'d better define a directory inside this tool, which will offer you possibilities to define delivery and final dates, as well as a maximum grading score.
This tool has an Introduction text area to allow you to write a question, detailed guidelines, a reminder of a deadline or anything else you may find relevant.
"; $langHTracking = "Help Tracking"; $langTrackingContent = "The tracking helps you follow your students : did they connect to the sytem, when, how many times? How much do they get in tests? Did they already upload their Paper? When? If you use Scorm courses, you can evn know how much time a student spent on a module or chapter. The trackinggives information at 2 levels:
Course settings allows you to manage the global parameters of your course : Title, code, language, name of trainer etc.
The options situated in the middle of the page deal with confidentiality settings : is the course public or private? Can users register to it? You can use these settings dynamically : open registration during one week > ask your students to register > close access to registration > remove possible intruders through the Users list. This way you keep control of who is in but you don\'t have the administrative hassle of registering them yourself.
At the bottom of the page, you can Backup the course and delete it. Backup will create a file on the server and allow you to copy it on your own Hard Disk locally. So that there will be 2 backups of it in different places. If you backup a course then delete it. You will not be allowed to restore it yourself but the system administrator can do this for you if you give him/her the code of your course. Backup a training is also a good way to get all your documents back onto your own computer. You will need a tool, like Winzip to UNZIP the archive. Note that backup a training does not remove it in any way.
"; +$langSettingsContent = "The training settings allows you to manage the global parameters of your training : Title, code, language, name of trainer etc.
The options situated in the middle of the page deal with confidentiality settings : is the course public or private? Can users register to it? You can use these settings dynamically : open registration during one week > ask your students to register > close access to registration > remove possible intruders through the Users list. This way you keep control of who is in but you don\'t have the administrative hassle of registering them yourself.
At the bottom of the page, you can Backup the course and delete it. Backup will create a file on the server and allow you to copy it on your own Hard Disk locally. So that there will be 2 backups of it in different places. If you backup a course then delete it. You will not be allowed to restore it yourself but the system administrator can do this for you if you give him/her the code of your training. Backup a training is also a good way to get all your documents back onto your own computer. You will need a tool, like Winzip to UNZIP the archive. Note that backup a training does not remove it in any way.
"; $langHExternal = "Help Add a Link"; $langExternalContent = "Dokeos is a modular tool. You can hide and show tools whenever you want, according to your project or to its different chronological phases. But you can also add on your home page tools or pages that you have created yourself or that come from the outside of your Dokeos portal. This way, you will make of your course home page YOUR page.
To take possession of your page that way, you will Add links on it. These links can be of 2 types:
Pour dmarrer, commencez par diter cette page
"; +$DefaultContent = "
Pour dmarrer, commencez par modifier cette page
"; $CourseWikiPages = "Page de cours du wiki"; $GroupWikiPages = "Page de groupe du wiki"; $NoWikiPageTitle = "Vos modifications ont t sauvegardes. Vous devez prsent donner un titre cette page"; @@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ $DeletePageHistory = "Supprimer cette page et toutes ses versions"; $OnlyAdminDeleteWiki = "Seuls les administrateurs du cours peuvent supprimer tout le wiki"; $OnlyAdminDeletePageWiki = "Seuls les administrateurs du cours peuvent supprimer une page"; $OnlyAddPagesGroupMembers = "Seuls les administrateurs du cours et les membres de ce groupe peuvent ajouter des pages au wiki du groupe"; -$OnlyEditPagesGroupMembers = "Seuls les administrateurs du cours et les membres de ce groupe peuvent diter des pages de ce wiki de groupe"; +$OnlyEditPagesGroupMembers = "Seuls les formateurs et les membres de ce groupe peuvent modifier des pages de ce wiki de groupe"; $ConfirmDeleteWiki = "tes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer ce wiki?"; $ConfirmDeletePage = "tes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer cette page et tout son historique?"; $AlsoSearchContent = "Rechercher aussi dans le contenu"; $PageLocked = "Page protge"; $PageUnlocked = "Page dprotge"; $PageLockedExtra = "Cette page est protge. Seuls les administrateurs du cours peuvent la modifier"; -$PageUnlockedExtra = "Cette page est dprotge. Tous les utilisateurs du cours ou membres du groupe peuvent diter cette page"; +$PageUnlockedExtra = "Cette page est dprotge. Tous les utilisateurs du cours ou membres du groupe peuvent modifier cette page"; $ShowAddOption = "Afficher l\'option d\'ajout"; $HideAddOption = "Masquer l\'option d\'ajout"; -$AddOptionProtected = "L\'option d\'ajout a t protge. Seuls les administrateurs du cours peuvent ajouter des pages ce wiki. Les utilisateurs du cours et les membres du groupe peuvent aussi les diter"; +$AddOptionProtected = "L\'option d\'ajout a t protge. Seuls les formateurs peuvent ajouter des pages ce wiki. Les apprenants et les membres du groupe peuvent aussi les modifier."; $AddOptionUnprotected = "L\'option d\'ajout a t active pour tous les utilisateurs du cours et les membres des groupes"; $NotifyChanges = "Avertir des modifications"; $NotNotifyChanges = "Ne pas avertir des modifications"; @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ $DefaultTitle = "Accueil"; $DiscussNotAvailable = "Argumentation non disponible"; $Print = "Imprimer"; $Version = "Version"; -$EditPage = "diter"; +$EditPage = "Modifier"; $AddedBy = "ajoute par"; $EditedBy = "dite par"; $DeletedBy = "supprime par"; @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ $UnlockPage = "D $LockPage = "Protger"; $NotifyDiscussChanges = "Alerter lors de nouveaux commentaires"; $NotNotifyDiscussChanges = "Ne pas alerter lors de nouveaux commentaires"; -$AssignmentWork = "Travail tudiant"; +$AssignmentWork = "Travail"; $AssignmentDesc = "Travail propos par l\'enseignant"; $WikiDiffAddedTex = "Texte ajout"; $WikiDiffDeletedTex = "Texte supprim"; @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ $HideDiscuss = "Cacher la discussion"; $ShowDiscuss = "Afficher la discussion"; $UnlockRatingDiscuss = "Activer le vote"; $LockRatingDiscuss = "Dsactiver le vote"; -$EditAssignmentWarning = "Vous pouvez diter cette page, mais les pages des tudiants ne seront pas modifies"; +$EditAssignmentWarning = "Vous pouvez modifier cette page, mais les pages des apprenants ne seront pas modifies"; $ExportToDocArea = "Exporter la dernire version de cette page vers la zone de documents du cours"; $LockByTeacher = "Dsactiv par l\'enseignant"; $LinksPagesFrom = "Pages qui lient vers celle-ci"; @@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ $OnlyEditPagesCourseManager = "La page principale peut uniquement $AssignmentLinktoTeacherPage = "Accs la page enseignant"; $HideDiscussExtra = "Les discussions ne sont plus visibles que par les enseignants"; $ShowDiscussExtra = "Discussion prsent visible par tous les utilisateurs"; -$LockDiscussExtra = "Seuls les enseignants peuvent prsent ajouter des commentaires cette discussion"; +$LockDiscussExtra = "Seuls les formateurs peuvent prsent ajouter des commentaires cette discussion"; $UnlockDiscussExtra = "Tous les membres peuvent prsent ajouter des commentaires cette discussion"; $AssignmentDescExtra = "Cette page est une tche propose par un enseignant"; -$AssignmentWorkExtra = "Cette page est le travail d\'un tudiant en rponse une tche"; +$AssignmentWorkExtra = "Cette page est le travail d\'un apprenant"; $NoAreSeeingTheLastVersion = "Attention, vous ne visualisez pas la dernire version de cette page"; $AssignmentFirstComToStudent = "Modifiez cette page pour faire votre travail en rponse la tche propose"; -$AssignmentLinkstoStudentsPage = "Accs au travail fait par les tudiants en rponse la tche propose sur cette page"; +$AssignmentLinkstoStudentsPage = "Accs au travail rdig par les apprenants"; $AllowLaterSends = "Autoriser l\'envoi retard"; $WikiStandBy = "Ce wiki est inactif. Un enseignant doit le dmarrer"; $NotifyDiscussByEmail = "La notification par e-mail des nouveaux commentaires est active"; diff --git a/main/lang/french/ b/main/lang/french/ index 12256b73c4..62a0fceb9e 100644 --- a/main/lang/french/ +++ b/main/lang/french/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ $langMustBeRegisteredUser = "Seuls les utilisateurs enregistr $langListDel = "Supprimer la liste"; $langNameDir = "Nommer le dossier"; $langFileExists = "Le document existe dj"; -$CreateDirectory = "Formuler une consigne"; +$CreateDirectory = "Crer dossier"; $langCurrentDir = "dossier courant"; $UploadADocument = "Remettre un travail"; $EditToolOptions = "Visibilit"; diff --git a/main/lang/french_unicode/ b/main/lang/french_unicode/ index 5114dee0b1..31bbf6c313 100644 --- a/main/lang/french_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/french_unicode/ @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Mettre à jour type de question"; $AddAnotherQuestion = "Ajouter nouvelle question"; $IsShareSurvey = "Partager l\'enquête avec d\'autres"; $Proceed = "Procéder"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Veuillez entrer une question."; $PleaseFillNumber = "Veuillez entrer les points sous forme numérique."; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "Veuillez rentrer les points 1-5"; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "Veuillez entrer tous les champs-réponse."; @@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Sous-titre de l\'enquête"; $ShareSurvey = "Partager l\'enquête"; $SurveyThanks = "Remerciements"; $EditSurvey = "Editer l\'enquête"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "Aucune enquête n\'a été sélectionnée"; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "L\'enquête a bien été mise à jour"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter des questions à votre enquête"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "Ou retourner à la liste des enquêtes"; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "Il y a un paramètre manquant dans le lien. Veuillez utiliser copier/coller"; $WrongInvitationCode = "Code d\'invitation erroné"; @@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Ce type n\'existe pas"; $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "L\'enquête a été créée avec succès"; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter des questions à votre enquête"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "L\'enquête a été mise à jour avec succès"; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "ou retournez à la vue globale sur l\'enquête"; $QuestionAdded = "La question a été ajoutée"; $QuestionUpdated = "La question a été mise à jour"; $SaveQuestion = "Enregistrer la question"; @@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Ajouter une option"; $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Afficher"; $AnswerOptions = "Réponses possibles"; $YesNo = "Oui/non"; -$MultipleChoice = "Choix multiple"; $MultipleResponse = "Réponses multiples"; $Open = "ouverte"; $Dropdown = "Liste déroulante"; @@ -106,17 +100,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Invitation à une enquête"; $InvitationCode = "Code d\'invitation"; $InvitationDate = "Date d\'invitation"; $Answered = "Répondu"; -$AdditonalUsers = "Utilisateurs additionnels"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "Vous pouvez invitier des utilisateurs additionnels à répondre à l\'enquête.Pour ce faire, tapez leurs adresses email ici en les séparant par une virgule ou par un point-virgule"; $MailTitle = "Sujet du mail"; -$MailText = "Contenu du mail"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "Tout utilisateur invité recevra un email avec un lien unique. Les utilisateurs devront cliquer sur le lien pour répondre à l\'enquête. Si vous ne faites rien, le lien sera ajouté automatiquement à la fin du mail. Vous pouvez cependant en déteminer la place en ajoutant **link* dans votre texte. Toute occurence de **link** sera automatiquement remplacée par par le lien unique pour chaque utilisateur"; $InvitationsSend = "Invitations envoyées"; $SurveyDeleted = "L\'enquête a été supprimée"; $NoSurveysSelected = "Aucune enquête sélectionnée"; $NumberOfQuestions = "Nombre de questions"; $Invited = "Invité(s)"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "Nombre de questions"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "Filtre de soumission"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "Recharger le filtre"; $ExportCurrentReport = "Exporter le rapport courant"; @@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Personnes qui ont choisi cette réponse"; $CourseUsers = "Utilisateurs du cours"; $SurveyPublication = "Publication de l\'enquête"; $AdditonalUsers = "Utilisateurs additionnels"; -$MailTitle = "Sujet du mail"; $MailText = "Texte du mail"; $UseLinkSyntax = "Les utilisateurs sélectionnés recevront un mail avec le texte ci-dessus et un lien unique sur lequel ils pourront cliquer pour répondre à l\'enquête. Si vous voulez placer ce lien quelque part dans la page, ajoutez le texte suivant : **link** (étoile étoile link étoile étoile). Si vous ne le faites pas, le lien unique apparaîtra à la fin du mail"; $DetailedReportByUser = "Rapport détaillé par utilisateur"; @@ -146,8 +135,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "Dans ce rapport, vous pouvez obtenir une vue d\'ensembl $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "Dans ce rapport, vous pouvez voir toutes les réponses spécifiques à un utilisateur."; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "Dans ce rapport, vous pouvez voir les résultats question par question. "; $ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Envoyer un rappel à tous les utilisateurs de l\'enquête. Si vous ne cochez pas cette case, seuls les nouveaux utilisateurs vont recevoir un email."; -$Yesno = "Oui / Non"; -$Multiplechoice = "Choix multiple"; $Multiplechoice = "Choix multiple"; $Multipleresponse = "Réponses multiples"; $Score = "Score"; diff --git a/main/lang/french_unicode/ b/main/lang/french_unicode/ index c48a270841..f242e2a22d 100644 --- a/main/lang/french_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/french_unicode/ @@ -298,8 +298,6 @@ $StartTime = "Heure de début"; $EndTime = "Heure de fin"; $langYouWereCalled = "Vous êtes invité à utiliser le \"chat\" avec"; $langDoYouAccept = "Acceptez-vous la demande ?"; -$StartTime = "Heure de début"; -$EndTime = "Heure de fin"; $Everybody = "Tous"; $SentTo = "Envoyé à"; $Export = "Exporter"; @@ -346,7 +344,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Déplacer fichier vers"; $Save = "Enregistrer"; $Error = "Erreur"; $Anonymous = "Anonyme"; -$NoSearchResults = "Pas de résultat pour cette recherche"; $h = "h"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Créer un nouveau rôle global"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Créer un nouveau rôle local"; @@ -391,7 +388,6 @@ $SendMail = "Envoyer mail"; $RdvAgenda = "Rendez-vous agenda"; $VideoConf = "Vidéo-conférence"; $MyProgress = "Ma progression"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Mes sessions inactives"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Pas d\'étudiants en ligne"; $InCourse = "dans cours"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Liste des utilisateurs en ligne - Session"; @@ -403,10 +399,8 @@ $Years = "ans"; $Day = "jour"; $Days = "jours"; $PleaseStandBy = "Veuillez patienter..."; -$Language = "Langue"; $AvailableUntill = "Valable jusqu\'au"; $HourMinuteDivider = "h"; -$Here = "ici"; $Visio_classroom = "Classe virtuelle"; $Survey = "Enquêtes"; $More = "Plus"; @@ -445,7 +439,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Vos accès au portail"; $ResetLink = "Cliquez ici pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe"; $VisibilityChanged = "La visibilité a bien été changée"; $MainNavigation = "Navigation principale"; -$None = "Aucun"; $SeeDetail = "Voir détail"; $GroupSingle = "Groupe"; $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Veuillez vous identifier à nouveau depuis la page d\'accueil"; diff --git a/main/lang/galician/ b/main/lang/galician/ index a71ca8c5ad..e046b0ee8b 100644 --- a/main/lang/galician/ +++ b/main/lang/galician/ @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Actualizar o Tipo de Pergunta:"; $AddAnotherQuestion = "Engadir nova pergunta"; $IsShareSurvey = "Compartir a enquisa con outros"; $Proceed = "Proseguir"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Introduza unha pregunta."; $PleaseFillNumber = "Encha valores numricos para os puntos."; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "Encha puntos de 1 a 5"; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "Encha todos os campos de resposta."; @@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Subt $ShareSurvey = "Compartir a enquisa"; $SurveyThanks = "Agradecementos"; $EditSurvey = "Editar a enquisa"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "Non hai enquisas seleccionadas"; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "a enquisa actualizouse con xito"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Agora pode engadir preguntas sa enquisa"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "Ou voltar lista de enquisas"; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "Hai un parmetro que falta no enlace. Copie e pegue, por favor"; $WrongInvitationCode = "Cdigo de invitacin errneo"; @@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Este tipo non existe"; $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "Creouse a enquisa con xito"; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Agora pode engadir preguntas sa enquisa"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Actualizouse a enquisa con xito"; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "ou voltar vista xeral da enquisa"; $QuestionAdded = "Engaduse a pregunta"; $QuestionUpdated = "Actualizouse a pregunta"; $SaveQuestion = "Gardar pregunta"; @@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Engadir opci $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Mostrar opcins"; $AnswerOptions = "Opcins de resposta"; $YesNo = "Si / Non"; -$MultipleChoice = "Eleccin mltipla"; $MultipleResponse = "Resposta mltipla"; $Open = "aberta"; $Dropdown = "Despregable"; @@ -106,17 +100,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Invitaci $InvitationCode = "Cdigo da invitacin"; $InvitationDate = "Data da invitacin"; $Answered = "Respondido"; -$AdditonalUsers = "Usuarios adicionais"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "Pode invitar a outros usuarios para cubrir a enquisa. Para facelo, escriba aqu os seus enderezos de correo electrnico separados por , ou ;"; $MailTitle = "Asunto do correo"; -$MailText = "Texto do correo"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "Cada usuario invitado recibir un correo electrnico cun enlace nico. Os usuarios deben de facer click nese enlace para cubrir a enquisa. Se non fai nada, o enlace nico engadirase automaticamente ao final do correo. Sen embargo vostede pode especificar onde debe aparecer o enlace escribindo **link** no texto. Este **link** ser reemplazado automaticamente polo enlace nico para cada usuario."; $InvitationsSend = "invitacins enviadas."; $SurveyDeleted = "Borrouse a enquisa."; $NoSurveysSelected = "Non se seleccionou ningunha enquisa."; $NumberOfQuestions = "Nmero de preguntas"; $Invited = "Invitado"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "Nmero de preguntas"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "Enviar Filtro"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "Actualizar