[svn r12615] DLTT import

Julian Prud'homme 18 years ago
parent ecb85d4a1f
commit a2fde14d4e
  1. 12
  2. 1
  3. 14
  4. 14
  5. 12
  6. 1
  7. 12
  8. 1
  9. 3
  10. 3

@ -5,10 +5,15 @@ $AdminBy = "Beheer door";
$AdministrationTools = "Administratietools";
$State = "Overzicht";
$Statistiques = "Statistieken";
$VisioHostLocal = "Videoconferentie host";
$VisioRTMPIsWeb = "Is het videoconferentie protocol webbased (meestal niet)";
$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment = "Toon een link om terug te gaan in de cursushiërarchie. De link is sowieso beschikbaar onderaan de lijst.";
$langUsed = "gebruikt";
$langPresent = "Ok";
$langMissing = "ontbrekend";
$langExist = "bestaat";
$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "Toon een teruglink bovenaan in de categoriën/cursussen hiërarchie";
$ShowNumberOfCourses = "Toon het aantal cursussen";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Toon docent in cursustitel";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Toon docent in cursuslijst";
$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Toon cursuscode in cursuslijst";
@ -552,6 +557,7 @@ $Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "Totale tijd doorgebracht in een cursus";
$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "Met deze optie is het mogelijk om in real time te berekenen hoeveel tijd een gebruiker spendeert aan een cursus. Je kan hier de vernieuwingstijd in seconden opgeven. Om deze optie uit te schakelen, volstaat het om een waarde 0 in te voeren in het veld.";
$EditLink = "Wijzig deze link";
$FinishSessionCreation = "De sessie is aangemaakt";
$VisioRTMPPort = "Videoconferentie RTMTP protocol poort";
$SessionNameSoonExists = "Sessienaam zal binnenkort bestaan";
$NoClassesHaveBeenCreated = "Er zijn geen klassen aangemaakt";
$ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric = "Dit bestand moet numerisch zijn";
@ -594,12 +600,17 @@ $DateStartMoreThanDateEnd = "De startdatum komt na de einddatum";
$SlideSize = "Grootte van de slides";
$EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "Ephorus plagiaat preventie";
$CourseTeachers = "Leerkrachten van de cursus";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Toon de taal van de cursus naast de cursustitel op de startpagina";
$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Toon de categoriën van cursussen op de startpagine, zelfs als ze leeg zijn";
$ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Toon lege cursuscategorieën";
$XMLNotValid = "Het XML document is niet geldig";
$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Activeer online e-mail editor";
$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Activeer online e-mail editor";
$AllowEmailEditorComment = "Als deze optie is geactiveerd, wordt een online e-mail editor geopend na het klikken op een e-mailadres";
$AddCSVHeader = "Voeg de CSV hoofding toe?";
$YesAddCSVHeader = "Ja, voeg de CSV hoofding toe<br />Deze lijn bepaalt de velden en is noodzakelijk als u het bestand wilt importeren in een andere Dokeos campus";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "Toon cursustalen";
$VisioRTMPTunnelPort = "Videoconferentie RTMTP protocol tunnel poort";
$name = "Naam";
$Security = "Veiligheid";
$UploadExtensionsListType = "Filtertype op upload documenten";
@ -618,6 +629,7 @@ $UploadExtensionsReplaceBy = "Vervangende extensie";
$UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment = "Geef de extensie die u wil gebruiken om de gevaarlijke extensie, gedetecteer door de filter te vervangen. Enkel nodig indien u een filter door vervanging selecteerde.";
$Remove = "Verwijder";
$Rename = "Hernoem";
$ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "Toon het aantal cursussen in elke categorie in de lijst van categorieën op de startpagina";
$EphorusDescription = "Gebruik de Ephorus anti-plagiaat dienst in Dokeos. Met Ephorus vermijdt u internetplagiaat zonder enige moeite. U kan onze unieke webservice gebruiken om uw eigen integratie te maken of u kan beroep doen op de Dokeos integratiemodule.";
$EphorusLeadersInAntiPlagiarism = "Leiders in anti-plagiaat";
$EphorusClickHereForInformationsAndPrices = "Klik hier voor meer informatie en prijzen";

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Title = "Titel";
$By = "Door";
$UsersOnline = "Gebruikers online";
$Remove = "Verwijderen";
$Description = "Beschrijving";

