@ -1,4 +1,25 @@
<?php //$id:$
<?php // $Id: index.php 16620 2008-10-25 20:03:54Z yannoo $
Dokeos - elearning and course management software
Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Dokeos SPRL
Copyright (c) 2003 Ghent University (UGent)
For a full list of contributors, see "credits.txt".
The full license can be read in "license.txt".
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Contact: Dokeos, rue Notre Dame, 152, B-1140 Evere, Belgium, info@dokeos.com
* This (abstract?) class defines the parent attributes and methods for the dokeos learnpaths and scorm
* learnpaths. It is used by the scorm class as well as the dokeos_lp class.
@ -544,11 +565,12 @@ class learnpath {
// upload audio
if (!empty($_FILES['mp3']['tmp_ name']))
if (!empty($_FILES['mp3']['name']))
// create the audio folder if it does not exist yet
global $_course;
$filepath = api_get_path('SYS_COURSE_PATH').$_course['path'].'/document/';
$perm = api_get_setting('permissions_for_new_directories');
@ -560,6 +582,7 @@ class learnpath {
// upload the file in the documents tool
include_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'fileUpload.lib.php');
$file_path = handle_uploaded_document($_course, $_FILES['mp3'],api_get_path('SYS_COURSE_PATH').$_course['path'].'/document','/audio',api_get_user_id(),'','','','','',false);
// getting the filename only
@ -1995,20 +2018,24 @@ class learnpath {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $tbl_lp_item . " as lp WHERE lp.id = '" . $_SESSION['oLP']->current."'";
$result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$row= mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
if (!empty($row['audio']))
// the mp3 player
$output .= '< div id = "container" > < a href = "http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" > Get the Flash Player< / a > to see this player.< / div > ';
$output .= '< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../inc/lib/mediaplayer/swfobject.js" > < / script > ';
$output .= '< script type = "text/javascript" >
$output = '< div id = "container" > < a href = "http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" > Get the Flash Player< / a > to see this player.< / div > ';
$output .= '< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../inc/lib/mediaplayer/swfobject.js" > < / script > ';
$output .= '< script type = "text/javascript" >
var s1 = new SWFObject("../inc/lib/mediaplayer/player.swf","ply","250","20","9","#FFFFFF");
s1.addParam("flashvars","file=../../courses/ '.$_course['path'].'/document/audio/'.$row['audio'].'&image=preview.jpg&autostart=true");
s1.addParam("flashvars","file='.api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH) .$_course['path'].'/document/audio/'.$row['audio'].'&image=preview.jpg&autostart=true");
< / script > ';
return $output;
* Gets a progress bar for the learnpath by counting the number of items in it and the number of items
* completed so far.
@ -2587,15 +2614,23 @@ class learnpath {
//echo $this->current;
//$parent = $this->items[$this->current]->get_parent();
//if(empty($parent)){$parent = $this->ordered_items[$this->items[$this->current]->get_previous_index()];}
$html = '< div class = "inner_lp_toc" > '."\n" ;
$html.= '< div class = "scorm_title" > < div class = "scorm_title_text" > '.mb_convert_encoding($this->get_name(),$this->encoding,$mych).'< / div > < / div > ';
$html= '< div class = "scorm_title" > < div class = "scorm_title_text" > '.mb_convert_encoding($this->get_name(),$this->encoding,$mych).'< / div > < / div > ';
// build, display
$html.='< div class = "scorm_title_text" > < br / > '."< a target = '_parent' href = 'lp_controller.php?".api_get_cidreq()."&action=build&lp_id=".$this->lp_id."' style = target='_parent' > ".mb_convert_encoding(get_lang("Build"),$this->encoding,$mych)."< / a > | < a href = 'lp_controller.php?".api_get_cidreq()."&action=admin_view&lp_id=".$this->lp_id."' target = '_parent' > ".mb_convert_encoding(get_lang("BasicOverview"),$this->encoding,$mych)."< / a > | ".mb_convert_encoding(get_lang("Display"),$this->encoding,$mych).'< br / > < br / > < / div > ';
$html .='< div class = "actions_lp" > ';
$html .= "< a href = 'lp_controller.php?".api_get_cidreq()."&action=build&lp_id=".$this->lp_id."' target = '_parent' > ".Display::return_icon('learnpath_build.gif').' '.mb_convert_encoding(get_lang('Build'),$this->encoding,$mych)."< / a > ";
$html .= "< a href = 'lp_controller.php?".api_get_cidreq()."&action=admin_view&lp_id=".$this->lp_id."' target = '_parent' > ".Display::return_icon('learnpath_organize.gif').' '.mb_convert_encoding(get_lang('BasicOverview'),$this->encoding,$mych)."< / a > ";
$html .= '< span > '.Display::return_icon('learnpath_view.gif').' '.mb_convert_encoding(get_lang("Display"),$this->encoding,$mych).'< / span > ';
$html .= '< / div > ';
$html.= '< div class = "inner_lp_toc" > '."\n" ;
//$html.= '< div class = "scorm_title" > < div class = "scorm_title_text" > '.mb_convert_encoding($this->get_name(),$this->encoding,$mych).'< / div > < / div > ';
// " onchange=\"javascript:document.getElementById('toc_$parent').focus();\">\n";
@ -2683,7 +2718,7 @@ class learnpath {
$html .= stripslashes($title);
$html .= "< img id = 'toc_img_".$item[' id ' ] . " ' src = '".$icon_name[$item[' status ' ] ] . " ' alt = '".substr($item[' status ' ] , 0 , 1 ) . " ' / > ";
$html .= " < img id = 'toc_img_".$item[' id ' ] . " ' src = '".$icon_name[$item[' status ' ] ] . " ' alt = '".substr($item[' status ' ] , 0 , 1 ) . " ' / > ";
$html .= "< / div > ";
if ($scorm_color_background!='')
@ -4197,11 +4232,12 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= '< p > ';
$return = '< span style = "float:right;" > < a href = "'.api_get_self().'?cidReq='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['cidReq']).'&action='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['action']).'&lp_id='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['lp_id']).'&updateaudio=true" > '.get_lang('UpdateAllAudioFragments').'< / a > < / span > ';
$return .= '< a href = "' .api_get_self(). '?cidReq=' . $_GET['cidReq'] . '&action=build&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '" > '.get_lang("Advanced").'< / a > '."\n";
$return .= ' | '.get_lang("BasicOverview").' | ';
$return .= '< a href = "lp_controller.php?cidReq='.$_GET['cidReq'].'&action=view&lp_id='.$this->lp_id.'" > '.get_lang("Display").'< / a > < / p > ';
