@ -55,7 +55,10 @@ if (is_int($global_error_code) && $global_error_code > 0) { |
} else { |
$theme = 'chamilo'; |
} |
$root_rel = ''; |
$installation_guide_url = $root_rel.'documentation/installation_guide.html'; |
$css_path = 'app/Resources/public/css/'; |
$css_web_assets = 'web/assets/'; |
$css_web_path = 'web/css/'; |
@ -64,47 +67,17 @@ if (is_int($global_error_code) && $global_error_code > 0) { |
$bootstrap_file = $css_web_assets.'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'; |
$css_base_file = $css_web_path.'base.css'; |
$css_list = array($bootstrap_file,$css_web_fontawesome, $css_base_file, $themePath); |
$css_list = array($bootstrap_file, $css_web_fontawesome, $css_base_file, $themePath); |
$web_img = 'main/img'; |
$root_sys = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../')).'/'; |
$root_rel = htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); |
if (!empty($root_rel)) { |
// If we could obtain a relative path for the chamilo dir from the $_SERVER array |
$pos = strrpos($root_rel, '/'); //search for last "/" in path |
$root_rel = substr($root_rel, 0, $pos - strlen($root_rel) + 1); |
if (strpos($root_rel, '/main/') !== false) { |
// If the current path contains '/main/', then |
$pos = 0; |
while (($test_pos = strpos(substr($root_rel, $pos, strlen($root_rel)), '/main/')) !== false) { |
$pos = $test_pos + 1; |
} |
$root_rel = substr($root_rel, 0, $pos); |
} elseif (strpos($root_rel, '/courses/') !== false && function_exists('api_get_path') && strpos($root_rel, api_get_path(REL_COURSE_PATH)) !== false) { |
$pos = 0; |
while (($test_pos = strpos(substr($root_rel, $pos, strlen($root_rel)), api_get_path(REL_COURSE_PATH))) !== false) { |
$pos = $test_pos + 1; |
} |
$root_rel = substr($root_rel, 0, $pos); |
} elseif (!function_exists('api_get_path')) { |
// Sometimes the api_get_path() function might be unavailable (system not installed, for example) |
// In this case, we assume the root folder, although this might trigger issues with Chamilo installed in a subfolder |
$root_rel = '/'; |
} |
} |
$installation_guide_url = $root_rel.'documentation/installation_guide.html'; |
$root_sys = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(__DIR__.'/../../')).'/'; |
$css_def = ''; |
foreach ($css_list as $css_item) { |
$css_base_chamilo_file = $css_item; |
if (file_exists($css_base_chamilo_file)) { |
$css_def .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$css_base_chamilo_file.'">'.PHP_EOL; |
//$css_def .= @file_get_contents($css_base_chamilo_file); |
foreach ($css_list as $cssFile) { |
$cssFile = $root_sys.$cssFile; |
if (file_exists($cssFile)) { |
$css_def .= file_get_contents($cssFile); |
} |
} |
$global_error_message = array(); |
@ -180,19 +153,17 @@ if (is_int($global_error_code) && $global_error_code > 0) { |
$bgMoon = base64_encode(file_get_contents("$root_sys/main/img/bg_moon_two.png")); |
$installChamiloImage = "data:image/png;base64,".base64_encode(file_get_contents("$root_sys/main/img/mr_chamilo_install.png")); |
$global_error_message['mr_chamilo'] = $installChamiloImage; |
$global_error_message_page = |
<<<EOM |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html> |
<head> |
<title>{TITLE}</title> |
<meta charset="{ENCODING}" /> |
$css_def |
<style type="text/css"> |
<meta charset="{ENCODING}" /> |
<style> |
$css_def |
html, body {min-height:100%; padding:0; margin:0;} |
#wrapper {padding:0; position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; left:0; right:0;} |
@ -220,8 +191,6 @@ if (is_int($global_error_code) && $global_error_code > 0) { |
-ms-animation: animatedBackground 40s linear infinite; |
-moz-animation: animatedBackground 40s linear infinite; |
-webkit-animation: animatedBackground 40s linear infinite; |
} |
.installer{ |
background: url("data:image/png;base64,$bgMoon") no-repeat center 390px; |
@ -260,13 +229,21 @@ if (is_int($global_error_code) && $global_error_code > 0) { |
</header> |
<div id="content"> |
<div class="container"> |
<div class="welcome-install"> |
<div class="avatar"> |
<div class="welcome-install"> |
<div class="avatar"> |
<img class="img-responsive" src="{MR_CHAMILO}"/> |
</div> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-md-12"> |
<div class="office"> |
<p class="text"> |
{CODE} |
</p> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
{CODE} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |