@ -1,3 +1,275 @@ |
.buy-courses-tabs { |
margin-bottom: 15px; |
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// spinner wobblebar |
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9% { |
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12% { |
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15% { |
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18% { |
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27% { |
left: 32px; |
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30% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
33% { |
left: 4px; |
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36% { |
left: 204px; |
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39% { |
left: 4px; |
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42% { |
left: 204px; |
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45% { |
left: 4px; |
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48% { |
left: 204px; |
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63% { |
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66% { |
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72% { |
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75% { |
left: 204px; |
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78% { |
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81% { |
left: 204px; |
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94% { |
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97% { |
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9% { |
left: 204px; |
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12% { |
left: 4px; |
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15% { |
left: 204px; |
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18% { |
left: 32px; |
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27% { |
left: 32px; |
} |
30% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
33% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
36% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
39% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
42% { |
left: 204px; |
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45% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
48% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
51% { |
left: 152px; |
} |
63% { |
left: 152px; |
} |
66% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
69% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
72% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
75% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
78% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
81% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
84% { |
left: 72px; |
} |
94% { |
left: 72px; |
} |
97% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
} |
@keyframes wobblebar-loader { |
0% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
3% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
6% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
9% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
12% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
15% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
18% { |
left: 32px; |
} |
27% { |
left: 32px; |
} |
30% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
33% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
36% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
39% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
42% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
45% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
48% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
51% { |
left: 152px; |
} |
63% { |
left: 152px; |
} |
66% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
69% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
72% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
75% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
78% { |
left: 4px; |
} |
81% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
84% { |
left: 72px; |
} |
94% { |
left: 72px; |
} |
97% { |
left: 204px; |
} |
} |
/* :not(:required) hides this rule from IE9 and below */ |
.wobblebar-loader:not(:required) { |
background: #2E6DA4; |
-moz-border-radius: 10.66667px; |
-webkit-border-radius: 10.66667px; |
border-radius: 10.66667px; |
display: inline-block; |
overflow: hidden; |
text-indent: -9999px; |
width: 228px; |
height: 21.33333px; |
position: relative; |
} |
.wobblebar-loader:not(:required)::after { |
-moz-animation: wobblebar-loader 15000ms infinite ease; |
-webkit-animation: wobblebar-loader 15000ms infinite ease; |
animation: wobblebar-loader 15000ms infinite ease; |
background: white; |
display: block; |
-moz-border-radius: 7.11111px; |
-webkit-border-radius: 7.11111px; |
border-radius: 7.11111px; |
content: ''; |
position: absolute; |
top: 3.55556px; |
left: 4px; |
width: 21.33333px; |
height: 14.22222px; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ |
/* |
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. |
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates |
* and open the template in the editor. |
*/ |
function showSliders(maxPercentage, type, defaultValues) { |
defaultValues = defaultValues || "0"; |
var sliderCounter = 1; |
var percentage = 0; |
var minPercentage = 0; |
$("#selectBox option:selected").each(function() { |
var count = $("#selectBox option:selected").length; |
percentage = maxPercentage / count; |
percentage = parseInt(percentage); |
verifyMaxPercentage = percentage * count; |
if (verifyMaxPercentage !== maxPercentage && sliderCounter === 1) { |
percentage = percentage + (maxPercentage - verifyMaxPercentage); |
} |
beneficiaryId = $(this).val(); |
beneficiaryName = $(this).text(); |