filtro"; $ExportCurrentReport = "Exportar o informe actual"; @@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Persoas que escolleron esta pregunta"; $CourseUsers = "Usuarios do curso"; $SurveyPublication = "Publicacin da enquisa"; $AdditonalUsers = "Usuarios adicionais"; -$MailTitle = "Ttulo do correo electrnico"; $MailText = "Texto do correo electrnico"; $UseLinkSyntax = "Os usuarios seleccionados recibirn un correo electrnico co texto reproduciod arriba e un enlace nico sobre o que tern que facer click para cubrir a enquisa. Se vostede quere poer o enlace nalgn lugar especfico do texto debe escribir o seguinte nese lugar: **link** (asterisco asterisco link asterisco asterisco). Isto ser reemplazado automaticamente polo enlace nico. Se non engade **link* ao seu texto, o enlace engadirase ao final do correo electrnico."; $DetailedReportByUser = "Informe detallado por usuario"; @@ -146,8 +135,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "Neste informe ter $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "Neste informe pode ver todas as preguntas dadas por un usuario especfico."; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "Neste informe pode ver os resultados pregunta por pregunta. Proporcinase unha anlise estatstica e grfica bsica."; $ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Lembrar a todos os usuarios da enquisa. Se non activa esta opcin somente recibirn un correo electrnico os novos usuarios."; -$Yesno = "Si / Non"; -$Multiplechoice = "Opcin mltipla"; $Multiplechoice = "Opcin mltipla"; $Multipleresponse = "Resposta mltipla"; $Score = "Escala"; diff --git a/main/lang/galician/ b/main/lang/galician/ index e71caa9804..77e2fa07a5 100644 --- a/main/lang/galician/ +++ b/main/lang/galician/ @@ -299,8 +299,6 @@ $StartTime = "Hora de comezo"; $EndTime = "Hora final"; $langYouWereCalled = "Estante chamando pra chatear con"; $langDoYouAccept = "Acptao?"; -$StartTime = "Hora de inicio"; -$EndTime = "Hora de remate"; $Everybody = "Todos"; $SentTo = "Visible por"; $Export = "Exportar"; @@ -347,7 +345,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Mover arquivo a"; $Save = "Gardar"; $Error = "Erro"; $Anonymous = "Annimo"; -$NoSearchResults = "Non se atoparon resultados"; $h = "h"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Crear un rol global novo"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Crear un rol local novo"; @@ -392,7 +389,6 @@ $SendMail = "Enviar correo"; $RdvAgenda = "Anotacin na axenda"; $VideoConf = "Videoconferencia"; $MyProgress = "O meu progreso"; -$myInActiveSessions = "As mias sesins non activas"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Non hai estudantes conectados"; $InCourse = "en curso"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Lista de usuarios conectados - Sesins"; @@ -404,10 +400,8 @@ $Years = "anos"; $Day = "da"; $Days = "das"; $PleaseStandBy = "Agarde, por favor..."; -$Language = "Idioma"; $AvailableUntill = "Dispoible at"; $HourMinuteDivider = "h"; -$Here = "aqu"; $Visio_classroom = "Aula de videoconferencia"; $Survey = "Enquisas"; $More = "Mis"; @@ -446,7 +440,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Estes son os seus datos de acceso"; $ResetLink = "Pulse no seguinte enlace para rexenerar o seu contrasinal"; $VisibilityChanged = "A visibilidade foi cambiada."; $MainNavigation = "Navegacin principal"; -$None = "Ningn"; $SeeDetail = "Ver detalles"; $GroupSingle = "Grupo"; $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Por favor, probe a identificarse de novo dende a pxina principal da plataforma."; @@ -501,7 +494,6 @@ $UserAge = "Idade"; $UserBirthday = "Data de nacemento"; $Course = "Curso"; $FilesUpload = "documentos"; -$FileUpload = "documento"; $ExerciseFinished = "Exercicio finalizado"; $UserSex = "Sexo"; $UserNativeLanguage = "Lingua materna"; @@ -540,7 +532,6 @@ $UnableToConnectTo = "Imposible conectar con"; $NoUser = "Sen usuarios"; $SearchResultsFor = "Resultados da procura para:"; $SelectFile = "Seleccione un arquivo"; -$UploadFile = "Enviar arquivo"; $WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = " Atencin - O arquivo FAQ localizado no directorio /home/ da sa plataforma, non un arquivo no que se poida escribir. O seu texto non ser gardado ata que non cambie os permisos do arquivo. "; $AddCategory = "Engadir categora"; $NoExercises = "Non hai exercicios dispoibles"; diff --git a/main/lang/german/ b/main/lang/german/ index 873d532916..9158c1721f 100644 --- a/main/lang/german/ +++ b/main/lang/german/ @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Fragetyp updaten:"; $AddAnotherQuestion = "Neue Frage hinzufgen"; $IsShareSurvey = "Umfrage mit anderen teilen"; $Proceed = "Nchste Schritte"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Bitte eine Frage eingeben"; $PleaseFillNumber = "Bitte eine Zahl fr die Punkte angeben"; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "Bitte Punkte von 1 - 5 eingeben"; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "Bitte alle Antwortfelder ausfllen"; @@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Umfrage Untertitel"; $ShareSurvey = "Umfrage verffentlichen"; $SurveyThanks = "Dank fr Umfrage"; $EditSurvey = "Umfrage bearbeiten"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "Es wurden keine Umfragen ausgewhlt"; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Die Umfrage wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Sie knnen nun Fragen zu Ihrer Umfrage hinzufgen"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "oder zum berblick der Umfragen zurck gehen"; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "Im LInk fehlt ein Parameter. Benutzen Sie Kopieren & Einfgen "; $WrongInvitationCode = "Falscher Einladung Code"; @@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Dieser Typ existiert nicht"; $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "Die Umfrage wurde erfolgreich erstellt"; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Sie knnen nun Fragen zu Ihrer Umfrage hinzufgen"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Die Umfrage wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert"; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "oder kehren Sie zum berblick der Umfrage zurck"; $QuestionAdded = "Die Frage wurde hinzugefgt"; $QuestionUpdated = "Die Frage wurde aktualisiert"; $SaveQuestion = "Frage speichern"; @@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Anwort hinzuf $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Anzeige"; $AnswerOptions = "Mgliche Antworten"; $YesNo = "Ja / Nein"; -$MultipleChoice = "Auswahl"; $MultipleResponse = "Mehrfach Antworten"; $Open = "offen"; $Dropdown = "Dropdown"; @@ -106,17 +100,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Einladungen zur Umfrage "; $InvitationCode = "Code fr die Einladung"; $InvitationDate = "Datum der Einladung"; $Answered = "beantwortet."; -$AdditonalUsers = "Zustzliche Benutzer"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "Sie knnen zustzliche Benutzer einladen, Ihre Umfrage auszufllen. Sie tun das, indem Sie deren E-Mail Adresse hier eingeben, durch , oder ; getrennt."; $MailTitle = "Titel der E-Mail"; -$MailText = "Text der Mail"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "Jeder eingeladene Benutzer erhlt eine E-Mail mit einem unverwechselbaren Link. Benutzer mssen diesen Link klicken, um die Umfrage auszufllen. Wenn nichts besonderes getan wird, wird der unverwechselbare Link automatisch am Ende der Mail hinzugefgt. Sie knnen aber b estimmen, wo der Link erscheinen soll, indem Sie **link** in ihrem Text hinzufgen. Dieser **link** wird automatisch durch den unverwechselbaren Link fr jeden Benutzer ersetzt."; $InvitationsSend = "Einladung wurde verschickt."; $SurveyDeleted = "Die Umfrage wurde gelscht."; $NoSurveysSelected = "Es wurde keine Umfrage ausgewhlt."; $NumberOfQuestions = "Anzahl Fragen"; $Invited = "Eingeladen"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "Anzahl von Fragen"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "Filter angeben"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "Filter neu setzen"; $ExportCurrentReport = "Diesen Report exportieren"; @@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Leute, die diese Antwort gew $CourseUsers = "Benutzer in diesem Kurs"; $SurveyPublication = "Verffentlichung der Umfrage"; $AdditonalUsers = "Zustzliche Benutzer"; -$MailTitle = "Titel der E-Mail"; $MailText = "Text der E-Mail"; $UseLinkSyntax = "Die ausgewhlten Benutzer erhalten eine E-Mail mit dem obigen Text und einem unverwechselbaren Link, den sie zum Ausfllen der Umfrage anklicken mssen. Wollen Sie den Link an eine andere Stelle im Text plazieren, so fgen Sie den nachfolgenden Text an irgendeiner Stelle ein: **link** (Asterisk Asterisk Link Asterisk Asterisk). Dies wird automatisch durch den korrekten Link ersetzt. Falls Sie **link** nicht im Text der E-Mail einfgen, wird der E-Mail Link am Ende der Mail hinzugefgt."; $DetailedReportByUser = "Detaillierter Report pro Benutzer"; @@ -146,8 +135,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "In diesem Report erh $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "In diesem Report kann man alle Antworten eines Benutzers sehen"; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "In diesem Report sieht man die Egebnisse fr eine Frage nach der anderen. Eine grundlegende statistische Analyse samt Grafik ist enthalten."; $ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Alle Benutzer an die Umfrage erinnern. Wenn diese Checkbox nicht angekreuzt wird, erhalten nur die neu angemeldeten Benutzer eine E-Mail."; -$Yesno = "Ja / Nein"; -$Multiplechoice = "Auswahl"; $Multiplechoice = "Auswahl"; $Multipleresponse = "Mehrfach Antworten"; $Score = "Ergebnis"; diff --git a/main/lang/german/ b/main/lang/german/ index f722213390..af8b232873 100644 --- a/main/lang/german/ +++ b/main/lang/german/ @@ -299,8 +299,6 @@ $StartTime = "Beginn"; $EndTime = "Ende"; $langYouWereCalled = "Sie haben eine Chat Anfrage erhalten"; $langDoYouAccept = "Wollen Sie diese akzeptieren?"; -$StartTime = "Anfangszeit"; -$EndTime = "Endzeit"; $Everybody = "Alle"; $SentTo = "Gesendet an"; $Export = "Exportieren"; @@ -347,7 +345,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Datei verschieben nach"; $Save = "Speichern"; $Error = "Fehler"; $Anonymous = "Anonym"; -$NoSearchResults = "Kein Suchergebnis"; $h = "h"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Neue globale Rolle einrichten"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Neue lokale Rolle einrichten"; @@ -392,7 +389,6 @@ $SendMail = "Mail senden"; $RdvAgenda = "Agenda Termin"; $VideoConf = "Videokonferenz"; $MyProgress = "Mein Fortschritt"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Meine inaktiven Sessions"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Keine Studenten online"; $InCourse = "im Kurs"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Liste der online Benutzer - Session"; @@ -404,10 +400,8 @@ $Years = "Jahre"; $Day = "Tag"; $Days = "Tage"; $PleaseStandBy = "Bitte warten ... "; -$Language = "Sprache"; $AvailableUntill = "Verfgbar bis "; $HourMinuteDivider = "h"; -$Here = "hier"; $Visio_classroom = "LiveConference (Klassenzimmer)"; $Survey = "Umfragen"; $More = "weitere"; @@ -446,7 +440,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Ihre Anmeldedaten"; $ResetLink = "Klicken Sie hier, um Ihr Passwort wieder zu erlangen."; $VisibilityChanged = "Die Sichtbarkeit wurde gendert"; $MainNavigation = "Hauptnavigation"; -$None = "Keine"; $SeeDetail = "Siehe Details"; $GroupSingle = "Gruppe"; $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Bitte versuchen, sich von der Startseite aus einzuloggen."; @@ -501,7 +494,6 @@ $UserAge = "Alter"; $UserBirthday = "Geburtstag"; $Course = "Kurs"; $FilesUpload = "Upload von Dateien"; -$FileUpload = "Datei hochladen"; $ExerciseFinished = "bung beendet"; $UserSex = "Geschlecht"; $UserNativeLanguage = "Muttersprache"; @@ -540,7 +532,6 @@ $UnableToConnectTo = "Keine Verbindung mit "; $NoUser = "Kein Benutzer"; $SearchResultsFor = "Suchergebnisse fr: "; $SelectFile = "Eine Datei auswhlen"; -$UploadFile = "Datei hochladen"; $WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "Warnung -- in die FAQ Datei im /home/ Verzeichnis des Camps kann nicht geschrieben werden. Der Text wird nicht gespeichert, bis die Dateirechte gendert werden."; $AddCategory = "Kategorie hinzufgen"; $NoExercises = "keine bungen"; diff --git a/main/lang/hungarian/ b/main/lang/hungarian/ index 0920bb19d8..6fa304ef13 100644 --- a/main/lang/hungarian/ +++ b/main/lang/hungarian/ @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "K $AddAnotherQuestion = "j krds hozzadsa"; $IsShareSurvey = "Krdőv megosztsa msokal"; $Proceed = "Vgrehajt"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Krem, adja meg a krdst."; $PleaseFillNumber = "Krem, szmokat hasznljon a pontokhoz."; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "Krem, 1-5-ig tltse ki a pontokat"; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "Krem, tltse ki az sszes vlasz mezőt."; @@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "K $ShareSurvey = "Krdőv megosztsa"; $SurveyThanks = "Krdőv ksznetnyilvnts"; $EditSurvey = "Krdőv szerkesztse"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "Nincs kivlasztva krdőv."; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "a krdőv sikeresen frissve"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Most mr hozzadhat a krdővhez krdseket"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "vagy visszatrhet a krdőv ttekintshez."; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "Hinyzik egy paramter a hivatkozsnl. Krem, hasznlja a msols/beillesztst"; $WrongInvitationCode = "Hibs meghvsi kd"; @@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Ez a t $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "A krdőv sikeresen ltrehozva."; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Mostantl hozzadhat krdseket krdővhez"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "A krdőv sikeresen mdostva."; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "vagy visszatrhet a krdőv ttekintshez."; $QuestionAdded = "A krds hozzadva."; $QuestionUpdated = "A krds frisstve."; $SaveQuestion = "Krds mentse."; @@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Lehetős $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Megtekint"; $AnswerOptions = "Vlasz lehetősgek"; $YesNo = "Igen / Nem"; -$MultipleChoice = "Tbbszrs vlasz"; $MultipleResponse = "Tbbszrs reagls"; $Open = "Nyitott (essz)"; $Dropdown = "Legrdlő"; @@ -106,17 +100,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "K $InvitationCode = "Meghvs kdja"; $InvitationDate = "Meghvs dtuma"; $Answered = "Megvlaszolva"; -$AdditonalUsers = "Tovbbi felhasznlk"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "Meghvhat tovbbi felhasznlkat a krdőv kitltshez. Ehhez adja meg email cmket, vesszővel (,) vagy pontosvesszővel (;) elvlasztva."; $MailTitle = "Levl cme"; -$MailText = "Levl szvege"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "Minden meghvott felhasznl levlben rtestst kap egy egyedi hivatkozssal, amire a krdőv megtekintshez r kell kattintaniuk. Ha msknt nem tesz, ez a hivatkozs a levele vgn fog ltszani. Ezt befolysolhatja, ha a levl szvegben elhelyez egy **link** szcskt, ekkor a rendszer ezt fogja lecserlni a krdőv hivatkozsra."; $InvitationsSend = "a meghvk elkldve."; $SurveyDeleted = "A krdőv trlve."; $NoSurveysSelected = "Nincsenek kivlasztva krdővek."; $NumberOfQuestions = "Krdsek szma"; $Invited = "Meghvott"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "Krdsek szma"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "Szűrő megadsa"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "Szűrő visszalltsa"; $ExportCurrentReport = "Riport exportlsa"; @@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "A v $CourseUsers = "A kurzus felhasznli"; $SurveyPublication = "A felmrs publiklsa"; $AdditonalUsers = "Tovbbi felhasznlk"; -$MailTitle = "Az e-mail cme"; $MailText = "Az e-mail szvege"; $UseLinkSyntax = "A kivlasztott felhasznlk email-ben zenetet kapnak a fenti szveggel s egy egyedi hivatkozssal, amin elrhetik az űrlapot. Ha ezt a hivatkozst a szvegbe szeretn elhelyezni, a kvetkezőt rja a kvnt helyre: **link** (csillag csillag link csillag csillag). Ekkor ez a szveg automatikusan kicserlődik a krdőv cmre. Ha ezt nem teszi meg, a hivatkozs a levele vgre fog kerlni."; $DetailedReportByUser = "Rszletes jelents - felhasznl"; @@ -146,8 +135,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "Ebben a riportban valamennyi felhaszn $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "Ebben a jelentsben egy konkrt felhasznl ltal adott valamennyi vlaszt lthatja. "; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "A jelentsben az eredmnyeket krdsről krdsre lthatja. Alapvető statisztikai elemzs s grafika biztostott."; $ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Figyelmeztesse a felmrs valamennyi felhasznljt! Ha nem jellik be a dobozt, csak az jonnan hozzadott felhasznlk kapnak email-t."; -$Yesno = "Igen / Nem"; -$Multiplechoice = "Tbbszrs vlaszts"; $Multiplechoice = "Tbbszrs vlaszts"; $Multipleresponse = "Tbbszrs vlaszok"; $Score = "Pontszm"; diff --git a/main/lang/hungarian/ b/main/lang/hungarian/ index 5b99013f03..9214a8278d 100644 --- a/main/lang/hungarian/ +++ b/main/lang/hungarian/ @@ -299,8 +299,6 @@ $StartTime = "Kezd $EndTime = "Befejezs ideje"; $langYouWereCalled = "Chat-elni hvott"; $langDoYouAccept = "Elfogadja?"; -$StartTime = "Kezdsi idő"; -$EndTime = "Befejezs ideje"; $Everybody = "Mindenki"; $SentTo = "Kik szmra lthat:"; $Export = "Exportls"; @@ -347,7 +345,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "F $Save = "Ments"; $Error = "Hiba"; $Anonymous = "Nvtelen"; -$NoSearchResults = "Eredmnytelen keress"; $h = ""; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "j globlis szerep ltrehozsa"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "j helyi szerep ltrehozsa"; @@ -392,7 +389,6 @@ $SendMail = "Lev $RdvAgenda = "Naptr tallkoz"; $VideoConf = "Videokonferencia"; $MyProgress = "Előrehaladsom"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Passzv munkameneteim"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Nincs a portlra belpett hallgat"; $InCourse = "kurzusban"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Bejelentkezett felhasznlk listja - munkamenet"; @@ -404,10 +400,8 @@ $Years = " $Day = "nap"; $Days = "nap"; $PleaseStandBy = "Krem vrjon..."; -$Language = "Nyelv"; $AvailableUntill = "Elrhető meddig"; $HourMinuteDivider = ""; -$Here = "itt"; $Visio_classroom = "lő konferencia (osztlyterem)"; $Survey = "Krdővek"; $More = "Tovbb"; @@ -446,7 +440,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Bel $ResetLink = "Jelszava visszalltshoz kattintson ide"; $VisibilityChanged = "A lthatsg megvltoztatva."; $MainNavigation = "Fő navigci"; -$None = "Nincs"; $SeeDetail = "Rszletek megtekintse"; $GroupSingle = "Csoport"; $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Krem, prbljon jra bejelentkezni a kezdőoldalrl. "; @@ -497,7 +490,6 @@ $UserAge = "Kor"; $UserBirthday = "Szletsnap"; $Course = "Kurzus"; $FilesUpload = "dokumentum"; -$FileUpload = "dokumentum"; $ExerciseFinished = "Feladat befejezve"; $UserSex = "Nem"; $UserNativeLanguage = "Anyanyelv"; @@ -536,7 +528,6 @@ $UnableToConnectTo = "Sikertelen kapcsol $NoUser = "Nincs felhasznl"; $SearchResultsFor = "A keress eredmnye a kvetkező kifejezsre:"; $SelectFile = "llomny kivlasztsa"; -$UploadFile = "llomny feltltse"; $WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "Figyelem - A GYIK llomny, amely a dokeos /home/ mappjban tallhat, nem rhat. A bert szveget addg nem lehet elmenteni, amg nem lesz javtva az rsi jog."; $AddCategory = "Kategria hozzadsa"; $NoExercises = "Nincsenek gyakorlatok"; diff --git a/main/lang/indonesian/ b/main/lang/indonesian/ index b7cbb106ae..acb6ef63f7 100644 --- a/main/lang/indonesian/ +++ b/main/lang/indonesian/ @@ -262,8 +262,6 @@ $StartTime = "Waktu Mulai"; $EndTime = "Waktu Selesai"; $langYouWereCalled = "Anda diundang untuk chatting dengan"; $langDoYouAccept = "Apakah anda menerima?"; -$StartTime = "Waktu Mulai"; -$EndTime = "Waktu Berakhir"; $Everybody = "Setiap orang"; $SentTo = "Nampak bagi"; $Export = "Export"; @@ -299,7 +297,6 @@ $SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Fokus