$DiagnosisFilledDescription = "The diagnosis has been filled successfully";
$UserXHasFilledTheDiagnosis = "User %s has filled the diagnosis";
$UserXHasFilledTheDiagnosisDescription = "User %s has filled the diagnosis on the platform and it is ready for you to review.";
$SendLegal = "Send legal agreement";
$DeleteLegal = "Delete legal agreement";
$LegalAccepted = "Legal accepted";
$LoadTermConditionsSectionTitle = "Load term conditions section";
$LoadTermConditionsSectionDescription = "The legal agreement will appear during the login or when enter to a course.";
$SendTermsSubject = "Your terms and conditions are ready to be signed";
$SendTermsDescriptionToUrlX = "Hello,
Your tutor sent you your terms and conditions. You can sign it following this url: %s";
$UserXSignedTheAgreement = "User %s signed the agreement.";
$UserXSignedTheAgreementTheY = "User %s signed the agreement the %s.";
$ShowTermsIfProfileCompletedTitle = "Terms and conditions only if profile complete";
$ShowTermsIfProfileCompletedComment = "By enabling this option, terms and conditions will be available to the user only when the extra profile fields that start with 'terms_' and set to visible are completed.";