var slidersValue = defaultValues.toString().split(','); |
if (type === 'default') { |
percentage = slidersValue[sliderCounter - 1]; |
percentage = parseInt(percentage); |
$("#panelSliders").append("<span>" + beneficiaryName + "</span> - [ <span class='value' >" + percentage + "</span> % ]<div id=" + beneficiaryId + " class='panelSliders'></div>"); |
} else if (type === 'renew') { |
$("#panelSliders").append("<span>" + beneficiaryName + "</span> - [ <span class='value' >" + percentage + "</span> % ]<div id=" + beneficiaryId + " class='panelSliders'></div>"); |
} |
sliderCounter++; |
stepSlide = count - 1; |
if (stepSlide === 0) { |
(type === 'default') ? minPercentage = 0 : minPercentage = 100; |
(type === 'default') ? stepSlide = 100 : stepSlide = 1; |
} |
$( "#panelSliders .panelSliders" ).slider({ |
value: percentage, |
min: minPercentage, |
max: maxPercentage, |
step: stepSlide, |
animate: true, |
slide: function( event, ui ) { |
$(this).prev(".value").text(ui.value); |
var total = 0; |
var sliders = $( "#panelSliders .panelSliders" ); |
sliders.not(this).each(function() { |
value = $(this).slider("option", "value"); |
total += value; |
}); |
total += ui.value; |
var delta = 100 - total; |
sliders.not(this).each(function() { |
var t = $(this); |
value = t.slider("option", "value"); |
var newValue = value + (delta/stepSlide); |
if (newValue < 0 || ui.value == 100)
newValue = 0; |
if (newValue > 100)
newValue = 100; |
t.prev('.value').text(newValue); |
t.slider('value', newValue); |
}); |
$("[name=\'commissions\']").val(getSlidersValues()); |
} |
}); |
}); |
$("[name=\'commissions\']").val(getSlidersValues()); |
showCorrectSliderHandler(); |
}; |
function getSlidersValues() { |
var commissions = ""; |
$( "#panelSliders .panelSliders" ).each(function() { |
commissions += $(this).prev(".value").text() + ','; |
}); |
commissions = commissions.substring(0, commissions.length-1); |
return commissions; |
} |
function showCorrectSliderHandler() { |
var correctHandler = []; |
$("#panelSliders > span").each(function () { |
if ($(this).hasClass('value')) { |
correctHandler.push($(this).text()); |
} |
}); |
var counter = 0; |
$("#panelSliders .panelSliders > span").each(function () { |
if ($(this).hasClass('ui-slider-handle')) { |
$(this).css('left', correctHandler[counter]+'%'); |
counter++; |
} |
}); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ |
<?php |
/* For licensing terms, see /chamilo_license.txt */ |
/** |
* Responses to AJAX calls |
* @package chamilo.plugin.buycourses |
*/ |
$cidReset = true; |
require_once '../../../main/inc/'; |
api_protect_admin_script(true); |
$plugin = BuyCoursesPlugin::create(); |
$paypalEnable = $plugin->get('paypal_enable'); |
$commissionsEnable = $plugin->get('commissions_enable'); |
$action = isset($_GET['a']) ? $_GET['a'] : null; |
switch ($action) { |
case 'saleInfo': |
if (api_is_anonymous()) { |
break; |
} |
$saleId = isset($_POST['id']) ? intval($_POST['id']) : ''; |
$sale = $plugin->getSale($saleId); |
$productType = ($sale['product_type'] == 1) ? get_lang('Course') : get_lang('Session'); |
$paymentType = ($sale['payment_type'] == 1) ? 'Paypal' : $plugin->get_lang('BankTransfer'); |
$productInfo = ($sale['product_type'] == 1) ? api_get_course_info_by_id($sale['product_id']) : api_get_session_info($sale['product_id']); |
$currency = $plugin->getSelectedCurrency(); |
if ($sale['product_type'] == 1) { |
$productImage = $productInfo['course_image_large']; |
} else { |
$productImage = ($productInfo['image']) ? $productInfo['image'] : Template::get_icon_path('session_default.png'); |
} |
$userInfo = api_get_user_info($sale['user_id']); |
$html = '<h2>' . $sale['product_name'] .'</h2>'; |
$html .= '<div class="row">'; |
$html .= '<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-6">'; |
$html .= '<ul>'; |
$html .= '<li><b>'. $plugin->get_lang('OrderPrice') . ':</b> '. $sale['price'] . '</li>'; |
$html .= '<li><b>'. $plugin->get_lang('CurrencyType') . ':</b> '. $currency['iso_code'] . '</li>'; |
$html .= '<li><b>'. $plugin->get_lang('ProductType') . ':</b> '. $productType . '</li>'; |
$html .= '<li><b>'. $plugin->get_lang('OrderDate') . ':</b> '. api_format_date($sale['date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H) . '</li>'; |
$html .= '<li><b>'. $plugin->get_lang('Buyer') . ':</b> '. $userInfo['complete_name'] . '</li>'; |
$html .= '<li><b>'. $plugin->get_lang('PaymentMethods') . ':</b> '. $paymentType . '</li>'; |
$html .= '</ul>'; |
$html .= '</div>'; |
$html .= '<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-6">'; |
$html .= '<img class="thumbnail" src="'. $productImage .'" >'; |
$html .= '</div>'; |
$html .= '</div>'; |
echo $html; |
break; |
case 'stats': |
if (api_is_anonymous()) { |
break; |
} |
$stats = []; |
$stats['completed_count'] = 0; |
$stats['completed_total_amount'] = 0; |
$stats['pending_count'] = 0; |
$stats['pending_total_amount'] = 0; |
$stats['canceled_count'] = 0; |
$stats['canceled_total_amount'] = 0; |
$completedPayouts = $plugin->getPayouts(BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_COMPLETED); |
$pendingPayouts = $plugin->getPayouts(BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_PENDING); |
$canceledPayouts = $plugin->getPayouts(BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_CANCELED); |
$currency = $plugin->getSelectedCurrency(); |
foreach ($completedPayouts as $completed) { |
$stats['completed_count'] = count($completedPayouts); |
$stats['completed_total_amount'] += $completed['commission']; |
$stats['completed_total_amount'] = number_format($stats['completed_total_amount'], 2); |
} |
foreach ($pendingPayouts as $pending) { |
$stats['pending_count'] = count($pendingPayouts); |
$stats['pending_total_amount'] += $pending['commission']; |
