@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?php // $Id: courses.php 14293 2008-02-14 14:09:51Z elixir_inter $
<?php // $Id: courses.php 14406 2008-02-27 21:53:15Z yannoo $
Dokeos - elearning and course management software
@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ api_block_anonymous_users();
include_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'debug.lib.inc.php');
include_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'course.lib.php');
$ctok = $_SESSION['sec_token'];
$stok = Security::get_token();
// Database table definitions
$tbl_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
$tbl_courses_nodes = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY);
@ -85,9 +88,6 @@ $interbreadcrumb[] = array('name'=> get_lang('CourseManagement'), 'url'=>'course
// Displaying the header
// Diplaying the tool title
// api_display_tool_title($nameTools);
@ -99,58 +99,85 @@ if (isset($_GET['move']))
if (isset($_GET['course']))
$message=move_course($_GET['move'], $_GET['course'],$_GET['category']);
if($ctok == $_GET['sec_token'])
$message=move_course($_GET['move'], $_GET['course'],$_GET['category']);
if (isset($_GET['category']) and !$_GET['course'])
$message=move_category($_GET['move'], $_GET['category']);
if($ctok == $_GET['sec_token'])
$message=move_category($_GET['move'], $_GET['category']);
// we are moving the course of the user to a different user defined course category (=Sort My Courses)
if (isset($_POST['submit_change_course_category']))
$message=store_changecoursecategory($_POST['course_2_edit_category'], $_POST['course_categories']);
if($ctok == $_POST['sec_token'])
$message=store_changecoursecategory($_POST['course_2_edit_category'], $_POST['course_categories']);
// we are creating a new user defined course category (= Create Course Category)
if (isset($_POST['create_course_category']) AND isset($_POST['title_course_category']) AND strlen(trim($_POST['title_course_category'])) > 0)
if($ctok == $_POST['sec_token'])
if (isset($_POST['submit_edit_course_category']) AND isset($_POST['title_course_category']) AND strlen(trim($_POST['title_course_category'])) > 0)
if($ctok == $_POST['sec_token'])
// we are subcribing to a course (=Subscribe to course)
if (isset($_POST['subscribe']))
$message = subscribe_user($_POST['subscribe']);
if($ctok == $_POST['sec_token'])
$message = subscribe_user($_POST['subscribe']);
// we are unsubscribing from a course (=Unsubscribe from course)
if (isset($_POST['unsubscribe']))
$message=remove_user_from_course($_user['user_id'], $_POST['unsubscribe']);
if($ctok == $_POST['sec_token'])
$message=remove_user_from_course($_user['user_id'], $_POST['unsubscribe']);
// we are deleting a course category
if ($safe['action']=='deletecoursecategory' AND isset($_GET['id']))
if($ctok == $_GET['sec_token'])
// Diplaying the tool title
// api_display_tool_title($nameTools);
// we are displaying any result messages;
if (isset($message))
Display::display_confirmation_message($message, false);
// The menu with the different options in the course management
echo "< div id = \"actions\" > \n";
if ($safe['action'] < > 'sortmycourses' AND isset($safe['action']))
@ -221,7 +248,7 @@ Display :: display_footer();
function subscribe_user($course_code)
global $_user;
global $_user, $stok ;
$all_course_information = CourseManager::get_course_information($course_code);
@ -247,6 +274,7 @@ function subscribe_user($course_code)
$return.=$all_course_information['visual_code'].' - '.$all_course_information['title'];
$return.="< form action = \"".$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]."\" method = \"post\" > ";
$return.='< input type = "hidden" name = "sec_token" value = "'.$stok.'" / > ';
$return.="< input type = \"hidden\" name = \"subscribe\" value = \"".$all_course_information['code']."\" / > ";
$return.="< input type = \"text\" name = \"course_registration_code\" value = \"".$_POST['course_registration_code']."\" / > ";
$return.="< input type = \"Submit\" name = \"submit_course_registration_code\" value = \"OK\" alt = \"".get_lang("SubmitRegistrationCode")."\" / > < / form > ";
@ -292,7 +320,7 @@ function courses_subscribing()
* a llows you to browse through the course categories (faculties) and subscribe to the courses of
* A llows you to browse through the course categories (faculties) and subscribe to the courses of
* this category (faculty)
* @author Patrick Cool < patrick.cool @ UGent . be > , Ghent University
@ -306,7 +334,7 @@ function browse_courses()
* c ounts the number of courses in a given course category
* C ounts the number of courses in a given course category
function count_courses_in_category($category)
@ -324,6 +352,7 @@ function count_courses_in_category($category)
function browse_course_categories()
global $stok;
$tbl_courses_nodes = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY);
$category = Database::escape_string($_GET['category']);
$safe_url_categ = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['category']);
@ -338,12 +367,12 @@ function browse_course_categories()
$count_courses_in_categ = count_courses_in_category($row['code']);
if ($row['children_count'] > 0 OR $count_courses_in_categ>0)
echo "< li > < a href = \"".api_get_self()."?action=subscribe&category=".$row['code']."&up=".$safe_url_categ."\" > ".$row['name']."< / a > ".
