<li>Learning Path: New LP exercises reports added for teachers and admins (Feature BT#1634)</li>
<li><spanid="result_box"lang="en"xml:lang="en"><spantitle="">New tool to create, edit and import vectorial images, and export to png images</span></span> (Feature # 2044)</li>
<li>The documents tool and the learn path tool can display vectorial images</li>
<li>The documents tool can display multimedia ogg files (Feature #2244)
<li>The documents tool can display multimedia ogg files (Feature #2244)</li>
<li>Admin tool to compare and move scores and tracking from a course to a session course BT#1786</li>
<li>An optional "Course (training) validation" feature has been implemented. When it is activated, teachers loose ability to create coursers. Teachers fill course requests instead. Then, after approval, the requested courses are created by the platform administrator. (Feature # 2099)</li>
<li>A new UI option "Fill with exemplary content" have been added to the forms about training/course creation. Now teachers and platform administrators are able to choose whether exemplary content should be put or not in the trainings/courses they are going to create. When a training/course is not created directly by a user, then the platform setting "Example material on training creation" is taken into account. (Feature # 539)</li>
<li>Added install/uninstall script possibilities for plugins (BT#1752)</li>
<li>Integrate svg-edit. Teachers and groups can create, edit and import SVG vector graphics online and export to PNG (Feature #2044 )</li>
<li>A new plugin for making ASCIIsvg-based mathematical graphics has been created for the online editor (enable it from administrator's section). For using it, browsers should support SVG-technology. See a demo, implemented on TinyMCE: <ahref="http://www.imathas.com/editordemo/demo.html"target="_blank">http://www.imathas.com/editordemo/demo.html</a>; for syntax and additional information see <ahref="http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/svg/asciisvg.html"target="_blank">http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/svg/asciisvg.html</a>. This plugin uses the library file chamilo/main/inc/lib/asciimath/ASCIIMathML.js which has combined functionality ASCIIMathML + ASCIIsvg (Feature #2132)</li>
<li>Added more quality at the icons</li>
<li>Fixed an encoding problem about database connection which is specific to Chinese language. The initial solution has been proposed by Oliver Corre (Bug #1802)</li>
<li>Attendance: Adding sticky header for the attendance sheet BT#</li>
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
<li>Installation: Tracking will be always enabled #2066</li>
<li>Thickbox does not work well in the Social Tool #1995</li>
<li>Fixed Chamilo social-content-right #2010</li>
<li>Fixed screen when you try to access a protected course through the url #2026</li>
<li>Fixed screen when you try to access a protected course through the url #2026</li>
<li>Fixed bug deleting course teacher in admin edition #2109</li>
<li>Administration: Fixing links "Add a page (CMS)" when using multple urls see BT#1805</li>
<li>Gradebook: Hiding print icon in Certificates BT#1650</li>