$stats['pending_total_amount'] = number_format($stats['pending_total_amount'], 2); |
} |
foreach ($canceledPayouts as $canceled) { |
$stats['canceled_count'] = count($canceledPayouts); |
$stats['canceled_total_amount'] += $canceled['commission']; |
$stats['canceled_total_amount'] = number_format($stats['canceled_total_amount'], 2); |
} |
$html = '<div class="row">' |
. '<p>' |
. '<ul>' |
. '<li>'. get_plugin_lang("PayoutsTotalCompleted", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $stats['completed_count'] .'</b> - '. get_plugin_lang("TotalAmount", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $stats['completed_total_amount'] .' '. $currency['iso_code'] . '</b></li>' |
. '<li>'. get_plugin_lang("PayoutsTotalPending", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $stats['pending_count'] .'</b> - '. get_plugin_lang("TotalAmount", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $stats['pending_total_amount'] .' '. $currency['iso_code'] . '</b></li>' |
. '<li>'. get_plugin_lang("PayoutsTotalCanceled", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $stats['canceled_count'] .'</b> - '. get_plugin_lang("TotalAmount", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $stats['canceled_total_amount'] .' '. $currency['iso_code'] . '</b></li>' |
. '</ul>' |
. '</p>'; |
$html .= '</div>'; |
echo $html; |
break; |
case 'processPayout': |
if (api_is_anonymous()) { |
break; |
} |
$html = ''; |
$allPays = []; |
$totalAccounts = 0; |
$totalPayout = 0; |
$payouts = isset($_POST['payouts']) ? $_POST['payouts'] : ''; |
if (!$payouts) { |
echo Display::return_message(get_plugin_lang("SelectOptionToProceed", "BuyCoursesPlugin"), 'error', false); |
break; |
} |
foreach ($payouts as $index => $id) { |
$allPays[] = $plugin->getPayouts(BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_PENDING, $id); |
} |
foreach ($allPays as $payout) { |
$totalPayout += number_format($payout['commission'], 2); |
$totalAccounts++; |
} |
$currentCurrency = $plugin->getSelectedCurrency(); |
$isoCode = $currentCurrency['iso_code']; |
$html .= '<p>'. get_plugin_lang("VerifyTotalAmountToProceedPayout", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .'</p>'; |
$html .= '' |
. '<p>' |
. '<ul>' |
. '<li>'. get_plugin_lang("TotalAcounts", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $totalAccounts .'</b></li>' |
. '<li>'. get_plugin_lang("TotalPayout", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $isoCode .' '. $totalPayout .'</b></li>' |
. '</ul>' |
. '</p>'; |
$html .= '<p>'. get_plugin_lang("CautionThisProcessCantBeCanceled", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .'</p>'; |
$html .= '</br></br>'; |
$html .= '<div id="spinner" class="text-center"></div>'; |
echo $html; |
break; |
case 'proceedPayout': |
if (api_is_anonymous()) { |
break; |
} |
$paypalParams = $plugin->getPaypalParams(); |
$pruebas = $paypalParams['sandbox'] == 1; |
$paypalUsername = $paypalParams['username']; |
$paypalPassword = $paypalParams['password']; |
$paypalSignature = $paypalParams['signature']; |
require_once("paypalfunctions.php"); |
$allPayouts = []; |
$totalAccounts = 0; |
$totalPayout = 0; |
$payouts = isset($_POST['payouts']) ? $_POST['payouts'] : ''; |
if (!$payouts) { |
echo Display::return_message(get_plugin_lang("SelectOptionToProceed", "BuyCoursesPlugin"), 'error', false); |
break; |
} |
foreach ($payouts as $index => $id) { |
$allPayouts[] = $plugin->getPayouts(BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_PENDING, $id); |
} |
$currentCurrency = $plugin->getSelectedCurrency(); |
$isoCode = $currentCurrency['iso_code']; |
$result = MassPayment($allPayouts, $isoCode); |
if ($result['ACK'] === 'Success') { |
foreach ($allPayouts as $payout) { |
$plugin->setStatusPayouts($payout['id'], BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_COMPLETED); |
} |
echo Display::return_message(get_plugin_lang("PayoutSuccess", "BuyCoursesPlugin"), 'success', false); |
} else { |
echo Display::return_message('<b>'.$result['L_SEVERITYCODE0'].' '.$result['L_ERRORCODE0'].'</b> - '.$result['L_SHORTMESSAGE0'].'</br><ul><li>'. $result['L_LONGMESSAGE0'].'</li></ul>', 'error', false); |
} |
break; |
case 'cancelPayout': |
if (api_is_anonymous()) { |
break; |
} |
// $payoutId only gets used in setStatusPayout(), where it is filtered |
$payoutId = isset($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : ''; |
$plugin->setStatusPayouts($payoutId, BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_CANCELED); |
echo ''; |
break; |
} |
exit; |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
<?php |
/** |
* User Panel |
* @package chamilo.plugin.buycourses |
*/ |
/** |
* Initialization |
*/ |
$cidReset = true; |
require_once '../../../main/inc/'; |
$plugin = BuyCoursesPlugin::create(); |
$includeSessions = $plugin->get('include_sessions') === 'true'; |
$userInfo = api_get_user_info(); |
$productTypes = $plugin->getProductTypes(); |
$saleStatuses = $plugin->getSaleStatuses(); |
$paymentTypes = $plugin->getPaymentTypes(); |
$sales = $plugin->getSaleListByUserId($userInfo['id']); |
$saleList = []; |
foreach ($sales as $sale) { |
if ($sale['product_type'] == 1) { |
$saleList[] = [ |
'id' => $sale['id'], |
'reference' => $sale['reference'], |
'date' => api_format_date($sale['date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H), |
'currency' => $sale['iso_code'], |
'price' => $sale['price'], |
'product_name' => $sale['product_name'], |
'product_type' => $productTypes[$sale['product_type']], |
'payment_type' => $paymentTypes[$sale['payment_type']] |
]; |
} |
} |
$toolbar = Display::toolbarButton( |
$plugin->get_lang('CourseListOnSale'), |
'course_catalog.php', |
'search-plus', |
'primary', |
