@ -8,38 +8,37 @@
* 3 classes have been defined:
* - Dropbox_Work:
* . id
* . uploader_id => who sent it // RH: Mailing: or mailing pseudo_id
* . uploader_id => who sent it
* . uploaderName
* . filename => name of file stored on the server
* . filesize // RH: Mailing: zero for sent zip
* . filesize
* . title => name of file returned to user. This is the original name of the file
* except when the original name contained spaces. In that case the spaces
* will be replaced by _
* . description
* . author
* . upload_date => date when file was first sent
* . last_upload_date=> date when file was last sent
* . last_upload_date => date when file was last sent
* . isOldWork => has the work already been uploaded before
* . feedback_date => date of most recent feedback // RH: Feedback
* . feedback => feedback text (or HTML?) // RH: Feedback
* . feedback_date => date of most recent feedback
* . feedback => feedback text (or HTML?)
* - Dropbox_SentWork extends Dropbox_Work
* . recipients => array of ["id"]["name"] lists the recipients of the work
* // RH: Mailing: or mailing pseudo_id
* ["feedback_date"]["feedback"] // RH: Feedback
* - Dropbox_Person:
* . userId
* . receivedWork => array of Dropbox_Work objects
* . sentWork => array of Dropbox_SentWork objects
* . isCourseTutor
* . isCourseAdmin
* . _orderBy =>private property used for determining the field by which the works have to be ordered
* . _orderBy => private property used for determining the field by which the works have to be ordered
* @version 1.30
* @copyright 2004
* @author Jan Bols < jan @ ivpv . UGent . be >
* with contributions by René Haentjens < rene.haentjens @ UGent . be > (see RH)
* with contributions by René Haentjens < rene.haentjens @ UGent . be >
* @package chamilo.dropbox
class Dropbox_Work {
@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ class Dropbox_Work {
public $upload_date;
public $last_upload_date;
public $isOldWork;
public $feedback_date, $feedback; // RH: Feedback
public $feedback_date, $feedback;
* Constructor calls private functions to create a new work or retreive an existing work from DB
@ -69,7 +68,6 @@ class Dropbox_Work {
* @return Dropbox_Work
function Dropbox_Work($arg1, $arg2 = null, $arg3 = null, $arg4 = null, $arg5 = null, $arg6 = null) {
if (func_num_args() > 1) {
$this->_createNewWork($arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5, $arg6);
} else {
@ -146,7 +144,7 @@ class Dropbox_Work {
$result = Database::query($sql);
$this->id = Database::insert_id(); //g et automatically inserted id
$this->id = Database::insert_id(); // G et automatically inserted id
// Insert entries into person table
@ -164,13 +162,13 @@ class Dropbox_Work {
* @param unknown_type $id
function _createExistingWork($id) {
global $_user, $dropbox_cnf; // RH: Feedback
global $_user, $dropbox_cnf;
// Do some sanity checks
settype($id, 'integer') or die(get_lang('GeneralError').' (code 205)'); //s et $id to correct type
settype($id, 'integer') or die(get_lang('GeneralError').' (code 205)'); // S et $id to correct type
$id = intval($id);
// g et the data from DB
// G et the data from DB
$sql = "SELECT uploader_id, filename, filesize, title, description, author, upload_date, last_upload_date, cat_id
FROM ".$dropbox_cnf['tbl_file']."
WHERE id='".Database::escape_string($id)."'";
@ -212,7 +210,6 @@ class Dropbox_Work {
$this->feedback2= $feedback2;
// RH: Feedback
$result = Database::query("SELECT feedback_date, feedback, cat_id FROM ".
dropbox_cnf('tbl_post')." WHERE dest_user_id='".$_user['user_id'].