$return .= '< div class = "actions" > ';
$return .= '< a href = "' .api_get_self(). '?cidReq=' . $_GET['cidReq'] . '&action=build&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '" > '.Display::return_icon('learnpath_build.gif').' '.get_lang('Advanced').'< / a > ';
$return .= '< a href = "' .api_get_self(). '?cidReq=' . $_GET['cidReq'] . '&action=admin_overview&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '" > '.Display::return_icon('learnpath_organize.gif').' '.get_lang('BasicOverview').'< / a > ';
$return .= '< a href = "lp_controller.php?cidReq='.$_GET['cidReq'].'&action=view&lp_id='.$this->lp_id.'" > '.Display::return_icon('learnpath_view.gif').' '.get_lang("Display").'< / a > ';
$return .= '< a href = "'.api_get_self().'?cidReq='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['cidReq']).'&action='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['action']).'&lp_id='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['lp_id']).'&updateaudio=true" > '.Display::return_icon('audio.gif').' '.get_lang('UpdateAllAudioFragments').'< / a > ';
$return .= '< / div > ';
// we need to start a form when we want to update all the mp3 files
@ -4797,13 +4833,13 @@ class learnpath {
global $_course; //TODO: don't use globals
$return = '< div style = "margin:3px 12px;" > ' . "\n" ;
$return . = '< div class = "sectiontitle" > '.get_lang('CreateNewStep').'< / div > ' ;
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" style = "margin-top:0;" > '.get_lang("CreateNewStep ").'< / p > ';
$return .= '< div class = "sectioncomment" > < a href = "' .api_get_self(). '?cidReq=' . $_GET['cidReq'] . '&action=add_item&type=' . TOOL_DOCUMENT . '&lp_id=' . $_SESSION['oLP']->lp_id . '" > '.get_lang("NewDocument ").'< / a > < / div > ';
$return .= '< div style = "margin-left:7px;" > < a href = "' .api_get_self(). '?cidReq=' . $_GET['cidReq'] . '&action=add_item&type=' . TOOL_DOCUMENT . '&lp_id=' . $_SESSION['oLP']->lp_id . '" > '.get_lang("NewDocument").'< / a > < / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "sectiontitle" > '.get_lang('UseAnExistingResource').' < / div > ';
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" style = "margin-top:10px;" > '.get_lang("UseAnExistingResource").'< / p > ';
$return .= '< div class = "sectioncomment" > ';
/* get all the docs */
$return .= $this->get_documents();
@ -4820,7 +4856,7 @@ class learnpath {
/* get al the forums */
$return .= $this->get_forums();
$return .= '< / div > ' . "\n" ;
$return .= '< / div > ' ;
return $return;
@ -4864,7 +4900,7 @@ class learnpath {
//TODO: add a path filter
$return .= '< iframe frameborder = "0" src = "' . api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH) . $_course['path'] . '/document' . str_replace('%2F','/',urlencode($row_doc['path'])) . '?'.api_get_cidreq().'" style = "background:#FFFFFF; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; height:490px; width:100%; margin-top: 20px; " > < / iframe > ';
$return .= '< iframe id = "learnpath_preview_frame" frameborder = "0" src = "' . api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH) . $_course['path'] . '/document' . str_replace('%2F','/',urlencode($row_doc['path'])) . '?'.api_get_cidreq().' " > < / iframe > ';
$return .= file_get_contents(api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH) . $_course['path'] . '/document' . $row_doc['path']);
@ -4916,7 +4952,7 @@ class learnpath {
$item_title = mb_convert_encoding($item_title,$charset,$this->encoding);
$return = '< div style = "margin:3px 12px; "> ';
$return = '< div class = "sectiontitle "> ';
if($id != 0 & & is_array($extra_info))
$parent = $extra_info['parent_item_id'];
@ -4958,32 +4994,44 @@ class learnpath {
if($action == 'add')
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '. get_lang("CreateTheExercise").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("CreateTheExercise").' :' . "\n";
elseif($action == 'move')
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '. get_lang("MoveTheCurrentExercise").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("MoveTheCurrentExercise").' :' . "\n";
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '. get_lang("EditCurrentExecice").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("EditCurrentExecice").' :' . "\n";
if(isset($_GET['edit']) & & $_GET['edit'] == 'true')
$return .= '< div class = "lp_message" style = "margin-bottom:15px; " > ';
$return .= '< div class = "warning-message " > ';
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '.get_lang("Warning").' !< / p > ';
$return .= get_lang("WarningEditingDocument");
$return .= '< / div > ';
$return .= '< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "sectioncomment" > ';
$return .= '< form method = "POST" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t" . '< table cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" class = "lp_form" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t" . '< table > ' . "\n";
if($action != 'move')
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idTitle" > '.get_lang("Title").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < input id = "idTitle" name = "title" type = "text" class = "learnpath_item_form" value = "' . $item_title . '" / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< / tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idParent" > '.get_lang("Parent").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idParent" name = "parent" onchange = "load_cbo(this.value);" size = "1" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idParent" name = "parent" onchange = "load_cbo(this.value);" class = "learnpath_item_form" size = "1" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t\t" . '< option class = "top" value = "0" > ' . $this->name . '< / option > ';
@ -5024,7 +5072,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idPosition" > '.get_lang("Position").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idPosition" name = "previous" size = "1" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select class = "learnpath_item_form" id = "idPosition" name = "previous" size = "1" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t\t" . '< option class = "top" value = "0" > '.get_lang('FirstPosition').'< / option > ';
@ -5051,12 +5099,6 @@ class learnpath {
if($action != 'move')
