@ -1,180 +1,209 @@
* This file contains the helper libraries for the BigBlueButton conference plugin.
* It is based on code written by Dual Code Inc in GNU/GPLv2
* Copyright (C) 2010 Dual Code Inc. (www.dualcode.com)
* Copyright (C) 2010 BeezNest Belgium SPRL (www.beeznest.com) - Yannick Warnier - y@beeznest.com
* This script initiates a videoconference session, calling the BigBlueButton API
* @package chamilo.plugin.bigbluebutton
* Inserts an item into the plugin_bbb table
function bigbluebutton_insert_record($table,$object) {
//ignore the first param (used for compatibility with existing code)
$table = Database::get_main_table('plugin_bbb');
$sql = "INSERT INTO $table (course_id, name, meeting_name, meeting_id, attendee_pw, moderator_pw, auto_login, new_window, welcome_msg)" .
"VALUES (" .
intval($object->course) .", " .
"'".Database::escape_string($object->name)."'," .
"'".Database::escape_string($object->meetingname)."'," .
"'".Database::escape_string($object->meetingid)."'," .
"'".Database::escape_string($object->attendeepw)."'," .
"'".Database::escape_string($object->moderatorpw)."'," .
"'".Database::escape_string($object->autologin)."'," .
"'".Database::escape_string($object->newwindow)."'," .
"'".Database::escape_string($object->welcomemsg)."'" .
return Database::insert_id();
* Updates a bigbluebutton record
function bigbluebutton_update_record($table, $object) {
//ignore the first param (used for compatibility with existing code) $table = Database::get_main_table('plugin_bbb');
$sql = "UPDATE $table (course_id, name, meeting_name, meeting_id, attendee_pw, moderator_pw, auto_login, new_window, welcome_msg)" .
" SET course_id = ".intval($object->course) .", " .
" name = '".Database::escape_string($object->name)."'," .
" meeting_name = '".Database::escape_string($object->meetingname)."'," .
" meeting_id = '".Database::escape_string($object->meetingid)."'," .
" attendee_pw = '".Database::escape_string($object->attendeepw)."'," .
" moderator_pw = '".Database::escape_string($object->moderatorpw)."'," .
" auto_login = '".Database::escape_string($object->autologin)."'," .
" new_window = '".Database::escape_string($object->newwindow)."'," .
" welcome_msg = '".Database::escape_string($object->welcomemsg)."'," .
" WHERE id = " .intval($object->id).
return $oject->id;
* Gets a bigbluebutton room record from an ID
function bigbluebutton_get_record($table,$field,$id) {
//ignore the first param (used for compatibility with existing code)
$table = Database::get_main_table('plugin_bbb');
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = ".intval($id);
$res = Database::query($sql);
if (Database::num_rows($res)>0) {
$row = Database::fetch_assoc($res);
$room = null;
$room->id = $id;
$room->course = $row['course_id'];
$room->name = $row['name'];
$room->meetingname = $row['meeting_name'];
$room->meetingid = $row['meeting_id'];
$room->attendeepw = $row['attendee_pw'];
$room->moderatorpw = $row['moderator_pw'];
$room->autologin = $row['auto_login'];
$room->newwindow = $row['new_window'];
$room->welcomemsg = $row['welcome_msg'];
return $room;
} else {
return null;
* Gets a bigbluebutton room record from an ID
function bigbluebutton_delete_records($table,$field,$id) {
//ignore the first param (used for compatibility with existing code)
$table = Database::get_main_table('plugin_bbb');
$sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE id = ".intval($id);
* Add an event
function bigbluebutton_add_event($event) {
* Given an object containing all the necessary data,
* (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
* will create a new instance and return the id number
* of the new instance.
function bigbluebutton_add_instance($bigbluebutton) {
$bigbluebutton->timemodified = time();
if ($returnid = bigbluebutton_insert_record('bigbluebutton', $bigbluebutton)) {
$event = NULL;
$event->courseid = $bigbluebutton->course;
$event->name = $bigbluebutton->name;
$event->meetingname = $bigbluebutton->meetingname;
$event->meetingid = $bigbluebutton->meetingid;
$event->attendeepw = $bigbluebutton->attendeepw;
$event->moderatorpw = $bigbluebutton->moderatorpw;
$event->autologin = $bigbluebutton->autologin;
$event->newwindow = $bigbluebutton->newwindow;
$event->welcomemsg = $bigbluebutton->welcomemsg;
return $returnid;
* Given an object containing all the necessary data,
* (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
* will update an existing instance with new data.
