@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ |
<?php |
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ |
/** |
* Get the intro steps for the web page |
* @author Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos <> |
* @package chamilo.plugin.tour |
*/ |
/** |
* Init |
*/ |
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../main/inc/'; |
require_once __DIR__ . '/../config.php'; |
if (!api_is_anonymous()) { |
$currentPageClass = isset($_POST['page_class']) ? $_POST['page_class'] : ''; |
if (!empty($currentPageClass)) { |
$userId = api_get_user_id(); |
$tourPlugin = Tour::create(); |
$tourPlugin->saveCompletedTour($currentPageClass, $userId); |
} |
} |
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ |
<?php |
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ |
/** |
* Get the intro steps for the web page |
* @author Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos <> |
* @package chamilo.plugin.tour |
*/ |
require_once __DIR__.'/../../../main/inc/'; |
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'plugin.class.php'; |
require_once api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH) . 'tour/src/tour_plugin.class.php'; |
if (!api_is_anonymous()) { |
$currentPageClass = isset($_GET['page_class']) ? $_GET['page_class'] : ''; |
$tourPlugin = Tour::create(); |
$json = $tourPlugin->getTourConfig(); |
$currentPageSteps = array(); |
foreach ($json as $pageContent) { |
if ($pageContent['pageClass'] == $currentPageClass) { |
foreach ($pageContent['steps'] as $step) { |
$currentPageSteps[] = array( |
'element' => $step['elementSelector'], |
'intro' => $tourPlugin->get_lang($step['message']) |
); |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
if (!empty($currentPageSteps)) { |
echo json_encode($currentPageSteps); |
} |
} |
@ -1,63 +1,4 @@ |
<?php |
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ |
/** |
* Strings to english L10n |
* @author Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos <> |
* @package chamilo.plugin.tour |
*/ |
$strings['plugin_title'] = 'Tour'; |
$strings['plugin_comment'] = 'This plugin shows people how to use your Chamilo LMS. You must activar one region (e.g. "header-right") to show the button that allows the tour to start.'; |
/* Strings for settings */ |
$strings['show_tour'] = 'Show the tour'; |
$showTourHelpLine01 = 'The necessary configuration to show the help blocks, in JSON format, is located in the %splugin/tour/config/tour.json%s file.'; |
$showTourHelpLine02 = 'See README file for more information.'; |
$strings['show_tour_help'] = sprintf("$showTourHelpLine01 %s $showTourHelpLine02", "<strong>", "</strong>", "<br>"); |
$strings['theme'] = 'Theme'; |
$strings['theme_help'] = 'Chose <i>nassim</i>, <i>nazanin</i>, <i>royal</i>. Empty to use the default theme.'; |
/* Strings for plugin UI */ |
$strings['Skip'] = 'Skip'; |
$strings['Next'] = 'Next'; |
$strings['Prev'] = 'Prev'; |
$strings['Done'] = 'Done'; |
$strings['StartButtonText'] = 'Start the tour'; |
/* String for the steps */ |
// if body class = section-mycampus |
$strings['TheLogoStep'] = 'Welcome to <b>Chamilo LMS 1.9.x</b>'; |
$strings['TheNavbarStep'] = 'Menu bar with links to the main sections of the portal'; |
$strings['TheRightPanelStep'] = 'Sidebar panel'; |
$strings['TheUserImageBlock'] = 'Your profile photo'; |
$strings['TheProfileBlock'] = 'Your profile tools: <i>Inbox</i>, <i>message composer</i>, <i>pending invitations</i>, <i>profile edition</i>.'; |
$strings['TheHomePageStep'] = 'This is the initial homepage where you will find the portal announcements, links and any information the administration team has configured.'; |
// if body class = section-mycourses |
$strings['YourCoursesList'] = 'This area shows the different courses (or sessions) to which you are subscribed. If no course shows, go to the course catalogue (see menu) or discuss it with your portal administrator'; |
// if body class = section-myagenda |
$strings['AgendaAllowsYouToSeeWhatsHappening'] = 'The agenda tool allows you to see what events are scheduled for the upcoming days, weeks or months.'; |
$strings['AgendaTheActionBar'] = 'You can decide to show the events as a list, rather than in a calendar view, using the action icons provided'; |
$strings['AgendaTodayButton'] = 'Click the "today" button to see only today\'s schedule'; |