echo "< li > < a href = \"".api_get_self()."?action=subscribe&category=".$row['code']."&up=".$safe_url_categ."&sec_token=".$stok." \" > ".$row['name']."< / a > ".
" (".$count_courses_in_categ.")< / li > ";
elseif ($row['nbChilds'] > 0)
echo "< li > < a href = \"".api_get_self()."?action=subscribe&category=".$row['code']."&up=".$safe_url_categ."\" > ".$row['name']."< / a > < / li > ";
echo "< li > < a href = \"".api_get_self()."?action=subscribe&category=".$row['code']."&up=".$safe_url_categ."&sec_token=".$stok." \" > ".$row['name']."< / a > < / li > ";
@ -354,7 +383,7 @@ function browse_course_categories()
echo "< / ul > ";
if ($_GET['category'])
echo "< a href = \"".api_get_self()."?action=subscribe&category=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['up'])."\" > < ".get_lang('UpOneCategory')."< / a > ";
echo "< a href = \"".api_get_self()."?action=subscribe&category=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['up'])."&sec_token=".$stok." \" > < ".get_lang('UpOneCategory')."< / a > ";
@ -396,9 +425,10 @@ function browse_courses_in_category()
function display_search_courses()
global $_user,$charset;
global $_user,$charset,$stok ;
echo "< p > < b > ".get_lang("SearchCourse")."< / b > < br / > ";
echo "< form class = \"course_list\" method = \"post\" action = \"".api_get_self()."?action=subscribe\" > ",
'< input type = "hidden" name = "sec_token" value = "'.$stok.'" > ',
"< input type = \"hidden\" name = \"search_course\" value = \"1\" / > ",
"< input type = \"text\" name = \"search_term\" value = \"".(empty($_POST['search_term'])?'':$_POST['search_term'])."\" / > ",
" < input type = \"submit\" value = \"",get_lang("_search"),"\" / > ",
@ -507,11 +537,10 @@ function delete_course_category($id)
global $_user, $_configuration;
$DATABASE_USER_TOOLS = $_configuration['user_personal_database'];
$tucc = Database::get_user_personal_table(TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY);
$id = intval($id);
$sql_delete="DELETE FROM `$TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY` WHERE id='".$id."' and user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
$sql_delete="DELETE FROM $tucc WHERE id='".$id."' and user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
$sql_update="UPDATE $TABLECOURSUSER SET user_course_cat='0' WHERE user_course_cat='".$id."' AND user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
@ -529,21 +558,20 @@ function store_course_category()
global $_user, $_configuration, $charset;
$DATABASE_USER_TOOLS = $_configuration['user_personal_database'];
$tucc = Database::get_user_personal_table(TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY);
// step 1: we determine the max value of the user defined course categories
$sql="SELECT sort FROM `$TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY` WHERE user_id='".$_user['user_id']."' ORDER BY sort DESC";
$sql="SELECT sort FROM $tucc WHERE user_id='".$_user['user_id']."' ORDER BY sort DESC";
// step 2: we check if there is already a category with this name, if not we store it, else we give an error.
