$langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "Create a virtual training";
$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "The virtual training will share storage space (directory and database) with an existing \'real\' training.";
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ $langCourseCreationSucceeded = "The training was successfully created.";
$DropboxAllowMailingComment = "With the mailing functionality you can send each student a personal document";
$PermissionsForNewDirs = "Permissions for new directories";
$PermissionsForNewDirsComment = "The ability to define the permissions settings to assign to every newly created directory lets you improve security against attacks by hackers uploading dangerous content to your portal. The default setting (0770) should be enough to give your server a reasonable protection level. The given format uses the UNIX terminology of Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute permissions.";
$UserListHasBeenExported = "The user list has been exported.";
$UserListHasBeenExported = "The users list has been exported.";
$ClickHereToDownloadTheFile = "Click here to download the file.";
$CourseListInSession = "Training list in this session";
$CourseListInSession = "Trainings in this session";
$UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession = "Unsubscribe selected courses from this session";
$NbUsers = "Users";
$SubscribeUsersToSession = "Subscribe users to this session";
$UserListInPlatform = "Portal user list";
$UserListInSession = "User list subscribed in this session";
$CourseListInPlatform = "Portal training list";
$UserListInPlatform = "Portal users list";
$UserListInSession = "List of users registeed in this session";
$CourseListInPlatform = "Portal trainings list";
$Host = "Host";
$UserOnHost = "Username";
$FtpPassword = "FTP password";
@ -687,8 +687,8 @@ $Nested = "Nested";
$OpenIdAuthenticationComment = "Enable the OpenID URL-based authentication (displays an additional login form on the homepage)";
$VersionCheckEnabled = "Version check enabled";
$InstallDirAccessibleSecurityThreat = "The main/install directory of your Dokeos system is still accessible to web users. This might represent a security threat for your installation. We recommend that you remove this directory or that you change its permissions so web users cannot use the scripts it contains.";
$GradebookActivationComment = "Enabling the gradebook tool will add the possibility to set learning goals with scores, but if you don\'t need it, it might make the interface unnecessarily complex. Do you wish to activate this tool?";
$GradebookActivationComment = "Enabling the assessment tool will add the possibility to set learning goals with scores, but if you don\'t need it, it might make the interface unnecessarily complex. Do you wish to activate this tool?";
$UserTheme = "Theme (stylesheet)";
$UserThemeSelection = "User theme selection";
$UserThemeSelectionComment = "Allow users to select their own visual theme in their profile. This will change the look of Dokeos for them, but will leave the default style of the portal intact. If a specific course or session has a specific theme assigned, it will have priority over user-defined themes.";
@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ $VisioPort = "Videoconference streaming server port";
$VisioPassword = "Videoconference streaming server password";
$Port = "Port";
$EphorusClickHereForADemoAccount = "Click here for a demo account";
$ManageUserFields = "Profiler";
$ManageUserFields = "Profiling";
$UserFields = "Profile attributes";
$AddUserField = "Add profile attribute";
$FieldLabel = "Field label";
@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ $NoUserAdded = "No user added";
$ImportLDAPUsersIntoCourse = "Import LDAP users into a training";
$ImportLDAPUsersAndStepIntoSession = "Import LDAP users and a step into a session";
$LDAPSynchroImportUsersAndStepsInSessions = "LDAP synchro: Import students/steps into sessions";
$TabsMyGradebook = "My gradebook tab";
$TabsMyGradebook = "Assessment tab";
$LDAPUsersAddedOrUpdated = "LDAP users added or updated";
$SearchLDAPUsers = "Search for LDAP users";
$SelectCourseToImportUsersTo = "Select a course in which you would like to register the users you are going to select next";
@ -891,10 +891,10 @@ $UserListInURL = "Users subscribed to this URL";
$UsersWereEdited = "The user accounts have been updated";
$AtLeastOneUserAndOneURL = "You must select at least one user and one URL";
$UsersBelongURL = "The user accounts are now attached to the URL";
$LPTestScore = "Total Score by course";
$LPTestScore = "Total score by course";
$ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage = "Total average of tests from SCORM and courses only";
$ImportUsersToACourse = "Import users from a file";
$ImportCourses = "Import training from a file";
$ImportUsersToACourse = "Import users";
$ImportCourses = "Import trainings list";
$ManageUsers = "Manage users";
$ManageCourses = "Manage trainings";
$UserListIn = "Users of ";
@ -953,6 +953,6 @@ $EditSystemAnnouncement = "Edit system announcement";
$LPProgressScore = "Total progress by course";
$TotalTimeByCourse = "Total time by course";
$LastTimeTheCourseWasUsed = "Last time the course was used";
$TimeOfActiveByTraining = "Time of active by training";
$AvgAllUsersInAllCourses = "Avegare to all users in all courses of training";
$AnnouncementAvailable = "The announcement is available";
$AnnouncementNotAvailable = "The announcement is not available";
$langConfirmBackup = "Do you really want to backup this training?";
$langCreateSite = "Create training";
$langCreateSite = "Create a training";
$langRestoreDescription = "The training is in an archive file which you can select below.<br><br>Once you click on \"Restore\", the archive will be uncompressed and the training recreated.";
$langRestoreNotice = "This script doesn\'t allow yet to automatically restore users, but data saved in \"users.csv\" are sufficient for the administrator to do it manually.";
$UnsubscribeFromCourse = "Unsubscribe from trainings";
$CreateCourseCategory = "Create training category";
$CreateCourseCategory = "Create a training category";
$CourseCategoryAbout2bedeleted = "Are you sure you want to delete this training category? Courses inside this training category will be moved outside the training categories";
$CourseCategories = "Training Categories";
$CoursesInCategory = "Trainings in this category";
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langProfessors = "Trainers";
$langExplanation = "Once you click \"Create Training\", a training area is created which will include a section for Tests, Gradebook, Courses, Dropbox, Agenda and much more. Logging in as trainer allows you editing privileges to these areas of your training.";
$langExplanation = "Once you click \"Create Training\", a training area is created which will include a section for Tests, Assessment, Courses, Dropbox, Agenda and much more. Logging in as trainer allows you editing privileges to these areas of your training.";
$langEmpty = "You left some fields empty.<br>Use the <b>Back</b> button on your browser and try again.<br>If you ignore your training code, see the Training Program";
$langCodeTaken = "This training code is already in use. <br>Use the <b>Back</b> button on your browser and try again";
$IntroductionWiki = "The word Wiki is short for WikiWikiWeb. Wikiwiki is a word from Hawaiian, meaning fast or speed. In a wiki, people can write pages together. If one person writes something wrong, then the next person can correct it. The next person can also add something new to the page. Because of this, the page gets better whenever someone changes it.";
$langSimpleExercise = "All questions on one page";
$langSequentialExercise = "One question per page";
$langSequentialExercise = "One question by page";
$langRandomQuestions = "Random questions";
$langGiveExerciseName = "Please give the test name";
$langSound = "Audio or video file";
@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ $langModifyInThisExercise = "only in the current test";
$langAnswerType = "Answer type";
$langUniqueSelect = "Multiple choice";
$langMultipleSelect = "Multiple answers";
$langFillBlanks = "Fill in blanks";
$langFillBlanks = "Fill blanks or form";
$langMatching = "Matching";
$langAddPicture = "Add a picture (.JPG or .PNG)";
$langReplacePicture = "Replace the picture";
$langDeletePicture = "Delete the picture";
$langQuestionDescription = "Enter text and/or associated media";
$langQuestionDescription = "Enrich question";
$langGiveQuestion = "Please type the question";
$langWeightingForEachBlank = "Please enter a score for each blank";
$langUseTagForBlank = "use square brackets [...] to define one or more blanks";
@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ $langQuestionList = "Question list of the test";
$langMoveUp = "Move up";
$langMoveDown = "Move down";
$langGetExistingQuestion = "Questions pool";
$langFinishTest = "Finish Test";
$langFinishTest = "Quit test";
$langQuestionPool = "Question pool";
$langOrphanQuestions = "Orphan questions";
$langNoQuestion = "There is no question for the moment";
$langNoQuestion = "Questions list (there is no question so far).";
$langAllExercises = "All tests";