pada hak"; $RightValueModified = "Nilai tersebut telah diubah"; $course_rights = "Peran & overview hak-hak"; $CourseAdminRoleDescription = "Admin Mata Kuliah"; -$NoSearchResults = "Pencarian tidak ditemukan"; $h = "h"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Buat role/peran global baru"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Buat role/peran lokal baru"; diff --git a/main/lang/italian/ b/main/lang/italian/ index 44f3db49ee..1f265f52e0 100644 --- a/main/lang/italian/ +++ b/main/lang/italian/ @@ -83,4 +83,5 @@ $DeleteBlog = "Elimina il blog"; $NoTasks = "Nessuna attivit"; $Shared = "Condivisione"; $PermissionGrantedByGroupOrRole = "Autorizzazione consentita per ruolo o gruppo"; +$Reader = "Lettore"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/italian/ b/main/lang/italian/ index 70f7a22784..6579e7a9cf 100644 --- a/main/lang/italian/ +++ b/main/lang/italian/ @@ -290,4 +290,5 @@ $ShowUnCorrectedOnly = "Mostra i quesiti non ancora corretti"; $HideResultsToStudents = "Non mostrare i risultati ai corsisti"; $ShowResultsToStudents = "Mostra i risultati ai corsisti"; $ProcedToQuestions = "Prepara i quesiti"; +$AddQuestionToExercise = "Aggiungi quesito"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/italian/ b/main/lang/italian/ index b37bb89664..2dca911bd2 100644 --- a/main/lang/italian/ +++ b/main/lang/italian/ @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ $langNewStudentPublicationCreated = "La pagina per il caricamento degli elaborat $langNewModuleCreated = "Il nuovo capitolo stato creato: puoi aggiungere degli elementi."; $langNewExerciseCreated = "Il nuovo test stato creato"; $langItemRemoved = "L\'elemento stato rimosso"; -$langLearnPathAdded = "Il Modulo didattico stato creato con successo ed visibile nel men a sinistra: ora puoi aggiungere nuovi elementi ed eventualmente nuovi capitoli, per una migliore strutturazione."; +$langLearnPathAdded = "Il Modulo didattico stato creato con successo: ora puoi aggiungere nuovi elementi ed eventualmente nuovi capitoli, per una migliore strutturazione."; $langConverting = "Sto convertendo..."; $langPpt2lpError = "C\' stato un errore nel corso della conversione della presentazione. Controlla che il nome della presentazione non contenga caratteri speciali."; $langBuild = "Crea"; @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ $langMoveTheCurrentExercise = "Sposta il test"; $langEditCurrentExecice = "Modifica il test"; $langUploadScorm = "Importa SCORM o AICC"; $langPowerPointConvert = "Converti una Presentazione"; -$langLPCreatedToContinue = "Per proseguire puoi aggiungere al Modulo un Capitolo o un Elemento tramite il men a sinistra."; +$langLPCreatedToContinue = "Per proseguire puoi aggiungere Capitoli o Elementi tramite il men in alto a sinistra."; $langLPCreatedAddChapterStep = "Puoi aggiungere al Modulo un Capitolo o un Elemento tramite il men a sinistra."; $langPrerequisitesAdded = "Sono stati aggiunti dei prerequisiti per il presente elemento"; $langAddEditPrerequisites = "Aggiungi o modifica i prerequisiti"; diff --git a/main/lang/italian/ b/main/lang/italian/ index 95dd5d2bd2..2dc70d48a8 100644 --- a/main/lang/italian/ +++ b/main/lang/italian/ @@ -36,4 +36,5 @@ $AlreadyReadMessage = "Messaggio letto"; $UnReadMessage = "Messaggio da leggere"; $MessageSent = "Messaggio inviato"; $WriteToMessage = "Scrivi un messaggio"; +$SendAMessage = "Invia un messaggio"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/italian/ b/main/lang/italian/ index 3e913f6e8d..0b236e91e8 100644 --- a/main/lang/italian/ +++ b/main/lang/italian/ @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ $NoteDeleted = "Appunto eliminato"; $NoteUpdated = "Appunto aggiornato"; $NoteCreated = "Appunto creato"; $YouMustWriteANote = "Scrivi un appunto"; -$WriteYourNoteHere = "Scrivi qui un appunto"; $SaveNote = "Salva l\'appunto"; $WriteYourNoteHere = "Scrivi qui il tuo appunto"; $SearchByTitle = "Cerca nel titolo"; diff --git a/main/lang/italian/ b/main/lang/italian/ index 7c7f315b12..0dff5c8243 100644 --- a/main/lang/italian/ +++ b/main/lang/italian/ @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ $BookingPeriodPast = "Non $ReservationMaxUsersOverrun = "Ci sono pi richieste del numero massimo previsto"; $AddNewBookingPeriod = "Aggiungi un periodo di prenotazione"; $BookingPeriodTimePickerLimitation = "Non possibile effettuare prenotazioni con un timer se la data d\'inizio e fine sono diverse"; -$ResourceList = "Elenco delle risorse"; $ResourceTypeName = "Nome del tipo di risorsa"; $AddNewResourceType = "Aggiungi un nuovo tipo di risorsa"; $ResourceTypeAdded = "Tipo di risorsa aggiunto"; @@ -107,7 +106,6 @@ $ResourceExist = "Risorsa gi $AcceptUsers = "Si accettano utenti"; $UnacceptedUsers = "Non si accettano utenti"; $DeleteSubscriptions = "Eliminazione delle prenotazioni"; -$ManageResources = "Gestisci le risorse"; $NoItems = "Non ci sono unit presenti"; $ItemNotDeleted = "Alcune unit non sono state eliminate perch prenotate"; $ItemHasReservations = "L\'elemento ha ancora #NUM# prenotazioni/e attive/a"; diff --git a/main/lang/italian/ b/main/lang/italian/ index 922ee8c629..ed6b10ca3c 100644 --- a/main/lang/italian/ +++ b/main/lang/italian/ @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ $lang_add_learnpath = "Crea un nuovo modulo didattico"; $lang_learnpath_added = "Il nuovo modulo didattico stato creato. Puoi aggiungere dei contenuti o cliccare sul nome per modificarlo."; $lang_delete_learnpath = "Elimina il modulo didattico"; $lang_learnpath_edited = "Il modulo didattico stato correttamente modificato"; -$lang_learnpath_deleted = "Il modulo didattico (con tutti i suoi contenuti) stato cancellato"; +$lang_learnpath_deleted = "Il modulo didattico (con tutti i suoi contenuti) stato eliminato"; $lang_no_publish = "Nascondi ai corsisti"; $lang_publish = "Mostra ai corsisti"; $lang_no_published = "ora invisibile ai corsisti"; diff --git a/main/lang/italian/ b/main/lang/italian/ index 3327dd70af..481802f4df 100644 --- a/main/lang/italian/ +++ b/main/lang/italian/ @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Aggiorna il tipo di domanda :"; $AddAnotherQuestion = "Aggiungi una domanda"; $IsShareSurvey = "Condividi con altri il questionario"; $Proceed = "Prosegui"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Immetti una domanda"; $PleaseFillNumber = "Immetti un valore numerico per il punteggio"; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "Riempi i punti da 1 a 5"; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "Compila tutti i campi della risposta, per favore"; @@ -73,9 +72,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Sottotitolo del questionario"; $ShareSurvey = "Condividi il questionario"; $SurveyThanks = "Formula di chiusura, ringraziamenti"; $EditSurvey = "Modifica il questionario"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "Non sono stati selezionati questionari"; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Il questionario stato modificato"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Puoi aggiungere una domanda al questionario"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "O ritornare all\'elenco dei questionari"; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "Mancano parametri nel collegamento. Copia e incolla le informazioni"; $WrongInvitationCode = "Codice di invito errato"; @@ -88,7 +84,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Tipo inesistente"; $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "Il questionario stato creato con successo"; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Ora puoi aggiungere domande al questionario"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Questionario aggiornato"; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "o ritorna all\'elenco dei questionari"; $QuestionAdded = "Domanda aggiunta"; $QuestionUpdated = "Domanda aggiornata"; $SaveQuestion = "Salva la domanda"; @@ -97,7 +92,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Aggiungi un\'opzione"; $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Mostra"; $AnswerOptions = "Opzioni della domanda"; $YesNo = "S/No"; -$MultipleChoice = "Risp.singola"; $MultipleResponse = "Risp.multipla"; $Open = "Risp.libera"; $Dropdown = "Scorrimento"; @@ -108,17 +102,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Inviti a compilare il questionario"; $InvitationCode = "Codice d\'invito"; $InvitationDate = "Data dell\'invito"; $Answered = "Con risposta"; -$AdditonalUsers = "Altri utenti"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "Puoi invitare altri utenti a rispondere al questionario. Per farlo scrivi gli indirizzi email separati da , o ;"; $MailTitle = "Oggetto dell\'email"; -$MailText = "Testo del messaggio"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "Ogni utente invitato ricever un\'email con un collegamento. Per rispondere al questionario gli utenti dovranno cliccare sul collegamento. In genere il collegamento posto alla fine del testo dell\'email, ma usando la parola riservata **link** potrai posizionarlo altrove. La parola **link** verr sostituita con un collegamento distinto per ciascun utente."; $InvitationsSend = "Gli inviti sono stati spediti"; $SurveyDeleted = "Il questionario stato eliminato"; $NoSurveysSelected = "Non stato selezionato alcun questionario"; $NumberOfQuestions = "Numero di domande"; $Invited = "Invitato"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "Numero di domande"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "Filtro"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "Cancella Filtro"; $ExportCurrentReport = "Esporta il report"; @@ -138,7 +128,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Persone che hanno scelto questa alternativa"; $CourseUsers = "Utenti del corso"; $SurveyPublication = "Pubblicazione del questionario"; $AdditonalUsers = "Utenti aggiuntivi"; -$MailTitle = "Intestazione dell\'email"; $MailText = "Testo dell\'email"; $UseLinkSyntax = "Ogni utente invitato ricever un\'email con un collegamento. Per rispondere al questionario gli utenti dovranno cliccare sul collegamento. In genere il collegamento posto alla fine del testo dell\'email, ma usando la parola riservata **link** (asterisco asterisco link asterisco asterisco) potrai posizionarlo altrove. La parola **link** verr sostituita con un collegamento distinto per ciascun utente."; $DetailedReportByUser = "Report dettagliato per utente"; @@ -148,9 +137,7 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "Questo report fornisce una vista sintetica di tutti i c $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "Questo report mostra le risposte di uno specifico utente"; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "Questo report mostra i risultati raggruppati per domanda. Viene fornita un\'analisi statistica di base."; $ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Invia a tutti gli utenti un collegamento al questionario. Se non spunti l\'opzione l\'email verr inviata solo ai nuovi utenti."; -$Yesno = "S / No"; $Multiplechoice = "Risp.singola"; -$Multiplechoice = "Risp. singola"; $Multipleresponse = "Risp. multipla"; $Score = "Punteggio"; $Shared = "Condiviso"; diff --git a/main/lang/italian/ b/main/lang/italian/ index 5e6a2f4572..461f4c25f0 100644 --- a/main/lang/italian/ +++ b/main/lang/italian/ @@ -302,8 +302,6 @@ $StartTime = "Dalle"; $EndTime = "Alle"; $langYouWereCalled = "Sei stato invitato in chat da"; $langDoYouAccept = "Accetti la chiamata?"; -$StartTime = "Dalle"; -$EndTime = "Alle"; $Everybody = "Ciascuno"; $SentTo = "Visibile per"; $Export = "Esporta"; @@ -350,7 +348,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Sposta il file verso"; $Save = "Salva"; $Error = "Errore"; $Anonymous = "Anonimo"; -$NoSearchResults = "Nessun risultato"; $h = "h"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Crea un nuovo ruolo globale"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Crea un nuovo ruolo locale"; @@ -395,7 +392,6 @@ $SendMail = "Spedisci un\'e-mail"; $RdvAgenda = "Appuntamento in agenda"; $VideoConf = "Videoconferenza"; $MyProgress = "I miei progressi"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Mie sessioni non attive"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Nessun corsista on-line"; $InCourse = "nel corso"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Elenco di utenti on-line - Sessione"; @@ -407,10 +403,8 @@ $Years = "anni"; $Day = "giorno"; $Days = "giorni"; $PleaseStandBy = "Prego, rimani in attesa..."; -$Language = "Lingua"; $AvailableUntill = "Disponibile fino al"; $HourMinuteDivider = "h"; -$Here = "qui"; $Visio_classroom = "Videolezione"; $Survey = "Questionari"; $More = "Altro ..."; @@ -449,7 +443,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "i tuoi dati di registrazione"; $ResetLink = "Clicca per re-inizializzare la password"; $VisibilityChanged = "La visibilit stata cambiata"; $MainNavigation = "Navigazione principale"; -$None = "Niente"; $SeeDetail = "Vedi dettagli"; $GroupSingle = "Gruppo"; $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Ti prego di accedere nuovamente al sito dalla pagina Home iniziale"; @@ -504,7 +497,6 @@ $UserAge = "Et $UserBirthday = "Compleanno"; $Course = "Corso"; $FilesUpload = "File caricati"; -$FileUpload = "Caricamento file"; $ExerciseFinished = "Test completato"; $UserSex = "Genere"; $UserNativeLanguage = "Lingua madre"; @@ -543,7 +535,6 @@ $UnableToConnectTo = "Impossibile connettersi con"; $NoUser = "Nessun utente"; $SearchResultsFor = "Trova tra i risultati:"; $SelectFile = "Seleziona un file"; -$UploadFile = "Carica il file"; $WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "Attenzione, il file di FAQ, posizionato nella cartella /home/directory del tuo campus, protetto da scrittura. Il testo immesso non verr salvato se non verranno cambiati i diritti di lettura/scrittura"; $AddCategory = "Aggiungi una categoria"; $NoExercises = "Nessun test"; @@ -709,4 +700,8 @@ $NoTemplatePreview = "Anteprima non disponibile"; $ModifyCategory = "Modifica la categoria"; $Photo = "Fotografia"; $MoveFile = "Sposta il file"; +$Filter = "Filtra"; +$Subject = "Oggetto"; +$Message = "Messaggio"; +$MoreInformation = "Ulteriori informazioni"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/italian/ b/main/lang/italian/ index 65b0b767df..077304a567 100644 --- a/main/lang/italian/ +++ b/main/lang/italian/ @@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ $langUnregister = "Cancella l\'iscrizione"; $langAddAUser = "Aggiungi utenti"; $UsersUnsubscribed = "Gli utenti selezionati sono stati cancellati dal corso"; $ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "Il corsista iscritto al corso tramite una sessione. Non si possono modificare queste informazioni"; +$NoDataAvailable = "Informazione non disponibile"; $AddToFriends = "Sei sicuro di aggiungere il contatto agli amici?"; +$AddPersonalMessage = "Aggiungi un messaggio personale"; +$Friends = "Amici"; $PersonalData = "Dati personali"; $Contacts = "Contatti"; $SocialInformationComment = "Qui puoi organizzare i tuoi contatti"; @@ -76,4 +79,6 @@ $MessageInvitationNotSent = "Il tuo messaggio d\'invito non $SocialAddToFriends = "Aggiungi ai contatti"; $UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse = "Utente non iscritto al corso"; $ChangeContactGroup = "Cambia di gruppo"; +$Friend = "Amica/o"; +$ViewMySharedProfile = "Profilo condiviso"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/japanese_unicode/ b/main/lang/japanese_unicode/ index febd18bd20..99e5997fab 100644 --- a/main/lang/japanese_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/japanese_unicode/ @@ -40,5 +40,4 @@ $langMyCourses = "极尸のコ〖ス"; $langModifyProfile = "极尸のプロファイルを饯赖"; $langLogout = "ログアウト"; $langPlatform = "iCampus utilise la plate-forme"; -$Language = "言語"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/korean/ b/main/lang/korean/ index cb4ff01cc0..15f433d45a 100644 --- a/main/lang/korean/ +++ b/main/lang/korean/ @@ -247,8 +247,6 @@ $StartTime = "시작 시간"; $EndTime = "종료 시간"; $langYouWereCalled = "대화 신청이 왔습니다"; $langDoYouAccept = "받아들이겠습니까?"; -$StartTime = "시작 시간"; -$EndTime = "종료 시간"; $Everybody = "모두"; $SentTo = "공개 대상"; $Export = "내보내기"; diff --git a/main/lang/latvian/ b/main/lang/latvian/ index 5650e413ab..4519e9740e 100644 --- a/main/lang/latvian/ +++ b/main/lang/latvian/ @@ -2,6 +2,5 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder. */ $Question = "Jautājums"; -$Yesno = "Jā / Nē"; $Invite = "Ielūgt"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/latvian/ b/main/lang/latvian/ index 4ee03d7612..2503b32bf4 100644 --- a/main/lang/latvian/ +++ b/main/lang/latvian/ @@ -295,8 +295,6 @@ $StartTime = "Sākuma laiks"; $EndTime = "Beigu laiks"; $langYouWereCalled = "Jūs uz sarunu uzaicināja"; $langDoYouAccept = "Vai Jūs tam piekrītat?"; -$StartTime = "Sākanas laiks"; -$EndTime = "Beiganas laiks"; $Everybody = "Katrs"; $SentTo = "Pieejams"; $Export = "Eksportēt"; @@ -339,7 +337,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Pārvietot failu uz"; $Save = "Saglabāt"; $Error = "Kļūda"; $Anonymous = "Anonīms"; -$NoSearchResults = "Meklēana neatgrieza nebija rezultatīva"; $h = "h"; $Actions = "Darbība"; $Inbox = "Iesūtne"; @@ -366,7 +363,6 @@ $NoTel = "No tel"; $SendMail = "Sūtīt vēstuli"; $VideoConf = "Video konference"; $MyProgress = "Mana attīstība"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Manas neaktīvās sesijas"; $InCourse = "kursā"; $From = "no"; $To = "uz"; @@ -376,10 +372,8 @@ $Years = "gadi"; $Day = "diena"; $Days = "dienas"; $PleaseStandBy = "Lūdzu palieciet..."; -$Language = "Valoda"; $AvailableUntill = "Pieejams līdz"; $HourMinuteDivider = "h"; -$Here = "eit"; $Visio_classroom = "Virtuālā klase"; $Survey = "Pārskati"; $More = "Vairāk"; diff --git a/main/lang/lithuanian/ b/main/lang/lithuanian/ index bf4db1960e..2236c6c123 100644 --- a/main/lang/lithuanian/ +++ b/main/lang/lithuanian/ @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Atnaujinti klausimo tipą: "; $AddAnotherQuestion = "Įrašyti naują klausimą"; $IsShareSurvey = "Dalintis apklausa su kitais"; $Proceed = "Tęsti"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Įrašykite klausimą"; $PleaseFillNumber = "Užpildykite taškus skaičiais."; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "Užpildykite taškais nuo 1 iki 5"; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "Užpildykite visus atsakymų laukelius."; @@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Survey subtitle"; $ShareSurvey = "Dalintis apklausa"; $SurveyThanks = "Apklausos padėkos tekstas"; $EditSurvey = "Redaguoti apklausą"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "Apklausa nepasirinkta."; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Apklausa sėkmingai atnaujinta"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Dabar galite įdėti klausimus į apklausą"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "arba grįžkite į apklausos peržiūrą"; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "There is a parameter missing in the link. Please use copy and past"; $WrongInvitationCode = "Neteisingas pakvietimo kodas"; @@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Šis tipas neegzistuoja"; $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "Apklausa sėkmingai sukurta"; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Dabar galite įdėti klausimus į apklausą"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Apklausa sėkmingai atnaujinta"; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "arba grįžkite į apklausos peržiūrą"; $QuestionAdded = "Klausimas įrašytas."; $QuestionUpdated = "Klausimas atnaujintas."; $SaveQuestion = "Išsaugoti klausimą"; @@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Pridėti punktą"; $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Rodyti nustatymus"; $AnswerOptions = "Atsakymo nustatymai"; $YesNo = "Taip / Ne"; -$MultipleChoice = "Daugkartinis pasirinkimas"; $MultipleResponse = "Daugkartiniai atsakymai"; $Open = "Atviras"; $Dropdown = "Iškrentantis meniu"; @@ -106,17 +100,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Survey invitations"; $InvitationCode = "Pakvietimo kodas"; $InvitationDate = "Pakvietimo data"; $Answered = "Atsakyta"; -$AdditonalUsers = "Papildomi vartotojai"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "Galite pakviesti papildomus ne kurso vartotojus į