@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ |
<?php //$id$
/** |
* This script contains the server part of the xajax interaction process. The client part is located |
* in lp_api.php or other api's. |
* This is a first attempt at using xajax and AJAX in general, so the code might be a bit unsettling. |
* @package dokeos.learnpath |
* @author Yannick Warnier <> |
*/ |
/** |
* Script |
*/ |
//flag to allow for anonymous user - needs to be set before |
$use_anonymous = true; |
// name of the language file that needs to be included |
$language_file[] = 'learnpath'; |
require_once(''); |
/** |
* Writes an item's new values into the database and returns the operation result |
* @param integer Learnpath ID |
* @param integer User ID |
* @param integer View ID |
* @param integer Item ID |
* @param double Current score |
* @param double Maximum score |
* @param double Minimum score |
* @param string Lesson status |
* @param string Session time |
* @param string Suspend data |
* @param string Lesson location |
* @param array Interactions array |
* @param string Core exit SCORM string |
*/ |
function save_item($lp_id,$user_id,$view_id,$item_id,$score=-1,$max=-1,$min=-1,$status='',$time=0,$suspend='',$location='',$interactions=array(),$core_exit='none') |
{ |
global $_configuration; |
$debug=0; |
$return = ''; |
if($debug>0){error_log('In save_item('.$lp_id.','.$user_id.','.$view_id.','.$item_id.','.$score.','.$max.','.$min.',"'.$status.'",'.$time.',"'.$suspend.'","'.$location.'","'.(count($interactions)>0?$interactions[0]:'').'","'.$core_exit.'")',0);} |
//$objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); |
require_once('learnpath.class.php'); |
require_once('scorm.class.php'); |
require_once('aicc.class.php'); |
require_once('learnpathItem.class.php'); |
require_once('scormItem.class.php'); |
require_once('aiccItem.class.php'); |
$mylp = ''; |
if(isset($_SESSION['lpobject'])) |
{ |
if($debug>1){error_log('////$_SESSION[lpobject] is set',0);} |
$oLP =& unserialize($_SESSION['lpobject']); |
if(!is_object($oLP)){ |
if($debug>2){error_log(print_r($oLP,true),0);} |
if($debug>2){error_log('////Building new lp',0);} |
unset($oLP); |
$code = api_get_course_id(); |
$mylp = & new learnpath($code,$lp_id,$user_id); |
}else{ |
if($debug>2){error_log('////Reusing session lp',0);} |
$mylp = & $oLP; |
} |
} |
//$objResponse->addAlert(api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH).'newscorm/learnpathItem.class.php'); |
$prereq_check = $mylp->prerequisites_match($item_id); |
if($prereq_check === true) //launch the prerequisites check and set error if needed |
{ |
$mylpi =& $mylp->items[$item_id]; |
//$mylpi->set_lp_view($view_id); |
if($max!=-1) |
{ |
$mylpi->max_score=$max; |
} |
if($min!=-1) |
{ |
$mylpi->min_score=$min; |
} |
if($score!=-1) |
{ |
$mylpi->set_score($score); |
} |
if($status!='') |
{ |
if($debug>1){error_log('Calling set_status('.$status.') from xajax',0);} |
$mylpi->set_status($status); |
if($debug>1){error_log('Done calling set_status from xajax',0);} |
} |
if($time!='') |
{ |
//if big integer, then it's a timestamp, otherwise it's normal scorm time |
if($time == intval(strval($time)) && $time>1000000){ |
$real_time = time() - $time; |
//$real_time += $mylpi->get_total_time(); |
$mylpi->set_time($real_time,'int'); |
}else{ |
$mylpi->set_time($time); |
} |
} |
if($suspend!='') |
{ |
$mylpi->current_data = $suspend;//escapetxt($suspend); |
} |
if($location!='') |
{ |
$mylpi->set_lesson_location($location); |
} |
//deal with interactions provided in arrays in the following format |
//id(0), type(1), time(2), weighting(3),correct_responses(4),student_response(5),result(6),latency(7) |
if(is_array($interactions) && count($interactions)>0){ |
foreach($interactions as $index=>$interaction){ |
$mylpi->add_interaction($index,$interactions[$index]); |