@ -5,10 +5,15 @@ $AdminBy = "Administration by";
$AdministrationTools = "Administration";
$State = "Status of the system";
$Statistiques = "Statistics";
$VisioHostLocal = "Videoconference host";
$VisioRTMPIsWeb = "Whether the videoconference protocol is web-based (false most of the time)";
$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment = "Show a link to go back in the course hierarchy. A link is available at the bottom of the list anyway.";
$langUsed = "used";
$langPresent = "Ok";
$langMissing = "missing";
$langExist = "existing";
$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "Show back link on to of categories/courses tree";
$ShowNumberOfCourses = "Show number of courses";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Display Teacher in course title";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Display Teacher in course list";
$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Display Course Code in course list";
@ -483,7 +488,7 @@ $ErrorsWhenImportingFile = "Errors when importing file";
$ServiceActivated = "Service activated";
$ActiveExtension = "Active services";
$InvalidExtension = "Invalid extension";
$VersionCheckExplanation = "In order to enable the automatic version checking you have to register your campus on dokeos.com. The information obtained by clicking this button is only for internal use and only aggregated data will be publicly available (total number of campusses, total number of dokeos courses, total number of dokeos students, ...) (see <a href=\"see http://www.dokeos.com/stats/\">see http://www.dokeos.com/stats/</a>. When registering you will also appear on the worldwide list (<a href=\"http://www.dokeos.com/community.php.\">http://www.dokeos.com/community.php.</a>. If you do not want to appear in this list you have to check the checkbox below. The registration is as easy as it can be: you only have to click this button: <br />";
$VersionCheckExplanation = "In order to enable the automatic version checking you have to register your campus on dokeos.com. The information obtained by clicking this button is only for internal use and only aggregated data will be publicly available (total number of campusses, total number of dokeos courses, total number of dokeos students, ...) (see <a href=\"http://www.dokeos.com/stats/\">see http://www.dokeos.com/stats/</a>. When registering you will also appear on the worldwide list (<a href=\"http://www.dokeos.com/community.php.\">http://www.dokeos.com/community.php.</a>. If you do not want to appear in this list you have to check the checkbox below. The registration is as easy as it can be: you only have to click this button: <br />";
$AfterApproval = "After approval";
$StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Enable student view";
$StudentViewEnabledComment = "Enable the student view, which allows a teacher or admin to see a course as a student would see it";
@ -553,6 +558,7 @@ $Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "Sum of the time spent in a course";
$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "This option is used to calculate in real time the time that a user spend in a course. The value in the field is the refresh interval in seconds. To desactivate this option, let the default value 0 in the field.";
$EditLink = "Edit link";
$FinishSessionCreation = "Finish session creation";
$VisioRTMPPort = "Videoconference RTMTP protocol port";
$SessionNameSoonExists = "Session name soon exists";
$NoClassesHaveBeenCreated = "No classes have been created";
$ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric = "This field should be numeric";
@ -595,12 +601,17 @@ $DateStartMoreThanDateEnd = "Start date is more than end date";
$SlideSize = "Size of the slides";
$EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "Ephorus plagiarism prevention";
$CourseTeachers = "Course teachers";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Show the language each course is in, next to the course title, on the homepage courses list";
$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Show the categories of courses on the homepage, even if they\'re empty";
$ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Show empty courses categories";
$XMLNotValid = "XML document is not valid";
$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Active online email editor";
$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Active online email editor";
$AllowEmailEditorComment = "If this option is activated, clicking on an email will open an online mail editor.";
$AddCSVHeader = "Add the CSV header line?";
$YesAddCSVHeader = "Yes, add the CSV header<br />This line defines the fields and is necessary when you want to import the file in a different Dokeos campus";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "Show course languages";
$VisioRTMPTunnelPort = "Videoconference RTMTP protocol tunnel port";
$name = "Name";
$Security = "Security";
$UploadExtensionsListType = "Type of filtering on document uploads";
@ -617,6 +628,7 @@ $UploadExtensionsReplaceBy = "Replacement extension";
$UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment = "Enter the extension that you want to use to replace the dangerous extensions detected by the filter. Only needed if you have selected a filter by replacement.";
$Remove = "Remove";
$Rename = "Rename";
$ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "Show the number of courses in each category in the course categories on the homepage";
$EphorusDescription = "Start using the Ephorus anti plagiarism service in Dokeos.<br /> <STRONG>With Ephorus, you will prevent internet plagiarism without any additional effort.</STRONG><br /> You can use our unique open standard webservice to build your own integration or you can use one of our Dokeos-integration modules.";
$EphorusLeadersInAntiPlagiarism = "<STRONG>Leaders in <BR>anti plagiarism </STRONG> ";
$EphorusClickHereForInformationsAndPrices = "Click here for more information and prices ";