apklausą įvesdami jų el. pašto adresus, atskirtus kableliu arba kabliataškiu"; $MailTitle = "Laiško antraštė"; -$MailText = "Laiško tekstas"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "Išrinkti vartotojai gaus el. laišką su tekstu aukščiau ir unikalia nuoroda į apklausą, kuria užpildys. Jei norite įterpti nuorodą bet kur tekste, įterpkite **link**. Jei neįterpsite **link**, nuoroda bus pavaizduota teksto gale."; $InvitationsSend = "Pakvietimai išsiųsti."; $SurveyDeleted = "Apklausa ištrinta."; $NoSurveysSelected = "Apklausa nepasirinkta."; $NumberOfQuestions = "Klausimų skaičius"; $Invited = "Pakviestas"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "Klausimų skaičius"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "Patvirtinimo filtras"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "Atmetimo filtras"; $ExportCurrentReport = "Eksportuoti ataskaitą"; @@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Žmonės, pasirinkę šį atsakymą"; $CourseUsers = "Kurso vartotojai"; $SurveyPublication = "Apklausos publikavimas"; $AdditonalUsers = "Papildomi vartotojai"; -$MailTitle = "Laiško antraštė"; $MailText = "Laiško tekstas"; $UseLinkSyntax = "Išrinkti vartotojai gaus el. laišką su tekstu aukščiau ir unikalia nuoroda į apklausą, kuria užpildys. Jei norite įterpti nuorodą bet kur tekste, įterpkite **link**. Jei neįterpsite **link**, nuoroda bus pavaizduota teksto gale."; $DetailedReportByUser = "Detali ataskaita pagal vartotojus"; @@ -146,8 +135,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "In this report you get an overview of all the answers o $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "Šioje ataskaitoje galite matyti visus konkretaus vartotojo atsakymus."; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "In this report you see the results question by question. Basic statistical analysis and graphics are provided "; $ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Pranešti visiems apklausos dalyviams. Kitu atveju laišką gaus tik naujai įtraukti apklausos dalyviai."; -$Yesno = "Taip / Ne"; -$Multiplechoice = "Daugkartinis pasirinkimas"; $Multiplechoice = "Daugkartinis pasirinkimas"; $Multipleresponse = "Daugkartiniai atsakymai"; $Score = "Įvertinimai"; diff --git a/main/lang/lithuanian/ b/main/lang/lithuanian/ index 2870997aaa..9d1c4488f6 100644 --- a/main/lang/lithuanian/ +++ b/main/lang/lithuanian/ @@ -260,8 +260,6 @@ $StartTime = "Pabaigos laikas"; $EndTime = "Pradžios laikas"; $langYouWereCalled = "Jus pakvietė pokalbiui su"; $langDoYouAccept = "Pattvirtinate ?"; -$StartTime = "Pabaigos laikas"; -$EndTime = "Pradžios laikas"; $Everybody = "Kiekvienas"; $SentTo = "Matomas kam"; $Export = "Eksportuoti"; @@ -307,7 +305,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Failą perkelti į"; $Save = "Išsaugoti"; $Error = "Klaida"; $Anonymous = "Anoniminis"; -$NoSearchResults = "Paieškos rezultatų nėra"; $h = "h"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Sukurti naują visuotinį vaidmenį"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Sukurti naują vietinį vaidmenį"; @@ -352,7 +349,6 @@ $SendMail = "Siūsti laišką"; $RdvAgenda = "Darbotvarkės paskyrimas"; $VideoConf = "Vaizdo konferencija"; $MyProgress = "Mano progresas"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Mano naktyvios sesijos"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Nėra prisijungusių studentų"; $InCourse = "kurse"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Prisijungusių vartotojų sąrašas - Sesija"; @@ -364,10 +360,8 @@ $Years = "metai"; $Day = "diena"; $Days = "dienos"; $PleaseStandBy = "Please stand by..."; -$Language = "Kalba"; $AvailableUntill = "Prieinamas iki"; $HourMinuteDivider = "h"; -$Here = "čia"; $Visio_classroom = "Virtuali klasė"; $Survey = "Apklausos"; $More = "Daugiau"; @@ -406,7 +400,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Your registration data"; $ResetLink = "Click here to recover your password"; $VisibilityChanged = "The visibility has been changed."; $MainNavigation = "Main navigation"; -$None = "None"; $SeeDetail = "See detail"; $GroupSingle = "Group"; $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Please try to login again from the homepage"; diff --git a/main/lang/macedonian/ b/main/lang/macedonian/ index a915dd17bf..c14cc536c6 100644 --- a/main/lang/macedonian/ +++ b/main/lang/macedonian/ @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Ажурирај $AddAnotherQuestion = "Додај ново прашање"; $IsShareSurvey = "Сподели ја анкетата со другите"; $Proceed = "Понатаму"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Ве молиме внесете прашање."; $PleaseFillNumber = "Ве молиме пополнете бројни вредности за бодовите."; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "Ве молиме пополнете бодови од 1-5"; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "Ве молиме пополнете ги сите полиња за одговори."; @@ -70,9 +69,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Поднаслоk $ShareSurvey = "Сподели ја анкетата"; $SurveyThanks = "Благодарност"; $EditSurvey = "Уредување на анкета"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "Нема селектирана анкети"; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "анкетата беше успешно ажурирана"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Можете да додадете прашања на Вашата анкета"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "Или да се вратите на прегледот на анкетата"; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "Недостасуваат параметри во врската. Ве молиме искористете копирај и залепи"; $WrongInvitationCode = "Повиканата шифра е погрешна"; @@ -85,7 +81,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Ваков вид & $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "Анкетата беше успешно креирана"; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Можете да додадете прашања на Вашата анкета"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Анкетата беше успешно ажурирана"; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "или врати се на прегледот на анкетата"; $QuestionAdded = "Прашањето беше додадено."; $QuestionUpdated = "Прашањето беше ажурирано."; $SaveQuestion = "Сними го прашањето"; @@ -94,7 +89,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Опција за д& $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Опциии за прикажување"; $AnswerOptions = "Опции за одговор"; $YesNo = "Да / Не"; -$MultipleChoice = "Повеќечлен избор"; $MultipleResponse = "Повеќекратен одговор"; $Open = "отвори"; $Dropdown = "Паѓачко мени"; @@ -105,17 +99,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Повици за $InvitationCode = "Шифра на Повик "; $InvitationDate = "датум на Повикот"; $Answered = "Одговорено"; -$AdditonalUsers = "Дополнителни корсиници"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "Можете да повикате дополнително корисници да ја пополнат анкетата. За да го направите тоа, едноставно нели, внесете ги нивните e-mail адреси овде - одвоени со , или ;"; $MailTitle = "Наслов на пораката"; -$MailText = "Текст на пораката"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "Секој поканет корисник ќе добие e-mail порака со единствена врска. Корисниците мора да кликнат на таа врска за да ја пополната анкетата. Оваа врска ќе бие автоматски додадена на крајот на пораката. Секако дека можете да определите на кое место во пораката да се појави врската додавајќи **link** во Вашиот текст. Ова **link** автоматски ќе биде заменето со единствена (сопствена) врска за секој корсиник. "; $InvitationsSend = "повиците се испратени."; $SurveyDeleted = "Анкетата беше избришана."; $NoSurveysSelected = "Нема селектирани анкети."; $NumberOfQuestions = "Број на прашања"; $Invited = "Повикан"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "Број на прашања"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "Поднеси Филтер"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "Поништи го филтрирањето"; $ExportCurrentReport = "Извези го тековниот извештај"; @@ -135,7 +125,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Луѓе што г $CourseUsers = "Корисници на курсот"; $SurveyPublication = "Објавување на анкетата"; $AdditonalUsers = "Дополнителни корисници"; -$MailTitle = "Налсов на e-mail пораката"; $MailText = "Текст на e-mail пораката"; $UseLinkSyntax = "Селектираните корсиници ќе добијат e-mail порака со горниот текст и единствена врска на која мораат да кликнат за да ја пополнат анкетата. Ако сакате да ја сместите оваа врска некаде во текстот ќе морате да го вметнете следниот текст каде што сакате во Вашиот текст: **link** (ѕвездичка звездичка link ѕвездичка звездичка). Тогаш, тоа автоматски ќе биде заменето со единствена врска. Ако не додадете **link** на Вашиот текст, тогаш врската ќе биде додадена на крајот од Вашата порака. Единствена врска значи дека секој примач ќе добие различна, сопствена врска."; $DetailedReportByUser = "Детален извештај по корисник"; @@ -145,8 +134,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "Во овој и $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "Во овој извештај можете да ги видите сите одговори на одреден корисник."; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "Во овој извештај може да ги видите резултатите прашање по прашање. Понудени се основни статистички анализи и графикони."; $ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Потсети ги сите корисници за анкетата. Ако не ја штиклирате оваа кутија, тогаш само новите корисници ќе добијат e-mail порака."; -$Yesno = "Да / Не"; -$Multiplechoice = "Повеќечлен избор"; $Multiplechoice = "Повеќечлен избор"; $Multipleresponse = "Повеќекратни одговори"; $Score = "Резултат"; diff --git a/main/lang/macedonian/ b/main/lang/macedonian/ index fc918196e8..9146b5af59 100644 --- a/main/lang/macedonian/ +++ b/main/lang/macedonian/ @@ -297,8 +297,6 @@ $StartTime = "Почетно вр $EndTime = "Крајно време"; $langYouWereCalled = "Поканети сте на муабет со"; $langDoYouAccept = "Прифаќате ли?"; -$StartTime = "Почетно време"; -$EndTime = "Крајно време"; $Everybody = "Сите"; $SentTo = "Видливо за"; $Export = "Извези"; @@ -345,7 +343,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Премести д& $Save = "Сними"; $Error = "Грешка"; $Anonymous = "Анонимус"; -$NoSearchResults = "Не се пронајдени резултати од пребарувањето"; $h = "ч"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Креирај нова глобална улога"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Креирај нова локална улога"; @@ -390,7 +387,6 @@ $SendMail = "Испрати по $RdvAgenda = "Календар на состаноци"; $VideoConf = "Видео конференција"; $MyProgress = "Мојот напредок"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Мои Неактивни Сесии"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Нема најавени курсисти"; $InCourse = "во курсот"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Список на најавени корисници на Сесијата"; @@ -402,10 +398,8 @@ $Years = "години"; $Day = "ден"; $Days = "денови"; $PleaseStandBy = "Ве молиме стрпете се..."; -$Language = "Јазик"; $AvailableUntill = "Достапно додека"; $HourMinuteDivider = "ч"; -$Here = "овде"; $Visio_classroom = "Виртуелна училница"; $Survey = "Анкети"; $More = "Повеќе"; diff --git a/main/lang/norwegian/ b/main/lang/norwegian/ index 54eaac2e14..fe8366ada5 100644 --- a/main/lang/norwegian/ +++ b/main/lang/norwegian/ @@ -256,8 +256,6 @@ $StartTime = "Starttid"; $EndTime = "Slutt-tid"; $langYouWereCalled = "Du ble invitert til chat med"; $langDoYouAccept = "Aksepterer du dette?"; -$StartTime = "Starttid"; -$EndTime = "Sluttid"; $Everybody = "Alle"; $SentTo = "Synlig for"; $Export = "Eksporter"; @@ -292,7 +290,6 @@ $RightValueModified = "Verdien har blitt endret"; $course_rights = "Oversikt over roller og rettigheter"; $CourseAdminRoleDescription = "Kursadministrator"; $Save = "Lagre"; -$NoSearchResults = "Ingen resultater for sk"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Opprett ny global rolle"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Opprett ny lokal rolle"; $Actions = "Handling"; diff --git a/main/lang/persian/ b/main/lang/persian/ index ed0f831bf0..5ed98c6742 100644 --- a/main/lang/persian/ +++ b/main/lang/persian/ @@ -299,8 +299,6 @@ $StartTime = "ساعت شروع"; $EndTime = "ساعت پایان"; $langYouWereCalled = "شما از سوی فرد مقابل برای گفتگو دعوت شده اید"; $langDoYouAccept = "آیا این درخواست را می پذیرید؟"; -$StartTime = "ساعت شروع"; -$EndTime = "ساعت پایان"; $Everybody = "همه"; $SentTo = "ارسال گردید : به"; $Export = "صادر کردن"; @@ -336,7 +334,6 @@ $SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "تمرکز $RightValueModified = "ارزش اصلاح شد"; $course_rights = "مروری بر حقوق و قانونها"; $CourseAdminRoleDescription = "مدیر درس"; -$NoSearchResults = "جستجو هیچ نتیجه ای دربر نداشت"; $h = "h"; $Inbox = "صندوق دریافت"; $ComposeMessage = "ارسال پیام"; diff --git a/main/lang/polish/ b/main/lang/polish/ index c1e26fc8d2..ed0ce79c72 100644 --- a/main/lang/polish/ +++ b/main/lang/polish/ @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ $NoteDeleted = "Notatka usunięta"; $NoteUpdated = "Notatka zaktualizowana"; $NoteCreated = "Utworzono notatkę"; $YouMustWriteANote = "Wpisz notatkę"; -$WriteYourNoteHere = "Tutaj wpisz notatkę"; $SaveNote = "Zapisz notatkę"; $WriteYourNoteHere = "Kliknij aby utworzyć nową notatkę"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/polish/ b/main/lang/polish/ index 1c22863ca9..1344fee379 100644 --- a/main/lang/polish/ +++ b/main/lang/polish/ @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ $PleaseSelectAChoice = "Proszę dokonać wyboru"; $AddAnotherQuestion = "Dodaj nowe pytanie"; $IsShareSurvey = "Udostępnij ankietę innym"; $Proceed = "Kontynuuj "; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Proszę wpisać pytanie"; $ViewQuestions = "Podgląd pytań"; $CreateSurvey = "Utwrz ankietę"; $FinishSurvey = "Zakończ ankietę"; @@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ $SaveAndExit = "Zapisz i wyjdź"; $ViewAnswers = "Zobacz odpowiedzi"; $SurveyName = "Nazwa ankiety"; $EditSurvey = "Edytuj ankietę"; -$Yesno = "Tak/Nie"; $ModifySurvey = "Modyfikuj ankietę"; $CreateQuestionSurvey = "Utwrz pytanie"; $ModifyQuestionSurvey = "Zmień pytanie"; diff --git a/main/lang/polish/ b/main/lang/polish/ index fd5d65be2f..4e6b709711 100644 --- a/main/lang/polish/ +++ b/main/lang/polish/ @@ -295,8 +295,6 @@ $StartTime = "Czas rozpoczęcia"; $EndTime = "Czas zakończenia"; $langYouWereCalled = "Zaproszono Cię do czatowania z"; $langDoYouAccept = "Czy się zgadzasz?"; -$StartTime = "Godzina rozpoczęcia"; -$EndTime = "Godzina zakończenia"; $Everybody = "Wszyscy"; $SentTo = "Widoczne dla"; $Export = "Eksport"; @@ -341,7 +339,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Przenieś plik do"; $Save = "Zapisz"; $Error = "Błąd"; $Anonymous = "Anonim"; -$NoSearchResults = "Brak wynikw wyszukiwania"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Utwrz nową globalną rolę"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Utwrz nową lokalna rolę"; $Actions = "Akcja"; @@ -383,7 +380,6 @@ $SendMail = "Wyślij email"; $RdvAgenda = "Agenda spotkań"; $VideoConf = "Wideokonferencja"; $MyProgress = "Mj postęp"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Moje nieaktywne sesje"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Brak studentw online"; $InCourse = "w kursie"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Lista studentw online - Sesja"; @@ -395,9 +391,7 @@ $Years = "lata"; $Day = "dzień"; $Days = "Dni"; $PleaseStandBy = "Proszę czekać ..."; -$Language = "Język"; $AvailableUntill = "Dostępny do"; -$Here = "tutaj"; $Visio_classroom = "Wirtualna klasa"; $Survey = "Sondaż"; $More = "Więcej"; @@ -435,7 +429,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Twoje dane rejestracyjne"; $ResetLink = "Kliknij tutaj, aby odzyskać hasło"; $VisibilityChanged = "Widzialność została zmieniona."; $MainNavigation = "Menu głwne"; -$None = "Brak"; $SeeDetail = "Wyświetl szczegły"; $GroupSingle = "Grupa"; $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Proszę sprbować zalogować się ponownie ze strony głwnej"; @@ -462,7 +455,6 @@ $UserAge = "Wiek"; $UserBirthday = "Urodziny"; $Course = "Kurs"; $FilesUpload = "dokumenty"; -$FileUpload = "dokument"; $SessionsAdmin = "Administrator sesji"; $SelectFile = "Wybierz plik"; $IntroductionTextUpdated = "Tekst wprowadzenia został zaktualizowany"; diff --git a/main/lang/portuguese/ b/main/lang/portuguese/ index ca0c92da47..2d7f3953c2 100644 --- a/main/lang/portuguese/ +++ b/main/lang/portuguese/ @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Actualizar tipo de quest $AddAnotherQuestion = "Acrescentar nova questo"; $IsShareSurvey = "Partilhar questionrio com outros"; $Proceed = "Prosseguir"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Por favor, escrever uma questo"; $PleaseFillNumber = "Por favor, preencher valores numricos para os pontos"; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "Por favor, preencher pontos de 1-5"; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "Por favor, preencher todos os campos da resposta"; @@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Subt $ShareSurvey = "Partilhar questionrio"; $SurveyThanks = "Agradecimentos"; $EditSurvey = "Editar questionrio"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "Nenhum questionrio seleccionado"; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "o questionrio foi actualizado com sucesso"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Agora pode acrescentar questes ao seu questionrio"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "Ou voltar lista de questionrios"; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "H um parmetro em falta na ligao. Por favor, copie e cole"; $WrongInvitationCode = "Cdigo de convite errado"; @@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Este tipo n $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "O questionrio foi criado com xito"; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Pode acrescentar questes ao questionrio"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "O questionrio foi actualizado com xito"; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "ou voltar para a viso geral do questionrio"; $QuestionAdded = "A questo foi acrescentada."; $QuestionUpdated = "A questo foi actualizada."; $SaveQuestion = "Guardar questo"; @@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Acrescentar op $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Mostrar"; $AnswerOptions = "Opes de resposta"; $YesNo = "Sim / No"; -$MultipleChoice = "Escolha mltipla"; $MultipleResponse = "Resposta mltipla"; $Open = "Aberta"; $Dropdown = "Dropdown"; @@ -106,17 +100,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Convites para o question $InvitationCode = "Cdigo do convite"; $InvitationDate = "Data do convite"; $Answered = "Respondido"; -$AdditonalUsers = "Utilizadores adicionais"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "Pode convidar utilizadores adicionais para preencher o questionrio. Para isso, pode escrever os endereos de email aqui, separados por , ou ;"; $MailTitle = "Ttulo do email"; -$MailText = "Texto do email"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "Cada utilizador convidado receber um email com uma nica ligao. Os utilizadores tm de clicar na ligao para preencher o questionrio. Quando no fizer nada de especial, a nica ligao ser acrescentada automaticamente no final do email. Pode, contudo, determinar onde deseja que a ligao aparea acrescentando **ligao** no texto. Esta **ligao** automaticamente substituda com a nica ligao para cada utilizador. "; $InvitationsSend = "convites enviados."; $SurveyDeleted = "O questionrio foi apagado."; $NoSurveysSelected = "Nenhum questionrio foi seleccionado."; $NumberOfQuestions = "Nmero de questes"; $Invited = "Convidado"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "Nmero de questes"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "Submeter filtro"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "Reactualizar filtro"; $ExportCurrentReport = "Exportar relatrio corrente"; @@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Pessoas que escolheram esta resposta"; $CourseUsers = "Utilizadores inscritos no curso"; $SurveyPublication = "Publicao do questionrio"; $AdditonalUsers = "Utilizadores adicionais"; -$MailTitle = "Ttulo do email"; $MailText = "Texto do email"; $UseLinkSyntax = "Os utilizadores seleccionados