$langFilter = "Filter";
$langGoBackToEx = "Go back to the test";
@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ $langQuestionNotFound = "Question not found";
$langExerciseNotFound = "Test not found or not visible";
$langAlreadyAnswered = "You already answered the question";
$langElementList = "Elements list";
$langScore = "Score";
$langScore = "Score for the question";
$langCorrespondsTo = "Corresponds to";
$langExpectedChoice = "Expected choice";
$langYourTotalScore = "Your total score is";
$langYourTotalScore = "Scoe for the test";
$ReachedMaxAttemptsAdmin = "You have reached the maximum number of attempts for this test. However, being an administrator for this course, you can still try it, but remember that your results will not show in the results page.";
$DirectFeedbackCantModifyTypeQuestion = "The test type cannot be modified since it was set to self evaluation. Self evaluation gives you the possibility to give direct feedback to the user, but this is not compatible with all question types and, so this type quiz cannot be changed afterward.";
$CantShowResults = "Not available";
$CantViewResults = "Can\'t view results";
$ShowCorrectedOnly = "Show the corrected exercise";
$ShowUnCorrectedOnly = "show the uncorrected exercise";
$HideResultsToStudents = "Hide the results to students";
$ShowCorrectedOnly = "With individual feedback";
$ShowUnCorrectedOnly = "All";
$HideResultsToStudents = "Hide results";
$ShowResultsToStudents = "Show the results to students";
$ProcedToQuestions = "Proceed to Questions";
$AddQuestionToExercise = "Add question to Test";
$PresentationQuestions = "Presentation of the questions";
$GradebookWelcomeMessage = "Welcome to the gradebook tool. This tool allow you to set achievable objectives for a training or a set of trainings, and to introduce external scoring into the system.";
$GradebookWelcomeMessage = "Welcome to the assessment tool. This tool allow you to set achievable objectives for a training or a set of trainings, and to introduce external scoring into the system.";
$CreateAllCat = "Create all the training categories";
$langEnterDataNewChapter = "Enter information of section";
$langEnterDataNewChapter = "Adding a section to the course";
$langEnterDataNewModule = "Enter information for section";
$langCreateNewStep = "Create new document :";
$langNewDocument = "New document";
$langCreateNewStep = "Create new rich media page";
$langNewDocument = "Rich media page";
$langUseAnExistingResource = "Or use an existing resource :";
$langParent = "Parent";
$langPosition = "Position";
$langParent = "Section";
$langPosition = "In table of contents";
$langNewChapterCreated = "A new section has now been created. You may continue by adding a section or step.";
$langNewLinksCreated = "The new link has been created";
$langNewStudentPublicationCreated = "The new assignment has been created";
@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ $langNoItemSelected = "To display something here, please select an item from the
$langNewDocumentCreated = "The new document has been created.";
$langEditCurrentChapter = "Edit the current section";
$langditCurrentModule = "Edit the current section";
$langCreateTheDocument = "Document creation";
$langCreateTheDocument = "Rich media authoring";
$langMoveTheCurrentDocument = "Move the current document";
$langEditTheCurrentDocument = "Edit the current document";
$langWarning = "Warning !";
@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ $langDirectory = "Folder";
$langCreateTheExercise = "Create the test";
$langMoveTheCurrentExercise = "Move the current exercise";
$langEditCurrentExecice = "Edit the current exercise";
$langUploadScorm = "SCORM and AICC import";
$langUploadScorm = "Import SCORM course";
$langPowerPointConvert = "PowerPoint conversion";
$langLPCreatedToContinue = "To continue add a section or a step to your course.";
$langLPCreatedAddChapterStep = "Organize, to re-arrange order of sections and steps. Display, to show the path of the course. Add section, to add a sub-set. Add step, to add a lesson or learning experience.";
$AddLpIntro = "<strong>Welcome</strong> to the Dokeos Course authoring tool.<br/>Create your courses step-by-step. The course structure will appear in the menu.";
$AddLpToStart = "To start, give a title to your course";
$AddLpToStart = "To start, give a name to your course";
$langUserAddExplanation = "every line of file to send will necessarily an only include 5 fields: <b>First nameLast name LoginPasswordEmail</b> separated by tabs and in this order. Users will receive email confirmation with login/password.";
$langUserMany = "Import a user list from CSV/XML file";
