[svn r10270]

Eric Marguin 18 years ago
parent 95fe028f59
commit 8b71e7dfc8
  1. 129
  2. 129

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$lang_learning_path = "Learning Path";
$lang_learning_path_builder = "Learning Path builder";
$lang_description = "description";
$lang_title = "title";
$lang_prerequisites = "Prerequisities";
$lang_move_up = "Move up";
$lang_move_down = "Move down";
$langThisItem = "this item";
$lang_title_and_desc = "Title & description";
$lang_add_item = "Add step";
$lang_change_order = "Change order";
$lang_add_prereqi = "Add prerequisities";
$lang_add_title_and_desc = "Edit title & desc.";
$lang_delete = "Delete";
$lang_add_chapter = "Add module";
$lang_show_hide = "Show / hide";
$langLearnpathMystatus = "My status";
$langLearnpathCompstatus = "completed";
$langLearnpathIncomplete = "incomplete";
$langLearnpathPassed = "passed";
$langLearnpathFailed = "failed";
$langLearnpathPrevious = "Previous";
$langLearnpathNext = "Next";
$langLearnpathRestart = "Restart";
$langLearnpathThisStatus = "This step is now";
$langLearnpathToEnter = "To enter";
$langLearnpathFirstNeedTo = "you need first accomplish";
$langLearnpathLessonTitle = "Step title";
$langLearnpathStatus = "Status";
$langLearnpathScore = "Score";
$langLearnpathTime = "Time";
$langLearnpathVersion = "version";
$langLearnpathRestarted = "All the steps are now incomplete.";
$langLearnpathNoNext = "This is the last step.";
$langLearnpathNoPrev = "This is the first step.";
$lang_add_learnpath = "Add a learning path";
$lang_learnpath_added = "The new learning path was successfully created. Now you can add modules to it by clicking on the cross.";
$lang_edit_learnpath = "edit learnpath";
$lang_delete_learnpath = "delete learnpath";
$lang_learnpath_edited = "learnpath has been edited";
$lang_learnpath_deleted = "learnpath has been deleted";
$lang_no_publish = "do not publish";
$lang_publish = "publish";
$lang_no_published = "not published";
$lang_published = "published";
$lang_add_learnpath_module = "Add a new module";
$lang_add_learnpath_chapter_to_path = "Add a new module to this learning path";
$lang_learnpath_module_added = "The new learning path module was succesfully created. Now you can add steps to it by clicking on the cross.";
$lang_edit_learnpath_module = "Edit module description/title";
$lang_delete_learnpath_module = "Delete module";
$lang_learnpath_module_edited = "The learning path module was successfully edited";
$lang_learnpath_module_deleted = "The learning path module and all steps in it are deleted";
$lang_nochapters = "No modules added yet.";
$lang_add_learnpath_item = "Add steps to this module";
$lang_learnpath_item_deleted = "The learning path step has been deleted";
$lang_assign_learnpath_items_to = "please assign this/these learning path steps to module: ";
$lang_edit_learnpath_item = "Edit step additional description/title";
$lang_add_prereq = "Add/edit prerequisities to this step";
$lang_delete_learnpath_item = "Delete step";
$lang_learnpath_item_edited = "The learning path step has been modified";
$lang_prereq_deleted_error = "Has been deleted !";
$lang_none = "NONE";
$lang_forum_opened = "The selected forum has been opened in a new window.";
$lang_link_opened = "The selected link has been opened in a new window.";
$lang_short_help = "To add a step, click on the cross; to add new title/description, click on the pencil; to add prerequisities click on the icon with two documents. You can check what the students will see by clicking on Student View on top.";
$lang_prereq_not_complete = "prerequisites are not complete";
$lang_author = "Author";
$lang_date = "Date";
$langBasicOverview = "Basic overview";
$langAdvanced = "Advanced";
$langDisplay = "Display";
$langNewChapter = "New chapter";
$langNewStep = "New step";
$langPrerequisites = "Prerequisites";
$langEditPrerequisites = "Edit the prerequisites of the current item";
$langTitleManipulateChapter = "Manipulate the current chapter";
$langTitleManipulateModule = "Manipulate the current module";
$langTitleManipulateDocument = "Manipulate the current document";
$langTitleManipulateLink = "Manipulate the current link";
$langTitleManipulateQuiz = "Manipulate the current exercise";
$langTitleManipulateStudentPublication = "Manipulate the current student publication";
$langEnterDataNewChapter = "Enter the data of the new chapter";
$langEnterDataNewModule = "Enter the data of the new module";
$langCreateNewStep = "Create a new step :";
$langNewDocument = "New document";
$langUseAnExistingResource = "Or use an existing resource :";
$langParent = "Parent";
$langPosition = "Position";
$langNewChapterCreated = "The new chapter has been created. You can now add an other chapter or a step to it.";
$langNewLinksCreated = "The new link has been created";