recebero um email com o texto acima e uma nica ligao que tero de clicar para preencher o questionrio. Se desejar colocar a ligao noutro lugar do texto tem de escrever o seguinte texto onde desejar no meio do texto: **ligao** (asterisco asterisco ligao asterisco asterisco). Isto ser automaticamente substitudo por uma nica ligao. Se no acrescentar **ligao** no seu texto, uma ligao ser, ento, acrescentada na parte final do texto."; $DetailedReportByUser = "Relatrio detalhado por utilizador"; @@ -146,8 +135,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "Neste relat $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "Neste relatrio pode ver todas as respostas que um utilizador especfico deu."; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "Neste relatrio pode ver os resultados pergunta a pergunta. Uma anlise estatstica bsica e grficos so fornecidos."; $ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Recordar todos os utilizadores do questionrio. Se no activar esta funo, s os novos utilizadores recebero um email."; -$Yesno = "Sim / No"; -$Multiplechoice = "Escolha mltipla"; $Multiplechoice = "Escolha mltipla"; $Multipleresponse = "Respostas mltiplas"; $Score = "Pontuao"; diff --git a/main/lang/portuguese/ b/main/lang/portuguese/ index ef17f8777c..3f1749a980 100644 --- a/main/lang/portuguese/ +++ b/main/lang/portuguese/ @@ -299,8 +299,6 @@ $StartTime = "In $EndTime = "Fim - Hora"; $langYouWereCalled = "Foi convidado(a) para uma sesso de Chat com"; $langDoYouAccept = "Quer aceitar?"; -$StartTime = "Hora de incio"; -$EndTime = "Hora de fim"; $Everybody = "Todos"; $SentTo = "Enviado a"; $Export = "Exportar"; @@ -347,7 +345,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Mover ficheiro para"; $Save = "Guardar"; $Error = "Erro"; $Anonymous = "Annimo"; -$NoSearchResults = "Nenhum resultado"; $h = "h"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Criar uma nova funo global"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Criar uma nova funo local"; @@ -392,7 +389,6 @@ $SendMail = "Enviar e-mail"; $RdvAgenda = "Marcaes na agenda"; $VideoConf = "Vdeo-Conferncia"; $MyProgress = "Meu progresso"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Minhas sesses inactivas"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Nenhum utilizador online"; $InCourse = "no curso"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Lista de utilizadores online - Sesso"; @@ -404,10 +400,8 @@ $Years = "anos"; $Day = "dia"; $Days = "dias"; $PleaseStandBy = "Esperar, por favor ..."; -$Language = "Linguagem"; $AvailableUntill = "Disponvel at"; $HourMinuteDivider = "h"; -$Here = "aqui"; $Visio_classroom = "Vdeo-Conferncia (sala de aula)"; $Survey = "Questionrios"; $More = "Mais"; @@ -446,7 +440,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Os seus dados do registo"; $ResetLink = "Clique aqui para recuperar a sua senha"; $VisibilityChanged = "A visibilidade foi alterada."; $MainNavigation = "Navegao principal"; -$None = "Nenhum"; $SeeDetail = "Ver Detalhes"; $GroupSingle = "Grupo"; $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Por favor tente de novo o login a partir da homepage"; @@ -501,7 +494,6 @@ $UserAge = "Idade"; $UserBirthday = "Aniversrio"; $Course = "Curso"; $FilesUpload = "Ficheiros enviados"; -$FileUpload = "Ficheiro enviado"; $ExerciseFinished = "Exerccio concludo"; $UserSex = "Sexo"; $UserNativeLanguage = "Lngua nativa"; @@ -540,7 +532,6 @@ $UnableToConnectTo = "Imposs $NoUser = "Nenhum utilizador"; $SearchResultsFor = "Resultados da pesquisa de:"; $SelectFile = "Seleccionar ficheiro"; -$UploadFile = "Enviar ficheiro"; $WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "Ateno - O ficheiro das FAQ, localizado na directoria /home/ do campus, no editvel. O seu texto no ser guardado at que as permisses do ficheiro sejam alteradas."; $AddCategory = "Acrescentar categoria"; $NoExercises = "Nenhum exerccio"; diff --git a/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ b/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ index e9d0cc7657..bdbfce8152 100644 --- a/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ +++ b/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ $NoteDeleted = "Willay wañuchisqa"; $NoteUpdated = "Willay kunanyachisqa"; $NoteCreated = "Willay kamarisqa"; $YouMustWriteANote = "Ama hina kaychu, qelqay hoq willayta"; -$WriteYourNoteHere = "Ama hina kaychu, qelqay hoq willayta kaypi"; $SaveNote = "Allchay willayta"; $WriteYourNoteHere = "Qelqay willaykita kaypi"; $SearchByTitle = "Maskhay suti sutichayninmanta"; diff --git a/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ b/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ index 53d11191b3..29ef0b467d 100644 --- a/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ +++ b/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ $EditNewBookingPeriod = "Ruwapay hoq pacha waqaychanata"; $BookingPeriodAdded = "Pacha waqaychanaqa haykuchisqaña"; $ConfirmDeleteBookingPeriod = "Cheqaypaqchu munashanki pacha waqaychanata wiñaypaq wañuchiyta?"; $DeleteBookingPeriod = "Wañuchiy kay pacha waqaychanata"; -$ResourceList = "Yanapaysinakunaq yupachasqaynin "; $Resource = "Yanapaysina"; $Resources = "Yanapaysikuna"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ b/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ index 6fb3fc8f2e..8fd9b3097f 100644 --- a/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ +++ b/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Kunanyachiy ima taputa:"; $AddAnotherQuestion = "Yapay hoq musuq taputa"; $IsShareSurvey = "Hoqkunawan t\'aqapakuy tapukuyta"; $Proceed = "Ruwallay"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Ama hina kaychu, churay huj taputa."; $PleaseFillNumber = "Ama hina kaychu, haykuchiy yupanakunata llallipasqa yupanapaq"; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "Ama hina kaychu, churay markakunata hujmanta pisqakama 1-5"; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "Ama hina kaychu, qelqay llapan kutichikunawan kanchakunata"; @@ -68,9 +67,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Tapukuypa sullka sutinchaynin"; $ShareSurvey = "T\'aqapay tapukuyta"; $SurveyThanks = "Añayukuykuna"; $EditSurvey = "Ruwapay tapukuyta"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "Mana kanchu ajllasqakuna tapukuykunaqa "; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Tapukuyqa kunanyachikun"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Kunanqa atinkin yapayta tapukunata tapukuyniykiman"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "Utaq kutiruy llapan tapukuykuna qhawanaman"; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "Wataqqa mana allinchu. Ama hina kaychu hoqmanta kikinchaspa ratachiy."; $WrongInvitationCode = "Mink\'asqaq chinpun waqllisqa"; @@ -82,13 +78,11 @@ $EditQuestion = "Ruwapay taputa"; $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "Tapuqa kamachisqaña"; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Kunanqa yapawaq tapukunata"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Tapukuyqa kunanyachisqaña"; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "Utaq kutiy tapukuykunaq qhawanaman"; $QuestionUpdated = "Tapuqa kunanyachikun "; $SaveQuestion = "Allchay taputa"; $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Qhawarichiy"; $AnswerOptions = "Kutichiymanta hokaqninkuna "; $YesNo = "Ari / Mana"; -$MultipleChoice = "Sapalla kutichiy"; $MultipleResponse = "Askha kutichikuy"; $Open = "Kichasqa kutichikuy"; $Pagebreak = "Raphiq tukuynin"; @@ -98,14 +92,11 @@ $InvitationDate = "P\'unchay mink\'achina"; $Answered = "Kutichisqa"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "Mink\'akuwaq hoq haykuqmasikunata kay tapukuyta hunt\'achinankupaq. Chaypaqqa qelqay e-chakinkunata kaykunawan t\'aqapasqa , utaq ;"; $MailTitle = "E-chaskiq sutinchaynin"; -$MailText = "E-chaski kaynin"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "Sapanqa haykuqmasi mink\'asqaykiqa chaskinqa huj sapalla wataqta. Haykuqmasikunaqa wataq patapin clic-ta ruwanqaku tapukuyta huntachinapaqqa. Mana imatapas ruwanqakuchu chayqa kikillamanta sapalla wataqqa churapakunqa e-chaskipi. Ichaqa munaspaqa churawaq maypi rijurinanpaqqa kay **wataq** nisqata qelqasqaykipi. Chay **wataq** churakunqa sapalla wataqmanta, ima sapanqa haykuqmasipi."; $InvitationsSend = "Mink\'aykuna apachisqa"; $SurveyDeleted = "Tapukuyqa wañuchikun"; $NoSurveysSelected = "Mana ajllankichu ni huj tapukuytapas"; $NumberOfQuestions = "Hayka tapukuna"; $Invited = "Mink\'asqa"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "Hayka tapukuna"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "Suysuy"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "Suysunata utichiy"; $OnlyQuestionsWithPredefinedAnswers = "Tapukuna ima kasqanmanta kutichiykunallawan churanaqa"; @@ -122,7 +113,6 @@ $PreviousQuestion = "Ñaupaq tapu"; $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Kay kutichita ajllaq runakuna"; $CourseUsers = "Yachachinaq haykuqmasikuna"; $AdditonalUsers = "Haykuqmasikuna yapachasqaku"; -$MailTitle = "E-chaski sutinchaynin"; $MailText = "E-chaskiq qelqan"; $UseLinkSyntax = "Haykuqmasikuna ajllasqaykiqa chaskinqaku huj e-chaskita wichaypi qelqasqaykiwan, hinallataq huj wataqtawan q\'apispa tapukuyta hunt\'achinankupaq.Sichus munanki kay waskaq churayta may qelqasqaykipi, chayqa churanki haqnata ** wataq **. Mana churanki kikin kasqanta chayqa wataqqa churakunqa e-chaskiq qelqa tukukuyninpi."; $DetailedReportByUser = "Sapanqa haykuqmasimanta willay"; @@ -131,7 +121,6 @@ $ComparativeReportDetail = "Kay willapiqa iskay taputa kuskachawaq."; $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "Kay willapiqa qhawawaq hoq haykuqmasiq llipin kutichikuyninta."; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "Kay willapiqa qhawakun sapanqa tapumanta miraynin. Qhawachikunpaqpas llanp\'u hamut\'aspalla yupaykunamanta wanki qhawachiqmanta ima."; $Multiplechoice = "Askha ajllay"; -$Multiplechoice = "Askha ajllay"; $Shared = "T\'aqapasqa"; $Invite = "Mink\'asqakuna"; $ViewInvited = "Qhaway mink\'asqakunata"; diff --git a/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ b/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ index fe900a72f7..3ecfb9f59d 100644 --- a/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ +++ b/main/lang/quechua_cusco/ @@ -206,8 +206,6 @@ $StartTime = "Tuy qallariy"; $EndTime = "Tuy tukukuy"; $langYouWereCalled = "Waqhashasunki hoqman rimakunaykipaq"; $langDoYouAccept = "Chaskinkichu?"; -$StartTime = "Tuy qallariy"; -$EndTime = "Tuy tukukuy"; $Everybody = "Yachachinaq llapan haykuqmasikuna"; $SentTo = "Pipaqman apachikunqa"; $Export = "Apachiy"; @@ -249,7 +247,6 @@ $SendMail = "Apachiy e-chaskita"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Mana yachaqekuna kashankuchu"; $year = "wata"; $PleaseStandBy = "Ama hina kaychu, suyaruy..."; -$Language = "Simi"; $Survey = "Tapuykuna"; $DisplayAll = "Llanta Qhawarichiy"; $File_upload = "Khiputa apachiy"; diff --git a/main/lang/romanian/ b/main/lang/romanian/ index cd1a44c9dd..acbc38ec6d 100644 --- a/main/lang/romanian/ +++ b/main/lang/romanian/ @@ -272,8 +272,6 @@ $StartTime = "Momentul $EndTime = "Momentul finalizării"; $langYouWereCalled = "Ati fost invitat sa conversati cu"; $langDoYouAccept = "Acceptati?"; -$StartTime = "Timpul de pornire"; -$EndTime = "Ora finalizarii"; $Everybody = "Toti"; $SentTo = "Vizibil pentru"; $Export = "Export"; @@ -320,7 +318,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Muta fisierul catre"; $Save = "Salveaza"; $Error = "Eroare"; $Anonymous = "Anonim"; -$NoSearchResults = "Nici un rezultat al cautarii"; $h = "o"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Creaza rol global nou"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Creaza rol local nou"; @@ -365,13 +362,11 @@ $SendMail = "Trimite mail"; $RdvAgenda = "Agenda intalnirilor"; $VideoConf = "Video conferinta"; $MyProgress = "Progresul meu"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Sesiunile inactive"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Nu sunt studenti online"; $InCourse = "in curs"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Lista userilor online"; $From = "de la"; $To = "la"; -$Here = "aici"; $MinYear = "an"; $FileName = "Nume fişier "; $FileUploadSucces = "Fişierul a fost ncărcat cu succes"; diff --git a/main/lang/russian_unicode/ b/main/lang/russian_unicode/ index 5cad9746c6..c7e1434f73 100644 --- a/main/lang/russian_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/russian_unicode/ @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Обновить тип вопроса:"; $AddAnotherQuestion = "Добавить новый вопрос"; $IsShareSurvey = "Поделиться анкетой с другими"; $Proceed = "Продолжить"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Пожалуйста, введите вопрос."; $PleaseFillNumber = "Пожалуйста, введите числовые значения для очков."; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "Пожалуйста, поставьте баллы от 1-5"; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "Пожалуйста, заполните поля ответов"; @@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Подзаголовок опросника"; $ShareSurvey = "Поделиться опросником"; $SurveyThanks = "Благодарности"; $EditSurvey = "Редактировать опросник"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "Нет выбранных опросников"; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "опросник успешно обновлен"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Сейчас Вы можете добавить вопросы в Ваш опросник"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "или вернуться к обзору опросника"; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "Этот параметр пропущен в ссылке. Пожалуйста, используйте скопировать и вставить."; $WrongInvitationCode = "Ошибочный код приглашения"; @@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Такого типа не существует"; $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "Опросник успешно создан"; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Сейчас Вы можете добавить вопросы в Ваш опросник"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Опросник был успешно обновлен"; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "или вернуться к общему обзору опросника"; $QuestionAdded = "Вопрос добавлен"; $QuestionUpdated = "Вопрос обновлен"; $SaveQuestion = "Сохранить вопрос"; @@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Добавить возможный вариант"; $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Отобразить варианты выбора"; $AnswerOptions = "Варианты ответов"; $YesNo = "Да/Нет"; -$MultipleChoice = "Множественный выбор"; $MultipleResponse = "Множественный ответ"; $Open = "открыть"; $Dropdown = "Падать"; @@ -106,17 +100,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Приглашения к опросу"; $InvitationCode = "Код приглашения"; $InvitationDate = "Дата приглашения"; $Answered = "Отвеченный"; -$AdditonalUsers = "Дополнительные пользователи"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "Вы можете пригласить дополнительных пользователей заполнить опросник. Чтобы это сделать, Вы можете ввести их адрес эл. почты здесь, разделяя с помощью , или ;"; $MailTitle = "Заглавие эл. сообщения"; -$MailText = "Текст сообщения"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "Каждый приглашенный пользователь получит письмо по эл. почте с индивидуальной ссылкой. Пользователи должны щелкнуть по ссылке, чтобы запонить опросник. Ничего специального делать не надо, индивидуальная ссылка будет автоматически добавлена в конец письма. Хотя Вы можете сами определить, где появиться ссылка добавив **ссылка** в свой текст. Эта **ссылка** автоматически заменяется индивидуальной ссылкой каждого пользователя."; $InvitationsSend = "Приглашения отправлены"; $SurveyDeleted = "Опросник удален"; $NoSurveysSelected = "Опросники не выбраны"; $NumberOfQuestions = "Количество вопросов"; $Invited = "Приглашенный"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "Количество вопросов"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "Представлять на рассмотрение фильтр"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "Восстановить фильтр"; $ExportCurrentReport = "Экспортировать текущий отчет"; @@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Люди, кто выбрал этот ответ"; $CourseUsers = "Пользователи курса"; $SurveyPublication = "Публикация опросника"; $AdditonalUsers = "Дополнительные пользователи"; -$MailTitle = "Заглавие сообщения"; $MailText = "Текст сообщения"; $UseLinkSyntax = "Выбранные пользователи получат письмо по эл. почте с текстом выше и индивидуальной ссылкой, по которой они должны щелкнуть, чтобы запонить опросник. Если Вы хотите расположить эту ссылку где-нибудь по ходу Вашего текста, Вы должны там расположить следующий текст: **ссылка** (звездочка звездочка ссылка звездочка звездочка). Эта **ссылка** автоматически заменяется индивидуальной ссылкой. Если Вы не добавляете в текст **сылка**, эта ссылка автоматически будет присоединена в конце письма. "; $DetailedReportByUser = "Детализированный отчет по пользователю"; @@ -146,8 +135,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "В этом отчете вы получаете общ $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "В этом отчете Вы можете видеть все ответы каждого пользователя."; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "В этом отчете Вы можете посмотреть результаты вопросов по вопросам. А также основной статистический анализ и графику"; $ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Напомнить всем пользователям опроса. Если Вы не проверите этот почтовый ящик то, только недавно добавленные пользователи получат письмо."; -$Yesno = "Да/Нет"; -$Multiplechoice = "Множественный выбор"; $Multiplechoice = "Множественный выбор"; $Multipleresponse = "Множественные ответы"; $Score = "Результат"; diff --git a/main/lang/russian_unicode/ b/main/lang/russian_unicode/ index 540be65d31..542940a454 100644 --- a/main/lang/russian_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/russian_unicode/ @@ -298,8 +298,6 @@ $StartTime = "Время начала"; $EndTime = "Время окончания"; $langYouWereCalled = "Вы приглашены на беседу с"; $langDoYouAccept = "Вы принимаете это?"; -$StartTime = "Время запуска"; -$EndTime = "Конечное время"; $Everybody = "Каждый"; $SentTo = "Видимый для"; $Export = "Экспорт"; @@ -346,7 +344,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Переместить файл в"; $Save = "Сохранить"; $Error = "Ошибка"; $Anonymous = "Анонимный"; -$NoSearchResults = "Поиск не дал результатов"; $h = "ч"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Создать новую глобальную роль"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Создать новую местную роль"; @@ -391,7 +388,6 @@ $SendMail = "Послать эл. письмо"; $RdvAgenda = "Расписание встречь"; $VideoConf = "Видео конференция"; $MyProgress = "Мой прогресс"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Мои неактивные сессии"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Не студентов на связи (в онлайн)"; $InCourse = "на курсе"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Пользователь в сети - сессия"; @@ -403,10 +399,8 @@ $Years = "года"; $Day = "день"; $Days = "дни"; $PleaseStandBy = "Пожалуйста, подождите..."; -$Language = "Язык"; $AvailableUntill = "Доступно до"; $HourMinuteDivider = "ч"; -$Here = "здесь"; $Visio_classroom = "Виртуальная классная комната"; $Survey = "Опросы (анкетрование)"; $More = "Больше"; @@ -445,7 +439,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Дата Вашей регистрации"; $ResetLink = "Щелкнуть здесь, чтобы восстановить Ваш пароль"; $VisibilityChanged = "Видимость была изменена"; $MainNavigation = "Главный навигатор"; -$None = "Никто"; $SeeDetail = "Смотрите подробности"; $GroupSingle = "Группа"; $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Пожалуйста, попробуте снова войти (логин) с домашней страницы"; diff --git a/main/lang/serbian/ b/main/lang/serbian/ index 5c9baa200b..b47d463f8d 100644 --- a/main/lang/serbian/ +++ b/main/lang/serbian/ @@ -267,8 +267,6 @@ $StartTime = "Vreme početka"; $EndTime = "Vreme kraja"; $langYouWereCalled = "Pozvani ste da chat-ujete sa "; $langDoYouAccept = "Da li prihvatate?"; -$StartTime = "Vreme početka"; -$EndTime = "Vreme zavretka"; $Everybody = "Svi"; $SentTo = "Poslato"; $Export = "Izvezi"; diff --git a/main/lang/simpl_chinese/ b/main/lang/simpl_chinese/ index ac0edf0800..442e783563 100644 --- a/main/lang/simpl_chinese/ +++ b/main/lang/simpl_chinese/ @@ -297,8 +297,6 @@ $StartTime = " $EndTime = "ʱ"; $langYouWereCalled = "Ӧ, "; $langDoYouAccept = "Ƿͬ?"; -$StartTime = "ʼʱ"; -$EndTime = "ʱ"; $Everybody = ""; $SentTo = "ʾ"; $Export = ""; @@ -345,7 +343,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "文件搬移到"; $Save = "存"; $Error = "错误"; $Anonymous = "匿名"; -$NoSearchResults = "δκν"; $h = "ʱ"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "½ȫֽɫ"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "½ؽɫ"; @@ -390,7 +387,6 @@ $SendMail = "寄电邮"; $RdvAgenda = "议程约会"; $VideoConf = "视频会议"; $MyProgress = "我的进度"; -$myInActiveSessions = "我的不活跃 Sessions"; $NoOnlineStudents = "没有在线学生"; $InCourse = "在课程内"; $UserOnlineListSession = "在线用户名单 - Session"; @@ -402,10 +398,8 @@ $Years = "年"; $Day = "日"; $Days = "日"; $PleaseStandBy = "请稍等......"; -$Language = "语言"; $AvailableUntill = "直到"; $HourMinuteDivider = "小时"; -$Here = "这里"; $Visio_classroom = "虚拟教室"; $Survey = "调查"; $More = "更多....."; diff --git a/main/lang/slovak/ b/main/lang/slovak/ index c2369d66c7..66b4a9a9ba 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovak/ +++ b/main/lang/slovak/ @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ $NoteDeleted = "Pozn $NoteUpdated = "Poznmka aktualizovan"; $NoteCreated = "Poznmka vytvoren"; $YouMustWriteANote = "Prosm napte poznmku"; -$WriteYourNoteHere = "Prosm napte vau poznmku sem"; $SaveNote = "Uloiť poznmku"; $WriteYourNoteHere = "Pre napsanie novej poznmky kliknite sem"; $SearchByTitle = "Vyhľadať podľa nzvu"; diff --git a/main/lang/slovak/ b/main/lang/slovak/ index f442cc3b43..2d5c7da1ef 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovak/ +++ b/main/lang/slovak/ @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ $ConfirmDeleteBookingPeriod = "Naozaj chcete natrvalo zmazať rezervačn $DeleteBookingPeriod = "Odstrniť toto rezervačn obdobie"; $BookingPeriodEdited = "Rezervačn obdobie bolo upraven"; $AddNewBookingPeriod = "Pridať nov rezervačn obdobie"; -$ResourceList = "Zoznam zdrojov"; $ResourceTypeName = "Nzov typu zdroja"; $AddNewResourceType = "Pridať nov typ zdroja"; $ResourceTypeAdded = "Typ zdroja bol pridan"; @@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ $ResourceExist = "Zdroj u $AcceptUsers = "Akceptovan pouvatelia"; $UnacceptedUsers = "Neakceptovan pouvatelia"; $DeleteSubscriptions = "Zmazať prihlsenia"; -$ManageResources = "Spravovať zdroje"; $NoItems = "Dosiaľ iadne poloky"; $ItemNotDeleted = "Niektor poloky neboli odstrnen, pretoe maj stle rezervcie"; $ItemHasReservations = "Poloka m stle #POČET# aktvnych rezervci"; diff --git a/main/lang/slovak/ b/main/lang/slovak/ index f08cc8b8d4..80ccb92d5a 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovak/ +++ b/main/lang/slovak/ @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Aktualizovať typ ot $AddAnotherQuestion = "Pridať nov otzku"; $IsShareSurvey = "Zdieľať prieskum s ostatnmi"; $Proceed = "Pokračovať"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Prosm zadajte otzku."; $PleaseFillNumber = "Prosm vyplnte čseln hodnoty pre body."; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "Prosm vyplňte body od 1 do 5"; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "Prosm vyplnte vetky polia na odpovede."; @@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Podtitul prieskumu"; $ShareSurvey = "Zdieľať prieskum"; $SurveyThanks = "Poďakovanie"; $EditSurvey = "Upraviť prieskum"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "iadne prieskumy nie s vybran"; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "prieskum bol spene aktualizovan"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Teraz mete do svojho prieskumu pridať otzky"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "Alebo sa vrtiť na prehľad prieskumu"; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "V odkaze chba parameter. Prosm pouite funkciu Koprovať a Vloiť."; $WrongInvitationCode = "Nesprvny pozvac kd"; @@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Tento typ neexistuje"; $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "Prieskum je spene vytvoren"; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Teraz mete do svojho prieskumu pridať otzky"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Prieskum je spene aktualizovan"; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "alebo sa vrtiť na prehľad prieskumu"; $QuestionAdded = "Otzka je pridan."; $QuestionUpdated = "Otzka je aktualizovan."; $SaveQuestion = "Uloiť otzku"; @@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Pridať mo $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Zobraziť monosti"; $AnswerOptions = "Monosti odpovede"; $YesNo = "no / Nie"; -$MultipleChoice = "Vber z viacerch monost"; $MultipleResponse = "Viacnsobn odpoveď"; $Open = "otvoren"; $Dropdown = "Rozotvracia ponuka"; @@ -106,17 +100,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Pozvanie na prieskum"; $InvitationCode = "Kd pozvania"; $InvitationDate = "Dtum pozvania"; $Answered = "Odpovedan"; -$AdditonalUsers = "Ďal pouvatelia"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "Mete pozvať ďalch pouvateľov k vyplneniu prieskumu. Sem napte ich emailov adresy a oddeľte ich pomocou , alebo ;"; $MailTitle = "Nzov mailu"; -$MailText = "Text mailu"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "Kad pozvan pouvateľ dostane e-mail s jedinečnm odkazom. Pre vyplnenie prieskumu musia pouvatelia kliknť na odkaz. Pokiaľ nič nezmente, odkaz bude automaticky pridan na koniec e-mailu. Mete vak rozhodnť, kde sa m odkaz zobraziť, tak e pridte **odkaz** do vho textu. Tento **odkaz** je automaticky nahraden jedinečnm odkazom pre kadho pouvateľa."; $InvitationsSend = "pozvania poslan."; $SurveyDeleted = "Prieskum je zmazan."; $NoSurveysSelected = "iadny prieskum nie je vybran."; $NumberOfQuestions = "Počet otzok"; $Invited = "Pozvan"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "Počet otzok"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "Uviesť filter"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "Vynulovať filter"; $ExportCurrentReport = "Exportovať aktulny report"; @@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Ľudia, ktor $CourseUsers = "Pouvatelia kurzu"; $SurveyPublication = "Publikovanie prieskumu"; $AdditonalUsers = "Ďal pouvatelia"; -$MailTitle = "Nzov emailu"; $MailText = "Text emailu"; $UseLinkSyntax = "Vybran pouvatelia dostan e-mail s textom hore a jedinečnm odkazom, na ktor musia kliknť pre vyplnenie prieskumu. Ak chcete dať odkaz niekde do textu, muste dať nasledovn text kamkoľvek do Vho textu: **odkaz** (hviezdička hviezdička odkaz hviezdička hviezdička). To bude automaticky nahraden jedinečnm odkazom. Ak nepridte **odkaz** do Vho textu, odkaz bude pridan na koniec e-mailu."; $DetailedReportByUser = "Podrobn report podľa pouvateľa"; @@ -146,8 +135,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "V tomto reporte z $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "V tomto reporte mete vidieť vetky odpovede jednotlivch pouvateľov."; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "V tomto reporte mete vidieť vsledky otzku po otzke. Poskytnut je zkladn tatistick analza a grafika."; $ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Upozorniť vetkch pouvateľov prieskumu. Pokiaľ neoznačte tto monosť, e-mail dostan len novo pridan pouvatelia."; -$Yesno = "no / Nie"; -$Multiplechoice = "Vber z viacerch monost"; $Multiplechoice = "Vber z viacerch monost"; $Multipleresponse = "Viacnsobn odpovede"; $Score = "Skre"; diff --git a/main/lang/slovak/ b/main/lang/slovak/ index 96b2e74f32..25f1bc26fe 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovak/ +++ b/main/lang/slovak/ @@ -297,8 +297,6 @@ $StartTime = "Čas začiatku"; $EndTime = "Čas konca"; $langYouWereCalled = "Na pokec Vas pozva"; $langDoYouAccept = "Akceptujete to?"; -$StartTime = "Začiatočn čas"; -$EndTime = "Čas konca"; $Everybody = "Vetci"; $SentTo = "Viditeľn pre"; $Export = "Export"; @@ -345,7 +343,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Presun $Save = "Uloiť"; $Error = "Chyba"; $Anonymous = "Anonymn"; -$NoSearchResults = "Nenali sa iadne vsledky"; $h = "h"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Vytvoriť nov globlnu rolu"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Vytvoriť nov loklnu rolu"; @@ -388,7 +385,6 @@ $SendMail = "Poslať mail"; $RdvAgenda = "Naplnovan schdzka"; $VideoConf = "Video konferencia"; $MyProgress = "Mj postup"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Moje neaktvne stretnutia"; $NoOnlineStudents = "iadni prihlsen tudenti"; $InCourse = "v kurze"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Zoznam aktulne prihlsench tudentov - stretnutie"; @@ -400,10 +396,8 @@ $Years = "roky"; $Day = "deň"; $Days = "dni"; $PleaseStandBy = "Čakajte prosm..."; -$Language = "Jazyk"; $AvailableUntill = "Dostupn do"; $HourMinuteDivider = ":"; -$Here = "tu"; $Visio_classroom = "Virtulna trieda"; $Survey = "Prieskumy"; $More = "Viac"; @@ -441,7 +435,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Va $ResetLink = "Kliknite pre obnovu hesla"; $VisibilityChanged = "Viditeľnosť bola zmenen"; $MainNavigation = "Hlavn navigcia"; -$None = "iadny"; $SeeDetail = "Bliie informcie"; $GroupSingle = "Skupina"; $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Prosm, skste sa prihlsiť znova z domovskej strnky"; @@ -489,7 +482,6 @@ $UserAge = "Vek"; $UserBirthday = "Dtum narodenia"; $Course = "Kurz"; $FilesUpload = "dokumenty"; -$FileUpload = "dokument"; $ExerciseFinished = "Cvičenie ukončen"; $UserSex = "Pohlavie"; $UserNativeLanguage = "Materinsk jazyk"; @@ -527,7 +519,6 @@ $UnableToConnectTo = "Nie je mo $NoUser = "iadny pouvateľ"; $SearchResultsFor = "Vsledky vyhľadvania pre:"; $SelectFile = "Vybrať sbor"; -$UploadFile = "Načtať sbor"; $AddCategory = "Pridať kategriu"; $NoExercises = "iadne cvičenia"; $NotAllowedClickBack = "Prepčte, nemte povolenie prstupu na tto strnku. Vrtiť sa na predchdzajcu strnku mete klikom na tlačidlo \"Spť\" vo Vaom prehliadači alebo nasledujte odkaz niie."; diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian/ b/main/lang/slovenian/ index 5bde7d0c88..d527c71b3b 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian/ @@ -83,4 +83,5 @@ $DeleteBlog = "Odstrani blog"; $NoTasks = "Ni opravil"; $Shared = "Skupna raba"; $PermissionGrantedByGroupOrRole = "Dovoljenje odobreno s skupino ali vlogo "; +$Reader = "Bralec"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian/ b/main/lang/slovenian/ index 71a357a8db..206341b7fb 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian/ @@ -284,4 +284,5 @@ $SelectTargetQuestion = "Izberi ciljno vpra $DirectFeedbackCantModifyTypeQuestion = "Vrsta ocenjevanja ne more biti spremenjena, ker je postavljena kot Samo-ocenjevanje. Samo-ocenjevanje daje monost direktne povratne informacije uporabniku, vendar ta monost ni kompatibilna z vsemi tip vpraanj; tako takega tipa testa naknadno ni več mogoče spremeniti."; $CantShowResults = "Ni na voljo"; $CantViewResults = "Ne morem izvriti pogleda v rezultate"; +$AddQuestionToExercise = "Dodaj vpraanje"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian/ b/main/lang/slovenian/ index de1aab42da..e8fef0ffec 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian/ @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ $NoteDeleted = "Bele $NoteUpdated = "Beleka je bila aurirana"; $NoteCreated = "Beleka je bila ustvarjena"; $YouMustWriteANote = "Prosim, vpiite vsebino beleke"; -$WriteYourNoteHere = "Prosim, zapiite vsebino beleke tukaj"; $SaveNote = "Shrani beleko"; $WriteYourNoteHere = "Kliknite tukaj za zapis nove beleke"; $SearchByTitle = "Ii po naslovu"; diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian/ b/main/lang/slovenian/ index 1d7c153fab..f9c42e747e 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian/ @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ $BookingPeriodPast = "Rezervacije za nazaj (pred trenutnim $ReservationMaxUsersOverrun = "Trenutno ve oseb vri rezervacijo kot pa je izbrana vrednost najvejega tevila uporabnikov"; $AddNewBookingPeriod = "Dodaj novo rezervacijsko obdobje"; $BookingPeriodTimePickerLimitation = "Rezervacije s asovno izbiro ni mogoe izvriti, e zaetni in konni datum nista enaka."; -$ResourceList = "Seznam resursov"; $ResourceTypeName = "Naziv tipa resursa"; $AddNewResourceType = "Dodaj nov tip resursa"; $ResourceTypeAdded = "Tip resursa je bil dodan"; @@ -107,7 +106,6 @@ $ResourceExist = "Ta resurs $AcceptUsers = "Sprejmi uporabnike"; $UnacceptedUsers = "Zavrnitev uporabnikov"; $DeleteSubscriptions = "Brisanje rezervacij"; -$ManageResources = "Upravljaj resurse"; $NoItems = "Tu e ni nobenih elementov"; $ItemNotDeleted = "Nekateri elementi niso bili odstranjeni, ker so e vedno predmet rezervacije"; $ItemHasReservations = "Element ima e vedno #NUM# aktivnih rezervacij"; diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian/ b/main/lang/slovenian/ index 95c25ec874..e962de3cd4 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian/ @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "A $AddAnotherQuestion = "Dodaj novo vpraanje"; $IsShareSurvey = "Deli evalvacijski vpraalnik z ostalimi"; $Proceed = "Nadaljuj"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Vstavite vpraanje"; $PleaseFillNumber = "Vnesite numerine vrednosti za utei odgovorov."; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "Vnesite utei (vrednosti) od 1 do 5."; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "Izpolnite vsa polja odgovorov."; @@ -73,9 +72,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Podnaslov vpra $ShareSurvey = "Skupna raba vpraalnika"; $SurveyThanks = "Zahvala za sodelovanje"; $EditSurvey = "Uredi vpraalnik"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "Noben vpraalnik ni izbran"; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "eval. vpraalnik je bil uspeno auriran"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Sedaj lahko dodate vpraanja k vpraalniku"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "Ali se vrni na sploen pregled"; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "V povezavi manjka parameter. Uporabite, prosim, copy in paste."; $WrongInvitationCode = "Napana koda vabila"; @@ -88,7 +84,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Ta vrsta ne obstaja"; $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "Evalvacijski vpraalnik je bil uspeno ustvarjen."; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Sedaj lahko vpraalniku dodate vpraanja"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Vpraalnik je bil uspeno auriran"; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "ali pa se vrni na pregled vpraalnika."; $QuestionAdded = "Vpraanje je bilo dodano."; $QuestionUpdated = "Vpraanje je bilo aurirano."; $SaveQuestion = "Shrani vpraanje"; @@ -97,7 +92,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Dodaj mo $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Prikai"; $AnswerOptions = "Monosti odgovora"; $YesNo = "Da / Ne"; -$MultipleChoice = "Vekratna izbira"; $MultipleResponse = "Vekraten odgovor"; $Open = "Prost odgovor"; $Dropdown = "Padajoa izbira"; @@ -108,17 +102,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Vabila evalvacijskega vpra $InvitationCode = "Koda vabila"; $InvitationDate = "Datum vabila"; $Answered = "Odgovorjeno"; -$AdditonalUsers = "Dodatni uporabniki"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "K izpolnjevanju vpraalnika lahko povabite dodatne uporabnike. Da bi to dosegli, tule vnesite njihove e-potne naslove in posamezne loite z , ali ;"; $MailTitle = "Naslov e-potnega sporoila"; -$MailText = "Besedilo e-pote"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "Vsak izmed povabljenih uporabnikov bo prejel e-potno sporoilo z unikatno povezavo. Prejemniki morajo klikniti to povezavo, da bi izpolnili vpraalnik. Brez dodatnih posegov v sporoilo, bo povezava dodana na konec sporoila avtomatino. Mesto povezave v sporoilu lahko spremenite tako, da dodate oznako **link** v sporoilo na mesto, kjer elite, da se povezava pojavi. Oznaka **link** se bo pri poiljanju avtomatino nadomestila z ustrezno unikatno povezavo za vsakega posameznega uporabnika."; $InvitationsSend = "vabil poslanih."; $SurveyDeleted = "Vpraalnik je bil odstranjen."; $NoSurveysSelected = "Noben vpraalnik ni bil izbran."; $NumberOfQuestions = "tevilo vpraanj"; $Invited = "Vabljeni"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "tevilo vpraanj"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "Uveljavi filter"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "Razveljavi filter"; $ExportCurrentReport = "Izvozi trenutno poroilo"; @@ -138,7 +128,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Osebe, ki so izbrale ta odgovor"; $CourseUsers = "Uporabniki teaja"; $SurveyPublication = "Objava evalvacijskih vpraalnikov"; $AdditonalUsers = "Dodatni uporabniki"; -$MailTitle = "Naslov e-sporoila"; $MailText = "Besedilo e-sporoila"; $UseLinkSyntax = "Izbrani uporabniki bodo prejeli e-sporoilo z gornjim besedilom in unikatno povezavo, ki ji morajo slediti, da bi izpolnili vpraalnik. V primeru, da elite povezavo v vaem lastnem besedilu, na mestu, kjer elite to povezavo, vnesite oznako **link** (zvezdica zvezdica link zvezdica zvezdica). Oznaka bo pri poiljanju avtomatino nadomeena z ustrezno povezavo. V primeru, da oznake v svojem besedilu ne boste vnesli, se bo povezava dodala na koncu vaega e-sporoila."; $DetailedReportByUser = "Podrobno poroilo po uporabnikih"; @@ -148,8 +137,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "V tem poro $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "To poroilo vsebuje vse odogovore, ki jih je podal doloen uporabnik."; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "To poroilo podaja odgovore na vpraanja po posameznih vpraanjih. Zagotavlja tudi osnovno statisnino analizo in prikaz z grafiko."; $ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Opomni vse uporabnike eval. vpraalnika. V primeru, da ne izberete te monosti, bodo sporoilo prejeli le novo dodani uporabniki."; -$Yesno = "Da / Ne"; -$Multiplechoice = "Vekratna izbira"; $Multiplechoice = "Vekratna izbira"; $Multipleresponse = "Vekratni odgovori"; $Score = "Rezultat"; diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian/ b/main/lang/slovenian/ index c3a069caf9..7cb6c5b12f 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian/ @@ -302,8 +302,6 @@ $StartTime = "Za $EndTime = "Konna ura"; $langYouWereCalled = "Pozvan si na klepet z"; $langDoYouAccept = "Ali ga sprejme ?"; -$StartTime = "Zaetni as"; -$EndTime = "Konni as"; $Everybody = "Vsi"; $SentTo = "Prejemniki"; $Export = "Izvozi"; @@ -350,7 +348,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Premakni datoteko v"; $Save = "Shrani"; $Error = "Napaka"; $Anonymous = "Anonimno"; -$NoSearchResults = "Iskanje je bilo neuspeno"; $h = "ur"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Ustvari novo globalno vlogo"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Ustvari novo lokalno vlogo"; @@ -395,7 +392,6 @@ $SendMail = "Po $RdvAgenda = "Zapis agende"; $VideoConf = "Video konferenca"; $MyProgress = "Moj napredek"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Moje neaktivne seje"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Ni aktivnih teajnikov"; $InCourse = "v teaju"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Seznam trenutno aktivnih teajnikov - Seja"; @@ -407,10 +403,8 @@ $Years = "let"; $Day = "dan"; $Days = "dni"; $PleaseStandBy = "Prosim poakajte ..."; -$Language = "Jezik"; $AvailableUntill = "Na voljo do"; $HourMinuteDivider = ":"; -$Here = "tule"; $Visio_classroom = "Videokonferenna uilnica"; $Survey = "Evalvacijski vpraalniki"; $More = "Ve"; @@ -449,7 +443,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Va $ResetLink = "Kliknite tule za ponastavitev vaega gesla"; $VisibilityChanged = "Vidnost je bila spremenjena."; $MainNavigation = "Osnovna izbira"; -$None = "Brez"; $SeeDetail = "Poglej podrobnosti"; $GroupSingle = "Skupina"; $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Prosimo, da se poskuate ponovno prijaviti preko domae strani portala"; @@ -504,7 +497,6 @@ $UserAge = "Starost"; $UserBirthday = "Rojstni datum"; $Course = "Teaj"; $FilesUpload = "Nalaganje datotek"; -$FileUpload = "Nalaganje datoteke"; $ExerciseFinished = "Vaja je dokončana"; $UserSex = "Spol"; $UserNativeLanguage = "Materni jezik"; @@ -543,7 +535,6 @@ $UnableToConnectTo = "Ne morem se povezati z"; $NoUser = "Ni uporabnikov"; $SearchResultsFor = "Rezultati iskanja za:"; $SelectFile = "Izberite datoteko"; -$UploadFile = "Naloi datoteko"; $WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "Opozorilo - FAQ datoteka, locirana v /home mapi namestite Dokeos, ni pisalna. Vae besedilo ne bo shranjeno, dokler lastnosti (atributi, dovoljenja,...) datoteke ne bodo ustrezno spremenjeni."; $AddCategory = "Dodaj kategorijo"; $NoExercises = "Ni vaj"; @@ -709,4 +700,5 @@ $NoTemplatePreview = "Predogled ni na voljo"; $ModifyCategory = "Spremeni kategorijo"; $Photo = "Foto"; $MoveFile = "Prestavi datoteko"; +$Filter = "Filter"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian/ b/main/lang/slovenian/ index 466a327e05..159ae9aac5 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian/ @@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ $langUnregister = "Izpi $langAddAUser = "Dodaj uporabnike"; $UsersUnsubscribed = "Izbrani uporabniki so bili izpisani iz teaja"; $ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "Ta teajnik je vpisan v ta teaj preko seje. Njegovih informacij ne morete urejati."; +$NoDataAvailable = "Podatki niso na voljo"; $AddToFriends = "Ste prepriani, da elite dodati kontakt k svojim prijateljem?"; +$Friends = "Prijatelji"; $PersonalData = "Osebni podatki/profil"; $Contacts = "Kontakti"; $SocialInformationComment = "Ta zaslon omogoa organizacijo tvojih kontaktov"; @@ -75,4 +77,5 @@ $SocialUserInformationAttach = "Napi $MessageInvitationNotSent = "vae vabilo ni bilo poslano"; $SocialAddToFriends = "Dodaj k mojim kontaktom"; $ChangeContactGroup = "Spremeni skupino kontaktov"; +$Friend = "Prijatelj"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian/ b/main/lang/slovenian/ index 50f1a26a9c..36ccdf5d6f 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian/ @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ $AssignmentWork = "Delo te $AssignmentDesc = "Naloge predlagane s strani uitelja"; $WikiDiffAddedTex = "Besedilo dodano"; $WikiDiffDeletedTex = "Odstranjeno besedilo"; -$WordsDiff = "beseda po besedi"; -$LinesDiff = "vrstica po vrstici"; +$WordsDiff = "besedo po besedi"; +$LinesDiff = "vrstico za vrstico"; $MustSelectPage = "Najprej morate izbrati stran"; $Export2ZIP = "Izvozi v ZIP"; $HidePage = "Skrij stran"; diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ index b294df1a5f..d17ddc4140 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ @@ -83,4 +83,5 @@ $DeleteBlog = "Odstrani blog"; $NoTasks = "Ni opravil"; $Shared = "Skupna raba"; $PermissionGrantedByGroupOrRole = "Dovoljenje odobreno s skupino ali vlogo"; +$Reader = "Bralec"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ index 290cb4551f..57abc8dea7 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ @@ -285,4 +285,10 @@ $SelectTargetQuestion = "Izberi ciljno vprašanje"; $DirectFeedbackCantModifyTypeQuestion = "Vrsta ocenjevanja ne more biti spremenjena, ker je postavljena kot Samoocenjevanje"; $CantShowResults = "Ni na voljo"; $CantViewResults = "Ne morem izvršiti pogleda v rezultate"; +$ShowCorrectedOnly = "Prikaži popravljene teste/vaje"; +$ShowUnCorrectedOnly = "Prikaži nepopravljene teste/vaje"; +$HideResultsToStudents = "Skrij rezultate tečajnikom"; +$ShowResultsToStudents = "Prikaži rezultate tečajnikom"; +$ProcedToQuestions = "Nadaljuj k vprašanjem"; +$AddQuestionToExercise = "Dodaj vprašanje"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ index 7b0d92beae..c322697df7 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ @@ -36,4 +36,5 @@ $AlreadyReadMessage = "Sporočilo je že bilo prebrano"; $UnReadMessage = "Neprebrana sporočila"; $MessageSent = "Sporočilo je bilo poslano"; $WriteToMessage = "Piši sporočilo"; +$SendAMessage = "Pošlji sporočilo"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ index bbe83c6c61..4d15720454 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ $NoteDeleted = "Beležka je bila odstranjena"; $NoteUpdated = "Beležka je bila ažurirana"; $NoteCreated = "Beležka je bila ustvarjena"; $YouMustWriteANote = "Prosim, dodajte zapis v beležko"; -$WriteYourNoteHere = "Prosim, dodajte zapis beležke tukaj"; $SaveNote = "Shrani beležko"; $WriteYourNoteHere = "Tule zapišite svojo beležko"; $SearchByTitle = "Išči po naslovu"; diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ index 94f7705300..a29b11aec4 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ @@ -174,4 +174,5 @@ $MessageNewUserInTheCourse = "To je sporočilo, ki vas obvešča, da je v tečaj $EditNormalProfile = "Uredi običajen profil"; $EditExtendProfile = "Uredi razširjen profil"; $EditInformation = "Uredi informacije"; +$RegisterUser = "Vpiši uporabnika"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ index f7c09b8201..f2ea1509ea 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ $BookingPeriodPast = "Rezervacije za nazaj (pred trenutnim časom) ni mogoče iz $ReservationMaxUsersOverrun = "Trenutno več oseb vrši rezervacijo kot pa je izbrana vrednost največjega števila uporabnikov"; $AddNewBookingPeriod = "Dodaj novo rezervacijsko obdobje"; $BookingPeriodTimePickerLimitation = "Rezervacije s časovno izbiro ni mogoče izvršiti, če začetni in končni datum nista enaka."; -$ResourceList = "Seznam resursov"; $ResourceTypeName = "Naziv tipa resursa"; $AddNewResourceType = "Dodaj nov tip resursa"; $ResourceTypeAdded = "Tip resursa je bil dodan"; @@ -107,7 +106,6 @@ $ResourceExist = "Ta resurs že obstaja"; $AcceptUsers = "Sprejmi uporabnike"; $UnacceptedUsers = "Zavrni uporabnike"; $DeleteSubscriptions = "Brisanje rezervacij"; -$ManageResources = "Upravljaj resurse"; $NoItems = "Tu še ni nobenih elementov"; $ItemNotDeleted = "Nekateri elementi niso bili odstranjeni, ker so še vedno predmet rezervacije"; $ItemHasReservations = "Element ima še vedno #NUM# aktivnih rezervacij"; diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ index ceb7a3c03b..33a0ec0f73 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Ažuriraj tip vprašanja :"; $AddAnotherQuestion = "Dodaj novo vprašanje"; $IsShareSurvey = "Deli evalvacijski vprašalnik z ostalimi"; $Proceed = "Nadaljuj"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Vpišite vprašanje"; $PleaseFillNumber = "Vnesite numerične vrednosti za uteži odgovorov."; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "Vnesite uteži (vrednosti) od 1 do 5."; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "Izpolnite vsa polja odgovorov."; @@ -73,9 +72,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Podnaslov vprašalnika"; $ShareSurvey = "Skupna raba vprašalnika"; $SurveyThanks = "Zahvala za sodelovanje"; $EditSurvey = "Uredi vprašalnik"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "Noben vprašalnik ni bil izbran."; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Vprašalnik je bil uspešno ažuriran"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Sedaj lahko vprašalniku dodate vprašanja"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "ali pa se vrni na pregled vprašalnika."; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "V povezavi manjka parameter. Uporabite, prosim, copy in paste."; $WrongInvitationCode = "Napačna koda vabila"; @@ -88,7 +84,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Ta vrsta ne obstaja"; $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "Evalvacijski vprašalnik je bil uspešno ustvarjen."; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Sedaj lahko vprašalniku dodate vprašanja"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Vprašalnik je bil uspešno ažuriran"; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "ali pa se vrni na pregled vprašalnika."; $QuestionAdded = "Vprašanje je bilo dodano."; $QuestionUpdated = "Vprašanje je bilo ažurirano."; $SaveQuestion = "Shrani vprašanje"; @@ -97,7 +92,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "Dodaj možnost"; $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Prikaži"; $AnswerOptions = "Možnosti odgovora"; $YesNo = "Da / Ne"; -$MultipleChoice = "Večkratna izbira"; $MultipleResponse = "Večkratni odgovori"; $Open = "Prost odgovor"; $Dropdown = "Padajoča izbira"; @@ -108,17 +102,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Vabila evalvacijskega vprašalnika"; $InvitationCode = "Koda vabila"; $InvitationDate = "Datum vabila"; $Answered = "Odgovorjeno"; -$AdditonalUsers = "Dodatni uporabniki"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "K odgovarjanju lahko povabite dodatne osebe, ki npr. niso vpisani v tečaj. Njihove e-poštne naslove naštejete ločene z vejico ali podpijem."; $MailTitle = "Naslov e-sporočila"; -$MailText = "Besedilo e-sporočila"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "Izbrani uporabniki bodo prejeli e-sporočilo z gornjim besedilom in unikatno povezavo, ki ji morajo slediti, da bi izpolnili vprašalnik. V primeru, da želite povezavo v vašem lastnem besedilu, na mestu, kjer želite to povezavo, vnesite oznako **link** (zvezdica zvezdica link zvezdica zvezdica). Oznaka bo pri pošiljanju avtomatično nadomeščena z ustrezno povezavo. V primeru, da oznake v svojem besedilu ne boste vnesli, se bo povezava dodala na koncu vašega e-sporočila."; $InvitationsSend = "vabil poslanih."; $SurveyDeleted = "Vprašalnik je bil odstranjen."; $NoSurveysSelected = "Noben vprašalnik ni bil izbran."; $NumberOfQuestions = "Število vprašanj"; $Invited = "Vabljeni"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "Število vprašanj"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "Uveljavi filter"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "Razveljavi filter"; $ExportCurrentReport = "Izvozi trenutno poročilo"; @@ -138,7 +128,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Osebe, ki so izbrale ta odgovor"; $CourseUsers = "Uporabniki tečaja"; $SurveyPublication = "Objava evalvacijskih vprašalnikov"; $AdditonalUsers = "Dodatni uporabniki"; -$MailTitle = "Naslov e-sporočila"; $MailText = "Besedilo e-sporočila"; $UseLinkSyntax = "Izbrani uporabniki bodo prejeli e-sporočilo z gornjim besedilom in unikatno povezavo, ki ji morajo slediti, da bi izpolnili vprašalnik. V primeru, da želite povezavo v vašem lastnem besedilu, na mestu, kjer želite to povezavo, vnesite oznako **link** (zvezdica zvezdica link zvezdica zvezdica). Oznaka bo pri pošiljanju avtomatično nadomeščena z ustrezno povezavo. V primeru, da oznake v svojem besedilu ne boste vnesli, se bo povezava dodala na koncu vašega e-sporočila."; $DetailedReportByUser = "Podrobno poročilo po uporabnikih"; @@ -148,8 +137,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "V tem poročilu dobite pregled vseh odgovorov vseh upor $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "To poročilo vsebuje vse odogovore, ki jih je podal določen uporabnik."; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "To poročilo podaja odgovore na vprašanja po posameznih vprašanjih. Zagotavlja tudi osnovno statisnično analizo in prikaz z grafiko."; $ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Opomni vse uporabnike eval. vprašalnika. V primeru, da ne izberete te možnosti, bodo sporočilo prejeli le novo dodani uporabniki."; -$Yesno = "Da / Ne"; -$Multiplechoice = "Večkratna izbira"; $Multiplechoice = "Večkratna izbira"; $Multipleresponse = "Večkratni odgovori"; $Score = "Rezultat"; diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ index f8e91f420f..8ba572f38d 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ @@ -302,8 +302,6 @@ $StartTime = "Začetni čas"; $EndTime = "Končni čas"; $langYouWereCalled = "Pozvan si na klepet z"; $langDoYouAccept = "Ali ga sprejmeš ?"; -$StartTime = "Začetni čas"; -$EndTime = "Končni čas"; $Everybody = "Vsi"; $SentTo = "Prejemniki"; $Export = "Izvozi"; @@ -350,7 +348,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Premakni datoteko v"; $Save = "Shrani"; $Error = "Napaka"; $Anonymous = "Anonimno"; -$NoSearchResults = "Iskanje je bilo neuspešno"; $h = "ur"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Ustvari novo globalno vlogo"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Ustvari novo lokalno vlogo"; @@ -395,7 +392,6 @@ $SendMail = "Pošlji e-pošto"; $RdvAgenda = "Zapis agende"; $VideoConf = "Video konferenca"; $MyProgress = "Moj napredek"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Moje neaktivne seje"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Ni aktivnih tečajnikov"; $InCourse = "v tečaju"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Seznam trenutno aktivnih tečajnikov - Seja"; @@ -407,10 +403,8 @@ $Years = "let"; $Day = "dan"; $Days = "dni"; $PleaseStandBy = "Prosim počakajte ..."; -$Language = "Jezik"; $AvailableUntill = "Na voljo do"; $HourMinuteDivider = ":"; -$Here = "tule"; $Visio_classroom = "Videokonferenčna učilnica"; $Survey = "Evalvacijski vprašalniki"; $More = "Več"; @@ -449,7 +443,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Vaši registracijski podatki"; $ResetLink = "Kliknite tule za ponastavitev vašega gesla"; $VisibilityChanged = "Vidnost je bila spremenjena."; $MainNavigation = "Osnovna izbira"; -$None = "Brez"; $SeeDetail = "Poglej podrobnosti"; $GroupSingle = "Skupina"; $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Prosimo, da se poskušate ponovno prijaviti preko domače strani portala"; @@ -504,7 +497,6 @@ $UserAge = "Starost"; $UserBirthday = "Rojstni datum"; $Course = "Tečaj"; $FilesUpload = "Nalaganje datotek"; -$FileUpload = "Nalaganje datoteke"; $ExerciseFinished = "Vaja je dokončana"; $UserSex = "Spol"; $UserNativeLanguage = "Materni jezik"; @@ -543,7 +535,6 @@ $UnableToConnectTo = "Ne morem se povezati z"; $NoUser = "Ni uporabnikov"; $SearchResultsFor = "Rezultati iskanja za:"; $SelectFile = "Izberi datoteko"; -$UploadFile = "Naloži datoteko"; $WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "Opozorilo - FAQ datoteka, locirana v /home mapi namestite Dokeos, ni pisalna. Vaše besedilo ne bo shranjeno, dokler lastnosti (atributi, dovoljenja,...) datoteke ne bodo ustrezno spremenjeni."; $AddCategory = "Dodaj kategorijo"; $NoExercises = "Ni nobene vaje"; @@ -708,4 +699,9 @@ $TemplatePreview = "Predogled predlog"; $NoTemplatePreview = "Predogled ni na voljo"; $ModifyCategory = "Spremeni kategorijo"; $Photo = "Foto"; +$MoveFile = "Prestavi datoteko"; +$Filter = "Filter"; +$Subject = "Predmet"; +$Message = "Sporočilo"; +$MoreInformation = "Več informacij"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ index fc52ca7305..555e5c5c13 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ @@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ $langUnregister = "Izpiši"; $langAddAUser = "Dodaj uporabnike"; $UsersUnsubscribed = "Izbrani uporabniki so bili izpisani iz tečaja"; $ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "Ta tečajnik je vpisan v ta tečaj preko seje. Njegovih informacij ne morete urejati."; +$NoDataAvailable = "Podatki niso na voljo"; $AddToFriends = "Ste prepričani, da želite dodati kontakt k svojim prijateljem?"; +$AddPersonalMessage = "Dodaj osebno sporočilo"; +$Friends = "Prijatelji"; $PersonalData = "Osebni podatki"; $Contacts = "Kontakti"; $SocialInformationComment = "Ta zaslon omogoča organizacijo tvojih kontaktov "; @@ -76,4 +79,6 @@ $MessageInvitationNotSent = "vaše vabilo ni bilo poslano"; $SocialAddToFriends = "Dodaj k mojim kontaktom"; $UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse = "Uporabnik ni vpisan v tečaj"; $ChangeContactGroup = "Spremeni skupino kontaktov"; +$Friend = "Prijatelj"; +$ViewMySharedProfile = "Moj skupen profil"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ index 5b98d613d4..66283f335d 100644 --- a/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/slovenian_unicode/ @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ $AssignmentWork = "Delo tečajnikov"; $AssignmentDesc = "Naloge predlagane s strani učitelja"; $WikiDiffAddedTex = "Besedilo dodano"; $WikiDiffDeletedTex = "Odstranjeno besedilo"; -$WordsDiff = "beseda po besedi"; -$LinesDiff = "vrstica po vrstici"; +$WordsDiff = "besedo za besedo"; +$LinesDiff = "vrstico za vrstico"; $MustSelectPage = "Najprej morate izbrati stran"; $Export2ZIP = "Izvozi kot ZIP"; $HidePage = "Skrij stran"; diff --git a/main/lang/spanish/ b/main/lang/spanish/ index 8855969e3d..2709521cb7 100644 --- a/main/lang/spanish/ +++ b/main/lang/spanish/ @@ -83,4 +83,5 @@ $DeleteBlog = "Borrar este blog"; $NoTasks = "Sin tareas"; $Shared = "Compartido"; $PermissionGrantedByGroupOrRole = "Permiso concedido por grupo o rol"; +$Reader = "Lector"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/spanish/ b/main/lang/spanish/ index ed157c9419..1df4e6ddb2 100644 --- a/main/lang/spanish/ +++ b/main/lang/spanish/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ $langCombinedCourse = "Curso combinado"; $ToolIsNowVisible = "Ahora la herramienta es visible"; $ToolIsNowHidden = "Ahora la herramienta no es visible"; $EditLink = "Editar enlace"; -$Blog_management = "Gestion de blogs"; +$Blog_management = "Gestin de blogs"; $Forum = "Foros"; $Course_maintenance = "Mantenimiento del curso"; $TOOL_SURVEY = "Encuestas"; diff --git a/main/lang/spanish/ b/main/lang/spanish/ index 110a713f60..7292311844 100644 --- a/main/lang/spanish/ +++ b/main/lang/spanish/ @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ $langModifyAnswers = "modificar las respuestas"; $langForExercise = "para el ejercicio"; $langUseExistantQuestion = "Usar una pregunta existente"; $freeAnswer = "Respuesta abierta"; -$notCorrectedYet = "Esta respuesta an no ha sido corregida. Mientras tanto tendr en ella una puntuacin de cero, lo cual se reflejar en la puntuacin global."; +$notCorrectedYet = "Esta pregunta an no ha sido corregida. Hasta que no lo sea, Vd. tendr en ella la calificacin de cero, lo cual se reflejar en su puntuacin global. "; $adminHP = "Administracin Hot Potatoes"; $NewQu = "Nueva pregunta"; $NoImage = "Seleccione una imagen"; @@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ $langAnswerHotspot = "En cada zona interactiva la descripci $langMinHotspot = "Tiene que crear al menos una (1) zona interactiva."; $langMaxHotspot = "El mximo de zonas interactivas que puede crear es doce (12)"; $langHotspotError = "Por favor, proporcione una descripcin y un valor a cada zona interactiva."; -$langMoreHotspots = "+zona interactiva"; -$langLessHotspots = "-zona interactiva"; +$langMoreHotspots = "Aadir zona interactiva"; +$langLessHotspots = "Quitar zona interactiva"; $langHotspotZones = "Zonas interactivas"; $langNextQuestion = "Siguiente pregunta"; $langCorrectAnswer = "Respuesta correcta"; @@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ $CorrectTest = "Corregir este ejercicio"; $ViewTest = "Ver"; $State = "Estado"; $NotAttempted = "Sin intentar"; -$AddElem = "+ elemento"; -$DelElem = "- elemento"; -$PlusAnswer = "+ respuesta"; -$LessAnswer = "- respuesta"; +$AddElem = "Aadir elemento"; +$DelElem = "Quitar elemento"; +$PlusAnswer = "Aadir respuesta"; +$LessAnswer = "Quitar respuesta"; $YourScore = "Su puntuacin"; $Attempted = "Intentado"; $AssignMarks = "Puntuar"; @@ -290,4 +290,5 @@ $ShowUnCorrectedOnly = "Mostrar ejercicios sin corregir"; $HideResultsToStudents = "Ocultar los resultados a los estudiantes"; $ShowResultsToStudents = "Mostrar los resultados a los estudiantes"; $ProcedToQuestions = "Preparar preguntas"; +$AddQuestionToExercise = "Aadir pregunta"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/spanish/ b/main/lang/spanish/ index efd85d5429..3562fac578 100644 --- a/main/lang/spanish/ +++ b/main/lang/spanish/ @@ -30,10 +30,11 @@ $ReadMessage = " Leer"; $SendInviteMessage = "Enviar mensaje de invitacin"; $SendMessageInvitation = " Est seguro que desea enviar las invitaciones a los usuarios seleccionados ?"; $MessageTool = "Herramienta mensajes"; -$SendMessage = "Enviar mensajes"; +$SendMessage = "Enviar mensaje"; $WriteAMessage = "Escribir un mensaje"; $AlreadyReadMessage = "Mensaje ledo"; $UnReadMessage = "Mensaje sin leer"; $MessageSent = "Mensaje enviado"; $WriteToMessage = "Escribir un mensaje"; +$SendAMessage = "Enviar un mensaje"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/spanish/ b/main/lang/spanish/ index 9797dea567..765d71bb0a 100644 --- a/main/lang/spanish/ +++ b/main/lang/spanish/ @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ $NoteDeleted = "Nota eliminada"; $NoteUpdated = "Nota actualizada"; $NoteCreated = "Nota creada"; $YouMustWriteANote = "Por favor, escriba una nota"; -$WriteYourNoteHere = "Por favor, escriba su nota aqu"; $SaveNote = "Guardar nota"; $WriteYourNoteHere = "Escriba su nota aqu"; $SearchByTitle = "Buscar por ttulo"; diff --git a/main/lang/spanish/ b/main/lang/spanish/ index bf26270bd0..46a07f8e14 100644 --- a/main/lang/spanish/ +++ b/main/lang/spanish/ @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ $BookingPeriodPast = "No es posible realizar reservas antes del momento actual " $ReservationMaxUsersOverrun = "Hay ms reservas que el mximo que ha seleccionado"; $AddNewBookingPeriod = "Agregar nuevo periodo de reserva"; $BookingPeriodTimePickerLimitation = "No es posible realizar reservas con un selector de tiempo si las fechas de inicio y finalizacin son distintas. "; -$ResourceList = "Lista de recursos"; $ResourceTypeName = "Nombre del tipo de recurso"; $AddNewResourceType = "Agregar nuevo tipo de recurso"; $ResourceTypeAdded = "El tipo de recurso fue agregado"; @@ -107,7 +106,6 @@ $ResourceExist = "El recurso ya existe"; $AcceptUsers = "Aceptando usuarios"; $UnacceptedUsers = "Denegando usuarios"; $DeleteSubscriptions = "Eliminando suscripciones"; -$ManageResources = "Administrar recursos"; $NoItems = "An no existen items"; $ItemNotDeleted = "Algunos items no se pueden eliminar porque an existen reservas"; $ItemHasReservations = "El item an tiene #NUM# reservas activas"; diff --git a/main/lang/spanish/ b/main/lang/spanish/ index 5e1e3f424d..e2145e7343 100644 --- a/main/lang/spanish/ +++ b/main/lang/spanish/ @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "Actualizar el tipo de pregunta:"; $AddAnotherQuestion = "Aadir una nueva pregunta"; $IsShareSurvey = "Compartir la encuesta con otros"; $Proceed = "Proceder"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "Por favor, introduzca una pregunta."; $PleaseFillNumber = "Por favor, rellene los valores numricos para las puntuaciones."; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "Por favor, rellene las puntuaciones de 1-5"; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "Por favor, rellene todos los campos de las respuestas."; @@ -73,9 +72,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "Subt $ShareSurvey = "Compartir la encuesta"; $SurveyThanks = "Agradecimientos"; $EditSurvey = "Editar la encuesta"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "No hay encuestas seleccionadas"; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "La encuesta ha sido actualizada"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Ahora Vd. puede aadir preguntas a su encuesta"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "O volver a la vista general de la encuesta"; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "Hay un parmetro que falta en el enlace. Por favor, use copiar y pegar."; $WrongInvitationCode = "Cdigo de invitado errneo"; @@ -88,7 +84,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "Este tipo no existe"; $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "La encuesta ha sido creada"; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Ahora puede aadir las preguntas"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "La encuesta hasido actualizada"; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "o volver a la vista general de la encuesta"; $QuestionAdded = "La pregunta ha sido aadida."; $QuestionUpdated = "La pregunta ha sido actualizada."; $SaveQuestion = "Guardar pregunta"; @@ -97,7 +92,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "A $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Mostrar"; $AnswerOptions = "Opciones de respuesta"; $YesNo = "Si / No"; -$MultipleChoice = "Respuesta nica"; $MultipleResponse = "Respuesta mltiple"; $Open = "Respuesta abierta"; $Dropdown = "Lista desplegable"; @@ -108,17 +102,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "Invitaciones a la encuesta"; $InvitationCode = "Cdigo de invitacin"; $InvitationDate = "Fecha de invitacin"; $Answered = "Respondido"; -$AdditonalUsers = "Usuarios adicionales"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "Puede invitar a otros usuarios para que completen esta encuesta. Para ello debe escribir sus correos electrnicos separados por , o ;"; $MailTitle = "Asunto del correo"; -$MailText = "Contenido del correo"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "Cada usuario invitado recibir un correo electrnico con un nico enlace. Los usuarios tienen que hacer clic sobre este enlace para rellenar la encuesta. Si no hace nada, el enlace nico ser aadido automticamente al final del correo. Sin embargo, puede determinar dnde quiere que aparezca el enlace aadiendo **link** en su texto. Este **link** automticamente ser reemplazado por el enlace nico en cada usuario."; $InvitationsSend = "invitaciones enviadas."; $SurveyDeleted = "La encuesta ha sido eliminada."; $NoSurveysSelected = "No ha seleccionado ninguna encuesta."; $NumberOfQuestions = "Nmero de preguntas"; $Invited = "Invitado"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "Nmero de preguntas"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "Filtrar"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "Cancelar filtro"; $ExportCurrentReport = "Exportar el informe actual"; @@ -138,7 +128,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "Personas que han elegido esta respuesta"; $CourseUsers = "Usuarios del curso"; $SurveyPublication = "Publicacin de la encuesta"; $AdditonalUsers = "Usuarios adicionales"; -$MailTitle = "Asunto del correo"; $MailText = "Texto del correo"; $UseLinkSyntax = "Los usuarios que haya seleccionado recibirn un correo electrnico con el texto que ha escrito ms arriba, as como un enlace que los usuarios tendrn que pulsar para cumplimentar la encuesta. Si desea introducir este enlace en algn lugar de su texto, debe insertar lo siguiente: ** enlace ** (asterisco asterisco enlace asterisco asterisco). Esta etiqueta ser sustituida automticamente por el enlace. Si no agrega el ** enlace ** a su texto, el enlace se aadir al final del correo"; $DetailedReportByUser = "Informe detallado por usuario"; @@ -148,8 +137,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "En este informe se obtiene un sumario de las respuestas $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "En este informe puede ver todas las respuestas de un usuario."; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "En este informe se ven los resultados pregunta a pregunta. Proporciona un anlisis estadstico bsico y grficos."; $ReminderResendToAllUsers = "Enviar a todos los usuarios seleccionados. Si no marca esta casilla, slamente recibirn el correo electrnico los usuarios adicionales que haya aadido."; -$Yesno = "S / No"; -$Multiplechoice = "Eleccin multiple"; $Multiplechoice = "Eleccin multiple"; $Multipleresponse = "Respuesta multiple"; $Score = "Puntuacin"; diff --git a/main/lang/spanish/ b/main/lang/spanish/ index 7ddbb6ab96..e5540ff385 100644 --- a/main/lang/spanish/ +++ b/main/lang/spanish/ @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ $langNameOfLang['thai'] = "tailand $langNameOfLang['turkce'] = "turco"; $langNameOfLang['vietnamese'] = "vietnamita"; $UserInfo = "informacin del usuario"; -$langModifyQuestion = "Modificar la pregunta"; +$langModifyQuestion = "Modificar pregunta"; $langNameOfLang = "Nombre del idioma"; $langCheckAll = "comprobar"; $langNbAnnoucement = "Avisos"; @@ -302,8 +302,6 @@ $StartTime = "Hora de comienzo"; $EndTime = "Hora de finalizacin"; $langYouWereCalled = "Est siendo llamado para chatear con "; $langDoYouAccept = "Acepta?"; -$StartTime = "Hora de inicio"; -$EndTime = "Hora de finalizacin"; $Everybody = "todos los usuarios del curso"; $SentTo = "Dirigido a"; $Export = "Exportar"; @@ -350,7 +348,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Mover archivo a"; $Save = "Guardar"; $Error = "Error"; $Anonymous = "Annimo"; -$NoSearchResults = "Bsqueda sin resultados"; $h = "h"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Crear nuevo rol global"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Crear nuevo rol local"; @@ -395,7 +392,6 @@ $SendMail = "Enviar correo"; $RdvAgenda = "Cita de la agenda"; $VideoConf = "Videoconferencia"; $MyProgress = "Mi progreso"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Mis sesiones no activas"; $NoOnlineStudents = "No hay estudiantes en lnea"; $InCourse = "en curso"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Lista de usuarios en lnea - Sesin"; @@ -407,10 +403,8 @@ $Years = "a $Day = "da"; $Days = "das"; $PleaseStandBy = "Por favor, espere..."; -$Language = "Idioma"; $AvailableUntill = "Disponible hasta"; $HourMinuteDivider = "h"; -$Here = "aqu"; $Visio_classroom = "Aula de videoconferencia"; $Survey = "Encuestas"; $More = "Ms"; @@ -449,7 +443,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "Estos son sus datos de acceso"; $ResetLink = "Pulse en el siguiente enlace para regenerar su contrasea"; $VisibilityChanged = "La visibilidad ha sido cambiada."; $MainNavigation = "Navegacin principal"; -$None = "Ninguno"; $SeeDetail = "Ver detalles"; $GroupSingle = "Grupo"; $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Por favor, pruebe a identificarse de nuevo desde la pgina principal de la plataforma"; @@ -504,7 +497,6 @@ $UserAge = "Edad"; $UserBirthday = "Fecha de nacimiento"; $Course = "Curso"; $FilesUpload = "documentos"; -$FileUpload = "documento"; $ExerciseFinished = "Ejercicio finalizado"; $UserSex = "Sexo"; $UserNativeLanguage = "Lengua materna"; @@ -543,7 +535,6 @@ $UnableToConnectTo = "Imposible conectar con"; $NoUser = "Sin usuarios"; $SearchResultsFor = "Resultados de la bsqueda para:"; $SelectFile = "Seleccione un archivo"; -$UploadFile = "Enviar archivo"; $WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "Atencin - El archivo FAQ localizado en el directorio /home/ de su plataforma, no es un archivo en el que se pueda escribir. Su texto no ser guardado hasta que no cambie los permisos del archivo."; $AddCategory = "Aadir categora"; $NoExercises = "No hay ejercicios disponibles"; @@ -709,4 +700,8 @@ $NoTemplatePreview = "Previsualizaci $ModifyCategory = "Modificar categora"; $Photo = "Foto"; $MoveFile = "Mover el archivo"; +$Filter = "Filtrar"; +$Subject = "Asunto"; +$Message = "Mensaje"; +$MoreInformation = "Mas informacin"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/spanish/ b/main/lang/spanish/ index cfaf872439..0b9def5655 100644 --- a/main/lang/spanish/ +++ b/main/lang/spanish/ @@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ $langUnregister = "Sin registrar"; $langAddAUser = "Aadir usuarios"; $UsersUnsubscribed = "Los usuarios seleccionados han sido dados de baja del curso"; $ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "Este estudiante est inscrito en este curso mediante una sesin. No puede editar su informacin"; +$NoDataAvailable = "Informacin no disponible"; $AddToFriends = "Esta seguro(a) que desea aadirlo(a) a su red de amigos?"; +$AddPersonalMessage = "Aadir un mensaje personal"; +$Friends = "Amigos"; $PersonalData = "Datos personales"; $Contacts = "Contactos"; $SocialInformationComment = "Aqu puede organizar sus contactos"; @@ -76,4 +79,6 @@ $MessageInvitationNotSent = "Su mensaje de invitaci $SocialAddToFriends = "Aadir a mi red de amigos"; $UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse = "Usuario no registrado al curso"; $ChangeContactGroup = "Cambiar el grupo de mi contacto"; +$Friend = "Amigo"; +$ViewMySharedProfile = "Mi perfil compartido"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/spanish_latin/ b/main/lang/spanish_latin/ index 1e5fe4a585..26d80a13f2 100644 --- a/main/lang/spanish_latin/ +++ b/main/lang/spanish_latin/ @@ -270,8 +270,6 @@ $StartTime = "Hora de inicio"; $EndTime = "Hora de finalizacin"; $langYouWereCalled = "Le llaman para chatear con"; $langDoYouAccept = "acepta?"; -$StartTime = "Hora de inicio"; -$EndTime = "Hora de finalizacin"; $Everybody = "Todos"; $SentTo = "Enviar a"; $Export = "Exportar"; @@ -318,7 +316,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Mover archivo a"; $Save = "Guardar"; $Error = "Error"; $Anonymous = "Annimo"; -$NoSearchResults = "Bsqueda sin resultados"; $h = "h"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Crear un nuevo rol global"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Crear un nuevo rol local"; @@ -363,7 +360,6 @@ $SendMail = "Enviar correo"; $RdvAgenda = "Cita de la agenda"; $VideoConf = "Videoconferencia"; $MyProgress = "Mi progreso"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Mis sesiones inactivas"; $NoOnlineStudents = "No hay estudiantes en lnea"; $InCourse = "en curso"; $UserOnlineListSession = "Lista de usuarios en lnea - Sesin"; diff --git a/main/lang/swedish/ b/main/lang/swedish/ index 05b643f29b..cf764ab982 100644 --- a/main/lang/swedish/ +++ b/main/lang/swedish/ @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder. */ $NextQuestion = "Nsta frga"; -$Yesno = "Ja / Nej"; -$Multiplechoice = "Flerval"; $Multiplechoice = "Flerval"; $Multipleresponse = "Flera svar"; $Score = "Pong"; diff --git a/main/lang/swedish/ b/main/lang/swedish/ index e63b1954e6..90f9eb8029 100644 --- a/main/lang/swedish/ +++ b/main/lang/swedish/ @@ -299,8 +299,6 @@ $StartTime = "Starttid"; $EndTime = "Sluttid"; $langYouWereCalled = "Du har ftt chatinbjudan frn"; $langDoYouAccept = "Vill du acceptera?"; -$StartTime = "Start tid"; -$EndTime = "Slut tid"; $Everybody = "Alla"; $SentTo = "Synlig fr"; $Export = "Exportera"; @@ -347,7 +345,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "Flytta fil till"; $Save = "Spara"; $Error = "Fel"; $Anonymous = "Anonym"; -$NoSearchResults = "Inga skresultat"; $h = "t"; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Skapa ny global rttighet"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "Skapa ny lokal rttighet"; @@ -390,7 +387,6 @@ $SendMail = "Skicka epost"; $RdvAgenda = "Agenda mten"; $VideoConf = "Video konferens"; $MyProgress = "Mina framsteg"; -$myInActiveSessions = "Mina inaktiva perioder"; $NoOnlineStudents = "Inga studenter online"; $InCourse = "i kurs"; $UserOnlineListSession = "inloggade - perioden"; @@ -402,10 +398,8 @@ $Years = " $Day = "dag"; $Days = "dagar"; $PleaseStandBy = "Var vnlig vnta..."; -$Language = "Sprk"; $AvailableUntill = "Tillgnglig till och med"; $HourMinuteDivider = "t"; -$Here = "hr"; $Visio_classroom = "Virtuellt klassrum"; $Survey = "Enkter"; $More = "Mer"; diff --git a/main/lang/thai/ b/main/lang/thai/ index 864fb7cd74..5279d38dcf 100644 --- a/main/lang/thai/ +++ b/main/lang/thai/ @@ -262,8 +262,6 @@ $StartTime = " $EndTime = "֧"; $langYouWereCalled = "سѺԭʹŹѺ"; $langDoYouAccept = "سѺ"; -$StartTime = ""; -$EndTime = ""; $Everybody = "ء"; $SentTo = "觶֧"; $Export = "͡"; @@ -299,7 +297,6 @@ $SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = " $RightValueModified = "¹ŧ"; $course_rights = "ʴԷкҷҪԡ"; $CourseAdminRoleDescription = "ѴԪ"; -$NoSearchResults = "辺¡÷"; $h = ".."; $CreateNewGlobalRole = "ҧº"; $CreateNewLocalRole = "ҧº"; diff --git a/main/lang/trad_chinese_unicode/ b/main/lang/trad_chinese_unicode/ index b467bcd908..30b001cb0d 100644 --- a/main/lang/trad_chinese_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/trad_chinese_unicode/ @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ $UpdateQuestionType = "更新問題類型:"; $AddAnotherQuestion = "新增問題"; $IsShareSurvey = "與其他人分享問卷"; $Proceed = "進行"; -$PleaseEnterAQuestion = "請輸入問題"; $PleaseFillNumber = "請輸入數值作為評分"; $PleaseFillAllPoints = "請輸入分數(從 1 到 5)"; $PleasFillAllAnswer = "請填寫所有答案欄"; @@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ $SurveySubTitle = "統計調查副標題"; $ShareSurvey = "分享統計調查"; $SurveyThanks = "統計調查致謝"; $EditSurvey = "編輯統計調查"; -$NoSurveysSelected = "未有選擇統計調查"; -$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "已成功更新統計調查"; -$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "你現在可在問卷中加入問題"; $OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "或回到調查概覽頁面"; $SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "連結中遺失部分參數,請使用\'複製\'及\'貼上\'功能"; $WrongInvitationCode = "錯誤邀請編號"; @@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ $TypeDoesNotExist = "這類型不存在"; $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "已成功創建統計調查"; $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "你現在可在問卷中加入問題"; $SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "已成功更新統計調查"; -$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "或回到調查概覽頁面"; $QuestionAdded = "已新增問題"; $QuestionUpdated = "已更新問題"; $SaveQuestion = "儲存問題"; @@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ $AddAnswer = "增加選項"; $DisplayAnswersHorVert = "展示選項"; $AnswerOptions = "答案選項"; $YesNo = "是 / 否"; -$MultipleChoice = "多項選擇"; $MultipleResponse = "多項回應"; $Open = "開啟"; $Dropdown = "下拉"; @@ -106,17 +100,13 @@ $SurveyInvitations = "統計調查邀請"; $InvitationCode = "邀請編號"; $InvitationDate = "邀請日期"; $Answered = "已回答"; -$AdditonalUsers = "附加使用者"; $AdditonalUsersComment = "你可以邀請附加使用者填寫問卷。謮輸入被邀者的電郵地址,郵址以 , 或 ; 分隔。"; $MailTitle = "郵件題目"; -$MailText = "郵件內文"; -$UseLinkSyntax = "每位獲邀人士會收到一封附有獨立連結(各人的連結不相同)的電郵,被邀者按連結便可填寫問卷。如你不作特別設定,獨立連結會自動產生,附在電郵底部。你也可以選擇用加入**連結** 的方式把連結插入郵件內文中,以取代自動產生的獨立連結。"; $InvitationsSend = "已發出邀請"; $SurveyDeleted = "此統計調查已被刪除"; $NoSurveysSelected = "此統計調查已被勾選"; $NumberOfQuestions = "問題數量"; $Invited = "被邀請"; -$NumberOfQuestions = "問題數量"; $SubmitQuestionFilter = "提交過濾器"; $ResetQuestionFilter = "重設過濾器 "; $ExportCurrentReport = "匯出當前報告"; @@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ $PeopleWhoAnswered = "選了這答案的人"; $CourseUsers = "課程使用者"; $SurveyPublication = "統計調查布"; $AdditonalUsers = "附加使用者 "; -$MailTitle = "電郵標題"; $MailText = "電郵內文"; $UseLinkSyntax = "每位獲邀人士會收到一封附有獨立連結(各人的連結不相同)的電郵,被邀者按連結便可填寫問卷。如你不作特別設定,獨立連結會自動產生,附在電郵底部。你也可以選擇用加入**連結** 的方式把連結插入郵件內文中,以取代自動產生的獨立連結。 "; $DetailedReportByUser = "使用者詳細報告"; @@ -146,8 +135,6 @@ $CompleteReportDetail = "在這報告中,你可以概覽全部使用者所有 $DetailedReportByUserDetail = "你可以在本報告看到單一選定使用者的全部答案。"; $DetailedReportByQuestionDetail = "在這報告中,你可以逐題檢視報告,系統提供了基本的統計分析及圖像。"; $ReminderResendToAllUsers = "提示本統計調查的所有使用者。若你不勾選本項,只有新加入的使用者才會收到電郵。"; -$Yesno = "是 / 否"; -$Multiplechoice = "多項選擇題"; $Multiplechoice = "多項選擇題"; $Multipleresponse = "多項答案"; $Score = "評分"; diff --git a/main/lang/trad_chinese_unicode/ b/main/lang/trad_chinese_unicode/ index f5f06ffacf..c683734d0b 100644 --- a/main/lang/trad_chinese_unicode/ +++ b/main/lang/trad_chinese_unicode/ @@ -211,8 +211,6 @@ $StartTime = "開始時間"; $EndTime = "結束時間"; $langYouWereCalled = "有人邀請你聊天,邀請者是:"; $langDoYouAccept = "是否同意?"; -$StartTime = "開始時間 "; -$EndTime = "結束時間 "; $Everybody = "每一個人"; $SentTo = "顯示給"; $Export = "匯出"; @@ -259,7 +257,6 @@ $MoveFileTo = "把檔案移到"; $Save = "儲存"; $Error = "錯誤"; $Anonymous = "匿名"; -$NoSearchResults = "沒有搜尋結果"; $Actions = "行動"; $Inbox = "收件箱"; $ComposeMessage = "撰寫訊息"; @@ -303,9 +300,7 @@ $From = "從"; $To = "到"; $Content = "內容"; $PleaseStandBy = "請準備......"; -$Language = "語言"; $AvailableUntill = "有效至"; -$Here = "這兒"; $Visio_classroom = "虛擬課室"; $Survey = "統計調查"; $More = "更多"; @@ -339,7 +334,6 @@ $YourRegistrationData = "你的註冊資料"; $ResetLink = "按這裏取回密碼"; $VisibilityChanged = "顯示/隱藏設定已經變更"; $MainNavigation = "主要導航"; -$None = "無"; $SeeDetail = "檢視詳細資料"; $GroupSingle = "組別"; $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "請在首頁再嘗試登入"; diff --git a/main/lang/turkce/ b/main/lang/turkce/ index edbc346b22..a7d3f63c34 100644 --- a/main/lang/turkce/ +++ b/main/lang/turkce/ @@ -262,8 +262,6 @@ $StartTime = "Başlangı $EndTime = "Bitiş zamanı"; $langYouWereCalled = "Sohbet iin ağrı var.ağrı yapan :"; $langDoYouAccept = "Kabul ediyormusunuz ?"; -$StartTime = "Başlangı"; -$EndTime = "Bitiş"; $Everybody = "Herkes"; $SentTo = "Kim grebilir"; $Export = "Export"; @@ -299,7 +297,6 @@ $SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Haktaki"; $RightValueModified = "Değer değiştirildi."; $course_rights = "Roller ve haklara gz at"; $CourseAdminRoleDescription = "Ders ğretmeni"; -$NoSearchResults = "Arama sonucu yok"; $Inbox = "Gelen Kutusu"; $ComposeMessage = "İleti oluştur"; $Other = "Diğer"; diff --git a/main/lang/ukrainian/ b/main/lang/ukrainian/ index 243c08e9af..1df0678066 100644 --- a/main/lang/ukrainian/ +++ b/main/lang/ukrainian/ @@ -207,10 +207,8 @@ $Years = "роки"; $Day = "день"; $Days = "дні"; $PleaseStandBy = "Будь ласка, зачекайте..."; -$Language = "Мова"; $AvailableUntill = "Доступно до"; $HourMinuteDivider = "ч"; -$Here = "тут"; $Visio_classroom = "Віртуальний класний кабінет"; $Survey = "Опитування"; $More = "Більше";