First commit for Chamilo 1.9 Exercises: Adding "remind question" and "save question now" + some new UI interfaces improvements see BT#2683 and BT#2682. Requires DB changes

Julio Montoya 14 years ago
parent 336cf0c64f
commit c6ffa3daf0
  1. 126
  2. 233
  3. 417
  4. 223
  5. 214
  6. 2
  7. 764
  8. 2
  9. 4
  10. 175
  11. 38
  12. 90
  13. 17
  14. 2

@ -765,6 +765,29 @@ button:hover {
/* blue */
.blue {
color: #fff !important;
border: solid 1px #0076a3;
background: #0095cd;
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#00adee), to(#0078a5));
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #00adee, #0078a5);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#00adee', endColorstr='#0078a5');
.blue:hover {
background: #007ead;
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#0095cc), to(#00678e));
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #0095cc, #00678e);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#0095cc', endColorstr='#00678e');
.blue:active {
color: #80bed6;
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#0078a5), to(#00adee));
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #0078a5, #00adee);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#0078a5', endColorstr='#00adee');
/* orange */
@ -792,7 +815,7 @@ button:hover {
/* green */
.green {
color: #e8f0de;
color: #fef4e9 !important;
border: solid 1px #538312;
background: #64991e;
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#7db72f), to(#4e7d0e));
@ -2474,7 +2497,6 @@ div.admin_section h4 {
.exercise_overview_options .right_option {
margin:12px 5px;
@ -2482,6 +2504,106 @@ div.admin_section h4 {
font-size : 14px;
.remind_highlight {
background-color: #FFF7C0;
.main_question {
.exercise_header {
border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc;
/* Table */
.exercise_options {
border-collapse: collapse;
border-spacing: 0;
.exercise_options th {
background-color: #F2F2F2;
border-bottom: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
line-height: normal;
padding: 8px 10px;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
.question_options {
.question_description {
padding:0px 0px 0px 16px;
.exercise_description {
padding:0px 0px 10px 0px;
.exercise_title {
font-size: 1.6em;
font-weight: bold;
padding:10px 0px 10px 0px;
.question_title {
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 15px 0px;
.question_no_answer {
background-color: #FFF7C0;
padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px;
margin: 5px 0px 5px 0px;
.exercise_reminder_container {
.question_answer {
display: block;
float: left;
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
margin: 0 0 0 0px;
.question_answer label {
color: #222222;
display: block;
font-size: 100%;
line-height: 150%;
margin: -27px 0 0 23px;
padding: 0 0 5px;
width: 88%;
.exercise_actions {
background: #f5f5f5;
margin-top: 18px;
margin-bottom: 18px;
padding: 17px 20px 18px 50px;
border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
-webkit-border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;
-moz-border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;
border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;
.exercise_save_now_button img {
position: relative;
top: 4px;
.exercise_actions a, .exercise_actions div {
.exercise_save_now_button, .exercise_button{
/* padding:10px; */
.red_alert {
font-weight: bold;

@ -1509,8 +1509,12 @@ class Exercise {
* @param array question list
public function save_stat_track_exercise_info($clock_expired_time = 0, $safe_lp_id = 0, $safe_lp_item_id = 0, $safe_lp_item_view_id = 0, $questionList = array(), $weight) {
public function save_stat_track_exercise_info($clock_expired_time = 0, $safe_lp_id = 0, $safe_lp_item_id = 0, $safe_lp_item_view_id = 0, $questionList = array(), $weight = 0) {
$track_exercises = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES);
$safe_lp_id = intval($safe_lp_id);
$safe_lp_item_id = intval($safe_lp_item_id);
$safe_lp_item_view_id = intval($safe_lp_item_view_id);
if (empty($safe_lp_id)) {
$safe_lp_id = 0;
@ -1528,63 +1532,72 @@ class Exercise {
$sql_fields_values = "";
array_map('intval', $questionList);
$weight = Database::escape_string($weight);
if ($this->type == ONE_PER_PAGE) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO $track_exercises ($sql_fields exe_exo_id, exe_user_id, exe_cours_id, status,session_id, data_tracking, start_date, orig_lp_id, orig_lp_item_id, exe_weighting)
VALUES($sql_fields_values '".$this->id."','" . api_get_user_id() . "','" . api_get_course_id() . "','incomplete','" . api_get_session_id() . "','" . implode(',', $questionList) . "', '" . api_get_utc_datetime() . "', '$safe_lp_id', '$safe_lp_item_id', '$weight' )";
} else {
$sql = "INSERT INTO $track_exercises ($sql_fields exe_exo_id,exe_user_id,exe_cours_id,status,session_id,start_date,orig_lp_id,orig_lp_item_id)
VALUES($sql_fields_values '".$this->id."','" . api_get_user_id() . "','" . api_get_course_id() . "','incomplete','" . api_get_session_id() . "','" . api_get_utc_datetime() . "', '$safe_lp_id', '$safe_lp_item_id' , '$weight' )";
$sql = "INSERT INTO $track_exercises ($sql_fields exe_exo_id, exe_user_id, exe_cours_id, status, session_id, start_date, orig_lp_id, orig_lp_item_id)
VALUES($sql_fields_values '".$this->id."','".api_get_user_id()."','".api_get_course_id()."','incomplete','".api_get_session_id()."','".api_get_utc_datetime()."', '$safe_lp_id', '$safe_lp_item_id')";
$id = Database::insert_id();
return $id;
public function show_button($nbrQuestions, $questionNum, $exerciseId) {
global $origin, $learnpath_id,$learnpath_item_id;
$nbrQuestions = intval($nbrQuestions);
$exerciseId = intval($exerciseId);
$html = '';
$html = '<div style="margin-top:-10px;">';
$confirmation_alert = $this->type == 1? " onclick=\"javascript:if(!confirm('".get_lang("ConfirmYourChoice")."')) return false;\" ":"";
$submit_btn = '<button class="next" type="submit" name="submit" name="submit_save" id="submit_save" '.$confirmation_alert.' >';
$hotspot_get = isset($_POST['hotspot'])?Security::remove_XSS($_POST['hotspot']):null;
if ($this->selectFeedbackType() == EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_DIRECT && $this->type == ONE_PER_PAGE) {
$submit_btn = '';
$html .='<script src="' . api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH) . 'javascript/thickbox.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
$html .='<style type="text/css" media="all">@import "' . api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH) . 'javascript/thickbox.css";</style>';
$html .='<style type="text/css" media="all">@import "' . api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH) . 'javascript/thickbox.css";</style>';
$html .= api_get_jquery_ui_js();
$html .='
$(function() {
//$html .='<br /><a href="exercise_submit_modal.php?learnpath_id='.$learnpath_id.'&learnpath_item_id='.$learnpath_item_id.'&origin='.$origin.'&hotspot='.$hotspot_get.'&nbrQuestions='.$nbrQuestions.'&questionnum='.$questionNum.'&exerciseType='.$exerciseType.'&exerciseId='.$exerciseId.'&placeValuesBeforeTB_=savedValues&TB_iframe=true&height=480&width=640&modal=true" title="" class="thickbox button" id="validationButton">';
$html .='<a href="exercise_submit_modal.php?learnpath_id='.$learnpath_id.'&learnpath_item_id='.$learnpath_item_id.'&origin='.$origin.'&hotspot='.$hotspot_get.'&nbrQuestions='.$nbrQuestions.'&questionnum='.$questionNum.'&exerciseType='.$this->type.'&exerciseId='.$exerciseId.'&placeValuesBeforeTB_=savedValues&TB_iframe=true&height=480&width=640&modal=true" title="" class="thickbox button" id="validationButton">';
public function show_button($question_id, $questionNum) {
global $origin, $safe_lp_id, $safe_lp_item_id, $safe_lp_item_view_id;
$nbrQuestions = count($this->get_validated_question_list());
$html = $label = '';
$confirmation_alert = $this->type == ALL_ON_ONE_PAGE? " onclick=\"javascript:if(!confirm('".get_lang("ConfirmYourChoice")."')) return false;\" ":"";
$hotspot_get = isset($_POST['hotspot']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_POST['hotspot']):null;
if ($this->selectFeedbackType() == EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_DIRECT && $this->type == ONE_PER_PAGE) {
$html .='<script>
$(function() {
$html .='<a href="exercise_submit_modal.php?learnpath_id='.$safe_lp_id.'&learnpath_item_id='.$safe_lp_item_id.'&learnpath_item_view_id='.$safe_lp_item_view_id.'&origin='.$origin.'&hotspot='.$hotspot_get.'&nbrQuestions='.$nbrQuestions.'&questionnum='.$questionNum.'&exerciseType='.$this->type.'&exerciseId='.$this->id.'&placeValuesBeforeTB_=savedValues&TB_iframe=true&height=480&width=640&modal=true" title="" class="thickbox button" id="validationButton">';
$html .= get_lang('ValidateAnswer').'</a>';
$html .='<br />';
} else {
if (api_is_allowed_to_session_edit() ) {
if (api_is_allowed_to_session_edit()) {
if ($this->type == ALL_ON_ONE_PAGE || $nbrQuestions == $questionNum) {
$submit_btn .= get_lang('ValidateAnswer');
$name_btn = get_lang('ValidateAnswer');
$label = get_lang('ValidateAnswer');