$strings['AgendaTheMonthIsAlwaysInEvidence'] = 'The current month is always shown in evidence in the calendar view'; |
$strings['AgendaButtonsAllowYouToChangePeriod'] = 'You can switch the view to daily, weekly or monthly by clicking one of these buttons'; |
// if body class = section-session_my_space |
$strings['MySpaceAllowsYouToKeepTrackOfProgress'] = 'This area allows you to check your progress if you\'re a student, or the progress of your students if you are a teacher'; |
$strings['MySpaceSectionsGiveYouImportantInsight'] = 'The reports provided on this screen are extensible and can provide you very valuable insight on your learning or teaching'; |
// if body class = section-social-network |
$strings['SocialAllowsYouToGetInTouchWithOtherUsersOfThePlatform'] = 'The social area allows you to get in touch with other users on the platform'; |
$strings['SocialMenuGivesAccessToDifferentToolsToGetInTouchOrPublishStuff'] = 'The menu gives you access to a series of screens allowing you to participate in private messaging, chat, interest groups, etc'; |
// if body class = section-dashboard |
$strings['DashboardAllowsYouToGetVerySpecificInformationInAnIllustratedCondensedFormat'] = 'The dashboard allows you to get very specific information in an illustrated and condensed format. Only administrators have access to this feature at this time'; |
$strings['DashboardMustBeConfiguredFirstFromTheAdminSectionPluginsThenHereToEnableDesiredBlocks'] = 'To enable dashboard panels, you must first activate the possible panels in the admin section for plugins, then come back here and choose which panels *you* want to see on your dashboard'; |
// if body class = section-platform_admin |
$strings['AdministrationAllowsYouToManageYourPortal'] = 'The administration panel allows you to manage all resources in your Chamilo portal'; |
$strings['AdminUsersBlockAllowsYouToManageUsers'] = 'The users block allows you to manage all things related to users.'; |
$strings['AdminCoursesBlockAllowsYouToManageCourses'] = 'The courses block gives you access to course creation, edition, etc. Other blocks are dedicated to specific uses as well.'; |
$strings['plugin_title'] = "Google Maps"; |
$strings['plugin_comment'] = "Active la fonctionnalité pour afficher Google Maps"; |
@ -1,63 +1,4 @@ |
<?php |
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ |
/** |
* Strings to english L10n |
* @author Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos <> |
* @package chamilo.plugin.tour |
*/ |
$strings['plugin_title'] = 'Tour guidé'; |
$strings['plugin_comment'] = 'Ce plugin montre aux utilisateurs comment utiliser votre portail Chamilo. Vous devez activer une région (p.ex. "header-right") afin d\'afficher le bouton qui permet de démarrer le processus.'; |
/* Strings for settings */ |
$strings['show_tour'] = 'Activer le tour guidé'; |
$showTourHelpLine01 = 'La configuration nécessaire à l\'affichage du bloc d\'aide, au format JSON, se situe dans le fichier %splugin/tour/config/tour.json%s.'; |
$showTourHelpLine02 = 'Voir fichier README pour plus d\'info.'; |
$strings['show_tour_help'] = sprintf("$showTourHelpLine01 %s $showTourHelpLine02", "<strong>", "</strong>", "<br>"); |
$strings['theme'] = 'Thème'; |
$strings['theme_help'] = 'Choisissez entre <i>nassim</i>, <i>nazanin</i> et <i>royal</i>. Vide pour utiliser le thème par défaut.'; |
/* Strings for plugin UI */ |
$strings['Skip'] = 'Passer'; |
$strings['Next'] = 'Suivant'; |
$strings['Prev'] = 'Précédent'; |
$strings['Done'] = 'Terminé'; |
$strings['StartButtonText'] = 'Tour guidé'; |
/* String for the steps */ |
// if body class = section-mycampus |
$strings['TheLogoStep'] = 'Bienvenu(e) dans <b>Chamilo LMS</b>'; |
$strings['TheNavbarStep'] = 'Barre de menu, reprenant les sections principales.'; |
$strings['TheRightPanelStep'] = 'Panneau latéral de menus'; |
$strings['TheUserImageBlock'] = 'Votre photo de profil utilisateur'; |
$strings['TheProfileBlock'] = 'Vos outils perso: <i>Boîte de messages</i>, <i>Composer des messages</i>, <i>Invitations en attente</i>, <i>Édition du profil</i>.'; |
$strings['TheHomePageStep'] = 'Ceci est la page d\'accueil du portail. On y retrouve les annonces du portail, une section d\'introduction, des liens, etc, selon ce que l\'équipe d\'administration a préparé'; |
