@ -8,13 +8,12 @@
$language_file= 'gradebook';
$cidReset= true;
$cidReset = true;
require_once '../inc/global.inc.php';
$this_section = SECTION_COURSES;
$current_course_tool = TOOL_GRADEBOOK;
$current_course_tool = TOOL_GRADEBOOK;
if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit()) {
@ -28,28 +27,13 @@ if (empty($my_selectcat)) {
if (!isset($_GET['exportpdf']) and !isset($_GET['export_certificate'])) {
if (isset ($_GET['studentoverview'])) {
$interbreadcrumb[]= array ('url' => Security::remove_XSS($_SESSION['gradebook_dest']).'?selectcat=' . $my_selectcat,'name' => get_lang('Gradebook'));
Display :: display_header(get_lang('FlatView'));
} elseif (isset ($_GET['search'])) {
$interbreadcrumb[]= array ('url' => Security::remove_XSS($_SESSION['gradebook_dest']).'?selectcat=' . $my_selectcat,'name' => get_lang('Gradebook'));
Display :: display_header(get_lang('SearchResults'));
} else {
$interbreadcrumb[] = array ('url' => Security::remove_XSS($_SESSION['gradebook_dest']).'?selectcat=1', 'name' => get_lang('Gradebook'));
$interbreadcrumb[] = array ('url' => '#','name' => get_lang('EditAllWeights'));
Display :: display_header('');
$course_id = GradebookUtils::get_course_id_by_link_id($my_selectcat);
$course_id = GradebookUtils::get_course_id_by_link_id($my_selectcat);
$table_link = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_LINK);
$table_evaluation = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_EVALUATION);
$tbl_forum_thread = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_THREAD);
$tbl_work = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
$tbl_attendance = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_ATTENDANCE);
$table_link = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_LINK);
$table_evaluation = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_EVALUATION);
$tbl_forum_thread = Database:: get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_THREAD);
$tbl_work = Database:: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
$tbl_attendance = Database:: get_course_table(TABLE_ATTENDANCE);
$table_evaluated[LINK_EXERCISE] = array(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST, 'title', 'id', get_lang('Exercise'));
$table_evaluated[LINK_DROPBOX] = array(TABLE_DROPBOX_FILE, 'name','id', get_lang('Dropbox'));
@ -59,7 +43,7 @@ $table_evaluated[LINK_FORUM_THREAD] = array(TABLE_FORUM_THREAD, 'thread_ti
$table_evaluated[LINK_ATTENDANCE] = array(TABLE_ATTENDANCE, 'attendance_title_qualify', 'id', get_lang('Attendance'));
$table_evaluated[LINK_SURVEY] = array(TABLE_SURVEY, 'code', 'survey_id', get_lang('Survey'));
$submitted = isset($_POST['submitted'])?$_POST['submitted']:'';
$submitted = isset($_POST['submitted']) ? $_POST['submitted'] : '';
if ($submitted==1) {
Display :: display_confirmation_message(get_lang('GradebookWeightUpdated')) . '< br / > < br / > ';
if (isset($_POST['evaluation'])) {
@ -76,48 +60,23 @@ $parent_cat = Category::load($parent_id);
$my_category = array();
$cat = new Category();
$my_category = $cat->shows_all_information_an_category($my_selectcat);
$my_category = $cat->shows_all_information_an_category($my_selectcat);
$original_total = $my_category['weight'];
$masked_total = $parent_cat[0]->get_weight();
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$table_link.' WHERE category_id = '.$my_selectcat;
$result = Database::query($sql);
$links = Database::store_result($result, 'ASSOC');
while ($row = Database ::fetch_array($result) ) {
foreach ($links as & $row ) {
$item_weight = $row['weight'];
//$item_weight = $masked_total*$item_weight/$original_total;
//update only if value changed
if (isset($_POST['link'][$row['id']])) {
//$new_weight = trim($_POST['link'][$row['id']]*$original_total/$masked_total);
$new_weight = trim($_POST['link'][$row['id']]);
Database::query('UPDATE '.$table_link.' SET weight = '."'".Database::escape_string($new_weight)."'".' WHERE id = '.$row['id']);
$item_weight = trim($_POST['link'][$row['id']]);
//Update weight for attendance
$sql = 'SELECT ref_id FROM '.$table_link.' WHERE id = '.intval($row['id']).' AND type='.LINK_ATTENDANCE;
$rs_attendance = Database::query($sql);
if (Database::num_rows($rs_attendance) > 0) {
$row_attendance = Database::fetch_array($rs_attendance);
$upd_attendance = 'UPDATE '.$tbl_attendance.' SET attendance_weight ='.floatval($_POST['link'][$row['id']]).'
WHERE c_id = '.$course_id.' AND id = '.intval($row_attendance['ref_id']);
//Update weight into forum thread
$sql_t = 'UPDATE '.$tbl_forum_thread.' SET thread_weight='.floatval($_POST['link'][$row['id']]).'
