@ -0,0 +1,545 @@ |
<?php |
//include_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH)."/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php"); |
require_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'document.lib.php'); |
class TestDropboxFunctions extends UnitTestCase { |
/** |
* This function is a wrapper function for the multiple actions feature. |
* @return Mixed If there is a problem, return a string message, otherwise nothing |
*/ |
function testhandle_multiple_actions() { |
global $_user, $is_courseAdmin, $is_courseTutor; |
$res= handle_multiple_actions(); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* Displays the form to move one individual file to a category |
* @return html code of the form that appears in a dokeos message box. |
*/ |
function testdisplay_move_form() { |
ob_start(); |
$id= 1; |
$part = 'test'; |
$res= display_move_form($part, $id, $target=array()); |
ob_end_clean(); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* This functions displays all teh possible actions that can be performed on multiple files. This is the dropdown list that |
* appears below the sortable table of the sent / or received files. |
* @return html value for the dropdown list |
*/ |
function testdisplay_action_options() { |
ob_start(); |
$categories= 1; |
$part = 'test'; |
$res= display_action_options($part, $categories, $current_category=0); |
ob_end_clean(); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* this function returns the html code that displays the checkboxes next to the files so that |
* multiple actions on one file are possible. |
* @param $id the unique id of the file |
* @param $part are we dealing with a sent or with a received file? |
* @return html code |
*/ |
function testdisplay_file_checkbox() { |
$id= 1; |
$part = 'test'; |
$res= display_file_checkbox($id, $part); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* This function displays the form to add a new category. |
* |
* @param $category_name this parameter is the name of the category (used when no section is selected) |
* @param $id this is the id of the category we are editing. |
* |
* @author Patrick Cool <>, Ghent University |
* @version march 2006 |
*/ |
function testdisplay_addcategory_form() { |
global $dropbox_cnf; |
ob_start(); |
$action= 'test'; |
$res= display_addcategory_form($category_name='', $id='',$action); |
ob_end_clean(); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* this function displays the form to upload a new item to the dropbox. |
* |
* @author Patrick Cool <>, Ghent University |
* @version march 2006 |
*/ |
function testDisplay_add_form() { |
global $_user, $is_courseAdmin, $is_courseTutor, $course_info, $origin, $dropbox_unid; |
ob_start(); |
$res= display_add_form(); |
ob_end_clean(); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* This function displays the firstname and lastname of the user as a link to the user tool. |
* @see this is the same function as in the new forum, so this probably has to move to a user library. |
* @todo move this function to the user library |
*/ |
function testdisplayuserlink() { |
global $_otherusers; |
$user_id = 1; |
$res= display_user_link($user_id, $name=''); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* returns username or false if user isn't registered anymore |
* @todo check if this function is still necessary. There might be a library function for this. |
*/ |
function testGetUserNameFromId() { |
global $dropbox_cnf; |
$id = 1; |
$res= getUserNameFromId($id); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* returns loginname or false if user isn't registered anymore |
* @todo check if this function is still necessary. There might be a library function for this. |
*/ |
function testGetLoginFromId() { |
$id = 1; |
$res= getLoginFromId($id); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* @desc This function retrieves the number of feedback messages on every document. This function might become obsolete when |
* the feedback becomes user individual. |
*/ |
function testget_total_number_feedback() { |
global $dropbox_cnf; |
$res= get_total_number_feedback($file_id=''); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* This function retrieves all the dropbox categories and returns them as an array |
* @param $filter default '', when we need only the categories of the sent or the received part. |
* @return array |
*/ |
function testGetdropbox_categories() { |
$res= get_dropbox_categories($filter=''); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_array($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* RH: Mailing (2 new functions) |
* Mailing zip-file is posted to (dest_user_id = ) mailing pseudo_id |
* and is only visible to its uploader (user_id). |
* Mailing content files have uploader_id == mailing pseudo_id, a normal recipient, |
* and are visible initially to recipient and pseudo_id. |
* @todo check if this function is still necessary. |
*/ |
function testgetUserOwningThisMailing() { |
global $dropbox_cnf; |
$mailingPseudoId = '1'; |
$res= getUserOwningThisMailing($mailingPseudoId, $owner = 0, $or_die = ''); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* Get the last access to a given tool of a given user |
* @param $tool string the tool constant |
* @param $course_code the course_id |
* @param $user_id the id of the user |
* @return string last tool access date |
* @todo consider moving this function to a more appropriate place. |
*/ |
function testget_last_tool_access() { |
global $_course, $_user; |
$tool = '1'; |
$res= get_last_tool_access($tool, $course_code='', $user_id=''); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* This functions stores a new dropboxcategory |
* @var it might not seem very elegant if you create a category in sent and in received with the same name that you get two entries in the |
* dropbox_category table but it is the easiest solution. You get |
* cat_name | received | sent | user_id |
* test | 1 | 0 | 237 |
* test | 0 | 1 | 237 |
* more elegant would be |
* test | 1 | 1 | 237 |
*/ |
function teststoreaddcategory() { |
global $_user,$dropbox_cnf; |
$res= store_addcategory(); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* This function moves a file to a different category |
* @param $id the id of the file we are moving |
* @param $target the id of the folder we are moving to |
* @param $part are we moving a received file or a sent file? |
* @return language string |
*/ |
function testStoremove() { |
$id= 1; |
$part = 'test'; |
$target = array(); |
$res= store_move($id, $target, $part); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
*@return selected string |
*/ |
function teststoreadddropbox() { |
global $dropbox_cnf; |
global $_user; |
global $_course; |
$res= store_add_dropbox(); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* @return boolean indicating if user with user_id=$user_id is a course member |
* @todo eliminate global |
* @todo check if this function is still necessary. There might be a library function for this. |
*/ |
function testIsCourseMember() { |