$class = 'accept';
} else {
$submit_btn .= get_lang('NextQuestion');
$name_btn = get_lang('NextQuestion');
$label = get_lang('NextQuestion');
$class = 'next';
$submit_btn .= '</button>';
if ($this->expired_time != 0) {
$html .= $submit_btn ='<button class="next" type="submit" id="submit_save" value="'.$name_btn.'" name="submit_save"/>'.$name_btn.'</button>';
/*if ($this->type == ALL_ON_ONE_PAGE && $nbrQuestions > 1) {
$all_button = '<a href="javascript://" class="a_button orange medium" onclick="save_now_all(); ">'.get_lang('SaveForNow').'</a>';
$all_button .= '&nbsp;<span id="save_all_reponse"></span>';
$html .= $all_button;
if ($this->type == ONE_PER_PAGE) {
$all_button = '<a href="javascript://" class="a_button blue medium" onclick="save_now('.$question_id.'); ">'.$label.'</a>';
//$all_button .= '&nbsp;<span id="save_all_reponse"></span>';
$all_button .= '<span id="save_for_now_'.$question_id.'"></span>&nbsp;';
$html .= $all_button;
} else {
$html .= $submit_btn;
$all_button = '<a href="javascript://" class="a_button green" onclick="validate_all(); ">'.get_lang('ValidateAnswer').'</a>';
$all_button .= '&nbsp;<span id="save_all_reponse"></span>';
$html .= $all_button;
$html .= '</div>'; //margin top -10
$html = Display::span($html, array('class'=>'exercise_button'));
return $html;
@ -1779,7 +1792,7 @@ class Exercise {
if ($debug) error_log('manage_answer $from_database '.$from_database);
if ($debug) error_log('manage_answer $show_result '.$show_result);
if ($debug) error_log('manage_answer $propagate_neg '.$propagate_neg);
if ($debug) error_log('manage_answer $$hotspot_delineation_result '.print_r($hotspot_delineation_result, 1));
if ($debug) error_log('manage_answer $hotspot_delineation_result '.print_r($hotspot_delineation_result, 1));
$extra_data = array();
$html = '';
@ -1894,8 +1907,7 @@ class Exercise {
$studentChoice =$choice[$numAnswer];
} else {
$studentChoice =$choice[$numAnswer];
if (!empty($studentChoice)) {
if ($studentChoice == $answerCorrect ) {
@ -2242,12 +2254,14 @@ class Exercise {
// for hotspot with no order
case HOT_SPOT :
if ($from_database) {
if ($show_result) {
$query = "SELECT hotspot_correct FROM ".$TBL_TRACK_HOTSPOT." where hotspot_exe_id = '".$exeId."' and hotspot_question_id= '".$questionId."' AND hotspot_answer_id='".Database::escape_string($answerId)."'";
$studentChoice = Database::result($resq,0,"hotspot_correct");
$resq = Database::query($query);
$studentChoice = Database::result($resq,0,"hotspot_correct");
} else {
$studentChoice = $choice[$answerId];
@ -2318,7 +2332,7 @@ class Exercise {
//display answers (if not matching type, or if the answer is correct)
if ($answerType != MATCHING || $answerCorrect) {
if ($origin!='learnpath') {
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
ExerciseShowFunctions::display_unique_or_multiple_answer($answerType, $studentChoice, $answer, $answerComment, $answerCorrect,0,0,0);
} elseif($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE) {
@ -2743,7 +2757,7 @@ class Exercise {
'overlap_color' => $overlap_color, 'missing_color'=>$missing_color, 'excess_color'=> $excess_color,
'threadhold1' => $threadhold1, 'threadhold2'=>$threadhold2, 'threadhold3'=> $threadhold3,
if ($from == 'exercise_result') {
// if answer is hotspot. To the difference of exercise_show.php, we use the results from the session (from_db=0)
// TODO Change this, because it is wrong to show the user some results that haven't been stored in the database yet
@ -2869,16 +2883,19 @@ class Exercise {
if ($answerType == HOT_SPOT || $answerType == HOT_SPOT_ORDER) {
// We made an extra table for the answers
if ($show_result) {
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
echo '</table></td></tr>';
echo '<tr>
<td colspan="2">';
echo '<i>'.get_lang('HotSpot').'</i><br /><br />';
echo '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'plugin/hotspot/hotspot_solution.swf?modifyAnswers='.Security::remove_XSS($questionId).'&exe_id=&from_db=0" width="552" height="352">';
echo '<param name="movie" value="'.api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH).'plugin/hotspot/hotspot_solution.swf?modifyAnswers='.Security::remove_XSS($questionId).'&exe_id=&from_db=0" />
echo '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'plugin/hotspot/hotspot_solution.swf?modifyAnswers='.Security::remove_XSS($questionId).'&exe_id='.$exeId.'&from_db=1" width="552" height="352">
<param name="movie" value="../plugin/hotspot/hotspot_solution.swf?modifyAnswers='.Security::remove_XSS($questionId).'&exe_id='.$exeId.'&from_db=1" />
echo '</td>
@ -2908,7 +2925,7 @@ class Exercise {
// For all in one page exercises, the results will be
// stored by exercise_results.php (using the session)
if ($saved_results) {
if ($saved_results) {
if (empty($choice)) {
$choice = 0;
@ -2956,14 +2973,14 @@ class Exercise {
$answer = $choice;
exercise_attempt($questionScore, $answer, $quesId, $exeId, 0, $this->id);
// } elseif ($answerType == HOT_SPOT || $answerType == HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) {
} elseif ($answerType == HOT_SPOT) {
} elseif ($answerType == HOT_SPOT) {
exercise_attempt($questionScore, $answer, $quesId, $exeId, 0, $this->id);
if (isset($exerciseResultCoordinates[$questionId]) && !empty($exerciseResultCoordinates[$questionId])) {
foreach($exerciseResultCoordinates[$questionId] as $idx => $val) {
foreach($exerciseResultCoordinates[$questionId] as $idx => $val) {
} else {
} else {
exercise_attempt($questionScore, $answer, $quesId, $exeId, 0,$this->id);
@ -3291,5 +3308,113 @@ class Exercise {
return $is_visible;
function save_attempt() {
function added_in_lp() {
$TBL_LP_ITEM = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM);
$sql = "SELECT max_score FROM $TBL_LP_ITEM WHERE item_type = '".TOOL_QUIZ."' AND path = '".$this->id."'";
$result = Database::query($sql);
if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) {
return true;
return false;
function get_validated_question_list() {
return ($this->isRandom() ? $this->selectRandomList() : $this->selectQuestionList());
public function get_stat_track_exercise_info_by_exe_id($exe_id) {
$track_exercises = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES);
$exe_id = intval($exe_id);
$sql_track = "SELECT * FROM $track_exercises WHERE exe_id = $exe_id ";
$result = Database::query($sql_track);
$new_array = array();
if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0 ) {
$new_array = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC');
return $new_array;
public function edit_question_to_remind($exe_id, $question_id, $action = 'add') {
$exercise_info = self::get_stat_track_exercise_info_by_exe_id($exe_id);
$question_id = intval($question_id);
$exe_id = intval($exe_id);
$track_exercises = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES);
if ($exercise_info) {
if (empty($exercise_info['questions_to_check'])) {
if ($action == 'add') {
$sql = "UPDATE $track_exercises SET questions_to_check = '$question_id' WHERE exe_id = $exe_id ";
$result = Database::query($sql);
} else {
$remind_list = explode(',',$exercise_info['questions_to_check']);
$remind_list_string = '';
if ($action == 'add') {
if (!in_array($question_id, $remind_list)) {
$remind_list[] = $question_id;
if (!empty($remind_list)) {
$remind_list_string = implode(',', $remind_list);
} elseif ($action == 'delete') {
if (!empty($remind_list)) {
if (in_array($question_id, $remind_list)) {
$remind_list = array_flip($remind_list);
$remind_list = array_flip($remind_list);
if (!empty($remind_list)) {
$remind_list_string = implode(',', $remind_list);
$remind_list_string = Database::escape_string($remind_list_string);
$sql = "UPDATE $track_exercises SET questions_to_check = '$remind_list_string' WHERE exe_id = $exe_id ";
$result = Database::query($sql);
public function fill_in_blank_answer_to_string($answer) {
api_preg_match_all('/\[[^]]+\]/', $answer, $teacher_answer_list);
$result = '';
if (!empty($teacher_answer_list)) {
$teacher_answer_list = $teacher_answer_list[0];
$i = 0;
foreach($teacher_answer_list as $teacher_item) {
$value = null;
//Cleaning student answer list
$value = strip_tags($teacher_item);
$value = api_substr($value,1, api_strlen($value)-2);
$value = explode('/', $value);
if (!empty($value[0])) {
$value = trim($value[0]);
$value = str_replace('&nbsp;', '', $value);
$result .= $value;
return $result;

@ -24,11 +24,12 @@ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../inc/lib/fckeditor/fckeditor.php';
* @param int current item from the list of questions
* @param int number of total questions
* */
function showQuestion($questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $current_item = '', $show_title = true, $freeze = false) {
function showQuestion($questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $current_item = '', $show_title = true, $freeze = false, $user_choice = array()) {
$s = '';
// Text direction for the current language
$is_ltr_text_direction = api_get_text_direction() != 'rtl';
$remind_question = 1;
// Change false to true in the following line to enable answer hinting.
