[svn r11319] DLTT import

Eric Marguin 18 years ago
parent 3d0d7ef623
commit 80a85173f7
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@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ $QuestionUpdated = "De vraag is aangepast.";
$SaveQuestion = "Vraag opslaan";
$RemoveAnswer = "Antwoordmogelijkheid verwijderen";
$AddAnswer = "Antwoordmogelijkheid toevoegen";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Weergave";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Geef de opties weer:";
$AnswerOptions = "Antwoordmogelijkheden";
$YesNo = "Ja / Neen";
$MultipleChoice = "Meerkeuzevraag";

@ -3,21 +3,21 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$AdminBy = "Administration by";
$AdministrationTools = "Administration";
$State = "State of system";
$State = "Status of the system";
$Statistiques = "Statistics";
$langUsed = "used";
$langPresent = "Ok";
$langMissing = "missing";
$langExist = "existing";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Display Teacher in course title";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Display Teacher in course list comment";
$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Display Course Code in course list comment";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Display Teacher in course list";
$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Display Course Code in course list";
$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle = "Display Course Code in Course Title";
$ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "There are no virtual courses on the platform.";
$ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "There are no Alias courses on the platform.";
$ConfigureHomePage = "Configure Homepage";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Active modules upon course creation";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Active modules at course creation";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "Which tools have to be activated (visible) by default when a new course is created?";
$langCourseBackup = "Make a back-up of this course";
$langCourseBackup = "Backup this course";
$langCourseTitular = "Teacher";
$langCourseTitle = "Course title";
$langCourseFaculty = "Course category";
@ -45,36 +45,36 @@ $langDeleteSelectedClasses = "Delete selected classes";
$langDeleteSelectedGroups = "Delete selected groups";
$langAdministrator = "Administrator";
$langAddPicture = "Add a picture";
$langChangePicture = "Change the picture";
$langDeletePicture = "Delete the picture";
$langChangePicture = "Change picture";
$langDeletePicture = "Delete picture";
$langAddUsers = "Add users";
$langAddGroups = "Add groups";
$langAddClasses = "Add classes";
$langExportUsers = "Export the user list";
$langExportUsers = "Export users list";
$langKeyword = "Keyword";
$langGroupName = "Group\'s name";
$langGroupTutor = "Group\'s tutor";
$langGroupForum = "Group\'s forum";
$langGroupName = "Group name";
$langGroupTutor = "Group tutor";
$langGroupForum = "Group forum";
$langGroupDescription = "Group description";
$langNumberOfParticipants = "Number of participants";
$langNumberOfParticipants = "Number of members";
$langNumberOfUsers = "Number of users";
$langMaximum = "maximum";
$langMaximumOfParticipants = "Maximum number of participants";
$langParticipants = "participants";
$langMaximumOfParticipants = "Maximum number of members";
$langParticipants = "members";
$langFirstLetterClass = "First letter (class name)";
$langFirstLetterUser = "First letter (last name)";
$langFirstLetterCourse = "First letter (code)";
$langModifyUserInfo = "Modify user information";
$langModifyClassInfo = "Modify class information";
$langModifyGroupInfo = "Modify group information";
$langModifyCourseInfo = "Modify course information";
$langModifyUserInfo = "Edit user information";
$langModifyClassInfo = "Edit class information";
$langModifyGroupInfo = "Edit group information";
$langModifyCourseInfo = "Edit course information";
$langPleaseEnterClassName = "Please enter the class name !";
$langPleaseEnterLastName = "Please enter the user\'s last name !";
$langPleaseEnterFirstName = "Please enter the user\'s first name !";
$langPleaseEnterValidEmail = "Please enter a valid e-mail address !";
$langPleaseEnterValidLogin = "Please enter a valid login !";
$langPleaseEnterCourseCode = "Please enter the course code !";
$langPleaseEnterTitularName = "Please enter the teacher\'s name and firstname !";
$langPleaseEnterTitularName = "Please enter the teacher\'s First Name and Last Name !";
$langPleaseEnterCourseTitle = "Please enter the course title !";
$langAcceptedPictureFormats = "Accepted formats are JPG, PNG and GIF !";
$langLoginAlreadyTaken = "This login is already taken !";
@ -152,6 +152,11 @@ $langTechnicalTools = "Technical";
$langConfig = "System config";
$langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "Login list (extended)";
$langLimitUsersListDefaultMax = "Maximum users showing in scroll list";
$NoTimeLimits = "No time limits";
$GeneralCoach = "General coach";
$GeneralProperties = "General properties";
$CourseCoach = "Course coach";
$UsersNumber = "Users number";
$PageAfterLoginTitle = "Page after login";
$PageAfterLoginComment = "The page who is seen by connecting user";
$DokeosAdminWebLinks = "Dokeos Web Links";