$user_id = 1; |
$res= isCourseMember($user_id); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_bool($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* this function transforms the array containing all the feedback into something visually attractive. |
* @param an array containing all the feedback about the given message. |
*/ |
function testfeedback() { |
$array = array(); |
$res= feedback($array); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* This function returns the html code to display the feedback messages on a given dropbox file |
* @param $feedback_array an array that contains all the feedback messages about the given document. |
* @return html code |
* @todo add the form for adding new comment (if the other party has not deleted it yet). |
* @author Patrick Cool <>, Ghent University |
* @version march 2006 |
*/ |
function testformat_feedback() { |
$feedback = array(); |
$res= format_feedback($feedback); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* this function returns the code for the form for adding a new feedback message to a dropbox file. |
* @return html code |
*/ |
function testfeedback_form() { |
global $dropbox_cnf; |
$res= feedback_form(); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* @return a language string (depending on the success or failure. |
*/ |
function teststore_feedback() { |
global $dropbox_cnf; |
global $_user; |
$res= store_feedback(); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* @desc This function checks if the real filename of the dropbox files doesn't already exist in the temp folder. If this is the case then |
* it will generate a different filename; |
*/ |
function testcheck_file_name() { |
global $_course; |
$file_name_2_check = 'test'; |
$res= check_file_name($file_name_2_check, $counter=0); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* @desc this function checks if the key exists. If this is the case it returns the value, if not it returns 0 |
*/ |
function testcheck_number_feedback() { |
$key = 'test'; |
$array = array(); |
$res= check_number_feedback($key, $array); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_numeric($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* @desc generates the contents of a html file that gives an overview of all the files in the zip file. |
* This is to know the information of the files that are inside the zip file (who send it, the comment, ...) |
*/ |
function testgenerate_html_overview() { |
$files = array(); |
$res= generate_html_overview($files, $dont_show_columns=array(), $make_link=array()); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* This function downloads all the files of the inputarray into one zip |
* @param $array an array containing all the ids of the files that have to be downloaded. |
* @todo consider removing the check if the user has received or sent this file (zip download of a folder already sufficiently checks for this). |
* @todo integrate some cleanup function that removes zip files that are older than 2 days |
*/ |
/* |
function testzip_download() { |
global $_course; |
global $dropbox_cnf; |
global $_user; |
global $files; |
$array = array(); |
$res= zip_download($array); |
if(!is_string($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_null($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
*/ |
/** |
* This function is an alternative zip download. It was added because PCLZip causes problems on PHP5 when using PCLZIP_CB_PRE_ADD and a callback function to rename |
* the files inside the zip file (dropbox scrambles the files to prevent |
* @todo consider using a htaccess that denies direct access to the file but only allows the php file to access it. This would remove the scrambling requirement |
* but it would require additional checks to see if the filename of the uploaded file is not used yet. |
* @param $files is an associative array that contains the files that the user wants to download (check to see if the user is allowed to download these files already |
* happened so the array is clean!!. The key is the filename on the filesystem. The value is an array that contains both the filename on the filesystem and |
* the original filename (that will be used in the zip file) |
* @todo when we copy the files there might be two files with the same name. We need a function that (recursively) checks this and changes the name |
*/ |
/* |
function testzip_download_alternative() { |
global $_course; |
global $_user; |
$files = 'test'; |
$res= zip_download_alternative($files); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
*/ |
/** |
* The dropbox has a deviant naming scheme for language files so it needs an additional language function |
* @todo check if this function is still necessary. |
*/ |
function testdropbox_lang() { |
global $charset; |
$variable = 'test'; |
$res= dropbox_lang($variable, $notrans = 'DLTT'); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* Function that finds a given config setting |
*/ |
function testdropbox_cnf() { |
$variable = 'test'; |
$res= dropbox_cnf($variable); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* This is a callback function to decrypt the files in the zip file to their normal filename (as stored in the database) |
* @param $p_event a variable of PCLZip |
* @param $p_header a variable of PCLZip |
*/ |
function testmy_pre_add_callback() { |
global $files; |
$p_event = 'test'; |
$res= my_pre_add_callback($p_event, &$p_header); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_numeric($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* @desc Cleans the temp zip files that were created when users download several files or a whole folder at once. |
* T |
* @return true |
*/ |
function testcleanup_temp_dropbox() { |
global $_course; |
$res= cleanup_temp_dropbox(); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_bool($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* This function deletes a dropbox category |
* @todo give the user the possibility what needs to be done with the files in this category: move them to the root, download them as a zip, delete them |
*/ |
function testdelete_category() { |
global $_user, $is_courseAdmin, $is_courseTutor,$dropbox_cnf; |
$id= 1; |
$action = 'test'; |
$res= delete_category($action, $id); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_string($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* Checks if there are files in the dropbox_file table that aren't used anymore in dropbox_person table. |
* If there are, all entries concerning the file are deleted from the db + the file is deleted from the server |
*/ |
function testremoveUnusedFiles() { |
$res= removeUnusedFiles(); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_array($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
/** |
* @todo check if this function is still necessary. |
*/ |
function testremoveMoreIfMailing() { |
$file_id = 1; |
$res= removeMoreIfMailing($file_id); |
if(!is_null($res)){ |
$this->assertTrue(is_array($res)); |
} |
//var_dump($res); |
} |
} |
?> |
Reference in new issue