$debug_mark_answer = api_is_allowed_to_edit() && false;
@ -41,56 +42,35 @@ function showQuestion($questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $cu
$answerType = $objQuestionTmp->selectType();
$pictureName = $objQuestionTmp->selectPicture();
$html = '';
if ($answerType != HOT_SPOT && $answerType != HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) {
// Question is not a hotspot
if (!$only_questions) {
$questionName = $objQuestionTmp->selectTitle();
$questionDescription = $objQuestionTmp->selectDescription();
$questionName = text_filter($questionName);
if ($show_title) {
$s='<div id="question_title" class="sectiontitle">'.get_lang('Question').' ';
//@todo I need the get the feedback type
//if($answerType != 1)
//$s.=' / '.$total_item;
echo $s;
echo ' : ';
echo $questionName.'</div>';
$s.='<table class="exercise_questions" style="margin:4px 4px 4px 0px; padding:2px;">
<tr><td valign="top" colspan="2">';
if ($show_title) {
echo Display::div($current_item.'. '.$objQuestionTmp->selectTitle(), array('class'=>'question_title'));
if (!empty($questionDescription)) {
echo Display::div($questionDescription, array('class'=>'question_description'));
if (!empty($pictureName)) {
<td align='center' colspan='2'><img src='../document/download.php?doc_url=%2Fimages%2F'".$pictureName."' border='0'></td>
//echo "<img src='../document/download.php?doc_url=%2Fimages%2F'".$pictureName."' border='0'>";
$s.= '</table>';
$s .= '<div class="rounded exercise_questions" style="width: 720px; padding: 3px;">';
$option_ie = '';
if (!ereg("MSIE",$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) {
$s .= '<div class="rounded exercise_questions" style="width: 720px; padding: 3px;">';
} else {
echo '<div class="question_options">';
if ($answerType == FREE_ANSWER && $freeze) {
return '';
$s .= '<table width="720" class="exercise_options" style="width: 720px;'.$option_ie.' background-color:#fff;">';
//$s .= '<table width="720" class="exercise_options" style="width: 720px;'.$option_ie.' background-color:#fff;">';
$s .= '<table class="exercise_options">';
// construction of the Answer object (also gets all answers details)
$objAnswerTmp = new Answer($questionId);
@ -114,7 +94,7 @@ function showQuestion($questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $cu
$answer_matching = $cpt1 = array();
$answer_suggestions = $nbrAnswers;
for ($answerId=1;$answerId <= $nbrAnswers;$answerId++) {
for ($answerId=1; $answerId <= $nbrAnswers; $answerId++) {
$answerCorrect = $objAnswerTmp->isCorrect($answerId);
$numAnswer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAutoId($answerId);
@ -127,99 +107,60 @@ function showQuestion($questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $cu
$i = 1;
$select_items[0]['id'] = 0;
$select_items[0]['letter'] = '--';
$select_items[0]['answer'] = '';
foreach ($answer_matching as $id => $value) {
$select_items[$i]['id'] = $value['id'];
$select_items[$i]['letter'] = $cpt1[$id];
$select_items[$i]['id'] = $value['id'];
$select_items[$i]['letter'] = $cpt1[$id];
$select_items[$i]['answer'] = $value['answer'];
$i ++;
$num_suggestions = ($nbrAnswers - $x) + 1;
} elseif ($answerType == FREE_ANSWER) {
$fck_content = isset($user_choice[0]) && !empty($user_choice[0]['answer']) ? $user_choice[0]['answer']:null;
$oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor("choice[".$questionId."]") ;
$oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = 'TestFreeAnswer';
$oFCKeditor->Width = '100%';
$oFCKeditor->Height = '200';
$oFCKeditor->Value = '' ;
$oFCKeditor->Value = $fck_content;
$s .= '<tr><td colspan="3">';
$s .= $oFCKeditor->CreateHtml();
$s .= '</td></tr>';
$(function() {
var $options = $( "#options" );
$( "div", $options ).draggable({
revert: "invalid", // when not dropped, the item will revert back to its initial position
cursor: "move",
var $question_1 = $( "#question_1" );
accept: "#options div",
activeClass: "ui-state-hover",
hoverClass: "ui-state-active",
drop: function( event, ui ) {
//$( this ).addClass( "ui-state-highlight" );
var $question_2 = $( "#question_2" );
accept: "#options div",
hoverClass: "ui-state-active",
drop: function( event, ui ) {
//$( this ).addClass( "ui-state-highlight" );
accept: "#options div",
hoverClass: "ui-state-active",
drop: function( event, ui ) {
// Now navigate through the possible answers, using the max number of
// answers for the question as a limiter
$lines_count=1; // a counter for matching-type answers
$lines_count = 1; // a counter for matching-type answers
$question_list = array();
$header .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('Options'));
foreach ($objQuestionTmp->options as $key=>$item) {
$header .= Display::tag('th', $item);
$s.=Display::tag('tr',$header, array('style'=>'text-align:left;'));
$s.= Display::tag('tr',$header, array('style'=>'text-align:left;'));
for ($answerId=1;$answerId <= $nbrAnswers;$answerId++) {
$matching_correct_answer = 0;
$user_choice_array = array();
if (!empty($user_choice)) {
foreach($user_choice as $item) {
$user_choice_array[] = $item['answer'];
for ($answerId=1; $answerId <= $nbrAnswers; $answerId++) {
$answer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer($answerId);
$answerCorrect = $objAnswerTmp->isCorrect($answerId);
$numAnswer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAutoId($answerId);
if ($answerType == FILL_IN_BLANKS) {
// splits text and weightings that are joined with the character '::'
list($answer) = explode('::',$answer);
//getting the matches
$answer = api_ereg_replace('\[[^]]+\]','<input type="text" name="choice['.$questionId.'][]" size="10" />',($answer));
// Unique answer
if ($answerType == UNIQUE_ANSWER || $answerType == UNIQUE_ANSWER_NO_OPTION) {
// set $debug_mark_answer to true at function start to
@ -232,16 +173,25 @@ function showQuestion($questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $cu
$selected = 'checked';
$answer = text_filter($answer);
$input_id = 'choice-'.$questionId.'-'.$answerId;
if (isset($user_choice[0]['answer']) && $user_choice[0]['answer'] == $numAnswer ) {
$attributes = array('id' =>$input_id, 'class'=>'checkbox','checked'=>1, 'selected'=>1);
} else {
$attributes = array('id' =>$input_id, 'class'=>'checkbox');
$answer = Security::remove_XSS($answer, STUDENT);
$s .= Display::input('hidden','choice2['.$questionId.']','0').
'<tr><td colspan="3"><div class="u-m-answer"><p style="float: '.($is_ltr_text_direction ? 'left' : 'right').'; padding-'.($is_ltr_text_direction ? 'right' : 'left').': 4px;">'.
'<span>'.Display::input('radio','choice['.$questionId.']', $numAnswer, array('class'=>'checkbox','selected'=>$selected)).'</span></p>'.
'<div style="margin-'.($is_ltr_text_direction ? 'left' : 'right').': 24px;">'.
$s .= Display::input('hidden','choice2['.$questionId.']','0');
//@todo fix $is_ltr_text_direction
//<p style="float: '.($is_ltr_text_direction ? 'left' : 'right').'; padding-'.($is_ltr_text_direction ? 'right' : 'left').': 4px;">
//$s .= '<div style="margin-'.($is_ltr_text_direction ? 'left' : 'right').': 24px;">'.
$s .= '<tr><td colspan="3">';
$s .= '<span class="question_answer">';
$s .= Display::input('radio', 'choice['.$questionId.']', $numAnswer, $attributes);
$s .= Display::tag('label', $answer, array('for'=>$input_id)).'</span>';
$s .= '</td></tr>';
} elseif ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER || $answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE) {
// multiple answers
@ -253,37 +203,54 @@ function showQuestion($questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $cu
$help = 'x-';
$selected = 'checked="checked"';
$answer = text_filter($answer);
$input_id = 'choice-'.$questionId.'-'.$answerId;
$answer = Security::remove_XSS($answer, STUDENT);
if (in_array($numAnswer, $user_choice_array)) {
$attributes = array('id' =>$input_id, 'class'=>'checkbox','checked'=>1, 'selected'=>1);
} else {
$attributes = array('id' =>$input_id, 'class'=>'checkbox');
$answer = Security::remove_XSS($answer, STUDENT);
if ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER) {
$s .= '<input type="hidden" name="choice2['.$questionId.']" value="0" />';
$s .= '<tr><td colspan="3"><div class="u-m-answer"><p style="float: '.($is_ltr_text_direction ? 'left' : 'right').'; padding-'.($is_ltr_text_direction ? 'right' : 'left').': 4px;">';
$options = array('type'=>'checkbox','name'=>'choice['.$questionId.']['.$numAnswer.']', 'class'=>'checkbox');
$s .= '<tr><td colspan="3">';
$s .= '<span class="question_answer">';
if ($debug_mark_answer) {
if ($answerCorrect) {
$options['checked'] = 'checked';
//$options['checked'] = 'checked';
$s .= Display::tag('span', Display::tag('input','',$options ));
$s .= '</p>';
$s .= '<div style="margin-'.($is_ltr_text_direction ? 'left' : 'right').': 24px;">'.