['title' => $plugin->get_lang('CourseListOnSale')] |
); |
$templateName = get_lang('TabsDashboard'); |
$tpl = new Template($templateName); |
$tpl->assign('showing_courses', true); |
$tpl->assign('sessions_are_included', $includeSessions); |
$tpl->assign('sale_list', $saleList); |
$content = $tpl->fetch('buycourses/view/course_panel.tpl'); |
$tpl->assign('actions', $toolbar); |
$tpl->assign('header', $templateName); |
$tpl->assign('content', $content); |
$tpl->display_one_col_template(); |
@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ |
<?php |
/* For licensing terms, see /chamilo_license.txt */ |
/** |
* Responses to AJAX calls |
* @package chamilo.plugin.buycourses |
*/ |
$cidReset = true; |
require_once '../../../main/inc/'; |
api_protect_admin_script(true); |
$plugin = BuyCoursesPlugin::create(); |
$paypalEnable = $plugin->get('paypal_enable'); |
$commissionsEnable = $plugin->get('commissions_enable'); |
$action = isset($_GET['a']) ? $_GET['a'] : null; |
switch ($action) { |
case 'saleInfo': |
//$saleId is only used in getSale() and is always filtered there |
$saleId = isset($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : ''; |
$sale = $plugin->getSale($saleId); |
$productType = ($sale['product_type'] == 1) ? get_lang('Course') : get_lang('Session'); |
$paymentType = ($sale['payment_type'] == 1) ? 'Paypal' : $plugin->get_lang('BankTransfer'); |
$productInfo = ($sale['product_type'] == 1) ? api_get_course_info_by_id($sale['product_id']) : api_get_session_info($sale['product_id']); |
$currency = $plugin->getSelectedCurrency(); |
if ($sale['product_type'] == 1) { |
$productImage = $productInfo['course_image_large']; |
} else { |
$productImage = ($productInfo['image']) ? $productInfo['image'] : Template::get_icon_path('session_default.png'); |
} |
$userInfo = api_get_user_info($sale['user_id']); |
$html = '<h2>' . $sale['product_name'] .'</h2>'; |
$html .= '<div class="row">'; |
$html .= '<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-6">'; |
$html .= '<ul>'; |
$html .= '<li><b>'. $plugin->get_lang('OrderPrice') . ':</b> '. $sale['price'] . '</li>'; |
$html .= '<li><b>'. $plugin->get_lang('CurrencyType') . ':</b> '. $currency['iso_code'] . '</li>'; |
$html .= '<li><b>'. $plugin->get_lang('ProductType') . ':</b> '. $productType . '</li>'; |
$html .= '<li><b>'. $plugin->get_lang('OrderDate') . ':</b> '. api_format_date($sale['date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H) . '</li>'; |
$html .= '<li><b>'. $plugin->get_lang('Buyer') . ':</b> '. $userInfo['complete_name'] . '</li>'; |
$html .= '<li><b>'. $plugin->get_lang('PaymentMethods') . ':</b> '. $paymentType . '</li>'; |
$html .= '</ul>'; |
$html .= '</div>'; |
$html .= '<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-6">'; |
$html .= '<img class="thumbnail" src="'. $productImage .'" >'; |
$html .= '</div>'; |
$html .= '</div>'; |
echo $html; |
break; |
case 'stats': |
$stats = []; |
$stats['completed_count'] = 0; |
$stats['completed_total_amount'] = 0; |
$stats['pending_count'] = 0; |
$stats['pending_total_amount'] = 0; |
$stats['canceled_count'] = 0; |
$stats['canceled_total_amount'] = 0; |
$completedPayouts = $plugin->getPayouts(BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_COMPLETED); |
$pendingPayouts = $plugin->getPayouts(BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_PENDING); |
$canceledPayouts = $plugin->getPayouts(BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_CANCELED); |
$currency = $plugin->getSelectedCurrency(); |
foreach ($completedPayouts as $completed) { |
$stats['completed_count'] = count($completedPayouts); |
$stats['completed_total_amount'] += $completed['commission']; |
$stats['completed_total_amount'] = number_format($stats['completed_total_amount'], 2); |
} |
foreach ($pendingPayouts as $pending) { |
$stats['pending_count'] = count($pendingPayouts); |
$stats['pending_total_amount'] += $pending['commission']; |
$stats['pending_total_amount'] = number_format($stats['pending_total_amount'], 2); |
} |
foreach ($canceledPayouts as $canceled) { |
$stats['canceled_count'] = count($canceledPayouts); |
$stats['canceled_total_amount'] += $canceled['commission']; |
$stats['canceled_total_amount'] = number_format($stats['canceled_total_amount'], 2); |
} |
$html = '<div class="row">' |
. '<p>' |
. '<ul>' |
. '<li>'. get_plugin_lang("PayoutsTotalCompleted", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $stats['completed_count'] .'</b> - '. get_plugin_lang("TotalAmount", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $stats['completed_total_amount'] .' '. $currency['iso_code'] . '</b></li>' |
. '<li>'. get_plugin_lang("PayoutsTotalPending", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $stats['pending_count'] .'</b> - '. get_plugin_lang("TotalAmount", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $stats['pending_total_amount'] .' '. $currency['iso_code'] . '</b></li>' |
. '<li>'. get_plugin_lang("PayoutsTotalCanceled", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $stats['canceled_count'] .'</b> - '. get_plugin_lang("TotalAmount", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $stats['canceled_total_amount'] .' '. $currency['iso_code'] . '</b></li>' |
. '</ul>' |
. '</p>'; |
$html .= '</div>'; |
echo $html; |
break; |
case 'processPayout': |
if (api_is_anonymous()) { |
break; |
} |
$html = ''; |
$allPays = []; |
$totalAccounts = 0; |
$totalPayout = 0; |
$payouts = isset($_POST['payouts']) ? $_POST['payouts'] : ''; |
if (!$payouts) { |
echo Display::return_message(get_plugin_lang("SelectOptionToProceed", "BuyCoursesPlugin"), 'error', false); |
break; |
} |
foreach ($payouts as $index => $id) { |
$allPays[] = $plugin->getPayouts(BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_PENDING, $id); |