@ -5,10 +5,15 @@ $AdminBy = "Administration par";
$AdministrationTools = "Administration";
$State = "Etat du système";
$Statistiques = "Statistiques";
$VisioHostLocal = "Hôte pour la vidéoconférence";
$VisioRTMPIsWeb = "Le protocole de la vidéoconférence fonctionne en mode web (faux recommandé)";
$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment = "Afficher un lien de retour en arrière au sommet de la liste. Le lien s\'affiche au bas de la liste dans tous les cas.";
$langUsed = "utilisé";
$langPresent = "Valider";
$langMissing = "manquant";
$langExist = "existe";
$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "Afficher le lien de retour en arrière au sommet de la hiérarchie de catégories/cours";
$ShowNumberOfCourses = "Affiche le nombre de cours";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Afficher le nom des responsables dans le titre du cours";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Afficher le nom des responsables dans la liste des cours";
$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Afficher le code du cours dans les listes de cours.";
@ -485,7 +490,7 @@ $ErrorsWhenImportingFile = "Erreur lors de l\'import du fichier";
$ServiceActivated = "Service activé";
$ActiveExtension = "Services actifs";
$InvalidExtension = "Service invalide";
$VersionCheckExplanation = "Afin d\'activer la vérification automatique des versions, vous devez enregistrer votre portail sur Dokeos.com. Les informations que vous nous transmettez en cliquant sur ce bouton sont réservées à un usage interne; seules des informations statistiques globales seront rendues publiques (nombre total de plateformes Dokeos, de cours Dokeos, d\'étudiants Dokeos ... Voyez <a href=\"http://www.dokeos.com/stats/\">http://www.dokeos.com/stats/</a>. Après l\'enregistrement de votre Plateforme Dokeos, elle apparaitra également sur notre liste internationale <a href=\"http://www.dokeos.com/stats/\">http://www.dokeos.com/stats/</a>. Si vous ne désirez pas y figurer, cochez la case ci-dessous. Pour vous enregistrer, rien de plus simple: cliquez seulement sur le bouton !";
$VersionCheckExplanation = "Afin d\'activer la vérification automatique des versions, vous devez enregistrer votre portail sur Dokeos.com. Les informations que vous nous transmettez en cliquant sur ce bouton sont réservées à un usage interne; seules des informations statistiques globales seront rendues publiques (nombre total de plateformes Dokeos, de cours Dokeos, d\'étudiants Dokeos ... Voyez <a href=\"http://www.dokeos.com/stats/\">http://www.dokeos.com/stats/</a>. Après l\'enregistrement de votre Plateforme Dokeos, elle apparaitra également sur notre liste internationale (<a href=\"http://www.dokeos.com/community.php.\">http://www.dokeos.com/community.php.</a>). Si vous ne désirez pas y figurer, cochez la case ci-dessous. Pour vous enregistrer, rien de plus simple: cliquez seulement sur le bouton !";
$AfterApproval = "Après approbation";
$StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Activer la vue étudiant";
$StudentViewEnabledComment = "Activer la vue étudiant, qui permet aux tuteurs ou administrateurs de voir le cours comme un étudiant le verrait";
@ -554,6 +559,7 @@ $Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "Calcul du temps pass
$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "Cette option permet de calculer en temps réel le temps qu\'un utilisateur passe sur un cours. La valeur à remplir dans ce champs est l\'intervalle de rafraîchissement en secondes. Pour désactiver cette option, laissez la valeur 0 dans ce champs.";
$EditLink = "Editer le lien";
$FinishSessionCreation = "Terminer la création de session";
$VisioRTMPPort = "Port du protocole RTMPT pour la vidéoconférence";
$SessionNameSoonExists = "Ce nom de session existe déjà";
$NoClassesHaveBeenCreated = "Aucune classe n\'a été créée";
$ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric = "Ce champ devrait contenir un nombre";
@ -596,10 +602,15 @@ $DateStartMoreThanDateEnd = "La date de d
$SlideSize = "Taille des diapositives";
$EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "Prévention du plagiat Ephorus";
$CourseTeachers = "Formateurs du cours";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Affiche la langue dans laquelle est chaque cours, à côté du titre du cours, sur la liste de cours de la page d\'accueil";
$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Afficher les catégories de cours sur la page de garde, même si elles sont vides";
$ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Affiche les catégorie de cours vides";
$XMLNotValid = "Le document XML n\'est pas valide";
$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Activer l\'éditeur d\'emails en ligne";
$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Activer l\'éditeur d\'emails en ligne";
$AllowEmailEditorComment = "Si cette option est activée, cliquer sur une adresse mail ouvrira un éditeur en ligne.";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "Afficher les langues des cours";
$VisioRTMPTunnelPort = "Port tunnel du protocole RTMPT pour la vidéoconférence";
$name = "Nom";
$Security = "Sécurité";
$UploadExtensionsListType = "Type de filtrage sur l\'envoi de documents";
@ -616,6 +627,7 @@ $UploadExtensionsReplaceBy = "Extension de remplacement";
$UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment = "Introduisez l\'extension qui remplacera les extensions dangereuses qui ont été détectées par le filtre. N\'est utile que si vous avez sélectionné un filtrage par remplacement.";
$Remove = "Éliminer";
$Rename = "Renommer";
$ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "Affiche le nombre de cours dans chaque catégorie dans la liste de cours de la page d\'accueil";
$EphorusDescription = "Start using the Ephorus anti plagiarism service in Dokeos.<br /> <STRONG>With Ephorus, you will prevent internet plagiarism without any additional effort.</STRONG><br /> You can use our unique open standard webservice to build your own integration or you can use one of our Dokeos-integration modules.";
$EphorusLeadersInAntiPlagiarism = "<STRONG>Leaders in <BR>anti plagiarism </STRONG>";
$EphorusClickHereForInformationsAndPrices = "Click here for more information and prices";