function bigbluebutton_update_instance($bigbluebutton) {
$bigbluebutton->timemodified = time();
$bigbluebutton->id = $bigbluebutton->instance;
if ($returnid = bigbluebutton_update_record('bigbluebutton', $bigbluebutton)) {
$event = NULL;
if ($event->id = bigbluebutton_get_field('event', 'id', 'modulename', 'bigbluebutton', 'instance', $bigbluebutton->id)) {
$event->courseid = $bigbluebutton->course;
$event->name = $bigbluebutton->name;
$event->meetingname = $bigbluebutton->meetingname;
$event->meetingid = $bigbluebutton->meetingid;
$event->attendeepw = $bigbluebutton->attendeepw;
$event->moderatorpw = $bigbluebutton->moderatorpw;
$event->autologin = $bigbluebutton->autologin;
$event->newwindow = $bigbluebutton->newwindow;
$event->welcomemsg = $bigbluebutton->welcomemsg;
return $returnid;
* Given an ID of an instance of this module,
* this function will permanently delete the instance
* and any data that depends on it.
function bigbluebutton_delete_instance($id) {
if (! $bigbluebutton = bigbluebutton_get_record('bigbluebutton', 'id', $id)) {
class bbb {
var $url;
var $salt;
var $api;
var $user_complete_name = null;
var $protocol = 'http://';
var $debug = true;
var $logout_url = null;
function __construct() {
// initialize video server settings from global settings
$settings = api_get_settings('Extra','list',api_get_current_access_url_id());
$bbb_settings = array();
foreach ($settings as $setting) {
if (substr($setting['variable'],0,4)==='bbb_') {
$bbb_settings[$setting['variable']] = $setting['selected_value'];
$bbb_plugin = $bbb_settings['bbb_plugin'] === 'true';
$bbb_host = $bbb_settings['bbb_plugin_host'];
$bbb_salt = $bbb_settings['bbb_plugin_salt'];
$course_code = api_get_course_id();
$this->logout_url = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$course_code;
if ($bbb_plugin) {
$user_info = api_get_user_info();
$this->user_complete_name = $user_info['complete_name'];
$this->salt = $bbb_salt;
$this->url = $bbb_host.'/bigbluebutton/';
$this->table = Database::get_main_table('plugin_bbb_meeting');
return true;
return false;
function create_meeting($params) {
$params['c_id'] = api_get_course_int_id();
$course_code = api_get_course_id();
$attende_password = $params['attendee_pw'] = isset($params['moderator_pw']) ? $params['moderator_pw'] : api_get_course_id();
$moderator_password = $params['moderator_pw'] = isset($params['moderator_pw']) ? $params['moderator_pw'] : api_get_course_id().'mod';
$params['record'] = api_get_course_setting('big_blue_button_record_and_store', $course_code) == 1 ? true : false;
$max = api_get_course_setting('big_blue_button_max_students_allowed', $course_code);
$max = isset($max) ? $max : -1;
$params['status'] = 1;
if ($this->debug) error_log("enter create_meeting ".print_r($params, 1));
$params['created_at'] = api_get_utc_datetime();
$id = Database::insert($this->table, $params);
if ($id) {
if ($this->debug) error_log("create_meeting $id ");
$meeting_name = isset($params['meeting_name']) ? $params['meeting_name'] : api_get_course_id();
$welcome_msg = isset($params['welcome_msg']) ? $params['welcome_msg'] : null;
$record = isset($params['record']) & & $params['record'] ? 'true' : 'false';
$duration = isset($params['duration']) ? intval($params['duration']) : 0;
$result = true;
# Delete any dependent records here #
if (! bigbluebutton_delete_records('bigbluebutton', 'id', $bigbluebutton->id)) {
$result = false;
// ??
