$FacebookMainActivateComment = "<p>First of all, you have create a Facebook Application (see <ahref='https://developers.facebook.com/apps'>https://developers.facebook.com/apps</a>) with your Facebook account. In the Facebook Apps parameters, the site URL value should have a GET parameter 'action=fbconnect' (e.g. http://mychamilo.com/?action=fbconnect).</p>Then, <h5>edit file main/auth/external_login/facebook.conf.php</h5>and enter 'appId' and 'secret' values for $facebook_config.<br/>Go to <ahref='settings.php?category=Facebook'>Plugin</a> to add a configurable 'Facebook Login' button for your Chamilo campus.";
$LanguagePriority1Title = "Language priority 1";
$LanguagePriority2Title = "Language priority 2";
$LanguagePriority3Title = "Language priority 3";
$LanguagePriority4Title = "Language priority 4";
$LanguagePriority5Title = "Language priority 5";
$LanguagePriority1Comment = "The language with the highest priority";
$UserLanguage = "User language";
$UserSelectedLanguage = "User selected language";
$TeachersCanChangeGradeModelSettingsTitle = "Teachers can change the Gradebook model settings";
$TeachersCanChangeGradeModelSettingsComment = "When editing a Gradebook";
@ -1545,4 +1545,6 @@ $TeachersCanChangeScoreSettingsTitle = "Los profesores pueden cambiar la configu
$TeachersCanChangeScoreSettingsComment = "Al editar la configuración de las Evaluaciones";
$GradebookEnableLockingTitle = "Activar bloqueo de Evaluaciones por los profesores";
$GradebookEnableLockingComment = "Una vez activada, esta opción permitirá a los profesores bloquear cualquier evaluación dentro de su curso. Esto prohibirá al profesor cualquier modificación posterior de los resultados de sus alumnos en los recursos usados para esta evaluación: exámenes, lecciones, tareas, etc. El único rol autorizado a desbloquear una evaluación es el administrador. El profesor estará informado de esta posibilidad al intentar desbloquear la evaluación. El bloqueo como el desbloqueo estarán guardados en el registro de actividades importantes del sistema.";
$LdapDescriptionComment = "<divclass='normal-message'><br/><ul><li>LDAP authentication : <br/>See I. below to configure LDAP <br/>See II. below to activate LDAP authentication </li><br/><br/><li> Update user attributes, with LDAP data, after CAS authentication(see <ahref='settings.php?category=CAS'>CAS configuration </a>) : <br/>See I. below to configure LDAP <br/>CAS manage user authentication, LDAP activation isn't required. </li><br/></ul></div><br/><h4>I. LDAP configuration</h4><h5>Edit file main/auth/external_login/ldap.conf.php </h5>-> Edit values of array <code>$extldap_config</code><br/><br/>Parameters are <br/><ul><li>base domain string (ex : 'base_dn' => 'DC=cblue,DC=be') </li><li>admin distinguished name (ex : 'admin_dn' =>'CN=admin,dc=cblue,dc=be') </li><li>admin password (ex : 'admin_password' => '123456') </li><li>ldap host (ex : 'host' => array('', '', '')) </li><li>filter (ex : 'filter' => '') </li><li>port (ex : 'port' => 389) </li><li>protocol version (2 or 3) (ex : 'protocol_version' => 3) </li><li>user_search (ex : 'user_search' => 'sAMAccountName=%username%') </li><li>encoding (ex : 'encoding' => 'UTF-8') </li><li>update_userinfo (ex : 'update_userinfo' => true) </li></ul>-> To update correspondences between user and LDAP attributes, edit array <code>$extldap_user_correspondance</code><br/>Array values are <chamilo_field> =>>ldap_field><br/>Array structure is explained in file main/auth/external_login/ldap.conf.php<br/><br/><br/><h4>II. Activate LDAP authentication </h4><h5>Edit file main/inc/conf/configuration.php </h5>-> Uncomment lines <br/>$extAuthSource["extldap"]["login"] =$_configuration['root_sys'].$_configuration['code_append']."auth/external_login/login.ldap.php";<br/>$extAuthSource["extldap"]["newUser"] =$_configuration['root_sys'].$_configuration['code_append']."auth/external_login/newUser.ldap.php";<br/><br/>N.B. : LDAP users use same fields than platform users to login. <br/>N.B. : LDAP activation adds a menu External authentication [LDAP] in "add or modify" user pages.</div>";
$FacebookMainActivateTitle = "Autenticación con Facebook";