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idTitle" > '.get_lang("Title").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < input id = "idTitle" name = "title" type = "text" value = "' . $item_title . '" / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< / tr > ' . "\n";
@ -5086,7 +5128,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idPrerequisites" > '.get_lang("Prerequisites").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < select name = "prerequisites" id = "prerequisites" style = "background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; width:300px; "> < option value = "0" > '.get_lang("NoPrerequisites").'< / option > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < select name = "prerequisites" id = "prerequisites" class = "learnpath_item_form "> < option value = "0" > '.get_lang("NoPrerequisites").'< / option > ';
foreach($arrHide as $key => $value){
if($key==$s_selected_position & & $action == 'add'){
@ -5115,7 +5157,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td colspan = "2" > < input class = "button" name = "submit_button" type = "submit" value = "'.get_lang('Ok').'" / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td > < / td > < td > < input class = "button" name = "submit_button" type = "submit" value = "'.get_lang('Ok').'" / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< / tr > ' . "\n";
@ -5238,7 +5280,7 @@ class learnpath {
if(isset($_GET['edit']) & & $_GET['edit'] == 'true')
$return .= '< div class = "lp_message" style = "margin-bottom:15px; " > ';
$return .= '< div class = "warning-message " > ';
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '.get_lang("Warning").' !< / p > ';
$return .= get_lang("WarningEditingDocument");
@ -5354,7 +5396,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idPrerequisites" > '.get_lang("Prerequisites").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < select name = "prerequisites" id = "prerequisites" style = "background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; width:300px;" > < option value = "0" > '.get_lang("NoPrerequisites").'< / option > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < select name = "prerequisites" id = "prerequisites" > < option value = "0" > '.get_lang("NoPrerequisites").'< / option > ';
foreach($arrHide as $key => $value){
if($key==$s_selected_position & & $action == 'add'){
@ -5459,7 +5501,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return = '< div style = "margin:3px 12px; "> ';
$return = '< div class = "sectiontitle "> ';
if($id != 0 & & is_array($extra_info))
$parent = $extra_info['parent_item_id'];
@ -5499,22 +5541,35 @@ class learnpath {
if($action == 'add')
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '. get_lang("CreateTheForum").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("CreateTheForum").' :' . "\n";
elseif($action == 'move')
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '. get_lang("MoveTheCurrentForum").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("MoveTheCurrentForum").' :' . "\n";
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '.get_lang("EditCurrentForum").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("EditCurrentForum").' :' . "\n";
$return .= '< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "sectioncomment" > ';
$return .= '< form method = "POST" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t" . '< table cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" class = "lp_form" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t" . '< table > ' . "\n";
if($action != 'move')
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idTitle" > '.get_lang("Title").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < input id = "idTitle" name = "title" type = "text" value = "' . $item_title . '" class = "learnpath_item_form" / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< / tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idParent" > '.get_lang("Parent").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idParent" name = "parent" onchange = "load_cbo(this.value);" size = "1" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idParent" name = "parent" onchange = "load_cbo(this.value);" class = "learnpath_item_form" size = "1" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t\t" . '< option class = "top" value = "0" > ' . $this->name . '< / option > ';
@ -5553,7 +5608,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idPosition" > '.get_lang("Position").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idPosition" name = "previous" size = "1" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idPosition" name = "previous" size = "1" class = "learnpath_item_form" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t\t" . '< option class = "top" value = "0" > '.get_lang('FirstPosition').'< / option > ';
@ -5580,13 +5635,6 @@ class learnpath {
if($action != 'move')
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idTitle" > '.get_lang("Title").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < input id = "idTitle" name = "title" type = "text" value = "' . $item_title . '" / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< / tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
//Remove temporaly the test description
@ -5620,7 +5668,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idPrerequisites" > '.get_lang('Prerequisites').' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < select name = "prerequisites" id = "prerequisites" style = "background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; width:300px; "> < option value = "0" > '.get_lang("NoPrerequisites").'< / option > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < select name = "prerequisites" id = "prerequisites" class = "learnpath_item_form "> < option value = "0" > '.get_lang("NoPrerequisites").'< / option > ';
foreach($arrHide as $key => $value){
if($key==$s_selected_position & & $action == 'add'){
@ -5886,7 +5934,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idPrerequisites" > '.get_lang("Prerequisites").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < select name = "prerequisites" id = "prerequisites" style = "background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; width:300px;" > < option value = "0" > '.get_lang("NoPrerequisites").'< / option > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < select name = "prerequisites" id = "prerequisites" > < option value = "0" > '.get_lang("NoPrerequisites").'< / option > ';