$sql="SELECT * FROM `$TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY` WHERE user_id='".$_user['user_id']."' AND title='".Database::escape_string($_POST['title_course_category'])."'ORDER BY sort DESC";
$sql="SELECT * FROM $tucc WHERE user_id='".$_user['user_id']."' AND title='".Database::escape_string($_POST['title_course_category'])."'ORDER BY sort DESC";
if (Database::num_rows($result) == 0)
$sql_insert="INSERT INTO `$TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY` (user_id, title,sort) VALUES ('".$_user['user_id']."', '".htmlentities($_POST['title_course_category'],ENT_QUOTES,$charset)."', '".$nextsort."')";
$sql_insert="INSERT INTO $tucc (user_id, title,sort) VALUES ('".$_user['user_id']."', '".htmlentities($_POST['title_course_category'],ENT_QUOTES,$charset)."', '".$nextsort."')";
@ -561,17 +589,17 @@ function store_course_category()
function display_create_course_category_form()
global $_user, $_configuration;
global $_user, $_configuration,$stok ;
echo "< form name = \"create_course_category\" method = \"post\" action = \"".api_get_self()."?action=sortmycourses\" > \n";
echo '< input type = "hidden" name = "sec_token" value = "'.$stok.'" > ';
echo "< input type = \"text\" name = \"title_course_category\" / > \n";
echo "< input type = \"submit\" name = \"create_course_category\" value = \"".get_lang("Ok")."\" / > \n";
echo "< / form > \n";
echo get_lang("ExistingCourseCategories");
$DATABASE_USER_TOOLS = $_configuration['user_personal_database'];
$sql="SELECT * FROM `$TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY` WHERE user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
$tucc = Database::get_user_personal_table(TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY);
$sql="SELECT * FROM $tucc WHERE user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
$result=api_sql_query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
if (Database::num_rows($result)>0)
@ -623,6 +651,7 @@ function move_course($direction, $course2move, $category)
// we need only the courses of the category we are moving in
$user_courses = array();
foreach ($all_user_courses as $key=>$course)
if ($course['user_course_category']==$category)
@ -631,9 +660,6 @@ function move_course($direction, $course2move, $category)
foreach ($user_courses as $key=>$course)
if ($course2move==$course['code'])
@ -648,11 +674,15 @@ function move_course($direction, $course2move, $category)
} // if ($course2move==$course['code'])
$sql_update1="UPDATE $TABLECOURSUSER SET sort='".$target_course['sort']."' WHERE course_code='".$source_course['code']."' AND user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
$sql_update2="UPDATE $TABLECOURSUSER SET sort='".$source_course['sort']."' WHERE course_code='".$target_course['code']."' AND user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
return get_lang("CourseSortingDone");
if(count($target_course)>0 & & count($source_course)>0)
$sql_update1="UPDATE $TABLECOURSUSER SET sort='".$target_course['sort']."' WHERE course_code='".$source_course['code']."' AND user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
$sql_update2="UPDATE $TABLECOURSUSER SET sort='".$source_course['sort']."' WHERE course_code='".$target_course['code']."' AND user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
return get_lang("CourseSortingDone");
return '';
@ -691,11 +721,15 @@ function move_category($direction, $category2move)
} // if ($course2move==$course['code'])
} // foreach ($user_courses as $key=>$course)
$sql_update1="UPDATE $table_user_defined_category SET sort='".$target_category['sort']."' WHERE id='".$source_category['id']."' AND user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
$sql_update2="UPDATE $table_user_defined_category SET sort='".$source_category['sort']."' WHERE id='".$target_category['id']."' AND user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
return get_lang("CategorySortingDone");
if(count($target_category)>0 & & count($source_category)>0)
$sql_update1="UPDATE $table_user_defined_category SET sort='".$target_category['sort']."' WHERE id='".$source_category['id']."' AND user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
$sql_update2="UPDATE $table_user_defined_category SET sort='".$source_category['sort']."' WHERE id='".$target_category['id']."' AND user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
return get_lang("CategorySortingDone");
return '';
@ -722,9 +756,8 @@ function display_courses($user_id, $show_course_icons, $user_courses)
// Step 1: we get all the categories of the user