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ $UplOverwriteLong = "Overwrite the existing file";
$UplRename = "Rename";
$UplRenameLong = "Rename the uploaded file if it exists";
$Metadata = "Metadata";
$DocumentQuota = "Document Quotum";
$DocumentQuota = "Documents Quota";
$NoDocsInFolder = "There are no documents to be displayed.";
$UploadTo = "Upload to";
$fileModified = "The file is modified";

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$NewForumCreated = "The new forum has been created";
$NewThreadCreated = "The new forum thread has been created.";
$lang_learning_path = "Learning Path";
$lang_learning_path_builder = "Learning Path builder";
$lang_description = "description";
@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ $langMaximum = "Maximum";
$langNoDocuments = "No documents";
$langNoExercisesAvailable = "No exercises available";
$langNoLinksAvailable = "No links available";
$langNoItemsInLp = "There are no items in the learning path for this moment. Click on \"Advanced\" for creating your learning path items.";
$langNoItemsInLp = "There are no items in the learning path for this moment. Click on \"Build\" for creating your learning path items.";
$FirstPosition = "First position";
$NewQuiz = "New quiz";
$CreateTheForum = "Add the forum";

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$LinkMoved = "The link has been moved";
$VisibilityChanged = "The link\'s visibility has been moved";
$langLinkName = "Link name";
$langLinkAdd = "Add a link";
$langLinkAdded = "The link has been added.";

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ $QuestionUpdated = "The question has been updated.";
$SaveQuestion = "Save question";
$RemoveAnswer = "Remove option";
$AddAnswer = "Add option";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Display";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Display options";
$AnswerOptions = "Answer options";
$YesNo = "Yes / No";
$MultipleChoice = "Multiple choice";

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ $langCurrentDir = "current folder";
$UploadADocument = "Upload a document";
$EditToolOptions = "Edit Tool Options";
$DocumentDeleted = "Document deleted";
$SendMailBody = "A user posted a document in the work tool of your course.";
$SendMailBody = "A user posted a document in the Publications tool of your course.";
$DirDelete = "Delete directory";
$ValidateChanges = "Validate changes";

@ -152,6 +152,11 @@ $langTechnicalTools = "administration technique";
$langConfig = "Configuration du système";
$langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "Liste étendue des logins";
$langLimitUsersListDefaultMax = "Nombre maximum d\'utilisateurs affichés dans une liste déroulante";
$NoTimeLimits = "Pas de limites de temps";
$GeneralCoach = "Coach général";
$GeneralProperties = "propriétés générales";
$CourseCoach = "Coach du cours";
$UsersNumber = "Nombre d\'utilisateurs";
$PageAfterLoginTitle = "Page d\'accueil des utilisateurs identifiés";
$PageAfterLoginComment = "Page vers laquelle est redirigé un utilisateur qui se connecte";
$DokeosAdminWebLinks = "Liens Web Dokeos";

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$NewForumCreated = "Le nouveau forum a bien été créé.";
$NewThreadCreated = "Le nouveau sujet de forum a bien été créé.";
$lang_learning_path = "Parcours";
$lang_learning_path_builder = "Créer un parcours";
$lang_description = "description";
@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ $langMaximum = "Maximum";
$langNoDocuments = "Aucun documents";
$langNoExercisesAvailable = "Aucun exercice disponible";
$langNoLinksAvailable = "Aucun lien disponible";
$langNoItemsInLp = "Il n\'y a pas d\'étapes dans ce parcours pour le moment. Cliquez sur \"avancée\" pour créer une étape.";
$langNoItemsInLp = "Il n\'y a pas d\'étapes dans ce parcours pour le moment. Cliquez sur \"constuire\" pour créer une étape.";
$FirstPosition = "Première position";
$NewQuiz = "Nouveau test";
$CreateTheForum = "Ajouter le forum";