$voiceBridge = 0;
$metadata = array('maxParticipants' => $max);
return $this->protocol.BigBlueButtonBN::createMeetingAndGetJoinURL($this->user_complete_name, $meeting_name, $id, $welcome_msg, $moderator_password, $attende_password,
$this->salt, $this->url, $this->logout_url, $record, $duration, $voiceBridge, $metadata);
//$id = Database::update($this->table, array('created_at' => ''));
$pagetypes = page_import_types('mod/bigbluebutton/');
foreach($pagetypes as $pagetype) {
if(!delete_records('block_instance', 'pageid', $bigbluebutton->id, 'pagetype', $pagetype)) {
$result = false;
function is_meeting_exist($meeting_name) {
$course_id = api_get_course_int_id();
$meeting_data = Database::select('*', $this->table, array('where' => array('c_id = ? AND meeting_name = ? AND status = 1 ' => array($course_id, $meeting_name))), 'first');
if ($this->debug) error_log("is_meeting_exist ".print_r($meeting_data,1));
if (empty($meeting_data)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
if (! bigbluebutton_delete_records('event', 'modulename', 'bigbluebutton', 'instance', $bigbluebutton->id)) {
$result = false;
* @todo implement moderator pass
function join_meeting($meeting_name) {
$pass = $this->get_user_metting_password();
$meeting_data = Database::select('*', $this->table, array('where' => array('meeting_name = ? AND status = 1 ' => $meeting_name)), 'first');
if (empty($meeting_data)) {
if ($this->debug) error_log("meeting does not exist: $meeting_name ");
return false;
$meeting_is_running = BigBlueButtonBN::isMeetingRunning($meeting_data['id'], $this->url, $this->salt);
$url = false;
if ($this->debug) error_log("meeting is running".$meeting_is_running);
if (isset($meeting_is_running)) {
$url = $this->protocol.BigBlueButtonBN::joinURL($meeting_data['id'], $this->user_complete_name, $pass, $this->salt, $this->url);
if ($this->debug) error_log("url :".$url);
return $url;
function get_course_meetings() {
$pass = $this->get_user_metting_password();
$meeting_list = Database::select('*', $this->table, array('where' => array('c_id = ? ' => api_get_course_int_id())));
$new_meeting_list = array();
foreach ($meeting_list as $meeting) {
$item_meeting = $meeting;
$item_meeting['info'] = BigBlueButtonBN::getMeetingInfoArray($meeting['id'], $pass, $this->url, $this->salt);
if ($meeting['info']['returncode'] == 'FAILED') {
} else {
$item_meeting['end_url'] = api_get_self().'?action=end&id='.$meeting['id'];
$record_array = array();
if ($meeting['record'] == 1) {
$records = BigBlueButtonBN::getRecordingsArray($meeting['id'], $this->url, $this->salt);
if (!empty($records)) {
foreach ($records as $record) {
if (is_array($record) & & isset($record['recordID']) & & isset($record['playbacks'])) {
foreach ($record['playbacks'] as $item) {
$url = Display::url(get_lang('ViewRecord'), $item['url'], array('target' => '_blank'));
//$url .= api_get_self().'?action=publish&id='.$record['recordID'];
$record_array[] = $url;
$item_meeting['show_links'] = implode('< br / > ', $record_array);
$item_meeting['created_at'] = api_get_local_time($item_meeting['created_at']);
$item_meeting['publish_url'] = api_get_self().'?action=publish&id='.$meeting['id'];
$item_meeting['unpublish_url'] = api_get_self().'?action=unpublish&id='.$meeting['id'];
if ($meeting['status'] == 1) {
$item_meeting['go_url'] = $this->protocol.BigBlueButtonBN::joinURL($meeting['id'], $this->user_complete_name, $pass, $this->salt, $this->url);
$new_meeting_list[] = $item_meeting;
return $new_meeting_list;
return $result;
function publish_meeting($id) {
return BigBlueButtonBN::setPublishRecordings($id, 'true', $this->url, $this->salt);
function unpublish_meeting($id) {
