From 5886dc436d6de512090dd5385d6f54e27a9432d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yannick Warnier <>
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2017 19:17:13 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Update language terms

 main/lang/english/ | 2 ++
 main/lang/french/  | 2 ++
 main/lang/spanish/ | 2 ++
 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/main/lang/english/ b/main/lang/english/
index d6a27eeec6..e5eabcded3 100644
--- a/main/lang/english/
+++ b/main/lang/english/
@@ -8002,4 +8002,6 @@ $YouCantNotEditThisQuestionBecauseAlreadyExistAnswers = "You can't edit this que
 $Avatar = "Avatar";
 $StudyCycle = "Semester";
 $ReadingComprehension = "Reading comprehension";
+$ReadingQuestionCongratsSpeedXReachedForYWords = "Sorry, it seems like a speed of %s words/minute was too fast for this text of %s words.";
+$ReadingQuestionCongratsSpeedXNotReachedForYWords = "Congratulations, you have reached and correctly understood, at a speed of %s words per minute, a text of a total %s words.";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/lang/french/ b/main/lang/french/
index 8adb391654..8639024346 100644
--- a/main/lang/french/
+++ b/main/lang/french/
@@ -7949,4 +7949,6 @@ $YouCantNotEditThisQuestionBecauseAlreadyExistAnswers = "L'édition de cette que
 $Avatar = "Avatar";
 $StudyCycle = "Semestre";
 $ReadingComprehension = "Compréhension à la lecture";
+$ReadingQuestionCongratsSpeedXReachedForYWords = "Désolé, il semblerait que la vitesse de %s mots/minute soit trop rapide pour vous pour l'instant, selon cette tentative sur un texte de %s mots.";
+$ReadingQuestionCongratsSpeedXNotReachedForYWords = "Félicitacions, vous avez atteint la vitesse de %s mots/minute en comprenant correctement un texte de %s mots.";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/lang/spanish/ b/main/lang/spanish/
index d51013fa44..b7056b1793 100644
--- a/main/lang/spanish/
+++ b/main/lang/spanish/
@@ -8017,4 +8017,6 @@ $YouCantNotEditThisQuestionBecauseAlreadyExistAnswers = "No puede editar esta pr
 $Avatar = "Avatar";
 $StudyCycle = "Ciclo de estudio";
 $ReadingComprehension = "Comprensión lectora";
+$ReadingQuestionCongratsSpeedXReachedForYWords = "Lo sentimos, parece que %s palabras/minuto para este texto de %s palabras fue demasiado rápido, ya que tu respuesta de comprensión lectora fue equivocada.";
+$ReadingQuestionCongratsSpeedXNotReachedForYWords = "Felicitaciones, ha alcanzado la celeridad de %s palabras por minuto con un correcto entendimiento sobre un texto de %s palabras.";
\ No newline at end of file