@ -5,10 +5,15 @@ $AdminBy = "Verwaltet von";
$AdministrationTools = "Administration";
$State = "Status des Systems";
$Statistiques = "Statistik";
$VisioHostLocal = "Videokonferenz Host";
$VisioRTMPIsWeb = "Ist Videokonferenz Web basiert (in den meisten Fällen falsch)";
$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment = "Link anzeigen, um zur Kurshierarchy zurückzukehren. Ein Link ist ebenfalls am Ende der Liste vorhanden ";
$langUsed = "gebraucht";
$langPresent = "Ok";
$langMissing = "fehlend";
$langExist = "vorhanden";
$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "\"Back\" Link in Kategorien / Kurs Hierarchie.";
$ShowNumberOfCourses = "Anzahl Kurse anzeigen";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Kursleiter im Kurstitel anzeigen";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Lehrer in Kursliste Anmerkungen anzeigen";
$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Kurscode im Kursliste Anmerkungen anzeigen";
@ -553,6 +558,7 @@ $Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "Summe der in einem Kurs verbrachten Zeit";
$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "Diese Option wird benutzt, um in Realzeit die Zeit zu ermitteln, die ein Benutzer in einem Kurs zugebracht hat. Der Wert in dem Feld ist das Interval zum Auffrischen in Sekunden. Um die Option zu deaktivieren, bitte den Wert 0 eingeben";
$EditLink = "Link bearbeiten";
$FinishSessionCreation = "Session Erstellung abschließen";
$VisioRTMPPort = "Videokonferenz RTMP Protokoll Port";
$SessionNameSoonExists = "Session Name wird bald existieren";
$NoClassesHaveBeenCreated = "Es wurden keine Kurse erstellt";
$ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric = "Dieses Feld sollte numerisch sein";
@ -595,12 +601,17 @@ $DateStartMoreThanDateEnd = "Anfangsdatum ist sp
$SlideSize = "Größe der Slides";
$EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "EUphrous Plagiat Verhinderung";
$CourseTeachers = "Kurslehrer";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Die Sprache jedes Kurses anzeigen, neben Kurstitel auf der Homepage der Kursliste";
$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Kategorie eines jeden Kurses auf der Homepage anzeigen, auch wenn diese leer sind. ";
$ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Leere Kurskategorien anzeigen";
$XMLNotValid = "XML Dokument ist ungültig";
$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Online E-Mail Editor aktivieren";
$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Online E-Mail Editor";
$AllowEmailEditorComment = "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, öffnet ein Klick auf eine E-Mail den online E-Mail Editor";
$AddCSVHeader = "Die CVS Header Zeile hinzufügen?";
$YesAddCSVHeader = "Ja, den CSV Header hinzufügen<br/>Diese Zeile definiert Felder und ist notwendig, wenn man die Datei in ein anderes Dokeos Campus importieren will.";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "Sprache von Kursen anzeigen";
$VisioRTMPTunnelPort = "Videokonferenz RTMP Protokoll Tunnel Port";
$name = "Name";
$Security = "Sicherheit";
$UploadExtensionsListType = "Art von Filter für Upload von Dokumenten";
@ -617,6 +628,7 @@ $UploadExtensionsReplaceBy = "Ersatz-Dateierweiterung";
$UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment = "Die Dateierweiterung eingeben, die als Ersatz für die durch den Filter entdeckten gefährlichen Erweiterungen benutzt werden soll. Wird nur benötigt, wenn ein Filtern durch Umbennen ausgewählt wurde.";
$Remove = "Löschen";
$Rename = "Umbenennen";
$ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "Anzahl Kurse in jeder Kategorie in den Kurskategorien auf der Homepage anzeigen";
$EphorusDescription = "Beginnen Sie, den Ephorus Anti-Plagiat Dienst in Dokeos zu benutzen. <br/><strong>Mit Ephorus können Sie Internet Plagiate ohne zusätzliche Bemühungen verhindern.</strong><br/> Sie können unseren einzigartigen Open Standard Webservice benutzen, um ihre eigene Integration zu erstellen oder einen unserer Dokeos Integrationsmodule benutzen.";
$EphorusLeadersInAntiPlagiarism = "<STRONG>Führend bei  <br/>Anti Plagiat</STRONG>";
$EphorusClickHereForInformationsAndPrices = "Klicken Sie hier für weitere Informationen und Preise.";