} elseif ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE) {
$options = array('type'=>'radio','name'=>'choice['.$questionId.']['.$numAnswer.']', 'class'=>'checkbox');
$s .= '<input type="hidden" name="choice2['.$questionId.']" value="0" />';
$s .='<tr>';
$s .= Display::tag('td', $answer);
if (!empty($quiz_question_options)) {
foreach ($quiz_question_options as $id=>$item) {
$options['value'] = $id;
$s .= Display::tag('td', Display::tag('input','',$options ));
$s .= Display::tag('span', Display::input('checkbox', 'choice['.$questionId.']['.$numAnswer.']', $numAnswer, $attributes));
$s .= Display::tag('label', $answer, array('for'=>$input_id)).'</span></td></tr>';
} elseif ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE) {
$my_choice = array();
if (!empty($user_choice_array)) {
foreach ($user_choice_array as $item) {
$item = explode(':', $item);
$my_choice[$item[0]] = $item[1];
$s .='<tr>';
$s .= Display::tag('td', $answer);
if (!empty($quiz_question_options)) {
foreach ($quiz_question_options as $id=>$item) {
if (isset($my_choice[$numAnswer]) && $id == $my_choice[$numAnswer]) {
$attributes = array('class'=>'checkbox','checked'=>1, 'selected'=>1);
} else {
$attributes = array('class'=>'checkbox');
$s .= Display::tag('td', Display::input('radio', 'choice['.$questionId.']['.$numAnswer.']', $id, $attributes));
@ -298,57 +265,123 @@ function showQuestion($questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $cu
$selected = 'checked="checked"';
$answer = text_filter($answer);
$input_id = 'choice-'.$questionId.'-'.$answerId;
if (in_array($numAnswer, $user_choice_array)) {
$attributes = array('id'=>$input_id, 'class'=>'checkbox','checked'=>1, 'selected'=>1);
} else {
$attributes = array('id'=>$input_id, 'class'=>'checkbox');
$answer = Security::remove_XSS($answer, STUDENT);
$s .= '<input type="hidden" name="choice2['.$questionId.']" value="0" />'.
'<tr><td colspan="3"><div class="u-m-answer"><p style="float: '.($is_ltr_text_direction ? 'left' : 'right').'; padding-'.($is_ltr_text_direction ? 'right' : 'left').': 4px;">'.
'<span><input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="choice['.$questionId.']['.$numAnswer.']" value="1" '.$selected.' /></span></p>'.
'<div style="margin-'.($is_ltr_text_direction ? 'left' : 'right').': 24px;">'.
'<tr><td colspan="3">';
$s .= '<span class="question_answer">';
$s .= Display::tag('span', Display::input('checkbox', 'choice['.$questionId.']['.$numAnswer.']', 1, $attributes));
$s .= Display::tag('label', $answer, array('for'=>$input_id)).'</span></td></tr>';
// multiple answers
// set $debug_mark_answer to true at function start to
// show the correct answer with a suffix '-x'
$s .= '<input type="hidden" name="choice2['.$questionId.']" value="0" />';
$help = $selected = '';
if ($debug_mark_answer) {
if ($answerCorrect) {
$help = 'x-';
$selected = 'checked="checked"';
$answer = text_filter($answer);
$answer = Security::remove_XSS($answer, STUDENT);
$options = array('type'=>'radio','name'=>'choice['.$questionId.']['.$numAnswer.']', 'class'=>'checkbox');
$s .='<tr>';
$s .= Display::tag('td', $answer);
foreach ($objQuestionTmp->options as $key=>$item) {
$options['value'] = $key;
$s .= Display::tag('td', Display::tag('input','',$options ));
$my_choice = array();
if (!empty($user_choice_array)) {
foreach ($user_choice_array as $item) {
$item = explode(':', $item);
$my_choice[$item[0]] = $item[1];
$answer = Security::remove_XSS($answer, STUDENT);
$s .='<tr>';
$s .= Display::tag('td', $answer);
foreach ($objQuestionTmp->options as $key => $item) {
//$options['value'] = $key;
if (isset($my_choice[$numAnswer]) && $key == $my_choice[$numAnswer]) {
$attributes = array('class'=>'checkbox','checked'=>1, 'selected'=>1);
} else {
$attributes = array('class'=>'checkbox');
$s .= Display::tag('td', Display::input('radio','choice['.$questionId.']['.$numAnswer.']', $key, $attributes));
} elseif ($answerType == FILL_IN_BLANKS) {
// fill in blanks
// splits text and weightings that are joined with the character '::'
list($answer) = explode('::',$answer);
//getting the matches
$answer = api_ereg_replace('\[[^]]+\]','<input type="text" name="choice['.$questionId.'][]" size="10" />',($answer));
$answer = api_preg_replace('/\[[^]]+\]/', Display::input('text', "choice[$questionId][]", '', $attributes), $answer);
api_preg_match_all('/\[[^]]+\]/', $answer, $fill_list);
if (isset($user_choice[0]['answer'])) {
api_preg_match_all('/\[[^]]+\]/', $user_choice[0]['answer'], $user_fill_list);
$user_fill_list = $user_fill_list[0];
list($answer) = explode('::',$answer);
api_preg_match_all('/\[[^]]+\]/', $answer, $teacher_answer_list);
if (isset($user_choice[0]['answer'])) {
api_preg_match_all('/\[[^]]+\]/', $user_choice[0]['answer'], $student_answer_list);
$student_answer_list = $student_answer_list[0];
//var_dump($teacher_answer_list, $student_answer_list);
if (!empty($teacher_answer_list) && !empty($student_answer_list)) {
$teacher_answer_list = $teacher_answer_list[0];
$i = 0;
foreach($teacher_answer_list as $teacher_item) {
$value = null;
if (isset($student_answer_list[$i]) && !empty($student_answer_list[$i])) {
//Cleaning student answer list
$value = strip_tags($student_answer_list[$i]);
$value = api_substr($value,1, api_strlen($value)-2);
$value = explode('/', $value);
if (!empty($value[0])) {
$value = trim($value[0]);
$value = str_replace('&nbsp;', '', $value);
$answer = api_preg_replace('/\['.$teacher_item.'+\]/', Display::input('text', "choice[$questionId][]", $value), $answer);
} else {
$answer = api_preg_replace('/\[[^]]+\]/', Display::input('text', "choice[$questionId][]", '', $attributes), $answer);
$s .= '<tr><td colspan="3">'.$answer.'</td></tr>';
} else {
} elseif ($answerType == MATCHING) {
// matching type, showing suggestions and answers
// TODO: replace $answerId by $numAnswer
if ($answerCorrect != 0) {
// only show elements to be answered (not the contents of
// the select boxes, who are corrrect = 0)
$s .= '<tr><td width="45%" valign="top" >';
$parsed_answer = text_filter($answer);
$question_list[] = $parsed_answer;
$s .= '<tr><td width="45%" valign="top">';
$parsed_answer = $answer;
//$question_list[] = $parsed_answer;
//left part questions
$s .= ' <span style="float:left; width:8%;"><b>'.$lines_count.'</b>.&nbsp;</span>
<span style="float:left; width:92%;">'.$parsed_answer.'</span></td>';
//middle part (matches selects)
//middle part (matches selects)
$s .= '<td width="10%" valign="top" align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp;
<select name="choice['.$questionId.']['.$numAnswer.']">
<option value="0">--</option>';
<select name="choice['.$questionId.']['.$numAnswer.']">';
// fills the list-box
foreach ($select_items as $key=>$val) {
// set $debug_mark_answer to true at function start to
@ -357,13 +390,17 @@ function showQuestion($questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $cu
if ($debug_mark_answer) {
if ($val['id'] == $answerCorrect) {
$help = '-x';
$selected = 'selected="selected"';
//$selected = 'selected="selected"';
if (isset($user_choice[$matching_correct_answer]) && $val['id'] == $user_choice[$matching_correct_answer]['answer']) {
$selected = 'selected="selected"';
$s.='<option value="'.$val['id'].'" '.$selected.'>'.$val['letter'].$help.'</option>';
$s .= '<option value="'.$val['id'].'" '.$selected.'>'.$val['letter'].$help.'</option>';
} // end foreach()
$s .= '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
$s .= '</select></td>';
//right part (answers)
$s.='<td width="45%" valign="top" >';
@ -382,7 +419,7 @@ function showQuestion($questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $cu
// if it remains answers to shown at the right side
while (isset($select_items[$lines_count])) {
$s .= '<tr>
<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td valign="top">';
$s.='<b>'.$select_items[$lines_count]['letter'].'.</b> '.$select_items[$lines_count]['answer'];
@ -390,35 +427,13 @@ function showQuestion($questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $cu
} // end while()
} // end if()
} // end for()
//Adding divs for the new MATCHING interface
if ($answerType == MATCHING && !$freeze) {
echo '<div id="questions">';
echo Display::tag('h2','Questions');
$i = 1;
foreach ($question_list as $key=>$val) {
echo Display::tag('div', Display::tag('p',$val), array('id'=>'question_'.$i, 'class'=>'question_item ui-widget-header'));
echo '</div>';
echo Display::tag('h2','Options');
echo '<div id="options" class=" ui-widget-header">';
foreach ($select_items as $key=>$val) {
echo Display::tag('div', Display::tag('p',$val['answer']), array('id'=>'option_'.$i, 'class'=>'option_item ui-widget-content'));
echo '</ul>';
$s .= '</table>';
$s .= '</table>';
$s .= '</div>';
$s .= '</div><br />';
// destruction of the Answer object
@ -429,7 +444,7 @@ function showQuestion($questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $cu
if ($origin != 'export') {
echo $s;
} else {
return $s;
} elseif ($answerType == HOT_SPOT || $answerType == HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) {
// Question is a HOT_SPOT
@ -486,16 +501,14 @@ function showQuestion($questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $cu
if (!$only_questions) {
if ($show_title) {
echo '<div id="question_title" class="sectiontitle">'.get_lang('Question').' '.$current_item.' : '.$questionName.'</div>';
echo '<div class="question_title">'.$current_item.'. '.$questionName.'</div>';
//@todo I need to the get the feedback type
//if($answerType == 2)
// $s.=' / '.$total_item;
echo '<input type="hidden" name="hidden_hotspot_id" value="'.$questionId.'" />';
echo '<table class="exercise_questions" >
<td valign="top" colspan="2">';
echo $questionDescription=text_filter($questionDescription);
echo $questionDescription;
echo '</td></tr>';
$canClick = isset($_GET['editQuestion']) ? '0' : (isset($_GET['modifyAnswers']) ? '0' : '1');
@ -638,7 +651,7 @@ function showQuestion($questionId, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $cu
echo $s;
echo '</table><br />';
echo '</table>';
return $nbrAnswers;

@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
* Exercise reminder overview
* Then it shows the results on the screen.