} |
} |
$mylpi->set_core_exit($core_exit); |
$mylp->save_item($item_id,false); |
}else{ |
//return $objResponse; |
return $return; |
} |
$mystatus = $mylpi->get_status(false); |
$mytotal = $mylp->get_total_items_count_without_chapters(); |
$mycomplete = $mylp->get_complete_items_count(); |
$myprogress_mode = $mylp->get_progress_bar_mode(); |
$myprogress_mode = ($myprogress_mode==''?'%':$myprogress_mode); |
//$mylpi->write_to_db(); |
$_SESSION['lpobject'] = serialize($mylp); |
if($mylpi->get_type()!='sco') |
{ //if this object's JS status has not been updated by the SCORM API, update now |
//$objResponse->addScript("lesson_status='".$mystatus."';"); |
$return .= "lesson_status='".$mystatus."';"; |
} |
//$objResponse->addScript("update_toc('".$mystatus."','".$item_id."');"); |
$return .= "update_toc('".$mystatus."','".$item_id."');"; |
$update_list = $mylp->get_update_queue(); |
foreach($update_list as $my_upd_id => $my_upd_status) |
{ |
if($my_upd_id != $item_id){ //only update the status from other items (i.e. parents and brothers), do not update current as we just did it already |
//$objResponse->addScript("update_toc('".$my_upd_status."','".$my_upd_id."');"); |
$return .= "update_toc('".$my_upd_status."','".$my_upd_id."');"; |
} |
} |
//$objResponse->addScript("update_progress_bar('$mycomplete','$mytotal','$myprogress_mode');"); |
$return .= "update_progress_bar('$mycomplete','$mytotal','$myprogress_mode');"; |
if($debug>0){ |
//$objResponse->addScript("logit_lms('Saved data for item ".$item_id.", user ".$user_id." (status=".$mystatus.")',2);"); |
$return .= "logit_lms('Saved data for item ".$item_id.", user ".$user_id." (status=".$mystatus.")',2);"; |
if($debug>1){error_log('End of xajax_save_item()',0);} |
} |
if($_configuration['tracking_enabled'] && !isset($_SESSION['login_as'])) |
{ // if $_SESSION['login_as'] is set, then the user is an admin logged as the user |
$tbl_track_login = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LOGIN); |
$sql_last_connection="SELECT login_id, login_date FROM $tbl_track_login WHERE login_user_id='".api_get_user_id()."' ORDER BY login_date DESC LIMIT 0,1"; |
$q_last_connection=api_sql_query($sql_last_connection); |
if(Database::num_rows($q_last_connection) > 0) |
{ |
$row = Database::fetch_array($q_last_connection); |
$i_id_last_connection=$row['login_id']; |
$s_sql_update_logout_date="UPDATE $tbl_track_login SET logout_date=NOW() WHERE login_id='$i_id_last_connection'"; |
api_sql_query($s_sql_update_logout_date); |
} |
} |
return $return; |
//return $objResponse; |
} |
$interactions = array(); |
if(isset($_GET['interact'])) { |
if (is_array($_GET['interact'])) { |
foreach($_GET['interact'] as $idx=>$interac) |
{ |
$interactions[$idx] = split(',',substr($interac,1,-1)); |
if(!isset($interactions[$idx][7])){ //make sure there are 7 elements |
$interactions[$idx][7]=''; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
echo save_item( |
$_GET['lid'], |
$_GET['uid'], |
$_GET['vid'], |
$_GET['iid'], |
$_GET['s'], |
$_GET['max'], |
$_GET['min'], |
$_GET['status'], |
$_GET['t'], |
$_GET['suspend'], |
$_GET['loc'], |
$interactions, |
$_GET['core_exit']); |
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ |
<?php //$id$
/** |
* This script contains the server part of the xajax interaction process. The client part is located |
* in lp_api.php or other api's. |
* This is a first attempt at using xajax and AJAX in general, so the code might be a bit unsettling. |
* @package dokeos.learnpath |
* @author Yannick Warnier <> |
*/ |
/** |
* Script |
*/ |
//flag to allow for anonymous user - needs to be set before |
$use_anonymous = true; |
// name of the language file that needs to be included |
$language_file[] = 'learnpath'; |
require_once(''); |
/** |
* Writes an item's new values into the database and returns the operation result |