} |
foreach ($allPays as $payout) { |
$totalPayout += number_format($payout['commission'], 2); |
$totalAccounts++; |
} |
$currentCurrency = $plugin->getSelectedCurrency(); |
$isoCode = $currentCurrency['iso_code']; |
$html .= '<p>'. get_plugin_lang("VerifyTotalAmountToProceedPayout", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .'</p>'; |
$html .= '' |
. '<p>' |
. '<ul>' |
. '<li>'. get_plugin_lang("TotalAcounts", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $totalAccounts .'</b></li>' |
. '<li>'. get_plugin_lang("TotalPayout", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .' <b>'. $isoCode .' '. $totalPayout .'</b></li>' |
. '</ul>' |
. '</p>'; |
$html .= '<p>'. get_plugin_lang("CautionThisProcessCantBeCanceled", "BuyCoursesPlugin") .'</p>'; |
$html .= '</br></br>'; |
$html .= '<div id="spinner" class="text-center"></div>'; |
echo $html; |
break; |
case 'proceedPayout': |
if (api_is_anonymous()) { |
break; |
} |
$paypalParams = $plugin->getPaypalParams(); |
$pruebas = $paypalParams['sandbox'] == 1; |
$paypalUsername = $paypalParams['username']; |
$paypalPassword = $paypalParams['password']; |
$paypalSignature = $paypalParams['signature']; |
require_once("paypalfunctions.php"); |
$allPayouts = []; |
$totalAccounts = 0; |
$totalPayout = 0; |
$payouts = isset($_POST['payouts']) ? $_POST['payouts'] : ''; |
if (!$payouts) { |
echo Display::return_message(get_plugin_lang("SelectOptionToProceed", "BuyCoursesPlugin"), 'error', false); |
break; |
} |
foreach ($payouts as $index => $id) { |
$allPayouts[] = $plugin->getPayouts(BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_PENDING, $id); |
} |
$currentCurrency = $plugin->getSelectedCurrency(); |
$isoCode = $currentCurrency['iso_code']; |
$result = MassPayment($allPayouts, $isoCode); |
if ($result['ACK'] === 'Success') { |
foreach ($allPayouts as $payout) { |
$plugin->setStatusPayouts($payout['id'], BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_COMPLETED); |
} |
echo Display::return_message(get_plugin_lang("PayoutSuccess", "BuyCoursesPlugin"), 'success', false); |
} else { |
echo Display::return_message('<b>'.$result['L_SEVERITYCODE0'].' '.$result['L_ERRORCODE0'].'</b> - '.$result['L_SHORTMESSAGE0'].'</br><ul><li>'. $result['L_LONGMESSAGE0'].'</li></ul>', 'error', false); |
} |
break; |
case 'cancelPayout': |
if (api_is_anonymous()) { |
break; |
} |
$payoutId = isset($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : ''; |
$plugin->setStatusPayouts($payoutId, BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_CANCELED); |
echo ''; |
break; |
} |
exit; |
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
<?php |
/** |
* User Panel |
* @package chamilo.plugin.buycourses |
*/ |
/** |
* Initialization |
*/ |
$cidReset = true; |
require_once '../../../main/inc/'; |
$plugin = BuyCoursesPlugin::create(); |
$includeSessions = $plugin->get('include_sessions') === 'true'; |
$userInfo = api_get_user_info(); |
$payouts = $plugin->getPayouts(BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_COMPLETED, false, $userInfo['id']); |
$payoutList = []; |
foreach ($payouts as $payout) { |
$payoutList[] = [ |
'id' => $payout['id'], |
'sale_id' => $payout['sale_id'], |
'reference' => $payout['sale_reference'], |
'date' => api_format_date($payout['date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H), |
'payout_date' => ($payout['payout_date'] === '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ? '-' : api_format_date($payout['payout_date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H), |
'currency' => $payout['iso_code'], |
'price' => $payout['item_price'], |
'commission' => $payout['commission'], |
'paypal_account' => $payout['paypal_account'], |
'status' => $payout['status'] |
]; |
} |
$toolbar = Display::toolbarButton( |
$plugin->get_lang('CourseListOnSale'), |
'course_catalog.php', |
'search-plus', |
'primary', |
['title' => $plugin->get_lang('CourseListOnSale')] |
); |
$templateName = get_lang('TabsDashboard'); |
$tpl = new Template($templateName); |
$tpl->assign('showing_courses', true); |
$tpl->assign('sessions_are_included', $includeSessions); |
$tpl->assign('payout_list', $payoutList); |
$content = $tpl->fetch('buycourses/view/payout_panel.tpl'); |
$tpl->assign('actions', $toolbar); |
$tpl->assign('header', $templateName); |
$tpl->assign('content', $content); |
$tpl->display_one_col_template(); |
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ |
<?php |
/* For license terms, see /license.txt */ |
/** |
* List of pending payments of the Buy Courses plugin |
* @package chamilo.plugin.buycourses |
*/ |
//Initialization |
$cidReset = true; |
require_once '../../../main/inc/'; |
$htmlHeadXtra[] = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="../resources/css/style.css" type="text/css">'; |
$htmlHeadXtra[] = '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'; |
api_protect_admin_script(true); |
$plugin = BuyCoursesPlugin::create(); |
$commissionsEnable = $plugin->get('commissions_enable'); |
$payoutStatuses = $plugin->getPayoutStatuses(); |
$selectedStatus = isset($_GET['status']) ? $_GET['status'] : BuyCoursesPlugin::SALE_STATUS_COMPLETED; |
if ($commissionsEnable !== "true") { |
api_not_allowed(true); |
} |
$form = new FormValidator('search', 'get'); |
if ($form->validate()) { |
$selectedStatus = $form->getSubmitValue('status'); |
if ($selectedStatus === false) { |
$selectedStatus = BuyCoursesPlugin::PAYOUT_STATUS_PENDING; |
} |
} |
$form->addSelect('status', $plugin->get_lang('PayoutStatus'), $payoutStatuses); |
$form->addButtonFilter(get_lang('Search')); |
$form->setDefaults([ |
'status' => $selectedStatus |
]); |
switch ($selectedStatus) { |