* @package chamilo.exercise
* @author Julio Montoya Armas switchable fill in blank option added
require_once 'exercise.class.php';
require_once 'exercise.lib.php';
require_once 'question.class.php';
require_once 'answer.class.php';
// Name of the language file that needs to be included
require_once '../inc/';
if ($_GET['origin']=='learnpath') {
require_once '../newscorm/learnpath.class.php';
require_once '../newscorm/learnpathItem.class.php';
require_once '../newscorm/scorm.class.php';
require_once '../newscorm/scormItem.class.php';
require_once '../newscorm/aicc.class.php';
require_once '../newscorm/aiccItem.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'exercise_show_functions.lib.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'';
$this_section = SECTION_COURSES;
// notice for unauthorized people.
if($debug>0){error_log('Entered exercise_result.php: '.print_r($_POST,1));}
// general parameters passed via POST/GET
if ( empty ( $origin ) ) { $origin = Security::remove_XSS($_REQUEST['origin']);}
if ( empty ( $learnpath_id ) ) { $learnpath_id = intval($_REQUEST['learnpath_id']);}
if ( empty ( $learnpath_item_id ) ) { $learnpath_item_id = intval($_REQUEST['learnpath_item_id']);}
if ( empty ( $learnpath_item_view_id ) ) { $learnpath_item_view_id = intval($_REQUEST['learnpath_item_view_id']);}
if ( empty ($exerciseId)) { $exerciseId = intval($_REQUEST['exerciseId']);}
if ( empty ($objExercise)) { $objExercise = $_SESSION['objExercise'];}
if (!$objExercise) {
//Redirect to the exercise overview
//Check if the exe_id exists
header("Location: overview.php?exerciseId=".$exerciseId);
if (isset($_SESSION['exe_id'])) {
$exe_id = intval($_SESSION['exe_id']);
$exercise_stat_info = $objExercise->get_stat_track_exercise_info_by_exe_id($exe_id);
if (!empty($exercise_stat_info['data_tracking'])) {
$question_list = explode(',', $exercise_stat_info['data_tracking']);
if (empty($exercise_stat_info) || empty($question_list)) {
$nameTools = get_lang('Exercice');
$interbreadcrumb[] = array("url" => "exercice.php?gradebook=$gradebook","name" => get_lang('Exercices'));
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
//so we are not in learnpath tool
} else {
// I'm in a preview mode as course admin. Display the action menu.
if (api_is_course_admin() && $origin != 'learnpath') {
echo '<div class="actions">';
echo '<a href="admin.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&exerciseId='.$objExercise->id.'">'.Display::return_icon('back.png', get_lang('GoBackToQuestionList'), array(), 32).'</a>';
echo '<a href="exercise_admin.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&modifyExercise=yes&exerciseId='.$objExercise->id.'">'.Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('ModifyExercise'), array(), 32).'</a>';
echo '</div>';
$user_info = api_get_user_info(api_get_user_id());
echo $exercise_header = $objExercise->show_exercise_result_header(api_get_person_name($user_info['firstName'], $user_info['lastName']), null, 'review');
echo Display::div(get_lang('QuestionsToReview'), array('class'=>'question_title'));
echo Display::div('', array('id'=>'message'));
echo '<script>
lp_data = $.param({"learnpath_id": '.$learnpath_id.', "learnpath_item_id" : '.$learnpath_item_id.', "learnpath_item_view_id": '.$learnpath_item_view_id.'});
function final_submit() {
//Normal inputs
window.location = "exercise_result.php?origin='.$origin.'&exe_id='.$exe_id.'&" + lp_data;
function review_questions() {
var is_checked = 1;
$("input[type=checkbox]").each(function () {
if ($(this).attr("checked") == "checked") {
is_checked = 2;
return false;
if (is_checked == 1) {
window.location = "exercise_submit.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&exerciseId='.$objExercise->id.'&reminder=2&origin='.$origin.'&" + lp_data;
function save_remind_item(obj, question_id) {
var action = "";
if ($(obj).is(\':checked\')) {
action = "add";
} else {
action = "delete";
url: "'.api_get_path(WEB_AJAX_PATH).'exercise.ajax.php?a=add_question_to_reminder",
data: "question_id="+question_id+"&exe_id='.$exe_id.'&action="+action,
success: function(return_value) {
$attempt_list = get_all_exercise_event_by_exe_id($exe_id);
$remind_list = $exercise_stat_info['questions_to_check'];
$remind_list = explode(',', $remind_list);
$exercise_result = array();
foreach ($attempt_list as $question_id => $options) {
//echo $question_id.'<br />';
foreach($options as $item) {
$question_obj = Question::read($item['question_id']);
switch($question_obj->type) {
$item['answer'] = $objExercise->fill_in_blank_answer_to_string($item['answer']);
case HOT_SPOT:
if ($item['answer'] != '0' && !empty($item['answer'])) {
$exercise_result[] = $question_id;
$rows = array(Display::div('', array('class'=>'question_no_answer', 'style'=>'width:20px;height:10px;')), get_lang('QuestionWithNoAnswer'));
echo Display::table(array() , $rows, array('class'=>'t'));
$table = '';
$counter = 0;
// Loop over all question to show results for each of them, one by one
foreach ($question_list as $questionId) {
// destruction of the Question object
// creates a temporary Question object
$objQuestionTmp = Question :: read($questionId);
// initialize question information
$quesId = $objQuestionTmp->selectId();
$check_id = 'remind_list['.$questionId.']';
$attributes = array('id'=>$check_id, 'onclick'=>"save_remind_item(this, '$questionId');");
if (in_array($questionId, $remind_list)) {
$attributes['checked'] = 1;
$label_attributes = array();
$label_attributes['class'] = '';
$label_attributes['for'] = $check_id;
//Check if the question doesn't have an answer
if (!in_array($questionId, $exercise_result)) {
$label_attributes['class'] = "question_no_answer";
$checkbox = Display::input('checkbox', 'remind_list['.$questionId.']', '', $attributes);
$url = 'exercise_submit.php?exerciseId='.$objExercise->id.'&num='.$counter.'&reminder=1';
if ($objExercise->type == ONE_PER_PAGE) {
$question_title = Display::url($counter.'. '.cut($objQuestionTmp->selectTitle(), 40), $url);
$question_title = $counter.'. '.cut($objQuestionTmp->selectTitle(), 40);
} else {
$question_title = $counter.'. '.cut($objQuestionTmp->selectTitle(), 40);
$question_title = Display::tag('label', $question_title, $label_attributes);
$table .= Display::div($checkbox.$question_title, array('class'=>'exercise_reminder_item'));
} // end foreach() block that loops over all questions
echo Display::div($table, array('class'=>'exercise_reminder_container'));
$exercise_actions = Display::url(get_lang('ValidateAnswers'), 'javascript://', array('onclick'=>'final_submit();', 'class'=>'a_button green'));
$exercise_actions .= Display::url(get_lang('ReviewQuestions'), 'javascript://', array('onclick'=>'review_questions();','class'=>'a_button white medium '));
echo Display::div('', array('class'=>'clear'));
echo Display::div($exercise_actions, array('class'=>'exercise_actions'));
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
//we are not in learnpath tool

@ -37,50 +37,36 @@ if ($_GET['origin']=='learnpath') {
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'exercise_show_functions.lib.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'';
$this_section = SECTION_COURSES;
// notice for unauthorized people.