$DATABASE_USER_TOOLS = $_configuration['user_personal_database'];
$sql="SELECT * FROM `$TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY` WHERE user_id='".$_user['user_id']."' ORDER BY sort ASC";
$tucc = Database::get_user_personal_table(TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY);
$sql="SELECT * FROM $tucc WHERE user_id='".$_user['user_id']."' ORDER BY sort ASC";
while ($row=Database::fetch_array($result))
@ -768,7 +801,8 @@ function display_courses_in_category($user_category_id, $showicons)
// table definitions
$TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY = "`".Database::get_user_personal_database()."`.`user_course_category`";
$sql_select_courses="SELECT course.code, course.visual_code, course.subscribe subscr, course.unsubscribe unsubscr,
@ -834,10 +868,9 @@ function get_user_course_category($id)
global $_user, $_configuration;
$DATABASE_USER_TOOLS = $_configuration['user_personal_database'];
$tucc = Database::get_user_personal_table(TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY);
$id = intval($id);
$sql="SELECT * FROM `".$TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY."` WHERE user_id='".$_user['user_id']."' AND id='$id'";
$sql="SELECT * FROM $tucc WHERE user_id='".$_user['user_id']."' AND id='$id'";
return $row;
@ -853,7 +886,7 @@ function get_user_course_category($id)
function display_subscribe_icon($current_course, $user_coursecodes)
global $stok;
// we display the icon to subscribe or the text already subscribed
if (in_array($current_course['code'],$user_coursecodes))
@ -864,6 +897,7 @@ function display_subscribe_icon($current_course, $user_coursecodes)
if ($current_course['subscribe'] == SUBSCRIBE_ALLOWED)
echo "< form action = \"".$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]."\" method = \"post\" > ";
echo '< input type = "hidden" name = "sec_token" value = "'.$stok.'" > ';
echo "< input type = \"hidden\" name = \"subscribe\" value = \"".$current_course['code']."\" / > ";
@ -893,12 +927,12 @@ function display_subscribe_icon($current_course, $user_coursecodes)
function display_course_icons($key, $number_of_courses, $course)
global $safe,$charset;
global $safe,$charset,$stok ;
echo "< table > < tr > < td > ";
// the up icon
if ($key>0)
echo "< a href = \"courses.php?action=".$safe['action']."&move=up&course=".$course['code']."&category=".$course['user_course_cat']."\" > ";
echo "< a href = \"courses.php?action=".$safe['action']."&move=up&course=".$course['code']."&category=".$course['user_course_cat']."&sec_token=".$stok." \" > ";
Display::display_icon('up.gif', get_lang('Up'));
echo '< / a > ';
@ -910,7 +944,7 @@ function display_course_icons($key, $number_of_courses, $course)
echo "< td rowspan = \"2\" valign = \"middle\" > < a href = \"courses.php?action=".$safe['action']."&edit=".$course['code']."\" > ";
echo "< td rowspan = \"2\" valign = \"middle\" > < a href = \"courses.php?action=".$safe['action']."&edit=".$course['code']."&sec_token=".$stok." \" > ";
echo "< / a > < / td > ";
@ -920,6 +954,7 @@ function display_course_icons($key, $number_of_courses, $course)
if ($course['unsubscr'] == 1)
{ // changed link to submit to avoid action by the search tool indexer
echo "< form action = \"".api_get_self()."\" method = \"post\" onsubmit = \"javascript:if(!confirm('".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang("ConfirmUnsubscribeFromCourse"),ENT_QUOTES,$charset))."')) return false ; \ " > ";
echo '< input type = "hidden" name = "sec_token" value = "'.$stok.'" > ';
echo "< input type = \"hidden\" name = \"unsubscribe\" value = \"".$course['code']."\" / > ";
echo "< input type = \"image\" name = \"unsub\" src = \"../img/delete.gif\" alt = \"".get_lang("_unsubscribe")."\" / > < / form > ";
@ -934,7 +969,7 @@ function display_course_icons($key, $number_of_courses, $course)
echo "< / tr > < tr > < td > ";
if ($key< $number_of_courses-1)
echo "< a href = \"courses.php?action=".$safe['action']."&move=down&course=".$course['code']."&category=".$course['user_course_cat']."\" > ";
echo "< a href = \"courses.php?action=".$safe['action']."&move=down&course=".$course['code']."&category=".$course['user_course_cat']."&sec_token=".$stok." \" > ";
Display::display_icon('down.gif', get_lang('Down'));
echo '< / a > ';
@ -951,7 +986,7 @@ function display_course_icons($key, $number_of_courses, $course)
function display_category_icons($current_category, $all_user_categories)
global $safe,$charset;
global $safe,$charset,$stok ;
if ($safe['action']< >'unsubscribe') // we are in the unsubscribe section then we do not show the icons.