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$LinkMoved = "Le lien a bien été déplacé";
$VisibilityChanged = "La visibilité du lien a bien été changée";
$langLinkName = "Nom du lien";
$langLinkAdd = "Ajouter un lien";
$langLinkAdded = "Le lien a été ajouté";

@ -152,6 +152,11 @@ $langTechnicalTools = "Technische Verwaltung";
$langConfig = "Konfigrurationssystem";
$langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "Anmeldeliste (erweitert)";
$langLimitUsersListDefaultMax = "Maximum Anzahl Benutzer in Scroll Liste";
$NoTimeLimits = "Keine Zeitbegrenzungen";
$GeneralCoach = "Allgemeiner Trainer";
$GeneralProperties = "Allgemeine Einstellungen";
$CourseCoach = "Kurs Trainer";
$UsersNumber = "Zahl der Benutzer";
$PageAfterLoginTitle = "Seite nach dem Login";
$PageAfterLoginComment = "Seite, die nach dem Login angezeigt wird";
$DokeosAdminWebLinks = "Dokeos Web Links";

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$NewForumCreated = "Das neue Forum wurde erstellt";
$NewThreadCreated = "Das neue Forum Thema wurde erstellt";
$lang_learning_path = "Lernpfad";
$lang_learning_path_builder = "Lernpfad-Baukasten";
$lang_description = "Beschreibung";

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$LinkMoved = "Der Link wurde verschoben";
$VisibilityChanged = "Die Sichtbarkeit des Links wurde verschoben";
$langLinkName = "Linkname";
$langLinkAdd = "Link wurde hinzugefügt";
$langLinkAdded = "Der Link wurde hinzugefügt";

@ -539,5 +539,17 @@ $MyTextHere = "a sz
$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "összegezi a kurzusban eltöltött id&#337;t";
$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "Ezzel a beállítással lehet kiszámolni azt az id&#337;t amit a felhasználó valóban a kurzusban töltött el. A mez&#337; értéke a frissítés gyakorisága másodpercben megadva. A lehet&#337;ség kikapcsolásához írjon 0-t a mez&#337;be.";
$EditLink = "Hivatkozás szerkesztése";
$ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric = "Numerikus mez&#337;";
$UserLocked = "Zárolt felhasználó";
$UserUnlocked = "Zárolatlan felhasználó";
$CannotDeleteUser = "A felhasználó nem törölhet&#337;";
$ExternalAuthentication = "Küls&#337; hitelesítés";
$RegistrationDate = "Regisztráció dátuma";
$UserUpdated = "Felhasználó frissítve";
$Choose = "Válassz!";
$NoUsersInCourse = "Nincsenek felhasználók a kurzusban";
$UnknownUser = "Ismeretlen felhasználó";
$UnknownStatus = "Ismeretlen státusz";
$CourseDoesNotExist = "Nemlétez&#337; kurzus";
$SlideSize = "Diák mérete";

@ -62,4 +62,9 @@ $CourseSortingDone = "Kurzusok sorbarendezve";
$ExistingCourseCategories = "A jelenlegi kurzus kategóriák";
$YouAreNowUnsubscribed = "Ön sikeresen leiratkozott a kurzusról";
$ViewOpenCourses = "Nyitott kurzusok megtekintése";
$CourseRegistrationCodeIncorrect = "A kurzus kódja helytelen";
$CourseRequiresPassword = "A kurzus jelszóhoz kötött";
$SubmitRegistrationCode = "Regisztrációs kód elküldése";
$CourseCategoryDeleted = "Törölt kurzus kategória ";
$CourseCategoryEditStored = "Frissített kategória";

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$NewForumCreated = "Elkészült az új fórum";
$lang_learning_path = "Tanösvény";
$lang_learning_path_builder = "Tanösvény szerkeszt&#337;";
$lang_description = "Leírás";

@ -134,5 +134,18 @@ $SurveyDeleted = "A k
$NoSurveysSelected = "Nincsenek kiválasztva kérd&#337;ívek.";
$NumberOfQuestions = "Kérdések száma";
$Invite = "Meghívás";
$Invite = "Meghívott";
$NumberOfQuestions = "Kérdések száma";
$ExportCurrentReport = "Riport exportálása";
$AllQuestionsOnOnePage = "Valamennyi kérdés egy oldalon jelenik meg";
$SelectUser = "Felhasználó kiválasztása";
$userreport = "Felhasználói riport";
$VisualRepresentation = "Kép";
$NextQuestion = "Következ&#337; kérdés";
$PreviousQuestion = "El&#337;z&#337; kérdés";
$CourseUsers = "A kurzus felhasználói";
$SurveyPublication = "A felmérés publikálása";
$AdditonalUsers = "További felhasználók";
$MailTitle = "Az e-mail címe";
$MailText = "Az e-mail szövege";

@ -154,4 +154,9 @@ $StudentTutors = "A tanul
$StudentSessions = "A tanulók kurzusai";
$StudentCourses = "Tanulók kurzusai";
$Attempts = "Próbálkozások";
$Correction = "Javítás";
$NoExercise = "Nincsenek gyakorlatok";
$Annotate = "Megjegyzéssel ellát";
$Comments = "Megjegyzések";
$NoComment = "Nincs megjegyzés";

@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ $NewPost = "Nuovo articolo";
$TaskManager = "Gestione delle attività";
$MemberManager = "Gestione dei membri";
$PostFullText = "Testo";
$ReadPost = "Leggi l\'articolo";
$ReadPost = "Leggi l´articolo";
$Home = "Pagina iniziale";
$FirstPostText = "E\' il primo articolo del blog. In seguito tutti i membri potranno partecipare.";
$FirstPostText = "E´ il primo articolo del blog. In seguito tutti i membri potranno partecipare.";
$NewComment = "Nuovo commento";
$ReplyToThisComment = "Replica al commento";
$ManageTasks = "Gestione attività";
@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ $Members = "Membri";
$Role = "Ruolo";
$Rate = "Valuta";
$Roles = "Ruoli";
$AddTask = "Aggiungi un\'attività";
$AddTask = "Aggiungi una attività";
$AddTasks = "Aggiungi delle attività";
$AssignTask = "Assegna un\'attività";
$AssignTask = "Assegna una attività";
$AssignTasks = "Assegna delle attività";
$EditTask = "Modifica l\'attività";
$DeleteTask = "Elimina l\'attività";
$EditTask = "Modifica l´attività";
$DeleteTask = "Elimina l´attività";
$DeleteSystemTask = "Non è possibile eliminare un oggetto predifinito.";
$SelectUser = "Utente";
$SelectTask = "Attività";
@ -53,21 +53,21 @@ $ArticleManager = "Gestione degli articoli";
$CommentManager = "Gestione dei commenti";
$BlogManager = "Gestione dei Blog";
$ReadMore = "Leggi tutto ...";
$DeleteThisArticle = "Elimina l\'articolo";
$EditThisPost = "Modifica l\'articolo";
$DeleteThisArticle = "Elimina l´articolo";
$EditThisPost = "Modifica l´articolo";
$DeleteThisComment = "Elimina il commento";
$NoArticles = "Non ci sono articoli presenti nel blog. Se sei redattore del blog aggiungi un articolo cliccando su \"Nuovo articolo\"";
$NoTasks = "Per ora non ti sono state assegnate attività.";
$Rating = "Valutazioni";
$RateThis = "Valuta";
$SelectTaskArticle = "Associa un articolo all\'attività";
$ExecuteThisTask = "Svolgi l\'attività";
$SelectTaskArticle = "Associa un articolo all´attività";
$ExecuteThisTask = "Svolgi l´attività";
$WrittenBy = "Autore: ";
$InBlog = "Nel Blog";
$ViewPostsOfThisDay = "Leggi gli articoli pubblicati oggi.";
$PostsOf = "Articoli di ";
$SearchResults = "Risultati della ricerca";
$NoArticleMatches = "Non ci sono articoli che corrispondono al criterio di ricerca. Verica l\'ortografia o usa termini meno specifici. Cambia ed effettua una nuova ricerca.";
$NoArticleMatches = "Non ci sono articoli che corrispondono al criterio di ricerca. Verica l´ortografia o usa termini meno specifici. Cambia ed effettua una nuova ricerca.";
$langTask1 = "1° attività";
$langTask2 = "2° attività";
$langTask1 = "1° attività";
@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ $langTask3Desc = "Descrizione 3
$blog_management = "Gestione Blog";
$langWelcome = "Benvenuti!";
$langModule = "Modulo";
$langUserHasPermissionNot = "L\'utente non ha i permessi necessari";
$langUserHasPermission = "L\'utente ha i permessi necessari";
$langUserHasPermissionNot = "L´utente non ha i permessi necessari";
$langUserHasPermission = "L´utente ha i permessi necessari";
$langLegend = "Legenda";
$langUserHasPermissionByRoleGroup = "L\'utente ha i permessi del suo gruppo";
$EditPost = "Modifica l\'articolo";
$langUserHasPermissionByRoleGroup = "L´utente ha i permessi del suo gruppo";
$EditPost = "Modifica l´articolo";
$AddBlog = "Crea un nuovo blog";
$EditBlog = "Modifica il blog";
$DeleteBlog = "Elimina il blog";