return BigBlueButtonBN::setPublishRecordings($id, 'false', $this->url, $this->salt);
function end_meeting($id) {
$pass = $this->get_user_metting_password();
BigBlueButtonBN::endMeeting($id, $pass, $this->url, $this->salt);
Database::update($this->table, array('status' => 0), array('id = ? ' => $id));
function get_user_metting_password() {
$teacher = api_is_course_admin() || api_is_coach() || api_is_platform_admin();
if ($teacher) {
return api_get_course_id().'mod';
} else {
return api_get_course_id();
* Get users online in the current course room
function get_users_online_in_current_room() {
$course_id = api_get_course_int_id();
$meeting_data = Database::select('*', $this->table, array('where' => array('c_id = ? AND status = 1 ' => $course_id)), 'first');
if (empty($meeting_data)) {
return 0;
$pass = $this->get_user_metting_password();
//$meeting_is_running = BigBlueButtonBN::isMeetingRunning($meeting_data['id'], $this->url, $this->salt);
$info = BigBlueButtonBN::getMeetingInfoArray($meeting_data['id'], $pass, $this->url, $this->salt);
if (!empty($info) & & isset($info['participantCount'])) {
return $info['participantCount'];
return 0;
* Create string where we check if the meeting is running
@ -206,19 +235,34 @@ function wc_isMeetingRunning($myIP,$mySecuritySalt,$myMeetingID) {
* Create meeting if it's not already running
function wc_createMeeting($myIP,$mySecuritySalt,$myMeetingName,$myMeetingID,$myAttendeePW,$myModeratorPW,$myWelcomeMsg,$myLogoutURL) {
function wc_createMeeting($myIP, $mySecuritySalt, $myMeetingName, $myMeetingID, $myAttendeePW, $myModeratorPW, $myWelcomeMsg, $myLogoutURL, $record = false, $duration = null) {
$createAPI = "/bigbluebutton/api/create?";
$myVoiceBridge = rand(70000,79999);
$queryStr = "name=".urlencode($myMeetingName)."&meetingID=".urlencode($myMeetingID)."&attendeePW=".urlencode($myAttendeePW)."&moderatorPW=".urlencode($myModeratorPW)."&voiceBridge=".$myVoiceBridge."&welcome=".urlencode($myWelcomeMsg)."&logoutURL=".urlencode($myLogoutURL);
if (isset($record)) {
$record = 'true';
} else {
$record = 'false';
$duration_param = '';
if (!empty($duration)) {
$duration_param = '&duration='.intval($duration);
$queryStr = "name=".urlencode($myMeetingName)."& meetingID=".urlencode($myMeetingID)."& attendeePW=".urlencode($myAttendeePW)."& moderatorPW=".urlencode($myModeratorPW).
$checksum = sha1('create'.$queryStr.$mySecuritySalt);
$secQueryURL = "http://".$myIP.$createAPI.$queryStr."&checksum=".$checksum;
$myResponse = @file_get_contents($secQueryURL);
if ($myResponse === false) { return false; }
$secQueryURL = "http://".$myIP.$createAPI.$queryStr."&checksum=".$checksum;
$myResponse = @file_get_contents($secQueryURL);
if ($myResponse === false) {
return false;
$doc= new DOMDocument();
$returnCodeNode = $doc->getElementsByTagName("returncode");
$returnCode = $returnCodeNode->item(0)->nodeValue;
$returnCode = $returnCodeNode->item(0)->nodeValue;
if ($returnCode=="SUCCESS") {
return $returnCode;
} else {
@ -368,3 +412,118 @@ function wc_getRunningMeetings($myIP,$mySecuritySalt) {
return $meetings;
function wc_getRecordingsURL($meetingID, $URL, $SALT) {
$base_url_record = $URL."api/getRecordings?";
$params = "meetingID=".urlencode($meetingID);
return ($base_url_record.$params."& checksum=".sha1("getRecordings".$params.$SALT) );
*This method calls getMeetings on the bigbluebuttonbn server, then calls getMeetingInfo for each meeting and concatenates the result.
*@param URL -- the url of the bigbluebuttonbn server
*@param SALT -- the security salt of the bigbluebuttonbn server
* - Null if the server is unreachable
* - If FAILED then returns an array containing a returncode, messageKey, message.