* @param integer Learnpath ID |
* @param integer User ID |
* @param integer View ID |
* @param integer Item ID |
* @param array Objectives array |
*/ |
function save_objectives($lp_id,$user_id,$view_id,$item_id,$objectives=array()) |
{ |
global $_configuration; |
$debug=0; |
$return = ''; |
if($debug>0){error_log('In xajax_save_objectives('.$lp_id.','.$user_id.','.$view_id.','.$item_id.',"'.(count($objectives)>0?count($objectives):'').'")',0);} |
//$objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); |
require_once('learnpath.class.php'); |
require_once('scorm.class.php'); |
require_once('aicc.class.php'); |
require_once('learnpathItem.class.php'); |
require_once('scormItem.class.php'); |
require_once('aiccItem.class.php'); |
$mylp = ''; |
if(isset($_SESSION['lpobject'])) |
{ |
if($debug>1){error_log('////$_SESSION[lpobject] is set',0);} |
$oLP =& unserialize($_SESSION['lpobject']); |
if(!is_object($oLP)){ |
if($debug>2){error_log(print_r($oLP,true),0);} |
if($debug>2){error_log('////Building new lp',0);} |
unset($oLP); |
$code = api_get_course_id(); |
$mylp = & new learnpath($code,$lp_id,$user_id); |
}else{ |
if($debug>2){error_log('////Reusing session lp',0);} |
$mylp = & $oLP; |
} |
} |
$mylpi =& $mylp->items[$item_id]; |
//error_log(__FILE__.' '.__LINE__.' '.print_r($objectives,true),0); |
if(is_array($objectives) && count($objectives)>0){ |
foreach($objectives as $index=>$objective){ |
//error_log(__FILE__.' '.__LINE__.' '.$objectives[$index][0],0); |
$mylpi->add_objective($index,$objectives[$index]); |
} |
$mylpi->write_objectives_to_db(); |
} |
//return $objResponse; |
return $return; |
} |
$objectives = array(); |
if(isset($_GET['objectives'])) { |
if (is_array($_GET['objectives'])) { |
foreach($_GET['objectives'] as $idx=>$ob) |
{ |
$objectives[$idx] = split(',',substr($ob,1,-1)); |
if(!isset($objectives[$idx][4])){ //make sure there are 7 elements |
$objectives[$idx][4]=''; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
echo save_objectives($_GET['lid'],$_GET['uid'],$_GET['vid'],$_GET['iid'],$objectives); |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
<?php //$id$
/** |
* This script contains the server part of the xajax interaction process. The client part is located |
* in lp_api.php or other api's. |
* This is a first attempt at using xajax and AJAX in general, so the code might be a bit unsettling. |
* @package dokeos.learnpath |
* @author Yannick Warnier <> |
*/ |
/** |
* Start a timer and hand it back to the JS by assigning the current time (of start) to |
* var asset_timer |
*/ |
function start_timer() |
{ |
//$objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); |
$time = time(); |
//$objResponse->addScript("asset_timer='$time';asset_timer_total=0;"); |
//return $objResponse; |
return "asset_timer='$time';asset_timer_total=0;"; |
} |
echo start_timer(); |
@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ |
<?php //$id$
/** |
* This script contains the server part of the xajax interaction process. The client part is located |
* in lp_api.php or other api's. |
* This is a first attempt at using xajax and AJAX in general, so the code might be a bit unsettling. |
* @package dokeos.learnpath |
* @author Yannick Warnier <> |
*/ |
/** |
* Script |
*/ |
//flag to allow for anonymous user - needs to be set before |
$use_anonymous = true; |
// name of the language file that needs to be included |
$language_file[] = 'learnpath'; |
require_once(''); |
/** |
* Get one item's details |
* @param integer LP ID |
* @param integer user ID |
* @param integer View ID |
* @param integer Current item ID |
* @param integer New item ID |
*/ |
function switch_item_details($lp_id,$user_id,$view_id,$current_item,$next_item) |
{ |
$debug=0; |
$return = ''; |