WHERE c_id = '.$course_id.' AND thread_id = (SELECT ref_id FROM '.$table_link.' WHERE id='.intval($row['id']).' AND type='.LINK_FORUM_THREAD.' ) ';
//Update weight into student publication(work)
$sql_t='UPDATE '.$tbl_work.' SET weight='.floatval($_POST['link'][$row['id']]).'
WHERE c_id = '.$course_id.' AND id = (SELECT ref_id FROM '.$table_link.' WHERE id='.intval($row['id']).' AND type = '.LINK_STUDENTPUBLICATION.' ) ';
$tempsql = Database::query('SELECT * FROM '.GradebookUtils::get_table_type_course($row['type']).' WHERE c_id = '.$course_id.' AND '.$table_evaluated[$row['type']][2].' = '.$row['ref_id']);
$resource_name = Database ::fetch_array($tempsql);
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.GradebookUtils::get_table_type_course($row['type']).'
WHERE c_id = '.$course_id.' AND '.$table_evaluated[$row['type']][2].' = '.$row['ref_id'];
$result = Database::query($sql);
$resource_name = Database ::fetch_array($result);
if (isset($resource_name['lp_type'])) {
$resource_name = $resource_name[2];
@ -125,33 +84,122 @@ while ($row = Database ::fetch_array($result)) {
$resource_name = $resource_name[1];
$output.= '< tr > < td > '.GradebookUtils::build_type_icon_tag($row['type']).'< / td > < td > '.$resource_name.' '.Display::label($table_evaluated[$row['type']][3],'info').' < / td > ';
$output.= '< td > < input type = "hidden" name = "link_'.$row['id'].'" value = "'.$resource_name.'" / > < input size = "10" type = "text" name = "link['.$row['id'].']" value = "'.$item_weight.'" / > < / td > < / tr > ';
$row['resource_name'] = $resource_name;
// Update only if value changed
if (isset($_POST['link'][$row['id']])) {
//$new_weight = trim($_POST['link'][$row['id']]*$original_total/$masked_total);
$new_weight = trim($_POST['link'][$row['id']]);
GradebookUtils::updateLinkWeight($row['id'], $resource_name, $new_weight);
$item_weight = $new_weight;
$output.= '< tr > < td > '.GradebookUtils::build_type_icon_tag($row['type']).'< / td >
< td > '.$resource_name.' '.Display::label($table_evaluated[$row['type']][3],'info').' < / td > ';
$output.= '< td >
< input type = "hidden" name = "link_'.$row['id'].'" value = "'.$resource_name.'" / >
< input size = "10" type = "text" name = "link['.$row['id'].']" value = "'.$item_weight.'" / >
< / td > < / tr > ';
$sql = Database::query('SELECT * FROM '.$table_evaluation.' WHERE category_id = '.$my_selectcat);
while ($row = Database ::fetch_array($sql)) {
$item_weight = $row['weight'];
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$table_evaluation.' WHERE category_id = '.$my_selectcat;
$result = Database::query($sql);
$evaluations = Database::store_result($result);
foreach ($evaluations as $evaluationRow) {
$item_weight = $evaluationRow['weight'];
//$item_weight = $masked_total*$item_weight/$original_total;
//update only if value changed
if (isset($_POST['evaluation'][$row['id']])) {
//$new_weight = trim($_POST['evaluation'][$row['id']]*$original_total/$masked_total);
$new_weight = trim($_POST['evaluation'][$row['id']]);
$update_sql = 'UPDATE '.$table_evaluation.' SET weight = '."'".Database::escape_string($new_weight)."'".' WHERE id = '.$row['id'];
$item_weight = trim($_POST['evaluation'][$row['id']]);
if (isset($_POST['evaluation'][$evaluationRow['id']])) {
//$new_weight = trim($_POST['evaluation'][$evaluationRow['id']]*$original_total/$masked_total);
$new_weight = trim($_POST['evaluation'][$evaluationRow['id']]);
GradebookUtils::updateEvaluationWeight($evaluationRow['id'], $new_weight);
$item_weight = $new_weight;
$type_evaluated = isset($row['type']) ? $table_evaluated[$type_evaluated][3] : null;
$output.= '< tr > < td > '.GradebookUtils::build_type_icon_tag('evalnotempty').'< / td > < td > '.$row['name'].' '.Display::label(get_lang('Evaluation').$type_evaluated).'< / td > ';
$output.= '< td > < input type = "hidden" name = "eval_'.$row['id'].'" value = "'.$row['name'].'" / > < input type = "text" size = "10" name = "evaluation['.$row['id'].']" value = "'.$item_weight.'" / > < / td > < / tr > ';
$output.= '< tr >
< td > '.GradebookUtils::build_type_icon_tag('evalnotempty').'< / td >
