<p><i>Note: most #xyz references are issue numbers you can find in <ahref="http://support.chamilo.org/projects/chamilo-18/issues"target="_blank">our public bug tracking system</a></i></p>
<p> </p>
<h1>Chamilo 1.10.0 - ???, 31st of ???, 2012</h1>
<h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
<p>Chamilo 1.10.0 is a major stable version with loads of added features.</p>
<h3>Release name</h3>
<p><ahref="http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vog%C3%BC%C3%A9">Vogüé</a> is a small town in the French region of Rhône-Alpes, and one of the most beautiful villages of France. It features a 12th century, a generally very pretty landscape and is one of the few remote towns in current growth. One of our new development team members chose this familiar town because it inspires stability and diversity.</p>
<h3>New Features</h3>
<h1>Chamilo 1.9.0 - Vogüé, 31st of July, 2012</h1>