cfasanando 15 years ago
commit 8a21c69da2
  1. 38
  2. 15
  3. 2
  4. 9
  5. 15
  6. 2

@ -1159,4 +1159,42 @@ $TimeSpentOnThePlatformLastWeekByDay = "Time spent on the platform last week, by
$GraphicNotAvailable = "Chart not available";
$AttendancesFaults = "Fallas de asistencia";
$Minutes = "Minutes";
$SystemStatus = "System status";
$IsWritable = "Is writable";
$DirectoryExists = "The directory exists";
$DirectoryMustBeWritable = "The directory must be writable by the web server";
$DirectoryShouldBeRemoved = "The directory should be removed (it is no longer necessary)";
$Section = "Section";
$Expected = "Expected";
$Setting = "Setting";
$Current = "Current";
$SessionGCMaxLifetimeInfo = "The session garbage collector maximum lifetime indicates which maximum time is given between two runs of the garbage collector.";
$PHPVersionInfo = "PHP version";
$FileUploadsInfo = "File uploads indicate whether file uploads are authorized at all";
$UploadMaxFilesizeInfo = "Maximum volume of an uploaded file. This setting should, most of the time, be matched with the post_max_size variable.";
$MagicQuotesRuntimeInfo = "This is a highly unrecommended feature which converts values returned by all functions that returned external values to slash-escaped values. This feature should *not* be enabled.";
$PostMaxSizeInfo = "This is the maximum size of uploads through forms using the POST method (i.e. classical file upload forms)";
$SafeModeInfo = "Safe mode is a deprecated PHP feature which (badly) limits the access of PHP scripts to other resources. It is recommended to leave it off.";
$DisplayErrorsInfo = "Show errors on screen. Turn this on on development servers, off on production servers.";
$MaxInputTimeInfo = "The maximum time allowed for a form to be processed by the server. If it takes longer, the process is abandonned and a blank page is returned.";
$DefaultCharsetInfo = "The default character set to be sent when returning pages";
$RegisterGlobalsInfo = "Whether to use the register globals feature or not. Using it represents potential security risks with this software.";
$ShortOpenTagInfo = "Whether to allow for short open tags to be used or not. This feature should not be used.";
$MemoryLimitInfo = "Maximum memory limit for one single script run. If the memory needed is higher, the process will stop to avoid consuming all the server's available memory and thus slowing down other users.";
$MagicQuotesGpcInfo = "Whether to automatically escape values from GET, POST and COOKIES arrays. A similar feature is provided for the required data inside this software, so using it provokes double slash-escaping of values.";
$VariablesOrderInfo = "The order of precedence of Environment, GET, POST, COOKIES and SESSION variables";
$MaxExecutionTimeInfo = "Maximum time a script can take to execute. If using more than that, the script is abandoned to avoid slowing down other users.";
$ExtensionMustBeLoaded = "This extension must be loaded.";
$MysqlProtoInfo = "MySQL protocol";
$MysqlHostInfo = "MySQL server host";
$MysqlServerInfo = "MySQL server information";
$MysqlClientInfo = "MySQL client";
$ServerProtocolInfo = "Protocol used by this server";
$ServerRemoteInfo = "Remote address (your address as received by the server)";
$ServerAddessInfo = "Server address";
$ServerNameInfo = "Server name (as used in your request)";
$ServerPortInfo = "Server port";
$ServerUserAgentInfo = "Your user agent as received by the server";
$ServerSoftwareInfo = "Software running as a web server";
$UnameInfo = "Information on the system the current server is running on";