if($debug>0){error_log('In xajax_switch_item_details('.$lp_id.','.$user_id.','.$view_id.','.$current_item.','.$next_item.')',0);} |
//$objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); |
/*$item_id may be one of: |
* -'next' |
* -'previous' |
* -'first' |
* -'last' |
* - a real item ID |
*/ |
require_once('learnpath.class.php'); |
require_once('scorm.class.php'); |
require_once('aicc.class.php'); |
require_once('learnpathItem.class.php'); |
require_once('scormItem.class.php'); |
require_once('aiccItem.class.php'); |
$mylp = ''; |
if(isset($_SESSION['lpobject'])) |
{ |
if($debug>1){error_log('////$_SESSION[lpobject] is set',0);} |
$oLP =& unserialize($_SESSION['lpobject']); |
if(!is_object($oLP)){ |
if($debug>1){error_log(print_r($oLP,true),0);} |
if($debug>2){error_log('////Building new lp',0);} |
unset($oLP); |
$code = api_get_course_id(); |
$mylp = & new learnpath($code,$lp_id,$user_id); |
}else{ |
if($debug>1){error_log('////Reusing session lp',0);} |
$mylp = & $oLP; |
} |
} |
$new_item_id = 0; |
switch($next_item){ |
case 'next': |
$mylp->set_current_item($current_item); |
$mylp->next(); |
$new_item_id = $mylp->get_current_item_id(); |
if($debug>1){error_log('In {next} - next item is '.$new_item_id.'(current: '.$current_item.')',0);} |
break; |
case 'previous': |
$mylp->set_current_item($current_item); |
$mylp->previous(); |
$new_item_id = $mylp->get_current_item_id(); |
if($debug>1){error_log('In {previous} - next item is '.$new_item_id.'(current: '.$current_item.')',0);} |
break; |
case 'first': |
$mylp->set_current_item($current_item); |
$mylp->first(); |
$new_item_id = $mylp->get_current_item_id(); |
if($debug>1){error_log('In {first} - next item is '.$new_item_id.'(current: '.$current_item.')',0);} |
break; |
case 'last': |
break; |
default: |
//should be filtered to check it's not hacked |
if($next_item == $current_item){ |
//if we're opening the same item again |
$mylp->items[$current_item]->restart(); |
} |
$new_item_id = $next_item; |
$mylp->set_current_item($new_item_id); |
if($debug>1){error_log('In {default} - next item is '.$new_item_id.'(current: '.$current_item.')',0);} |
break; |
} |
$mylp->start_current_item(true); |
if($mylp->force_commit){ |
$mylp->save_current(); |
} |
//$objResponse->addAlert(api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH).'newscorm/learnpathItem.class.php'); |
if(is_object($mylp->items[$new_item_id])){ |
$mylpi = & $mylp->items[$new_item_id]; |
}else{ |
if($debug>1){error_log('In switch_item_details - generating new item object',0);} |
$mylpi =& new learnpathItem($new_item_id,$user_id); |
$mylpi->set_lp_view($view_id); |
} |
/* |
* now get what's needed by the SCORM API: |
* -score |
* -max |
* -min |
* -lesson_status |
* -session_time |
* -suspend_data |
*/ |
$myscore = $mylpi->get_score(); |
$mymax = $mylpi->get_max(); |
if($mymax===''){$mymax="''";} |
$mymin = $mylpi->get_min(); |
$mylesson_status = $mylpi->get_status(); |
$mylesson_location = $mylpi->get_lesson_location(); |
$mytotal_time = $mylpi->get_scorm_time('js'); |
$mymastery_score = $mylpi->get_mastery_score(); |
$mymax_time_allowed = $mylpi->get_max_time_allowed(); |
$mylaunch_data = $mylpi->get_launch_data(); |
/* |
if($mylpi->get_type() == 'asset'){ |
//temporary measure to save completion of an asset. Later on, Dokeos should trigger something on unload, maybe... (even though that would mean the last item cannot be completed) |
$mylesson_status = 'completed'; |
$mylpi->set_status('completed'); |
$mylpi->save(); |
} |
*/ |
$mysession_time = $mylpi->get_total_time(); |
$mysuspend_data = $mylpi->get_suspend_data(); |
$mylesson_location = $mylpi->get_lesson_location(); |
$myic = $mylpi->get_interactions_count(); |
$myistring = ''; |
for ($i=0;$i<$myic;$i++) { |
$myistring .= ",[".$i.",'','','','','','','']"; |
} |
if (!empty($myistring)) { |
$myistring = substr($myistring,1); |
} |