case '2': |
$payouts = $plugin->getPayouts($selectedStatus); |
break; |
case '1': |
$payouts = $plugin->getPayouts($selectedStatus); |
break; |
case '0': |
//no break |
default: |
$payouts = $plugin->getPayouts(); |
break; |
} |
$payoutList = []; |
foreach ($payouts as $payout) { |
$payoutList[] = [ |
'id' => $payout['id'], |
'sale_id' => $payout['sale_id'], |
'reference' => $payout['sale_reference'], |
'date' => api_format_date($payout['date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H), |
'payout_date' => ($payout['payout_date'] === '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ? '-' : api_format_date($payout['payout_date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H), |
'currency' => $payout['iso_code'], |
'price' => $payout['item_price'], |
'commission' => $payout['commission'], |
'paypal_account' => $payout['paypal_account'], |
'status' => $payout['status'] |
]; |
} |
$templateName = $plugin->get_lang('PayoutReport'); |
$template = new Template($templateName); |
$template->assign('form', $form->returnForm()); |
$template->assign('payout_list', $payoutList); |
$template->assign('selected_status', $selectedStatus); |
$content = $template->fetch('buycourses/view/payout_report.tpl'); |
$template->assign('header', $templateName); |
$template->assign('content', $content); |
$template->display_one_col_template(); |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ |
<?php |
/* For license terms, see /license.txt */ |
/** |
* List page for Paypal Payout for the Buy Courses plugin |
* @package chamilo.plugin.buycourses |
*/ |
/** |
* Initialization |
*/ |
$cidReset = true; |
require_once '../../../main/inc/'; |
$htmlHeadXtra[] = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="../resources/css/style.css" type="text/css">'; |
api_protect_admin_script(true); |
$plugin = BuyCoursesPlugin::create(); |
$paypalEnable = $plugin->get('paypal_enable'); |
$commissionsEnable = $plugin->get('commissions_enable'); |
if ($paypalEnable !== "true" && $commissionsEnable !== "true") { |
api_not_allowed(true); |
} |
$payouts = $plugin->getPayouts(); |
$payoutList = []; |
foreach ($payouts as $payout) { |
$payoutList[] = [ |
'id' => $payout['id'], |
'reference' => $payout['sale_reference'], |
'date' => api_format_date($payout['date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H), |
'currency' => $payout['iso_code'], |
'price' => $payout['item_price'], |
'commission' => $payout['commission'], |
'paypal_account' => $payout['paypal_account'] |
]; |
} |
$templateName = $plugin->get_lang('PaypalPayoutCommissions'); |
$template = new Template($templateName); |
$template->assign('payout_list', $payoutList); |
$content = $template->fetch('buycourses/view/paypal_payout.tpl'); |
$template->assign('header', $templateName); |
$template->assign('content', $content); |
$template->display_one_col_template(); |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
<?php |
/** |
* User Panel |
* @package chamilo.plugin.buycourses |
*/ |
/** |
* Initialization |
*/ |
$cidReset = true; |
require_once '../../../main/inc/'; |
$plugin = BuyCoursesPlugin::create(); |
$includeSessions = $plugin->get('include_sessions') === 'true'; |
$userInfo = api_get_user_info(); |
$productTypes = $plugin->getProductTypes(); |
$saleStatuses = $plugin->getSaleStatuses(); |
$paymentTypes = $plugin->getPaymentTypes(); |
$sales = $plugin->getSaleListByUserId($userInfo['id']); |
$saleList = []; |
foreach ($sales as $sale) { |
if ($sale['product_type'] == 2) { |
$saleList[] = [ |
'id' => $sale['id'], |
'reference' => $sale['reference'], |
'date' => api_format_date($sale['date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H), |
'currency' => $sale['iso_code'], |
'price' => $sale['price'], |
'product_name' => $sale['product_name'], |
'product_type' => $productTypes[$sale['product_type']], |
'payment_type' => $paymentTypes[$sale['payment_type']] |
]; |
} |
} |
$toolbar = Display::toolbarButton( |
$plugin->get_lang('CourseListOnSale'), |
'course_catalog.php', |
'search-plus', |
'primary', |
['title' => $plugin->get_lang('CourseListOnSale')] |
); |
$templateName = get_lang('TabsDashboard'); |
$tpl = new Template($templateName); |
$tpl->assign('showing_courses', true); |
$tpl->assign('sessions_are_included', $includeSessions); |
$tpl->assign('sale_list', $saleList); |
$content = $tpl->fetch('buycourses/view/session_panel.tpl'); |
$tpl->assign('actions', $toolbar); |
$tpl->assign('header', $templateName); |
$tpl->assign('content', $content); |
$tpl->display_one_col_template(); |
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ |
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../resources/css/style.css"/> |
<div id="buy-courses-tabs"> |
<ul class="nav nav-tabs buy-courses-tabs" role="tablist"> |
<li id="buy-courses-tab" class="active" role="presentation"> |
<a href="course_panel.php" aria-controls="buy-courses" role="tab">{{ 'MyCourses'| get_lang }}</a> |
</li> |
{% if sessions_are_included %} |
<li id="buy-sessions-tab" class="" role="presentation"> |
<a href="session_panel.php" aria-controls="buy-sessions" role="tab">{{ 'MySessions'| get_lang }}</a> |
</li> |
{% endif %} |
<li id="buy-courses-tab" class="" role="presentation"> |
<a href="payout_panel.php" aria-controls="buy-courses" role="tab">{{ 'MyPayouts'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</a> |
</li> |
</ul> |
<table class="table table-striped table-hover"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>{{ 'Course'|get_lang }}</th> |
<th class="text-center">{{ 'PaymentMethod'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-center">{{ 'Price'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-center">{{ 'OrderDate'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-center">{{ 'OrderReference'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