"' AND file_id='".$id."'");
@ -267,13 +264,13 @@ class Dropbox_SentWork extends Dropbox_Work
// Do sanity checks on recipient_ids array & property fillin
// The sanity check for ex-coursemembers is already done in base constructor
settype($uploader_id, 'integer') or die(get_lang('GeneralError').' (code 208)'); //s et $uploader_id to correct type
settype($uploader_id, 'integer') or die(get_lang('GeneralError').' (code 208)'); // S et $uploader_id to correct type
$justSubmit = false; // RH: mailing zip-file or just upload
$justSubmit = false;
if ( is_int($recipient_ids)) {
$justSubmit = true;
$recipient_ids = array($recipient_ids + $this->id);
} elseif ( count($recipient_ids) == 0) { // RH: Just Upload
} elseif ( count($recipient_ids) == 0) {
$justSubmit = true;
$recipient_ids = array($uploader_id);
@ -292,7 +289,7 @@ class Dropbox_SentWork extends Dropbox_Work
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$dropbox_cnf['tbl_post']."
(file_id, dest_user_id, session_id)
VALUES ('".Database::escape_string($this->id)."', '".Database::escape_string($rec['id'])."', ".intval($_SESSION['id_session']).")";
$result = Database::query($sql); //i f work already exists no error is generated
$result = Database::query($sql); // I f work already exists no error is generated
// Insert entries into person table
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$dropbox_cnf['tbl_person']."
@ -300,14 +297,14 @@ class Dropbox_SentWork extends Dropbox_Work
VALUES ('".Database::escape_string($this->id)."'
, '".Database::escape_string($rec['id'])."'
// RH: do not add recipient in person table if mailing zip or just upload
// Do not add recipient in person table if mailing zip or just upload.
if (!$justSubmit) {
$result = Database::query($sql); //i f work already exists no error is generated
$result = Database::query($sql); // I f work already exists no error is generated
// Update item_property (previously last_tooledit) table for each recipient
// Update item_property table for each recipient
global $_course, $dropbox_cnf;
if (($ownerid = $this->uploader_id) > $dropbox_cnf['mailingIdBase']) {
$ownerid = getUserOwningThisMailing($ownerid);
@ -325,20 +322,21 @@ class Dropbox_SentWork extends Dropbox_Work
function _createExistingSentWork ($id) {
global $dropbox_cnf;
// Call constructor of Dropbox_Work object
// Do sanity check. The sanity check for ex-coursemembers is already done in base constructor
settype($id, 'integer') or die(get_lang('GeneralError').' (code 211)'); //s et $id to correct type
settype($id, 'integer') or die(get_lang('GeneralError').' (code 211)'); // S et $id to correct type
// Fill in recipients array/
$this->recipients = array(); // RH: Feedback: added to SELECT
// Fill in recipients array
$this->recipients = array();
$sql = "SELECT dest_user_id, feedback_date, feedback
FROM ".$dropbox_cnf['tbl_post']."
WHERE file_id='".Database::escape_string($id)."'";
$result = Database::query($sql);
while ($res = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
// c heck for deleted users
// C heck for deleted users
$dest_user_id = $res['dest_user_id'];
$recipientName = getUserNameFromId($dest_user_id);
//$this->category = $res['cat_id'];
@ -346,7 +344,7 @@ class Dropbox_SentWork extends Dropbox_Work
$this->recipients[] = array('id' => -1, 'name' => get_lang('Unknown', ''));
} else {
$this->recipients[] = array('id' => $dest_user_id, 'name' => $recipientName, 'user_id' => $dest_user_id,
'feedback_date' => $res['feedback_date'], 'feedback' => $res['feedback']); // RH: Feedback
'feedback_date' => $res['feedback_date'], 'feedback' => $res['feedback']);
@ -354,13 +352,14 @@ class Dropbox_SentWork extends Dropbox_Work
class Dropbox_Person
public $receivedWork; //array of Dropbox_Work objects
public $sentWork; //array of Dropbox_SentWork objects
// The receivedWork and the sentWork arrays are sorted.