//$objResponse->addScript( |
$return .= |
"score=".$myscore.";" . |
"max=".$mymax.";" . |
"min=".$mymin.";" . |
"lesson_status='".$mylesson_status."';" . |
"lesson_location='".$mylesson_location."';" . |
"session_time='".$mysession_time."';" . |
"suspend_data='".$mysuspend_data."';" . |
"total_time = '".$mytotal_time."';" . |
"mastery_score = '".$mymastery_score."';" . |
"max_time_allowed = '".$mymax_time_allowed."';" . |
"launch_data = '".$mylaunch_data."';" . |
"interactions = new Array(".$myistring.");" . |
"item_objectives = new Array();" . |
"G_lastError = 0;" . |
"G_LastErrorMessage = 'No error';"; |
//); |
/* |
* and re-initialise the rest |
* -saved_lesson_status = 'not attempted' |
* -lms_lp_id |
* -lms_item_id |
* -lms_old_item_id |
* -lms_new_item_id |
* -lms_been_synchronized |
* -lms_initialized |
* -lms_total_lessons |
* -lms_complete_lessons |
* -lms_progress_bar_mode |
* -lms_view_id |
* -lms_user_id |
*/ |
$mytotal = $mylp->get_total_items_count_without_chapters(); |
$mycomplete = $mylp->get_complete_items_count(); |
$myprogress_mode = $mylp->get_progress_bar_mode(); |
$myprogress_mode = ($myprogress_mode==''?'%':$myprogress_mode); |
$mynext = $mylp->get_next_item_id(); |
$myprevious = $mylp->get_previous_item_id(); |
$myitemtype = $mylpi->get_type(); |
$mylesson_mode = $mylpi->get_lesson_mode(); |
$mycredit = $mylpi->get_credit(); |
$mylaunch_data = $mylpi->get_launch_data(); |
$myinteractions_count = $mylpi->get_interactions_count(); |
$myobjectives_count = $mylpi->get_objectives_count(); |
$mycore_exit = $mylpi->get_core_exit(); |
//$objResponse->addScript( |
$return .= |
"saved_lesson_status='not attempted';" . |
"lms_lp_id=".$lp_id.";" . |
"lms_item_id=".$new_item_id.";" . |
"lms_old_item_id=0;" . |
"lms_been_synchronized=0;" . |
"lms_initialized=0;" . |
"lms_total_lessons=".$mytotal.";" . |
"lms_complete_lessons=".$mycomplete.";" . |
"lms_progress_bar_mod='".$myprogress_mode."';" . |
"lms_view_id=".$view_id.";" . |
"lms_user_id=".$user_id.";" . |
"next_item=".$new_item_id.";" . //this one is very important to replace possible literal strings |
"lms_next_item=".$mynext.";" . |
"lms_previous_item=".$myprevious.";" . |
"lms_item_type = '".$myitemtype."';" . |
"lms_item_credit = '".$mycredit."';" . |
"lms_item_lesson_mode = '".$mylesson_mode."';" . |
"lms_item_launch_data = '".$mylaunch_data."';" . |
"lms_item_interactions_count = '".$myinteractions_count."';" . |
"lms_item_objectives_count = '".$myinteractions_count."';" . |
"lms_item_core_exit = '".$mycore_exit."';" . |
"asset_timer = 0;"; |
//); |
//$objResponse->addScript("update_toc('unhighlight','".$current_item."');"); |
//$objResponse->addScript("update_toc('highlight','".$new_item_id."');"); |
//$objResponse->addScript("update_toc('$mylesson_status','".$new_item_id."');"); |
//$objResponse->addScript("update_progress_bar('$mycomplete','$mytotal','$myprogress_mode');"); |
$return .= "update_toc('unhighlight','".$current_item."');". |
"update_toc('highlight','".$new_item_id."');". |
"update_toc('$mylesson_status','".$new_item_id."');". |
"update_progress_bar('$mycomplete','$mytotal','$myprogress_mode');"; |
$mylp->set_error_msg(''); |
$mylp->prerequisites_match(); //check the prerequisites are all complete |
if($debug>1){error_log('Prereq_match() returned '.htmlentities($mylp->error),0);} |
//$objResponse->addScript("update_message_frame('".str_replace("'","\'",htmlentities($mylp->error))."');"); |
$return .= "update_message_frame('".str_replace("'","\'",htmlentities($mylp->error))."');"; |
$_SESSION['scorm_item_id'] = $new_item_id;//Save the new item ID for the exercise tool to use |
$_SESSION['lpobject'] = serialize($mylp); |
return $return; |
//return $objResponse; |
} |
echo switch_item_details($_GET['lid'],$_GET['uid'],$_GET['vid'],$_GET['iid'],$_GET['next']); |
Reference in new issue