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$NewForumCreated = "Il forum è stato creato";
$NewThreadCreated = "L\'argomento (Thread) è stato creato";
$lang_learning_path = "Percorsi";
$lang_learning_path_builder = "Editor di percorsi";
$lang_description = "Descrizione";

@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ $HourMinuteDivider = "h";
$Here = "qui";
$Visio_classroom = "Videoconferenza (di classe)";
$Survey = "Questionari";
$More = "Ancòra";
$More = "Sèguito...";
$ClickHere = "Clicca qui";
$Here = "qui";
$ReturnTo = "ritorna a";

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$NewForumCreated = "O novo fórum acaba de ser criado";
$NewThreadCreated = "O novo assunto do fórum acaba de ser criado.";
$lang_learning_path = "Sequência de Aprendizagem";
$lang_learning_path_builder = "Editor de Sequências de Aprendizagem";
$lang_description = "Descrição";

@ -152,6 +152,9 @@ $langTechnicalTools = "Tehni
$langConfig = "Konfiguracija sistema";
$langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "Seznam dostopov (razširjen)";
$langLimitUsersListDefaultMax = "Največje število prikazanih uporabnikov";
$NoTimeLimits = "Brez èasovnih omejitev";
$GeneralProperties = "Splošne lastnosti";
$CourseCoach = "Uèitelj (coach) teèaja";
$PageAfterLoginTitle = "Stran po prijavi";
$PageAfterLoginComment = "Stran, ki je vidna uporabniku po prijavi";
$DokeosAdminWebLinks = "Dokeos spletne povezave";

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$NewForumCreated = "Nov forum je bil ustvarjen";
$NewThreadCreated = "Nova nit foruma je bila ustvarjena.";
$lang_learning_path = "Uèna pot";
$lang_learning_path_builder = "Kreator uène poti";
$lang_description = "opis";

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$LinkMoved = "Povezava je bila prestavljena";
$VisibilityChanged = "Vidnost povezave je bila spremenjena";
$langLinkName = "Ime povezave";
$langLinkAdd = "Dodaj povezavo";
$langLinkAdded = "Povezava je bila dodana";

@ -4,4 +4,9 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$WCAGContent = "Text";
$test = "test";
$WCAGImage = "Bild";
$WCAGLabel = "Bildetikett";
$WCAGLink = "Länk";
$WCAGLinkLabel = "Länketikett";
$WCAGGoMenu = "Gå till meny";
$WCAGGoContent = "Gå till innehåll";