@ -961,17 +996,17 @@ function display_category_icons($current_category, $all_user_categories)
echo "< td > ";
if ($current_category< >$all_user_categories[0])
echo "< a href = \"courses.php?action=".$safe['action']."&move=up&category=".$current_category."\" > ";
echo "< a href = \"courses.php?action=".$safe['action']."&move=up&category=".$current_category."&sec_token=".$stok." \" > ";
echo "< img src = \"../img/up.gif\" alt = \"".htmlentities(get_lang("Up"),ENT_QUOTES,$charset)."\" > < / a > ";
echo "< / td > ";
echo " < td rowspan = \"2\" > ";
echo " < a href = \"courses.php?action=sortmycourses&categoryid=".$current_category."#category".$current_category."\" > ";
echo " < a href = \"courses.php?action=sortmycourses&categoryid=".$current_category."&sec_token=".$stok." #category".$current_category."\" > ";
echo "< / a > ";
echo "< / td > ";
echo "< td rowspan = \"2\" > ";
echo " < a href = \"courses.php?action=deletecoursecategory&id=".$current_category."\" > ";
echo " < a href = \"courses.php?action=deletecoursecategory&id=".$current_category."&sec_token=".$stok." \" > ";
Display::display_icon('delete.gif',get_lang('Edit'),array('onclick'=>"javascript:if(!confirm('".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang("CourseCategoryAbout2bedeleted"),ENT_QUOTES,$charset))."')) return false;"));
echo "< / a > ";
echo "< / td > ";
@ -980,7 +1015,7 @@ function display_category_icons($current_category, $all_user_categories)
echo " < td > ";
if ($current_category< >$all_user_categories[$max_category_key-1])
echo "< a href = \"courses.php?action=".$safe['action']."&move=down&category=".$current_category."\" > ";
echo "< a href = \"courses.php?action=".$safe['action']."&move=down&category=".$current_category."&sec_token=".$stok." \" > ";
echo "< img src = \"../img/down.gif\" alt = \"".htmlentities(get_lang("Down"),ENT_QUOTES,$charset)."\" > < / a > ";
echo "< / td > ";
@ -1000,16 +1035,17 @@ function display_category_icons($current_category, $all_user_categories)
function display_change_course_category_form($edit_course)
global $_user, $_configuration, $safe;
global $_user, $_configuration, $safe, $stok ;
$edit_course = Security::remove_XSS($edit_course);
$DATABASE_USER_TOOLS = $_configuration['user_personal_database'];
$sql="SELECT * FROM `$TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY` WHERE user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
$tucc = Database::get_user_personal_table(TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY) ;
$sql="SELECT * FROM $tucc WHERE user_id='".$_user['user_id']."'";
$output="< form name = \"edit_course_category\" method = \"post\" action = \"courses.php?action=".$safe['action']."\" > \n";
$output.= '< input type = "hidden" name = "sec_token" value = "'.$stok.'" > ';
$output.="< input type = \"hidden\" name = \"course_2_edit_category\" value = \"".$edit_course."\" / > ";
$output.="\t< select name = \"course_categories\" > \n";
$output.="\t\t< option value = \"0\" > ".get_lang("NoCourseCategory")."< / option > ";
@ -1033,12 +1069,13 @@ function display_change_course_category_form($edit_course)
function display_unsubscribe_icons($course)
global $charset;
global $charset, $stok ;
if ($course['status'] != 1)
if ($course['unsubscribe'] == 1)
{ // changed link to submit to avoid action by the search tool indexer
echo "< form action = \"".api_get_self()."\" method = \"post\" onsubmit = \"javascript:if(!confirm('".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang("ConfirmUnsubscribeFromCourse"),ENT_QUOTES,$charset))."')) return false ; \ " > ";
echo '< input type = "hidden" name = "sec_token" value = "'.$stok.'" > ';
echo "< input type = \"hidden\" name = \"unsubscribe\" value = \"".$course['code']."\" / > ";
echo "< input type = \"image\" name = \"unsub\" src = \"../img/delete.gif\" alt = \"".get_lang("_unsubscribe")."\" / > < / form > ";
@ -1140,9 +1177,10 @@ function display_info_text($text)
function display_edit_course_category_form($edit_course_category)
global $safe;
global $safe, $stok ;
echo "< form name = \"edit_course_category\" method = \"post\" action = \"courses.php?action=".$safe['action']."\" > \n";
echo "\t< input type = \"hidden\" name = \"edit_course_category\" value = \"".$edit_course_category."\" / > \n";
echo '< input type = "hidden" name = "sec_token" value = "'.$stok.'" > ';
echo "\t< input type = \"text\" name = \"title_course_category\" value = \"".$info_this_user_course_category['title']."\" / > ";
echo "\t< input type = \"submit\" name = \"submit_edit_course_category\" value = \"".get_lang("Ok")."\" / > \n";
@ -1158,12 +1196,9 @@ function store_edit_course_category()
global $_user, $_configuration, $charset;
$DATABASE_USER_TOOLS = $_configuration['user_personal_database'];
$sql_update="UPDATE `$TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY` SET title='".htmlentities($_POST['title_course_category'],ENT_QUOTES,$charset)."' WHERE id='".(int)$_POST['edit_course_category']."'";
$tucc = Database::get_user_personal_table(TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY);
$sql_update="UPDATE $tucc SET title='".htmlentities($_POST['title_course_category'],ENT_QUOTES,$charset)."' WHERE id='".(int)$_POST['edit_course_category']."'";
return get_lang("CourseCategoryEditStored");