< td > '.$evaluationRow['name'].' '.Display::label(get_lang('Evaluation')).'< / td > ';
$output.= '< td >
< input type = "hidden" name = "eval_'.$evaluationRow['id'].'" value = "'.$evaluationRow['name'].'" / >
< input type = "text" size = "10" name = "evaluation['.$evaluationRow['id'].']" value = "'.$item_weight.'" / >
< / td > < / tr > ';
//by iflorespaz
$my_api_cidreq = api_get_cidreq();
if ($my_api_cidreq=='') {
$currentUrl = api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&selectcat='.$my_selectcat;
$form = new FormValidator('auto_weight', 'post', $currentUrl);
$form->addLabel(null, get_lang('AutoWeightExplanation'));
if ($form->validate()) {
$itemCount = count($links) + count($evaluations);
$weight = round($original_total / $itemCount, 2);
$total = $weight * $itemCount;
$diff = null;
if ($original_total !== $total) {
if ($total > $original_total) {
$diff = $total - $original_total;
$total = 0;
$diffApplied = false;
foreach ($links as $link) {
$weightToApply = $weight;
if ($diffApplied == false) {
if (!empty($diff)) {
$weightToApply = $weight - $diff;
$diffApplied = true;
foreach ($evaluations as $evaluation) {
$weightToApply = $weight;
if ($diffApplied == false) {
if (!empty($diff)) {
$weightToApply = $weight - $diff;
$diffApplied = true;
GradebookUtils::updateEvaluationWeight($evaluation['id'], $weightToApply);
if (!isset($_GET['exportpdf']) and !isset($_GET['export_certificate'])) {
if (isset ($_GET['studentoverview'])) {
$interbreadcrumb[]= array ('url' => Security::remove_XSS($_SESSION['gradebook_dest']).'?selectcat=' . $my_selectcat,'name' => get_lang('Gradebook'));
Display :: display_header(get_lang('FlatView'));
} elseif (isset ($_GET['search'])) {
$interbreadcrumb[]= array ('url' => Security::remove_XSS($_SESSION['gradebook_dest']).'?selectcat=' . $my_selectcat,'name' => get_lang('Gradebook'));
Display :: display_header(get_lang('SearchResults'));
} else {
$interbreadcrumb[] = array ('url' => Security::remove_XSS($_SESSION['gradebook_dest']).'?selectcat=1', 'name' => get_lang('Gradebook'));
$interbreadcrumb[] = array ('url' => '#','name' => get_lang('EditAllWeights'));
Display :: display_header('');
< div class = "actions" >
< a href = " <?php echo Security :: remove_XSS ( $_SESSION [ 'gradebook_dest' ]) . '?' . $my_api_cidreq ?> &selectcat= <?php echo $my_selectcat ?> " >
@ -159,23 +207,33 @@ if ($my_api_cidreq=='') {
< / a >
< / div >
$warning_message = sprintf(get_lang('TotalWeightMustBeX'), $masked_total);
Display::display_normal_message($warning_message, false);
$formNormal = new FormValidator('normal_weight', 'post', $currentUrl);
//$warning_message = sprintf(get_lang('TotalWeightMustBeX'), $masked_total);
$warning_message = sprintf(get_lang('TotalWeightMustBeX'), $original_total);
Display::display_warning_message($warning_message, false);
< form method = "post" action = "gradebook_edit_all.php? <?php echo $my_api_cidreq ?> &selectcat= <?php echo $my_selectcat ?> " >
< table class = "data_table" >
< tr class = "row_odd" >
< th style = "width: 35px;" > <?php echo get_lang ( 'Type' ); ?> </ th >
< th > <?php echo get_lang ( 'Resource' ); ?> </ th >
< th > <?php echo get_lang ( 'Weight' ); ?> </ th >
< / tr >
<?php echo $output ; ?>
< / table >
< input type = "hidden" name = "submitted" value = "1" / >
< br / >
< button class = "save " type = "submit" name = "name" value = " <?php echo get_lang ( 'Save' ) ?> " >
<?php echo get_lang ( 'SaveScoringRules' ) ?>
< / button >
< / form >
< form method = "post" action = "gradebook_edit_all.php? <?php echo $my_api_cidreq ?> &selectcat= <?php echo $my_selectcat ?> " >
< table class = "data_table" >
< tr class = "row_odd" >
< th style = "width: 35px;" > <?php echo get_lang ( 'Type' ); ?> </ th >
< th > <?php echo get_lang ( 'Resource' ); ?> </ th >
< th > <?php echo get_lang ( 'Weight' ); ?> </ th >
< / tr >
<?php echo $output ; ?>
< / table >
< input type = "hidden" name = "submitted" value = "1" / >
< br / >
< button class = "btn btn-primary " type = "submit" name = "name" value = " <?php echo get_lang ( 'Save' ) ?> " >
<?php echo get_lang ( 'SaveScoringRules' ) ?>
< / button >
< / form >
Display :: display_footer();