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Title = "Titel";
$By = "von";
$UsersOnline = "Nutzer online";
$Remove = "Entfernen";
$Description = "Beschreibung";

@ -5,10 +5,15 @@ $AdminBy = "Administrado por";
$AdministrationTools = "Gerir Dokeos";
$State = "Estado do sistema";
$Statistiques = "Estatísticas";
$VisioHostLocal = "Host da Vídeo-Conferência";
$VisioRTMPIsWeb = "O protocolo da Vídeo-Conferência é web-based (baseado na web) - a maior parte das vezes é falso";
$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment = "Mostrar uma ligação para voltar à hierarquia do curso. De qualquer modo uma ligação para voltar estará sempre disponível no fim da lista.";
$langUsed = "utilizado";
$langPresent = "Ok";
$langMissing = "falta";
$langExist = "existe";
$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "Mostrar ligação Voltar em cima da hierarquia categorias/cursos";
$ShowNumberOfCourses = "Mostrar número de cursos";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Mostrar nome do Professor no título do curso";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Mostrar nome do Professor no comentário da lista de cursos";
$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Mostrar o Código do Curso no comentário da lista de cursos";
@ -554,6 +559,7 @@ $Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "Tempo despendido no curso";
$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "Esta opção é usada para calcular em tempo real o tempo que um utilizador despende num curso. O valor no campo é o intervalo em segundos em que o valor é actualizado. Para desactivar esta função, deixar 0 como valor por defeito no campo.";
$EditLink = "Editar ligação";
$FinishSessionCreation = "Terminar criação de sessão";
$VisioRTMPPort = "Porta do protocolo RTMTP da Vídeo-Conferência";
$SessionNameSoonExists = "O nome da sessão já existe";
$NoClassesHaveBeenCreated = "Não foram criadas turmas";
$ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric = "Este campo deve ser numérico";
@ -596,12 +602,17 @@ $DateStartMoreThanDateEnd = "Data de in
$SlideSize = "Tamanho dos diapositivos";
$EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "Prevenção do pelagianismo Ephorus";
$CourseTeachers = "Professores do curso";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Mostrar a língua de cada curso, próximo do título do curso, na lista de cursos da página principal";
$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Mostrar categorias dos cursos na página principal, mesmo se estiverem vazias";
$ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Mostrar categorias de cursos vazias";
$XMLNotValid = "O documento XML não é válido";
$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Activar o editor de email online";
$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Activar o editor de email online";
$AllowEmailEditorComment = "Se esta opção estiver activa, clicando num endereço de email abrirá o editor de email online.";
$AddCSVHeader = "Acrescentar a linha do cabeçalho do CVS?";