foreach($arrHide as $key => $value){
if($key==$s_selected_position & & $action == 'add'){
@ -5967,7 +6015,7 @@ class learnpath {
$item_description = '';
$return = '< div style = "margin:10px 12px; "> ';
$return = '< div class = "sectiontitle "> ';
if($id != 0 & & is_array($extra_info))
$parent = $extra_info['parent_item_id'];
@ -6007,7 +6055,10 @@ class learnpath {
$arrLP = $this->arrMenu;
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > ' . $title . '< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= $title . "\n";
$return .= '< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "sectioncomment" > ';
require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'formvalidator/FormValidator.class.php');
$form = new FormValidator('form','POST',api_get_self()."?".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
@ -6051,7 +6102,17 @@ class learnpath {
$parent_select = & $form->addElement('select', 'parent', get_lang("Parent")." :", '', 'style="background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; width:300px;" onchange="load_cbo(this.value);"');
if($action != 'move')
$form->addElement('text','title', get_lang('Title').' :','id="idTitle" class="learnpath_chapter_form"');
//$form->addElement('textarea','description',get_lang("Description").' :', 'id="idDescription"');
$parent_select = & $form->addElement('select', 'parent', get_lang("Parent")." :", '', 'class="learnpath_chapter_form" id="Parent" onchange="load_cbo(this.value);"');
foreach($arrHide as $key => $value)
@ -6078,7 +6139,7 @@ class learnpath {
$position = & $form->addElement('select', 'previous', get_lang("Position")." :", '', 'id="idPosition" style="background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; width:300px; "');
$position = & $form->addElement('select', 'previous', get_lang("Position")." :", '', 'id="idPosition" class="learnpath_chapter_form "');
@ -6091,17 +6152,7 @@ class learnpath {
if(is_array($arrLP)) { reset($arrLP); }
if($action != 'move')
$form->addElement('text','title', get_lang('Title').' :','id="idTitle" style="background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; padding:1px 2px; width:300px;"');
//$form->addElement('textarea','description',get_lang("Description").' :', 'id="idDescription" style="background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; padding:1px 2px; width:300px;"');
$form->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', get_lang('Ok'), 'style="padding:1px 2px; width:75px;"');
$form->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', get_lang('Ok'));
if($item_type == 'module' || $item_type == 'dokeos_module')
@ -6141,12 +6192,6 @@ class learnpath {
function display_document_form($action = 'add', $id = 0, $extra_info = 'new')
global $charset;
echo '
< style >
div.row div.formw {
width: 80%;
< / style > ';
$tbl_lp_item = Database::get_course_table('lp_item');
$tbl_doc = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT);
@ -6186,7 +6231,6 @@ class learnpath {
if($id != 0 & & is_array($extra_info))
$item_title = stripslashes($extra_info['title']);
$item_description = stripslashes($extra_info['description']);
$item_terms = stripslashes($extra_info['terms']);
@ -6230,7 +6274,7 @@ class learnpath {
$item_description = '';
$return = '< div style = "margin:3px 12px; "> ';
$return = '< div class = "sectiontitle "> ';
if($id != 0 & & is_array($extra_info))
$parent = $extra_info['parent_item_id'];
@ -6273,29 +6317,29 @@ class learnpath {
if($action == 'add')
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '. get_lang("CreateTheDocument").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("CreateTheDocument") . "\n";
elseif($action == 'move')
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '. get_lang("MoveTheCurrentDocument").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("MoveTheCurrentDocument") . "\n";
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '. get_lang("EditTheCurrentDocument").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("EditTheCurrentDocument") . "\n";
$return .= '< / div > ';
if(isset($_GET['edit']) & & $_GET['edit'] == 'true')
$return .= '< div class = "lp_message" style = "margin-bottom:15px; " > ';
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '.get_lang("Warning").' !< / p > ';
$return .= '< div class = "warning-message " > ';
$return .= '< strong > '.get_lang("Warning").' !< / strong > < br / > ';
$return .= get_lang("WarningEditingDocument");
$return .= '< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_message" style = "margin-bottom:15px; " > ';
$return .= '< div class = "warning-message " > ';
$return .= get_lang("CantEditDocument");
$return .= '< / div > ';
return $return;
@ -6315,6 +6359,11 @@ class learnpath {
if($action != 'move')
$form->addElement('text','title', get_lang('Title').' :','id="idTitle" class="learnpath_item_form"');
//$arrHide = array($id);
@ -6341,7 +6390,7 @@ class learnpath {
$parent_select = & $form->addElement('select', 'parent', get_lang("Parent")." :", '', 'style="background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; width:300px; " onchange="load_cbo(this.value);"');
$parent_select = & $form->addElement('select', 'parent', get_lang("Parent")." :", '', 'class="learnpath_item_form " onchange="load_cbo(this.value);"');
foreach($arrHide as $key => $value)
@ -6370,8 +6419,8 @@ class learnpath {
$position = & $form->addElement('select', 'previous', get_lang("Position")." :", '', 'id="idPosition" style="background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; padding:1px 2px; width:300px; "');
$position->addOption(get_lang("FirstPosition"),0,'style="padding-left:3px;"' );
$position = & $form->addElement('select', 'previous', get_lang("Position")." :", '', 'id="idPosition" class="learnpath_item_form "');
foreach($arrHide as $key => $value)
@ -6385,8 +6434,6 @@ class learnpath {
if($action != 'move')
$form->addElement('text','title', get_lang('Title').' :','id="idTitle" style="background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; width:295px;"');
@ -6399,8 +6446,8 @@ class learnpath {
$select_prerequisites=$form->addElement('select', 'prerequisites', get_lang('Prerequisites').' :', '', 'id="prerequisites" style="background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; width:300px; "');