$UplFileTooBig = "The file you uploaded is too big for the current Dokeos settings (%sMB). Please contact the portal administrator to discuss this issue.";
$UplGenericError = "The file you uploaded was not received succesfully. Please try again later or contact the administrator of this portal.";
$MyGradebook = "Gradebook";
$Gradebook = "Gradebook";
$MyGradebook = "Assessment";
$Gradebook = "Assessment";
$OpenIDWhatIs = "What is OpenID?";
$OpenIDDescription = "OpenID eliminates the need for multiple usernames across different websites, simplifying your online experience. You get to choose the OpenID Provider that best meets your needs and most importantly that you trust. At the same time, your OpenID can stay with you, no matter which Provider you move to. And best of all, the OpenID technology is not proprietary and is completely free.For businesses, this means a lower cost of password and account management, while drawing new web traffic. OpenID lowers user frustration by letting users have control of their login.<br/><br/><ahref=\"http://openid.net/what/\">Read on...</a>";
$NoManager = "No manager";
$ExportiCal = "Export in iCal format";
$ExportiCal = "iCal export";
$ExportiCalPublic = "Export in iCal format as public event";
$ExportiCalPrivate = "Export in iCal format as private event";
$ExportiCalConfidential = "Export in iCal format as confidential event";
$AdvancedFileManagerTitle = "File manager avanzato per l\'editor wysiwyg";
$AdvancedFileManagerComment = "Permette la gestione avanzata dei file attraverso l\'editor";
$ScormAndLPProgressTotalAverage = "Media complessiva punteggi SCORM e moduli didattici";
$MultipleAccessURLs = "URL multiple di accesso";
$SearchShowUnlinkedResultsTitle = "Ricerca a testo libero: mostra i risultati non accessibili";
$SearchShowUnlinkedResultsComment = "Nel mostrare i risultati di una ricerca a testo libero, come comportarsi con i risultati inaccessibili per l\'utente?";
@ -949,4 +950,9 @@ $ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "Mostro l\'e-mail del docente o del tutor a p
$Created = "Creato";
$AddSystemAnnouncement = "Aggiungi un avviso di sistema";
$EditSystemAnnouncement = "Modifica un avviso di sistema";
$LPProgressScore = "Avanzamento totale per modulo";
$TotalTimeByCourse = "Tempo totale per modulo";
$LastTimeTheCourseWasUsed = "Ultimo accesso al modulo";
$AnnouncementAvailable = "L\'avviso è disponibile";
$AnnouncementNotAvailable = "L\'avviso non è disponibile";
$ErrorsWhenImportingFile = "Errores al importar el fichero";
$ServiceActivated = "Servicio activado";
$ActivateExtension = "Servicios activados";
$ActivateExtension = "Activar servicios ";
$InvalidExtension = "Extensión no válida";
$VersionCheckExplanation = "Para habilitar la comprobación automática de la versión debe registrar su plataforma en dokeos.com. La información obtenida al hacer clic en este botón sólo es para uso interno y sólo los datos añadidos estarán disponibles públicamente (número total de usuarios de la plataforma, número total de cursos, número total de estudiantes,...) (ver <ahref=\"http://www.dokeos.com/stats/\">http://www.dokeos.com/stats/</a>). Cuando se registre, también aparecerá en esta lista mundial (<ahref=\"http://www.dokeos.com/community.php\">http://www.dokeos.com/community.php</a>. Si no quiere aparecer en esta lista, debe marcar la casilla inferior. El registro es tan fácil como hacer clic sobre este botón: <br/>";
$AfterApproval = "Después de ser aprobado";
@ -953,6 +953,6 @@ $EditSystemAnnouncement = "Editar anuncio del sistema";
$LPProgressScore = "Progreso total por lección";
$TotalTimeByCourse = "Tiempo total por lección";
$LastTimeTheCourseWasUsed = "Última vez que la lección fue usada";
$TimeOfActiveByTraining = "Tiempo de una actividad por curso";
$AvgAllUsersInAllCourses = "Promedio para todos los usuarios en todas las lecciones del curso";
$AnnouncementAvailable = "El anuncio está disponible";
$AnnouncementNotAvailable = "El anuncio no está disponible";
@ -152,7 +151,7 @@ $langNoItemsInLp = "En este momento no hay items en la lecci
$FirstPosition = "Primera posición";
$NewQuiz = "Nuevo ejercicio";
$CreateTheForum = "Añadir el foro";
$AddLpIntro = "<strong>Bienvenido</strong> a Lecciones, herramienta de autor de Dokeos<br/>Cree su lección paso a paso. La estructura de la misma aparecerá en el menú izquierdo";
$AddLpIntro = "<strong>Bienvenido</strong> a Lecciones, la herramienta de autor de Dokeos con la que podrá crear lecciones en formato SCORM<br/>La estructura de la lección aparecerá el menú izquierdo";
$AddLpToStart = "Para comenzar, de un título a su lección";