* - If SUCCESS then returns an array of all the meetings. Each element in the array is an array containing a meetingID,
moderatorPW, attendeePW, hasBeenForciblyEnded, running.
function wc_getRecordingsArray($meetingID, $URL, $SALT ) {
$xml = _wrap_simplexml_load_file(wc_getRecordingsURL( $meetingID, $URL, $SALT));
if( $xml & & $xml->returncode == 'SUCCESS' & & $xml->messageKey ) {
////The meetings were returned
return array('returncode' => (string) $xml->returncode, 'message' => (string) $xml->message, 'messageKey' => (string) $xml->messageKey);
} else if($xml & & $xml->returncode == 'SUCCESS') { //If there were meetings already created
$recordings = array();
foreach ($xml->recordings->recording as $recording) {
$recordings[(string) $recording->recordID] = array( 'recordID' => (string) $recording->recordID, 'meetingID' => (string) $recording->meetingID, 'meetingName' => (string) $recording->name, 'published' => (string) $recording->published, 'startTime' => (string) $recording->startTime, 'endTime' => (string) $recording->endTime );
$recordings[(string) $recording->recordID]['playbacks'] = array();
foreach ( $recording->playback->format as $format ){
$recordings[(string) $recording->recordID]['playbacks'][(string) $format->type] = array( 'type' => (string) $format->type, 'url' => (string) $format->url );
//$recordings[(string) $recording->recordID]['playbacks']['desktop'] = array( 'type' => 'desktop', 'url' => (string) $recording->playback->format->url );
//Add the metadata to the recordings array
$metadata = get_object_vars($recording->metadata);
while ($data = current($metadata)) {
$recordings[(string) $recording->recordID]['meta_'.key($metadata)] = $data;
return $recordings;
} else if( $xml ) { //If the xml packet returned failure it displays the message to the user
return array('returncode' => (string) $xml->returncode, 'message' => (string) $xml->message, 'messageKey' => (string) $xml->messageKey);
} else { //If the server is unreachable, then prompts the user of the necessary action
return NULL;
function _wrap_simplexml_load_file($url){
if (extension_loaded('curl')) {
$ch = curl_init() or die ( curl_error() );
$timeout = 10;
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
$data = curl_exec( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );
return (new SimpleXMLElement($data,LIBXML_NOCDATA));
return false;
return (simplexml_load_file($url,'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA));
function getMeetingsURL($URL, $SALT) {
$base_url = $URL."api/getMeetings?";
$params = '';
return ( $base_url.$params.'&checksum='.sha1("getMeetings".$params.$SALT));
*This method calls getMeetings on the bigbluebuttonbn server, then calls getMeetingInfo for each meeting and concatenates the result.
*@param URL -- the url of the bigbluebuttonbn server
*@param SALT -- the security salt of the bigbluebuttonbn server
* - Null if the server is unreachable
* - If FAILED then returns an array containing a returncode, messageKey, message.
* - If SUCCESS then returns an array of all the meetings. Each element in the array is an array containing a meetingID,
moderatorPW, attendeePW, hasBeenForciblyEnded, running.
function getMeetingsArray( $URL, $SALT ) {
if( $xml & & $xml->returncode == 'SUCCESS' & & $xml->messageKey ) {//The meetings were returned
return array('returncode' => $xml->returncode, 'message' => $xml->message, 'messageKey' => $xml->messageKey);
else if($xml & & $xml->returncode == 'SUCCESS'){ //If there were meetings already created
foreach ($xml->meetings->meeting as $meeting)
$meetings[] = array( 'meetingID' => $meeting->meetingID, 'moderatorPW' => $meeting->moderatorPW, 'attendeePW' => $meeting->attendeePW, 'hasBeenForciblyEnded' => $meeting->hasBeenForciblyEnded, 'running' => $meeting->running );
return $meetings;
else if( $xml ) { //If the xml packet returned failure it displays the message to the user
return array('returncode' => $xml->returncode, 'message' => $xml->message, 'messageKey' => $xml->messageKey);
else { //If the server is unreachable, then prompts the user of the necessary action
return null;