$select_prerequisites->addOption(get_lang("NoPrerequisites"),0,'style="padding-left:3px;"' );
$select_prerequisites=$form->addElement('select', 'prerequisites', get_lang('Prerequisites').' :', '', 'id="prerequisites" class="learnpath_item_form "');
// form element for uploading an mp3 file
$form->addElement('file','mp3',get_lang('UploadMp3audio'),'id="mp3" size="33"');
@ -6409,7 +6456,7 @@ class learnpath {
if ( api_get_setting('search_enabled') === 'true' )
//add terms field
$terms = $form->addElement('text','terms', get_lang('SearchFeatureTerms').' :','id="idTerms" style="background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; width:295px; "');
$terms = $form->addElement('text','terms', get_lang('SearchFeatureTerms').' :','id="idTerms" class="learnpath_item_form "');
@ -6457,7 +6504,7 @@ class learnpath {
$content = '';
$form->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', get_lang('Ok'), 'style="padding:1px 2px; width:75px;"' );
$form->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', get_lang('Ok'));
@ -6475,7 +6522,7 @@ class learnpath {
$form->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', get_lang('Ok'), 'style="padding:1px 2px; width:75px;"' );
$form->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', get_lang('Ok'));
$return = $this->display_document($extra_info, true, true, true);
@ -6490,12 +6537,12 @@ class learnpath {
$form->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', get_lang('Ok'), 'style="padding:1px 2px; width:75px;"' );
$form->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', get_lang('Ok'));
$form->addElement('hidden', 'path', $extra_info);
$form->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', get_lang('Ok'), 'style="padding:1px 2px; width:75px;"' );
$form->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', get_lang('Ok'));
$form->addElement('hidden', 'path', $extra_info['path']);
@ -6555,7 +6602,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return = '< div style = "margin:3px 12px; "> ';
$return = '< div class = "sectiontitle "> ';
if($id != 0 & & is_array($extra_info))
$parent = $extra_info['parent_item_id'];
@ -6595,22 +6642,34 @@ class learnpath {
if($action == 'add')
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '. get_lang("CreateTheLink").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("CreateTheLink").' :' . "\n";
elseif($action == 'move')
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '. get_lang("MoveCurrentLink").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("MoveCurrentLink").' :' . "\n";
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '. get_lang("EditCurrentLink").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("EditCurrentLink").' :' . "\n";
$return .= '< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "sectioncomment" > ';
$return .= '< form method = "POST" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t" . '< table cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" class = "lp_form" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t" . '< table > ' . "\n";
if($action != 'move')
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idTitle" > '.get_lang("Title").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < input id = "idTitle" name = "title" type = "text" value = "' . $item_title . '" class = "learnpath_item_form" / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< / tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idParent" > '.get_lang("Parent").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idParent" name = "parent" onchange = "load_cbo(this.value);" size = "1" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idParent" name = "parent" onchange = "load_cbo(this.value);" class = "learnpath_item_form" size = "1" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t\t" . '< option class = "top" value = "0" > ' . $this->name . '< / option > ';
@ -6649,7 +6708,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idPosition" > '.get_lang("Position").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idPosition" name = "previous" size = "1" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idPosition" name = "previous" size = "1" class = "learnpath_item_form" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t\t" . '< option class = "top" value = "0" > '.get_lang("FirstPosition").'< / option > ';
@ -6676,24 +6735,18 @@ class learnpath {
if($action != 'move')
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idTitle" > '.get_lang("Title").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < input id = "idTitle" name = "title" type = "text" value = "' . $item_title . '" / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< / tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idDescription" > '.get_lang("Description").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < textarea id = "idDescription" name = "description" rows = "4" > ' . $item_description . '< / textarea > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < textarea id = "idDescription" name = "description" class = "learnpath_item_form" rows = "4" > ' . $item_description . '< / textarea > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< / tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idURL" > '.get_lang("Url").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < input ' . ( is_numeric ( $ extra_info ) ? ' disabled = "disabled" ' : ' ' ) . ' id = "idURL" name = "url" type = "text" value = "' . $item_url . '" / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < input ' . ( is_numeric ( $ extra_info ) ? ' disabled = "disabled" ' : ' ' ) . ' id = "idURL" name = "url" type = "text" value = "' . $item_url . '" class = "learnpath_item_form" / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< / tr > ' . "\n";
@ -6722,7 +6775,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idPrerequisites" > '.get_lang("Prerequisites").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < select name = "prerequisites" id = "prerequisites" style = "background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; width:300px; "> < option value = "0" > '.get_lang("NoPrerequisites").'< / option > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < select name = "prerequisites" id = "prerequisites" class = "learnpath_item_form "> < option value = "0" > '.get_lang("NoPrerequisites").'< / option > ';