{% for sale in sale_list %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ sale.product_name }}</td> |
<td class="text-center">{{ sale.payment_type }}</td> |
<td class="text-right">{{ sale.currency ~ ' ' ~ sale.price }}</td> |
<td class="text-center">{{ }}</td> |
<td class="text-center">{{ sale.reference }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../resources/css/style.css"/> |
<div id="buy-courses-tabs"> |
<ul class="nav nav-tabs buy-courses-tabs" role="tablist"> |
<li id="buy-courses-tab" class="" role="presentation"> |
<a href="course_panel.php" aria-controls="buy-courses" role="tab">{{ 'MyCourses'| get_lang }}</a> |
</li> |
{% if sessions_are_included %} |
<li id="buy-sessions-tab" class="" role="presentation"> |
<a href="session_panel.php" aria-controls="buy-sessions" role="tab">{{ 'MySessions'| get_lang }}</a> |
</li> |
{% endif %} |
<li id="buy-courses-tab" class="active" role="presentation"> |
<a href="payout_panel.php" aria-controls="buy-courses" role="tab">{{ 'MyPayouts'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</a> |
</li> |
</ul> |
<table class="table table-striped table-hover"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th class="text-center">{{ 'OrderReference'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-center">{{ 'PayoutDate'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-right">{{ 'Commission'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-right">{{ 'PayPalAccount'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
{% for payout in payout_list %} |
<tr> |
<td class="text-center" style="vertical-align:middle"><a id="{{ payout.sale_id }}" class="saleInfo" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#saleInfo" href="#">{{ payout.reference }}</a></td> |
<td class="text-center" style="vertical-align:middle">{{ payout.payout_date }}</td> |
<td class="text-right" style="vertical-align:middle">{{ payout.currency ~ ' ' ~ payout.commission }}</td> |
<td class="text-right" style="vertical-align:middle">{{ payout.paypal_account }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ |
{{ form }} |
<div class="table-responsive"> |
<table class="table table-striped table-hover"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th class="text-center">{{ 'OrderReference'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-center">{{ 'PayoutDate'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-right">{{ 'Commission'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-right">{{ 'PayPalAccount'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
{% for payout in payout_list %} |
<tr> |
<td class="text-center" style="vertical-align:middle"><a id="{{ payout.sale_id }}" class="saleInfo" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#saleInfo" href="#">{{ payout.reference }}</a></td> |
<td class="text-center" style="vertical-align:middle">{{ payout.payout_date }}</td> |
<td class="text-right" style="vertical-align:middle">{{ payout.currency ~ ' ' ~ payout.commission }}</td> |
<td class="text-right" style="vertical-align:middle">{{ payout.paypal_account }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<div id="saleInfo" class="modal fade" role="dialog"> |
<div class="modal-dialog modal-lg"> |
<div class="modal-content"> |
<div class="modal-header"> |
<h4 class="modal-title">{{ 'SaleInfo'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</h4> |
</div> |
<div class="modal-body" id="contentSale"> |
</div> |
<div class="modal-footer"> |
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">{{ 'Close' | get_lang }}</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div id="reportStats" class="modal fade" role="dialog"> |
<div class="modal-dialog"> |
<div class="modal-content"> |
<div class="modal-header"> |
<h4 class="modal-title">{{ 'Stats'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</h4> |
</div> |
<div class="modal-body" id="contentStats"> |
</div> |
<div class="modal-footer"> |
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">{{ 'Close' | get_lang }}</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div> |
<button id="stats" type="button" class="btn btn-primary fa fa-line-chart" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#reportStats"> {{ 'Stats'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</button> |
</div> |
<script> |
$(document).ready(function() { |
$(".saleInfo").click(function() { |
var id =; |
$.ajax({ |
data: 'id='+id, |
url: '{{ _p.web_plugin ~ 'buycourses/src/buycourses.ajax.php?' ~ { 'a': 'saleInfo' } | url_encode() }}', |
type: 'POST', |
success: function(response) { |
$("#contentSale").html(response); |
} |
}); |
}); |
$("#stats").click(function() { |
var id =; |
$.ajax({ |
data: 'id='+id, |
url: '{{ _p.web_plugin ~ 'buycourses/src/buycourses.ajax.php?' ~ { 'a': 'stats' } | url_encode() }}', |
type: 'POST', |
success: function(response) { |
$("#contentStats").html(response); |
} |
}); |
}); |
}); |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ |
<div class="table-responsive"> |
<table class="table table-striped table-hover"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th class="text-center"><input type="checkbox" id="checkAll"></th> |
<th class="text-center">{{ 'OrderReference'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-center">{{ 'OrderDate'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-right">{{ 'Commission'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-right">{{ 'PayPalAccount'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-right">{{ 'Options'| get_lang }}</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
{% for payout in payout_list %} |