$YesAddCSVHeader = "Sim, acrescentar o cabeçalho CVS.<br /> Esta linha define os campos e é necessária sempre que desejar importar o ficheiro para outras instalações de Dokeos.";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "Mostrar línguas dos cursos";
$VisioRTMPTunnelPort = "Porta do túnel do protocolo RTMTP da Vídeo-Conferência";
$name = "Nome";
$Security = "Segurança";
$UploadExtensionsListType = "Tipo de filtragem no envio de documentos";
@ -618,6 +629,7 @@ $UploadExtensionsReplaceBy = "Substitui
$UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment = "Introduza a extensão que deseja usar para substituir as extensões perigosas detectadas pelo filtro. Só é necessário caso tenha seleccionado um filtro por substituição.";
$Remove = "Remover";
$Rename = "Renomear";
$ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "Mostrar o número de cursos em cada categoria na secção Categorias do Curso da página principal";
$EphorusDescription = "Comece a usar o serviço anti-pelagiarismo Ephorus no Dokeos.<br /> <STRONG>Com Ephorus, impedirá o pelagiarismo através da Internet sem qualquer esforço adicional.</STRONG><br /> Pode usar o nosso serviço web (standard) para construir a sua própria integração ou usar um dos módulos de integração do Dokeos.";
$EphorusLeadersInAntiPlagiarism = "<STRONG>Líderes em <BR>anti-pelagiarismo</STRONG> ";
$EphorusClickHereForInformationsAndPrices = "Clicar aqui para mais informações e preços";

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Title = "Título";
$By = "Por";
$UsersOnline = "Utilizadores online";
$Remove = "Eliminar";
$Description = "Descrição";

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langToolName = "学习跟踪";
$TrackingDisabled = "系统管理员已禁止学习跟踪功能.";
$InactivesStudents = "&#27963;&#21160;&#29992;&#25143;";
$AverageTimeSpentOnThePlatform = "&#24179;&#22343;&#21344;&#29992;&#26102;&#38388;";
$langShowNone = "不显示";
$langCourseStats = "课程统计";
$langToolsAccess = "工具权限";
@ -141,6 +142,8 @@ $TakenSessions = "&#34987;&#29992; session";
$FollowUp = "&#36319;&#36827;";
$Trainers = "&#23548;&#24072;";
$Administrators = "&#31649;&#29702;&#21592;";
$Tracks = "&#36319;&#36394;";
$Success = "&#25104;&#21151;";
$ExcelFormat = "Excel &#26684;&#24335;";
$MyLearnpath = "&#25105;&#30340;&#23398;&#20064;&#36335;&#24452;";

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Title = "&#20027;&#39064;";
$By = "By";
$UsersOnline = "ÔÚÏßÓû§";
$Remove = "ÒƳý";
$Description = "¼ò½é";
@ -423,6 +424,8 @@ $Clicks = "&#21333;&#20987;";
$SearchResults = "&#26816;&#32034;&#32467;&#26524;";
$SessionPast = "&#36807;&#21435;";
$SessionActive = "&#28608;&#27963;";
$SessionFuture = "&#24320;&#22987;&#21069;";
$DateFormatLongWithoutDay = "%B %d, %Y";
$InvalidDirectoryPleaseCreateAnImagesFolder = "&#38750;&#27861;&#25991;&#20214;&#22841;&#65306;&#35831;&#24314;&#31435;&#29992;&#26469;&#23384;&#20648;&#22270;&#29255;&#30340;&#25991;&#20214;&#22841;";
$UsersConnectedToMySessions = "&#26597;&#30475;&#27492;&#20250;&#35805;&#30340;&#25152;&#26377;&#29992;&#25143;";
$DearUser = "&#20146;&#29233;&#30340;&#29992;&#25143;";