public $receivedWork; // an array of Dropbox_Work objects
public $sentWork; // an array of Dropbox_SentWork objects
public $userId = 0;
public $isCourseAdmin = false;
public $isCourseTutor = false;
public $_orderBy = ''; //private property that determines by which field
//the receivedWork and the sentWork arrays are sorted
public $_orderBy = ''; // private property that determines by which field
* Constructor for recreating the Dropbox_Person object
@ -378,7 +377,7 @@ class Dropbox_Person
$this->receivedWork = array();
$this->sentWork = array();
//Note: perhaps include an ex coursemember check to delete old files
// Note: perhaps include an ex coursemember check to delete old files
$session_id = api_get_session_id();
$condition_session = api_get_session_condition($session_id);
@ -386,7 +385,7 @@ class Dropbox_Person
$post_tbl = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DROPBOX_POST);
$person_tbl = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DROPBOX_PERSON);
$file_tbl = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DROPBOX_FILE);
// f ind all entries where this person is the recipient
// F ind all entries where this person is the recipient
$sql = "SELECT r.file_id, r.cat_id
FROM $post_tbl r, $person_tbl p
WHERE r.dest_user_id = '".Database::escape_string($this->userId)."'
@ -402,7 +401,7 @@ class Dropbox_Person
$this->receivedWork[] = $temp;
// f ind all entries where this person is the sender/uploader
// F ind all entries where this person is the sender/uploader
$sql = "SELECT f.id
FROM $file_tbl f, $person_tbl p
WHERE f.uploader_id = '".Database::escape_string($this->userId)."'
@ -431,13 +430,13 @@ class Dropbox_Person
$sort = $this->_orderBy;
$aval = $a->$sort;
$bval = $b->$sort;
if ($sort == 'recipients') { //t he recipients property is an array so we do the comparison based on the first item of the recipients array
if ($sort == 'recipients') { // T he recipients property is an array so we do the comparison based on the first item of the recipients array
$aval = $aval[0]['name'];
$bval = $bval[0]['name'];
if ($sort == 'filesize') { //f ilesize is not a string, so we use other comparison technique
if ($sort == 'filesize') { // F ilesize is not a string, so we use other comparison technique
return $aval < $bval ? -1 : 1;
} elseif ($sort == 'title') { // n atural order for sorting titles is more "human-friendly"
} elseif ($sort == 'title') { // N atural order for sorting titles is more "human-friendly"
return api_strnatcmp($aval, $bval);
} else {
return api_strcasecmp($aval, $bval);
@ -445,15 +444,12 @@ class Dropbox_Person
* method that sorts the objects in the sentWork array, dependent on the $sort parameter.
* A method that sorts the objects in the sentWork array, dependent on the $sort parameter.
* $sort can be lastDate, firstDate, title, size, ...
* @param unknown_type $sort
function orderSentWork($sort) {
switch($sort) {
case 'lastDate':
$this->_orderBy = 'last_upload_date';
@ -475,9 +471,9 @@ class Dropbox_Person
$this->_orderBy = 'last_upload_date';
} // switch
usort($this->sentWork, array($this, '_cmpWork')); //this calls the _cmpWork method
usort($this->sentWork, array($this, '_cmpWork'));
@ -507,23 +503,21 @@ class Dropbox_Person
$this->_orderBy = 'last_upload_date';
} // switch
usort($this->receivedWork, array($this, '_cmpWork')); //this calls the _cmpWork method
usort($this->receivedWork, array($this, '_cmpWork'));
* Deletes all the received work of this person
function deleteAllReceivedWork () {
global $dropbox_cnf;
//d elete entries in person table concerning received works
// D elete entries in person table concerning received works
foreach ($this->receivedWork as $w) {
Database::query("DELETE FROM ".$dropbox_cnf['tbl_person']." WHERE user_id='".$this->userId."' AND file_id='".$w->id."'");
removeUnusedFiles(); //check for unused files
removeUnusedFiles(); // Check for unused files
@ -532,7 +526,6 @@ class Dropbox_Person
function deleteReceivedWorkFolder($id) {
global $dropbox_cnf;