foreach($arrHide as $key => $value)
@ -6746,7 +6799,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td colspan = "2" > < input class = "button" name = "submit_button" type = "submit" value = "'.get_lang(" Ok " ) . ' " / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td > < / td > < td > < input class = "button" name = "submit_button" type = "submit" value = "'.get_lang(" Ok " ) . ' " / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< / tr > ' . "\n";
@ -6817,7 +6870,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return = '< div style = "margin:3px 12px; "> ';
$return = '< div class = "sectiontitle "> ';
if($id != 0 & & is_array($extra_info))
$parent = $extra_info['parent_item_id'];
@ -6857,22 +6910,35 @@ class learnpath {
if($action == 'add')
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '. get_lang("Student_publication").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("Student_publication").' :' . "\n";
elseif($action == 'move')
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '. get_lang("MoveCurrentStudentPublication").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("MoveCurrentStudentPublication").' :' . "\n";
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '.get_lang("EditCurrentStudentPublication").' :< / p > ' . "\n";
$return .= get_lang("EditCurrentStudentPublication").' :' . "\n";
$return .= '< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "sectioncomment" > ';
$return .= '< form method = "POST" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t" . '< table cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" class = "lp_form" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t" . '< table > ' . "\n";
if($action != 'move')
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idTitle" > '.get_lang("Title").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < input id = "idTitle" name = "title" type = "text" value = "' . $item_title . '" class = "learnpath_item_form" / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< / tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idParent" > '.get_lang("Parent").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idParent" name = "parent" onchange = "load_cbo(this.value);" size = "1" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idParent" name = "parent" onchange = "load_cbo(this.value);" class = "learnpath_item_form" size = "1" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t\t" . '< option class = "top" value = "0" > ' . $this->name . '< / option > ';
@ -6913,7 +6979,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idPosition" > '.get_lang("Position").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idPosition" name = "previous" size = "1" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t" . '< select id = "idPosition" name = "previous" size = "1" class = "learnpath_item_form" > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t\t\t" . '< option class = "top" value = "0" > '.get_lang("FirstPosition").'< / option > ';
@ -6940,12 +7006,6 @@ class learnpath {
if($action != 'move')
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idTitle" > '.get_lang("Title").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < input id = "idTitle" name = "title" type = "text" value = "' . $item_title . '" / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< / tr > ' . "\n";
@ -6974,7 +7034,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "label" > < label for = "idPrerequisites" > '.get_lang("Prerequisites").' :< / label > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < select name = "prerequisites" id = "prerequisites" style = "background:#F8F8F8; border:1px solid #999999; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; width:300px; "> < option value = "0" > '.get_lang("NoPrerequisites").'< / option > ';
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td class = "input" > < select name = "prerequisites" id = "prerequisites" class = "learnpath_item_form "> < option value = "0" > '.get_lang("NoPrerequisites").'< / option > ';
foreach($arrHide as $key => $value){
if($key==$s_selected_position & & $action == 'add'){
@ -6996,7 +7056,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= "\t\t" . '< tr > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td colspan = "2" > < input class = "button" name = "submit_button" type = "submit" value = "'.get_lang(" Ok " ) . ' " / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t\t" . '< td > & nbsp< / td > < td colspan = "2" > < input class = "button" name = "submit_button" type = "submit" value = "'.get_lang(" Ok " ) . ' " / > < / td > ' . "\n";
$return .= "\t\t" . '< / tr > ' . "\n";
@ -7035,7 +7095,7 @@ class learnpath {
function display_manipulate($item_id, $item_type = TOOL_DOCUMENT)
global $charset, $_course;
$return = '< div class = "lp_manipulate" > < table border = "0" w idth = "100%" > < tr > < td valign = "top" width = "550 " > ';
$return = '< div class = "act ions " > ';
@ -7093,12 +7153,11 @@ class learnpath {
$s_title = $row['title'];
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > ' . $lang . '< / p > ';
// we display an audio player if needed
if (!empty($row['audio']))
$return .= '< div style = "float: right; " id = "container" > < a href = "http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" > Get the Flash Player< / a > to see this player.< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_mediaplayer " id = "container" > < a href = "http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" > Get the Flash Player< / a > to see this player.< / div > ';
$return .= '< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../inc/lib/mediaplayer/swfobject.js" > < / script > ';
$return .= '< script type = "text/javascript" >
var s1 = new SWFObject("../inc/lib/mediaplayer/player.swf","ply","250","20","9","#FFFFFF");
@ -7108,6 +7167,8 @@ class learnpath {
< / script > ';
$return .= $lang.': ';
$return .= '< a href = "' .api_get_self(). '?cidReq=' . $_GET['cidReq'] . '&action=edit_item&view=build&id=' . $item_id . '&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '" title = "Edit the current item" > < img align = "absbottom" alt = "Edit the current item" src = "../img/edit.gif" title = "Edit the current item" / > '.get_lang("Edit").'< / a > ';
