$ArchiveDirCleanupProceedButton = "Proceed with cleanup";
$ArchiveDirCleanupDescr = "Chamilo bewaart tijdelijke bestanden (voor backups, exports, etc) in de app/cache/ directory. Dit kan onnodig veel diskruimte kosten. Klik op onderstaande knop om de app/cache map op te schonen. Deze actie dient te worden geautomatiseerd via cron maar als dat niet kan, gebruik dan deze knop regelmatig om alle tijdelijke bestanden te wissen.";
@ -6661,10 +6661,10 @@ $DisableEndDate = "Disable end date";
$ForumCategories = "Forum Categories";
$Copy = "Copy";
$ArchiveDirCleanup = "Archive directory cleanup";
$ArchiveDirCleanupDescr = "Chamilo keeps a copy of most of the temporary files it generates (for backups, exports, copies, etc) into its archive/ directory. After a while, this can add up to a very large amount of disk space being used for nothing. Click the button below to clean your archive directory up. This operation should be automated by a cron process, but if this is not possible, you can come to this page regularly to remove all temporary files from the directory.";
$ArchiveDirCleanupDescr = "Chamilo keeps a copy of most of the temporary files it generates (for backups, exports, copies, etc) into its app/cache/ archive directory. After a while, this can add up to a very large amount of disk space being used for nothing. Click the button below to cleanup your app/cache directory. This operation should be automated by a cron process, but if this is not possible, you can come to this page regularly to remove all temporary files from the directory.";
$ArchiveDirCleanupProceedButton = "Proceed with cleanup";
$ArchiveDirCleanupSucceeded = "The archive/ directory cleanup has been executed successfully.";
$ArchiveDirCleanupFailed = "For some reason, the archive/ directory could not be cleaned up. Please clean it up by manually connecting to the server and delete all files and symbolic links under the chamilo/archive/ directory, except the .htaccess file. On Linux: # find archive/ \( -type f -or -type l \) -not -name .htaccess -exec echo rm -v \{} \;";
$ArchiveDirCleanupSucceeded = "The archive directory cleanup has been executed successfully.";
$ArchiveDirCleanupFailed = "For some reason, the archive directory could not be cleaned up. Please clean it up by manually connecting to the server and delete all files and symbolic links under the chamilo/archive/ directory, except the .htaccess file. On Linux: # find archive/ \( -type f -or -type l \) -not -name .htaccess -exec echo rm -v \{} \;";
$EnableStartTime = "Enable start time";
$EnableEndTime = "Enable end time";
$LocalTimeUsingPortalTimezoneXIsY = "The local time in the portal timezone (%s) is %s";