$id = intval($id);
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$dropbox_cnf['tbl_file']." where cat_id = '".$id."' ";
if (!Database::query($sql)) return false;
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$dropbox_cnf['tbl_category']." where cat_id = '".$id."' ";
@ -547,38 +540,39 @@ class Dropbox_Person
* @param integer $id
function deleteReceivedWork ($id) {
$id = intval($id);
function deleteReceivedWork($id) {
global $dropbox_cnf;
//id check
$id = intval($id);
// index check
$found = false;
foreach($this->receivedWork as $w) {
foreach ($this->receivedWork as $w) {
if ($w->id == $id) {
$found = true;
if (! $found) {
if (!$found) {
if(!$this->deleteReceivedWorkFolder($id)) {
die(get_lang('GeneralError').' (code 216)');
//d elete entries in person table concerning received works
// D elete entries in person table concerning received works
Database::query("DELETE FROM ".$dropbox_cnf['tbl_person']." WHERE user_id='".$this->userId."' AND file_id='".$id."'");
removeUnusedFiles(); //c heck for unused files
removeUnusedFiles(); // C heck for unused files
* Deletes all the sent dropbox files of this person
function deleteAllSentWork () {
function deleteAllSentWork() {
global $dropbox_cnf;
//delete entries in person table concerning sent works
foreach ($this->sentWork as $w) {
Database::query("DELETE FROM ".$dropbox_cnf['tbl_person']." WHERE user_id='".$this->userId."' AND file_id='".$w->id."'");
removeMoreIfMailing($w->id); // RH: Mailing: see init1
removeUnusedFiles(); //c heck for unused files
removeUnusedFiles(); // C heck for unused files
@ -586,28 +580,28 @@ class Dropbox_Person
* @param unknown_type $id
function deleteSentWork ($id) {
function deleteSentWork($id) {
global $dropbox_cnf;
$id = intval($id);
global $dropbox_cnf;
//index check
// index check
$found = false;
foreach($this->sentWork as $w) {
foreach ($this->sentWork as $w) {
if ($w->id == $id) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
if(!$this->deleteReceivedWorkFolder($id)) {
if (!$this->deleteReceivedWorkFolder($id)) {
die(get_lang('GeneralError').' (code 219)');
//$file_id = $this->sentWork[$index]->id; // RH: Mailing
//d elete entries in person table concerning sent works
//$file_id = $this->sentWork[$index]->id;
// D elete entries in person table concerning sent works
Database::query("DELETE FROM ".$dropbox_cnf['tbl_person']." WHERE user_id='".$this->userId."' AND file_id='".$id."'");
removeMoreIfMailing($id); // RH: Mailing: see init1
removeUnusedFiles(); //c heck for unused files
removeUnusedFiles(); // C heck for unused files
@ -620,16 +614,17 @@ class Dropbox_Person
global $_course, $dropbox_cnf;
$id = intval($id);
//id check
$found = false; $wi = -1;
foreach($this->receivedWork as $w) {
// index check
$found = false;
$wi = -1;
foreach ($this->receivedWork as $w) {
if ($w->id == $id){
$found = true;
} // foreach (... as $wi -> $w) gives error 221! (no idea why...)
if (! $found) {
if (!$found) {
die(get_lang('GeneralError').' (code 221)');
@ -641,7 +636,7 @@ class Dropbox_Person
Database::escape_string($feedback_date)."', feedback='".Database::escape_string($text).
"' WHERE dest_user_id='".$this->userId."' AND file_id='".$id."'");
//update item_property (previously last_tooledit) table
// Update item_property table
if (($ownerid = $this->receivedWork[$wi]->uploader_id) > $dropbox_cnf['mailingIdBase']) {
$ownerid = getUserOwningThisMailing($ownerid);
@ -655,7 +650,7 @@ class Dropbox_Person
* @param string $type
* @param string $value
function filter_received_work($type,$value) {
function filter_received_work($type, $value) {
global $dropbox_cnf;
$new_received_work = array();
@ -663,8 +658,7 @@ class Dropbox_Person
switch ($type) {
case 'uploader_id':
if ($work->uploader_id == $value ||
($work->uploader_id > $dropbox_cnf['mailingIdBase'] & &
getUserOwningThisMailing($work->uploader_id) == $value)) {
($work->uploader_id > $dropbox_cnf['mailingIdBase'] & & getUserOwningThisMailing($work->uploader_id) == $value)) {
$new_received_work[] = $work;