@ -249,4 +249,19 @@ $DashboardBlocks = "Dashboard blocks";
$DashboardList = "Dashboard list";
$YouHaveNotEnabledBlocks = "You haven't enabled any block";
$BlocksHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "The blocks have been updated";
$AssignSessionsTo = "Assign sessions to";
$DeleteAllAttendances = "Delete all created attendances";
$AttendanceSheetDescription = "Attendance sheets allow you to gather all your courses attendances by groups. For example, you might want to take attendances to theory lessons separately from attendances to practical lessons. Each of them will show all students as attending by default. It is up to you to register the missing students by clicking the corresponding checkbox.";
$AttendanceSheetReport = "Report of attendance sheets";
$YouDoNotHaveDoneAttendances = "You do not have attendances";
$GoToAttendanceCalendarList = "Go to attendances calendar view";
$AddADateTime = "Add a time and date";
$AreYouSureToDeleteAllDates = "Are you sure you want to delete all dates?";
$DashboardPluginsHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "The dashboard plugins have been updated successfully";
$ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourCourses = "There is no available information about your courses";
$ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourSessions = "There is no available information about your sessions";
$ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourTeachers = "There is no available information about your teachers";
$ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourStudents = "There is no available information about your students";
$TimeSpentLastWeek = "Time spent last week";
$DateLock = "Date lock";

@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ $SelectGroupsUsers = "Select groups/users";
$Student = "Learner";
$Teacher = "Trainer";
$Send2All = "You did not select a user / group. The announcement is visible for every learner";
$wiki = "Group wiki";
$Wiki = "Group wiki";
$Complete = "Complete";
$Incomplete = "Incomplete";
$reservation = "Book resource";

@ -1159,4 +1159,13 @@ $TimeSpentOnThePlatformLastWeekByDay = "Tiempo en plataforma la semana pasada, p
$GraphicNotAvailable = "Gráfico no disponible";
$AttendancesFaults = "Faltas de asistencia";
$Minutes = "Minutos";
$SystemStatus = "Información del sistema";
$IsWritable = "Es inscribible";
$DirectoryExists = "La carpeta existe";
$DirectoryMustBeWritable = "La carpeta tiene que ser inscribible por el servidor web";
$DirectoryShouldBeRemoved = "La carpeta debería ser quitada (no es más necesaria)";
$Section = "Sección";
$Expected = "Esperado";
$Setting = "Parámetro";
$Current = "Actual";

@ -249,4 +249,19 @@ $DashboardBlocks = "Bloques del panel de control";
$DashboardList = "Lista del panel de control";
$YouHaveNotEnabledBlocks = "No ha habilitado ningún bloque";
$BlocksHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "Los bloques han sido actualizados";
$AssignSessionsTo = "Asignar sesiones a";
$DeleteAllAttendances = "Eliminar todas las asistencias creadas";
$AttendanceSheetDescription = "Las hojas de asistencia le permite reunir las asistencias de sus cursos por grupos. Por ejemplo, podría querer tomar las asistencias de las clases teóricas de manera separada de las de las clases prácticas. Cada entrada mostrará todos los estudiantes como asistentes por defecto. Es su responsabilidad registrar los estudiantes faltando, haciendo clic en la casilla correspondiente.";
$AttendanceSheetReport = "Reporte de hojas de asistencias";
$YouDoNotHaveDoneAttendances = "No tiene asistencias";
$GoToAttendanceCalendarList = "Ir a la vista calendario de las asistencias";
$AddADateTime = "Añadir un tiempo y fecha";
$AreYouSureToDeleteAllDates = "Está seguro quiere eliminar todas las fechas?";
$DashboardPluginsHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "Los plugins del dashboard han sido actualizados con éxito";
$ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourCourses = "No hay información disponible sobre sus cursos";
$ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourSessions = "No hay información disponible sobre sus sesiones";
$ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourTeachers = "No hay información disponible sobre sus profesores";
$ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourStudents = "No hay información disponible sobre sus estudiantes";
$TimeSpentLastWeek = "Tiempo pasado la última semana";
$DateLock = "Bloqueo de fecha";

@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ $SelectGroupsUsers = "Seleccionar grupos/usuarios";
$Student = "Estudiante";
$Teacher = "Profesor";
$Send2All = "No seleccionó ningún usuario / grupo. Este item será visible por todos los usuarios.";
$wiki = "Wiki del grupo";
$Wiki = "Wiki del grupo";
$Complete = "Completado";
$Incomplete = "Sin completar";
$reservation = "reservar";