$return .= '< a href = "' .api_get_self(). '?cidReq=' . $_GET['cidReq'] . '&action=move_item&view=build&id=' . $item_id . '&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '" title = "Move the current item" > < img align = "absbottom" alt = "Move the current item" src = "../img/deplacer_fichier.gif" title = "Move the current item" / > '.get_lang("Move").'< / a > ';
// commented for now as prerequisites cannot be added to chapters
@ -7119,7 +7180,7 @@ class learnpath {
//$return .= '< br > < br > < p class = "lp_text" > ' . ((trim($s_description) == '') ? ''.get_lang("NoDescription").'' : stripslashes(nl2br($s_description))) . '< / p > ';
$return.="< / td > < td valign = 'top' > ";
// $return.="< / td > < td valign = 'top' > ";
// get the audiorecorder. Use of ob_* functions since there are echos in the file
@ -7132,7 +7193,6 @@ class learnpath {
// end of audiorecorder include
$return.="< / td > < / tr > < / table > ";
$return .= '< / div > ';
@ -7385,20 +7445,22 @@ class learnpath {
//$preq_max = $row['max_score'];
$return = $this->display_manipulate($item_id, TOOL_DOCUMENT);
$return .= '< div style = "margin:3px 12px;" > ';
$return .= '< p class = "lp_title" > '.get_lang("AddEditPrerequisites").'< / p > ';
$return .= '< div class = "sectiontitle" > ';
$return .= get_lang('AddEditPrerequisites');
$return .= '< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "sectioncomment" > ';
$return .= '< form method = "POST" > ';
$return .= '< table class = "lp_form" > ';
$return .= '< table class = "lp_prerequisites " > ';
$return .= '< tr > ';
$return .= '< th > < / th > ';
$return .= '< th class = "exercise" > '.get_lang("Minimum" ).'< / th > ';
$return .= '< th class = "exercise" > '.get_lang("Maximum" ).'< / th > ';
$return .= '< th > '.get_lang('Minimum' ).'< / th > ';
$return .= '< th > '.get_lang('Maximum' ).'< / th > ';
$return .= '< / tr > ';
$return .= '< tr > ';
$return .= '< td class = "radio" colspan = "3" > ';
$return .= '< td class = "radio" > ';
$return .= '< input checked = "checked" id = "idNone" name = "prerequisites" style = "margin-left:0; margin-right:10px;" type = "radio" / > ';
$return .= '< label for = "idNone" > '.get_lang("None" ).'< / label > ';
$return .= '< / td > ';
$return .= '< label for = "idNone" > '.get_lang('None' ).'< / label > ';
$return .= '< / td > < td colspan = "2" / > ';
$return .= '< / tr > ';
$sql = "
@ -7499,7 +7561,7 @@ class learnpath {
$res_doc = api_sql_query($sql_doc, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$return = '< div class = "lp_resource_header" ' . " onclick = \"if(document.getElementById('resDoc').style.display = = ' block ' ) { document . getElementById ( ' resDoc ' ) . style . display = 'none' ; } else { document . getElementById ( ' resDoc ' ) . style . display = 'block' ; } \ " " . ' style = "cursor:pointer;" > < img align = "left" alt = "" src = "../img/lp_' . TOOL_DOCUMENT . '.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > '.get_lang("Document").'< / div > ';
$return = '< div class = "lp_resource_header" ' . " onclick = \"if(document.getElementById('resDoc').style.display = = ' block ' ) { document . getElementById ( ' resDoc ' ) . style . display = 'none' ; } else { document . getElementById ( ' resDoc ' ) . style . display = 'block' ; } \ " " . ' > < img alt = "" src = "../img/lp_' . TOOL_DOCUMENT . '.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > '.get_lang("Document").'< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_elements" id = "resDoc" > ';
@ -7576,7 +7638,7 @@ class learnpath {
$icon = choose_image($resource);
$position = strrpos($icon,'.');
$return .= '< div > < div style = "margin-left:' . (($num+1) * 15) . 'px;margin-right:5px;" > < a href = "' . api_get_self() . '?cidReq=' . $_GET['cidReq'] . '&action=add_item&type=' . TOOL_DOCUMENT . '&file=' . $key . '&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '" > < img align = "left" al t = "" src = "../img/'.$icon.'" title = "" / > '.$resource."< / a > < / div > < / div > \r\n";
$return .= '< div > < div style = "margin-left:' . (($num+1) * 15) . 'px;margin-right:5px;" > < a href = "' . api_get_self() . '?cidReq=' . $_GET['cidReq'] . '&action=add_item&type=' . TOOL_DOCUMENT . '&file=' . $key . '&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '" > < img alt = "" src = "../img/'.$icon.'" title = "" / > '.$resource."< / a > < / div > < / div > \r\n";
@ -7609,8 +7671,8 @@ class learnpath {
$res_quiz = api_sql_query($sql_quiz, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$res_hot = api_sql_query($sql_hot, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_header_end " ' . " onclick = \"if(document.getElementById('resExercise').style.display = = ' block ' ) { document . getElementById ( ' resExercise ' ) . style . display = 'none' ; } else { document . getElementById ( ' resExercise ' ) . style . display = 'block' ; } \ " " . ' style = "cursor:pointer;" > < img align = "left" alt = "" src = "../img/lp_' . TOOL_QUIZ . '.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > '.get_lang('Quiz').'< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_elements_end " id = "resExercise" > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_header" ' . " onclick = \"if(document.getElementById('resExercise').style.display = = ' block ' ) { document . getElementById ( ' resExercise ' ) . style . display = 'none' ; } else { document . getElementById ( ' resExercise ' ) . style . display = 'block' ; } \ " " . ' > < img align = "left" alt = "" src = "../img/lp_' . TOOL_QUIZ . '.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > '.get_lang('Quiz').'< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_elements" id = "resExercise" > ';
while ($row_hot = Database::fetch_array($res_hot))
@ -7664,20 +7726,20 @@ class learnpath {
ORDER BY title ASC";
$res_link = api_sql_query($sql_link, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_header" ' . " onclick = \"if(document.getElementById('resLink').style.display = = ' block ' ) { document . getElementById ( ' resLink ' ) . style . display = 'none' ; } else { document . getElementById ( ' resLink ' ) . style . display = 'block' ; } \ " " . ' style = "cursor:pointer;" > < img align = "left" alt = "" src = "../img/lp_' . TOOL_LINK . '.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > '.get_lang("Links").'< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_header" ' . " onclick = \"if(document.getElementById('resLink').style.display = = ' block ' ) { document . getElementById ( ' resLink ' ) . style . display = 'none' ; } else { document . getElementById ( ' resLink ' ) . style . display = 'block' ; } \ " " . ' > < img alt = "" src = "../img/lp_' . TOOL_LINK . '.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > '.get_lang("Links").'< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_elements" id = "resLink" > ';