// Database table definitions
$TBL_EXERCICES = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST);
$TBL_QUESTIONS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION);
$TBL_REPONSES = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_ANSWER);
$main_user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
$main_admin_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ADMIN);
$main_course_user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER);
if($debug>0){error_log('Entered exercise_result.php: '.print_r($_POST,1));}
// general parameters passed via POST/GET
if ( empty ( $origin ) ) { $origin = Security::remove_XSS($_REQUEST['origin']);}
if ( empty ( $learnpath_id ) ) { $learnpath_id = intval($_REQUEST['learnpath_id']);}
if ( empty ( $learnpath_item_id ) ) { $learnpath_item_id = intval($_REQUEST['learnpath_item_id']);}
if ( empty ( $learnpath_item_view_id ) ) { $learnpath_item_view_id = intval($_REQUEST['learnpath_item_view_id']);}
if ( empty ( $formSent ) ) { $formSent = $_REQUEST['formSent'];}
if ( empty ( $exerciseResult ) ) { $exerciseResult = $_SESSION['exerciseResult'];}
if ( empty ( $exerciseResultCoordinates)){ $exerciseResultCoordinates = $_SESSION['exerciseResultCoordinates'];}
if ( empty ( $questionId ) ) { $questionId = $_REQUEST['questionId'];}
if ( empty ( $choice ) ) { $choice = $_REQUEST['choice'];}
if ( empty ( $questionNum ) ) { $questionNum = $_REQUEST['questionNum'];}
if ( empty ( $nbrQuestions ) ) { $nbrQuestions = $_REQUEST['nbrQuestions'];}
if ( empty ( $questionList ) ) { $questionList = $_SESSION['questionList'];}
if ( empty ( $objExercise ) ) { $objExercise = $_SESSION['objExercise'];}
if ( empty ( $exerciseType ) ) { $exerciseType = $_REQUEST['exerciseType'];}
if ( empty ( $remind_list ) ) { $remind_list = $_REQUEST['remind_list'];}
//@todo There should be some doc about this settings
$_configuration['live_exercise_tracking'] = false;
if ($_configuration['live_exercise_tracking']) define('ENABLED_LIVE_EXERCISE_TRACKING',1);
$exe_id = isset($_REQUEST['exe_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['exe_id']) : 0;
if ($_configuration['live_exercise_tracking'] && $exerciseType == 1){
$_configuration['live_exercise_tracking'] = false;
if (empty($objExercise)) {
//Redirect to the exercise overview
//Check if the exe_id exists
$objExercise = new Exercise();
$exercise_stat_info = $objExercise->get_stat_track_exercise_info_by_exe_id($exe_id);
if (!empty($exercise_stat_info) && isset($exercise_stat_info['exe_exo_id'])) {
header("Location: overview.php?exerciseId=".$exercise_stat_info['exe_exo_id']);
$arrques = array();
$arrans = array();
// set admin name as person who sends the results e-mail (lacks policy about whom should really send the results)
@ -92,13 +78,6 @@ $from_name = api_get_person_name($uinfo['firstname'], $uinfo['lastname'], null,
$url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'exercice/exercice.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&show=result';
// if the above variables are empty or incorrect, we don't have any result to show, so stop the script
if (!is_array($exerciseResult) || !is_array($questionList) || !is_object($objExercise)) {
if ($debug) {error_log('Exit exercise result'); error_log('$exerciseResult: '.print_r($exerciseResult,1)); error_log('$questionList:'.print_r($questionList,1));error_log('$objExercise:'.print_r($objExercise,1));}
header('Location: exercice.php');
$gradebook = '';
if (isset($_SESSION['gradebook'])) {
$gradebook= $_SESSION['gradebook'];
@ -107,31 +86,17 @@ if (!empty($gradebook) && $gradebook=='view') {
$interbreadcrumb[]= array ('url' => '../gradebook/'.$_SESSION['gradebook_dest'], 'name' => get_lang('ToolGradebook'));
$nameTools = get_lang('Result');
$nameTools = get_lang('Exercice');
$interbreadcrumb[]=array("url" => "exercice.php?gradebook=$gradebook","name" => get_lang('Exercices'));
//$htmlHeadXtra[] = $objExercise->show_lp_javascript();
$interbreadcrumb[]= array("url" => "exercice.php?gradebook=$gradebook","name" => get_lang('Exercices'));
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
//so we are not in learnpath tool
} else {
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.api_get_system_encoding());
$document_language = api_get_language_isocode();
<!DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<?php echo $document_language; ?>" lang="<?php echo $document_language; ?>">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $charset; ?>" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'css/'.api_get_setting('stylesheets').'/default.css'; ?>" />
<body dir="<?php echo api_get_text_direction(); ?>">
//Hide results
$show_results = false;
$show_only_score = false;
@ -154,31 +119,36 @@ if (api_is_course_admin() && $origin != 'learnpath') {
echo '</div>';
$exerciseTitle = $objExercise->selectTitle();
$feedback_type = $objExercise->feedbacktype;
$feedback_type = $objExercise->feedbacktype;
$exercise_stat_info = $objExercise->get_stat_track_exercise_info_by_exe_id($exe_id);
if (!empty($exercise_stat_info['data_tracking'])) {
$question_list = explode(',', $exercise_stat_info['data_tracking']);
//show exercise title
if($origin == 'learnpath') { ?>
$safe_lp_id = $exercise_stat_info['orig_lp_id'];
$safe_lp_item_id = $exercise_stat_info['orig_lp_item_id'];
$safe_lp_item_view_id = $exercise_stat_info['orig_lp_item_view_id'];
if ($origin == 'learnpath') {
<form method="get" action="exercice.php?<?php echo api_get_cidreq() ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="origin" value="<?php echo $origin; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="learnpath_id" value="<?php echo $learnpath_id; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="learnpath_item_id" value="<?php echo $learnpath_item_id; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="learnpath_item_view_id" value="<?php echo $learnpath_item_view_id; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="origin" value="<?php echo $origin; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="learnpath_id" value="<?php echo $safe_lp_id; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="learnpath_item_id" value="<?php echo $safe_lp_item_id; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="learnpath_item_view_id" value="<?php echo $safe_lp_item_view_id; ?>" />
$i = $totalScore = $totalWeighting=0;
if ($debug>0){error_log ("ExerciseResult: ".print_r($exerciseResult,1)); error_log("QuestionList: ".print_r($questionList,1));}
$safe_lp_id = $learnpath_id==''?0:(int)$learnpath_id;
$safe_lp_item_id = $learnpath_item_id==''?0:(int)$learnpath_item_id;
$safe_lp_item_view_id = $learnpath_item_view_id==''?0:(int)$learnpath_item_view_id;
$i = $total_score = $total_weight = 0;
//We check if the user attempts before sending to the exercise_result.php
if ($objExercise->selectAttempts() > 0) {
$attempt_count = get_attempt_count(api_get_user_id(), $objExercise->id, $safe_lp_id, $safe_lp_item_id, $safe_lp_item_view_id);
if ($attempt_count >= $objExercise->selectAttempts()) {
Display :: display_warning_message(sprintf(get_lang('ReachedMaxAttempts'), $exerciseTitle, $objExercise->selectAttempts()), false);
Display :: display_warning_message(sprintf(get_lang('ReachedMaxAttempts'), $objExercise->selectTitle(), $objExercise->selectAttempts()), false);
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
//we are not in learnpath tool
@ -187,18 +157,17 @@ if ($objExercise->selectAttempts() > 0) {
// Create an empty exercise
if (api_is_allowed_to_session_edit()) {
$exeId = create_event_exercice($objExercise->selectId());
$user_info = api_get_user_info(api_get_user_id());
if ($show_results || $show_only_score) {
echo $exercise_header = $objExercise->show_exercise_result_header(api_get_person_name($user_info['firstName'], $user_info['lastName']));
Display :: display_confirmation_message(get_lang('Saved').'<br /><br />',false);
$counter = 1;
// Loop over all question to show results for each of them, one by one
foreach ($questionList as $questionId) {
foreach ($question_list as $questionId) {
// destruction of the Question object
@ -207,94 +176,61 @@ foreach ($questionList as $questionId) {
// creates a temporary Question object
$objQuestionTmp = Question :: read($questionId);
// initialize question information
$questionName = $objQuestionTmp->selectTitle();
$questionDescription = $objQuestionTmp->selectDescription();
$questionWeighting = $objQuestionTmp->selectWeighting();
$answerType = $objQuestionTmp->selectType();
$quesId = $objQuestionTmp->selectId();
//this variable commes from exercise_submit_modal.php
$hotspot_delineation_result = $_SESSION['hotspot_delineation_result'][$objExercise->selectId()][$quesId];
//this variable commes from exercise_submit_modal.php
//$hotspot_delineation_result = $_SESSION['hotspot_delineation_result'][$objExercise->selectId()][$quesId];
if ($show_results) {
// show titles
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
echo $objQuestionTmp->return_header($objExercise->feedbacktype, $counter );
if ($answerType == HOT_SPOT) {
<td valign="top" colspan="2">
<table width="552" border="1" bordercolor="#A4A4A4" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
<td width="152" valign="top">
<i><?php echo get_lang("CorrectAnswer"); ?></i><br /><br />