$langNewStudentPublicationCreated = "The new student publication has been created";
$langNewModuleCreated = "The new module has been created. You can now add a chapter or a step to it.";
$langNewExerciseCreated = "The new exercise has been created.";
$lang_prerequisites_limit = "Prerequisities (limit)";
$lang_loading = "Loading page, please wait ...";
$lang_empty = "This path does not contain any steps.";
$langHotPotatoesFinished = "This HotPotatoes test has been closed.";
$langCompletionLimit = "Completion limit (minimum points)";
$langPrereqToEnter = "To enter ";
$langPrereqFirstNeedTo = " you need first accomplish ";
$langPrereqModuleMinimum1 = "Minimum 1 step is missing from ";
$langPrereqModuleMinimum2 = " which is set as prerequisities.";
$langPrereqTestLimit1 = " you must reach minimum ";
$langPrereqTestLimit2 = " points in ";
$langPrereqTestLimitNow = "Now you have : ";
$langLearnpathExitFullScreen = "back to normal screen";
$langLearnpathFullScreen = "full screen";
$langItemMissing1 = "There was a ";
$langItemMissing2 = "page (step) here in the original Dokeos Learning Path.";
$langDone = "Done";
$langNoItemSelected = "To display something here, please select an item from the side menu";
$langNewDocumentCreated = "The new document has been created.";
$langEditCurrentChapter = "Edit the current chapter";
$langditCurrentModule = "Edit the current module";
$langCreateTheDocument = "Create the document";
$langMoveTheCurrentDocument = "Move the current document";
$langEditTheCurrentDocument = "Edit the current document";
$langWarning = "Warning !";
$langWarningEditingDocument = "When you edit an existing document in the Learning Path, the new version of the document will not overwrite the old version but will be saved as a new document. If you want to edit a document definitively, you can do that with the document tool.";
$langDirectory = "Directory";
$langCreateTheExercise = "Create the exercise";
$langMoveTheCurrentExercise = "Move the current exercise";
$langEditCurrentExecice = "Edit the current exercise";
$langUploadScorm = "SCORM and AICC import";
$langPowerPointConvert = "PowerPoint conversion";

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$lang_learning_path = "Parcours";
$lang_learning_path_builder = "Créer un parcours";
$lang_description = "description";
$lang_title = "nom";
$lang_prerequisites = "Prérequis";
$lang_move_up = "Monter";
$lang_move_down = "Descendre";
$langThisItem = "Cet item";
$lang_title_and_desc = "Nom et description";
$lang_add_item = "Ajouter une étape";
$lang_change_order = "Réordonner";
$lang_add_prereqi = "Ajouter des prérequis";
$lang_add_title_and_desc = "Editer nom et descr.";
$lang_delete = "Effacer";
$lang_add_chapter = "Ajouter un module";
$lang_show_hide = "Visible/invisible";
$langLearnpathMystatus = "Etat de la progression";
$langLearnpathCompstatus = "complété";
$langLearnpathIncomplete = "Non complété";
$langLearnpathPassed = "réussi";
$langLearnpathFailed = "raté";
$langLearnpathPrevious = "Précédent";
$langLearnpathNext = "Suivant";
$langLearnpathRestart = "Redémarrer";
$langLearnpathThisStatus = "Cette étape est maintenant";
$langLearnpathToEnter = "Pour entrer";
$langLearnpathFirstNeedTo = "vous devez d\'abord compléter";
$langLearnpathLessonTitle = "Nom du module";
$langLearnpathStatus = "Statut";
$langLearnpathScore = "Score";
$langLearnpathTime = "Temps";
$langLearnpathVersion = "version";
$langLearnpathRestarted = "Aucune étape n\'est complétée.";
$langLearnpathNoNext = "Vous avez atteint la dernière étape du parcours.";
$langLearnpathNoPrev = "Cette étape constitue le point de départ du parcours.";
$lang_add_learnpath = "Créer un parcours";
$lang_learnpath_added = "Le parcours a été créé. Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter des chapitres en cliquant sur la croix.";
$lang_edit_learnpath = "Editer le nom et/ou la description du parcours";
$lang_delete_learnpath = "Supprimer le parcours";
$lang_learnpath_edited = "Le parcours a été édité";
$lang_learnpath_deleted = "Le parcours et tous ses composants ont été supprimés";
$lang_no_publish = "Masquer aux étudiants";
$lang_publish = "Montrer aux étudiants";
$lang_no_published = "est maintenant invisible pour les étudiants";
$lang_published = "est maintenant accessible aux étudiants";
$lang_add_learnpath_module = "Ajouter un module";
$lang_add_learnpath_chapter_to_path = "Ajouter un module à ce parcours";
$lang_learnpath_module_added = "Le module a été ajouté. Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter des étapes en cliquant sur la croix.";
$lang_edit_learnpath_module = "Editer le nom et/ou la description du module";
$lang_delete_learnpath_module = "Supprimer le module";
$lang_learnpath_module_edited = "Le module a été édité.";