// if body class = section-mycourses |
$strings['YourCoursesList'] = 'Cette zone affiche les différents cours (ou sessions) auxquels vous avez accès. Si aucun cours ne s\'affiche, rendez-vous sur le catalogue de cours (voir menu) ou parlez-en à votre administrateur de portail'; |
// if body class = section-myagenda |
$strings['AgendaAllowsYouToSeeWhatsHappening'] = 'L\'outil d\'agenda vous permet de voir les événements qui sont programmés pour les prochains jours, semaines ou mois.'; |
$strings['AgendaTheActionBar'] = 'Vous pouvez décider de montrer les événements sous forme de liste, plutôt qu\'en vue calendrier, en utilisant les icônes d\'action fournis'; |
$strings['AgendaTodayButton'] = 'Cliquez sur le bouton "Aujourd\'hui pour voir seulement le programme d\'aujourd\'hui'; |
$strings['AgendaTheMonthIsAlwaysInEvidence'] = 'Le mois actuel est toujours mis en évidence dans la vue calendrier'; |
$strings['AgendaButtonsAllowYouToChangePeriod'] = 'Vous pouvez changer la vue à quotidien, semanal ou mensuel en cliquant sur l\'un de ces boutons'; |
// if body class = section-session_my_space |
$strings['MySpaceAllowsYouToKeepTrackOfProgress'] = 'Cette zone vous permet de vérifier votre progrès si vous êtes étudiant, ou le progrès de vos étudiants si vous êtes enseignant'; |
$strings['MySpaceSectionsGiveYouImportantInsight'] = 'Les rapports fournis sur cet écran sont extensibles et peuvent vous fournir un détail intéressant sur votre apprentissage ou la façon dont vous enseignez.'; |
// if body class = section-social-network |
$strings['SocialAllowsYouToGetInTouchWithOtherUsersOfThePlatform'] = 'La zone sociale vous permet de vous maintenir au courant de ce que font les autres utilisateurs de la plateforme'; |
$strings['SocialMenuGivesAccessToDifferentToolsToGetInTouchOrPublishStuff'] = 'Le menu vous donne accès à une série d\'écrans vous permettant de participer à de la messagerie privée, du chat, des groupes d\'intérêt, etc'; |
// if body class = section-dashboard |
$strings['DashboardAllowsYouToGetVerySpecificInformationInAnIllustratedCondensedFormat'] = 'The dashboard allows you to get very specific information in an illustrated and condensed format. Only administrators have access to this feature at this time'; |
$strings['DashboardMustBeConfiguredFirstFromTheAdminSectionPluginsThenHereToEnableDesiredBlocks'] = 'To enable dashboard panels, you must first activate the possible panels in the admin section for plugins, then come back here and choose which panels *you* want to see on your dashboard'; |
// if body class = section-platform_admin |
$strings['AdministrationAllowsYouToManageYourPortal'] = 'The administration panel allows you to manage all resources in your Chamilo portal'; |
$strings['AdminUsersBlockAllowsYouToManageUsers'] = 'The users block allows you to manage all things related to users.'; |
$strings['AdminCoursesBlockAllowsYouToManageCourses'] = 'The courses block gives you access to course creation, edition, etc. Other blocks are dedicated to specific uses as well.'; |
$strings['plugin_title'] = "Google Maps"; |
$strings['plugin_comment'] = "Active la fonctionnalité pour afficher Google Maps"; |
@ -1,63 +1,4 @@ |
<?php |
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ |
/** |
* Strings to spanish L10n |
* @author Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos <> |
* @package chamilo.plugin.tour |
*/ |
$strings['plugin_title'] = 'Tour'; |
$strings['plugin_comment'] = 'Este plugin muestra a la gente cómo usar tu LMS. Es necesario activar una región (ej. header-right) para que aparezca el botón que le da inicio.'; |
/* Strings for settings */ |
$strings['show_tour'] = 'Mostrar el tour'; |
$showTourHelpLine01 = 'La configuración necesaria para mostrar los bloques de ayuda, en formato JSON, están localizadas en el archivo %splugin/tour/config/tour.json%s.'; |
$showTourHelpLine02 = 'Ver el archivo README para más información.'; |
$strings['show_tour_help'] = sprintf("$showTourHelpLine01 %s $showTourHelpLine02", "<strong>", "</strong>", "<br>"); |
$strings['theme'] = 'Tema'; |
$strings['theme_help'] = 'Elegir entre <i>nassim</i>, <i>nazanin</i>, <i>royal</i>. Vacío para usar el tema por defecto.'; |
/* Strings for plugin UI */ |
$strings['Skip'] = 'Saltar'; |
$strings['Next'] = 'Siguiente'; |
$strings['Prev'] = 'Anterior'; |