<td width="100" valign="top">
<i><?php echo get_lang('HotspotHit'); ?></i><br /><br />
<?php if ($objExercise->feedbacktype != EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_EXAM) { ?>
<td width="300" valign="top">
<i><?php echo get_lang("Comment"); ?></i><br /><br />
<?php } else { ?>
<?php } ?>
// We're inside *one* question. Go through each possible answer for this question
$result = $objExercise->manage_answer($exeId, $questionId, $choice,'exercise_result', $exerciseResultCoordinates, true, false, $show_results, $objExercise->selectPropagateNeg(), $hotspot_delineation_result);
$totalScore += $result['score'];
$totalWeighting += $result['weight'];
// show titles
echo $objQuestionTmp->return_header($objExercise->feedback_type, $counter);
// We're inside *one* question. Go through each possible answer for this question
$result = $objExercise->manage_answer($exercise_stat_info['exe_id'], $questionId, null ,'exercise_result', array(), false, true, $show_results, $objExercise->selectPropagateNeg(), $hotspot_delineation_result);
$total_score += $result['score'];
$total_weight += $result['weight'];
} // end foreach() block that loops over all questions
if ($show_results || $show_only_score) {
echo '<div id="question_score">';
echo get_lang('YourTotalScore')." ";
if ($objExercise->selectPropagateNeg() == 0 && $totalScore < 0) {
$totalScore = 0;
echo show_score($totalScore, $totalWeighting, false);
echo '</div>';
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
if ($show_results || $show_only_score) {
echo '<div id="question_score">';
echo get_lang('YourTotalScore')." ";
if ($objExercise->selectPropagateNeg() == 0 && $total_score < 0) {
$total_score = 0;
echo show_score($total_score, $total_weight, false);
echo '</div>';
/* <button type="submit" class="save"><?php echo get_lang('Finish');?></button> */
// Tracking of results
// Updates the empty exercise
$quizDuration = (!empty($_SESSION['quizStartTime']) ? time() - $_SESSION['quizStartTime'] : 0);
if (api_is_allowed_to_session_edit() ) {
update_event_exercice($exeId, $objExercise->selectId(), $totalScore, $totalWeighting, api_get_session_id(), $safe_lp_id,$safe_lp_item_id,$safe_lp_item_view_id, $quizDuration, $questionList);
$feed = $objExercise->feedbacktype;
if (api_is_allowed_to_session_edit()) {
update_event_exercice($exercise_stat_info['exe_id'], $objExercise->selectId(), $total_score, $total_weight, api_get_session_id(), $safe_lp_id, $safe_lp_item_id, $safe_lp_item_view_id, $quiz_duration, $question_list, '');
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
Display :: display_normal_message(get_lang('ExerciseFinished').'<br /><a href="exercice.php" />'.get_lang('Back').'</a>',false);
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
} else {
Display :: display_normal_message(get_lang('ExerciseFinished').'<br /><br />',false);
$lp_mode = $_SESSION['lp_mode'];
$url = '../newscorm/lp_controller.php?cidReq='.api_get_course_id().'&action=view&lp_id='.$learnpath_id.'&lp_item_id='.$learnpath_item_id.'&exeId='.$exeId.'&fb_type='.$objExercise->feedbacktype;
$url = '../newscorm/lp_controller.php?cidReq='.api_get_course_id().'&action=view&lp_id='.$safe_lp_id.'&lp_item_id='.$safe_lp_item_id.'&exeId='.$exercise_stat_info['exe_id'].'&fb_type='.$feed;
//echo $total_score.','.$total_weight; exit;
$href = ($lp_mode == 'fullscreen')?' window.opener.location.href="'.$url.'" ':' top.location.href="'.$url.'" ';
echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">'.$href.'</script>'."\n";
//record the results in the learning path, using the SCORM interface (API)
echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">window.parent.API.void_save_asset('.$totalScore.','.$totalWeighting.');</script>'."\n";
echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">window.parent.API.void_save_asset('.$total_score.','.$total_weight.');</script>'."\n";
echo '</body></html>';
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
//we are not in learnpath tool
// Send notification..
if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit(null,true)) {
$objExercise->send_notification($arrques, $arrans, $origin);

@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ foreach ($questionList as $questionId) {
$quesId = $objQuestionTmp->selectId();
if ($show_results) {
echo $objQuestionTmp->return_header($feedback_type, $counter);
echo $objQuestionTmp->return_header($counter);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@ abstract class Question
return $result;
function return_header($feedback_type, $counter = null) {
function return_header($feedback_type = null, $counter = null) {
$counter_label = '';
if (!empty($counter)) {
$counter_label = intval($counter);

@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ if (!empty($question_list)) {
$question_result = $objExercise->manage_answer($id, $questionId, $choice,'exercise_show', array(), false, true, $show_results, $objExercise->selectPropagateNeg());
$questionScore = $question_result['score'];
$totalScore += $question_result['score'];
} elseif ($answerType == HOT_SPOT) {
} elseif ($answerType == HOT_SPOT) {
//@todo move this in the manage_answer function
if ($show_results) {
echo '<table width="500" border="0"><tr>
<td valign="top" align="center" style="padding-left:0px;" >
@ -183,6 +184,7 @@ if (!empty($question_list)) {
} else if($answerType == HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) {
$question_result = $objExercise->manage_answer($id, $questionId, $choice,'exercise_show', array(), false, true, $show_results, $objExercise->selectPropagateNeg(), 'database');

@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
* Responses to AJAX calls
require_once '../../exercice/exercise.class.php';
require_once '../../exercice/question.class.php';
require_once '../../exercice/answer.class.php';
require_once '../../exercice/exercise.lib.php';
require_once '../';
$action = $_REQUEST['a'];
@ -21,6 +25,177 @@ switch ($action) {
case 'add_question_to_reminder':
$objExercise = $_SESSION['objExercise'];
if (empty($objExercise)) {
echo 0;
} else {
$objExercise->edit_question_to_remind($_REQUEST['exe_id'], $_REQUEST['question_id'], $_REQUEST['action']);
case 'save_exercise_by_now':
//Use have permissions?
if (api_is_allowed_to_session_edit()) {
//"all" or "simple" strings means that there's one or all questions
$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
//Normal questions choices
$choice = $_REQUEST['choice'];
//All Hotspot coordinates from all questions
$hot_spot_coordinates = $_REQUEST['hotspot'];
//There is a reminder?
$remind_list = isset($_REQUEST['remind_list']) && !empty($_REQUEST['remind_list'])? array_keys($_REQUEST['remind_list']) : null;
//Lp ids
$safe_lp_id = $_REQUEST['learnpath_id'];
$safe_lp_item_id = $_REQUEST['learnpath_item_id'];
$safe_lp_item_view_id = $_REQUEST['learnpath_item_view_id'];
//Exercise information
$question_id = intval($_REQUEST['question_id']);
$question_list = $_SESSION['questionList'];
$objExercise = $_SESSION['objExercise'];
if (empty($question_list) || empty($objExercise)) {
echo 0;
$exe_id = null;
if (isset($_SESSION['exe_id'])) {
$exe_id = $_SESSION['exe_id'];
//Getting information of the current exercise
$exercise_stat_info = $objExercise->get_stat_track_exercise_info($safe_lp_id, $safe_lp_item_id, $safe_lp_item_view_id);
//$exercise_stat_info = $objExercise->get_stat_track_exercise_info_by_exe_id($exe_id);
$attempt_list = array();
//First time here we create an attempt (getting the exe_id)
if (empty($exercise_stat_info)) {
//$exe_id = create_event_exercice($objExercise->selectId());
$current_expired_time_key = get_time_control_key($objExercise->id);
if (isset($_SESSION['expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key])) { //Only for exercice of type "One page"
$expired_date = $_SESSION['expired_time'][$current_expired_time_key];
} else {
$expired_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
$exe_id = $objExercise->save_stat_track_exercise_info($expired_date, $safe_lp_id, $safe_lp_item_id, $safe_lp_item_view_id, $question_list, 0); //total weight 0 by now
$total_score = $total_weight = 0;
} else {
//We know the user we get the exe_id
$exe_id = $exercise_stat_info['exe_id'];
$total_score = $exercise_stat_info['exe_result'];
//Getting the list of attempts
$attempt_list = get_all_exercise_event_by_exe_id($exe_id);
//Updating Reminder algorythm
if ($objExercise->type == ONE_PER_PAGE) {
$bd_reminder_list = explode(',', $exercise_stat_info['questions_to_check']);
if (empty($remind_list)) {
$remind_list = $bd_reminder_list;
$new_list = array();
foreach($bd_reminder_list as $item) {
if ($item != $question_id) {
$new_list[] = $item;
$remind_list = $new_list;
} else {
if (isset($remind_list[0])) {
if (!in_array($remind_list[0], $bd_reminder_list)) {
array_push($bd_reminder_list, $remind_list[0]);
$remind_list = $bd_reminder_list;
//No exe id? Can't save answer
if (empty($exe_id)) {
//Fires an error
echo 'error';
} else {
$_SESSION['exe_id'] = $exe_id;
// Getting the total weight if the request is simple
$total_weight = 0;
if ($type == 'simple') {
foreach($question_list as $my_question_id) {
$objQuestionTmp = Question :: read($my_question_id);
$total_weight += $objQuestionTmp->selectWeighting();