$lang_learnpath_module_deleted = "Le module ainsi que les étapes qu\'il contenait ont été supprimés.";
$lang_nochapters = "Aucun module n\'a encore été ajouté.";
$lang_add_learnpath_item = "Ajouter des étapes à ce module";
$lang_learnpath_item_deleted = "L\'étape a été supprimée";
$lang_assign_learnpath_items_to = "veuillez ajouter cette/ces étape(s) au module: ";
$lang_edit_learnpath_item = "Editer le nom et la description de cette étape";
$lang_add_prereq = "Ajouter/éditer les prérequis associés à cette étape";
$lang_delete_learnpath_item = "Supprimer l\'étape";
$lang_learnpath_item_edited = "L\'étape a été modifiée";
$lang_prereq_deleted_error = "A été supprimé !";
$lang_none = "AUCUN";
$lang_forum_opened = "Le forum sélectionné a été ouvert dans une nouvelle fenêtre.";
$lang_link_opened = "Le lien sélectionné a été ouvert dans une nouvelle fenêtre.";
$lang_short_help = "Pour ajouter une étape, cliquez sur la croix; pour ajouter un nom/une description, cliquez sur le crayon; pour ajouter des prérequis, cliquez sur l\'icône représentant deux documents. Pour obtenir la vue membre, cliquez sur \'Vue membre\' dans le coin supérieur droit.";
$lang_prereq_not_complete = "Les prérequis n\'ont pas été complétés.";
$lang_author = "Auteur";
$lang_date = "Date";
$langBasicOverview = "Vue basique";
$langAdvanced = "Avancée";
$langDisplay = "Montrer";
$langNewChapter = "Nouveau chapitre";
$langNewStep = "Nouvelle étape";
$langPrerequisites = "Pré-requis";
$langEditPrerequisites = "Editer les pré-requis pour cette étape";
$langTitleManipulateChapter = "Editer ce chapitre";
$langTitleManipulateModule = "Editer ce module";
$langTitleManipulateDocument = "Editer ce document";
$langTitleManipulateLink = "Editer ce lien";
$langTitleManipulateQuiz = "Editer ce test";
$langTitleManipulateStudentPublication = "Editer ce document";
$langEnterDataNewChapter = "Saisissez les informations de ce nouveau chapitre";
$langEnterDataNewModule = "Saisissez les informations de ce nouveau module";
$langCreateNewStep = "Créer une nouvelle étape :";
$langNewDocument = "Nouveau document";
$langUseAnExistingResource = "Ou utiliser une ressource existante :";
$langParent = "Parent";
$langPosition = "Position";
$langNewChapterCreated = "Le nouveau chapitre a bien été créé. Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter un nouveau chapitre ou une nouvelle étape dans celui-ci.";
$langNewLinksCreated = "Le nouveau lien a bien été créé";
$langNewStudentPublicationCreated = "Le nouveau travail étudiant a bien été créé";
$langNewModuleCreated = "Le nouveau module a bien été créé. Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter un nouveau chapitre ou une nouvelle étape dans celui-ci.";
$langNewExerciseCreated = "Le nouveau test a bien été créé.";
$lang_prerequisites_limit = "Prérequis";
$lang_loading = "Chargement, veuillez patienter svp...";
$lang_empty = "Ce parcours ne contient aucune étape.";
$langHotPotatoesFinished = "Ce quiz HotPotatoes est terminé.";
$langCompletionLimit = "Points minimum requis";
$langPrereqToEnter = "Pour entrer";
$langPrereqFirstNeedTo = "vous devez d\'abord accomplir";
$langPrereqModuleMinimum1 = "Au moins une étape manque à partir de \"";
$langPrereqModuleMinimum2 = " \" qui est paramétré en tant que prérequis";
$langPrereqTestLimit1 = "Vous devez atteindre au minimum";
$langPrereqTestLimit2 = "points en";
$langPrereqTestLimitNow = "Vous avez maintenant :";
$langLearnpathExitFullScreen = "retour à l\'écran normal";
$langLearnpathFullScreen = "plein écran";
$langItemMissing1 = "Il y avait un";
$langItemMissing2 = "page (étape) ici dans le parcours pédagogique original.";
$langDone = "Réalisé";
$langNoItemSelected = "Pour afficher un élément dans cette zone, veuillez cliquer sur un élément du menu situé à gauche";
$langNewDocumentCreated = "Le nouveau document a bien été créé.";
$langEditCurrentChapter = "Editer ce chapitre";
$langditCurrentModule = "Edit ce module";
$langCreateTheDocument = "Créer le document";
$langMoveTheCurrentDocument = "Déplacer le document courant";
$langEditTheCurrentDocument = "Editer le document courant";
$langWarning = "Attention !";
$langWarningEditingDocument = "Quand vous éditez un document existant dans un parcours pédagogique, la nouvelle version du document n\'écrasera pas l\'ancienne version mais sera sauvegardée en tant que nouveau document. Si vous voulez éditer un document de façon permanente, vous pouvez le faire dans l\'outil document.";
$langDirectory = "Répertoire";
$langCreateTheExercise = "Créer l\'exercice";
$langMoveTheCurrentExercise = "Déplacer l\'excercice courant";
$langEditCurrentExecice = "Editer l\'excercice courant";
$langUploadScorm = "Import AICC et SCORM";
$langPowerPointConvert = "Conversion PowerPoint";