<tr style="{{ payout.paypal_account ? '' : 'color: red;' }}"> |
<td class="text-center" style="vertical-align:middle">{% if payout.paypal_account %} <input id="{{ }}" type="checkbox" name="data[]" value="{{ payout.commission }}"> {% endif %}</td> |
<td class="text-center" style="vertical-align:middle">{{ payout.reference }}</td> |
<td class="text-center" style="vertical-align:middle">{{ }}</td> |
<td class="text-right" style="vertical-align:middle">{{ payout.currency ~ ' ' ~ payout.commission }}</td> |
{% if payout.paypal_account %} |
<td class="text-right" style="vertical-align:middle">{{ payout.paypal_account }}</td> |
{% else %} |
<td class="text-right" style="vertical-align:middle">{{ 'NoPayPalAccountDetected'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</td> |
{% endif %} |
<td class="text-right" style="vertical-align:middle"><button id="{{ }}" type="button" class="btn btn-danger fa fa-ban cancelPayout"> {{ 'CancelPayout'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</button></td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<div id="startPayout" class="modal fade" role="dialog"> |
<div class="modal-dialog modal-lg"> |
<div class="modal-content"> |
<div class="modal-header"> |
<h4 class="modal-title">{{ 'PaypalPayoutCommissions'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</h4> |
</div> |
<div class="modal-body" id="content"> |
</div> |
<div class="modal-footer"> |
<button id="proceedPayout" type="button" class="btn btn-success fa fa-paypal"> {{ 'ProceedPayout' | get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</button> |
<button id="cancelPayout" type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-dismiss="modal">{{ 'Cancel' | get_lang }}</button> |
<button id="responseButton" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">{{ 'Confirm' | get_lang }}</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div> |
<button id="continuePayout" type="button" class="btn btn-primary fa fa-caret-square-o-right" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#startPayout" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false"> {{ 'ContinuePayout'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</button> |
</div> |
<script> |
$(document).ready(function() { |
$("#responseButton").hide(); |
$("#checkAll").click(function() { |
$(':checkbox').prop('checked', this.checked); |
}); |
$('#continuePayout').click(function() { |
var val = []; |
$(':checkbox:checked').not('#checkAll').each(function(i) { |
val[i] = $(this).attr("id"); |
}); |
$.ajax({ |
data: { payouts : val }, |
url: '{{ _p.web_plugin ~ 'buycourses/src/buycourses.ajax.php?' ~ { 'a': 'processPayout' } | url_encode() }}', |
type: 'POST', |
success: function(response) { |
$("#content").html(response); |
(jQuery.isEmptyObject(val)) ? $('#proceedPayout').prop( "disabled", true ) : $('#proceedPayout').prop( "disabled", false ); |
} |
}); |
}); |
$('#proceedPayout').click(function() { |
var val = []; |
$(':checkbox:checked').not('#checkAll').each(function(i) { |
val[i] = $(this).attr("id"); |
}); |
$.ajax({ |
data: { payouts : val }, |
url: '{{ _p.web_plugin ~ 'buycourses/src/buycourses.ajax.php?' ~ { 'a': 'proceedPayout' } | url_encode() }}', |
type: 'POST', |
beforeSend: function() { |
$("#proceedPayout").hide(); |
$("#cancelPayout").hide(); |
$("#spinner").html('</br></br><div class="wobblebar-loader"></div><p> {{ 'ProcessingPayoutsDontCloseThisWindow' | get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }} </p>'); |
}, |
success: function(response) { |
$("#content").html(response); |
$("#responseButton").show(); |
} |
}); |
}); |
$(".cancelPayout").click(function() { |
var id =; |
$.ajax({ |
data: 'id='+id, |
url: '{{ _p.web_plugin ~ 'buycourses/src/buycourses.ajax.php?' ~ { 'a': 'cancelPayout' } | url_encode() }}', |
type: 'POST', |
success: function() { |
window.location.reload(); |
} |
}); |
}); |
$('#responseButton').click(function() { |
window.location.reload(); |
}); |
}); |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ |
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../resources/css/style.css"/> |
<div id="buy-courses-tabs"> |
<ul class="nav nav-tabs buy-courses-tabs" role="tablist"> |
<li id="buy-courses-tab" class="" role="presentation"> |
<a href="course_panel.php" aria-controls="buy-courses" role="tab">{{ 'MyCourses'| get_lang }}</a> |
</li> |
{% if sessions_are_included %} |
<li id="buy-sessions-tab" class="active" role="presentation"> |
<a href="session_panel.php" aria-controls="buy-sessions" role="tab">{{ 'MySessions'| get_lang }}</a> |
</li> |
{% endif %} |
<li id="buy-courses-tab" class="" role="presentation"> |
<a href="payout_panel.php" aria-controls="buy-courses" role="tab">{{ 'MyPayouts'| get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</a> |
</li> |
</ul> |
<table class="table table-striped table-hover"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th>{{ 'Session'|get_lang }}</th> |
<th class="text-center">{{ 'PaymentMethod'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-center">{{ 'Price'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-center">{{ 'OrderDate'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
<th class="text-center">{{ 'OrderReference'|get_plugin_lang('BuyCoursesPlugin') }}</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
{% for sale in sale_list %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ sale.product_name }}</td> |
<td class="text-center">{{ sale.payment_type }}</td> |
<td class="text-right">{{ sale.currency ~ ' ' ~ sale.price }}</td> |
<td class="text-center">{{ }}</td> |
<td class="text-center">{{ sale.reference }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</div> |
Reference in new issue