while($row_link = Database::fetch_array($res_link))
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_element" > ';
$return .= '< img align = "left" al t = "" src = "../img/file_html_small.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > ';
$return .= '< img alt = "" src = "../img/file_html_small.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > ';
$return .= '< a href = "' .api_get_self(). '?cidReq=' . $_GET['cidReq'] . '&action=add_item&type=' . TOOL_LINK . '&file=' . $row_link['id'] . '&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '" > ' . $row_link['title'] . '< / a > ';
$return .= '< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_element" > ';
$return .= '< img align = "left" al t = "" src = "../img/file_html_new_small.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > ';
$return .= '< img alt = "" src = "../img/file_html_new_small.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > ';
$return .= '< a href = "'.api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH).'link/link.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&action=addlink" title = "' . get_lang('LinkAdd') . '" > ' . get_lang('LinkAdd') . '< / a > ';
$return .= '< / div > ';
@ -7704,8 +7766,8 @@ class learnpath {
ORDER BY title ASC";
$res_student = api_sql_query($sql_student, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_header" ' . " onclick = \"if(document.getElementById('resStudent').style.display = = ' block ' ) { document . getElementById ( ' resStudent ' ) . style . display = 'none' ; } else { document . getElementById ( ' resStudent ' ) . style . display = 'block' ; } \ " " . ' style = "border-bottom:1px solid #999999; cursor:pointer;" > < img align = "left" alt = "" src = "../img/lp_' . TOOL_STUDENTPUBLICATION . '.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > '.get_lang('Student_publication').'< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_elements" id = "resStudent" style = "border-bottom:1px solid #999999; border-top:0;" > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_header" ' . " onclick = \"if(document.getElementById('resStudent').style.display = = ' block ' ) { document . getElementById ( ' resStudent ' ) . style . display = 'none' ; } else { document . getElementById ( ' resStudent ' ) . style . display = 'block' ; } \ " " . ' > < img alt = "" src = "../img/lp_' . TOOL_STUDENTPUBLICATION . '.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > '.get_lang('Student_publication').'< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_elements" id = "resStudent" > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_element" > ';
$return .= '< img align = "left" alt = "" src = "../img/works_small.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > ';
$return .= '< a href = "' .api_get_self(). '?cidReq=' . $_GET['cidReq'] . '&action=add_item&type=' . TOOL_STUDENTPUBLICATION . '&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '" > ' . get_lang('AddAssignmentPage') . '< / a > ';
@ -7732,8 +7794,8 @@ class learnpath {
$table_users = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
$a_forums = get_forums();
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_header" ' . " onclick = \"if(document.getElementById('forums').style.display = = ' block ' ) { document . getElementById ( ' forums ' ) . style . display = 'none' ; } else { document . getElementById ( ' forums ' ) . style . display = 'block' ; } \ " " . ' style = "border-bottom:1px solid #999999; cursor:pointer;" > < img align = "left" alt = "" src = "../img/lp_forum.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > '.get_lang('Forums').'< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_elements" id = "forums" style = "border-bottom:1px solid #999999; border-top:0;" > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_header" ' . " onclick = \"if(document.getElementById('forums').style.display = = ' block ' ) { document . getElementById ( ' forums ' ) . style . display = 'none' ; } else { document . getElementById ( ' forums ' ) . style . display = 'block' ; } \ " " . ' > < img alt = "" src = "../img/lp_forum.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > '.get_lang('Forums').'< / div > ';
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_elements" id = "forums" > ';
foreach($a_forums as $forum)
@ -7751,7 +7813,7 @@ class learnpath {
< / script >
$return .= '< img align = "left" al t = "" src = "../img/lp_forum.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > ';
$return .= '< img alt = "" src = "../img/lp_forum.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > ';
$return .= '< a style = "cursor:hand" onclick = "toggle_forum('.$forum['forum_id'].')" style = "vertical-align:middle" > < img src = "'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).'add.gif" id = "forum_'.$forum['forum_id'].'_opener" align = "absbottom" / > < / a >
< a href = "' .api_get_self(). '?cidReq=' . $_GET['cidReq'] . '&action=add_item&type=' . TOOL_FORUM . '&forum_id=' . $forum['forum_id'] . '&lp_id=' . $this->lp_id . '" style = "vertical-align:middle" > ' . $forum['forum_title'] . '< / a > < ul style = "display:none" id = "forum_'.$forum['forum_id'].'_content" > ';
$a_threads = get_threads($forum['forum_id']);
@ -7765,7 +7827,7 @@ class learnpath {
$return .= '< div class = "lp_resource_element" > ';
$return .= '< img align = "left" al t = "" src = "../img/forum_new_small.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > ';
$return .= '< img alt = "" src = "../img/forum_new_small.gif" style = "margin-right:5px;" title = "" / > ';
$return .= '< a href = "'.api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH).'forum/index.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&action=add&content=forum" title = "'.get_lang('CreateANewForum').'" > '.get_lang('CreateANewForum').'< / a > ';
$return .= '< / div > ';