//Looping the question list
foreach($question_list as $my_question_id) {
if ($type == 'simple' && $question_id != $my_question_id) {
$my_choice = $choice[$my_question_id];
// creates a temporary Question object
$objQuestionTmp = Question::read($my_question_id);
//Getting free choice data
if ($objQuestionTmp->type == FREE_ANSWER && $type == 'all') {
$my_choice = isset($_REQUEST['free_choice'][$my_question_id]) && !empty($_REQUEST['free_choice'][$my_question_id])? $_REQUEST['free_choice'][$my_question_id]: null;
if ($type == 'all') {
$total_weight += $objQuestionTmp->selectWeighting();
//this variable commes from exercise_submit_modal.php
$hotspot_delineation_result = $_SESSION['hotspot_delineation_result'][$objExercise->selectId()][$my_question_id];
// Deleting old attempt
if (isset($attempt_list) && !empty($attempt_list[$my_question_id])) {
delete_attempt($exe_id, api_get_user_id() , api_get_course_id(), api_get_session_id(), $my_question_id);
if ($objQuestionTmp->type == HOT_SPOT) {
delete_attempt_hotspot($exe_id, api_get_user_id() , api_get_course_id(), $my_question_id);
$total_score -= $attempt_list[$my_question_id]['marks'];
// We're inside *one* question. Go through each possible answer for this question
$result = $objExercise->manage_answer($exe_id, $my_question_id, $my_choice,'exercise_result', $hot_spot_coordinates, true, false, $show_results, $objExercise->selectPropagateNeg(), $hotspot_delineation_result, true);
$total_score += $result['score'];
update_event_exercice($exe_id, $objExercise->selectId(), $total_score, $total_weight, api_get_session_id(), $safe_lp_id, $safe_lp_item_id, $safe_lp_item_view_id, $quizDuration, $question_list, 'incomplete', $remind_list);
// Destruction of the Question object
if ($objExercise->type == ONE_PER_PAGE) {
echo 'one_per_page';
echo 'ok';
echo '';

@ -964,25 +964,33 @@ class Display {
}); */
public static function table($headers, $rows) {
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pear/HTML/Table.php';
$table = new HTML_Table(array('class' => 'data_table'));
public static function table($headers, $rows, $attributes = array()) {
if (empty($attributes)) {
$attributes['class'] = 'data_table';
//require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pear/HTML/Table.php';
$table = new HTML_Table($attributes);
$row = 0;
$column = 0;
//Course headers
foreach ($headers as $item) {
$table->setHeaderContents($row, $column, $item);
$row = 1;
$column = 0;
foreach($rows as $content) {
$table->setCellContents($row, $column, $content);
return $table->toHtml();*/
if (!empty($headers)) {
foreach ($headers as $item) {
$table->setHeaderContents($row, $column, $item);
$row = 1;
$column = 0;
if (!empty($rows)) {
foreach($rows as $content) {
$table->setCellContents($row, $column, $content);
return $table->toHtml();

@ -305,9 +305,9 @@ function event_link($link_id) {
* @author Julio Montoya Armas <> Reworked 2010
* @desc Record result of user when an exercice was done
function update_event_exercice($exeid, $exo_id, $score, $weighting,$session_id,$learnpath_id=0, $learnpath_item_id=0, $learnpath_item_view_id = 0, $duration , $question_list) {
function update_event_exercice($exeid, $exo_id, $score, $weighting,$session_id,$learnpath_id=0, $learnpath_item_id=0, $learnpath_item_view_id = 0, $duration, $question_list, $status = '', $remind_list = array()) {
require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'exercice/exercise.lib.php';
if ($exeid!='') {
if ($exeid != '') {
// Validation in case of fraud with actived control time
if (!exercise_time_control_is_valid($exo_id)) {
$score = 0;
@ -321,25 +321,41 @@ function update_event_exercice($exeid, $exo_id, $score, $weighting,$session_id,$
$start_date = $now - 1800; // Now - 30min
if (!isset($status) || empty($status)) {
$status = '';
} else {
$status = Database::escape_string($status);
array_map('intval', $question_list);
if (!empty($remind_list)) {
array_map('intval', $remind_list);
$remind_list = array_filter($remind_list);
$remind_list = implode(",", $remind_list);
} else {
$remind_list = '';
exe_exo_id = '".Database::escape_string($exo_id)."',
exe_result = '".Database::escape_string($score)."',
exe_weighting = '".Database::escape_string($weighting)."',
session_id = '".Database::escape_string($session_id)."',
orig_lp_id = '".Database::escape_string($learnpath_id)."',
orig_lp_item_id = '".Database::escape_string($learnpath_item_id)."',
orig_lp_item_view_id = '".Database::escape_string($learnpath_item_view_id)."',
exe_duration = '".Database::escape_string($duration)."',
exe_date = '".api_get_utc_datetime()."',
status = '',
start_date = '".api_get_utc_datetime($start_date)."',
data_tracking = '".implode(',', $question_list)."'
exe_exo_id = '".Database::escape_string($exo_id)."',
exe_result = '".Database::escape_string($score)."',
exe_weighting = '".Database::escape_string($weighting)."',
session_id = '".Database::escape_string($session_id)."',
orig_lp_id = '".Database::escape_string($learnpath_id)."',
orig_lp_item_id = '".Database::escape_string($learnpath_item_id)."',
orig_lp_item_view_id = '".Database::escape_string($learnpath_item_view_id)."',
exe_duration = '".Database::escape_string($duration)."',
exe_date = '".api_get_utc_datetime()."',
status = '".$status."',
questions_to_check = '".$remind_list."',
start_date = '".api_get_utc_datetime($start_date)."',
data_tracking = '".implode(',', $question_list)."'
WHERE exe_id = '".Database::escape_string($exeid)."'";
$res = @Database::query($sql);
$res = Database::query($sql);
//Deleting control time session track
@ -1020,3 +1036,47 @@ function get_comments($id,$question_id) {
return $comm;
function get_all_exercise_event_by_exe_id($exe_id) {
$table_track_attempt = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT);
$exe_id = intval($exe_id);
$list = array();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_track_attempt WHERE exe_id = $exe_id ORDER BY position";
$res_question = Database::query($sql);
if (Database::num_rows($res_question))
while($row_q = Database::fetch_array($res_question,'ASSOC')) {
$list[$row_q['question_id']][] = $row_q;
return $list;
function delete_attempt($exe_id, $user_id, $course_code, $session_id, $question_id) {
$table_track_attempt = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT);
$exe_id = intval($exe_id);
$user_id = intval($user_id);
$course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code);
$session_id = intval($session_id);
$question_id = intval($question_id);
$sql = "DELETE FROM $table_track_attempt WHERE exe_id = $exe_id AND user_id = $user_id AND course_code = '$course_code' AND session_id = $session_id AND question_id = $question_id ";
function delete_attempt_hotspot($exe_id, $user_id, $course_code, $question_id) {
$table_track_attempt = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_HOTSPOT);
$exe_id = intval($exe_id);
$user_id = intval($user_id);
$course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code);
//$session_id = intval($session_id);
$question_id = intval($question_id);
$sql = "DELETE FROM $table_track_attempt WHERE hotspot_exe_id = $exe_id AND hotspot_user_id = $user_id AND hotspot_course_code = '$course_code' AND hotspot_question_id = $question_id ";

@ -60,9 +60,11 @@ class ExerciseShowFunctions {
function display_free_answer($answer,$id,$questionId) {
global $feedback_type;
if (empty($id)) {
echo '<tr>';
echo Display::tag('td',nl2br(Security::remove_XSS($answer,COURSEMANAGERLOWSECURITY)), array('width'=>'55%'));
echo '</tr>';
if (!empty($answer)) {
echo '<tr>';
echo Display::tag('td',nl2br(Security::remove_XSS($answer,COURSEMANAGERLOWSECURITY)), array('width'=>'55%'));
echo '</tr>';
if ($feedback_type != EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_EXAM) {
echo '<tr>';
echo Display::tag('td',get_lang('notCorrectedYet'), array('width'=>'45%'));
@ -72,12 +74,11 @@ class ExerciseShowFunctions {
} else {
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>';
if (!empty($answer)) {
echo '<td>';
echo nl2br(Security::remove_XSS($answer,COURSEMANAGERLOWSECURITY));
echo '</td>';
echo '</td>';
if(!api_is_allowed_to_edit(null,true) && $feedback_type != EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_EXAM) {
echo '<td>';
$comm = get_comments($id,$questionId);
@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ class ExerciseShowFunctions {
<table class="data_table">
<td width="100px" valign="top" align="left">
<div style="width:100%;">
@ -132,8 +134,7 @@ class ExerciseShowFunctions {
<?php if ($feedback_type != EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_EXAM) { ?>
<td valign="top" align="left" >
if($studentChoice) {
echo '<span style="font-weight: bold; color: #008000;">'.nl2br(make_clickable($answerComment)).'</span>';
} else {

@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD orig_lp_item_id int NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD exe_duration int UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD COLUMN expired_time_control datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD COLUMN orig_lp_item_view_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD COLUMN questions_to_check TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
CREATE TABLE track_e_attempt (
exe_id int default NULL,