$strings['Done'] = 'Hecho'; |
$strings['StartButtonText'] = 'Empezar el recorrido'; |
/* String for the steps */ |
// if body class = section-mycampus |
$strings['TheLogoStep'] = 'Bienvenido/a en <b>Chamilo LMS</b>.'; |
$strings['TheNavbarStep'] = 'Barra de herramientas con enlaces a las principales secciones'; |
$strings['TheRightPanelStep'] = 'Pane lateral'; |
$strings['TheUserImageBlock'] = 'Tu foto de perfil.'; |
$strings['TheProfileBlock'] = 'Herramientas de perfil: <i>Bandeja de entrada</i>, <i>Nuevo mensaje</i>, <i>Invitaciones pendientes</i>, <i>Editar perfil</i>.'; |
$strings['TheHomePageStep'] = 'Esta es la página de inicio en la cual se encuentran los anuncios del portal, una zona de introducción, enlaces, etc, según lo que el equipo de administración ha configurado.'; |
// if body class = section-mycourses |
$strings['YourCoursesList'] = 'Esta zona muestra los distintos cursos (o sesiones) a los cuales tiene acceso. Si ningun curso aparece, puede dar una vuelta en el catálogo de cursos (ver menú) o conversarlo con su administrador de portal'; |
// if body class = section-myagenda |
$strings['AgendaAllowsYouToSeeWhatsHappening'] = 'The agenda tool allows you to see what events are scheduled for the upcoming days, weeks or months.'; |
$strings['AgendaTheActionBar'] = 'You can decide to show the events as a list, rather than in a calendar view, using the action icons provided'; |
$strings['AgendaTodayButton'] = 'Click the "today" button to see only today\'s schedule'; |
$strings['AgendaTheMonthIsAlwaysInEvidence'] = 'The current month is always shown in evidence in the calendar view'; |
$strings['AgendaButtonsAllowYouToChangePeriod'] = 'You can switch the view to daily, weekly or monthly by clicking one of these buttons'; |
// if body class = section-session_my_space |
$strings['MySpaceAllowsYouToKeepTrackOfProgress'] = 'This area allows you to check your progress if you\'re a student, or the progress of your students if you are a teacher'; |
$strings['MySpaceSectionsGiveYouImportantInsight'] = 'The reports provided on this screen are extensible and can provide you very valuable insight on your learning or teaching'; |
// if body class = section-social-network |
$strings['SocialAllowsYouToGetInTouchWithOtherUsersOfThePlatform'] = 'The social area allows you to get in touch with other users on the platform'; |
$strings['SocialMenuGivesAccessToDifferentToolsToGetInTouchOrPublishStuff'] = 'The menu gives you access to a series of screens allowing you to participate in private messaging, chat, interest groups, etc'; |
// if body class = section-dashboard |
$strings['DashboardAllowsYouToGetVerySpecificInformationInAnIllustratedCondensedFormat'] = 'The dashboard allows you to get very specific information in an illustrated and condensed format. Only administrators have access to this feature at this time'; |
$strings['DashboardMustBeConfiguredFirstFromTheAdminSectionPluginsThenHereToEnableDesiredBlocks'] = 'To enable dashboard panels, you must first activate the possible panels in the admin section for plugins, then come back here and choose which panels *you* want to see on your dashboard'; |
// if body class = section-platform_admin |
$strings['AdministrationAllowsYouToManageYourPortal'] = 'The administration panel allows you to manage all resources in your Chamilo portal'; |
$strings['AdminUsersBlockAllowsYouToManageUsers'] = 'The users block allows you to manage all things related to users.'; |
$strings['AdminCoursesBlockAllowsYouToManageCourses'] = 'The courses block gives you access to course creation, edition, etc. Other blocks are dedicated to specific uses as well.'; |
$strings['plugin_title'] = "Google Maps"; |
$strings['plugin_comment'] = "Enable the functionality to show google maps"; |
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ |
<?php |
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ |
/** |
* Show the JavaScript template in the web pages |
* @author Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos <> |
* @package chamilo.plugin.tour |
* Show google maps |
* @author José Loguercio Silva <> |
* @package chamilo.plugin.google_maps |
*/ |
require_once __DIR__.'/config.php'; |
$plugin_info = GoogleMaps::create()->get_info(); |
$plugin_info = GoogleMapsPlugin::create()->get_info(); |
Reference in new issue